Resh pp2
Resh pp2
Resh pp2
Farm tools and equipment perform specific jobs in the farm.
Use tools for the right work.
Proper handling when using tools or equipment.
Clean and oil tools after work.
Keep tools in there right place.
Replace and repair worn-out parts
Sharpen cutting or digging edges
Grease moving parts to reduce friction
Use safety devices in the workshop to reduce accidents and breakages
Livestock Production:
(Common Breeds)
The term livestock is used to refer to all domesticated animals.
These animals include cattle, sheep, goats, poultry, pigs, rabbits, camels, bees, fish
and donkeys.
Cattle Breeds
Cattle can be classified into two groups based on their origin.
These are;
Indigenous cattle.
Exotic cattle.
Indigenous Cattle
Zebus –
They are small in size and with a distinct humpand include:
Maasai cattle.
The Borana
These are the cattle kept in the Northern parts of Kenya.
They are larger than the Zebus.
Indigenous cattle are hardy hence able to tolerate the harsh environmental conditions
in the tropics.
They are the major suppliers of beef in Kenya.
Exotic Cattle
Foreign cattle from the temperate regions.
They have distinct breed characteristics and are classified into various breeds.
General characteristics:
They have no humps.
They have low tolerance to high temperatures hence popular in cool climates of the
Kenya highlands ..
They are highly susceptible to tropical diseases.
They have fast growth rates leading to early maturity.
They are good producers of both meat and milk.
They cannot walk for long distances.
They have short calving intervals of one calf per year if well managed.
Colour: White with brown markings.
Size: Cow weighs 360-590kgs Bulls weighs 500-720kg.
Straight top lines, horns are long and face upwards.
Milk production is second to Friesian about 61OOkg per lactation with butter content
of about 4%.
Origin:Guernsey Island off the coast of France.
Colour:Yellowish brown to red with white legs, switch and girth ..
Size:Bulls 540-770kg. Cow weighs 450- 500kgs
Udders are less symmetrical.
Average milk production is about 5185kg per lactation with a butterfat content of
4.5% hence the yellow colour of milk.
Dished forehead, have straight top-line and level rumps with sharp withers.
Have protruding black eyes.
Average milk production 1270kg per lactation of butterfat content 5%.
They tolerate high temperatures.
Beef Cattle
Aberdeen Angus, Galloway, charolais
Hereford, American Santa Getrudis.
Characteristics of Beef Cattle
Blocky or square conformation.
Have thick muscles or are well fleshed.
Early maturing.
Deep chest and girth and short legs.
Straight top and lower lines.
Origin:North East Scotland.
Shape:Cylindrical, compact and deep; It is polled.
Mature bulls weigh 900kg.
Mature cows weigh 840kgs.
It is found in Timau area of Kenya
Origin: England.
Colour:Deep red and white-faced.
Size: Average weight of bulls is 1000kg.
Cows weigh 840kgs.
It is found in areas such as Naivasha.
Has easy fleshing ability
Colour: Red, Roan or white
Shape: Cylindrical, compact and deep.
It is polled.
Bulls weigh 700-900kg,
cows weigh 545-630kgs.
Origin: Scotland.
Kept in the highland areas like Molo in Kenya.
Colour:Creamy white.
Size:Bulls weigh 1200kg, cows weigh 1000kgs.
It is found in ranches in Laikipia District.
Sheep Breeds:
Purpose of Keeping Sheep;
Meat (mutton).
Wool production.
Exotic Sheep
Wool breeds-for example merino.
Dual purpose- for example Corriedale, Romney marsh.
Mutton breeds-for example Hampshire Down, Dorpers.
Origin: Spain
It has white face and its lips and nostrils are pink in colour.
Rams have horns which are spiral in shape.
It is susceptible to foot rot, worm and respiratory diseases.
Origin:New Zealand.
Size:Rams 85 - 90kg. Ewes 60-- 85 kg
This is a dual-purpose breed with white open face and white spots on the legs.
It is hornless and hardy.
Romney Marsh
Size: Rams 100 - 115kg.
Ewes 84- 100 kg
It is a dual-purpose breed which s hornless with wide poll and black nostrils and lips.
It is average in prolificacy.
It is resistant to foot rot diseases and worm infestation.
Hampshire Down
Size: Rams 125kg.
Ewes 80-100 kg
It is a mutton breed which is early maturing, hardy and prolific.
Fleece is of poor quality because of the black fibres.
Lambing percentage is 125-140.
Is a crossbreed of Dorset horn and black head Persian sheep.
It is mutton breed.
Dorset Horn
Dual purpose breed of sheep.
Indigenous Breeds of Sheep
Their bodies are covered with hair.
Their classification is based on their tails and their names vary according to different
Thin tailed sheep found in West Africa.
Fat tailed such as Maasaisheep.
Fat rumped sheep.
Maasai Sheep
Found in South Western Kenya and Northern Tanzania.
Size: Ram 38kg,
Ewe 20-30kg.
Colour: Red and brown.
These are early maturing with long legs and small pointed horns.
Black Head Persian Sheep
Origin:South Africa
Colour:White with black head and neck.
It is polled witha big dewlap, fat rump and a curved tail..
Goats well adapted to a wide range of environmental conditions because of the following
They feed on a wide range of vegetation.
They require very little amount of water.
They are tolerant to high temperatures.
They are fairly resistant to diseases.
They can walk long distances without losing weight.
Exotic Breeds
Boer goat
Origin:South Africa
Has long ears and long hair on their bodies.
Origin:North East Africa
Colour:Roan and White
These have long legs, lopped ears and are polled.
They produce 1-2 litres of milk per ,day.
Colour:White, black and fawn.
They are horned, have large lopped ears
Produce 1-1.5_litres of milk per day.
Origin: Switzerland
Colour: White patches on the body, white stripes on the face and neck.
Erect forward pointing ears and polled.
Can produce 2-3 of milk per day.
They have erect, forward pointing ears and polled.
Can produce 2-3 Iitres of milk per day.
Origin:Angora in Asia.
Colour: White
It is kept for wool production.
Large White
Origin: Britain
Kept for bacon and pork production.
Long, large and white in Most prolific and with good
colour. mothering ability.
Ears straight and erect. Fairly hardy.
Has dished face and snout.
White and longer than large Very prolific with good mothering
white. _ ability. _
Ears drooping. Requires high level of
Good for bacon production. management.
Wessex Saddle
Advantages of Crosses
Increased litter size. _
Early maturing.
_ Increase in body length.
_ High proportion of lean meat to fat.
Poultry Breeds
There are three types of chicken breeds:
The light breeds kept for egg production.
The heavy breeds kept for meat production.
Dual purpose breeds - kept for both eggs and meat production.
Kept for the following reasons:
To provide meat, fur, hair or wool.
To provide skin for leather.
To provide manure.
As pet animals.
Used for research purposes.
Californian white: white, very prolific black ears, nose and feet).
New Zealand white: (white with pink eyes - good for meat).
Flemish giant(dark grey - good for meat).
Angora rabbit(white, kept for wool production).
Chinchillah(greyish, kept for its fur).
Earlops(white with droopy ears).
Kenya white (white, smallest of breeds).
Kept for;
To provide milk, meat and wool.
There are two species of camels.
Dromedary (Camelusdromedarius)
Bacterian (Camelusbacterianus)
Origin:Central Asia
Has double humps, heavier and has shorter legs.
Can live in cold regions hence its thick and long coat acts as insulation.
Capable of shedding the coat during spring.
Health is the state of the body in which all the organs and systems are normal and
functioning normally.
Disease is any deviation from the normal health of the animal.
Physical Appearance.
This can be examined in terms of the following.
i. Behaviour of the animal – a healthy animal should not be over excited, aggressive or
produce abnormal sound.
ii. Movement of the animal – healthy animal should have normal walking style/gait and
should walk with ease.
iii. Posture – healthy animal should have normal posture according to the species while
standing or lying down.
iv. General appearance of the animal – healthy animal should be alert, bright and responsive
to touch.
ii. Defecation. Dung containing eggs, larvae of parasites or blood stains indicates ill health.
Healthy animals defecate normally and regularly.
iii. Urination. Healthy animals should have normal and regular urination. Abnormal colour in
urine such as red or heavy yellow indicates ill health.
iv. Body temperature. Body temperature of a healthy animal should be within the normal
v. Respiratory rate. Respiratory rate of a healthy animal should also be within the normal
Respiratory rate is influenced by the following factors;
vi. Pulse rate. A healthy animal should have normal pulse rate. It varies from species to
species and is also influenced by factors such as;
• Degree of excitement.
• Age of the animal.
• Sex of the animal.
• Physiological status of the animal e.g. in pregnancy.
Causes of Diseases
Pathogenic causes ; viruses, bacteria, protozoa fungi.
Physical causes; fractures, dislocation, sprains .
Nutritional disorders for example milk fever.
Chemical causes for example poisoning by agrochemicals.
Categories of Diseases
Notifiable diseases ; These are diseases which cause high economic losses.
Tick-borne diseases - Transmitted by ticks.
Breeding diseases - Transmitted through mating.
Nutritional diseases for example milk fever and bloat.
Parasitic diseases for example ascariosis.
-Brown ear tick -Yellow Dog tick
-East African Bont tick -Fowl tick
-Bont tick -Brown Dog Tick
-Gulf Coast tick
Control of Ticks
Dipping/spraying/hand dressing with acaricides.
Rotational grazing.
Ploughing the land to break the life cycle.
Hand picking and killing.
Fencing of the grazing fields to keep off other animals including wild game.
Burning of grass to kill them in various stages.
There are many species of tapeworms
Taenia solium
Taenia saginata.
The adults live in the small intestines of man (the primary host).
The intermediate host of Taenia solium is pig .
The intermediate host of Taenia saginata is cattle.
Control of Tapeworms
Meat should be well cooked before eating.
Use of drugs in primary host.
Meat inspection by meat inspectors/ veterinary officers.
Use of pit latrines by man.
Common ones are;
Ascaris suum (pig roundworms),
Ascaris lumbricoides found in man and sheep
Haemonchus contortus found in sheep, cattle and goats.
Nature of Damage
Damage is done to the liver and lung tissues as they migrate in the body.
Suck out blood.
Deprive the host of food.
Control of Roundworms
Use of drugs.
Rotational grazing.
Use of proper stocking rates to avoid overgrazing.
Practicing high standards of cleanliness and hygiene such as use of latrines.
Free water (through drinking)
Bound water (contained in feeds).
Metabolic water (obtained from oxidation of food).
Regulates body temperature.
Transport agent in the body.
Universal solvent in the body.
Gives shape to the cells (turgidity).
Acts as a lubricant.
Acts as constituent of body fluids.
Groundnut cakes, cotton seed cakes, fish meal, meat meal.
Growth of new tissues.
Repair of worn out tissues (body building).
Synthesis of antibodies.
Synthesis of hormones and enzymes.
Production of energy during starvation.
Digestion of Proteins
In non-ruminants, protein digestion takes placed in the stomach.
Food is subjected to mechanical breakdown through chewing into small particles.
Protein is acted on by enzymes to turn into amino acid which is assimilated into the
Cereals, tubers,commercially mixed feeds.
Supply energy and heat to the body.
Excess is stored in form of fat for insulation of the body.
Digestion of Carbohydrates
In non-ruminants;
carbohydrate feeds are broken down by chewing into small particles.
Then enzymatic action further breaks down carbohydrates into glucose, fructose and
galactose which are then assimilated into the bloodstream.
In ruminants;
mechanical breakdown of carbohydrate feeds is followed by microbial activities which
break down cellulose into volatile fatty acids.
These are absorbed through the rumen walls.
Some carbohydrates are broken down by enzymatic action in the "true stomach" or
Supply energy and heat to the body.
Excess is stored as fat adipose tissues.
Source of metabolic water in the body.
Required for the development of neural system.
Insulator in the body.
Protects the body against diseases.
Regulate the functions of all parts of the body.
It acts as a co-enzyme in the body.
Vitamin A, vitamin B2 vitamin C, vitamin E vitamin K.
Salt licks, bone meal, legumes, cereals.
Form part of the tissues such as bones and teeth.
Work together with the enzymes.
Act as acid -base balances.
Act as electrolyte in the body.
Regulate osmotic balance in the body.
Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine, sodium chlorine.
Are feeds of low available nutrients per unit weight and high fibre content.
Dry roughages, succulent roughages, residues from agricultural by products and conserved
Low level of available nutrients.
Have high level of calcium especially legumes.
Good source of vitamin A.
Have high fibre content.
Are feeds of high available nutrients per unit weight.
Maize germ and bran, malt extract, milk products, soyabeans, oil seed cakes, meat meal,
bonemeal, bloodmeal.
Low fibre content.
Feed content is consistently high.
High digestibility of the feed.
High in nutrient content.
Feed Additives
These are substances added to the feed to increase;
hormones to make animals produce more.
Stimulate growth and production.
Improve feed efficiency.
Prevent disease causing organisms.
Compounded Feeds
These are the feeds prepared and mixed by use of machines.
These feeds can be round, pelleted, pencils, cubes or mash.
Digestible Fibre (D.F.): Is the portion of the total fibre contained in a feed which an animal
is capable of digesting.
Dry Matter (D.M.): Is the material left in a feed after water has been removed.
Starch equivalent (S.E.): Is the amount of pure starch which has the same energy as 100kg
of that feed.
Total Digestible Nutrients (T.D.N.): Is the sum of all the digestible organic nutrients such as
fats, proteins, carbohydrates and fibre.
Is the amount of food that will provide essential nutrients to an animal in a 24 hour period
to enable that animal to meet its maintenance and production requirements.
Balanced ration:
Is the ration that contains all the essential nutrients in required amounts and in the right
Maintenance ration:
is the portion of a feed required by an animal to continue with the vital body processes with
no loss or gain in weight.
Production ration:
Is the feed required by animals over and above maintenance ration to enable the animal to
for example; milk, eggs, wool, grow in size, perform work, reproduce and fatten.
Mix a Pigs ration 22% protein using soya bean meal 40% DCP and maize meal containing
Separates large food particles from the small particles.
Retains foreign materials such as stones, hard wood and sand.
Breaks up food by grinding.
Reduction of water content from the feed stuff.
Enzymatic digestion takes place here ..
Contains some microbes which digest cellulose.
Breaks up food by grinding.
It is also found in non-ruminants
Gizzard:-Crushes and grinds the coarse food (has small grit and gravel).
Reproduction in Cattle
The male reproductive organs produce the male gametes,the spermatozoans.
These are introduced into female reproductive system, where they fuse with the sperm to form
The release and movement of the ovum down to the uterus is called ovulation.
Fallopian tubes: Fertilization takes place here. Also a passage for the egg from the ovary to the
The vagina and Vulva: It allows mating to take place so that sperms are deposited into the
Parturition(giving birth)
Act of giving birth called parturition.
This time the foetus expelled through the birth canal.
Reproduction in Poultry
The Reproductive System of a hen
Ova formed in ovaries. Mature ovum released via rapture of follicle. It moves into oviduct
received by the funnel.
Fertilization occurs here. Chalazae also added to yolk.
Thick albumen is added.
Shell membranes added. Determines shape of egg. Water, mineral salts and vitamins added.
Uterus(shell gland)
Calcium deposited added around the egg. Pigments added.
Addition of albumin finished.
For temporal storage of egg before laying
Egg moves out of cloaca through the vent.
The cloaca extents out to prevent the egg from breaking.
The degree to which selection affects a character depends on the following factors;
The heritability of the character
The intensity with which the selection is done
The interval between generations and kind of selection being practiced.
i. Age
Young animals, they have a longer productive life.
iv. Health
Animals that are resistant to diseases pass these characteristics to their offsprings
v. Body Conformation
Animals for breeding to be selected according to proper body conformation. A dairy cow should
be wedge-shaped with a large udder, thin legs, long neck.
ix. Adaptability
Animals selected should be well adapted to the prevailing climatic condition in the area.
x. Prolificacy
Animals selected should be highly prolific. That is, animals with the ability to give birth to many
offsprings at a time(larger litter).
Method of Selection
These include:
1. Mass selection - Animals with superior characteristics are selected from a herd and then
allowed to mate among each other.
2. Progeny testing - assessing on the breeding value of an animal on the basis of
performance of its offsprings.
4. Breeding
Process of mating selected males and females to produce offspring with the desired
To expand the inherited potential of the animal.
To improve production.
To overcome production problems created by the environment.
To satisfy consumers taste.
For economic reasons.
Hybrid vigour or heterosis is increased vigour and performance resulting from crossing two
superior breeds.
This is the masking of the effect of one gene by another gene which is non-allelic, that is situated
on different locus.
Breeding Systems
1. Inbreeding
Mating of animals which are related.
Limitations of inbreeding
It can bring about loss of hybrid vigour.
It may lead to decline in fertility.
It may lead to high rate of pre-natal mortality.
Systems of Inbreeding
Close Breeding: mating between very closely related animals, for example sib-mating and
parents sib-mating.
Line Breeding: mating of distantly related animals that had a common ancestor for example
2. Outbreeding
Mating of animals which are not related.
To introduce new genes in an existing breeding herd.
To exploit heterosis resulting from a cross between two breeds.
To develop a new breed or a grade animal.
Lack of uniformity in animals that result from outbreeding.
Desirable characteristics may be lost due to variation.
Systems of Outbreeding
Cross-breeding Mating of animals from two different pure breeds.
Upgrading/Grading up Mating where the female of a cow grade stock (locals) is mated with a
pure breed sire.
Mating in Livestock
Mating in Cattle
Heat signs occur every 21 days.
The heat period last for 18-30 hours on average 24 hours.
Cow should be served 12-18 hours after showing the first heat signs.
Mating in Pigs
Heat signs in pigs occur after every 21 days.
The heat lasts about 72 hours.
Sows or gilts should be served in 18- 36 hours of the heat period.
Mating in Rabbits
Does are ready for mating 6-7 months of age.
Heat signs occur every 14 days.
The doe should be taken to the buck and not vice versa.
Inbreeding is not easily controlled.
Transmission of breeding diseases.
Extra feed for the male is required.
Large males can injure small females.
Wastage of semen.
It is cumbersome and expensive to transport a bull to remote areas.
Artificial insemination
Introduction of semen into the female reproductive tract by artificial means.
There is economical use of semen.
It controls transmission of breeding diseases.
Sires that are unable to serve cows due to heavy weight or injury can produce semen to
serve cows.
It prevents large bulls from injuring small cows.
It reduces the expenses of keeping a male animal.
A small scale farmer who cannot afford to buy a superior bull can have the cows served
at a low cost.
Semen can be stored for long.
It helps to control inbreeding.
It eliminates the threat of keeping dangerous bulls from the farm.
It makes research work easier.
Harmful characteristics can be spread quickly by one bull to the offsprings.
It requires skilled labour.
Low chance of conception due to death of semen during storage.
It is laborious
Embryo Transplant
It is the implantation of an embryo (fertilized ova) from a high quality female (donor) in the
uterus of a low grade female (recipient).
Faster multiplication of an animal with superior characteristics .
It is easier to transport embryos than the whole animal.
Embryos can be stored for a long period awaiting the availability by recipient females.
It stimulates milk production in a female (recipient) that was not ready to produce milk.
Low grade animals can be used in production and rearing of high quality animals.
Offsprings of a superior female can spread quickly in an area.
It is expensive.
It requires skilled personnel.
It requires special equipment for fertilization and storage of embryos.
Parturition in Cattle
The gestation period in cattle is 270-285 days averaging 280days.
Parturition in Pigs
The gestation period in pigs is about 4 months or 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days.
Parturition in Rabbits
The gestation period in rabbits is 28-32 days.
Importance of Flushing
It increases conception rates.
It enhances implantation of the zygote.
In sheep it increases twinning percentage by 15-20%.
b) Steaming Up
Giving extra quality feed to an animal during the last weeks of gestation.
In cattle it is done 6-8 weeks before calving.
Importance Steaming Up
It provides nutrients for maximum foetal growth.
It helps in the build up of energy for parturition.
It ensures the birth of a healthy animal.
It promotes good health of the mother.
It increases and maintains high milk yield after birth.
c) Creep Feeding
Feeding of young animals from birth to weaning.
10 days old - introduced to creep pellets.
5 weeks old - creep pellets mixed with sow and weaner meals.
8 weeks old - weaning.
Run with their mothers for natural suckling.
Bucks - introduced to succulent feeds and concentrates.
Meat goats kids suckle naturally.
Dairy goats, fed on milk artificially,
Given 0.5-1.25 litres up to the third week.
Introduced to concentrates at 3-4 months.
Weaned at 6-8 weeks of age.
ii. Deworming
Practice of killing/removing internal parasites by administering drugs known as dewormers /
Facilitate easy movement.
Control of foot rot disease.
Facilitate mating - prevent the ram from injuring the ewe during tupping.
Even distribution of body fat.
Facilitate easy mating in adult life.
Minimise fouling of the wool with faeces.
Reduce incidences of blowfly infestation.
vi. Dusting
It is the application of chemical powders on the animal body or on the walls of the animal house
to control external parasites.
It is used to control stick-fast parasites and fleas in poultry.
These are practices carried out to enhance successful breeding.
iii. Raddling
This is the practice of fitting the rams with breeding chutes which are painted in different colours
during mating to identify mated ewes and to indicate the active rams hence help in culling of the
weak rams.
iv. Identification
The practice of putting identification marks on animal.
Branding - burning marks on the animals skin.
Ear tagging - placing marked plastic or metallic tags on the animals ears.
Ear notching - cutting different shapes bearing different values on the ear lobes.
Tattooing - use of permanent ink or dye to mark animals with light skin.
Neck strap or chain - Fixing of tags round the animals neck with a chain or a strap.
v. Debeaking
Cutting about 1/3 of the upper beak with a knife, scissors or hot iron.
Control egg eating.
Control cannibalism.
vii. Culling
Removal of undesirable animals from a herd.
viii. Dehorning
Removal of horns or horn buds from an animal.
It prevents animals from injuring each other.
It makes the animal docile and therefore easy to handle.
For easy transportation and feeding.
Prevents destruction of farm structures.
ix. Shearing
The practice of cutting wool from all over the body of a sheep.
It starts at the age of 8 months and then done once a year.
Should be done during the dry season.
Tools used: wool shears.
Care must be taken not to cut the skin, testicles, udder, vulva and penis.
x. Castration
It is the rendering unserviceable the testicles of a male animal.
To control breeding diseases.
To control breeding.
For faster growth rates.
Increase quality of meat by removing unpleasant smell especially in goats.
Duties of Workers
They rear and nurse the brood (eggs, larvae and pupae), queen and drones.
They collect nectar and make honey.
They make the honey combs.
They protect the hives.
They clean the hive.
Importance of Bees
Collect nectar from flowers.
Make honey - a nutritious product used by man as food.
Helps in crops pollination of plants.
Bees produce wax used to make candles.
They make propolis - a bee product which is medicinal.
Normally bees are self-sufficient in providing their food from the honey they make.
Ants Bee louse
Wax moths Honey badger
Control of Parasites
Use of physical barriers such as Vaseline/grease to control ants.
Smoke the hive to control bee louse.
Suspend the hive to control honey badgers.
Burn infected combs to control wax moths.
Harvesting Honey
Factors to consider;
Stage of ripening: Honey must be harvested when it is fully mature.
Season of the year: Harvested at the end of the rainy season.
Blow light smoke through the hole.
This makes bees suck honey and become engorged and docile.
Lower the hive to the ground.
Open the hive to expose honey combs.
Brush the bees off the honey combs.
Cut the honey combs, leaving a small margin on the bars and keep them in a closed
Honey Processing
Using heat in a water bath to melt the honey.
Crushing and straining.
Using a centrifugal extractor.
Feeding Fish
Fish naturally feed on worms, insects and algae in the ponds.
Harvesting Fish
Harvesting or extracting fish from the fish ponds for consumption
Use of fishing nets: This is the most efficient method as long as a net with the correct mesh sizes
is used.
Fish Preservation
Practices before preservation:
Clean the fish to remove mud and any worms.
Removing scales and slime.
Opening the fish on the side to remove the gut and the intestines referred to as gutting. .
Cleaning the abdominal cavity thoroughly.
Keeping fish in open containers.
Methods of Preservation
Freezing, Salting, Sun drying, Smoking
Farm structures are physical constructions on the farm used to increase efficiency in production.
They are bulky and require skilled labour to make them.
Light, are durable,
cheep depending on quality, cannot be destroyed by insects and
easy to disinfect, fungus
can be moulded into any shape, are water-proof.
Are easily destroyed, very expensive
fragile, require skilled labour.
Wood (Timber)
They are workable, can be re-used
cheap, are fairly strong.
They can catch fire easily,
decay if exposed to water
are affected by fungus and insects.
Is a mixture of cement, sand, aggregate and water
e.g. in making blocks the ratio is 1:2:3; one part cement, two parts sand and three parts
Making posts for fencing.
Making walls and floor of buildings.
Making gabions and water channels to prevent erosion.
Making water troughs.
These materials are;
durable, workable, cheap to maintain,
easy to disinfect, fire resistant
These materials are ;
expensive, bulky,
require skilled labour, cannot be reused
Farm Buildings
Factors to be considered in site selection;
Security Personal whims/tastes and
Nearness to a source of water preference
Topography Nearness to means of
Direction of the prevailing wind communication.
Direction of the sun
Parts of a building
The foundation,
The walls,
The roof
Parts of the roof Include; kingpost, rafters, struts, tie beam, rafter batten
Parts of the foundations Include; concrete floor, foundation wall, PVC sheet, the compacted fill.
Importance of Fence in a Farm
Keep out intruders to the farm,
Define the boundary lines of the farm.
Paddocking of fields to make rotational grazing possible.
Live fences serve as windbreaks.
Fences are used in mixed farming to protect crops from. damage by livestock.
Fences add aesthetic values to the farm.
It is easy to control breeding.
It is easy to isolate sick animals from the rest of the herd.
Types of Fences
Dead fences. Chicken wire fence (mesh wire
Barbed wire fences. fence).
Electric fence. Woven wire fence (chain link).
Concrete fence. Wooden fence.
Fencing Practice
Materials include; wires, staples, nails, posts, droppers, concrete materials.
Steps in Fencing
Locate the corners
Clear the fencing area.
Mark gates, straina|ers, pass places and standards by pegging.
Dig holes to proper depths.
Fix the standard posts.
Firm around posts or apply concrete.
Fix wires on posts.
Fix the droppers.
Protozoan Diseases
East coast Fever (ECF). Coccidiosis
Anaplasmosis (gall sickness) Trypanosomiasis (Nagana)
Rise in body temperature. Difficulties in breathing.
Swelling of lymph glands below the Dullness.
Fever/rise in body Paleness in the gums, eyes
temperature. and lips.
Constipation or hard dung. Drop in milk production.
Tick control.
Intramuscular injection of antibiotics and iron giving injections.
Sudden death of chicks.
Whitish, yellow and blood stained diarrhoea.
Ruffled feathers.
Chicks become paralysed before dying.
Chicks become anaemic and dull.
Disinfection of chick house.
Prevention of contamination of food and water with droppings.
Use of prophylatic drugs for example, Coccidiostats.
Fever. Rough coat and sometimes without hair
Dullness. and may be cracked.
Anorexia/loss of appetite. Swelling in parts of the belly.
Loss of body condition/emaciation. Drop in milk production in lactating
Swollen lymph nodes.
Loss of hair at tail end.
Lachrimation which leads to blindness. Anaemia.
Diarrhoea Abortion may occur in pregnant females.
Treating animals with trypanocidal drugs.
Effective vector (Tsetse flies)control
Confinement of wild animals in game parks.
Bacterial Diseases
Fowl typhoid Blackquarter.
Foot rot. Mastitis.
Contagious abortion. Anthrax.
Scours. Pneumonia.
i. Fowl Typhoid
Animals attacked: All domestic birds which include chicken, turkey and ducks.
Causes: Bacteria (Salmonella gallinarum}
Depression/appearing very sick. Sleepy eyes.
Respiratory distress. Anaemia resulting in pale and
Dullness. shrunken
Drooping wings. combs and wattles.
Greenish yellow diarrhoea.
Killing all affected birds and proper disposal of the carcasses.
Maintaining hygiene in the poultry house.
Ensuring that the house is dry and well ventilated.
Obtaining chicks from reliable sources.
Treatment using sulphur drugs which are mixed in drinking water or mash.
Animal's foot becomes swollen.
Lameness is observed.
Pus and rotten smell come out of the hoof.
Sheep are found kneeling while grazing when the front feet are affected.
Animals spend most of their time lying down when the hind feet are affected.
Emaciation due to lack of feeding.
Hygiene in the living places.
Regular foot examination and hoof trimming.
Use of a foot bath of copper sulphate solution
Treating wounds on the feet with antiseptics.
Affected animals should be given antibiotic injections.
Isolation of sick animals from healthy ones.
Avoid dampness and muddy conditions.
Spontaneous abortion or premature birth.
Retained placenta if abortion occurs during the later stages of pregnancy.
Infertility in cows while bulls have low libido and inflamed testis also known as orchitis.
A yellowish brown, slimy, odourless discharge from the vulva may occur after the
Use of artificial insemination.
Slaughtering affected animals followed by proper disposal of their carcasses.
The attendant to the animals should avoid contact with the aborted foetus.
A blood test should be carried out for all breeding animals to detect the infected ones.
Hygiene in the animals' houses.
White or yellowish diarrhoea. Sunken eyes.
Pungent smelling faeces. Undigested milk and mucus with blood
Fever. spots observed in the faeces.
Anorexia/loss of appetite. Faecal matter sticks to the hind quarters.
Listlessness. Sudden death if no treatment is given.
Maintaining hygiene in the young animal housing units.
Avoiding dampness on the floor of the house.
Fingers of the attendant training calves to drink milk from a bucket must be disinfected.
Calving should be carried out in a clean area.
Have separate attendants for the infected calves to prevent disease spread.
Replacing milk with warm water mixture.
Treating affected animals with antibiotics.
v. Black Quarter
It is also known as black leg.
Animals attacked: All ruminants aged between 8 - 18 months.
Cause: Bacteria (Clostridium chauvei and Chauvei septicum)
Lameness. Cracking on the swollen parts if touched.
Fast and heavy breathing.
Swelling of the affected parts usually the Anorexia.
hindquarters, shoulders and chest or Grunting and grinding of teeth.
back. Animal stops chewing cud.
Treating with recommended antibiotics.
Vaccinating using black quarter vaccine known as blanthax.
Burying the carcass deep or burning it completely.
vi. Mastitis
Is an inflammation of the udder.
Animals attacked: Goats, cows, pigs and human beings.
Cause: Bacteria (Streptococcus spp. or Staphylococcus spp.)
Pre-disposing Factors:
Incomplete milking.
Injuries on the udder and teats.
Weak sphincter muscles of the teats allowing free flow of milk.
Milk is watery, blood stained or clotted.
Swollen udder
Proper milking techniques.
Treatment by use of antibiotics.
Culling of animals which are often attacked.
vii. Anthrax
Attacks all domestic animals.
Cause: Bacteria (Bacillus anthracis)
Sudden death. High fever. Grinding of the
viii. Pneumonia
It is an inflammation of the lungs.
Animals attacked: Calves, kids, lambs, piglets and poultry.
Bacteria worms in the lungs.
Dullness. Abnormal lung sounds when breathing.
Anorexia/loss of appetite. Coughing if the chest is pressed.
Staring coat. Fluctuating body temperature.
Emaciation. Nasal discharge.
Breathing rapidly.
Keeping young animals in warm pens.
Proper sanitation.
Isolation of the affected animals.
Treating using antibiotics.
Viral Diseases
Rinderpest. Fowl pox
Foot and mouth disease (FMD). Gumboro
New Castle African swine fever
i. Rinderpest
Animal attacked: Cattle and wild game.
Cause: virus.
Harsh staring coat. Diarrhoea and dysentery.
Rise in temperature. Ulcers in the mouth.
Eye discharge (Lachrimation)
Sharp rise in temperature.
Blisters in the mouth, hooves, udder and teats.
Loss of appetite.
nursing wounds with disinfectant.
Difficulties in breathing.
Beaks remain wide open and necks are strained.
Birds become dull.
The birds stand with eyes closed all the time.
Anorexia/loss of appetite.
Nasal discharges which force the birds to shake their heads to clear it.
Birds walk with a staggering motion.
Paralysis of wings and legs may occur.
Birds have their beaks and wings down.
Birds produce watery greenish diarrhoea.
Birds lay soft shelled eggs.
Killing all birds and burning them followed by cleaning and disinfecting the houses
before bringing in new stock.
Vaccination should be done during the first 6 weeks and then 2-3 months later. \
Two types of fowl pox with different symptoms.
Cutaneous type
Diptheritic type
The cutaneous type affects the skin and has the following signs:
Injuries on the combs and wattles, legs, vent and under the wings.
Loss appetite.
The diptheritic type affects internal membranes and has the following symptoms:
Injuries in the inside of the throat and mouth membranes resulting in difficult breathing
and swallowing.
Eyes and nose produces a watery Dullness.
liquid. Emaciation.
Loss of appetite.
Killing all affected birds followed by proper disposal of their carcasses.
Vaccinating remaining healthy birds.
v. Gumboro
It is also referred to as poultry AIDS.
Animals attacked: Poultry.
Cause: A virus known as Birma virus.
The glands above the vent (bursa) become swollen.
Drop in egg production.
Birds develop respiratory distress.
Loss of appetite.
Low water intake by birds.
Loss of immunity making the birds more susceptible to opportunistic diseases.
Administering vitamins and especially B12.
Fever. Coughing.
Loss of appetite. Nasal discharge.
Depression/dullness. Diarrhoea in serious conditions.
Killing all affected animals and proper disposal of their carcasses.
Double fencing to keep wild animals away.
Nutritional Diseases/Disorders
Due to low calcium levels in the blood.
Which leads to an increase in the magnesium and sugar level in the blood.
Mostly occurs in high producing cows in the first few months of lactation.
This is because these animals loose more calcium through milk secretion than they are
getting from the diet.
Muscular twitching causing the animal to tremble.
Staggering as the animals move.
Animal falls down ands becomes unconscious.
The animal lies down on its side and the whole body stiffens.
Body functions such as urination, defecation and milk secretion stops.
Stomach contents are drawn into the mouth which later cause lung fever when breathing
Loss of appetite.
Intravenous injection of soluble calcium salt
Keeping the animal in a comfortable position on its sternum.
Giving fresh water.
Partial milking for the first 10 days.
High yielding cows should be given rations containing phosphorus and calcium.
Giving high doses of Vitamin D.
Vii. Bloat
Animals attacked: Cattle and sheep.
Cause: Accumulation of gases as a result of fermentation in the rumen.
The left side is blown up. Sudden death.
Relieve by use of trocar and cannula.
Chasing the animal around if noticed early.
Drenching by use of stop bloat.
Feeding ruminants with dry roughages during the wet season before grazing on lush
Shell membrane
This forms the inner lining of the shell and makes about 1% of the egg content. It is formed of
two separate membranes which closely adhere to each other. The air in the air space is used by
the developing embryo during incubation.
Albumen/Egg white
The albumen surrounds the yolk and serves as a food reserve to the developing embryo. It is
mainly protein.
It has two twisted cords which hold the yolk in place at the centre of the egg.
The Yolk
Its main function is to supply for all the embryo requirements since it contains food reserves for
the developing chick. The yolk is rich in vitamins, fats, minerals and proteins. The three parts
Incubation of eggs
Involves the provision of fertile eggs with the proper condition for embryonic development.
Methods of Incubation
1. Natural incubation
This method involves the use of a broody hen to sit on the eggs.
2. Artificial Incubation
Under this method all the conditions necessary for the hatching of the eggs are provided
artificially by equipment called an incubator.
i) Incubator is expensive to buy hence has high capital investment.
ii) More labour intensive.
iii) More skills required
iv) Have high risks of damaging all the eggs if the requirements such as temperature or relative
humidity are not strictly observed and controlled.
v) Only viable in large scale hatcheries.
Sources of Chicks
For success in the poultry enterprise, the following factors should be put into consideration.
i) Reputation of the supplier
ii) The type of chicks required in relation to size, breed, sex etc
iii) Time factor i.e. how long the chicks will take in transit from the hatchery to the farm.
Natural Brooding
A hen is allowed to take care of the chicks.
She provides them with warmth and security.
She stays with the chicks for 8 weeks and then rejects them.
It is cheap.
Less labour is needed.
Suitable for small scale.
Artificial Brooding
The chicks are raised artificially in a structure known as a brooder until they are 8 weeks old.
Brooder Requirements
Temperature - should be about 35°C in the 15th week and reduced to 21°C by the 8th
Litter - wood shavings which are capable of absorbing 60% moisture without showing
wetness should be used.
Space confinement - Done by use of hardboards which are about 25cm high and form a
circular space. A space of 1m2 for 25 chicks is required
Feeders and waterers - should be enough for the chicks and evenly distributed in the
Ventilators - windows should be enough to allow proper air circulation but direct
draught should be avoided.
Brooder Management
Preparation Before Chicks Arrive
Start 2-3 days before arrival.
The brooder house should be cleaned to remove old litter and then disinfected.
New litters 5-1Ocm high should be put in and covered with absorbent materials/news papers.
Equipment should be cleaned, disinfected and tested to make sure that they are working.
The brooder is lit about 6 hours before the chicks arrive.
Feed and water should be placed into shallow containers.
Brooder space should be confined with a hard board to prevent chicks straying far from the
source of heat.
If the brooder temperatures are too high the following should be done:
Brooder space is increased.
Heaters should be reduced.
Ventilators should be opened.
Management of the Growers
The growers are birds at the age of 9 weeks to the point of lay that is at 18 weeks.
Growers should be fed on growers' mash.
By this time the growers should be occupying the main poultry house.
Sick birds should be isolated and treated.
A foot bath for constant disinfection should be placed at the entrance.
Each bird is fed 115 gms per day of growers' mash.
Greens and soluble grit should also be provided.
Clean water should be provided all the time (adilibitum).
Drenching against internal parasites should be done by adding a dewormer into the water.
Vermins should be controlled.
Litter should be kept dry by turning.
Vaccination should be done as required.
Layer pullets require dimly lit house.
Management of Broilers
Broilers are table birds kept for meat production.
They have high growth rates or high feed conversion ratio.
The objective is to produce a kilogram of quality poultry meat from less than two kg of
broiler feed.
The broiler chick requires special broiler feed from day old to 4 weeks of age.
Broiler starters' mash or crumbs should be fed.
This contains coccidiostat, high level of protein, vitamins and trace elements for early
From 4 weeks to 8 weeks they are given broiler follow-on mash or pellets.
This feed contains high level of metabolisable energy to ensure a good cover of subcutaneous
fat in the finished broiler.
From 8 weeks until slaughter finisher pellets should be given to increase the size.
Adequate clean water should be provided at all times (adlibitum).
High level of hygiene should be maintained to reduce mortality rate.
Birds should be dusted with appropriate pesticides to control external parasites.
Deworming should be done routinely.
Vaccination against common diseases should be done.
Dead birds should be disposed off properly.
Broilers should be kept under deep litter system, the house should be well ventilated and well
Birds eat insects and green leaves therefore less feed is required.
Cheap method.
Cannibalism and egg eating are reduced since the birds are not crowded.
Manure is evenly spread in the runs.
Low labour requirement.
Birds get plenty of exercises thus helping to keep in good health.
No need to provide grit as birds pick it from the soil.
More land is required if a farmer wants to rear many birds.
Birds can be stolen or eaten by predators.
Eggs get lost in the vegetation or stolen.
Eggs get dirty.
Difficult to determine layers from non-layers.
Birds get easily infected with diseases and parasites of the area.
Breeding programme is not easy to follow.
Birds can destroy crops where perimeter fencing is not constructed.
Low productivity per unit area.
Fold System
Birds are confined in small portable structures called folds.
Manure is evenly spread in the field.
Less feed is used because birds eat grass.
Reduces build up of parasites and diseases since the fold is moved often.
Birds are protected from predators.
Few birds are kept per fold.
It is laborious since the folds are moved from one place to the other.
Individual egg production record is difficult to keep.
The fold does not last long because of
high frequency of handling.
The return per unit area of land is low.
Intensive System
Deep Litter System
Birds are confined in a house throughout their life.
High stocking rate per unit area of land.
Low labour requirement.
Fast accumulation of manure.
There is control of feeding, egg production and movement of birds.
Safety of the birds is guaranteed from predators.
No loss of eggs.
Useful method when rearing breeding stock.
Regular cleaning of the house is not necessary since the litter absorbs the droppings.
Easy collection of eggs.
High incidence of cannibalism like egg eating, feather plucking and toe pecking.
Pests and disease causing organisms accumulate in the litter.
Individual records of the birds are not possible.
May be difficult to find litter.
Eggs become dirty if laid on the floor.
Feeders and waterers may be contaminated by the litter.
The system encourages broodiness in hens.
High infestation of diseases if the management is below standard.
If there is a disease outbreak, it can spread very quickly throughout the house due to the
communal housing.
High cost of building deep litter house.
Records are easily kept therefore culling is easy.
Birds do not become broody.
More eggs are collected due to restricted movement of the hens and complete control of egg
Tender meat is obtained from the culls because the muscles have not been toughened much.
Handling is easier than in the other systems and individual attention to hens is given.
Stocking rate is very high.
Vices are greatly reduced.
Eggs are clean because hens do not step on them.
The system can easily be mechanised.
Birds do not contaminate the food and water.
Sick birds can be detected easily and isolated for treatment.
Wire floors prevent re-infestation of parasitic worms and coccidiosis.
No bullying during feeding.
Low labour requirement.
Initial costs for cages, equipment and house are excessively high.
Requires high level of management.
Higher maintenance costs where automation is used.
Birds may get fatigue due to lack of exercises thus lowering productivity.
In case of disease outbreak, spreading is very fast.
Birds develop bruises on combs, breasts and toes as they stick their necks out-to feed and
walk in the cages.
Not useful when rearing breeding stock and the rearing of broilers.
Cannot be used for brooding young chicks.
Control of Stress
Poultry house should be kept quiet and constructed away from noise.
Poultry house should be insulated to maintain constant temperatures.
Parasites and diseases should be controlled.
Change in routine management should be gradual.
Enough feed and water should be provided.
Feather pecking. Cannibalism (toe and Egg eating.
vent pecking).
Feather and body growth rate IS reduced.
Loss of birds due to death may result from cannibalism.
Culling rate is increased (economic loss).
The appearance of the carcass is spoiled thereby reducing its market value.
Causes of Cannibalism
Overcrowding in the house. Idleness of the birds.
High temperatures in the poultry house Greediness of the birds.
making the birds uncomfortable. Disturbances of the pecking order.
Too bright light. Prolapses of the rectum which occurs
External parasite infestation. once in a while.
Inadequate and incorrect feeding. Bright light in the lying boxes.
Preventive Measures
Ample spacing should be provided on the floor, feeders, waterers and laying boxes.
Overheating should be avoided during brooding.
The house should be dimly lit for the layers.
Laying nests should be darkened and above the ground.
Dusting should be done to control external parasites.
Provide enough balanced ration.
Birds should be kept busy.
New/strange birds should not be allowed in the house.
Egg Eating
A vice influenced by the following:
Presence of broken or soft shelled eggs.
Idleness of the birds.
Inadequate laying nests.
Mineral deficiencies.
Bright light in the laying nests.
Greediness of the birds.
Preventive Measures
Eggs should be collected regularly.
Laying boxes raised above the ground.
Laying boxes should be darkened.
Birds should be given balanced ration.
Debeaking should be done as need be.
Birds should be kept busy with greens.
Birds should be kept according to age groups.
Injured birds should be isolated and treated.
Marketing of Eggs
Eggs are delicate and perishable foods and have the highest value when fresh.
The factors considered when sorting out and grading eggs for the market include:
Size/weight of the egg - large eggs fetch high prices than small ones.
Shape of the egg - The normal egg shape is oval, with a broad end and a narrow end.
Cleanliness - Consumers prefer clean eggs.
Colour of the shell - Brown eggs are popular with the consumers.
Candling qualities - candling is done to determine freshness of the eggs and presence of any
other egg abnormalities.
Shell texture - should be smooth and without cracks.
Underfeeding of the calf may result.
Cows may not let down milk in case the calf dies.
Difficult to keep accurate production records.
Artificial/Bucket Feeding
The calf is trained to feed from the bucket immediately after birth.
Easy to keep accurate production record/milk yields of the cow.
Possible to regulate the amount of milk given to the calf
The cow does not need the presence of the calf in order to let down milk
Easy to maintain high hygiene standards.
Calf may be given cold milk
Equipment used and the stockman may be dirty leading to scours
Weaning of calves
Early weaning
Calf is fed on whole milk up to the tenth week then it is weaned
Calf is given milk equal to 10% of its body weight up to the 8th week
After 8th week, milk is reduced gradually by 1 kg until weaning
Calf is given early weaning concentrates and soft forage
Late weaning
Calf is fed on whole milk up to the 3rd week, when milk is replaced gradually with skim
At the age of 3weeks the calf is introduced to calf pellets or pencils and green fodder.
The calf is given plenty of clean water.
The calf continues to be given additional skim milk up to the age of 14 weeks when
maximum amount of milk is given.
Skim milk is reduced from 14 weeks to 16 weeks when weaning is done.
Types of Pens
These can be;
Permanent Pens
Have a solid floor raised above the ground.
The floor should be slanted for drainage.
Constructed near the milking parlour.
Mobile/Movable Pens
Have an open floor to allow grass into the pen.
Easily moved from one place to another to avoid soiling.
Kept outdoors in the pastures to allow the calf to nibble on pastures.
Single Housing
Calves should be housed singly up to the age of 3 weeks, when they are put in group pens.
This is to avoid them licking each other and swallowing hairs which form indigestible balls.
Composition of Milk
Protein - Casein and whey.
Fat - Butter fat.
Carbohydrates - Lactose
Minerals - mainly calcium and phosphorus.
Milk Secretion
The process of milk secretion is known as lactogenesis.
The digested food is taken to the udder via blood vessels.
In the udder the nutrients are carried into the alveoli cells where metabolic reactions take place to
build up these nutrients into milk.
A hormone prolactine is secreted by pituitary gland which brings about lactogenesis.
The milk secreted is then stored in the upper parts of the udder waiting to be released.
Milk Let-Down
The process of milk let-down occurs naturally when the animal is stimulated.
Milk secreted moves from alveolar region through the ducts to the gland cistern.
Oxytocin, a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland causes the contraction of the udder muscles
forcing the milk down the teats.
Oxytocin hormone lasts 7 -10 minutes in the blood stream hence fast milking is important to
withdraw the milk.
Milk is withdrawn from the teats by gently squeezing them.
Avoid flavours in milk-Milk should therefore be protected from sunlight and should be stored
in containers which are free from of traces of copper or iron
Healthy milking herd. Cows should be tested regularly for milk borne diseases such as
tuberculosis and brucellosis.
Clean milking cows. the whole udder should be washed and dried thoroughly before each
Healthy and clean milkman. The milkman should keep his finger nails short and should have
his hair covered. He should preferably wear an overall when milking.
Clean milking shed. The milking parlour should be kept clean.
Clean milking utensils. The milking utensils and equipment should be seamless and smooth
to facilitate thorough cleaning.
Milk filtration cooling and storage. Milk should be filtered and cooled to 50C after milking.
Milking Procedure
The animals are brought near the milking parlour 15-20 minutes before milking to get into
the mood of being milked.
Milking materials such as equipment, feeds, ropes, stools and salve are collected and placed
near the milking parlour.
The animals are allowed into the milking stall one by one as the milking proceeds .
Milking proceeds by squeezing the teats with the full hand. If machine milking the teat cups
are placed on the teats.
For hand milking start with the hindquarters and finish with the forequarters.
Fast milking should take about 8 minutes then end with stripping the udder.
The milk is weighed and recorded.
The animal is then released.
Milk Products
Pasteurized milk - milk that is heated and cooled immediately.
Ultra Heat Treated (UHT) - milk heated to a temperature of 130-135C, packed and then
Butter - Milk butter fat separated by a process known as churning.
Cream -A layer of is: that collects at the top of the milk when left to stand.
Cheese - Milk proteins which have been compressed.
Ghee - Milk fat made from heating cream or butter.
Skim milk - Milk without butter fat.
i )Work in areas impossible for animals and tractor
ii )Cheap
iii) Available
i)Power is limited to very light tasks.
ii) Quality of work produced is low / variable
iii )Slow
iv )Expensive in the long run.
V) Health of workers influences the work done.
b) Animal Power
Donkeys, Oxen, Camel
-Cultivation, Transportation, Planting etc.
i) No skilled workers required.
ii)Cheaper to buy and maintain.
iii) Work output is higher than in human beings.
iv) Can work in areas impossible for tractors/ sloppy areas.
v) Work better on small holdings than tractors.
i) Need a big portion of land for grazing.
ii)Slower than tractors.
iii) Cannot work on large land.
iv) Animals damage crops when used for weeding.
v) Get sick reducing work output.
Animals are harnessed singly or in pairs using a Yoke.
b) Wind Power
• Dry grains and fodder.
• Winnowing crop yields.
• Pumping water/ drive wind mills.
• Generate electricity.
i)Unreliable e.g. direction.
ii) Strength is unreliable.
iii) Sometimes not available.
iv) Not easy to control.
v)Expensive to purchase a wind mill and its accessories.
d) Water Power
Source_ Running water.
• Ferrying logs in navigation rivers.
• Produce hydro-electric power.
• Operate different types of machines e.g. Maize grinding mills.
• Driving hydraulic pumps for pumping water for irrigation.
i) Some rivers are small and seasonal.
ii)Expensive to harness the power.
iii) Some farms are not accessible to moving water.
iv)Difficult to use since not easy to control.
e) Biomass
-Biogas, Wood or charcoal.
F) Wood or charcoal
Sources____ Trees in form of fire wood and charcoal
• Cooking
• Heating
• Dehydrating some crops
• Curing of tobacco
iii) Not used directly in some farm operations
iv) Large quantities required
Iv) Bulky hence difficult to transport
v) Pollute the environment
ii) Biogas
Is a product produced when animal dung is fermented in a digester thereby producing a
flammable gas – methane.
Biogas plant
Advantages of Biogas
I) Economical for farmers with zero grazing units.
ii) The effluent/ slurry provides fertilizer richer in Nitrogen than manure.
iii) Flies cannot breed.
iv) Unpleasant oduors are removed.
v) Minimal environmental pollution.
VI)Reduced deforestation.
Disadvantages of Biogas
i) Initial capital is high i.e. construction of Biogas digester is expensive.
ii) Requires high management skills to produce the gas.
iii) Requires a large number of animals to sustain gas production.
iv) Only possible where animals are under zero grazing units.
Electrical Power
It includes:
hydro-electrical power (HEP),
power stored in batteries.
Cannot be used directly in some farm operations.
Lack of electricity in the rural areas.
Power failures can lead to high losses.
It is costly to install and maintain.
Solar Energy
Energy obtained from the sun.
Provides heat and light.
Used by all the plants in photosynthesis.
Dehydrating crops such as vegetables, maize grains, beans and hay.
Boils water which drives turbines to produce power for minor uses.
Low concentration of energy on cloudy days.
Expensive In collecting and concentrating equipment.
Cannot be used directly in some farm operations.
Requires skilled labour to install and maintain.
The tractor has an internal combustion engine which burns petrol or diesel to produce power.
This power is then passed to the gear box from where it is transmitted in various ways.
The common tractor engine is a four stroke cycle engine.
Induction Stroke
i) Piston moves down the cylinder
ii) Inlet valve open
iii) Exhaust valve is closed
iv) Fresh fuel and air gets into the cylinder.
Compression Stroke
i) Piston moves up the cylinder
ii) Inlet and outlet/ exhaust valves are closed
iii) Fresh fuel mixture is compressed into the combustion chamber.
Power Stroke
A spark is produced at spark plug, igniting the fuel-air mixture.
The increased pressure forces the piston down the cylinder.
Exhaust Stroke –
i) Inlet valve closed
ii) Exhaust valve open
iii) Piston moves up the cylinder
iv) Burned fuel mixture is eliminated through the open exhaust valve
Are expensive to buy and maintain
Their use is limited in some areas;
Tractor can only be used on flat or gently sloping areas
Require skilled personnel and support services
i) Produce less power hence cannot be used for heavy duties.
ii) Inefficient in burning fuel to produce power.
iii) Air cooled hence limited engine sizes.
Systems of a Tractor
The modern tractor has the following systems:
The fuel system.
Electrical system
Ignition system
Cooling system
Power transmission system.
Cleaning the carburettor regularly.
Cleaning the fuel filter in petrol.
Cleaning the hole in the fuel tank cap.
Replacing the fuel filter.
Bleeding in case air is trapped in the system.
Cleaning the sediment bowl regularly.
Ignition System
Consists of:
Ignition - change the low voltage from the battery to high voltage current required by the
spark plugs.
Condenser - absorbs the self-induced current in the primary circuit.
Distributor - distributes the high voltage current to the spark plugs.
Contact breaker - Interrupts the normal flow of current in the primary circuit.
Cooling System
The cooling system aims at preventing the engine from overheating which would cause piston
zeisure in the cylinder.
Some tractor engines are cooled by air while others are cooled by water.
Lubrication System
This system is aimed at supplying oil to all parts of the engine where friction is likely to occur.
The power transmitted from the engine is made available for use through the following:
The propeller shaft - it connects the gear box to the differential.
The power take off shaft (PTO shaft) -It is located at the rear part of the tractor and rotates
at the same speed as the crankshaft of the engine.
Hydraulic system - it is operated by the use of a lever near the drivers seat.
Draw bar –
It is a one-point linkage at the rear part of the tractor.
It serves for the attachment of trailed implements that can be used during harrowing,
transportation or rolling.
Tractor Servicing
The aim of tractor servicing is to keep the tractor in good and efficient working conditions.
Tractor servicing is either;
long term.
They are one-point hitch implements.
They are used for transportation of goods.
Small ones have two wheels while big ones have four wheels.
All the moving parts should be lubricated.
Tyre pressure should be adjusted to the correct pressure.
Worn out tyres should be replaced.
Loose nuts and bolts should be tightened, worn-out ones should be replaced.
The implements should be kept under a shed during long storage.
They are primary tillage implements.
The common type of ploughs include:
Disc ploughs.
Mould board ploughs.
Disc ploughs
It is made up of heavy steel concave discs of 60-70cm diameter.
Parts and Functions of a disc plough
The hitchmast:
Is an attachment for the three point hitch.
Made up of two side links and a top link.
These are parts connected to hydraulic system of a tractor for lifting and pulling.
The beam: Supports all other parts. It also adds weight for better penetration.
Depth wheel:
Used when driving on highway,
it also controls the depth of ploughing.
May not be present in all disc ploughs.
The standard or leg: Connects the discs to the beam.
The hub: Allows the discs to rotate smoothly hence does the cutting of furrow slices.
The scrapers: Remove the trash and mud or soil which cling to the discs,
Disc blades: Cut and invert the furrow slices.
Rear furrow wheel: Controls the depth of digging and stabilises the discs.
Adjustment .
The cutting angle should be adjusted at 35° - 50° from the I ine of travel.
Achieved by pivoting the beam or the standard.
Depth of digging: This is corrected by changing the height of depth wheel or adjusting
hydraulic system and adding weights.
Mouldboard ploughs
This primary tillage implement is suited in areas without obstacles such as stones, tree stumps,
and roots.
It gives a uniform depth of ploughing.
Parts and Functions Mouldboard ploughs
Share: This makes the horizontal cut and starts the turning of the furrow slices.
Mouldboard: Continues the turning of the furrow slices and pulverizes the soil.
Disc coulter: Makes a vertical cut in the soil to separate the furrow slice from the un-
ploughed land.
Skim coulter: Removes any trash from between the furrow slices.
Frog: It is the part where the share, mould board and the landside are attached.
Landside: Stabilizes the plough and absorbs the side forces created when furrow is turned.
Shin: Leading edge of a mouldboard.
Knife coulter: Is a vertical knife which cuts trash and earth ahead of the share.
They are secondary cultivation implements.
There are different types of harrows.
The common ones are:
disc, Harrows spring tine Harrows spike tooth harrows.
Disc Harrows
It comprises of a set of gangs with concave discs.
Mixing the soil particles.
Levelling the seedbed by breaking large
lumps of soil.
Killing weeds.
Disk harrows can be classified according to the arrangement of the gangs such a;
standem, double tandem offset tandem.
Depth Adjustment
Adding weights on the harrows.
Use of hydraulic force.
Use of light or heavy harrows.
Use of regulating wheels.
Care and Maintenance
Check for loose nuts and bolts daily.
Lubricate the shafts and bearings.
Clean and oil before storage.
Levels and smoothens the seedbed.
Breaks the soil clods.
Mixes trash and soil thus preventing wind erosion.
Aerates the soil.
Depth is controlled by the horizontal connecting link and depth wheel.
For individual tine, use crossbar and loosening the screws.
It smoothens and compacts the soil.
It breaks big lumps of soil into small particles.
Can be used for cultivating small crops if well set.
Heavy and require high horse power to pull.
Ploughing depth of 51-90cm.
Break up compacted soil.
Break up the hardpan.
This is an equipment used to compact the soil gently especially where tiny seeds are to be
Breaks up large soil particles into small ones.
Mixes the vegetation and the soil.
Achieves two operations in one pass.
Forward speed of the tractor gives a fine tilth of the seedbed done through the gearbox.
Depth of work done by control of depth wheel.
Slip clutch may break in case the knives come across obstructions
Cutting grass for hay or silage making,
cutting overgrown grass
clearing the field.
Reciprocating Mower
Parts and Functions
Swath stick: Keeps the cut crop falling correctly.
Swath board: To remove the cut crop.
Shoe: Has a runner to absorb the weight and wear.
Cutter bar: Is a flat bar which guides the fingers.
Wear plate: Counteracts downward force and holds the knives.
To adjust knife register by moving the whole bar away or towards the yoke.
Knife lead: The outer shoe should be adjusted to be outer than the inner shoe by 4cm.
Check for loose nuts and bolts and tighten where necessary.
Keep knife section sharp.
Lubricate the knife parts.
Check knife to ledger plate cup for best cutting.
Keep all the parts tight.
Rotary Mowers
Cutting edge consists of two blades fitted opposite to each other on horizontal disc.
The cutting blades swing round at high speed horizontally to the ground hence cutting is
They are machines used for sowing seeds.
There are two types:
Row crop planters. Seed drills.
Adjust the coulters depth for the right crop.
Fix the right seed plate.
Place the planter in the level position.
All the shafts should be free to turn.
Care and Maintenance
Check all loose nuts, bolts and tighten them.
Clean and oil the planter after use.
Grease the drive sprockets regularly.
The grain drill sows grains of wheat, barley, oats, peas, beans and alfalfa seeds.
Combine Harvester
Harvesting cereal crops for example maize, wheat and barley.
They are used for harvesting tuber crops and for making furrows or ridges.
Lubricate the moving parts.
Clean the implement after use.
Store under a shed.
Repair or replace worn-out or broken parts.
Loose nuts and bolts should be tightened.
Unpainted parts should be oiled during long storage.
Shares should be sharpened if blunt.
They are tractor mounted and operated by power from the P.T.O. shaft .
Used for harvesting forage crops such as Napier grass, sorghum and maize.
Tighten loose nuts and bolts.
Lubricate moving parts.
Store in a shed.
Clean after the day's work.
Repair/replace worn out or broken parts.
Unpainted parts should be oiled to prevent rust.
Maize Shellers
These are stationary implements which are either hand or tractor driven.
They consist of. a rotating disc which shell maize grains from cobs.
Greasing moving parts.
Removing any stuck maize cobs.
Repair or replace worn out or broken parts.
Store in a shed.
Depth of plough is controlled by the land wheel and draft rod
Care and Maintenance
Sharpen or replacing of the worn out share
Replacement of worn out parts such as hooks and draw bar assembly.
Oiling the shiny parts e.g mouldboard
Wash off the soil after use.
Paint the handles, beam and braces to prevent rusting.
Ox-Drawn Cart
Moving parts should be oiled
The yoke should be repaired when worn out or replaced if not repaired
Tyre pressure should be checked and adjusted accordingly
Repair other damages on the cart.