CHE 0915451 Separation Processes (1) March 2021 Spring

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University of Jordan

School of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

1. Course number and name: (0915451) Separation Processes (1)

2. Prerequisites: Transport Phenomena (2) (0915342)
1. Class schedule: 3 credits
a. Time and place: Specified according to schedule of the semester
b. Office hours: : Specified according to schedule of the semester
2. Instructor: Determined later
3. Text book: Christie John Geankoplis, Transport processes and separation process principles, 5 edition
Prentice Hall; (March 15, 2018)

4. References:
1. J. D. Seader, Ernest J. Henley, D. Keith Roper, separation process principles, Wiley,
2. Coulson, J.M.; and Richardson, J.F.; Chemical Engineering Volume 2, 5th Ed., 1999,

5. Course information:
Material balance on steady-state continuous co-current and counter current processes. Distillation:
Equilibrium data, batch, flash, continuous binary steady state distillation, multicomponent, steam, Gas
absorption: Equilibrium data, multistage continuous contacting, non-isothermal, multi-component,
design of trays and packed columns. Solvent extraction: Phase equilibria, stage wise calculations,
transfer units, tower design, and mixer-settler. Design of stirred vessel systems. Leaching: Equilibrium
relations, stage-wise calculations

6. Course objectives and Outcomes:

This course is devoted primarily to the basic principles Chemical Engineering program
and practical applications of fluid mechanics. Upon outcomes:
the successful completion of the course, the student
O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7
will be able to:
Classify various operations as phase creation, addition,
barrier, solid agent, external field/gradient separation
Identify importance, industrial applications, different
types, mode of operations, and selection criteria.
Deal with various phase diagrams, Txy, yx diagrams,
enthalpy-concentration diagrams, and other chemical
engineering tables/diagrams related to the separation
processes considered.
Examine both equilibrium controlled separation
processes as well as separation processes that involve
both heat/mass transport.
Design single stage and multistage equilibrium
chemical processes for distillation, absorption, liquid-
liquid extraction and leaching,
Solve separation problems related to distillation,
absorption, liquid-liquid extraction and leaching.
7. Topics covered:

Content Text book Ref. 1 Week

Vapor-Liquid Separation Processes Ch 26 Ch 2 + ch 4 1+2

Topics Covered: Vapor liquid
Equilibrium, Simple Distillation
Methods: flash distillation, batch
Continuous distillation Ch 26 Ch 4 3-5
Topics Covered: Distillation with reflux,
McCabe Thiele Method, ponchon savarit
method: Enthalpy concentration diagram

Design of Vapor-Liquid Separation Ch 26 Ch 5 6

Topics Covered: Tray column, packed
bed column.

Stage and Continuous Gas-Liquid Ch 22 Ch 6 7+8

Processes Topics Covered: Gas--Liquid
Equilibrium, Single-Stage Equilibrium
Contact for Gas-Liquid System, Multiple-
Contact Stages, Mass Transfer Using Film
Mass-Transfer Coefficients and Interface
Concentrations, Overall Mass-Transfer
Coefficients and Driving Forces
Absorption in Plate and Packed Ch 22 Ch 6 9
Topics Covered: Design of Plate Packed
bed Absorption Towers.
Extraction: Ch.8 10+13
Equilibrium Relations in Extraction,
Single-Stage Equilibrium Extraction,
Ch 27
continuous multi stage Extraction,
extraction equipment, Design of Towers
for Extraction
Leaching: 14+15
Equilibrium Relations in Leaching, Single-
Stage Leaching, continuous multi stage Ch. 31
Leaching, Types of Equipment for
Final exams 16

8. Minimum student materials: Text book, class handouts, engineering calculator, and an access to
Personal Computer with MATLAB and/or Excel.

9. Instructional methods:
Lectures, group assignments, class discussion and problem solving Projects and Assignments

10. Homework Assignments:

Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period on the specified date; late homework will
NOT be accepted (i.e it will be awarded a zero). Please write only on one side of the page. Your name
and ID number should be clearly written on first page. Start each problem on a new page. Clearly
mark your answers in a box (Never use a red pen in your work). Staple the pages together.
11. Assessment & Grading:
Quizzes & Assignments : 20%
Midterm Exam : 30%
Final exam : 50%
Total : 100%

12. Relationship to Program Outcomes (%)

O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7
 

13. Relationship to Chemical Engineering Program Objectives


   

14. Notes:
a. Discuss the assignments among yourselves. This is helpful to the learning process. However,
direct copying of others work will NOT be allowed or tolerated and will result in a reduction
of grade.
b. All cases of academic dishonesty will be handled in accordance with university policies and
c. There will be a number of unannounced quizzes during the semester. Students are expected to
be ready to take a quiz any time they have a class. There will be no make-up quizzes.
d. Students are expected to attend EVERY CLASS SESSION and they are responsible for all
material, announcements, schedule changes, etc., discussed in class. The university policy
regarding the attendance will be strictly adhered
e. Any students with disabilities who need accommodations in this course are encouraged to
speak with the instructor as soon as possible to make appropriate arrangements for these
f. Exams are scheduled as shown in the syllabus and last 90 minutes. The exams are close
textbook and notes. It is your responsibility to bring a calculator, pencils and paper. If you
MUST miss one of these exams for an emergency situation, please let me know as soon as
possible. If you oversleep or skip an exam you will not have an opportunity to make it up. If
you have a valid (according to me) time conflict and you let me know in advance, there is the
possibility of taking an exam at an alternate time.

15. ABET Criteria : Outcomes and Assessment: Engineering programs must demonstrate that their
graduates have
O1 Identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of
engineering, science, and mathematics.
O2 Apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with
consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social,
environmental, and economic factors.
O3 Communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
O4 Recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make
informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
O5 Function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a
collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet
O6 Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use
engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
O7 Acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

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