6 Jun Um 1022022

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1 Recap

• Non-rectangular domains. Fubini. Triple integrals.

2 Non-rectangular domains
RR p R 1 R x2 p
• Example 3: Calculate [−1,1]×[0,2]
|y − x2 |dA. We integrate over y first: −1 ( 0 x2 − ydy+
R2 p 3/2
y − x2 dy). Since x is a constant, we can easily integrate to get 23 x3 + 23 (2 − x2 ) .
The second term can be evaluated by trigonometric substitution. So we get 34 + π2 .
Note that first integrating over x would have made life worse.

3 What should an FTC look like?

R b 0want to formulate a fundamental theorem of calculus. In 1-D, recall that it is
f (x)dx = f (b) − f (a). In other words, “the integral of a derivative over a region
boils down to its boundary”. So in 2D, there are a few questions: What regions must we
consider? If f (x, y) is a scalar field, what “derivative” must we integrate? and since the
boundary is a curve, what must the integral boil down to ( presumably a line integral
on the boundary)? For the first question, we must choose a domain whose boundary
is a piecewise C 1 regular curve ( to make sense of line integrals). Furthermore, the re-
gion must not have “holes” because then the boundary can be more than one curve (
such regions are called simply connected). It turns out that every simple closed curve di-
vides R2 into two regions the interior region is simply connected ( Jordan curve theorem).

Theorem: Let P, Q be C 1 scalar fields on aRsimply connected closed set S whose bound-
ary is a piecewise C 1regular curve. Then C (P dx + Qdy) taken in the anti-clockwise
R R ∂Q ∂P 
direction equals S ∂x
− ∂y dA.
The proof is quite painful and is frankly, beyond the scope of this course. However, let us
look at a special case of a rectangle: The boundary is piecewise C 1 and is parametrised as
(t, c) a ≤ t ≤ b, (b, t) c ≤ t ≤ d, (−t, d) −b ≤ t ≤ −a, and (a, −t) −d ≤ t ≤ −c. Thus the
Rb R −a Rd R −c
line integral is a P (t, c)dt − −b P (−t, d)dt + c Q(b, t)dt − −d Q(a, −t)dt. By the usual
FTC, this equals the other side of Green’s theorem. It is not hard to do the same thing
for Type-III domains (HW). In the general case, one approximates the boundary by a
many-sided polygon and breaks the interior of this polygon up into a bunch of rectangles
and triangles ( all Type-III). Then one applies the above proof to each and adds.

• Find the area of the circle x2R+y 2 = 1. The area is dxdy. Choose Q = x, P = −y
and use Green: 2 × Area = C (xdy − ydx). Parametrise C as x = cos(t), y = sin(t).
Thus xdy − ydx = dt. Thus Area = π. ( A device called the planimeter works on
this principle!)

• Consider ydx−xdy
x2 +y 2
over the circle of radius r centred at (0, 0). Parametrise it as
(r cos(t), r sin(t)), 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π. Then the integral is −2π. However, naively applying
the Green theorem, we get 0 !! What is going wrong? The point is that the domain
of P, Q is actually the disc minus the origin, i.e., it has a hole. So Green is not
applicable! ( This way of deducing the shape of regions by what kind of calculus
one can do on them is a big thing. It is called “Differential Topology”.)

Change of variables (a digression from FTCs): In one-variable calculus, recall that if

u : [a, b] → [c, d] is a 1 − 1 onto C 1 map such that du
6= 0 for all x ( except possibly at
R u−1 (b) Rd
a, b), and f : [c, d] → R is continuous function, then u−1 (a) f (u(x))u0 (x)dx = c f (u)du.
R2 R1 R2
Examples: Take 0 u2 du with u = 2x to get 0 8x2 dx. But with u = 2 − 2x, 0 u2 du =
R0 R1
− 1 8(1 − x)2 dx = 2 0 4(1 − x)2 dx. If we want to useR only [0, 2]Rand [0, 1] instead of the
upper and lower limits, then in the second example, [0,2] u du = [0,1] 4(1 − x)2 | du
|dx. We
want a generalisation for multiple integrals. ( Indeed, if we have cylindrical or spherical
symmetry, it makes sense to choose other coordinates systems like polar coordinates.)

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