B194-TailingsDamSafety Preprint
B194-TailingsDamSafety Preprint
B194-TailingsDamSafety Preprint
Page i
China H. ZHOU
Democratic Republic of Congo H. WA KITAMBO
Finland H. NURMIi
Romania C. PRISCU
Slovakia M. BAKES
United Kingdom R. MONROY
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Page iii
1. Introduction .................................................................................................... 1
2. Tailings Storage Facility Governance ........................................................... 3
2.1. Introduction .......................................................................................... 3
2.2. Dam Safety Roles and Responsibilities .............................................. 4
2.2.1. Accountable Executive (AE) ................................................ 4
2.2.2. Responsible Site Person (RSP) .......................................... 4
2.2.3. Engineer of Record (EOR) .................................................. 5
2.2.4. Independent Technical Reviewer(s).................................... 6
2.3. Tailings Management System ............................................................. 6
2.3.1. Overview ............................................................................. 6
2.3.2. Planning .............................................................................. 8
2.3.3. Implementation .................................................................. 11
2.3.4. Audits, Verifications and Reviews ..................................... 11
2.3.5. Risk Management ............................................................. 12
2.3.6. Management of Change and Incident Reporting .............. 13
2.4. Documentation and Records ............................................................. 13
3. Closure ........................................................................................................ 16
3.1. Closure Design Principles ................................................................. 16
3.2. Closure Phases ................................................................................. 17
3.3. Technical Aspects of Sustainable Closure Design ............................ 18
3.4. Landform Design ............................................................................... 21
4. Dam Classification ....................................................................................... 23
4.1. Consequence classification basis...................................................... 23
4.2. Dam Consequence Classification Categories ................................... 24
4.2.1. Population at Risk and Potential Loss of Life .................... 24
4.2.2. Environment ...................................................................... 25
4.2.3. Health, Social and Cultural ................................................ 25
4.2.4. Infrastructure and Economics ........................................... 25
5. Site Characterization ................................................................................... 28
Page iv
5.1. Introduction ........................................................................................ 28
5.2. Social and Environmental Setting ..................................................... 28
5.3. Physical Setting ................................................................................. 29
5.4. Climate and Hydrology ...................................................................... 30
5.5. Geological and Geotechnical Characterization ................................. 31
5.5.1. Overview ........................................................................... 31
5.5.2. Site Geological Model ....................................................... 32
5.5.3. Geotechnical Design Model(s) .......................................... 33
5.5.4. Geological Setting ............................................................. 34
5.5.5. Geotechnical Characterization .......................................... 34
5.5.6. Borrow Materials ............................................................... 35
5.6. Hydrogeology .................................................................................... 36
5.7. Seismicity .......................................................................................... 37
5.7.1. Seismic Setting and Methods ........................................... 37
5.7.2. Maximum Credible Earthquake ......................................... 39
5.7.3. Site Specific Hazard Assessment ..................................... 39
6. Tailings Characterization............................................................................. 41
6.1. Introduction ........................................................................................ 41
6.2. Classification of Tailings .................................................................... 42
6.2.1. Key principles .................................................................... 42
6.2.2. Geotechnical Classification ............................................... 42
6.2.3. Geochemical Classification ............................................... 45
6.3. Laboratory Testing and In situ Testing .............................................. 46
6.4. Geotechnical Properties .................................................................... 47
6.4.1. In situ Density and Consolidation Behavior ...................... 47
6.4.2. Hydraulic Conductivity....................................................... 48
6.4.3. Shear Strength and Deformation Behavior ....................... 48
7. Design ......................................................................................................... 50
7.1. Introduction ........................................................................................ 50
7.2. Lifecycle Phases and Design Stages of a Tailings Dam ................... 50
7.3. Design Steps for a New Tailings Dam .............................................. 52
7.4. Design of Raises and Ongoing Operations ....................................... 54
7.5. Risk-Informed Design ........................................................................ 54
Page v
7.5.1. Overview ........................................................................... 54
7.5.2. Observational Method ....................................................... 55
7.5.3. Performance-Based Risk-Informed Safe Design .............. 56
7.6. Dam Failure Modes ........................................................................... 57
7.6.1. Overview ........................................................................... 57
7.6.2. Typical Failure Modes ....................................................... 58
7.6.3. Supporting Analysis for Failure Modes ............................. 61
7.7. Design Basis ...................................................................................... 62
7.8. Design Criteria ................................................................................... 63
7.8.1. General .............................................................................. 63
7.8.2. Flood Design Criteria......................................................... 64
7.8.3. Seismic Design Criteria ..................................................... 67
7.9. Slope Stability Assessment ............................................................... 68
7.9.1. Introduction ........................................................................ 68
7.9.2. Slope Stability Assessment Methods ................................ 69
7.9.3. Limit Equilibrium Method ................................................... 71
7.9.4. Target Factors of Safety for Limit Equilibrium Stability
Analyses ............................................................................ 72
7.9.5. Stability Conditions ............................................................ 72
7.9.6. Post Liquefaction Stability Conditions ............................... 74
7.9.7. Residual Strength in Clay and “Clay Like” Tailings ........... 74
7.9.8. Additional Stability Conditions ........................................... 75
7.9.9. Adjustments to Target FOS ............................................... 76
7.9.10. Three-Dimensional Stability L-E Analyses ........................ 77
7.9.11. Limitations of Limit Equilibrium Analyses .......................... 77
7.9.12. Safety Evaluation with Non-Linear Deformation Analyses 78
7.9.13. Performance-Based Stability Evaluation ........................... 79
7.10. Earthquake Assessment (Seismic Stability) ...................................... 80
7.10.1. Cyclic Liquefaction Evaluation .......................................... 80
7.10.2. Earthquake Stability and Deformation Analyses ............... 81
7.11. Seepage Design ................................................................................ 82
7.11.1. Pore Pressures, Filters and Drainage ............................... 82
7.11.2. Design Measures to Minimize Seepage............................ 83
Page vi
7.12. Hydrotechnical Design ...................................................................... 84
7.12.1. Introduction ....................................................................... 84
7.12.2. Environmental Design Flood (EDF) .................................. 86
7.12.3. Inflow Design Flood (IDF), Critical Duration and Freeboard
.......................................................................................... 86
7.12.4. Water Balance and Water Recovery................................. 88
7.13. Environmental Design ....................................................................... 90
8. Risk Management ....................................................................................... 92
8.1. Introduction ........................................................................................ 92
8.2. Risk Assessment ............................................................................... 92
8.2.1. Overview ........................................................................... 92
8.2.2. Risk Identification .............................................................. 94
8.2.3. Risk Analysis ..................................................................... 95
8.2.4. Risk Evaluation ................................................................. 96
8.3. Preventative Controls and Monitoring Options.................................. 96
8.4. Trigger Action Response Plans ....................................................... 100
8.5. Monitoring ........................................................................................ 102
9. Dam Failure / Breach Analysis .................................................................. 105
9.1. Introduction ...................................................................................... 105
9.2. Dam Breach Assessment ................................................................ 106
9.3. Dam Breach Methodology ............................................................... 107
9.3.1. Dam Failure Runout Mechanisms................................... 107
9.3.2. Dam Breach Modeling and Inundation Mapping............. 108
10. Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning ................................. 111
10.1. Introduction ...................................................................................... 111
10.2. Emergency Preparedness ............................................................... 112
10.2.1. Engineering Assessment of Potential Emergency
Conditions ....................................................................... 112
10.2.2. Establishing the Emergency Operations and Management
System ............................................................................ 113
10.2.3. Testing an ERP ............................................................... 114
11. Construction .............................................................................................. 115
11.1. Introduction ...................................................................................... 115
11.2. Supervision and Documentation ..................................................... 115
Page vii
11.3. Confirmation of Design Intent and Documentation of As-Constructed
Conditions ........................................................................................ 116
12. Operations ................................................................................................. 118
12.1. Introduction ...................................................................................... 118
12.2. Operations, Maintenance and Surveillance Manual ........................ 119
12.3. Engineering Aspects of Operations ................................................. 121
12.3.1. Tailings Deposition and Water Management Plan .......... 121
12.3.2. Surveillance, monitoring and evaluation ......................... 121
12.3.3. Dam safety assessments and audits .............................. 123
13. References ................................................................................................ 124
14. Definitions and Acronyms (incomplete) ..................................................... 130
15. ACRONYMS .............................................................................................. 137
Page viii
Fig. 2.1 Framework for a Tailings Management System (after MAC 2021).. 7
Fig. 2.2 Flow chart of a typical tailings project within a TMS ........................ 8
Fig. 6.1 Indicative gradation ranges for tailings classification types ........... 44
Fig. 6.2 Indicative plasticity chart for tailings classification ......................... 44
Fig. 7.1 Schematic of typical design steps for new tailings facilities ........... 53
Fig. 7.3 Schematic showing operating and flood levels .............................. 85
Fig. 8.1 Risk Assessment Process Diagram ............................................... 93
Fig. 8.2 Critical control framework (ICMM, 2015) ....................................... 99
Fig. 8.3 Illustration of TARP transition from operations to emergency
response ...................................................................................... 101
Table 3.1 Examples of sustainable closure design considerations ............... 20
Table 3.2 Examples of closure design loading conditions ............................. 21
Table 4.1 Tailings dam consequence classification ....................................... 26
Table 6.1 Summary of tailings types and geotechnical classification ............ 43
Table 7.1 Examples of analyses to inform determination of failure modes ... 62
Table 7.2 Suggested minimum flood design criteria for operating and active
care phases .................................................................................... 66
Table 7.3 Minimum seismic design criteria .................................................... 68
Table 7.4 Target factors of safety .................................................................. 72
Table 8.1 Tailings storage facilities – examples: key preventative controls and
assurance/verification .................................................................... 97
Table 8.2 Example TARPs for flood storage with performance indicators
related to critical controls, and pre-defined actions for various risk
levels ............................................................................................ 101
Table 8.3 Summary of monitoring technology examples ............................. 103
Table 12.1 Example table of contents on an OMS Manual ........................... 120
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Page x
This Bulletin consolidates the key aspects related to good design and
good governance of tailings facilities and is a valuable guide for designers of
tailings facilities, as well as operators, managers, and regulatory personnel.
CHAIRMAN (2011 - 2021)
Page xi
Page xii
The focus of the Bulletin is on the safety of tailings dams, which form the
most significant component of most tailings storage facilities (TSFs).
Nevertheless, the Bulletin provides guidance on the overall TSF when
appropriate and may also be relevant to certain TSFs that do not include a
structure that meets the accepted definition of a dam (such as filtered tailings
“stacks”). The technical and governance principles described in this Bulletin are
to be applied throughout the life phases of a tailings dam, from concept to post-
This Bulletin focuses on the technical aspects of tailings dam safety, but
it also provides a framework for governance, providing guidance to support
mining companies, tailings engineers, regulatory personnel, and other
professionals who are involved in tailings management.
Page 1
The Bulletin is structured as follows:
This Bulletin draws on many documents, but it is also recognized that the
dam safety practices and technologies are evolving and some of the references
used to prepare this Bulletin may be superseded. Although a list of key references
is included, it can be expected that as future documents are produced that would
constitute key references, it is possible to update the List of References rather
than the entire Bulletin.
Page 2
ICOLD Bulletin 139 “Improving Tailings Dam Safety” (ICOLD, 2011) highlighted
the importance of the Corporate and Management role in setting the standards
for achieving safe TSFs. Companies that are actively improving the state of
practice have three factors in common:
This theme has been further developed by various national and international
organizations attempting to assist industry to develop around above listed
factors. For example, ICMM, a mining industry group, released their “Position
statement on preventing catastrophic failure of tailings storage facilities” (ICMM,
2016), which listed the following key elements of a TSF governance framework:
1. Accountability, Responsibility and Competency
2. Planning and Resourcing
3. Risk Management
4. Change Management
5. Emergency Preparedness and Response
6. Review and Assurance
These six key elements were further developed by the MAC in their
Guide to the Management of Tailings Facilities (MAC, 2021), with the objective
of providing a framework for the management of tailings facilities and helping
Owners of tailings facilities develop effective tailings management systems.
ICMM has also developed the “Tailings Management Good Practice Guide”
(ICMM, 2021), which further elaborates the expectations for effective governance
and management of tailings facilities.
Page 3
ICOLD endorses the guidance developed by MAC and by ICMM for the
responsible management of tailings facilities worldwide. Other guidance
documents may be developed and implemented in the future. The following
sections outline the core elements of a successful governance framework that
ICOLD believes must be adhered to safely construct, operate and
close/decommission tailings now and in the future.
2.3.1. Overview
Page 6
Fig. 2.1
Framework for a Tailings Management System (after MAC 2021)
Page 7
planning, implementation, verification, performance review, and continual
improvement phases of the TMS. The following sub-sections elaborate on the
headings in Fig. 2.2.
Fig. 2.2
Flow chart of a typical tailings project within a TMS
2.3.2. Planning
The objective of planning is to manage risk during all phases of the life
cycle of a TSF, including concept development, design, construction, operation,
decommissioning, rehabilitation, ongoing monitoring and the extended post-
closure period.
Page 8
Planning should consider the potential activities that will take place
throughout the life of the TSF. This will include the initial “mine life” but also should
consider potential extension of mining or changes in production and tailings
properties that might affect the design, operation, and ultimately, closure. It is
important that the requirements and conditions necessary for the safe
construction, operation, and closure of the TSF are integrated in the wider project
plan (Life-of-Mine plan) in both the early stage of the project development and
throughout the life of mine.
Page 9
Initial concept development should consider alternative technologies that
could be appropriate for the project and realistically assess the whole-of-project-
life implications of the technologies on project risks. Technologies chosen should
achieve the identified performance objectives. This should include considerations
of eventual closure and end land use, community expectations, and legal
requirements. Available technologies should be reassessed progressively
through the project life.
Planning should adapt to potential changes that could impact the TSF
including, but not limited to, the following:
Page 10
2.3.3. Implementation
All phases of planning and design are prepared under the responsible
charge of the EOR and reviewed by an independent reviewer or review board. In
some cases, there may be a transition in the EOR from early stages of design to
final design. These transitions must be anticipated and managed according to
formal transition- or management-of-change plans. A succession plan for all key
roles in Section 2.2 should be developed and reviewed periodically. During
construction / operation, there should be ongoing monitoring, design reviews,
preparation or updates to the Operations, Maintenance, and Surveillance (OMS)
Manual and the Emergency Preparedness Plans (EPP); training of operators;
and implementation of tailings disposal operations to meet the design
requirements and intent.
The final design reports, as-constructed reports, OMS Manual and EPP
documents, and other planning phase documents noted above should be
comprehensive to preserve the “corporate memory” in the event of personnel
Page 11
• Report by EOR, which should be carried out by the EOR and include,
as a minimum:
o Summary of construction/raise works, QA/QC results,
instrumentation and monitoring results
o Review of structure stability
o Incident reporting
o Review of recommendations
o Review of staffing and resourcing
Recommendations for dam safety requirements and “improvement of
practices” should be documented. The frequency of the EOR report(s) is
normally annual but may depend on the dam classification and the
changes that may be occurring with the TSF. The EOR report is
independent of other dam inspections that may be carried out during the
• Comprehensive Dam Safety Reviews (DSRs) should be carried out
by an independent reviewer or independent review team, using
international best practice guidelines (for example CDA, 2016;
ANCOLD, 2003) at a frequency determined by the classification of
the dam, the complexity of the dam, and potential changes to the
dam. Recommendations for dam safety requirements and
recommendations for “improvement of practices” should be
documented. As a minimum, Action Plans should be developed to
address dam safety recommendations in a timely manner.
• ITRBs should be established for dams with Very High and Extreme
consequence classifications (see Section 4.1), and reviews should
be carried out at least annually. The frequency of ITRB reviews will
depend on the complexity of the TSF and how quickly changes may
be occurring. Independent technical review of dams with lower
consequence classifications should be carried out considering the
complexity of the TSF and the changes that may be occurring.
• Owner Audits should be carried out to verify that the tailings facility
is managed and constructed to meet requirements and that the ITRB,
the EOR and the RSP are effective in meeting the objectives of a
safe dam.
Page 12
stages of planning throughout the life cycle of the facility and should be inherently
built into the tailings management system. The use of a structured risk evaluation
process, such as Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) or Potential Failure
Mode Analysis (PFMA), should be an important step in early planning for a
tailings dam. These analyses can be used to assess initial site selection, guide
the design process, and identify risk management protocols throughout the
construction and operating phases.
TSFs are typically built over extensive periods of time. Changes to the
design, construction and operation of the facilities are often proposed due to
changes in plant operation, regulatory requirements, availability of new data,
changes in, or awareness of, new site conditions, etc. As a result, it is important
that these changes are recognized and documented. Additionally, changes in
ownership, personnel, consultants, or contractors can introduce dam safety risks.
A change management system that includes evaluation, review approval and
documentation of all changes should be included in the TMS and implemented.
Page 15
Closure design at the start of the planning process should include input
from a broad range of specialists which could include: mine and tailings planners,
geotechnical and geological engineers, surface and groundwater
hydrologists/engineers, geochemists, biologists, social planners, community
relations planners, landscape architects, and others. In current practice, closure
is often planned in a separate, or parallel, process to the design and operation of
a mine, with the design and operational team working separately from the closure
team. However, it is preferable that a fully integrated approach provides design,
support, and stewardship throughout the life of the mine and beyond. As the
closure plan matures during operations, specialist inputs should be used to
continue to optimize and refine the closure design.
The goal is to determine the end land use and incorporate the closed
TSF into an agreed-upon landscape. An important sustainable benefit of this
approach is that if the community supports the land and water use, there is a
much higher likelihood that the closed TSF will achieve a useful, sustainable
landscape and that the value of the property can revert to the community (or
State). The closure design basis should be agreed upon with the Owner, the
community, regulators, and stakeholders once a conceptual design or alternative
is selected.
Many existing documents already deal with the subject of closing mine
operations and specifically, tailings storage facilities; these are presented in the
Key Reference appendix of this Bulletin. Good International practice today, as
stated in most references, comprises identifying a feasible closure plan in parallel
with developing the tailings disposal methodology and planning for closure
through all phases of a tailings facility lifecycle.
The progression from cessation of mining to the final closure phase can
occur over a broad period of time and typically involves three common phases:
Active care: During this period, the TSF is being monitored and actively
maintained and there is an ability to respond to unusual or emergency conditions.
Maintenance could include:
• Vegetation restoration
• Erosion repair
• Ongoing water treatment
• Land use development
The technical solutions for establishing a safe and stable facility and/or
landform apply no matter the configuration of the facility. This includes physical
(geotechnical stability, erosion, and settlement), chemical, environmental,
ecological and social stability. All these should be addressed in the early design
when site location, tailings management structure, and the deposition method is
decided. From the first concept of a mining operation, throughout the tailings
facility lifecycle up to finalising the closure, certain questions come up repeatedly:
Page 19
Table 3.1
Examples of sustainable closure design considerations
The design of the facility for closure should also consider the potential
loading conditions that may be experienced over a longer period and some
examples of these loading conditions are summarized in Table 3.2 and further
described in ICOLD Bulletin 153.
Page 20
Table 3.2
Examples of closure design loading conditions
Page 21
Landform design should facilitate practical closure with stable drainage
patterns, non-erodible surfaces, reduced settlement potential and slopes with
conservatively high factors of safety against structural instability. The closure
design should account for the expected long performance life of the TSF and
consider, for example:
Closure solutions for tailings facilities and mine sites should create “new
value” for the closed facilities with reduced maintenance requirements being
managed by a sustainable institution; community, municipality, state etc., which
will have the incentive to maintain the land if there is a benefit, i.e. a positive
outcome. Potential closure concepts should be explored in the early stages of
closure planning to focus on what possible opportunities a new, or existing, mine
can give.
Page 22
Page 23
contrary, the dam classification category is used to support design and operating
decisions intended to reduce the likelihood of failure and hence reduce risk.
For the Fair-weather failure, the effects of the failure are attributed to the
dam breach. For a Flood failure, the concept of incremental losses is considered.
For example, if a flood event is occurring in a downstream receiving environment
at the same time as the dam failure, there may already be damage occurring due
to that flooding. In this case, the incremental damage associated with the dam
failure is also used to inform the consequence classification.
The effects on the PAR could range from inconvenience and economic
losses to loss of life.
The analysis should consider persons who are within the dam breach
inundation zone within and beyond the mine limits. However, this consideration
must not conflict or limit the Owner’s obligations under the applicable national
Page 24
Health and Safety acts. Training of mine staff and communication systems can
be considered with respect to evacuation procedures and the potential for
reducing loss of life.
The PLL in the inundation area (due to the dam breach) is an assessment
of potential fatalities from within the PAR and depends on many factors such as
depth of flow, velocity, time of day, advanced warning, topography, transportation
routes, mobility, etc.
4.2.2. Environment
Table 4.1
Tailings dam consequence classification
Incremental Losses
Dam Failure
Health, Social
Population at
Loss of Life2
Economics 5
& Cultural
Page 26
Incremental Losses
Dam Failure
Health, Social
Population at
Loss of Life2
Economics 5
& Cultural
Very High 100- 10 to Major loss or > 1,000 people Very high
deterioration of affected by economic losses
1000 100
critical disruption of affecting important
environmental business, services, infrastructure or
values including or social services (e.g.
rare and dislocation for highway, industrial
endangered species more than one facilities, storage
of high significance. year. Significant facilities for
Potential area of loss of national dangerous
impact >20 km2. heritage, substances), or
Restoration or recreation, or employment. High
compensation community relocation/compen
possible but very facilities or cultural sation to
difficult and requires assets. Significant communities.
a long time (5 years long-term human <US$1B
to 20 years). health effects.
Extreme > 1000 > 100 Catastrophic loss of > 5,000 people Extreme economic
critical affected by losses affecting
environmental disruption of critical
values including business, services, infrastructure or
rare and or social services (e.g.
endangered species dislocation for hospital, major
of high significance. years. Significant industrial complex,
- Potential area of National heritage major storage
impact > 20 km2. or community facilities for
Restoration or facilities or cultural dangerous
compensation in assets destroyed. substances or
kind impossible or Potential for employment. Very
requires a very long Severe and/or high
time (>20 years). long-term human relocation/compen
health effects sation to
communities and
very high social
costs. > US$1B
1. Population at Risk: Includes allowance for people who may be within the inundation zone
on a short-term or intermittent basis (e.g. seasonal or recreational visitors, temporary
travelers or workers)
2. Potential Loss of Life: There are several methods used to estimate PLL – refer to
3. Environmental values: Include aquatic and terrestrial habitat and life, the presence of rare
and endangered species, and ecosystem integrity.
4. The potential effects due to released tailings or process water consider the geochemical
properties, restoration time, and the effectiveness of restoration.
5. Infrastructure and economics: Include indirect and tangible losses. Costs are indicative
Page 27
The social and environmental context is important for all life phases of a
TSF project. Notably, a thorough understanding of the social and environmental
conditions is required to determine the TSF Classification (Section 4) and, in turn,
the TSF classification forms the basis for selecting TSF design and operational
Page 29
It is important to capture the on-going as-constructed conditions of
relevant excavations and falls within the potential influence area of the TSF, as
significant changes could materially affect the understanding of the site and the
influence on design.
Site-specific climatic and hydrologic data are often limited for new
development sites at the time of initial design. In most instances, a data collection
program is initiated during project feasibility and environmental impact studies,
but these data are, to a large degree, limited to very short-term periods and need
to be carefully considered. As a result, the climate characterization of a project
area is supported with regional historic data, which are extrapolated to the site
considering known or potential weather patterns, similarities of watershed
characteristics, and an understanding of the fundamentals of hydro-
meteorological systems, including lapse rates and orographic effects. A
correlation of the regional data to the short-term site-specific data is often used
to support the extrapolation.
5.5.1. Overview
Page 31
the site characterization progresses. Thus, the development of design through
different phases is usually an inherently iterative process.
Page 32
Site investigation programs can include non-intrusive geological and
geophysical surveys, drilling, cone penetration testing, test pitting and sampling
for laboratory tests. The extent of the site investigations should be commensurate
with the geotechnical complexity of the site and with consideration to the potential
consequences of failure of the TSF. As a general principle, it is prudent to assume
that the dam foundation could be complex and to proceed with site investigations
to confirm the foundation characteristics. The outcomes of the geological and
geotechnical investigations must be provided back to the SGM, which is further
refined and developed with the new inputs.
For existing TSFs, the SGM should also include the factual
characterization of the in situ tailings (Section 6) and impounding structures
The SGM forms the basis of the Geotechnical Design Model (GDM).
Whereas the SGM presents the source of factual information, a GDM presents
the interpretive information for engineering design purposes and for a particular
analysis (e.g., slope stability, piping assessment, deformation assessment etc.),
design scenario, loading condition, or a limit state. As a result, there may be
multiple GDMs for a single TSF. In addition, other scenario models based on the
SGM, such as hydrogeochemical or groundwater flow models, may be required
for the TSF design and operations.
The geological setting forms the basis of the SGM model and as the site
investigations and project activities progress, the geological setting is refined and
the SGM updated.
• lithology
• orientation and distribution of main joint sets, textures or fabric
(including bedding orientation)
• weathering
• permeability, and compressive and shear strength
Page 34
Typical physical and engineering properties of soil units and tailings
Page 36
The DSHA method is not appropriate for all sites, and ICOLD
recommends that it always be accompanied by a PHSA when used. In regions
having spatially-distributed earthquakes but no identified potentially active faults,
the DSHA approach is not appropriate because significant levels of ground
motions cannot be associated with a known, active source. This is the case in
areas such as the Canadian Shield, the Amazonian craton in Brazil, the Gawler
craton in Australia, the Sarmatian craton in Russia and Ukraine and similar areas
around the world. In these situations, the seismicity should be represented using
distributed earthquake source models in a PSHA.
In DSHA, estimates are made of ground motions at the TSF site due to
one or more specific scenarios (i.e., earthquakes) that are associated with
specifically identified, potentially active seismic sources. A PSHA is helpful in
identifying scenarios for use in a deterministic analysis, recognizing that there
may be several scenarios to be considered when assessing the seismic response
of a dam. The scenarios include different earthquake sources and the estimation
of the ground motion effects at the TSF.
The estimation of the ground motions at a TSF site are associated with
epistemic uncertainty (which is due to uncertainty in the ground motion models),
as well as aleatory variability (which is due to variability in the subsurface
conditions between the source and the site). Modern seismic hazard analysis
addresses uncertainty by estimating the ground motions using multiple ground
motion models and considering the median plus some multiple of the standard
deviation. When a DSHA is used, the most common ground motions applied to
TSF design criteria are the 50th percentile ground motion (median plus zero
standard deviations) and the 84th percentile ground motion (median plus one
standard deviation). Thus, there remains a statistically significant probability that
the ground motions from a given earthquake event could be higher than even the
84th percentile ground motion, and again the PSHA may be useful in guiding the
selection of an appropriate design ground motion. Multiple ground motion models
are also applied in a PSHA, and the resulting ground motions are usually
presented as median values for varying return periods, although hazard curves
Page 38
may be presented for various fractiles, typically up to three standard deviations,
for selected spectral acceleration values.
Page 39
Site-specific seismic hazard analysis for a TSF should include:
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Page 42
of tailings types and geotechnical properties that may have a significant effect on
TSF design and performance.
ICOLD Bulletin 181 (ICOLD, 2020) has classified tailings into five broad
types depending on their physical properties (e.g., particle size, plasticity,
consolidation), and these five categories are summarized in Table 6.1.
Fig. 6.1and Fig. 6.2 reproduced from Bulletin 181, provide ranges of particle size
distribution (gradation) and plasticity (Atterberg limits), respectively, that
correspond to these general categories. This classification system provides a
useful framework for predicting general behavior of the tailings during the design
process and during alternative selection. Estimates of various tailings properties
for each tailings type have been developed based on historical data, and a series
of charts defining certain expected properties and behaviors for typical materials
within these types are presented in Bulletin 181. The idealized charts provided in
Bulletin 181 allow estimation of indicative parameters for important
characteristics such as initial settled density, beach slopes, hydraulic
conductivity, coefficient of consolidation, void ratio versus effective stress, yield
stress, and other similar relationships. Parameters estimated using the charts in
Bulletin 181 can be used for preliminary sizing of facilities, conceptual
development of TSF management concepts, identification of potential
challenges, risk assessments, and other initial planning activities, but do not take
the place of full characterization of tailings properties based on site-specific data.
Table 6.1
Summary of tailings types and geotechnical classification
Symbol Description (compare) Example of mineral/ore
Page 43
Fig. 6.1
Indicative gradation ranges for tailings classification types
Fig. 6.2
Indicative plasticity chart for tailings classification
Page 44
6.2.3. Geochemical Classification
The generation of acid drainage and associated metal leaching is the net
result of two types of reactions broadly referred to as acid generating (sulphide
oxidation) and acid neutralizing (mineral dissolution). Characterization efforts
focus on understanding the mineralogy of the tailings; assessing the chemical
reactions that are expected to occur over time, assuming the materials have free
access to water and oxygen; and assessing whether and to what degree there
are accompanying acid-neutralizing materials that can offset the acid-generating
Page 45
The lower the density of the tailings slurry (i.e., the more water relative to
the solid fraction), the greater the degree of segregation that occurs during
hydraulic deposition. As a result, the materials in the tailings impoundment may
be substantially different than indicated from the pilot scale testing or from bulk
samples collected prior to deposition. So, even with a tailings material generally
classified as “coarse tailings”, “hard rock tailings” or “altered rock tailings” in
Table 6.1, there will frequently be a high degree of heterogeneity in the TSF with
zones of comparatively “coarse” tailings, comparatively “fine” tailings, and usually
some degrees of intermediate materials, most often in a highly layered
(interbedded) structure, particularly if the discharge points are rotated spatially
within the impoundment area. Deposits of coarser particles will behave differently
than the fine particles (typically called “slimes”). A higher degree of homogeneity
be found with “fine tailings” and “ultra fine” tailings classifications and when
mechanical separation (e.g. cycloning) is performed, or when relatively high
density slurries are discharged (ultra-high density deposition).
Page 46
cases to improve the reliability of the SCPTu data and may become more
prevalent in the future (but is not currently part of standard practice in design).
Page 47
The density/void ratio of a tailings deposit is important in two primary
ways: 1) it affects the mass (tonnage) of tailings that can be placed into a fixed
volume and 2) it affects other engineering behaviors, most importantly shear
strength and the potential for liquefaction to occur.
Page 48
• Whether the tailings exist or will exist in a state that results in dilative
or contractive behavior during shearing.
• Whether the tailings are now or possibly can become saturated or
nearly saturated.
• Whether the expected behavior will change over time, especially with
changes in the stress conditions.
• Whether the tailings are likely to shear in a strain-softening or a
strain-hardening manner.
• Whether the tailings could fail in a brittle manner.
Page 49
Page 50
• Closure (Active Care)— the TSF is transitioning to the passive
closure phase, but still requires active care to assure safety and
protection of the environment
• Closure (Passive Care)— the TSF is required to perform safely,
without active care, in-perpetuity with no material risks to people and
the environment
Detailed design – this stage occurs just prior to construction and is when
the scope of work, specifications, and construction drawings are prepared.
Additional regulatory approvals may be required after the detailed design has
been completed and prior to construction commencing. The closure plan
approach and design should be confirmed as part of this stage.
• Raises of the dam to suit the actual tailings deposition results and
water management requirements.
• Design changes to adapt to developing understanding of the site
conditions, the performance of the dam and risk reductions
• Design changes due to changing regulatory or governance
• Progressive updating of the closure plan as necessary.
• Detailed closure design prior to potential closure.
Page 51
Page 52
Identify design basis
• total tailings to be processed, production rate, tailings type, geochemistry, site
constraints (environment, climate, social, land), closure requirements, etc.
Option Assessment
• Compare sites using a structured approach, considering safety, environment,
social, cost, risk and reliability, closure requirements, etc.; sometimes referred
to as the multi criteria or multiple accounts analysis (MCA/MAA)
• Select the best few sites/options
• Risk identification/assessment of preferred alternatives and identification of
• Scoping of site investigations and design requirements
• Integration with environmental and social conditions and objectives
Prefeasibility/Feasibility/Detailed Design
• Prefeasibility design to determine preferred alternative
• Site investigations (mapping, drilling, geophysical surveys, etc.)
• Laboratory testing to confirm/determine material and tailings parameters
• Determine seismicity, climate, etc.
• Design (stability, seismic response, filters, zonation, foundation preparation,
strengths, water management, seepage control, water balance, deposition
plans, etc.)
• Closure design
Page 53
The initial design of the tailings dam typically considers the starter dam
and the raises required to reach full dam capacity. However, subsequent detailed
designs of individual dam raises often need adjustment from the initial design to
respond to conditions such as:
7.5.1. Overview
• Consider the potential failure modes associated with the tailings dam
and associated facility components
• Evaluate the risks
• Establish design controls and measures to limit these risks.
Risk-informed design aims to reduce the total risk presented by the TSF
to below tolerability limits specified by the owner and regulators and/or as low as
reasonably practicable (ALARP).
Page 54
Risk-informed design goes beyond the traditional standards-based
approach and can address failure modes that are not typically part of the
traditional-standards based approach. As such, risk-informed design can be seen
as an enhancement of the standards-based approach, providing defendable
basis for decision making.
“The observational method grew out of the fact that it is not feasible in
many geotechnical applications to assume very conservative values of the
loads and material properties and design for those conditions. The resulting
design is often physically or financially impossible to build. Instead, the
engineer makes reasonable estimates of the parameters and the amounts by
which they could deviate from the expected values. Then the design is based
on expected values – or on some conservative but feasible extension of the
expected values – but provision is made for action to deal with the occurrence
of loads or resistances that fall outside the design range. During construction
and operation of the facility, observations of its performance are made so that
appropriate corrective action can be made. This is not simply a matter of
designing for an expected set of conditions and doing something to fix any
troubles that arise. It involves considering the effects of the possible range of
values of the parameters and having in place a plan to deal with occurrences
that fall outside of the expected range. It requires the ongoing involvement of
the designers during the construction and operation of the facility.”
• The nature of the project does not allow the design of the dam or
TSF to be altered during construction and operation (i.e., it will not
be possible to implement contingency measures to improve the
safety of the dam, if required); or
• The mode of failure occurs relatively rapidly (i.e., in a “brittle” manner
where there is rapid and significant strength loss over small shear
strains), and no, or little instrumentation response can be expected
Page 55
prior to failure; or the critical failure mode is due to seismic loading
where there is not enough time to respond.
1. Identify the key failure modes for the tailings dam that could lead
to uncontrolled release or inoperability of the tailings dam. These
will be informed by the risk assessments described earlier.
2. For each of the failure modes, identify performance parameters
(e.g., achieved density of construction material and tailings, pore
pressures, deformation, freeboard, etc.) that impact the risk
profile of the TSF and hence should be monitored and reviewed
during dam construction and operations.
3. Establish performance criteria (also referred to as quantifiable
performance objectives) for each of the monitored performance
parameters. The performance criteria may also be informed by
regulatory requirements and should be captured, along with any
assumptions that were used in the development of the
anticipated values, in a design basis memorandum (DBM).
4. Based on understanding the performance criteria and the impact
on the risk profile, establish appropriate triggers and a Trigger
Action Response Plan (TARP) and to assist with the Critical
Control verification (Refer to 8.3).
5. Monitor and document the actual performance against the
predicted performance to validate the design
parameters/assumptions and update the risk profile of the
a. Conduct analyses that “history match” performance to gain
improved understanding of the potential failure modes and, if
necessary, modify the performance criteria and the DBM.
b. If there are adverse deviations from the predictions/assumptions
that could increase the risk profile, take action to correct the
Page 56
situation by either improving the situation or modifying the design
to account for these and reduce the risks.
c. If the actual performance is better than expected, then possibly
optimize the design to account for these favorable conditions.
Steps 2 through 5 are also part of the Observational Method. The
PBRISD approach calls for more rigor in defining and documenting the
performance criteria. To support feasibility level and detailed design, the PBRISD
approach requires a comprehensive understanding of the site conditions,
geotechnical parameters, modeling, etc. as described in Sections 5 and 6.
7.6.1. Overview
A failure mode is the way or means by which failure occurs. The term
failure means the loss of function i.e., the ability of an element/component or of a
system to perform as intended. This includes loading factors and/or mis-operation
of any element or component. A failure mode requires an initiating event (e.g.
earthquake, floods, construction loads, etc.), that leads to a failure mechanism,
and the failure of the system (or loss of function).
In the context of the system being the dam, the failure mode commences
with an initiating event (cause) that is the loading mechanism or physical
condition that starts the failure process. This is followed by the failure
progression, which is the mechanism that can lead to a dam failure (such as
overtopping, instability, or internal erosion/piping), but it is important to note that
not all failure mechanisms will result in a failure of the dam. The failure
Page 57
mechanism may become arrested or there may be interventions that prevent the
failure mechanism from progressing to a full dam breach.
Dam failure modes need to consider technical aspects such as the dam
materials, foundations, abutments and the impoundment footprint and catchment
area, as well as human aspects that could compromise the structural integrity of
the dam. Such human aspects can, for example, range from poor construction
quality control and assurance, lapses in operation of the TSF, civil unrest that
prevents access for maintenance and safe management of the TSF, among other
Foundation failure is a common failure mode for tailings dams with the
most recent examples of Cadia, Australia (2018), Mt. Polley, British
Columbia, Canada (2016), and Los Frailes, Aznalcollar, Spain (1998).
The potential for a foundation failure increases in complex geologic
formations, particularly in materials that could include weak clay layers
(e.g. complex glacial history at Mt. Polley), or weak bedding planes (e.g.
claystone layers within the mudstone, sandstone sequences at
Aznocollar). Lightly over-consolidated clays and desiccated residual clay
soils are sensitive to the height of the tailings dam and may become
normally consolidated as the height of the tailing dam increases. Soil
behavior changes significantly once the pre-consolidation stress is
exceeded. The soil becomes normally consolidated and, if saturated, can
Page 58
result in positive pore pressure generation during shearing. This can
result in progressive failures that can occur rapidly. Loose, saturated,
granular soils may be susceptible to static liquefaction and cyclic
liquefaction under seismic loading.
Upstream tailings dams with thin structural shells are typically more
vulnerable to slope failure as the tailings are normally placed in a
heterogeneous manner and are contractive. This was observed with dam
failure examples in Brazil in 2015 and 2019. Static liquefaction of
upstream dams may become a concern as the dam height increases,
and static stresses and stress concentrations increase. Cyclic
liquefaction due to seismicity must be considered.
3. Overtopping
Overtopping of the tailings dam can be initiated by the following means:
Overtopping can lead to erosion of the crest of the dam, but the degree
of erosion is a function of the duration of the overtopping and the nature
of the material that forms the crest and dam slope. Several dams have
not failed by overtopping because the duration was short and the material
at the crest was non-erodible (possibly with vegetation). It is typically
assumed that overtopping will cause significant erosion that could result
in a breach of the dam.
Piping can occur in a dam, but there are examples where the internal
erosion has occurred, but the core and filter zones have self-healed and
prevented a breach of a dam. However, it is prudent to assume that
internal erosion can result in loss of material from within the dam that can
Page 60
cause deformations of the dam and, if the deformations are large enough
and the pond high enough, a breach of the dam.
The Omai (1992) piping failure occurred when the water pond was against the
face of the downstream constructed dam and the filter between the clay core and
the rockfill shell was not adequate to prevent piping of fines out of the core.
Compared to water dams, in TSF’s, the water pond is typically farther away from
the structural zone of the dam, therefore the risk of piping extending to the water
pond should be reduced and potentially confined within the tailings beach. This
consideration is particularly relevant for upstream construction, which is more
susceptible to differential cracking and consolidation settlement.
5. Environmental Effects
Tailings dams are typically designed and constructed to limit surface and
groundwater contamination. Potential failure modes include release of
constituents of potential concern by either seepage or release during storm
events. Failure of seepage barriers to perform as expected may be due to
unidentified seepage paths, poor construction, and other factors. Insufficient
stormwater containment provisions can lead to overtopping or the requirement
for emergency releases of water.
Table 7.1 provides examples of the analyses and considerations that can
be used to inform the failure modes assessment.
Page 61
Table 7.1
Examples of analyses to inform determination of failure modes
The Design Basis establishes the key parameters and criteria needed to
progress the design. These parameters are established at the start of the TSF
design and updated during design and operations to reflect changes.
The design basis parameters are developed to list the key characteristics
and assumptions that characterize the site and are adopted in the design to
achieve the goals/targets identified in the design criteria (Section 7.8). Key
parameters include, but are not limited to, life of mine tonnage and production
rate, water constraints, tailings properties, strengths, densities, seismic and flood
loading requirements, climate, water quality, tailings geochemistry and other key
data. Design Basis could also include items such as scheduling, interaction with
other structures, constraints or limitations, borrow sources, etc. These
parameters are established at the start of the TSF design and updated during
operations to reflect improved knowledge.
Updating the Design Basis during the operational phase is linked with the
Performance-Based Risk-Informed approach. During operations, these design
parameters continue to be assessed as additional information arises and are
Page 62
compared against design assumptions and used to update the design and
operations. The same approach also applies to potential uncertainty with the dam
foundation characteristics or environmental conditions.
7.8.1. General
Design criteria are the key elements of a safe design and are typically
related to the main failure modes. The design criteria should consider the
consequences of failure modes that are physically possible and have a technical
basis for their occurrence. The design criteria should consider the consequence
classification (Section 4), but the consequence classification does not account for
potential impacts to an Owner. Many Owners go beyond what the design criteria
would be based solely on the consequence classification, particularly if there is a
potential for loss of life.
The design criteria are explicit goals and/or defined targets that the
design needs to achieve. The criteria are developed in accordance with the
operational and regulatory requirements and are developed at the beginning of a
design process by the Owner of the facility in consultation with the EOR and/or
Design Engineer. It is important for the design criteria to meet applicable
regulatory and permitting obligations as well as recognizing the potential losses
to the Owner in the event of a failure. The overarching purpose of the structure
and its objectives (not necessarily quantifiable, but some may be) are also stated
with the design criteria and/or performance objectives.
The design criteria for flood and earthquake for water dams have been
developed for many jurisdictions around the world and some jurisdictions also
have specific requirements for tailings dams, which are commonly aligned with
water dam criteria. The criteria are typically related to the probability of a certain
event happening in any year (AEP); however, this can also be thought of as the
size of flood or seismic event that could be expected to occur within a certain time
Page 63
The criteria presented in the following sections should be considered as
guidance for minimum criteria. As a general principle, each facility should be
assessed for the potential to increase the design criteria to reduce risk to “as low
as reasonably practicable” (ALARP). In some cases, there may be opportunities
to make design changes that meet higher criteria without significantly increasing
the cost, while reducing risk. Equally, higher criteria may be adopted to reflect the
potential for temporary or permanent closure of the mine even in the event of a
small-scale failure. In all cases, local jurisdictional requirements should be met or
The design criteria for closure may consider a higher criterion than for
operations to reflect the long-term performance requirement. Other
considerations are:
Design criteria for flood and seismic design are presented in the next
sub-sections. Design guidance for geotechnical Factors of Safety can be complex
and these are discussed in Section 7.9. Design guidance for seepage and surface
water components are discussed in Section 7.11 and Section 7.12, respectively.
Design guidance to minimize potential environmental effects are discussed in
Section 7.13.
Most countries have defined criteria and methods to select the return
period of the inflow design flood (IDF), which generally fall into three methods:
The IDF is the flood used for design of the TSF and its appurtenant works,
particularly for sizing the spillway and outlet works and for determining extreme
Page 64
flood storage and freeboard requirements. The tailings facility must be capable
of withstanding the flood conditions, accepting some damage and a temporary
reduction in factors of safety, but without causing failure of the dam.
Page 65
Limits of uncertainty as the flood AEP increases. (Nathan et al, 2001)
Table 7.2
Suggested minimum flood design criteria for operating and active care phases
Significant 1/1,000
Extreme PMF
Note: 1) The criteria presented is guidance for suggested minimum criteria.
Page 66
ICOLD recognizes that Table 7.2 deviates from the Flood Design
Criteria adopted by the GISTM, although the objective of both criteria is to design
tailings dams for appropriately conservative design floods. However, given the
uncertainty in estimating annual flood frequencies greater than about 2000 years,
and the wide range of estimated AEPs associated with rainfall depths
approximately equal to PMP values around the world, ICOLD believes that
estimates of the PMF should be performed to determine the magnitude of
extreme flood events for most TSFs, and particularly for Very High and Extreme
Consequence facilities.
The flood design criteria must also consider the critical duration of the
IDF, which is to be used for either routing the flood through a spillway or when
storing the flood. Determination of the critical duration and additional
hydrotechnical guidance is provide in Section 7.12.
Table 7.3 includes suggested Minimum Seismic Design Criteria for the
operating and active care periods of the TSF lifecycle. As for the flood criteria,
each facility should be assessed for the potential to increase the design criteria
as far as practical. Higher criteria should be considered for the passive care
closure phase, selected with consideration of the extended time that the structure
is intended to remain in a safe structural condition. The AE, RSP, and the EOR
should assess each facility for the potential to increase the design criteria as far
as reasonably practical.
Page 67
Table 7.3
Minimum seismic design criteria
Significant 1/1,000
High 1/2,4754
7.9.1. Introduction
Page 68
Despite being used successfully in Europe, limit states analysis is less commonly
used in practice and is not addressed in this Bulletin. Probabilistic methods may
be applied using either of these methods.
This section focusses on L-E analyses for stability and provides limited
discussion on non-linear deformation analysis and performance-based
The L-E method is used for the design of new facilities and to assess the
stability of existing facilities. In most cases, L-E analyses are viewed as sufficient
for design and assessment when the FOS calculated for all loading conditions
exceed the minimum values (described in Section 7.9.4. Furthermore, L-E
analysis is normally sufficient for facilities where materials comprising the
foundation and the structural zones of the tailings dam are expected to be dilative
over the full range of operating conditions over the life of the facility and
appropriate and sufficient piezometric data are available.
L-E slope stability analyses are typically assessed for one or more
representative 2-D cross section(s). Multiple sections are usually analyzed to
identify one or more critical section(s) that have the lowest FOS and/or have the
highest consequences of failure. Modern L-E software packages have built-in
search routines that can quickly analyze multiple potential failure surfaces (both
circular and non-circular) in a search for the shear surface that yields the lowest
FOS, although care must be taken that the resulting surfaces appear reasonable.
Through this process, critical shear surfaces are identified that, were they to fail
or undergo significant movement, could result in the uncontrolled release of the
stored contents (water and/or tailings) and/or would represent a major
consequence to the safety of the facility, either immediately or in the form of a
progressive failure. Typically, failure along these critical shear surfaces would
result in loss of freeboard, loss of a significant portion of the dam crest, or
significant damage to critical dam safety features (e.g., core, filter, seepage
collection features, etc.). Slip surfaces that are deemed inconsequential (e.g.,
very shallow surface slumps) may be dismissed.
Table 7.4 provides target FOS for two principal stability conditions: static
and post-liquefaction. The targets are considered minimums. This section and
Appendix B provides guidance to assess where adjustments may be made to
these targets.
Table 7.4
Target factors of safety
The target FOS in Table 7.4 assume that internationally accepted good
practice has been adopted with respect to the site characterization, selection of
parameters, and design approaches and that a GDM has been developed as
discussed in Section 7.9.1
Page 72
Liquefaction triggered during static loading is addressed in the post-
liquefaction stability condition.
For dams that have contractive elements in the dam shell or foundation
and that may be (or may become) saturated or partially saturated, undrained
shear strength parameters must be considered (refer to Appendix A for further
guidance on contractive soil characterization). If contractive soils are present in
the dam and/or foundation, it may be appropriate to assume that there could be
an initiating event that could result in undrained loading and shearing in the
contractive elements. For contractive soils, the undrained shear strength is
typically lower than “drained strength parameters” and would thus indicate that
undrained loading and shearing conditions will generally control the stability
• Raising of a tailings dam, thus adding soil load to the dam, resulting
in an increase in loading and stress concentrations along potential
failure surfaces associated with higher dam heights, which can
induce excess pore water pressures that can lead to undrained
• Reduced soil loads at the downstream slope or toe (by erosion, slope
re-grading, or excavation). This can lead to deformations of the dam
and/or foundation that induce excess pore water pressures and
undrained shearing.
• Development of significant erosion features on the downstream
slope of a dam due to an extreme precipitation event(s), that can
change the stress and deformation conditions in the dam.
Page 73
• Erosion of significant portions of the dam and tailings during an
overtopping flood event that can change the stress and deformation
• Deformation and shear straining in materials at the base of a dam
that are contractive or are ductile and can experience large strains.
This can cause a change in stress state of the materials in the upper
portions of the dam, resulting in static liquefaction of contractive
• Progressive failure (over-stressing of a local zone in the soil or rock,
leading to stress transfer and failure of adjacent zones), especially
when creep mechanisms apply. Creep rupture can commence as a
drained process but can accelerate and transition to undrained
• Changes in the pore pressure conditions in a dam or foundation. This
can cause the effective stresses to increase and result in
deformations that initiate the undrained event.
• A rising phreatic surface that results in a reduction in mean effective
Clay, clay shales, or plastic soils in the foundation of a dam may have
undergone shearing due to geologic processes that created zones/layers that are
at residual strength prior to the construction of the dam. In this case, the residual
shear strength needs to be accounted for in the design of the dam.
If pre-shearing has not occurred, then the peak strengths of the clay are
used for the static stability condition. As a check, the residual strength of the clay
can be assumed in the model and checked against a targeted FOS of 1.1. If pre-
shearing has occurred, then the target FOS could be higher.
Table 7.4 provides target FOS for static and post-liquefaction conditions.
This sub-section addresses other stability conditions that are typically requested
in regulations:
• End of construction
• Rapid drawdown
• Seismic and post seismic loading for dams with dilative soils
End of Construction
When a tailings dam is being raised, the stability of the upstream slope
for the raise should be checked. A target FOS of 1.3 can be accepted for this
slope provided there is no potential for loss of containment.
Page 75
Rapid Draw Down
Rapid draw down could potentially be a concern for a tailings dam in the
initial stages of operations before beaches are established. Reclaim and water
treatment requirements may draw the pond down quickly. If this condition could
occur, then the designer should specify a suitable target FOS that accounts for
the frequency and magnitude of the drawdown and considers the consequences
of failure of the upstream slope due to rapid drawdown. This also applies to other
mining dams that do not have a beach upstream of them.
For dams that are built of dilative soils on a dilative foundation which
would not experience liquefaction during a seismic event, it is possible to assess
the post seismic stability by estimating pore pressure generation during the
seismic event and calculating a FOS. This is a complex analysis and often is not
the controlling case for stability. The focus of the stability assessment should be
on expected deformations resulting from a seismic event and, therefore, a
deformation analysis should be undertaken rather than a stability analysis.
For the case where a pre-sheared clay or clay shale exists in the
foundation and a residual shear strength has been assigned to this layer, then it
is possible to consider a lower target FOS since some of the uncertainty
associated with the FOS calculation has been removed.
Page 77
• Materials for which significant strength loss and/or brittle behavior
could be expected.
• Complex subsurface/internal features of the dam or interbedded
layers of materials with very different stress-strain characteristics
resulting in strain incompatibility.
• Creep mechanisms may be possible.
Page 78
However, the potential for development of a loading sequence that leads to static
liquefaction is currently very difficult to categorically disprove and/or predict.
As noted above, there are several limitations to the L-E approach for
assessing the stability of a dam. The L-E analyses are appropriate for new dams
designed without performance data available. A performance-based stability
Page 79
evaluation can be undertaken for dams built and raised over several years,
provided the stability of the dam does not rely on peak strength of brittle soils.
There are two basic components of earthquake design for tailings dams:
1) an evaluation of the potential for cyclic triggering of liquefaction and 2)
evaluation of potential deformations and related damage to the embankment.
Earthquake ground motions required for the earthquake evaluations should be
developed from a seismic hazard analysis as described in Section 5.7 and the
design earthquake selected as described in Section 7.8.3.
Page 80
7.10.2. Earthquake Stability and Deformation Analyses
Page 81
earthquake”, see ICOLD, 2016) is to prevent uncontrolled release of the contents
of the facility, although some level of damage may be considered acceptable,
provided that the damage would not lead to a progressive failure and that the
damage can be reasonably repaired prior to resuming operations.
Page 82
Drains and/or drainage layers in the dam are used to maintain a lower
phreatic surface to improve stability and reduce the risk of piping on the
downstream slope of the dam. The design of drainage is described in ICOLD
Bulletin No 97, “Tailings Dams Design of Drainage”. Drainage components may
also be required to control uplift pressures due to artesian conditions. Design of
dam zonation and filters should maximize the benefit of the tailings to reduce the
hydraulic gradients by limiting the use of high permeability fill zones adjacent to
the tailings.
7.12.1. Introduction
Water management for the TSF needs to allow for both dam safety and
environmental safety in an operational situation where the water storage capacity
is continually being modified by the deposited tailings and dam raises, and water
quality is often unsuitable for release to the environment.
Fig. 7.3 shows a section through a generic tailings dam with the operating
and flood water levels depicted schematically.
Page 84
Maximum Operating Level
Decant Pump or
Fig. 7.3
Schematic showing operating and flood levels
The IDF level is established to either store the IDF or to rout the IDF
through a spillway or similar outlet structure. Where the EDF or IDF are
temporarily stored, water must be removed by the decant or pump system over
an appropriate time period.
Wave runup and freeboard, between the maximum IDF and the dam
crest, should be provided to prevent wave action overtopping the crest. It may be
appropriate to add additional freeboard to allow for wind set-up in larger storages,
for uncertainties of calculation, and/or potential for dam crest settlement,
particularly if erosion may cause embankment breaching.
The selection of the return period and duration of the EDF must consider
factors such as the water quality that could be released, regulatory requirements,
frequency of overflow events, the rate and duration of overflows, the
environmental sensitivity of the receiving environment, downstream flow in the
receiving environment and recipient, downstream mixing characteristics, and
public perception. The selection of an appropriate EDF is therefore site-specific
and should be derived through:
The MOWL should be identified for each TSF and when exceeded,
appropriate operational procedures and relevant portions of the Trigger Action
and Response Plan (TARP as described in Section 8.4) should be initiated.
The inflow design flood (IDF) is the most severe inflow flood (peak,
volume, shape, duration, timing) for which the tailings dam and associated
facilities (spillway) are designed to protect the dam from overtopping.
Determination of the IDF return period is addressed in Section 7.8.2 of this
Page 86
Other technical considerations for the IDF include:
The IDF needs to consider the critical duration of the flood. Where the
design flood is to be passed through a spillway, the critical duration will be
determined by flood routing through the impoundment.
If the IDF is stored in the TSF, then the design must carefully consider
the risk of overtopping and allow for removal of the stored water over a realistic
time period established by considering the drawdown rate and the hydrology of
the area (the likelihood of successive large storms). If an emergency spillway is
considered that requires measures be taken to pass the IDF (such as excavating
a section of the embankment crest), emergency preparedness plans should
include allowances for the consequences resulting if those measures are not
taken. Where the IDF is to be temporarily stored, the dam design must be suitable
for safe storage and, for upstream constructed dams, a minimum beach width
could be specified.
Page 87
Determination of minimum freeboard should consider surrounding
topography, catchment area, potential for cascading failure inflows or emergency
water releases, and impoundment layout including:
Wave runup and wind-induced storm surge or set-up of the water surface
may be influenced by the timing of high wind in relation to high precipitation and
the sizes of TSF and the contributing catchment areas. Both depend on the area,
shape of the water surface and water depth, and the tailings beach. Methods to
calculate the required freeboard for these are available in numerous guidelines
for water dams. Notwithstanding the determination of freeboard, a minimum
criterion of 1.0 m should be considered.
A water balance model for the TSF is used to track the ongoing water losses
and gains during the life of the facility and for optimizing the use of water.
Tailings transport water is one of the larger components of the water balance
with water loss to tailings voids often being the largest water loss, and much of
the remainder being recycled to the process plant or discharged to the
environment, if appropriate. Water will also be lost through evaporation and/or
seepage. Water gains may include runoff from the TSF catchment areas and
groundwater inflow. The TSF is also often used to attenuate water flows from
other disturbed areas associated with the mine and these inflows must be
accounted for in the water balance.
Page 88
extreme flooding and the added inflow to the tailings dam should be
• Precipitation – Precipitation can be a major component of water
inflow, with catchment runoff mixing with process water in the TSF.
Run-off calculations should be made in accordance with normal
hydrological methods. Run-off from the (a) contributing land
surfaces, either as direct or indirect (pumped) catchments, (b) any
tailings beaches and (c) the pond area itself, will need to be
considered. In regions with highly seasonal precipitation, runoff
coefficients need to take account of pre-existing soil moisture
conditions. In regions with snow, runoff needs to consider rain-on-
snow events and frozen conditions in the subsoil.
• Tailings Decant Water - Tailings consolidate as they are deposited
with a significant portion of slurry transport water reporting directly to
the decant pond. Typically, there is an increase in initial settled
density with sub-aerial deposition as opposed to sub-aqueous
deposition. As tailings dry, the capillary tension in the pores may
cause major consolidation forces, which may or may not add to
released water.
• Evaporation - Evaporation from tailings beaches and ponds can lead
to significant water losses. Losses from ponds can be evaluated from
pan-evaporation data using appropriate adjustment factors. A
common assumption for wet beaches is to assume beach
evaporation is equal to lake evaporation. Salinities above that of sea
water may reduce evaporation significantly. More importantly, the
formation of a salt crust on the tailings surface creates a barrier which
slows further drying of the beach and impedes release of
consolidation water.
• Seepage - Seepage will occur through the embankments,
foundations, and impoundment footprint. Seepage losses may not be
significant in the overall water balance, but the environmental impact
of contaminated seepage may be a significant factor.
Water Recovery
Fixed decant structures are often used and typically comprise concrete
or steel tower structures with controllable outlets at various levels. The structural
design of tower decants should consider the potential down-drag forces applied
to the structure by consolidation settlement of the tailings, seismic loading and
other risks during operation. The design should address how the structure will be
decommissioned on dam closure. Pipes through the embankment have been the
Page 89
cause of internal erosion failures under tailings dam embankments. If this type of
outlet pipe is provided, particular care is needed in design and construction to
reduce the risk of this type of failure and routine internal inspections should be
Page 90
A monitoring program for surface and ground water quality should be in
place. Where water treatment for discharge is required, it is important to
determine the quality of process influent and discharge water, criteria for
discharge (quality and flow), design meteorological events, etc.
Air quality may also be a concern with some TSFs, with dust generation
from exposed tailings beaches possibly requiring special control, such as from
controlled spigotting, spray irrigators, tackifiers, or vegetation.
Page 91
8.2.1. Overview
The key activities of risk assessment including the phase in which they
should be completed is provided in Fig. 8.1.
Page 92
Fig. 8.1
Risk Assessment Process Diagram
Risk assessments are typically carried out as one of the following types:
Irrespective of the type and level of the risk assessment, the inputs and
methods must be transparent and consistent to provide comparative outcomes
that allow for a meaningful interrogation and comparison of all assessed risks for
one dam or a portfolio of dams.
Hazard identification
Failure modes describe the conditions and circumstance that must occur
for the hazards to result in the adverse effects and provide an explanation of the
mechanism of failure. Hazards are often considered together with associated
failure modes and this process is often iterative to identify all hazards and failure
modes for further assessment. The key failure mode mechanisms are further
discussed in Section 7.6. Examples of failure modes and hazards that are less
typical but can occur include uncoordinated mining activities, human error,
geochemical dissolution or precipitate plugging of filters, etc.
Page 94
8.2.3. Risk Analysis
The objective of the risk analysis is to produce the risk profile of the dam
in a risk framework. The risk framework is used to communicate the risks
presented by the dam and the format and structure of the framework depends on
the intended objectives and wider context of the risk assessment. Risk profiles of
tailings dams are typically expressed as a function of the likelihood of failure and
the failure consequences.
The methods for various failure modes must also provide comparable
outcomes so that a consistent risk profile can be developed that includes each
assessed failure mode. The likelihood values should reflect the actual conditions
onsite and not an overly conservative view of the TSF or conditions.
Estimation of consequences
Page 95
8.2.4. Risk Evaluation
Risk evaluation comprises the assessment of the risk profile within the
risk framework to determine if risks are tolerable and what actions, if any, are
required to manage and mitigate risks. Risk evaluation includes the following:
The risk profile should be assessed within the risk framework to answer
the question “Is the risk profile tolerable?” If the answer is no, assessment should
be undertaken to understand which risks, failure modes and hazards dominate
the risk profile and what can be done to bring the risk profile to within tolerable
limits. The concepts of As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) is often used
in assessing the risk profile and developing risk mitigation measures.
Page 96
identified in Section 7.6 and the associated preventative controls. It also includes
examples of monitoring/verification methods.
Table 8.1
Tailings storage facilities – examples: key preventative controls and assurance/verification
Typical Failure
Key Preventative Controls Examples of Assurance/Verification
Site Investigation Peer review, External review boards,
Dam design Dam Safety Reviews (DSR)
Pore Pressure Piezometers, seepage weirs, Dam
Foundation monitoring/responding Safety Inspections (DSIs)
Instability Deformation
Inclinometers, DSIs
Design – static stability Peer review, External review boards,
Design – seismic stability DSR
Page 97
Typical Failure
Key Preventative Controls Examples of Assurance/Verification
Waste and water chemical
Peer review, External review boards,
Design of seepage controls
Design of filters for ARD
Peer Review, Real time sensors, e.g. pH,
Monitoring water quality EC, Neutron probes, Lysimeters,
Sampling and testing
Monitoring water flows Stream gauges, seepage collection weirs
Critical Controls
Page 98
Fig. 8.2
Critical control framework (ICMM, 2015)
Mitigative Controls
Page 99
• installation of emergency pumping systems to reduce stored water
volumes; and
• placement of fill materials in the dam breach.
Typically, a TARP uses a “traffic light” format with three to five levels of
risk and appropriate responses documented. Four or five Alert Levels are typical
and include:
Page 100
Fig. 8.3
Illustration of TARP transition from operations to emergency response
Table 8.2
Example TARPs for flood storage with performance indicators related to critical controls, and
pre-defined actions for various risk levels
High Alert/ Stop-
Phase 2
Indicator/ Phase 1 Rectify Withdrawal
Normal Potential
Control stable Potential Active
situation emergency Failure
Dam is
storage Water levels
90% of IDF overtopping
volume between 35% of IDF 70% of IDF
with and/or waves
(facility normal and with continued with continued
continued are eroding
that seasonal precipitation precipitation
precipitation the crest of
stores the inflow levels
the dam
Examples of Pre-Defined Actions
All items from All items from All items
Increased previous previous from
Surveillance surveillance. situation plus: plus: previous
activities and EOR notified. -EOR to be on -Mobilize situation
frequencies Track weather site EPRP Team plus:
according to patterns and -Initiate plans and secure -Initiate full
OMS manual. rainfall for: potentially and expedite emergency
predictions. raise dam, resources response
pumping measures
Page 101
High Alert/ Stop-
Phase 2
Indicator/ Phase 1 Rectify Withdrawal
Normal Potential
Control stable Potential Active
situation emergency Failure
equipment, and
emergency resources
Prepare to
mobilize EPRP
Examples of Personnel Notified
All personnel
All personnel
All personnel from previous
All personnel previous
Responsible from previous situation plus:
from previous situation
Person plus: -EPRP team
situation plus:
Process Plant -Dam owner -COIs
plus: -Regional or
Manager -AE -External
-Regulators State
EOR -ITRB contractors
Page 102
environment has responded during earthquake loading but would have little value
for a low dam in a low seismic environment.
Table 8.3
Summary of monitoring technology examples
Measuring Parameters
Application Research / Experience
Device and Measured
Monitoring of Pore Pressures or Moisture Changes
Electric Monitor pore pressure
piezometers with changes due to Standard practice at many mines.
Pore pressure
telemetry to loading and changes Strings at multiple depths is
and temperature
process plant or in hydrogeological preferred
phone conditions
TDR, Neutron Saturations levels
Probes and temperature
Passive Electrodes are
Research and long-term field
electrical method placed on the dam
measurements have been
Self Potential which is sensitive surface both for
performed especially in US,
to the flow of investigation and
Canada, France and Sweden.
seepage water monitoring
Basic research since 1996 in
Cables are
Germany and Sweden. Further
Temperature installed in new or old
research especially in France,
Distributed and strain are dams for seepage
Austria, the Netherlands, UK and
Fiber Optic measured in evaluation using
sensing optical fibers using temperature and
Challenges are calibrating
laser light. strain analyses to
measurements to site
assess movements
Monitoring of Deformations
Either forced or natural ambient
Long term loads are used for excitation.
Vibration monitoring of the Change in dynamic response
response (modes
Measurements integrity of concrete under the same loading conditions
and frequencies)
structures indicate changes in the integrity of
the structure
Devices are Recent developments allow
Borehole Mechanical
placed where continuous monitoring both in
Instruments devices used to
movements/tilts may vertical boreholes as well as
(inclinometers) measure
occur longitudinally within the dam.
Common practice at dams
Change in Monitoring of dam sensitive to settlement and to
Settlement plates
elevation settlement understand the deformation and
stress state of the dam.
Global Extensive research with
Navigation Local monitoring improved accuracy for different
Satellite System of movements. applications.
between orbits and
Laser scanning Accurate Provide a three Technology continuously
Page 103
Measuring Parameters
Application Research / Experience
Device and Measured
and digital distance dimensional improving by lasers, sensors and
imagery measurements geometric model of digital image processing. Method
using laser with dam. Deformations is used in several countries as a
high spatial can be detected by normal procedure.
resolution over regular
surfaces measurements
Surveying of
Satellite dams and High resolution surface
Synthetic impoundment and surveying method producing a
method using
Aperture Radar monitoring of digital3-D representation of the
Satellite images
(Satellite SAR) movements at surfaces
regular intervals
Surveying of
Photogrammetry High resolution surface
Ground survey dams and
method using surveying method producing a
Aperture Radar impoundments and
ground station digital 3-D representation of the
(GBInSAR) monitoring of short-
images surfaces
term movements
Monitoring of Stresses
Monitor stresses at
Applicable for high dams sensitive
Load cells Stress different locations in
to stress and strain changes.
the dam
Other Monitoring Technologies
High resolution underwater
Bathymetric surveying producing a digital 3-D
Echo-sounding survey of ponded representation of the surfaces.
water Used on tailings ponds with a
miniature submarine.
Allows visual reconnaissance on
Monitoring of
Drones and a continual or periodic basis.
Visual record spillways, beach
cameras Drone surveys can be used to
calculate flood storage volumes
attenuation of
Seismographs Earthquake
earthquakes and the Common in high seismic setting.
(accelerometer) acceleration
seismic response of
the dam.
Active electrical Research and long-term field
Electrodes are placed
method that can measurements have been
Resistivity on the crest or at the
detect changed performed especially in USA,
dam toe.
material properties Canada, France and Sweden.
Detect changes
and rapid method
in properties of Localization of seepage zones,
based on measuring
Ground near surface soil sinkholes and deterioration of
transmission time for
Penetrating layers, localization cores in embankment dams.
radar signals
Radar (GPR) of defects or voids Monitor remedial grouting of
reflected from or
in concrete dams. Limited survey depth
transmitted through a
Monitoring water
Water quality quality to optimize
conductivity and
sensors attenuation/mixing
with receiving waters
Note: Table adapted from: ICOLD Bulletin 158, Dam Surveillance Guide, 2018, Table 8.1 General
comments on the application of some methods for dam monitoring and investigations
Page 104
If the dam failure mode assessment indicates that the failure scenario
would likely result in limited runout, then simplified or semi-quantitative methods
for the dam breach analysis may be appropriate. If the dam failure mode
assessment indicates that the failure scenario could be extensive, then a detailed
dam breach analysis is required.
Unlike the failure of a water dam, in which the stored water has instant
mobility, the outflow of tailings in the failure of a tailings dam, which typically
contains less water, is controlled by the viscosity and mobility of the tailings.
Deformation of the tailings dam may or may not lead to release of water and
The state of practice for tailings dam failure assessments and tailings
dam breach assessment is evolving and the reader is cautioned to ensure that
assessments are not overly optimistic or pessimistic. The Canadian Dam Safety
has issued a Bulletin on Dam Breach Analysis (2021) which provides guidance
on hydrotechnical analyses and some limited guidance on geotechnical analyses
to support a dam breach assessment. However, the science of the failure
mechanisms, particularly static liquefaction and water eroded effects should
continue to be scrutinized as the science evolves. Dam breach assessments
should also be updated as the dam evolves over the life of the mine with the goal
of reducing and/or eliminating failure modes. The principles outlined in this
section of the bulletin should be used to guide the dam failure/breach assessment
for application today, recognizing that ongoing developments will continue to
improve the technology and allow updates to the assessments in the future.
The volume of water accumulated varies between TSFs that store the
flood or TSFs that have operating spillways. For TSFs that store water, the
volume of water considered for the dam breach should be the total volume that
could be expected to be stored during the extreme flood event.
Dam breach assessments for tailings dams can include three main
mechanisms of runout (flow), and their combinations:
Tailings will be transported by the release of stored water until the solids
concentration of flow increases and transitions to high density slurry flow. The
solids concentration will vary from very low at the start of the failure and increase
until it reaches in the order of 65% to 70% solids by weight (Hard Rock (HR)
tailings with SG=2.75). At this stage, it will behave in a similar manner to a mud
flow with limitation to its mobility. Methods for accurately predicting the volume of
tailings that would be eroded with a finite volume of water are progressing and
depend on many factors, such as the volume of water and the erodibility of the
dam and type of tailings. Recent experience with back-analyses of the Mount
Polley (2014) failure indicated that approximately 1 m3 of tailings (mass plus
interstitial water) was transported for each 1 m3 of stored water (MEM, 2016).
This ratio indicates that the average solids density (HR tailings with SG=2.75) of
the combined released flow was on the order of 50% solids by weight (SG=2.75).
The Mount Polley outflow volume also included a limited, high density slurry flow
runout near the dam breach and it is important to note that the residual tailings
slopes in the TSF were up to 2H:1V, indicating that widespread static liquefaction
did not occur.
Page 107
solids concentration of <65% by weight (HR tailings with SG-2.75) and hence
could flow. Tailings become Increasingly more consolidated with depth with
corresponding higher yield stresses which may be less susceptible to slurry flow.
Seismic liquefaction
Dam breach modeling should be carried out for both the fair weather and
rainy day (flood induced) scenarios. Overtopping scenarios can consider different
flood conditions in the receiving environment to assist in comparison of the
overtopping failure with natural flood events.
Numerical models that can model the full range of water/sediment runout
and mudflow runout are evolving and often the dam breach mechanisms are
modeled separately, resulting in an assessment that involves a minimum two-
step process, including:
The interaction of the two models and the resulting inundation mapping
need to be carefully considered to reflect the complexity and relevance.
Quantitative dam breach models for the water and sediment flow typically
use numerical models. The breach formation is a function of the available water
volume, the tailings beach and the dam fill parameters. Breach formations for
tailings dams are often assessed using the methods developed for water dams,
which are not appropriate, and care is required in developing realistic breach
geometry and times. Breach times are related to the outflow volume (water and
eroded tailings) and the erodibility of the dam materials.
The turbulent flow of tailings and water with a dynamic and directionally
dependent viscosity, interacting with, and changing, the flow boundaries (i.e.
erosion of downstream channel) is a very complex process. Although the
theoretical basis of these complex interactions is understood, the numerical
complexity of the problem exceeded the computational limits at the time of writing
this bulletin. Additionally, the heterogeneity of tailings and the variabilities in
breach times, outflow volumes, etc. add additional complexity.
Page 109
High density slurry flows (mud flow) models have been used for some
landslide assessments and there are some commercially available programs.
However, the application of these models and their interaction with the
water/sediment flow model and modeling of liquefaction initiation continues to
Page 110
Page 111
All employees engaged on the operation of a tailings dam should be
trained to recognize unusual situations, and to understand that any deviation from
normal operation could result in an emergency requiring that appropriate action
be taken. Actions to be adopted for Alert levels 1 and 2 are covered under normal
Operating, Maintenance and Surveillance (OMS) procedures, which transition to
actions that should be adopted for Alert Levels 3 and 4, which should be covered
in the EPRP. Alert Level 3 activities overlap both the OMS and the EPRP.
The EPRP should detail the hierarchy of reporting and should delegate
responsibility for actions to be implemented to specific individuals or entities. The
EPRP should include contact details of all persons or organizations affected or
required to take actions and should identify specific assembly areas to be used
in the case of evacuation. All assembly areas must be easily accessible and
clearly demarcated.
Page 112
• Look for ways to minimize the extent of the flow and impacted area
in the event of a dam breach (should be a part of the critical mitigating
• Prepare a mitigation plan (e.g., removal of released tailings and
stabilization of the existing failed facility, stockpiling of construction
materials, resourcing pumps, raising the dam, etc. Where the design
flood is stored, assess potential locations for construction of an
emergency spillway and identify the resources and time required to
construct the spillway.
At least annually, train key personnel to make sure they are familiar with
all the considerations above. Adjust the plans based on the learnings from drills
and training.
Page 114
Page 115
Tailings dam construction may be carried out by the Owner, Contractors,
or combinations of the two. The construction management team must have a
defined relationship to the operations team to ensure that operational
requirement for ongoing tailings management are integrated into the construction
Foundation Conditions
Borrow materials and construction fills can change over the TSF lifecycle
and may require modifications to the design. Where borrow sources are within
the impoundment area, care is required that the excavation of materials does not
expose unexpected conditions, such as seepage channels, for example. As with
the dam foundations, internal borrow areas should be comprehensively mapped,
documented and approved by the EOR. This observation is also relevant to
potential borrow areas that are near the downstream footprint of the dam.
Page 116
Where tailings are used within the structural portion of the dam, their
distribution (layering) and geotechnical properties (e.g. strength, plasticity, water
content, etc.) should be documented.
Page 117
The OMS Manual should specify relevant requirements for operators and
the minimum level of operator training. The Manual should include a section
dedicated to information specifically required by field operators, with the
operators themselves preferably involved in preparation of this section. The
operator’s section should be printed as a stand-alone document and used by the
operators for guidance in their daily work.
OMS Manuals for tailings dams are typically updated every few years to
reflect changing conditions, either with design, operation, or personnel and to
reflect on opportunities for risk reduction and/or increased efficiencies. More
frequent updating may be required if there are changes to personnel, operating
methods or storage arrangements. Typical of contents of an OMS manual is
shown in Table 12.1.
Page 119
Table 12.1
Example table of contents on an OMS Manual
2 Governance 6 Surveillance
Roles and responsibilities Risk register
Change management Preventative controls
Incident management Critical controls
Documentation and tracking Dam instrumentation
Training Visual inspections
Escalation procedure and response to
Page 120
The water management plan described in the OMS manual must clearly
identify the critical water levels, particularly where the IDF needs to be contained
and minimum beach widths are required.
The operational procedures for the TSF should include provisions for
surveillance (i.e., regular inspection, monitoring, and evaluation) and
documentation thereof. Conditions can develop during operations, which if not
detected early, could lead to potential dam safety concerns, or compromise future
plans for dam raising or closure.
Page 121
In ensuring effective surveillance of tailings dams, the Owner should
select suitable operational staff and arrange for their training in the areas of dam
safety management, with regular refresher courses to keep operators up to date
with current practices. As part of that training, operators should be capable of
recognizing abnormal conditions and circumstances that could affect the safety
of their dams and be able to institute appropriate actions, including when to call
for more expert assistance.
Page 122
12.3.3. Dam safety assessments and audits
Dam safety assessments and audits should be carried out routinely, with
timing taking consideration of the consequence classification of the dam. It would
be normal for a TSF to undergo an annual safety inspection by an independent
specialist dam engineer, with a detailed dam safety review (DSR) by a specialist
team at least every 5 years or more frequently for High and Extreme
consequence classification dams.
Appropriate maintenance must be carried out to ensure ongoing dam
safety. In addition to normal maintenance of plant and equipment, it may be
necessary to maintain the structure of the tailings dam with repair of cracks and/or
erosion rills, grading of roads, and various other matters. The principle in
determining maintenance priorities is to attend to all items that affect the structural
integrity first, followed by environmental items and then by conventional
Page 123
Global References
ICOLD 2011, Bulletin 139, Improving Tailings Dam Safety – Critical Aspects of
Management, Design Operation and Closure, International Commission of
Large Dams, Paris France, 2011
ICOLD, 2013. Bulletin 153. Sustainable Design and Post-Closure Performance
of Tailings Dams. International Commission on Large Dams, Paris France
2013http://www.icold-cigb.org./. ISSN 0534-8293
The 2016 revisions to Part 10 of the Health, Safety and Reclamation Code for
Mines in British Columbia is a useful example of legislative documentation
prepared following the Mount Polley tailings dam failure in 2015.
Page 124
Additional References for Chapter Text
ICOLD, 2013, Dam Safety Management: Operational phase of the dam life
cycle, International Commission on Large Dams, Paris, 2013
MAC (Mining Association of Canada) 2019. A Guide to the Management of
Tailings Facilities, version 3.1. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: MAC.
Chapter 3 Closure
Page 125
Bommer, J., and N. Abrahamson, 2007. “Why Do Modern Probabilistic Seismic
Hazard Analyses Often Lead to Increased Hazard Estimates.” Bulletin of the
Seismological Society of America, Vol. 96, No. 6, pp. 1987-1977, December.
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), 2018. “Engineering Guidelines
for the Evaluation of Hydropower Projects,”
ICOLD, 2016, Bulletin 148, Selecting Seismic Parameters for Large Dams —
Guidelines, International Commission on Large Dams, Paris, 2016
ICOLD, 2021, Bulletin 181, Tailings Dam Design - Technology Update.
International Commission on Large Dams, Paris France, http://www.icold-
cigb.org./. ISBN 9780367770464
New Zealand Society on Large Dams (NZSOLD), 2015. “New Zealand Dam
Safety Guidelines.” ISBN 978-0-908960-65-1.
U.S. Committee on Large Dams (USCOLD), 1999. “Updated Guidelines for
Selecting Seismic Parameters for Dam Projects,” White Paper prepared by the
USCOLD Committee for Earthquakes, US Committee on Large Dams (now
U.S. Society on Dams), Denver, Colorado, April.
U.S. Society on Dams (USSD), 2022. “Updated Guidelines for Selecting
Seismic Parameters for Dam Projects,” White Paper prepared by the USSD
Committee for Earthquakes, U.S. Society on Dams, Denver, Colorado, in
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2018.. Updated Implementation
Guidelines for SSHAC Hazard Studies. NUREG 2213.
World Meteorological Organisation, Manual on Estimating Probable Maximum
Precipitation (PMP), WMO-No, 1045, 2009)
Recent handbooks provided by the Australian Federal Government including
“Tailings Management” (DITR, 2016a)”, “Preventing Acid and Metalliferous
Drainage” (DITR, 2016b), and “Mine Closure” (DITR, 2016c) expand on the
issue of managing the geochemical stability of the sulfidic wastes within a
physically stable dam, or within tailings released as a result of dam failure. The
GARD Guide (http://www.gardguide.com) produced by the International
Network for Acid Prevention (INAP), also provides leading practice guidance on
the geochemical management of sulfidic mine wastes, including tailings.
Klohn Crippen Berger. 2017. Mine Environment Neutral Drainage (MEND)
Project: Study of Tailings Management Technologies. “Study of Tailings
Management Technologies: MEND Report 2.50.1,” in 24th Annual BC MEND
Metal Leaching /Acid Rock Drainage Workshop on November 29, 2017,
Vancouver, B.C. Ottawa, ON : MEND (Mine Environment Neutral Drainage);
MAC (Mineralogical Association Of Canada). Accessed October 31, 2017.
Page 126
Chapter 7 Design
Page 127
21st International Congress on Large Dams, Montreal. ICOLD, Paris Q83–R17,
International Commission on Large Dams, Paris.
Robertson, P.K. 2010. “Evaluation of flow liquefaction and liquefied strength
using the cone penetration test.” Journal of Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 136(6): 842–853.
Swaisgood, J. (2003). “Embankment dam deformations caused by
earthquakes,” Proc., 2003 Pacific Conference on Earthquake Eng.,
Christchurch, New Zealand.
Swaisgood, J. R. (2014). “Behavior of embankment dams during earthquake,”
Journal of Dam Safety, ASDSO, Vol. 12 No. 2, pp 35-44.
National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM), 2016.
“State of the Art and Practice in the Assessment of Earthquake-Induced Soil
Liquefaction and its Consequences.” The National Academies Press,
Washington DC.
Nathan et al 2001
References for: Mt. Polley, Cadia, Aznocollar, Fundao, Feijeo Baie Maire
Merrispruit Omai, (Philippine decant?
Additional References
Chen, W. F. (1975). Limit analysis and soil plasticity, Elsevier Scientific,
Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Christian, J. T., Ladd, C. C., and Baecher, G. B. (1994). ‘‘Reliability applied to
slope stability analysis.’’ Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol 20, No. 12,
pp 2180–2207, December.
Duncan, J. M., (2000). “Factors of Safety and Reliability in Geotechnical
Engineering.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol.
126, No. 4, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 307 – 316, April.
Hynes-Griffin, M.E., & Franklin, A.G. (1984). “Rationalizing the Seismic
Coefficient Method” Department of the Army, Waterways Experiment Station,
Vicksburg, MS, USA, July.
Leshchinsky, B., & Ambauen, S. (2015). Limit Equilibrium and Limit Analysis:
Comparison of Benchmark Slope Stability Problems. Journal of Geotechnical
and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 141(10), 04015043–1-04015043–8.
Youd, T.L., I. M. Idriss, R. D. Andrus, I. Arango, G. Castro, J. T. Christian, R.
Dobry, W. D. L. Finn, L. F. Harder, Jr., M. E. Hynes, K. Ishihara, J. P. Koester,
S. S. C. Liao, W. F. Marcuson III, G. R. Martin, J. K. Mitchell, Y. Moriwaki, M. S.
Power, P. K. Robertson, R. B. Seed, and K. H. Stokoe II. (2001). “Liquefaction
Resistance of Soils: Summary Report from the 1996 NCEER and 1998
NCEER/NSF Workshops on Evaluation of Liquefaction Resistance of Soils.”
Page 128
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 124 No. 10.,
October, pp. 817-833.
MAC, 2021, A Guide to the Management of Tailings Facilities Version 3.2, March
2021, Mining Association of Canada, March 30, 2021
Chapter 11 Construction
Chapter 12 Operations
Page 129
Active Care
A mine site phase in which there is ongoing operation, maintenance, surveillance,
inspection, and an ability to respond to emergencies at the tailings facility. The
phase may be decades to hundreds of years long. The phase may involve wet
closure covers and the management of ponds.
Page 130
Change Management
The process of managing changes in projects during design, construction and
operation to reduce negative impacts to the quality and integrity of the tailings
facility. The impact and consequences of changes vary according to how they are
managed, among other things. Change management includes an evaluation of
the change, a review and formal approval of the change, followed by detailed
documentation, including drawings and, where required, changes to equipment,
process, actions, flow, information, cost, schedule, or personnel.
A planned, final cessation of tailings disposal and the modification/engineering of
the tailings dam with the objective of achieving long-term physical, chemical,
ecological and social stability and a sustainable, environmentally appropriate
Contractive behaviour
Reduction of soil volume during shearing. If the sheared materials are saturated
or have a high moisture content, the material contraction is accompanied by an
increase of pore water pressures in the shear zone.
Critical Controls
Preventative controls, which if not implemented, could potentially lead to failure
of the dam. Critical controls also mitigate the consequences of an undesirable
event. The absence or failure of a critical control disproportionately increases the
risk, despite the existence of other controls.
Page 131
of stability. A dam safety assessment should be carried out at least annually by
the EOR.
Decant pond
A pond within a tailings dam that allows collection and clarification of stormwater
and tailings water released during settling and consolidation of tailings.
Designer of record
Person with appropriate qualifications and experience responsible for the design
of the tailings dam.
Dilative behaviour
A behaviour in which soil volume increases during shearing. If the sheared
materials are saturated or have a high moisture content, the material dilation is
accompanied by a reduction of pore water pressures in the shear zone.
The area containing the tailings and decant water that is confined by the tailings
dam and natural barriers.
Incident Management
A system to document incidents at the TSF, with corrective actions identified and
Leading Practice
A state in which soil stiffness and strength is lost due to undrained loading or
Mine Closure
A process being undertaken between the time when the operating stage of a mine
is ending or has ended, and the final decommissioning or rehabilitation is
completed. Closure may only be temporary or may lead to a period of care and
Mitigating Controls
Design and operational controls that reduce the consequence of a dam failure.
These may also include active controls with equipment and emergency response
Page 134
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA)
An evaluation of the ground motion level that will be exceeded at a specific
frequency or annual probability.
Static Liquefaction
Liquefaction caused by a rapid increase of pore water pressures resulting from
an undrained response of contractive soils subject to monotonic shearing.
Residue produced from ore or metallurgical processes. Tailings typically
comprise sand/silt/clay particles in slurry form.
Passive Care
The closure stage where the maintenance requirements are reduced to a level
consistent with the designated long-term land use. There is no full-time site
presence, although the dams may still be inspected, but on a less frequent basis.
Sites in passive care may be eligible for transfer of ownership and the leasehold
relinquished. At this stage, the topography of the tailings dam could be described
as a ‘land-form’ with similar characteristics as other natural features.
In this Guideline, post-closure is the period after Mine Closure and rehabilitation
works are completed and the tailings dam enters a period of long-term monitoring
to confirm that the tailings dam is likely to perform safely into the long-term.
Page 135
Post Seismic Condition
A description of soil strength after liquefaction / strain softening where strength
loss occurs due to a seismic event. This does not include the horizontal driving
forces of the earthquake.
Preventative Controls
Design and operational controls that are in place to prevent a dam failure or
unwanted event.
Undrained Response
Condition under which pore water pressure changes (increases or decreases) in
a mass of soil resulting from a change in stress or strain.
Page 136
AE Accountable Executive
AMD Acid and Metalliferous Drainage
ALARP As Low as Reasonably Practicable
AEP Annual Exceedance Probability
DSR Dam Safety Review
DBA Dam Breach Analysis
DBR Design Basis Report
DSHA Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis
EOR Engineer of Record
EPRP Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan
EDF Environmental Design Flood
FMEA Failure Mode Effects Analysis
GISTM Global Industrial Standard for Tailings Management
MCE Maximum Credible Earthquake
NDA Non-linear Deformation Analysis
PMF Probable Maximum Flood
PMP Probable Maximum Precipitation
PSHA Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis
OMS Operations, Maintenance, Surveillance manual
RP Responsible Person
TARPs Trigger Action Response Plans
Page 137
A.1 Introduction
A.4.1 Liquefaction
A.7 References
Page 138
When evaluating the stability of a tailings dam, it is important to
understand the underlying principles of soil mechanics and the specific behaviors
of the materials that influence the stability of the dam. Although the precepts of
shear strength and deformation behavior of soils (including tailings) have been
known and published within the geotechnical engineering literature for many
decades (some key aspects for more than a century), recent catastrophic failures
have revealed a lack of understanding of the mechanical behavior of tailings
among some tailings dam practitioners, especially when materials exhibiting
“contractive” behavior are present.
If the void spaces (i.e., pores) are filled with water, the changes in the
particles’ arrangement causes water to flow into or out of the changing pore
spaces. If the flow of water into or out of the soil mass is prevented or impeded,
the shear-induced rearrangement of particles results in a change in pore water
pressure, since water is an incompressible fluid (for the purposes of soil
mechanics). These pore pressure changes increase or decrease the effective
stress between the particles, which correspondingly increases or decreases the
shear resistance and the soil’s ability to resist further rearrangements of soil
particles. The greater the change of the pore water pressure during shearing, the
greater impact it has on the soil’s ability to resist further deformations.
Page 140
change in pore water pressure induced by shearing (also referred to as excess
pore water pressures), as discussed further in Section A.2.1 and A.2.3.
𝑆𝑆𝑑𝑑 = 𝜏𝜏𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 = 𝜎𝜎𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 tan 𝜙𝜙 ′ + 𝑐𝑐 ′
where τff is the shear stress at failure on the failure plane and σ’ff is the
normal effective stress on the failure plane. Most soils do not have a true
cohesion, but because the failure line is usually curved at low effective stress, the
cohesion intercept, c’, is sometimes used to approximate the true strength at very
low effective stress. As a reminder, there is no aspect of the drained strength that
is affected by shear-induced excess pore pressure because excess pore
pressure is—by definition—assumed to be zero for drained conditions. Drained
strengths are unlikely to be relevant at all to a saturated, contractive material
because of the rate aspects described earlier.
The term undrained shear strength applies to the soil behavior observed
when the dissipation of excess (shear-induced) pore pressures is prevented or
inhibited. If the pore water pressures generated during shearing can be measured
or reliably calculated, the undrained shear resistance at any state can be
expressed in terms of the effective strength parameters. For contractive soils, the
excess pore pressures generated during shearing are positive (meaning they
reduce the effective stress) and may be a significant component of the total pore
pressure. However, given the difficulties in measuring or accurately predicting the
true pore pressures along the shearing surface during undrained loading, the
undrained strength is often formulated in terms of total stresses. The basic
definition of undrained shear strength using total stresses is:
For dilative soils, the pore pressures generated during shearing are
negative, which increases the effective stress and thereby increases the shear
strength under undrained conditions. Therefore, for dilative materials subject to
potential undrained shearing conditions, when carrying out a limit equilibrium
analysis, it is appropriate to use effective stress parameters because the
undrained shear strength of a dilative soil will temporarily be higher than the
Page 143
drained strength but cannot be sustained indefinitely (eventually the excess pore
pressures will return to zero).
Note that an underlying assumption for both the drained and undrained
conditions is that all voids between solid particles are filled with an incompressible
fluid (water) that fully transmits pressure changes. However, soils that are less
than 100 percent saturated can also exhibit undrained shearing behavior. See
Section A.6.2 for further guidance.
There are two conventions used in plotting stress paths: the convention used by
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a similar convention from Cambridge
University. The MIT method considers q as (σ′1-σ′3)/2 and p′ as (σ′1+σ′3)/2. The
Cambridge method considers q as σ′1-σ′3 and p′ as (σ′1+ σ′2+ σ′3)/3, which for a triaxial
test is equal to (σ′1+ 2σ′3)/3.
Page 144
as illustrated in Figure A-1 2. All stress paths of both drained and undrained
shearing terminate at the Locus of Critical State (CSL), provided that sufficient
shearing can occur to achieve the critical state. The CSL is shown in the three-
dimensional p’–e–q space in Figure A-1 and is more commonly presented in two-
dimensional space of e-log p′, as illustrated in Figure A-2.
Figure Appendix A-1: Illustration of critical state locus and state parameter in e-
p’-q space for isotopically consolidated triaxial compression tests
Note that the stress paths illustrated in Figure A-1 are represented of isotropically-
consolidated undrained triaxial tests, where q is initially equal to zero, for simplicity of
the illustration. In field conditions, the initial q is frequently non-zero.
Page 145
Irrespective of the simplifications, the CSSM is a useful framework for explaining
the basic principles of soil mechanics and the multivariable processes of soil
When a soil exists in a state where the void ratio is greater than the void
ratio associated with the CSL at a given stress state, and a shear stress is applied
(i.e., a change in the stress state occurs), the soil will contract until it reaches a
critical void ratio on the CSL. The contraction toward the CSL will be
accompanied by a reduction in void ratio, change of effective stress, or a
combination of the two. If the soil exists in a state where the void ratio is less than
the void ratio associated with the CSL and a load is applied, it will dilate toward
the CSL through increasing its void ratio, changing the effective stresses or a
combination thereof.
Figure Appendix A-2: Illustration of critical state locus and state parameter in e-
log p' space
The difference between the initial void ratio and the critical void ratio (i.e.,
the CSL) at any value of mean effective stress is defined as the state parameter,
ψ, as illustrated in Figure A-1 and Figure A-2. Negative values of the state
parameter indicate a denser-than-critical (i.e., dilative) state and positive
numbers indicate a looser-than-critical (i.e., contractive) state. So, a soil existing
at any state above and to the right of the CSL in Figure A-2 is described as
contractive and a soil at a state below and to the left is described as dilative.
If drainage is prevented, then the volume of the soil cannot change during
shearing, and the pore water pressure will change instead. Two undrained
Page 146
(constant-volume) shearing paths are represented by red and blue lines in Figure
A-1 and Figure A-2 to illustrate the pore pressure response in undrained shearing.
For a soil that is dense of critical state (eA > ec), represented by Point A,
the dilation during undrained shearing is exhibited by an increase of the effective
stress (p’) and the deviator stress (q) at constant void ratio (eA). This is shown by
a horizontal stress path from point A to the right, ending at Point A’ on the CSL in
Figure A-2 and a planar stress path from point A to Ac in Figure A-1.
Conversely, for a soil that is loose of critical state (eB < ec), represented
by Point B, soil contraction is exhibited by a reduction of the effective stress (due
to increasing pore water pressure) at constant void ratio. The stress path is
horizontal in the p’–e projection (Figure A-2) and leads from point B to point B’ on
the CSL. In the p’–e–q space the stress path is planar from point B to point Bc
(Figure A-1).
• The further the void ratio is from the CSL (i.e., the greater the
absolute value of the state parameter), the greater the amount of
volume change/pore pressure change that needs to occur to reach
critical state
• For contractive soils under undrained conditions, the further away the
initial void ratio is from the CSL for a given value of mean effective
stress, the greater will be the tendency for the material to contract
during shearing and the greater will be the excess pore water
pressure generated during undrained shearing. This will result in a
lower ultimate undrained shear strength when the stress path
reaches the critical state line.
• For a given mean effective stress, the higher the initial void ratio, the
greater the amount of excess pore pressure that will be generated in
undrained shear. Thus, as the initial void ratio increases, the more
likely that undrained strength loss (and potentially liquefaction) can
Figure A-3: Results of triaxial compression test on samples with varying void
ratio (provided courtesy of Knight Piésold).
As indicated in Figure A-3, the stress path of the loose specimen curves
around to the left and reaches “failure” at a shear stress just less than 200 kPa.
The stress path of the medium-dense specimen initially moves to the right on the
diagram, reaches a peak value, then turns to the left, and the shear resistance
steadily declines to the end of the test. The stress path of the dense specimen
Page 148
initially moves to the right and continues moving upward and to the right until the
end of the test, with the peak value maintained approximately from about 10
percent axial strain until the test was terminated at about 20 percent axial strain.
The stress path of the loose specimen ends to the left of the initial value of p’ (for
clarity, denoted by the vertical red line), and is said to be strongly contractive. The
stress path of the dense specimen ends to the right of the origin and is said to be
strongly dilative. The stress path of the medium-dense specimen indeed ends to
the right of the origin and is considered to be overall slightly dilative up to about
20 percent axial strain, but the strength is still declining when the limiting strain is
reached, and it appears that the specimen has not yet reached the critical state
(due to the inherent strain limitations of the triaxial test). The post-peak strength
loss at 20 percent axial strain is approximately 22 percent.
Page 150
(𝜏𝜏𝑝𝑝 − 𝜏𝜏𝑟𝑟 )
where τp is the peak (or yield) strength value and τr is the residual
undrained strength value. A value of zero means no strength loss (i.e., no
brittleness) and a value of 1 means the residual undrained strength is zero (i.e.,
total strength loss). Although this ratio represents one significant aspect of brittle
behavior (i.e., the magnitude of the post-peak strength loss), it does not address
the strain aspect (i.e., the rate of strength loss) and may be better described as
a measure of sensitivity, typically defined as the ratio of peak undrained strength
to residual undrained strength (i.e., S = τp/τr). Robertson (2020) has suggested
that IB be renamed “Strength Loss Index” to recognize the usefulness of IB as a
measure of the magnitude of strain softening.
While the mechanisms for brittle behavior in sands, silts, and clays are
similar, different mechanisms may have greater contributions to brittleness based
on soil type. With clays, particle reorientation plays a large part and excess pore
pressure generation may contribute to a lesser degree. In cohesionless materials
(sands and non-plastic silts), the rapid loss of strength seen in brittle materials is
primarily due to the generation of excess pore pressures during shearing,
although it can also be related to the collapse of the soil structure when
cementation is present and particle reorientation may play a minor role.
Regardless of the cause of brittle behavior, the Strength Loss Index provides a
useful measure of post-peak strength loss for all types of soils.
Page 151
Figure A-4 illustrates different types of brittle and ductile stress-strain
behavior in CIU Triaxial tests on soils and tailings. Similar behavior can be
observed using other kinds of tests, but the triaxial test is the most common test
method in use in practice. The different curves in Figure A-4 are described as
Although the triaxial and other shear test methods can be used to
illustrate the potential for brittle behavior it is important to note that the rate of the
shear resistance loss has been shown to be very sensitive to the method of
testing, sample preparation and even sample geometry (Bishop, 1967; Bishop,
1973). This sensitivity is understandable because the shear resistance loss is
primarily attributed to the shear-induced pore water pressure development that
cannot be measured directly within the shear zone in any laboratory apparatus.
In addition, the development of shear-induced pore pressures is strain rate
dependent, and different rates of shear resistance reduction (magnitude of
brittleness) would be measured at different strain rates even though the residual
shear strength value may be similar.
Page 153
b. loses more than 20 percent of the peak strength prior to reaching
10 percent strain.
These criteria are represented graphically in Figure A-5.
Figure A-5: Proposed Brittleness Criteria considering Strength Loss Index (IB)
and Strain Rate
Page 154
Further research is needed to improve the methods for characterizing
brittleness in both field and laboratory applications. In the interim, ICOLD
recommends a conservative approach be taken when evaluating brittleness due
to the high potential consequence of flow failures when highly brittle materials are
present in the structural zones of tailings dams.
The CPTu currently provides the most practical means to infer the in situ
state of many soils, especially tailings. Correlations between laboratory tests and
controlled CPT experiments have led to relationships to estimate the in situ state
parameter, ψ, as described in Jefferies and Been (2016). Robertson (2016)
describes similar methods and a classification system using normalized CPT
parameters to divide soils into six soil behavior types, considering contractive
versus dilative behavior and a differentiation based on clay-like, sand-like, and
transitional material behavior, as shown in Figure A-7. Robertson (2016) and
others have concluded that a value of ψ > -0.05 or greater inferred from the CPT
can be used to reliably identify contractive soils. The combination of the CPTu
with seismic sensors, such as geophones, for measuring seismic wave velocities
(referred to as the seismic CPTu or SCPTu) is accepted practice. The SCPTu is
useful for assessing the presence of microstructure (e.g., Robertson 2016) and
is also recommended by Jefferies and Been (2016). Jefferies and Been (2016)
also recommend conducting self-boring pressuremeter tests, where appropriate,
to assess the in situ horizontal stress coefficient, Ko, on large projects where the
additional effort is justified.
Page 156
Note: Data
points on the
plot are from
program for
Hard Rock
Figure A-7 Example of typical soil behaviour type classification for example
tailings material using the Robertson (2016) chart.
A.4.1 Liquefaction
The concept of soil liquefaction has been written on extensively in the
literature. Historically, much emphasis has been placed on seismically induced
or “cyclic” liquefaction, which refers to a buildup of pore pressures induced by
rapid (undrained) cyclic loading with shear stress reversal. The concept of “flow
(static)” liquefaction has been perhaps lesser understood and less studied than
Page 157
liquefaction triggered by earthquake loading. Due to the large amount of
information available in the literature, it is not necessary to elaborate the details
of liquefaction in this Appendix. Rather, the authors believe it is important to note
the following:
Page 158
shear strength of clays occurs after very large strains and refers to the shear
strength after particle reorientation.
ICOLD has adopted the term “residual undrained strength” for most
applications of large-strain strength in strain-softening materials, consistent with
most recent publications. The term “post-liquefaction” is also commonly used
when referring to cyclic liquefaction (and sometimes static liquefaction), but may
create some confusion if cyclic liquefaction is not indicated. For clarity, the term
“residual strength” will be used herein to refer to the minimum value of shear
strength occurring after a peak value has been reached and strain softening has
Clays or other plastic soils in the foundation of a tailings dam may exist
at a residual strength condition after having undergone shearing prior to dam
construction as a result of geologic processes, such as glacial ice thrusting. In
this case, the residual shear strength in these natural soils is not caused by
deformations of the dam. The foundation zone(s) existing at residual shear
strength need to be appropriately accounted for in the design of the dam.
Page 159
Robertson (2010), Sadrekarimi (2014), Idriss and Boulanger (2008),
Olson and Stark (2002), and others have developed empirical CPT-based
correlations to estimate undrained residual strength of sands and silty sands. Of
these, Robertson (2010, 2021) has gained the most prominence in tailings dam
design. The Robertson (2021) correlation between undrained strength and the
clean-sand equivalent cone resistance (Qtn,cs) is illustrated in Figure A-8. It is
important to note that all the correlations for sand-like and transitional materials
are based on a limited dataset of back-calculated strengths associated with flow
failure case histories and there is significant variability in that dataset. Flow
liquefaction failures are relatively rare, so there is limited data available from
which to correlate residual undrained strengths. As such, there is significant
uncertainty associated with the correlations and their applicability to a wide range
of material types. Jefferies and Been (2016) have expressed some reservation
about the Robertson (2010) and other related empirical correlations and present
an alternative approach based on the state parameter. ICOLD considers that both
methods are consistent with current accepted practice and encourages that both
methods be used and compared whenever practical to do so. .
Page 160
Figure A-8: Residual Undrained Strength from CPT (from Robertson, 2021)
Page 161
The selection of appropriate strength parameters, especially for
contractive and brittle materials, for use in analysis and design of a tailings facility
requires significant experience and engineering judgment. The degree of
conservatism applied in selection of strength parameters needs to reflect the
amount of variability in the in situ material(s); the amount and perceived quality
of data available; the degree of uncertainty associated with the parameters of
concern (i.e., the shear strength and stress-strain behavior); the uncertainties
associated with deriving a design parameter from the available, inherently
imperfect, data set; and the severity of the consequences. The parameters
selected for design must be supported by objectively measured data and
defensible well-reasoned interpretation techniques and the parameters should
also be compared with values from relevant published case histories (as
illustrated in Figure A-8). Silva et al., (2008) provide useful guidance on the
selection of appropriate factors of safety based on the degree of uncertainty
within a risk-informed decision-making framework. The failure to properly
recognize and address the uncertainty in material parameters and stress
conditions may be a common root cause of many past tailings dam failures.
Page 162
Selecting strength parameters for dilative materials is well understood
and detailed in literature, and using effective (drained) shear strength parameters
with zero excess pore pressures is typically considered appropriate. However,
selection of soil strength properties for contractive materials is comparatively
more complicated and insufficient guidance is currently provided in published
For new facilities, which frequently do not have meaningful data to predict
tailings properties, designs should be based on conservative assumptions, based
on published data and the professional experience of the Engineer of Record and
the supporting team, that consider contractive behavior of the tailings unless
specific design measures are included, such as compaction or other means to
ensure dilative behaviors. Most hydraulically-deposited tailings exhibit contractive
behavior, and the likelihood of brittle failure modes is high in hydraulically-
deposited tailings. Unless proven otherwise, designs should be based on the
assumption that tailings are contractive. It is possible to design conditions where
tailings could be dilative and non-liquefiable, but the method of placement must
be controlled sufficiently to ensure that contractive conditions are prevented in all
loading scenarios before the potential for contractive behavior is eliminated.
Page 163
Page 165
possible (so calculation of the mean effective stress is complicated). In real-world
applications, shear strains may be concentrated on narrow shear zones,
especially if thin, contractive strain softening layers are present.
𝑆𝑆𝑢𝑢 = � ′ � × 𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑚𝑚 × 𝜎𝜎𝑣𝑣′
𝜎𝜎𝑣𝑣,0 𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁
For sands, silts, and normally consolidated clays, the OCR value is one
(1), and the undrained shear strength is calculated simply as:
𝑆𝑆𝑢𝑢 ′
𝑆𝑆𝑢𝑢 = ′ 𝑥𝑥 𝜎𝜎𝑣𝑣
It is important to emphasize that it is the initial effective vertical stress that
is correctly used to calculate the Su/σ′v,0 value for use in analysis. The subscript
“v” indicates vertical and the “0” indicates initial conditions. This ratio is
sometimes expressed with a simplified version of Su/p′, which sometimes leads
to confusion with the mean principal stress in a p′-q plot, which can in turn lead
to an incorrect and non-conservative interpretation of the undrained strength
ratio. The mean principal stress (p′) is equal to the initial vertical effective stress
(σ′v,0) prior to shearing in an isotropically-consolidated triaxial test, but that is the
only time when that equality applies in the interpretation of the test results. In the
actual L-E slope stability analysis, a correctly programmed computer program will
use the vertical effective stress (σ′v) to calculate Su for the FOS computation.
Page 166
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Page 169
B.1 Introduction
B.2 Stability Analysis Cases
B.2.1 Case 1: Not Strain Softening
B.2.2 Case 2:
B.2.3 Case 3:
B.2.4 Case 4: Highly Brittle Behavior Expected
B.3 Summary
Page 170
This Appendix provides a framework and process (illustrated in Figure B-
1) for selection of appropriate analysis techniques and factors of safety for
stability analysis of existing tailings dams when contractive materials are present
in the structural zones of the dam and foundation. The intent of this appendix is
not to provide a prescriptive requirement. Instead, the primary objective is to
provide guidance for designers, regulatory personnel, and mine owners in making
important decisions regarding existing facilities, by providing practical guidance
to aid in recognizing different types of stress-strain behavior exhibited by
contractive soils, identify appropriate actions to take in the stability evaluations,
and prioritize mitigation efforts when existing tailings facilities do not meet target
minimum factors of safety. This guidance applies whenever natural soils or
tailings are located within the structural zones of a tailings containment facility,
such that they control the structural integrity of the dam, such as foundation soils,
embankment fills, or when any portion of the dam or its raises are supported by
impounded tailings.
For new facilities, the use of contractive soils in structural zones should
be avoided whenever possible. Whenever practical, contractive soils in the
foundation of new tailings facilities should either be removed and replaced or
modified in situ to prevent possible contractive failure modes. However, it is not
always practical or possible to eliminate contractive materials, and it is possible
to design for these soils with appropriate techniques. Thus, the approach
described herein could be applied to the design of new facilities where the
elimination of contractive materials in the structural zones is not feasible.
Page 171
Figure Appendix B-1: Flowchart for Slope Stability Analyses
The flow chart in Figure B-1 first differentiates between soils that dilate
or contract during undrained shearing across the range of expected loading and
phreatic conditions. The treatment of dilative soils is addressed in Appendix A
and many geotechnical engineering texts. The reader must have a complete
understanding of the essential concepts of geotechnical engineering presented
in Appendix A before applying the approach described herein.
For existing tailings dams, identifying soils that exhibit highly brittle
behavior is an essential element of the presented approach. Methods to identify
highly brittle behavior are described in Appendix A. The flowchart and
Page 172
descriptions below consider the definition of brittleness as described in
Appendix A.
The use of highly brittle materials in the structural zones of new dams
must be avoided. Brittle materials in the foundation should be avoided, but if this
cannot be done, then these materials need to be considered appropriately in the
analysis and the design advanced to contain these materials to prevent
uncontrolled release of the contents of the tailings facility. When highly brittle
materials are present in existing facilities, extreme caution is required due to the
possibility for flow (static) liquefaction to occur. Furthermore, any strain-softening
soil is potentially subject to progressive failure, and the likelihood and severity of
a progressive failure increases with increasing Strength Loss Index (i.e., with
increasing brittleness).
The application of FOS of 1.1 for screening (or any alternative considered
in practice) must use carefully selected material parameters that represent an
appropriate degree of conservatism, considering the inherent variability and
uncertainty in natural soils and tailings, and the level of understanding of all
materials available to the practitioners performing the evaluation. Section A.45 in
Appendix A provides guidance on the selection of material properties. Silva et al.
(2008) provides further guidance on the selection of factors of safety and the
assessment of uncertainty in slope stability analyses.
Page 173
The process represented by the flowchart in Figure B-1 is based in part
on FOS values calculated using limit equilibrium methods. The following sections
provide guidance on the use of numerical modeling methods (non-linear
deformation analysis, or NDA) for the various stability cases. While NDA methods
inherently allow for more advanced representation of the complex nature of
shearing and deformation behavior of soils, they are not necessarily superior to
the more simplified limit-equilibrium method. Caution and engineering judgment
are required when implementing both types of analyses. Section 7.9 of the
Bulletin provides additional discussion of the differences in the two methods.
Page 174
Seismic triggering of cyclic liquefaction should be evaluated as described
in Appendix A. As noted in the main text, if there is no cyclic liquefaction due to
seismic loading, then the performance of the dam during earthquake shaking can
be assessed using simplified deformation analyses using methods by Bray et al.
(2017) or similar. Non-linear deformation analyses (NDA) are frequently required
if seismic triggering of cyclic liquefaction is indicated and may also be appropriate
for high- to extreme-consequence structures even if cyclic triggering is not
Page 176
considered acceptable for most facilities.
• Condition 3B: static analysis using an appropriate peak undrained
strength. For Case 3, the minimum FOS should be no less than 1.5.
For facilities located in areas with low seismicity, or for low- and
significant-consequence facilities with moderate to high seismicity, the analyses
for Condition 2A above will typically suffice for evaluating earthquake loading,
since the residual undrained strength is the same whether “triggered” by cyclic or
monotonic loading.
For facilities located in areas with low seismicity, or for low- and
significant-consequence facilities with moderate to high seismicity, the residual
undrained strength analyses for Case 4 will typically suffice for evaluating
earthquake loading, since the residual undrained strength is the same whether
“triggered” by cyclic or monotonic loading. The undrained residual undrained
strength analysis in this case is equivalent to a post-earthquake analysis that is
commonly performed in earthquake analysis of water dams.
Page 178
For facilities located in areas of significant seismicity, an NDA will
typically be required to evaluate deformations due to inertial forces associated
with earthquake shaking. Earthquake loading may increase the lateral extent and
severity of the deformation indicated by static liquefaction. The considerations
described previously for Case 3, pertaining to non-linear deformation analysis,
also apply to Case 4A.
Case 4B: FOS using residual undrained strength < 1.1, Low to
Significant Consequence Classification
Case 4C: FOS using residual undrained strength < 1.1, High, Very
High, or Extreme Consequence Classification
Page 179
It must be noted that the framework in this Appendix is based on the use
of conservative assumptions, such as an appropriate (potentially a lower-bound)
residual undrained strength and the assumption that undrained strength loss will
be triggered. The true likelihood of a failure occurring may in fact be low. A
calculated FOS using L-E methods and a lower-bound residual undrained
strength near unity (1.0) may be unnecessarily conservative, especially if there is
a high degree of certainty surrounding the characterization of material properties
and loading conditions and if appropriate controls are in place to adequately
manage risk. Generally, however, the lower the calculated factor of safety, the
higher the severity of the problem, the greater the risk, and the less likely that the
L-E is overly conservative. The full nature of the risk needs to be understood in
making decisions on how to respond to a Case 4C situation.
Page 180