Estudio Factibilidad Increible Oro Rusoro 2011
Estudio Factibilidad Increible Oro Rusoro 2011
Estudio Factibilidad Increible Oro Rusoro 2011
Telephone (1) (416) 362-5135 Fax (1) (416) 362 5763
Table of Contents
1.0 SUMMARY .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 2
1.2 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................... 2
1.3 HISTORY ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 GEOLOGY AND MINERALIZATION ................................................................................. 4
1.5 EXPLORATION AND OTHER PROGRAMS ......................................................................... 4
1.6 MINERAL RESOURCE ESTIMATE .................................................................................... 5
1.7 MINERAL RESERVE ESTIMATE ...................................................................................... 6
1.8 MINING METHODS ........................................................................................................ 7
1.9 METALLURGICAL TESTWORK ....................................................................................... 7
1.10 PROCESSING .................................................................................................................. 8
1.11 PROJECT INFRASTRUCTURE ........................................................................................... 9
1.12 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ASPECTS ...................................................................... 9
1.13 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION .......................................................................................... 9
1.14 CAPITAL COSTS .......................................................................................................... 11
1.15 OPERATING COSTS ...................................................................................................... 11
1.16 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ................................................................................................. 11
1.16.1 Basis of Evaluation ............................................................................................ 11
1.16.2 Macro-Economic Assumptions .......................................................................... 12
1.16.3 Mine Production Schedule ................................................................................. 13
1.16.4 Base Case Evaluation ......................................................................................... 16
1.16.5 Sensitivity Study ................................................................................................ 17
1.17 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................. 18
1.18 RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................... 18
1.18.1 Geology .............................................................................................................. 18
1.18.2 Geotechnical....................................................................................................... 19
1.18.3 Mining - Waste Storage ..................................................................................... 20
1.18.4 Metallurgy .......................................................................................................... 20
1.18.5 Schedule ............................................................................................................. 20
1.18.6 Power Supply ..................................................................................................... 20
1.18.7 Cost Estimates .................................................................................................... 20
2.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 22
2.1 TERMS OF REFERENCE ................................................................................................ 22
2.1.1 Qualified Persons ............................................................................................... 23
2.1.2 Site Visits ........................................................................................................... 23
2.1.3 Study Preparation ............................................................................................... 23
2.2 UNITS AND CURRENCY ............................................................................................... 24
3.0 RELIANCE ON OTHER EXPERTS ......................................................................... 26
4.0 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION .................................................... 27
4.1 LOCATION ................................................................................................................... 27
4.2 CLAIMS ....................................................................................................................... 28
4.2.1 Choco Concession .............................................................................................. 28
4.2.2 Increible 6 Concession ....................................................................................... 29
4.3 ROYALTIES ................................................................................................................. 29
4.4 PERMITS AND LICENSES .............................................................................................. 29
INFRASTRUCTURE AND PHYSIOGRAPHY ....................................................... 30
5.1 ACCESS ....................................................................................................................... 30
5.2 CLIMATE AND PHYSIOGRAPHY .................................................................................... 30
5.3 INFRASTRUCTURE ....................................................................................................... 30
6.0 HISTORY ..................................................................................................................... 32
6.1 CHOCO 10 ................................................................................................................... 32
6.2 INCREIBLE 6 ................................................................................................................ 32
7.0 GEOLOGICAL SETTING AND MINERALIZATION .......................................... 34
7.1 REGIONAL GEOLOGY ................................................................................................... 34
7.2 LOCAL GEOLOGY ........................................................................................................ 36
7.3 LOCAL DEPOSITS AND MINERAL OCCURRENCES ........................................................ 38
7.3.1 Choco 10 Deposits Geology .............................................................................. 38
7.3.2 Rosika, Coacia and Pisolita ................................................................................ 40
7.3.3 Villa Balazo-Karolina ........................................................................................ 40
7.3.4 Increible 6 .......................................................................................................... 41
7.4 MINERALIZATION ........................................................................................................ 41
7.4.1 Choco 10 ............................................................................................................ 41
7.4.2 Increible 6 .......................................................................................................... 42
7.5 ALTERATION ............................................................................................................... 43
8.0 DEPOSIT TYPES ........................................................................................................ 44
9.0 EXPLORATION .......................................................................................................... 45
9.1 CHOCO 10 ................................................................................................................... 45
9.2 INCREIBLE 6 ................................................................................................................ 46
10.0 DRILLING ................................................................................................................... 47
10.1 CHOCO 10 ................................................................................................................... 47
10.1.1 Core Statistics .................................................................................................... 49
10.2 INCREIBLE 6 ................................................................................................................ 49
10.3 CORE LOGGING AND SAMPLE PROCEDURES ................................................................ 51
10.3.1 Choco 10 ............................................................................................................ 51
10.3.2 Increible 6 .......................................................................................................... 53
10.4 SURVEYING OF DRILL HOLES ...................................................................................... 54
11.0 SAMPLE PREPARATION, ANALYSES AND SECURITY .................................. 55
11.1.1 Sample Preparation, Logistics and QA/QC ....................................................... 56
11.2 LABORATORY SAMPLE PREPARATION, AND ANALYSES .............................................. 57
11.2.1 Density Analysis ................................................................................................ 58
11.2.2 Security .............................................................................................................. 59
12.0 DATA VERIFICATION ............................................................................................. 61
12.1 SUMMARY ................................................................................................................... 61
12.2 DATA VALIDATION AND DATABASE ........................................................................... 61
12.3 MICON DATA VERIFICATION....................................................................................... 66
DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................................ 67
13.1.1 McClelland Testwork ......................................................................................... 68
13.1.2 Amdel Testwork ................................................................................................. 68
13.1.3 Lakefield Testwork ............................................................................................ 69
13.2 PREVIOUS TESTWORK RESULTS .................................................................................. 69
13.2.1 Grinding ............................................................................................................. 69
13.2.2 Gravity Concentration ........................................................................................ 69
13.2.3 Cyanide Leaching............................................................................................... 70
13.2.4 Discussion of Results ......................................................................................... 72
13.3 TEST WORK BY INSPECTORATE AMERICA CORP. (PRA), 2008 - 2010 ........................ 73
13.3.1 Sample Information & Test Procedures ............................................................. 73
13.3.2 Cyanide Leaching............................................................................................... 74
13.3.3 Gravity Concentration ........................................................................................ 74
13.3.4 Flotation ............................................................................................................. 75
13.3.5 Bond Ball Mill Work & Abrasion Index Determinations .................................. 75
13.3.6 Results and Discussion....................................................................................... 75
13.3.7 Conclusions and Recommendations .................................................................. 84
13.4 AMMTEC (AUSTRALIA) TESTING ................................................................................. 84
13.4.1 Comminution and Confirmatory Leach Testwork ............................................. 84
13.5 TESTWORK CONCLUSIONS .......................................................................................... 88
14.0 MINERAL RESOURCE ESTIMATES ..................................................................... 90
14.1 CHOCO 10 ................................................................................................................... 90
14.1.1 Previous Estimate ............................................................................................... 90
14.1.2 Methodology ...................................................................................................... 91
14.1.3 Block Model ....................................................................................................... 96
14.1.4 Interpolation Method.......................................................................................... 96
14.1.5 Block Model Report ........................................................................................... 97
14.1.6 Block Model Validation ..................................................................................... 97
14.1.7 Mineral Resources.............................................................................................. 98
14.1.8 Choco 10 Discussion ........................................................................................ 104
14.2 INCREIBLE 6 .............................................................................................................. 105
14.2.1 Previous Estimate ............................................................................................. 105
14.2.2 Methodology .................................................................................................... 106
14.2.3 Block Models ................................................................................................... 111
14.2.4 Interpolation Method........................................................................................ 112
14.2.5 Block Model Report ......................................................................................... 112
14.2.6 Block Model Validation ................................................................................... 113
14.2.7 Increible 6 Mineral Resource Estimate ............................................................ 114
15.0 MINERAL RESERVE ESTIMATES ...................................................................... 119
16.0 MINING METHODS ................................................................................................ 120
16.1 MINING OPERATIONS ................................................................................................ 120
16.2 MINE DESIGN ............................................................................................................ 120
16.2.1 Open Pit Optimization ..................................................................................... 120
16.3 LIFE OF MINE PIT DESIGN ......................................................................................... 126
16.4 MINE PRODUCTION SCHEDULE ................................................................................. 126
16.5 MINING EQUIPMENT.................................................................................................. 129
16.6 WASTE ROCK STORAGE ............................................................................................ 130
16.7 ORE STOCKPILES....................................................................................................... 131
17.0 RECOVERY METHODS ......................................................................................... 132
17.1 CURRENT PROCESSING FACILITIES............................................................................ 132
17.1.1 Crushing and Grinding ..................................................................................... 134
17.1.2 CIP Leaching and Gold Recovery.................................................................... 134
17.1.3 Sampling Analysis, Gold Accounting and Security......................................... 134
17.1.4 Production ........................................................................................................ 135
17.2 PROPOSED EXPANSION OPTIONS CONSIDERED.......................................................... 135
17.3 PROCESS PLANT DESIGN BASIS AND DESCRIPTION ................................................... 139
17.3.1 General ............................................................................................................. 139
17.3.2 Process Plant Design Basis .............................................................................. 139
17.3.3 Throughput and Availability ............................................................................ 139
17.3.4 Processing Strategy .......................................................................................... 140
17.3.5 Unit Process Selection ..................................................................................... 143
18.0 PROJECT INFRASTRUCTURE ............................................................................. 157
18.1 POWER SUPPLY ......................................................................................................... 157
18.2 FUEL AND LUBE STORAGE ........................................................................................ 157
18.3 FIRE PROTECTION ..................................................................................................... 157
18.4 WATER SUPPLY AND TREATMENT ............................................................................ 158
18.4.1 Potable Water ................................................................................................... 158
18.4.2 Sewage Treatment ............................................................................................ 158
18.4.3 Site Drainage .................................................................................................... 158
18.5 IN-PLANT ROADS ...................................................................................................... 158
18.6 COMMUNICATIONS .................................................................................................... 158
18.7 SECURITY .................................................................................................................. 159
18.8 SITE BUILDINGS ........................................................................................................ 159
18.8.1 Plant Administration Building ......................................................................... 159
18.8.2 Main Administration Building ......................................................................... 159
18.8.3 Security and Medical Treatment ...................................................................... 159
18.8.4 Laboratory and Geology Sample Preparation .................................................. 159
18.8.5 Process Plant Change-rooms and Mess Hall.................................................... 160
18.8.6 Process Plant Ancillary Buildings and Facilities ............................................. 160
18.8.7 Warehouse ........................................................................................................ 160
18.8.8 Permanent Camp .............................................................................................. 160
18.9 MINE SITE SURFACE INFRASTRUCTURE ..................................................................... 160
18.10 TAILINGS AND WASTE ROCK MANAGEMENT ........................................................... 161
18.10.1 Existing Tailings Impoundment ....................................................................... 161
18.10.2 TSF Expansion Options ................................................................................... 162
18.10.3 Proposed TSF Expansion ................................................................................. 162
18.10.4 Tailings Characteristics .................................................................................... 164
18.10.5 Site Characteristics ........................................................................................... 165
18.10.6 Geotechnical Considerations ............................................................................ 167
18.10.7 TSF Design (Site ‘D’) ...................................................................................... 169
18.10.8 Closure ............................................................................................................. 172
19.0 MARKET STUDIES AND CONTRACTS .............................................................. 174
19.1 GOLD SALES ............................................................................................................. 174
19.2 MATERIAL CONTRACTS ............................................................................................ 174
COMMUNITY IMPACT .......................................................................................... 175
20.1 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES AND ISSUES .................................................................... 175
20.1.1 Environmental Conditions ............................................................................... 175
20.1.2 Environmental Impacts .................................................................................... 176
20.1.3 Environmental and Social Management .......................................................... 176
20.2 WASTE AND WATER MANAGEMENT ......................................................................... 177
20.3 PERMITTING REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................... 177
20.3.1 Regulatory Framework .................................................................................... 177
20.3.2 Required Environmental Permits ..................................................................... 180
20.4 SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY ASPECTS .......................................................................... 181
20.4.1 Social Conditions ............................................................................................. 181
20.4.2 Social Development Initiatives ........................................................................ 181
20.4.3 Health and Safety ............................................................................................. 182
20.5 MINE CLOSURE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................... 183
21.0 CAPITAL AND OPERATING COSTS ................................................................... 184
21.1 CAPITAL COSTS ........................................................................................................ 184
21.1.1 Mining Capital Cost ......................................................................................... 184
21.1.2 Plant Expansion Capital Expenditure............................................................... 184
21.1.3 Sustaining Capital ............................................................................................ 186
21.1.4 Closure/Reclamation Costs .............................................................................. 186
21.2 OPERATING COSTS .................................................................................................... 186
21.2.1 Mine Operating Costs ...................................................................................... 186
21.2.2 Processing Operating Costs ............................................................................. 187
21.2.3 General and Administrative Costs ................................................................... 187
22.0 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS.......................................................................................... 188
22.1 BASIS OF EVALUATION ............................................................................................. 188
22.2 MACRO-ECONOMIC ASSUMPTIONS ........................................................................... 188
22.2.1 Exchange Rate and Inflation ............................................................................ 188
22.2.2 Expected Metal Prices ...................................................................................... 188
22.2.3 Weighted Average Cost of Capital .................................................................. 189
22.2.4 Taxation Regime .............................................................................................. 190
22.2.5 Royalty ............................................................................................................. 190
22.2.6 Marketing Costs ............................................................................................... 190
22.3 TECHNICAL ASSUMPTIONS ........................................................................................ 190
22.3.1 Mine Production Schedule ............................................................................... 190
22.3.2 Stockpiling ....................................................................................................... 192
22.3.3 Processing Schedule ......................................................................................... 192
22.3.4 Operating Costs ................................................................................................ 193
22.3.5 Capital Costs .................................................................................................... 193
22.3.6 Project Cash Flow ............................................................................................ 194
22.4 BASE CASE EVALUATION .......................................................................................... 195
22.5 SENSITIVITY STUDY .................................................................................................. 197
22.5.1 Sensitivity to Revenue Factors, Operating and Capital Costs.......................... 197
22.5.2 Gold Price and Discount Rate .......................................................................... 198
22.6 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................. 199
23.0 ADJACENT PROPERTIES ..................................................................................... 200
23.1 LA VICTORIA AND TOMI MINES ................................................................................ 201
23.2 ISIDORA MINE (MINA CHILE).................................................................................... 201
23.3 COLUMBIA MINE....................................................................................................... 202
24.0 OTHER RELEVANT DATA AND INFORMATION ........................................... 203
24.1 PROJECT SCHEDULE .................................................................................................. 203
24.2 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ....................................................................................... 203
25.0 INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSION ........................................................... 205
26.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................... 206
26.1 GEOLOGY .................................................................................................................. 206
26.2 GEOTECHNICAL......................................................................................................... 206
26.3 MINING - WASTE STORAGE ....................................................................................... 207
26.4 METALLURGY ........................................................................................................... 208
26.5 SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................. 208
26.6 POWER SUPPLY ......................................................................................................... 208
26.7 CAPITAL ESTIMATE ................................................................................................... 208
26.8 BUDGET .................................................................................................................... 209
27.0 DATE AND SIGNATURE PAGE ............................................................................ 210
28.0 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 211
29.0 CERTIFICATES ........................................................................................................ 214
List of Tables
List of Figures
Figure 14.2 Rosika and Coacia Histogram and Frequency Distribution Graphs ................93
Figure 14.3 Pisolita and VBK Histogram and Frequency Distribution Graphs ..................93
Figure 14.4 Semi-Variograms for RCPVBK.......................................................................95
Figure 14.5 Increible 6 Deposit Wireframe Solids ............................................................107
Figure 14.6 Ingrid and Christina Histogram and Frequency Distribution Graphs ............108
Figure 14.7 Olga and Culebra Histogram and Frequency Distribution Graphs ................109
Figure 14.8 Semi-Variograms for Increible 6 Deposits ....................................................110
Figure 16.1 Life of Mine Pit Design – Choco 10 (VBK-Rosika-Coacia-Pisolita) ............127
Figure 16.2 Life of Mine Pit Design – Increible 6 (Culebra-Cristina-Elisa) .....................128
Figure 17.1 Schematic Flow Diagram of the Existing Plant (5,000 t/d) ...........................133
Figure 17.2 Historical Production from the Choco 10 Plant .............................................135
Figure 17.3 Flowsheet for Expansion to 20,000 t/d (5,000 + 15,000 t/d) .........................137
Figure 17.4 Proposed Site Layout .....................................................................................138
Figure 18.1 Schematic Diagram of Existing TSF Layout (not to scale) ...........................161
Figure 18.2 Proposed TSF Layout (Site ‘D’) ....................................................................163
Figure 18.3 Typical Cross-Section of Embankment .........................................................170
Figure 18.4 TSF General Arrangement - Stage 7 ..............................................................171
Figure 22.1 Gold Price 2001-2010 ....................................................................................189
Figure 22.2 Real Return on US Long Bonds 2003-2010 ..................................................189
Figure 22.3 Ore Mining Production Schedule ...................................................................191
Figure 22.4 Ore and Waste Mining Production Schedule .................................................191
Figure 22.5 Ore Stockpiles – Closing Balances ................................................................192
Figure 22.6 LOM Processing Schedule and Grade Profile ...............................................192
Figure 22.7 Cash Operating Costs .....................................................................................193
Figure 22.8 Capital Expenditures ......................................................................................194
Figure 22.9 Life-of-Mine Cash Flows ...............................................................................195
Figure 22.10 Sensitivity to Capital, Operating Costs and Revenue ....................................198
Figure 23.1 El Callao Gold District - Adjacent Properties Map .......................................200
Figure 24.1 Project Implementation Schedule ..................................................................204
Micon International Limited (Micon) was retained in August, 2009 by Rusoro Mining Ltd.
(Rusoro) to complete a feasibility study for an expansion of the existing processing facility to
permit treatment of 20,000 t/d of mainly hard rock from the Choco 10 and Increible 6
deposits. Exploration prior to 2009 had identified additional mineralised deposits and, in
2008, a preliminary assessment was conducted which examined the possibility of increasing
the 5,000 t/d mill capacity (Buchanan et. al., 2009). A number of options were investigated
and increasing the total plant throughput to 20,000 t/d was found to be the most economically
This feasibility study evaluates the construction of additional processing facilities to treat
material from the existing Choco 10 mine and the nearby Increible 6 property as an
expansion of the existing Choco 10 plant. With the exception of the construction of a new
tailings storage facility, the expanded facilities will be essentially located within the site
of the existing Choco 10 operation and represent a brownfields expansion.
Figure 1.1
Location of the Choco 10 Mine, Eastern Venezuela
Rusoro’s operations are located in the vicinity of El Callao and El Dorado, Bolivar State, in
eastern Venezuela. These comprise two operating gold mines, Choco 10 and Isidora, and 10
exploration projects (including development and exploration around the mines). Output from
both the Choco 10 and Isidora mines, near El Callao, is processed through the Choco mill.
(Ore from Isidora has been processed through the Choco mill since late 2008 and reserves are
expected to be exhausted soon). Through Promotora Minera de Guayana S.A., (PMG), the
Venezuelan operating company, Rusoro owns and operates the Choco mill and has an
ownership interest of 95% in the Choco 10 mine. Production from the Isidora mine is subject
to a joint venture with the Venezuelan government. The Increible 6 gold property is under
development and is located 4 km northeast of Choco 10. It is 100% owned by Rusoro,
through its subsidiary, General Mining de Guyana, C.A. (General Mining).
In addition to the preparation of the preliminary assessment referred to above, Micon was
previously retained by Rusoro to audit the resource estimate for Choco 10 and to prepare a
resource estimate for Increible 6. The respective Technical Reports discussing these estimates
Technical Report on the PMG (Gold Fields) Choco 10 Concession and Mine, Estado
Bolivar, Venezuela, dated November 21, 2007. (Leader et al., 2007).
Technical Report on the Increible 6 Property, Bolivar State, Venezuela, dated
November 14, 2007, revised and updated February 14, 2008. (Laudrum et al., 2008).
The Choco 10 mine commenced production in August, 2005. Current operations consist of
open pit mining and a processing plant comprising conventional comminution and carbon-in-
pulp processing. The Choco 10 mine uses typical open pit mining methods of drilling,
blasting, loading and hauling. Two pits are currently being operated within the Choco 10
concession, Pisolita and Rosika-Coacia. The pits are located 2-3 km from the main plant.
The Choco 10 concession has a Certificate of Exploitation granted to PMG for an area of
2,124.53 ha and a term running to December 25, 2025. The Choco 4 concession has a
Certificate of Exploitation granted to PMG for an area of 1,458.12 ha and a term running to
December 25, 2025.
On January 14, 2009, Rusoro announced that for Increible 6, “approval for the Certificate of
Exploitation was published in Venezuela’s Official Gazette on December 23, 2008”. On
receipt of the Exploitation Certificate, application will be made for the Permit to Affect
Natural Resources. The Ministry of the People’s Power for the Environment (MinAmb)
issued the authorization to affect Natural Resources for the Increible 6 deposits on November
1, 2010. This permit was the final step in the permitting process toward the commencement
of mining activities at the Increible 6 deposits.
Choco 10 and Increible 6 deposits lie in an area of low hills between elevations 200 masl and
300 masl. The area is partly savannah and partly tropical forest. The soil is nutrient-poor and
the present land use is confined to rural cultivation, cattle ranching and minero (small
mining) activities.
A paved secondary road passes through the concessions in Choco 10 and provides access to
the town of El Callao, about 15 km to the east of the concessions. Access to Increible 6 from
El Callao is by paved road, except for the last 2 to 3 km which are unpaved. El Callao has a
population of approximately 25,000 and is the centre of population in the area. It is an
historic gold mining centre and a number of present and past producing mines are located
nearby. The Increible 6 deposit is connected to the Choco mine and mill by a 6 km
gravel road.
The main highway, between the regional centre of Puerto Ordaz, a major city on the
Orinoco River 190 km to the north, and other gold mining centres of El Dorado and
Kilometre 88, and the Brazilian border to the south, passes through El Callao.
A major high voltage 400 kV electrical supply line carrying power from the Guri dam, and
destined for Brazil, passes near El Callao. A substation about 5 km from the Choco
concessions supplies power to El Callao and the Choco 10 operation.
A rain-dependent reservoir supplies water for use at the mine, and this is supplemented by a
water well field. Another potential water supply is from the Yuruarí River, which passes
north of the concessions, approximately 8 km distant, and from which other local mines and the
El Callao municipality draw water.
Most of the personnel working at the mine live in and around El Callao. The population is
familiar with mining and can provide the majority of the labour requirement.
Gold mining in the El Callao district dates back to the early Spanish Conquest in the 1500s in
the search to find El Dorado.
On October 11, 2007, Rusoro acquired all of the Venezuelan assets of Gold Fields Limited
(Gold Fields), including the Choco 10 gold mine. Prior to Rusoro’s acquisition, Gold Fields
held the rights to Choco 10 and other Venezuelan assets that were acquired through a plan
of arrangement with Bolivar Gold Corp. (Bolivar) on February 28, 2006. Under the plan of
arrangement Gold Fields acquired all of the outstanding securities in Bolivar which it did
not already hold. Gold Fields owned its interest in the Choco 10 mine through its holding in
Promotora Minera de Guayana S.A. PMG remains the operating company for Choco 10 and is
owned 95% by Promotora Minera de Venezuela SA (Promiven) and 5% by CVG Minerven
C.A. Promiven is wholly owned by Rusoro through Venezuela Holdings (BVI) Ltd.
and Carisma Corporation AVV.
There has been a significant amount of shallow artisanal gold mining within the Increible 6
concession in the past. There are no records of when this work commenced or the total
production to date. Through a wholly-owned subsidiary, Rusoro acquired the Increible 6
property in 2004 and has been actively exploring it since that time.
The Choco 10 and Increible 6 mineral concessions are located within the Guyana Shield,
which occupies the northern part of the Amazon Craton between the Amazon and Orinoco
river basins. The geology of the Guyana Shield as a whole is poorly known, reflecting
minimal development and limited access, as well as intense tropical weathering and cover
across this large area. It has been subdivided into three major geological entities:
Exploration activities at the Choco concessions have included drilling, trench excavation,
surveying and mapping. Numerous studies were also prepared including Petrographic
studies, and Structural studies. The exploration work carried out at the mine site by Gold
Fields from March 2006 included, primarily, infill drilling designed to advance resource
classifications plus in-pit (to depth) and step-out drilling to expand resources. Since Rusoro
acquired the Choco 10 operations, they have continued to undertake a series of drilling
programs to delineate potential ore extensions both horizontally and down the dip of each of
the deposits as well as continue drill definition of the known mineralized zones to raise each
of the deposit’s Mineral Resource categories.
Between 1991 and 1994, General Mining carried out an exploration program on Increible 6
that consisted of soil sampling, trenching and diamond drilling. Starting in 1994, Golden Star
conducted exploration program on Increible 6 which included completing a soil and auger
program, trenching, geophysics, geological mapping, and a drilling program. Their advanced
work was concentrated on the east-west trending quartz veins and shears in the Nuevo
Rosario area.
In 2004, Rusoro began exploration and drilling on the concession. Since 2004, Rusoro has
concentrated most of its efforts on a series of extensive RC and diamond drilling programs.
They have also completed small programs of line cutting, soil sampling, and petrographic
work. Surface surveying included a detailed topographic survey over the main Ingrid-Elisa
area allowing for the preparation of an updated 2-m contour topographic map.
The Micon mineral resource reports on the Choco 10 (Makepeace, 2010), and Increible 6
deposits (Laudrum et al., 2008 and Makepeace 2010) form the basis for the feasibility study
which is the subject of this report.
The mineral resources for Choco 10, as at December 31, 2009, are summarized in Table 1.1
and are reproduced from Makepeace, 2010. The resources are quoted separately for the four
deposits on the property: Rosika, Coacia, Pisolita (RCP) and Villa Balazo-Karolina (VBK).
Table 1.1
Choco 10 Mineral Resource Estimate
Above 0.50 g/t Au cut-off, as of December 31, 2009
The mineral resources for Increible 6 are summarized in Table 1.2. The resources are
quoted separately for the four deposits: Culebra, Cristina, Elisa-Ingrid and Olga-Enoc. These
estimates are based on data available at December 31, 2009.
Table 1.2
Increible 6 Mineral Resource Estimate
Above 0.50 g/t Au cut-off, as of December 31, 2009
These resource estimates include inferred resources, which are not included in the open pit
designs and production schedules for the feasibility study. There is no assurance that further
exploration will result in upgrading any of these inferred resources to the measured or
indicated category.
Two other small deposits, Capia and Cerro Azul that were included in the preliminary
assessment are not material and have not been included in this feasibility study.
The feasibility study considered mining from the Choco 10 and the Increible 6 deposits at a
combined rate of 20,000 t/d or 7.3 Mt/y of mill feed. New resource block models generated
by Micon were used as the basis for the open pit designs.
As of December 31, 2010, the mineral reserves for the Choco 10 and Increible 6 deposits are
as summarized in Table 1.3 and Table 1.4 respectively.
Table 1.3
Choco 10 Mineral Reserves (December 31, 2010)
Table 1.4
Increible 6 Mineral Reserves (December 31, 2010)
Mining losses of 1% were assumed, and dilution factors of 11% and 14% were applied to
oxide ore and transition/fresh ore respectively. Ore tonnes were diluted by an average grade
of 0.10 g/t. These mineral reserves are included within the mineral resources stated in Section
1.6. The mine design work supporting these reserves is described more fully in Section 16.0.
The Rosika, Coacia and Pisolita deposits have been mined for 6 years. The current mill has a
capacity of 5,000 t/d. It is proposed to increase the plant capacity to 20,000 t/d. This
increase in capacity is based on continuing to mine the three current pits, bringing the
relatively large VBK open pit on line as well as developing the Increible 6 deposits.
Mining will be carried out by a contractor, most likely using a fleet of up to 25 240-t trucks
with suitable hydraulic shovels (3 x 28m3), wheel loaders, drills and supporting equipment.
Metallurgical testwork carried out prior to 2008 was undertaken to support the mineral
resource estimate for Choco 10 and the selection of the processing flowsheet for the existing
mill at Choco 10. The existing milling facility is rated at 5,400 t/d on saprolitic ore but is
expected to only be able to treat 5,000 t/d when receiving more competent material.
In 2008, metallurgical testing of the competent fresh rock was conducted by Process
Research Associates Ltd. (PRA), Richmond, British Columbia. Cyanide leach tests for the
Choco 10 composite samples indicated that the material responded well, with gold recoveries
generally over 84%. These results demonstrated that the current process treatment, using a
grind size of approximately 80% passing (P80) 74 µm and 48-h leach time, is applicable to
future mined material and should result in gold recoveries of around 90%.
To assess gravity concentration potential, testing was conducted using both Knelson and
Falcon centrifugal type concentrators. The resulting concentrate produced represented a
fairly high proportion of the total mass which required intensive leaching. The gold grades in
the main stream were too high to discard and would, therefore, also require leaching,
negating to a large extent the initial gravity separation step.
The use of flotation produced a 0.3 g/t Au tailing, however leaching of the flotation
concentrate to enable production of a low grade residue was not achieved, although more
testwork is recommended to prove/disprove this. On the basis that the resulting circuit would
involve new technology (for the existing operation) and a more complex flowsheet with
questionable benefits, it was decided not to continue this approach.
Leach testing at P80 grinds of 55, 74, 100 and 150 µm, confirmed that the baseline of 74 µm
was optimum as residue grades increased from 0.41, 0.42, 0.50 and 0.61 g/t respectively.
Extensive testing was carried out to improve the leach kinetics as leach times for optimum
recovery tended to be lengthy; these tests involved the use of lead nitrate and oxygen
injection. Some minor improvement was achieved with oxygen.
A circuit modification from the current, conventional plant leach/CIP circuit was
investigated. This modification commenced carbon adsorption after approximately half of
the total leach cycle instead of at the end of the leach period. This hybrid configuration,
although requiring a higher circuit carbon inventory, gave improved recoveries possibly
because of pregnant robbing constituents in some of the ore types. It was decided that the
plant circuit would consist of a hybrid leach/CIP circuit with a total retention time of 48 h
whilst maintaining a cyanide concentration of 0.5 g/l. The plant would also be designed to
include provision for oxygen injection into the leach tanks.
Testwork to determine semi autogenous grinding (SAG) milling characteristics were carried
out at the ALS Ammtec Limited (Ammtec) metallurgical testing facilities in Western
Australia. Fresh samples, which attempted to duplicate those previously tested at PRA, were
sent from Venezuela.
JK Drop Weight tests were carried out on one sample from Rosika pit, and SAG mill
comminution tests were carried out on all 7 samples.
The comminution testing indicated that to achieve a leach plant particle size with P80 of
74 µm and at a feed rate of 694 t/h (expanded circuit only) requires a SAG mill 9.75 m
diameter (inside shell) and 4.26m effective grinding length; and a ball mill of 7.16 m
diameter by 11.28 m long. The balance of the plant throughput would be milled in the
existing circuit at 232 t/h.
Rheology testwork on a sample from the VBK deposit demonstrated that the slurry viscosity
was low at natural and high pH but became fairly high at high slurry densities. However, the
values are not sufficiently high to cause any pumping concerns.
Ammtec also conducted leach tests on the fresh ore samples to confirm that the conditions
determined from the PRA work would achieve the design parameters of 89% gold recovery
using a cyanide concentration of 0.5g/l with a 48-h leach/CIL retention time.
The expanded facilities will consist of a new gyratory crusher which will be capable of
treating 20,000 t/d. Crushed ore will then be transferred to a stockpile from which it will
feed 15,000 t/d to the new milling circuit and 5,000 t/d to the existing facilities. The new
plant will consist of a SAG mill which will operate in partial open circuit, with the trommel
screen oversize being recycled through a pebble crusher. The trommel undersize will be
combined with the ball mill discharge and pumped to a nest of classifying cyclones. The
cyclone underflow returns to the ball mill and the overflow gravitates to a thickener for feed
to the leach/CIL circuit.
The cyclone overflows from the two circuits will be thickened in a common unit, and the
underflow split proportionally to feed the new leach/CIL circuit and existing CIP circuit.
The two Zadra elution circuits (new and existing) will be separate as the stripping cycle times
will be different. Electrowinning and bullion production will occupy a new, secure building.
A new power line from El Callao and attendant facilities will be required to cater for the
increased power demand. There will also be a requirement for expansion in the capacity of
some on-site infrastructure such as reagent mixing and office space; however, no separate
facilities will be needed to support the new plant.
The Choco 10 project area falls within the Dry Tropical Forest bioclimatic zone of
Venezuela. Historically, this zone has received an average annual rainfall of over 1,100 mm,
with an average maximum rainfall during July of approximately 160 mm and a minimum
average of 38.3 mm in March. The mean monthly temperature varies only slightly between
25°C and 27°C throughout the year.
The nearest community to the mine is the village of Choco while El Callao is the closest
commercial centre. There are few indigenous people in the communities surrounding the
Choco 4, Choco 10, and Increible 6 concessions, and no fully indigenous communities. As
part of its permit and corporate obligations, PMG consults with the local communities and
has provided support and resources for the community and infrastructure development.
The exploitation and exploration permits are in place for Choco 10, Choco 4, and Increible 6,
and are kept current. Permitting is in progress for expansion of the project to include the new
plant, waste rock dumps, tailings impoundment, and ancillary facilities.
The environmental management or supervision program for the Chocó mine has been
expanded to include the environmental management plan requirements for the Increible 6
mines. Requirements for the environmental management program incorporate conditions of
the exploitation authorization and include compliance with all applicable legislation,
avoiding protected areas, waste disposal, erosion control, hazardous materials storage, fire
prevention, wildlife conservation, health, safety and security, effluents, water management,
community consultation, among other items. Water and waste are being managed to prevent
release of contaminants to the receiving environment. Mine reclamation is being carried out
concurrently with operations and mine closure cost estimates have been included in the
financial analysis.
Figure 1.2 shows a summary of the project implementation schedule based on a notional start
date at the end of 2010, valid as of the effective date of this report.
Figure 1.2
Project Implementation Schedule
However, this schedule will need to be re-validated once PMG’s approval for project
implementation is given, and Micon notes that, as of the date of signing this report, slippage
of one year had already occurred in the project implementation schedule.
Capital expenditures for the expansion project are estimated to total $310.8M, including
$152.8M processing, $15.0M for services, $41.9M infrastructure, $14.8M for design growth,
$46.2M indirect costs and a contingency of $40.1M, equivalent to almost 18% of the direct
capital cost estimate. In addition, sustaining capital has been provided for in the amount of
$85.8M over the LOM period. A mine closure and rehabilitation provision of $47.8 million is
also provided for, including contributions of $2M/y assumed over 15 years and final closure
costs of $17.8 million.
Working capital has been estimated to include 15 days product inventory comprising the
mill, leaching circuit, carbon and elution inventories, and 15 days accounts receivable. Stores
provision is for 60 days of consumables and spares inventory, less 30 days accounts payable.
A balance of $13.6M in working capital is assumed to be brought forward from the current
Cash operating costs average $22.73/t milled over the LOM period, including $11.36/t
mining, $8.34/t processing and $3.04/t general and administrative costs. The mining cost
estimate includes a provision for increases in the contractors’ unit rate to cover leasing
charges in respect of the expanded mining fleet and its periodic replacement. This operating
expense is in lieu of capital expenditure of approximately $153 million for new mining
equipment over the LOM period.
The initially high waste:ore ratios put pressure on operating margins in the first few years
but, after Year 5, operating margins are increasingly robust over the remainder of the LOM.
Micon has prepared its assessment of the Project on the basis of a discounted cash flow
model, from which Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), payback and
other measures of project viability can be determined. Assessments of NPV are generally
accepted within the mining industry as representing the economic value of a project after
allowing for the cost of capital invested.
The objective of the study was to establish the economic viability of the proposed expansion
of open pit mining and processing for the production of gold from the Choco 10 and Increible
6 deposits. In order to do this, the cash flow arising from the base case has been forecast,
enabling a computation of the NPV to be made. The sensitivity of this NPV to changes in the
base case assumptions is then examined.
The project cash flow model, an all results derived from the model, are expressed in United
States dollars ($). Inputs to the cash flow model originating in Venezuelan Bolivar Fuerte
(BsF) have been converted at the ruling rate1. Constant, Q4-2010 money terms are used
throughout, i.e., without provision for inflation.
The base case has been evaluated using trailing average metal prices to December 31, 2010,
as shown in Table 1.5. In the light of upward momentum in the gold price, Micon has taken
the 12-month average as its forecast price for the base case. As part of its sensitivity analysis,
Micon also tested a range of prices 20% above and below the base case value.
Table 1.5
Gold Price Forecasts
Item Gold
36-month trailing average to Dec-2010 1,023
24-month trailing average to Dec-2010 1,100
12- month trailing average to Dec-2010 1,225
1-month trailing average to Dec-2010 1,391
In order to find the NPV of the cash flows forecast for the project, an appropriate discount
factor must be applied which represents the weighted average cost of capital (WACC)
imposed on the project by the capital markets. The cash flow projections used for the
valuation have been prepared on an all-equity basis. This being the case, WACC is equal to
the market cost of equity.
The average real return on US long bonds is close to 2.0%, which is taken to be equal to the
risk-free rate. Historically, the risk premium for equity has been estimated at 5.0%. The
value of beta (β) for similar gold producers is observed to lie in the range 0.6 to 1.4 so,
applying the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), the project’s cost of equity will lie in the
range of 5.0% to 9.0%. Accordingly, Micon has selected a discount rate of 7.0% as its base
case estimate for the project’s cost of equity and the economic results are presented for
discount rates ranging from 5.0% to 9.0%.
As of December, 2010 Venezuela’s Central Bank applies a selling rate of BsF 4.30 per US$. Prior to
January 11, 2010, the selling rate was BsF 2.15 per US$.
12 Taxation Regime
Venezuelan corporate income tax has been allowed for at the rate of 34%. Expansion project
capital expenditure for the establishment of the new processing capacity, taken together with
ongoing or sustaining capital, is assumed to be eligible for depreciation based on the unit of
production method over the remaining life of the mine. The effective tax rate is thus
approximately 28%. Royalty
A royalty of 3.0% has been provided for in the cash flow model.
Costs relating to the refining and disposal of gold production take into account the market
structure in Venezuela, in which 50% of the total sales are earmarked for sale to the Central
Bank of Venezuela at the ruling exchange rate, and the remainder for export. For the
purposes of this study, it is assumed that all cash flows are convertible to US dollars at the
ruling exchange rate.
In Years 0 to 2, the current mill is fed at the rate of 5,000 t/d, comprising a mixture of oxide,
transition and fresh ore types. During this period, waste mining ramps up to expose
additional ore in anticipation of the expansion of milling capacity. After Year 3, the rate of
ore mining increases, ROM tonnage being dominated by fresh ore, with remnant oxides
being mined during stripping of the new open pits, including the Increible area. Figure 1.3
shows the annual ore mining schedule.
Figure 1.3
Ore Mining Production Schedule
8,000 2.25
7,000 2.00
6,000 1.75
5,000 1.50
Tonnes (000)
4,000 1.25
3,000 1.00
2,000 0.75
1,000 0.50
‐ 0.25
13 Processing Schedule
Figure 1.4
LOM Processing Schedule and Grade Profile
8,000 2.50
7,000 2.25
Average Grade (g/t Au)
6,000 2.00
Milled (000 t)
5,000 1.75
4,000 1.50
3,000 1.25
2,000 1.00
1,000 0.75
‐ 0.50
Yr0 Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 Yr4 Yr5 Yr6 Yr7 Yr8 Yr9 Yr10 Yr11 Yr12 Yr13 Yr14 Yr15
HG MG LG Average Grade
Following expansion of the process plant, in Year 3 significant quantities of low grade
material are milled while the VBK open pit is being opened up. As the VBK pit develops,
the proportion of high grade ore in the mill feed slowly increases, raising the average grade
of ore milled from 1.25 g/t to around 1.75 g/t and then 2.25 g/t in Year 12.
Cash operating costs average $22.73/t milled over the LOM period, including $11.36/t
mining, $8.34/t processing and $3.04/t general and administrative costs. Figure 1.5 shows
the operating expenditures over the LOM period.
Figure 1.5
Cash Operating Costs
500,000 80
Operating Costs ($ 000)
Average Cost ($/t)
300,000 50
200,000 30
‐ ‐
Yr0 Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 Yr4 Yr5 Yr6 Yr7 Yr8 Yr9 Yr10 Yr11 Yr12 Yr13 Yr14 Yr15
Mining Costs Processing Costs G&A costs
Net Sales Revenue Average USD/t milled
14 Capital Costs
Capital expenditures for the expansion project are estimated to total $310.8M, including
$152.8M processing, $15.0M for services, $41.9M infrastructure, $14.8M for design growth,
$46.2M indirect costs and a contingency of $40.1M, equivalent to almost 18% of the direct
capital cost estimate. In addition, sustaining capital has been provided for in the amount of
$85.8M over the LOM period, and a mine closure and rehabilitation provision of $47.8
million is also provided for. Figure 1.6 compares annual capital expenditures over the
preproduction and LOM periods with the project’s cash operating margin.
Figure 1.6
Capital Expenditures
USD (000)
Yr0 Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 Yr4 Yr5 Yr6 Yr7 Yr8 Yr9 Yr10 Yr11 Yr12 Yr13 Yr14 Yr15
Initial/expansion capital Sustaining capital
Closure Provision Changes in Working Capital
Net Cash Operating Margin
The LOM base case project cash flow is summarised in Table 1.6.
Table 1.6
Life-of-Mine Cash Flow Summary
Annual cash flows are presented in Figure 1.7.
Figure 1.7
Life-of-Mine Cash Flows
$ million
(100 )
(200 )
(300 )
(400 )
Yr0 Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 Yr4 Yr5 Yr6 Yr7 Yr8 Yr9 Yr10 Yr11 Yr12 Yr13 Yr14 Yr15
Capital expenditure Total cash operating costs Taxation payable
Net cash flow after tax Net Sales Revenue Cumulative DCF (7 %/y)
Cumulative cash flow
In addition to the expansion capital of $310.8M, the project has additional funding
requirements for the acceleration of waste mining and increases in working capital, bringing
the cumulative cash flow at the end of Year 2 to (negative) $331.2M. From that point, with
completion of the expansion project, the project demonstrates an undiscounted pay back of
3.7 years or approximately 4.4 years when the cash flow is discounted at the selected rate of
7.0%. The latter leaves a production tail of 8.0 years on the current mineral reserve.
Over the LOM period, the average cash operating cost equates to $487/oz gold.
The base case evaluates to an IRR of 40% before tax and 30% after tax. At the selected
discount rate of 7.0%, the net present value (NPV7) of the cash flow is $1,260.7M before tax
and $758.0M after tax.
The base case cash flow evaluation results are shown in Table 1.7, in which results at the
comparative discount rates of 5%/y and 9%/y are also presented.
Table 1.7
Base Case Cash Flow Evaluation
In Micon’s opinion, the results demonstrate the economic viability of the project base case,
under the conditions described above.
The sensitivity of the project returns to changes in all revenue factors (including grades,
recoveries, prices and exchange rate assumptions) together with capital and operating costs
was tested over a range of 20% above and below base case values. Figure 1.8 shows the
results of this analysis.
Figure 1.8
Sensitivity to Capital, Operating Costs and Revenue
NPV ($ millions
% of base case
80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 105% 110% 115% 120%
Revenue drivers 359 459 559 658 758 857 957 1,056 1,156
Operating costs 947 900 853 805 758 711 663 616 569
Capital costs 830 812 794 776 758 740 722 704 686
Mining cost 860 835 809 783 758 732 707 681 656
Exchange Rate 560 609 659 708 758 808 857 907 956
In further analysis, Micon notes that simultaneously applying an increase of 57% to both
capital and operating costs simultaneously would be required in order to reduce NPV7 to
zero. Likewise, a gold price of $766/oz is required to produce a zero NPV7, i.e., an economic
Micon concludes that the project is sufficiently robust to withstand adverse changes in the
principal value drivers of the project, within the limits of accuracy of the estimate.
The sensitivity of project returns to changes in the gold price and discount rate were
determined, as shown in Table 1.8.
Table 1.8
Sensitivity to Gold Price and Discount Rate
Micon concludes that this study demonstrates the viability of the project as proposed, and
that expansion of the mine to process 20,000 t/d is warranted.
Prior to completion of the study, circumstances beyond the control of the study sponsor
forced a suspension of work from December, 2010 until late in 2011. Nevertheless, it is
Micon’s opinion that the report remains current as of the signature date, despite the time
elapsed since the effective date, which marks the completion of data collection for the study.
1.18.1 Geology
and Inferred Mineral Resource within the proposed VBK open pit boundary. Some of the
proposed holes will be specifically designed to provide additional geotechnical data to
confirm pit slope design. The holes would range between 240 and 686 m. The total depth of
all holes would be approximately 25,000 m. All diamond drill holes should be collared HQ
size (63.5 m) and if necessary reduced to NQ size (47.6 m). It is recommended that all
Rusoro drilling and sampling procedures be followed to provide appropriate QA/QC controls
and database validation.
The Coacia and Pisolita deposits have been drilled off to a depth of approximately 250 and
200 m below the surface, respectively. It is recommended that further drilling at the Coacia
and Pisolita deposits be completed to target areas where there is wide-spaced drilling and
Inferred Mineral Resources within their respective pit boundaries. A total of approximately
12,000 m in 60 diamond drill holes are recommended.
1.18.2 Geotechnical
Recommendations following the 2008/2009 geotechnical site investigation for the Tailings
Storage Facility included:
Collecting and testing additional “undisturbed” overburden samples
Additional testing of in situ overburden
Additional testing of bedrock samples, and
Additional testing of select overburden and bedrock samples to confirm laboratory
It is further recommended that:
Four untested Shelby tube samples be considered for triaxial testing.
Subject to the above, collect additional Shelby tube samples for triaxial testing
Block samples be collected for direct shear testing.
Vane shear testing be incorporated into any additional geotechnical drilling to
provide additional information regarding the overburden in situ shear strength
Additional testing should be completed to confirm the UCS value of the bedrock
gabbro and, if necessary, adjust the estimated UCS values.
Additional laboratory testing of select overburden and bedrock samples should be
conducted at a laboratory with well-known quality assurance and control standards to
confirm the results from the GMK and UCAB laboratories. Select duplicate
overburden samples were prepared for this purpose following the site investigation
program and were being stored on site. The availability and condition of these
samples should be confirmed.
A geotechnical site investigation program should be carried out to confirm the
parameters used in the open pit design, as this was not completed prior to this
feasibility study.
Waste rock dump seepage is monitored, but not collected. A seepage collection system is not
planned for future dumps. It is recommended that the operation continues to monitor seepage
and make modifications to future dump expansions and new waste rock dumps to allow for a
collection and recovery system if seepage quality starts to degrade.
1.18.4 Metallurgy
Testwork has shown that, in general, 48-h CIL Au extractions of ≥90% can be expected at
~74 µm, 40% solids, ≤0.5 g/L NaCN and pH ~11, with typical consumptions of 0.6 kg/t
NaCN and <1 kg/t lime. Recommendations included:
Careful metallurgical control due to head grade variability and different leach train
processing required to optimize gold recovery.
Tracking of CN-soluble gold for resource modeling purposes is recommended, as a
basis for blending a more predictable feed.
1.18.5 Schedule
The implementation schedule is based on delivery of the SAG and ball mills 55 weeks from
the date of placing the order, assumed to be 18 weeks after Board approval to proceed. The
scheduled mill installation and commissioning period is 37 weeks. The mills are likely to be
the critical item of equipment required to complete the project and should, therefore, be
tendered and a recommendation to purchase issued as soon as practical after the
commencement of sufficient engineering.
Other long-lead items such as transformers and the primary crusher will also need to be
ordered near the commencement of engineering.
The source of permanent site power for the expansion has not been definitively resolved for
this study, and the schedule impact of the power supply options is uncertain. Supply of
permanent power for the expansion has the potential to become the schedule critical path.
The capital estimates presented in this section have been compiled by Micon from
information provided by Ausenco and Knight Piésold during 2010. In Micon’s opinion, the
impact on these estimates of inflation and exchange rate variances between the effective date
and the signature date of this report lie within the expected range of accuracy of the estimate.
However, due to the passage of time since the preparation of the capital and operating cost
estimates used in this Feasibility Study, it is recommended that, subject to project approval,
an update or revalidation of the estimates should be prepared as a basis for management of
the implementation phase.
Rusoro Mining Limited (Rusoro) operates two gold mines located in the vicinity of El
Callao, Bolívar State, in eastern Venezuela: the Choco 10 / Choco 4 / Increible 6 licence area
(the Choco area) and the Isidora underground mine. Output from both mines is processed
through the Choco mill, which is owned and operated by Rusoro. The company has a 95%
ownership interest in the Choco area, whereas the Isidora mine is subject to a joint venture
with the Venezuelan government. Rusoro also has several early to advanced stage
exploration projects in the El Dorado, Cuyuni and Km 88 districts of Bolivar State.
Within the Choco area, open pit mining currently takes place on the Rosika/Coatia/Pisolita
deposits. Exploration has been carried out on the adjacent Villa Balazo-Karolina (VBK)
deposit, as well as at the Elisa, Culebra and Christina deposits with the Increible 6 licence.
Micon has previously been engaged to carry out a number of assignments for Rusoro:
In 2007, Micon was retained to provide an independent audit, compliant with requirements of
National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101), of the Choco 10 mineral resource estimate and to
report on the technical aspects of the Choco 10 property and operating mine. This request was
made following the announcement that Rusoro had reached an agreement with Gold Fields
Netherlands Services BV (Gold Fields), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gold Fields, whereby
Rusoro acquired all of Gold Fields’ Venezuelan assets, including the producing Choco 10
mine. This report was filed on SEDAR on November 29, 2007 and is entitled “Technical
Report on the PMG (Gold Fields) Choco 10 Concession and Mine, Estado Bolivar,
Venezuela”, dated November 21, 2007 (Leader et al., 2007).
Micon was further retained by Rusoro to carry out a preliminary assessment of the Choco 10
and Increible 6 properties. This report, referred to herein as Buchanan et al., 2009 was filed
on SEDAR on June 9, 2009 and is entitled “Technical Report on the Preliminary Assessment
of the Expansion of Production at Choco 10, Bolivar State, Venezuela”, dated June 3, 2009
(Buchanan et al., 2009).
The mineral resource estimates documented in these reports were audited from the work
undertaken by Gold Fields in 2006. Since that date, further definition and delineation drilling
has been completed and Micon was retained by Rusoro in July, 2009 to undertake an update
of the mineral resource estimates for the Choco area. The results of that exercise were
presented in Micon’s “Technical Report on the Mineral Resources of the Choco 10 Deposits,
Bolivar State, Venezuela” dated August 18, 2010. The mineral resource estimates in that
report utilized all drilling, assay and survey data up to December 31, 2009.
In late 2009, Rusoro further retained Micon to complete a feasibility study on the expansion of
the Choco mill to 20,000 t/d, in line with the recommendations of a preliminary assessment
completed earlier that year (Buchanan et al., 2009). This report presents the findings of that
feasibility study.
2.1.1 Qualified Persons
The Qualified Persons responsible for the preparation of this report are as follows:
Responsibility for
Name Company Area
Sections of this Report
David Makepeace, P.Eng Micon Mineral Resources 4-12, 14, 23, 26
Dayan Anderson, MMSA Micon Mining and production 15, 16, 21.2.1
schedule, mineral reserves
Greg Lane, FAusIMM Ausenco Engineering design, process and 17, 18 (excl. 18.10)
infrastructure capital cost
Richard Gowans, P.Eng Micon Metallurgy, process and G&A 13, 21 (excl. 21.2.1)
operating cost estimates
Daniel Friedman, P.Eng Knight Piésold Tailings Management 18.10
Christopher Jacobs, CEng Micon Economic Analysis 1- 3, 19, 20, 22, 24 - 26
There have been several site visits by Micon and affiliated qualified persons since 2007:
Mr. David Makepeace, P.Eng., senior geologist with Micon visited the Choco 10 property
and mining operations on July 29 to August 9, 2009.
Ms Jenifer Hill, R.P.Bio., senior environmental scientist with Micon visited the Choco
facilities between August 14 and 16, 2007.
Mr. Daniel Friedman, P.Eng., senior engineer with Knight Piésold, visited the property from
November 26 to December 4, 2008.
Mr. Robert Braun, B.E., MAusIMM, principal metallurgist with Ausenco, and
Mr. Christopher Jacobs CEng MIMMM, senior mineral economist with Micon, visited the
property and operation on October 19 to 24, 2009 together with other professional staff from
each of their firms.
Preparation of this report commenced with the site visits described above and continued with
preparation of mineral resource estimates, metallurgical testwork, basic engineering and
estimation of capital and operating costs through 2010.
However, prior to completion of the study, circumstances beyond the control of the study
sponsor forced a suspension of work until late in 2011. Nevertheless, it is Micon’s opinion
that the report remains current as of the signature date, despite the time elapsed since the
effective date, which marks the completion of data collection for the study.
Quantities are generally stated in Système International d’Unités (SI) metric units, the
standard Canadian and international practice, including metric tonnes (t), kilograms (kg) and
grams (g) for weight, kilometre (km) or metres (m) for distance, hectares (ha) for area, and
grams per tonne (g/t) for gold grades (g/t Au). Gold grades may also be reported in parts per
million (ppm) or parts per billion (ppb). As is customary in the industry, quantities of gold
may be reported in troy ounces (oz).
Term Abbreviation
ALS Ammtec Limited Ammtec
Ampere A
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy AAS
Bolivar Fuerte (Venezuelan currency) BsF or VEF
Bolivar Gold Corp Bolivar
Capital Asset Pricing Model CAPM
Carbon in Leach / Carbon in Pulp CIL/CIP
Central Bank of Venezuela CBV
Corporación Venezolana de Guayana C.A. CVG
Coarse (crushed) Ore Stockpile COS
Cubic metre(s) m3
Degree °
Digital Terrain Model DTM
Dollar(s) $ or US$
Effective Grinding Length EGL
Environmental Management System EMS
Fibre Reinforced Plastic FRP
General Mining de Guyana, C.A General Mining
Gold Fields Limited Gold Fields
Gram(s) / kilogram g / kg
Grams per tonne g/t
Hectare(s) Ha
Hydrochloric Acid HCl
Inflow Design Flood IDF
Internal Rate of Return IRR
Inverse Distance Cubed ID3
Lakefield Research Laboratories Lakefield
Life of Mine LOM
Litre L
Maximum Design Earthquake MDE
McClelland Laboratories, Inc. McClelland
Metre(s) / centimetre / kilometre m / cm / km
Metres above mean sea level Masl
Term Abbreviation
Micon International Limited Micon
Micron Μm
Mineral Resource Management MRM
Million M
Million tonnes Mt
Million years old Ma
Ministry of Basic Industry and Mines MIBAM
Ministry of the People’s Power for the Environment MinAmb
Motor Control Centre MCC
Net Present Value (discount rate) NPV(x)
Not applicable n.a.
Ounce(s) [troy ounce] oz
Parts per million ppm
Parts per billion ppb
Probable Maximum Flood PMF
Process Research Associates Ltd. PRA
Promotora Minera de Venezuela SA Promiven
Promotora Minera de Guayana S.A. PMG
Rosika/Coacia/Pisolita RCP
Rock Quality Designation RQD
Run of Mine ROM
Rusoro Mining Ltd Rusoro
Semi Autogenous / Ball Mill /Crusher (flowsheet) SABC
Semi Autogenous Grinding SAG
SAG Mill Comminution SMC
Sodium Cyanide NaCN
Sodium Hydroxide NaOH
Square metre(s) m2
Square kilometre(s) km2
Summit Valley Equipment & Engineering SVEE
System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval - SEDAR
Système International d’Unités SI
Tailings Storage Facility TSF
Tonne(s) t
Tonnes per day t/d
Uniaxial Compressive Strength UCS
Villa Balazo-Karolina VBK
Volt / kilovolt / Megavolt V / kV / MV
Waste Water Treatment Plant WWTP
Watts / kilowatts / megawatts W / kW / MW
Weighted Average Cost of Capital WACC
Micon has reviewed and analyzed data provided by Rusoro and others, and has drawn its
own conclusions, augmented by its direct field examinations. Micon has not carried out any
independent exploration work, drilled any holes or carried out any extensive sampling and
assaying on the Choco 10 or Increible 6 properties. During the field visit to Choco 10 and
Increible 6, Micon did not collect any samples to confirm the mineralization as it is an
operating gold mine and any samples collected by Micon would only reflect the
mineralization at the sample location and not necessarily the economic nature of the
mineralization at the mine.
While exercising all reasonable diligence in checking, confirming and testing, Micon has
relied upon Rusoro’s presentation of the Choco 10 and Increible 6 data from both itself and
previous organizations in formulating its opinion.
Micon has not reviewed any of the documents or agreements under which Rusoro holds title
to the Choco gold mine or its underlying mineral concessions and Micon offers no legal
opinion as to the validity of the mineral titles claimed. A description of the properties, and
ownership thereof, is provided for general information purposes only. Rusoro has confirmed
the description presented in Section 4 of this report.
The existing environmental conditions, liabilities and remediation have been described where
required by NI 43-101 regulations. These statements also are provided for information purposes
only and Micon offers no opinion in this regard.
The descriptions of geology, mineralization and exploration are taken from reports prepared
by Rusoro, its predecessors or its consultants. The conclusions of this report rely on data
available in published and unpublished reports and information supplied by the organizations
which have conducted exploration on the property, and information supplied by Rusoro and
its consultants. In Micon’s opinion, the information provided to Rusoro was supplied by
reputable organizations and Micon has no reason to doubt its validity.
The Choco 10 gold mine is located in the eastern part of Venezuela, in Bolívar State (see
Figure 4.1). It is approximately 15 km west of the town of El Callao. The location of the
mine is approximately 7° 19’ 27” N and 61° 52’ 20” W or UTM coordinates 809740.7 m N,
624478.4 m E, Zone 20.
Figure 4.1
Location of the Choco 10 Mine, Venezuela
The major industrial city of Puerto Ordaz (Ciudad Guayana) is located 190 km northwest of
El Callao and is linked to the mine by paved roads. Although Venezuela has a good road
infrastructure, road conditions near the mine have deteriorated during the last 15 years.
Under the terms of its exploitation certificate the Company is obligated to maintain a portion
of the access road from El Callao to the Choco 10 mine.
The mine and mill are located on an exploitation permit, which amalgamates the Choco 10 and
Choco 4 concessions (Figure 4.2).
Figure 4.2
El Callao District Showing Locations of Rusoro Concessions
The Choco 10 mine commenced production in August, 2005 utilizing typical drill, blast,
load and haul open pit mining and processing of ore through a conventional comminution
and carbon-in-pulp (CIP) plant. The Rosika/Coacia/Pisolita (RCP) combined open pit
currently provides all ore processed from within the Choco 10 concession. The pit is located
2-3 km from the mill site.
The Choco 10 Mine property consists of two mineral concessions (Choco 4 and Choco 10).
However, the known mineral resource lies entirely within the Choco 10 concession.
The mining rights over the original area (4,249.35 ha) were first granted by the Ministry of
Energy and Mines (MEM) to Corporación Venezolana de Guayana C.A. (CVG) by means of
a concession on May 10, 1993 (Official Gazette No. 4.578 Extraordinary, May 18, 1993). It
was registered before the Real Estate Registry Office of the Roscio District, Bolívar State, on
April 15, 1993. The concession was leased by CVG to Promotora Mineria de Guayana
(PMG). A Certificate of Exploitation was granted on February 4, 1994 and PMG selected an
exploitation area of 2,124.53 ha divided into 5 plots. It was authenticated before the Second
Notary Public of Puerto Ordaz, Bolivar State, on April 8, 1994, under No. 7 and 9, Volume
55 of the Authentication Books of the Notary and registered before the Real Estate Registry
Office of the Roscio District, Bolívar State, on April 15, 1993 as Choco 4 and 10 Lease
Agreement. The agreement grants PMG the right to explore and exploit alluvial and vein
material (manganese, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum, vanadium, chromium, nickel, cobalt,
tungsten, gold, copper, zinc, silver and tin), subject to the payment of royalties, taxes and
meeting a number of obligations. Gazetting of the final approval for issuance of exploitation
for Choco 10 was completed on December 5, 2005 with a term of 20 years which terminates
December 5, 2025.
The Increible 6 concession is 100 % owned by General Mining de Guayana C.A., a wholly
owned company of Rusoro. It has both hard rock and alluvial rights. It is 2,470.53 ha in size
and can be seen in Figure 4.2. The Certificate of Exploitation for the Increible 6 concession
was approved in December, 2008. The Ministry of the Peoples’s Power for the Environment
(MinAmb) issued the authorization to affect Natural Resources for Increible 6, in late 2010.
This was the final step in the permitting process toward the commencement of mining
activities at Increible 6.
In addition, a monthly production royalty must be paid to CVG and its subsdiary, CVG
Técnica Mineria C.A., with respect to the lease agreement mentioned in Section 4.2.1. This
royalty is calculated monthly based on gold production and ranges between 1.0 to 3.5% with
respect to the average price of gold in the New York market for the relevant month as
determined by CVG. This royalty is subject to value added tax.
Based on discussions with Choco staff, official gazettes, exploitation permits and monthly
and quarterly reports, Micon understands that all permits and licenses are in place to operate
the mine. In addition to the rights and titles discussed previously, an authorization was
granted to occupy Choco 10 (No. 000580) which expires on February 4, 2014. The
environmental permits are in place for mineral exploitation in the both concessions. The mine
is currently fulfilling the permit requirements. A groundwater well field permit has been
obtained and is being complied with. Permits for open pit expansion, waste rock dump sites,
mill expansion and new tailings pond impoundment facilities are in progress.
A paved secondary road passes through the concessions near the Choco 10 mine and mill.
This road provides access to the town of El Callao, about 15 km to the east from the
concessions (see Figure 5.1). El Callao has a population of approximately 25,000 and is the
centre of population in the area. It is a historic gold mining centre and a number of present and
past producing mines are located nearby. The main highway in the region passes on the
outskirts of El Callao. Puerto Ordaz, a major city on the Orinoco River, lies 190 km to the
north. The main highway also connects other gold mining centres of El Dorado and
Kilometre 88 further south. The highway continues to the Brazilian frontier.
The Choco concessions are mostly unused for agricultural activity and the gently sloping
topography provides suitable and adequate locations for project infrastructure, waste rock
storage and tailings management facilities. Figure 5.1 is a general plan showing the major
mining and infrastructure areas within the concessions.
Choco 10 and Increible 6 concessions lie in an area of low hills between elevations 200 masl
and 300 masl.
The climate at Choco is tropical, with temperatures averaging around 25.7°C and humidity
ranging from 76% to 82%. The estimated mean annual precipitation at El Callao is 1,325
mm. The heaviest rainfall typically occurs during the months from June to August, which
averages 150 mm of precipitation per month. During the remainder of the year the rainfall is
about 80 mm per month except in the dry season from February through March when
precipitation is about 36 mm per month.
The Yuruarí River is the major watercourse in the area which runs through El Callao. It is
several km to the north and east of the mine site.
A major high voltage 400 kV electrical supply line carrying power from the Guri Dam on the
Caroni River, southwest of Puerto Ordaz, and destined for Brazil, passes between the mine
site and El Callao. A substation immediately east of the Choco concessions supplies power to
El Callao and the mine.
A rain-dependent reservoir supplies water for use at the mine, which is supplemented by a
groundwater well field. A potential water supply is from the Yuruarí River, which passes
north of the concessions, approximately 8 km distant, and from which other local mines and the
El Callao municipality draw water.
Most of the personnel working at the mine live in and around El Callao. The population is
familiar with mining and can provide the majority of the local labour force. Mine supervision
and technical support are provided by experienced Venezuelan management and contract
expatriate staff that are housed in staff quarters on the outskirts of El Callao and Tumeremo.
Personnel travel by bus or truck to the mine each day and there is no permanent
accommodation at the mine site.
Figure 5.1
Plan Showing the Choco 10 Mining Areas and Mine Infrastructure
For details on the history of the Choco properties, the reader is referred to Leader et al., 2007
and Laudrum et al., 2008. The following has been extracted from those reports.
Gold mining in the El Callao district dates back to the early Spanish Conquest in the 1500s in
the search to find El Dorado. The centre of the Spanish colony was believed to be Tupequen,
modern day El Callao.
During the 1800s, exploitation of gold in the El Callao district was undertaken first by a
Frenchman, Dr. Luis Plassard, in 1849 and then by Corsicans and Venezuelans who
established the El Callao Company, in 1870. The company mined the El Callao mine
below the site of the present town until 1887.
6.1 CHOCO 10
Mining in the area of the Choco 10 concessions date back to 1897, when a British company
operated the historic Concordia mine located 2 km from the present Choco 10 operation. A
mine shaft was sunk 200 m to develop a 1 m wide quartz vein reportedly carrying 40 g/t of
On October 11, 2007, Rusoro acquired all of the Venezuelan assets of Gold Fields, including
the Choco 10 gold mine. Prior to Rusoro’s acquisition, Gold Fields held the rights to Choco
10 and other Venezuelan assets that were acquired through a plan of arrangement with
Bolivar on February 28, 2006. Under the plan of arrangement Gold Fields acquired all of the
outstanding securities in Bolivar which it did not already hold. Gold Fields owned its interest
in the Choco 10 mine through its holding in PMG which remains the operating company for
Choco 10. PMG is owned 5% by CVG and 95% by Promiven, the latter being wholly-owned
by Rusoro through Venezuela Holdings (BVI) Ltd. and Carisma Corporation AVV.
There has in the past been a significant amount of shallow artisanal gold mining within the
Increible 6 concession. There are no records of when this work commenced or the total
production to date. Essentially, all of the areas explored by Rusoro have previously been
explored and mined on a small scale. All of this previous work is confined to the upper,
weathered zone.
In 1989, General Mining was granted a one-year licence to prospect on the Increible 6
concession. This licence was subsequently extended for a second year. During that time,
favourable results from the sampling of veins in three areas were obtained.
In the late 1980s, CVG Minera (CVG), a federally chartered regional development
corporation, was formed for the purpose of promoting development in southeastern
Venezuela. It was granted the Increible 6 concession on January 23, 1991. CVG then
transferred the concession to General Mining under a two-year contract, dated May 13, 1991,
covering alluvial and vein deposits. The contract was extended for an additional year and a
three year exploration program was commenced. The size of the concession was reduced by
50% after the three years.
Through a wholly-owned subsidiary, Rusoro acquired the property in 2004 and has been
actively exploring the Increible 6 property since that time.
The following descriptions of the regional and local geology pertaining to the Choco 10
property is based on previous Micon reports (Leader et al., 2007 and Buchanan et al., 2009).
The Choco mineral concessions are located within the Guyana Shield, which occupy the
northern part of the Amazon Craton between the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. The
geology of the Guyana Shield as a whole is poorly known, reflecting minimal development,
limited access, as well as intense tropical weathering and cover across this large area. It has
been subdivided into three major geological entities:
The majority of gold mineralization is hosted by the greenstone belts; some of the more
important of these include the Pastora Supergroup and Botanamo Group in Venezuela, the
contiguous Barama-Mazaruni Groups in Guyana, the Marowijne Group in Suriname, and the
Maroni Group in French Guiana (Figure 7.1). Greenstone belts across the shield are dated to
between 2,250 and 2,110 Ma for the metavolcano-sedimentary sequences and between 2,250
and 1,900 Ma for the associated granitoid complexes. The volcano-sedimentary packages
and early granitoids were metamorphosed, deformed and mineralized during the Trans-
Amazonian Orogeny, dated from approximately 2,200 to 1,900 Ma. This orogeny caused the
accretion of various volcanic centres (the precursors of greenstone belts) around Archaean
palaeocontinents including the Imataca Complex in Venezuela.
The Palaeoproterozoic greenstone belts and granitoid complexes are separated from the
Imataca Complex by the Guri Structure, a major eastnortheast- trending ductile shear zone
(see Figure 7.2). At a regional scale, many gold deposits of the Guyana Shield are located in
close proximity to, but not on, major shear zones as is typically the case for orogenic gold
Venezuela has a long history of gold production. The most important area was the El Callao
mining district, which hosts the Choco 10 and Increible 6 deposits. The El Callao Mine is
considered to have been the most productive gold mine in the world during the latter part of
the 19th century. As of 1995, more than 260 gold-bearing quartz veins were known to exist
in the district (MDA, 2005).
Figure 7.1
Regional Geology of the Northern Guyana Shield Showing Major Gold Deposits
Figure 7.2
Regional Geology of the Choco 10 and Other Major Gold Deposits
The gold mineralization at Choco 10 and Increible 6 deposits are typical of Archaean-
Proterozoic orogenic gold deposits. The deposits are hosted in an early Proterozoic sequence
of the Guasipati Greenstone Belt (or Pastora Supergroup) of the Guyana Shield. The
stratigraphy comprises a tholeiitic to calc-alkaline volcanic package, overlain by
volcaniclastic and epiclastic rocks intruded by gabbroic sills. The rock package has been
subjected to intense tropical weathering. The structural architecture is dominated by folds and
ductile fabrics indicating a long history of compressional deformation. Mineralization is
dominantly structurally controlled and is associated with strain partitioning. High-grade gold
mineralization occurs with carbonate, pyrite, silicification and quartz-veining in lower-strain
zones typically associated with crenulations, folding and chaotic foliations.
The deposits have been metamorphosed in the lower greenschist facies. Late dykes of
intermediate composition and felsic stocks and sills have also intruded the greenstone-belt
The meta-volcanics and meta-sedimentary rocks that underlie this area can be summarized,
in ascending stratigraphic order, as:
The granitic domes of the Supamo Complex divide packages of meta-sedimentary and meta-
igneous greenstone-belt rocks to form branching synclinoria between the intrusive uplifts.
Structural geology of the greenstone belts is dominated by folds and ductile fabrics indicating
a long history of compressional deformation. The Choco mine area is located immediately
north of the Laguna Dyke which cuts north-northeasterly through the area. All of the
currently known major gold deposits in the district are reported to occur to the north of this
dyke. The distribution of the stratigraphy, together with the more prominent structural
geological features, is illustrated in Figure 7.3.
The rock package has been subjected to intense tropical weathering. Consequently, much of
the near-surface mineralization is contained within saprolitic horizons.
Figure 7.3
Local Geology of the El Callao District
Increible 6
Choco 10
The Choco 10 gold complex is located in a regional northeast-plunging synclinal hinge zone.
Mineralization is dominantly structurally controlled and is associated with strain partitioning.
High-grade gold mineralization occurs with carbonate, pyrite, silicification and quartz-
veining in lower-strain zones typically associated with crenulations, folding and chaotic
The current stratigraphic sequence established for the Choco 10 deposits is shown in Figure
7.4. From stratigraphic base to top (west to east), the main rock units in the camp are:
Figure 7.4
Stratigraphic Sequence and Mineralization of the Choco 10 Deposit
The deposits are located in a regional northeast-plunging synclinal hinge zone (Figure 7.5).
The structural architecture is dominated by folds and ductile fabrics indicating a long history
of compressional deformation. Deformation partitioning is highly developed and, as a result,
there are large volumes of rock that preserve primary features (low-strain zones), while
deformation is concentrated in zones of intense development of ductile fabrics (high-strain
zones). Ductile or brittle shear zones that accommodate large displacements are absent.
Figure 7.5
Local Geology, Choco 10
The characteristics of gold mineralization at the Choco 10 deposits are varied as a result of a
complex interplay between host rock rheology, permeability and geochemistry, proximity to
structures and hydrothermal fluid composition. Higher-grade mineralization is dominantly
hosted in lower strain domains characterized by spaced or chaotic crenulation and less
commonly brecciation and cataclastites, coupled with well-developed continuous foliations
typical of high-strain domains.
The four principal deposits at Choco 10 are Rosika (R), Coacia (C), Pisolita (P) and Villa
Balazo-Karolina (VBK) (see Figure 7.5). The present open pit encompasses the Rosika,
Coacia and Pisolita deposits and is referred to as RCP.
Within the continuous Rosika-Coacia system, rheological heterogeneities resulting from the
distinct stratigraphic sequence form the dominant geometrical control on mineralization.
Lithological contacts dip between 40° and 65° to the east, in the northern limb of the
syncline. Towards Coacia, the stratigraphy steepens and wraps around the syncline.
Mineralization broadly, but not strictly, follows this geometry. The most favourable sites for
mineralization are the coarse intermediate volcaniclastic, the contact between the
intermediate and mafic volcaniclastic units, and the flow-top breccia unit at the top of the
footwall basalt. However, the entire stratigraphy (from hanging-wall gabbro, through
volcaniclastics, to footwall basalt) can host economic mineralization.
The Pisolita deposit lies within the basal basaltic unit, with mineralization predominantly
within the regolith. Mineralization is dominantly controlled by a stack of sub-horizontal
quartz veins which formed in the southwest continuation of the hinge zone of the Coacia
Rosika-Coacia. Where favourable stratigraphy provides geochemical and rheological
contrasts, mineralization is enhanced at the intersection with the strain zones, particularly in
the flow-top breccias.
7.3.4 Increible 6
The geology at Increible 6 is dominated by volcaniclastic rocks, similar to the Choco 10 area.
The concession is underlain by, from oldest to youngest, metabasalt and andesite,
carbonaceous siltstones with conglomerate, felsic volcanics, greywackes and siltstones, and
quartz-porphyry. The metavolcanic (tuff) rocks are the most extensive.
A gabbro-diorite intrusion is noted south of the property, and intrusive quartz porphyry
(possibly sub-volcanic) is observed in various portions of the central part of the property.
Exposures are limited on the property and there is typically 0.5 m to 2 m of overburden
present. Nearer to the Yuruarí River, the overburden increases to greater than 4 m.
Deep weathering is present over most of Bolívar State and is typically up to 50 m thick in the
Increible 6 area.
A series of sub-parallel shears within the volcanics host the gold mineralization. Shears of
this phase also cut the quartz porphyry. Low-sulphide quartz-carbonate veins that are syn-D2
(second phase deformation) carry the most significant economic gold concentrations. The
alteration assemblage consists of chlorite, sericite, quartz, carbonate, and pyrite.
The following descriptions is a summary of the extract from Leader et al., 2007 and Laudrum
et al., 2008, to which the reader is referred for more details.
7.4.1 Choco 10
The characteristics of gold mineralization of the Choco 10 deposits are varied as a result of a
complex interplay between host rock rheology, permeability, geochemistry, proximity to
structures and hydrothermal fluid composition. Mineralization is dominantly structurally
controlled and is associated with strain partitioning. Higher-grade mineralization is
dominantly hosted in lower strain zones characterized by spaced or chaotic crenulation and
less commonly brecciation and cataclastites, coupled with well-developed continuous
foliations typical of high-strain domains.
Replacement-style hydrothermal alteration is common in more permeable host rocks such as
coarse-grained volcaniclastics and flow-top breccias of basalts. In less permeable massive
basalts and gabbros, vein-hosted mineralization is common and often contains visible gold.
Magnetite, present as disseminations and stringers between clasts in the original flow-top
breccias, has been replaced by pyrite which is closely associated with gold mineralization in
the higher-grade lodes. Specific characteristics of the mineralization at each deposit are
outlined below.
Within the continuous Rosika-Coacia system, rheological heterogeneities resulting from the
distinct stratigraphic sequence form the dominant geometrical control on mineralization. The
most favourable sites for mineralization are the coarse intermediate volcaniclastics, the
contact between the intermediate and mafic volcaniclastics units, and the flow-top breccia
unit at the top of the footwall basalt. However, the entire stratigraphy (from hanging wall
gabbro, through volcaniclastics, to footwall basalt) can host economic mineralization.
Pisolita lies within the basal basaltic unit, with mineralization predominantly within the
regolith. Mineralization is dominantly controlled by a stack of sub-horizontal quartz veins
which formed in the southwest continuation of the hinge zone of the Coacia syncline.
Mineralized zones in the fresh rock are considered to be analogous to VBK-style lodes.
Pisolita is named for the significant mineralization hosted within a pisolitic laterite horizon.
7.4.2 Increible 6
The Increible 6 concession is underlain by, from oldest to youngest, metabasalt and andesite,
carbonaceous siltstones with conglomerate, felsic volcanics, greywackes and siltstones, and
quartz-porphyry. Gold mineralization is hosted by a series of sub-parallel shears within the
volcanics. Low-sulphide quartz-carbonate veins that are synchronous with second phase
deformation carry the most significant economic gold concentrations. The alteration
assemblage consists of chlorite, sericite, quartz, carbonate and pyrite.
Currently identified areas of significant gold mineralization on the Increible 6 concession are
restricted to a deformation zone through the central part of the property. The area hosts
numerous, discontinuous low sulphide, sericitic shear zones. Better grade gold values are
typically related to shear-hosted quartz (+carbonate) veins and quartz porphyry bodies. Gold
is present in both volcanic and intrusive rocks.
Within the deformation zone, a number of separate mineralized domains have been
recognized. These domains consist of east-west striking sub-parallel zones with a moderate
southerly dip. From east to west, these zones of mineralization have been named Culebra,
Cristina, Ingrid-Elisa, and Olga-Enoc.
There is a north trending zone, north of the Christina deposit that includes several small
mineralized domains including the Payara zone. These small zones are not well defined and
are not included in the resource estimate.
The following has been extracted from Leader et al., 2007, to which the reader is referred for
more details on deposits in the El Callao district.
The Choco 10 and Increible 6 deposits, together with other gold deposits in the El Callao
district, are considered to be “orogenic-type” deposits. These types of deposits are
sometimes also, very broadly, referred to as mesothermal. They are characteristically
associated with deformed and metamorphosed mid-crustal blocks, particularly in spatial
association with major crustal structures.
Orogenic gold deposit formation is inherent to juvenile crust formation throughout the
Earth’s history. It is reflecting an evolution from dominantly greenstone-hosted deposits in the
Precambrian to essentially identical deposits in metasedimentary host rocks in the
Phanerozoic. Processes that controlled the generation of mineralizing fluids varied little over
geological time and basically reflect synorogenic thermal events that mobilized fluids and
metals during pro-grade metamorphism along active continental margins. However,
evolving styles of plate tectonics on a cooling Earth, affected the overall preservation
potential of orogenic gold deposits and controlled the temporal distribution of the ores
(Golffarb and Groves, 2005).
Orogenic-type deposits are locally high grade and may yield large quantities of gold. While
the vein systems or structures can be relatively easy to trace, ore shoots are less predictable.
The following is a summary extract from Leader et al., 2007 and Laudrum et al., 2008, to
which the reader is referred for more detail.
9.1 CHOCO 10
Prior to Gold Fields acquiring control of the Choco 10 mine and property as a whole,
exploration on the Choco concessions had included:
Surface geochemical surveys including stream sediments, soils and rocks at several
levels of detail.
Metallurgical testing.
Petrographic studies.
Structural studies.
For the Choco 10 deposit, the outcome of all the above work was the delineation of the
present deposits, Rosika, Coacia, Pisolita (RCP) and Villa Balazo-Karolina (VBK). The
RCP deposits are currently being mined and the VBK deposit is scheduled to be mined in the
near future. The exploration work carried out at the mine site by Gold Fields from March,
2006 included, primarily, infill drilling designed to advance resource classifications plus in-
pit (to depth) and step-out drilling to expand resources.
From March, 2006 until the acquisition by Rusoro, Gold Fields, operating through El Callao
Holdings, had completed 7,612 m of diamond drilling (39 holes) and 5,681 m of reverse
circulation (RC) drilling (74 holes) within eight target areas. Other exploration activities
include regional and local mapping aimed at resolving the regional stratigraphy and structural
setting, a detailed helicopter and fixed-wing airborne magnetic survey of the district, and
development of technical strategic alliances with other companies including government
agencies to enable sharing of data and knowledge.
Since Rusoro acquired the Choco 10 operations, they have continued to undertake a series of
drilling programs to delineate potential ore extensions both horizontally and down the dip of
each of the deposits as well as continue drill definition of the known mineralized zones to
raise each of the deposit’s Mineral Resource categories. A total of 406 diamond drill holes
have been completed on the Choco 10 deposits since 2006.
Rusoro has also completed several geotechnical drilling programs within the deposits as well
as other infrastructure and facilities. These programs were designed for open pit rock
mechanics studies, condemnation drilling around the mill site, proposed waste dumps and
tailings dam placement. Drilling and pit development in the mill site area was completed for
infrastructure foundation studies.
Between 1991 and 1994, General Mining carried out a work program on Increible 6 that
consisted of soil sampling on a 500-m spaced grid (600 km total), 105 trenches (2.5 km total)
and 1,639 m of diamond drilling in 12 holes. This exploration was concentrated in three
areas: Payara, Nuevo Rosario (which includes Olga-Enoc, Ingrid-Elisa and Cristina and
Culebra deposits), and La Ramona. At Payara and La Ramona the work identified a series of
narrow quartz veins and small miners’ workings.
In 1994, Golden Star began its exploration program on Increible 6. The company re-
examined the existing data, and then completed a soil and auger program (658 samples),
trenching, geophysics, geological mapping, and 2,479 m of drilling in 19 holes. Almost all
of the advanced work was concentrated on the east-west trending quartz veins and shears in
the Nuevo Rosario area. Golden Star left in 1995 without earning any interest in the project.
In 2004, Rusoro began exploration and drilling on the concession. The first drilling was
completed in September, 2004 utilizing one diamond drill. At the time of the 2006 Technical
Report on Increible 6 by Scott Wilson RPA (Scott Wilson RPA, 2006), approximately 43,000
m of drilling had been completed.
Since 2004, Rusoro has concentrated most of its efforts on a series of extensive drilling
programs. In addition to the RC and diamond drilling, other work has included small
programs of line cutting, soil sampling, and petrographic work. Surface surveying included a
detailed topographic survey over the main Ingrid-Elisa area allowing for the preparation of
an updated 2-m contour topographic map.
10.1 CHOCO 10
“Most of the drilling to date has focused upon the definition of surface mineable
resources but deeper drilling has indicated that potential exists for underground
development on some of the mineralization. The mineralization is open to depth at
Rosika/Coacia and at VBK. At Rosika/Coacia, the potential for ore development within
hanging-wall gabbro is also being evaluated. Other targets have been identified
proximal to the current reserves which may provide additional resources once drilled.
“In most instances, the drilling penetrates the mineralization at an angle other than
90o requiring correction factors to be applied for true thickness determinations which are
enabled by core descriptions, high core recoveries and down-hole survey data.
“The drill hole database utilized to generate the current resource is the result of a number
of drill campaigns conducted over the history of the Choco 10 deposit.
The present drill hole database covers all four known deposit (Rosika, Coacia, Pisolita and
VBK). There have been three drill methods used through the exploration of these deposits
(diamond, reverse circulation and aircore). Diamond drilling has been the only method used
since 2007. These methods have been described in previous NI 43-101 compliant reports
submitted by Micon (2003) and Mine Development Associates (MDA, 2005) and are not
repeated below.
Table 10.1
Choco 10 Deposits – Drill Summary
Additional drilling since the last mineral resource estimate totals 406 diamond drill holes
which equates to 45,453 m. The focus of the drilling is illustrated in Table 10.2.
Table 10.2
2007 to 2009 – Drill Summary
This additional drilling focused primarily on the VBK and Pisolita North area. Figure 10.1
illustrates the complete drill hole database collar locations with respect to the deposits and
the current open pit.
Figure 10.1
Choco 10 Drill Hole Collar Locations
10.1.1 Core Statistics
Drill hole spacing varies within each deposit as well as between deposits. The spacing
ranges from 12.5 to 12.5 m to 50 by 100 m. The majority of the holes cut perpendicular to
the strike of the target vein systems however they rarely intersect the vein systems at a true
width. There are a minor number of holes that are vertically drilled.
The drill programs have explored the deposits to a maximum vertical depth of approximately
625 m below the topography.
The preferred drill type used on the Choco 10 deposits is diamond drilling which accounts
for 62% of the total metres drilled to date. Aircore and reverse circulation holes represent
16% and 21% respectively the other major types used on the concession.
The majority of the diamond drill holes were drilled with HQ-size (63.5 mm) equipment.
The holes were reduced to NQ-size (47.6 mm), if conditions deteriorated with depth or if
wedging was required from the parent hole. PQ-size (85.0 mm) equipment was used for
drilling in softer saprolitic/saprock material which was then cased when fresh hard rock was
encountered. The drill stem was then reduced to HQ.
Core recovery at Choco 10 has historically been very good. Recovery data for diamond
drilling have been systematically collected throughout all recent drill campaigns since 2003.
The core recovery and associated RQD data are listed in Table 10.3.
Table 10.3
Drill Statistics
“All drilling on the Increible 6 gold project is completed by independent contractors. A number of
commercial drilling companies operate in the El Callao district including;
2) “Core Biel Drilling (Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela): seven diamond drills operating in country
since 2002 (previously St. Lambert Drilling operating since 1992), completed drilling on
the project between 2006 to the present.
4) “AK Drilling: four RC drills operating in country since 2004, completed drilling on the
project between 2006 to the present.
Along the main East-West mineralized trend (Nuevo Rosario) the diamond drilling has been
done on approximately 50 m by 50 m pattern. The RC drilling has been used as in-fill drilling
with respect to the diamond drilling. In places the drill pattern has been reduced to 25 m by
25 m.
Diamond drill core sizes were typically HQ which would be reduced to NQ if conditions
warranted it.
Continuous drilling of the Increible 6 deposits has been completed, until 2008-9, in order to
expand and in-fill Nuevo Rosario. Drill programs also tested, anomalies away from this
main East-West mineralized trend.
Within the Increible 6 drill database there are 519 diamond drill holes with a combined
length of 110,064 m and 472 reverse circulation holes with a combined length of 76,957 m.
Therefore the total number of holes completed on the concession is 991 holes totalling
187,021 m in length and is illustrated in Figure 10.2.
Figure 10.2
Increible 6 Drill Hole Collar Locations
10.3.1 Choco 10
A detailed description of the sampling programs at the Choco 10 deposits up to 2006 can be
obtained from Leader et al., 2007.
Since the acquisition of the Choco 10 property by Gold Fields and more recently by Rusoro,
an aggressive and systematic exploration program has been implemented. The exploration
programs have been completed to industry best practice.
A series of 25 procedures and associated forms were originally developed by Gold Fields to
cover all aspects of exploration, drilling, sampling, assaying and resource modelling at the
Choco 10 concession. The procedures cover both reverse circulation and diamond drilling.
Many of the procedures include diagrams and required forms to be filled out at various stages
of the process. They cover all aspects of drilling from a new request for drill holes,
sampling, core density, mapping, logging, database entry, QA/QC, resource modelling and
reconciliation. Rusoro has adopted these procedures in their operation throughout Venezuela.
Details regarding these procedures can be obtained by examining the individual procedures
listed in Table 10.4.
Table 10.4
Rusoro Geological Procedures
Number Description
MRM_M001 Geological Legend Manual
MRM_P002 Drill Request
MRM_P004 Reverse Circulation – Drilling, Sampling, QC and Logging
MRM_P006 Diamond Drilling
MRM_P007 Diamond Core Management – Core handling, geotechnical logging, photos, sampling
MRM_P008 Diamond Geological and Structural Logging
MRM_P010 Core Density Data Collection
MRM_P012 Reverse Circulation Grade Control – Drilling, sampling, QC and logging
MRM_P013 Open Pit Mapping
MRM_P014 Sample Consignment
MRM_A007 Laboratory Audit Checklist
MRM_P016 Rock Sample Preparation & Analysis - Exploration
MRM_P017 Rock Sample Preparation & Analysis – Mine Grade Control
MRM_P018 Database – Data Entry
MRM_P019 Database – Data Validation
MRM_P020 QC Sample & Data Management
MRM_P021 Resource Modeling – Geological Interpretation
MRM_P022 Resource Modeling – Geostatistical Analysis
MRM_P023 Resource Modeling – Estimation & Classification
MRM_A001 Confidence Limits for Resource Classification
MRM_P032 Reconciliation
MRM_P034 Rock Sample Check Analysis - Exploration
MRM_P035 Mine Planning
MRM_P037 Rock Sample – Cyanide Leach Testwork
MRM_P039 Blasthole Sampling
The protocols listed above have assisted the Geology and Exploration departments to obtain
reliable data and to assist resource modeling and mine design. An example of the detail
within each of these procedures is provided below.
Procedure MRM_P006 is the diamond core management protocol which provides details on
each step involved in the handling of drill core upon arrival at the core yard. It is
summarized below:
Photograph core.
Selection and marking of sample intervals. These are constrained to geological units.
The minimum length sample for HQ core is 0.25 m and maximum sample length is
1.5 m. Internal to geological units the preferable sample length is one metre.
Saw core, ensuring consistent half goes in bag, other half back in box.
Samples are moved to sample preparation area and organized for shipping.
Samples are dropped off at the laboratory with requisition prepared by database
Core boxes are moved back to core shack for detailed geological logging.
All diamond drill core, RC cuttings, pulps and rejects are stored in secure compounds either
in La Ramona (El Callao – Rusoro’s Exploration Mine Office) or Tumeremo (Rusoro’s
General Exploration office). Both compounds have perimeter wire fences, locks and have a
24 h guard as part of the security protocols.
Before 2007, there were multiple data validation reviews undertaken on the Choco 10 deposit
to ensure high standards of quality. Independent reviews were undertaken by BHP
Engineering, Micon, Analytical Solutions Ltd., Smee and Associates, MDA and Maxwell.
All review recommendations have been followed by Gold Fields and Rusoro.
It is Micon’s opinion that the sample method and approach carried out on Choco 10 core and
RC samples since April, 2006 have been conducted well within acceptable standards.
10.3.2 Increible 6
For a complete account of the early sampling method and approach used by Rusoro can be
found in previous Micon reports (Laudrum, 2008). The following has been reproduced from
the Laudrum et al., 2008 report.
“The level of sampling ranges widely within the project area. Several areas have
detailed sampling, on surface and to depth through drilling, while other parts of
the concession have been covered with only broad first pass sampling. A detailed
review and analysis of all available information did not identify any factors that
impact the accuracy and reliability of the data. All sampling is of good to
excellent quality and the samples are considered to be representative and without
sample biases.
Briefly, when drilling programs are being run, the geological staff is on site 24 h/d to
supervise the logging and sampling procedures. When the core is delivered to the coreshack,
specially trained core handling crews that:
Open boxes.
Lay out the core in proper order.
Clean core, if necessary.
Label metreage on core.
Label boxes with metreages contained.
Measure and record core recovery and rock quality determination (RQD).
The core is logged by the geologist as per the documented procedures on hardcopy which is
transferred to computer at a later stage. The geologist identifies and marks the sample
intervals on the core and in the hardcopy records. The respective samples are then marked
on the core and in the boxes. A running sequence of consecutive numbers is assigned to each
drill project and hole. The core handling crew assigns those numbers to the core samples and
the inserted QA/QC blank/standard/duplicates as part of the sample stream. The diamond
drill core is split in half by a diamond saw. One half is the assay sample and the second half
is returned to the core box for permanent storage. Duplicate samples are made from the
remaining half core. This is sawn into quarters with the remaining quarter being replaced in
the core box. The drill samples and QA/QC samples are bagged with pre-numbered bags.
Micon on several site visits to the property have reviewed the sampling method and approach
used by Rusoro over several years. The core has been examined during these site visits and
interviews have been conducted with the geological team that was tasked to perform these
duties. The list of procedure to follow through the entire program and using the Maxwell
Database system makes operator error difficult. Micon has not identified any factors that
would impact the accuracy and reliability of the data used in the mineral resource estimate.
Surface drill hole collars are surveyed with Rusoro’s survey department using a chain and
theodolite. Downhole surveys are done with a Reflex Instruments downhole survey tool. A
survey is taken nominally at every 50 m down the hole.
A detailed description of the sampling preparation, analysis and security up to 2006 can be
obtained from Leader et al., 2007, Laudrum et al., 2008.
Sample preparation and analysis from 2007 to the present have strictly followed the
procedures originally implemented by Gold Fields for all exploration drill samples
(MRM_P016 Rock Sample Preparation and Analysis – Exploration) and for mine drill
samples (MRM_P017 Rock Sample Preparation and Analysis – Mine Grade Control).
Figure 11.1 illustrates the entire sampling, assaying and reporting process.
Figure 11.1
Sample Flowsheet for Choco 10 Drill Samples
All samples are categorized as regional exploration, resource definition or grade control
samples. There are slight modifications to the sample preparation and assay process for the
different categories and is documented in Table 11.1.
Generally, all samples are dried at a temperature not exceeding 110 °C. The total sample is
crushed to 90% passing -2 mm (10 mesh) and then riffle split to produce a 750 g to 1,000 g
sub-sample. Pulverization of the sub-sample is to at least 95% passing -106 µm (150 mesh).
A 400 g pulp sample is retained and returned to Rusoro for permanent storage. Analysis is
completed by fire assay using an Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) finish, with an
additional gravimetric finish for all results exceeding 2 g/t gold. This process is illustrated in
Figure 11.1 which also shows the frequency of the submission of all quality control samples,
including field duplicates, standards, blanks, sample preparation duplicates and analytical
Table 11.1
Rusoro Sample Preparation and Assay Process
The quality control (QC) sample insertion protocols employed by Rusoro are summarized in
Table 11.2 and illustrated in Figure 13.1.
Table 11.2
Rusoro Quality Control Protocols
Exploration Mining
QC Sample
Regional Resource Definition Grade Control
Blanks 1 in 20 1 in 30 1 in 40
Standards 1 in 20 1 in 30 1 in 40
Field Duplicates* 1 in 30 1 in 40 DD, 1 in 30 RC 1 in 40
Lab QC Exploration and Mining
Preparation Duplicates 1 in 30
Analysis Duplicates 1 in 30
Preparation Passing Minimum 70% passing 10 mesh (-2 mm)
Analysis Passing 95% passing 150 mesh (-106 um)
Screen Tests 1 in 20
* ‘Geologically random’. Diamond core prep duplicates - ½ core for Resource Definition. ¼ core for
Regional Exploration.
Occasionally quality control samples become contaminated or degrade over time and hence
fail to represent a control sample. Rusoro has a system in place to identify quality control
samples that fail. Table 11.3 lists the control samples that are used in the system and defines
the individual failure criteria.
Once a control sample has been identified as being a failure, the appropriate action is
documented in Table 11.4.
Table 11.3
Rusoro QC Sample Failure Criteria
Table 11.4
Rusoro QC Failure Action Plan
Although Rusoro has an assay laboratory next to the Choco Mill, no exploration samples are
assayed at this facility. Some grade control samples from the mine were assayed at the
Rusoro Mill laboratory in late 2008 to early 2009 but the assays are not part of the database
used in the Mineral Resource estimate.
TRIAD laboratory in El Callao was initially used exclusively by the previous operators of the
Choco 10 concession. Due to concerns centred around quality control and assay turn-around
times, particularly with regard to grade control samples from the mine, Gold Fields in 2006
started contracting ACME Analytical Laboratories Ltd. located in Guasipati (20 km north of
El Callao) to prepare and assay samples. Since that time Rusoro has used other accredited
labs to handle the volume of samples in a timely manner. All laboratories are internationally
accredited with ISO 9001.
Table 11.5 lists the laboratories used from 2007 to 2010.
Table 11.5
Rusoro Drill Hole Sample Laboratories
Since 2006, regular density measurements have been taken for 10-15 cm core lengths for
every interval of a different weathering unit, rock or alteration type according to Rusoro’s
protocol MRM-P010:
Weathered samples are dried as above, and then the sample is weighed to determine
the dry mass. The density of the wax is determined. The sample is then completely
sealed by a coating of hot wax. After cooling the sample is weighed again in air. The
sealed sample is then suspended in water and then weighed. The dry bulk density is
determined as for rock samples, taking into account the volume of the wax.
The mine and exploration departments have completed extensive density testing on the
various rock types and the weathered zone throughout the Choco 10 property. The density
values are determined using raw data which has been interpreted and modified where
necessary. The latest Competent Person’s Report states “The main changes involved a
decrease in saprolite density from 2.2 t/m3 in the 2006 resource model to between 1.60 and
1.90 t/m3 in the current resource; an increase in saprock density from 2.2 t/m3 in the 2006
resource to between 2.3 and 2.8 t/m3 in the current resource and an increase in fresh rock
densities from 2.6 t/m3 for all rock types in the 2006 resource to between 2.7 and 2.9 t/m3 in
the current resource” (Gold Fields, 2007). A detailed discussion on the density values can be
found in the Competent Persons’ Report, Appendix 3. Rusoro uses the following the
conservative densities which have been extensively tested:
Saprolite is 1.60 t/m3.
Saprock is 2.35 t/m3.
Fresh rock is 2.70 t/m3.
11.2.2 Security
Normally, Rusoro’s geological staff collects and transports the RC chip bags or drill
core boxes from the field drill sites to Rusoro geological facilities in either La
Ramona (El Callao) or Tumeremo. A chain of custody list is created in the field.
When the samples arrive at the compound facility the samples are checked off from
this list and put into temporary storage awaiting geological logging and sampling.
Rusoro’s geological staff creates the samples for assay at the geological facilities.
Sample bags are tied at the top with a cloth tie. Then, for transport, a maximum of 5
samples are placed in a large plastic bag. One sample tag/ticket is placed in the
sample bag (bag identified in permanent marker on the outside), and the second
tag/ticket comes to the office for QC and sample mixing checking. These second tags
are kept, and destroyed (burnt) only after 6 months, in the case they are needed as part
of any quality control issues. Exploration tags are kept forever.
MRM_P014 covers the laboratory sample consignment procedures. The main focus
of this procedure is to develop the Sample Consignment Form. The form is part of
the Maxwell DataShed software program which requires all compulsory information
with respect to the sample(s) being assayed, to be logged into the system correctly
and completely. The sample consignment form is signed at the Rusoro geological
compound prior to shipping to the laboratory(s). The samples are transported to the
laboratory(s) by Rusoro staff or laboratory staff. At the laboratory the samples are
checked and signed for by the laboratory staff. The sample forms are in duplicate;
Rusoro keeps a copy and the laboratory keeps the other. The form is illustrated in
Figure 11.2.
Figure 11.2
Sample Consignment Form
The samples follow a chain of custody procedure at the laboratory as part of their ISO 9001
accreditation requirements. If samples are only prepared at the local laboratory and shipped
to another laboratory for assay, a chain of custody procedure is followed throughout the
process, again as part of their ISO 9001 accreditation requirements.
Rusoro’s geological compounds (La Ramona (El Callao) and Tumeremo) have perimeter
wire mesh fences that are locked after hours. A security guard logs people and samples in
and out of both compounds. The La Ramona compound is utilized by several non-geological
staff. The core facility within the compound has no perimeter wire mesh fence and can’t be
considered totally secure. The core facility at the Tumeremo compound has a high wire
fence inside the main warehouse building that is locked to all but required geological staff.
It is Micon’s opinion that the sample preparation and analytical procedures carried out on
Choco 10 and Increible 6 core and RC samples since April, 2006 have been conducted well
within acceptable standards, and that sample security is appropriate.
In addition to a comprehensive and very well documented set of procedures and internal
QA/QC checks, Gold Fields and Rusoro has had external audits carried out on most aspects
of the QA/QC and resource estimation process. Recent external audits include the following:
Snowden, June, 2007, “Assessment of effectiveness of MRM Internal controls within
Goldfields operations” (this report was commissioned by Price Waterhouse Coopers
regarding compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002).
Snowden, March, 2007, “External Resource and Reserve Audit”.
Maxwell Geoservices, July, 2006, “Data Audit and Validation”.
Smee and Associates Consulting Ltd, July, 2006, “A review of Quality Control
Procedures and Field Sampling Techniques”.
The overall tone of the reports by external auditors has been very favourable, and it appears
that significant recommendations from those reports have been implemented by Gold Fields
and carried on by Rusoro.
Due to the numerous and rigorous procedures initiated by Gold Fields and continued by
Rusoro, it has ensured that all data entered into the drill database, whether the samples are
from air core, reverse circulation or diamond drilling passes the stringent verification,
validation and QA/QC requirements in place at the Choco 10 and Increible 6 deposits. An
evaluation of the reliability for all drill data is included in the Competent Person’s Report,
(Exploration and Quality Control) (Gold Fields, 2007).
Apart from observations of field and sampling procedures made during the site visit, Micon
has not completed additional data verification for this report. Industry best practices are
being followed and there have been numerous recent audit programs as mentioned above. In
addition, Rusoro has adopted Gold Fields’ Mineral Resource Quality Management System in
its entirety. Micon accepts that the data are verified and can be relied upon.
A synopsis of the historic data validation and audit programs that have been undertaken on
the Choco 10 and Increible 6 concessions can be obtained from Leader et al., 2007 and
Laudrum et al., 2008.
the generation of the database and all future resource models. The key components of the
framework include:
Timing – Preventative and detective controls to identify potential risk and deviation
of quality.
The list of procedures is illustrated in Table 11.1 and is not repeated here.
A database scheme was developed to provide a procedure to uniformly capture and securely
store geological data, enabling straightforward access to all users. In 2007, Maxwell
Geoservices was engaged to integrate the Bolivar Gold exploration and grade control
databases into the Gold Fields Venezuela DataShed-SQL database (Maxwell 2007a). Rusoro
adopted the Gold Fields methodology and procedures, when Rusoro took over the Choco 10
concession. They also utilized the methodology procedures for all their operations including
Increible 6. Rusoro over time has done some minor modifications or streamlining of the
process which has not affected the integrity of the data stream.
The integration of the drill information involved data integrity checks and migration of
validated data into the final database. All data that failed the data integrity checks were
quarantined and assigned to a database administrator/ responsible geologist. This geologist
was responsible to re-assaying the sample(s) until the conditions in Table 13.3 were met. He
re-entered the data into the database and signed off on the change.
All geological data, from mining, resource definition and regional exploration, is stored
within the centralized SQL Server database. Customized data entry forms have been
developed in MS Access to minimize or eliminate data entry errors. As the database is
relational, no codes can be entered that do not exist in linked library tables. The DataShed
interface optimizes speed and accuracy of data entry, easy user access, data validation and
extraction of the data to other software.
A Data Entry Template (MRM_P018) has been developed and customized for the input of all
geological and sampling data and is illustrated in Figure 12.1.
The Sample Consignment Template (MRM_P014) has been developed to handle the request
for sample analysis and has been discussed and illustrated in Section 11.2.2.
Figure 12.1
Drill Hole Data Entry
The corresponding assay results for the samples are automatically uploaded into the database
in a text format known as a “sif” format file as illustrated in Figure 12.2. These files include
detailed information about the batch, methods, units, detection limits and elements assayed.
The file also includes all QC data in the sequence of analysis. The file cannot be tampered
with, and must be generated in this consistent format by the laboratory. The assay data are
stored in a normalized format to ensure all required information is stored for each sample,
and that multiple assay results are stored for each sample. Import of assay data follows
procedure MRM_P018, Database – Data Entry.
Data validation is controlled via rules, library tables, triggers and stored procedures. Data
that do not meet defined rules on import are rejected and stored in buffer tables until
corrected. Any data with a code not existing in a library table cannot be entered. Once all
data for a drill hole have been entered into the database, the geologist responsible for the drill
hole validates this against the original hard copy logs and signs off on it.
Data validation is incorporated in DataShed. The procedure runs queries against the database
as illustrated in Figure 12.3. The validation includes checks for incorrect collar locations,
testing for overlapping, missing or incorrect down-hole surveys, and incorrect collar location
procedures and templates are available for all geological data. Data validation follows
procedure MRM_P019, Database – Data Validation.
Figure 12.2
Assay Laboratory Sif File
As part of the data validation, a procedure has been developed to enable original sample
assay results which are determined to be unreliable to be replaced by validated re-analyses of
those suspect samples (Quality Control). The “Assay Swapper” is illustrated in Figure 12.4.
This procedure enables closing the loop on quality control within the confines of the
database. A full audit trail with justification for the replacement is stored in the database.
Figure 12.3
Data Shed - Data Validation
Figure 12.4
Assay Swapper
The QA/QC procedures, DataShed procedures and validation were reviewed by Micon’s
geological staff in 2007 and again on the 2009 site visit. Micon was able to observe RC chip
sample logging and sampling, insertions into the sample streams of field duplicates,
standards and blanks, and demonstrations of data entry and data control (such as follow-up
procedures regarding control sample failures, database protocols, etc.).
The overall impression of the system is that Rusoro is expending tremendous effort
(manpower and overall cost) to comply with all aspects of the Gold Fields system. The
methodology is considered a very high standard for the industry. It adopts a rigid series of
standards and procedures that attempts to eliminate all human errors throughout the
collection and retrieval of geological information. Unfortunately, a large company like Gold
Fields has the flexibility and manpower to incorporate a system like this, while a smaller
company may find it difficult to comply with all aspects of the system.
It is Micon’s opinion that Rusoro’s system is working well. It is being operated by very
competent professionals and technical staff.
A Preliminary Assessment Study (PAS) for the Choco 10 expansion was issued in June 2009.
The results indicated that an expansion to 20,000 t/d, and using the same leach/CIP flowsheet
as currently employed, would produce the most favourable economics. At the time of the
PAS, the plant was treating surficial deposits of predominantly highly weathered oxidised
Saprolitic ore which is friable and can be processed at up to 7,500 t/d with recoveries of 90%
plus. However, it was recognised that the plant throughput will decrease to about 5,000 t/d
as deeper, more competent material is mined. The PAS considered an expanded plant
treating 20,000 t/d of hard rock material to be optimal. This rate of throughput was taken as
the basis for the Feasibility Study.
For the Feasibility Study, metallurgical testing of core was supplemented with fresh open pit
material. Samples were sent to PRA in Vancouver and to Ammtec in Australia for
comminution testing. The PRA tests concentrated on processing options and a limited
amount of comminution work. The metallurgical processing routes considered during the
PAS were investigated in depth, in addition to alternative process options. The main
considerations examined were the incorporation of a gravity circuit for recovery of coarse
and free gold and a sulphide flotation circuit with subsequent treatment of the concentrates.
The flotation option indicated the possibility of slightly higher metallurgical recoveries.
However, it was decided that the flowsheet currently in use by the 5,000 t/d operation should
form the basis of the expanded plant, with some minor modifications. Inclusion of a gravity
circuit was rejected on the basis that the disadvantages outweighed the possible advantage.
It is intended that the new 15,000 t/d facility will operate in parallel with the existing plant.
To minimise duplication of facilities the plant layout was reviewed with particular regard to
the crushing circuit. This “tie in” of the new and old plants was particularly important to
ensure minimum disruption to production at the time. Both plants would use common
facilities such as pre-leach thickening and tailings thickening and the gold recovery room.
The elution circuits would be kept separate as gold on carbon loadings would likely be
different and cycle times also different.
Extensive testwork for the Choco deposit has been carried out over the last few years most of
which, related to the oxidised saprolitic surficial deposits. However, mining has now
progressed to the point where only small amounts of Saprolite remain and predominantly un-
weathered ore will be treated in the future. Exhaustion of the Saprolite was anticipated and
some testing was carried out on un-weathered material. As background information,
previous testwork is described below.
A program of metallurgical testing was completed using samples characterizing each major
mineralized zone identified at Choco. The purpose of the metallurgical testwork was to
provide data to select metallurgical unit operations, develop an efficient process flowsheet
and obtain design criteria for the process engineering and associated operating and capital
cost estimating. The process design was based mainly on metallurgical tests conducted at
McClelland Laboratories, Inc (McClelland), Nevada in 1995. This testwork program used
composite samples that represent the main zones of mineralization occurring at Choco.
Additional metallurgical testwork programs include work conducted by Amdel Limited
(Amdel), Australia in 1994 and at Lakefield Research Laboratories (Lakefield), Lakefield,
Canada in 2003. The Amdel laboratory testwork was conducted on a range of samples
representing near surface and weathered mineralization. The Lakefield program used
individual mineralized samples of split drill core that represent a range of deposit
mineralization. The objective of these tests was to confirm the results obtained from the
McClelland work and to assess the potential variability of metallurgical results for different
areas within the mining plan.
Four composite samples representing the main mineralized zones were submitted to
McClelland for testing in 1995. These samples were designated as shown in Table 13.1.
Table 13.1
Samples submitted to McClelland for testing in 1995
The McClelland testing program comprised four stages. The initial stage included
mineralogical examinations, Bond ball mill work index determinations and CIP cyanidation
tests. The second stage comprised coarse bottle roll leach tests and the third stage consisted
of heap leach column tests and agglomeration studies. The final stage of testing comprised
detailed milling/cyanidation 93 studies and included abrasion index tests, CIP kinetic tests,
slurry viscosity determinations and settling tests.
The Amdel testwork was conducted on six samples and included coarse bottle roll cyanide
leaching, gravity concentration, agitation cyanide leaching and Bond ball mill work index
determinations. These tests provided an indication of the metallurgical performance, with
regard to gold recovery, of the near surface mineralization. The six composite samples used
in the Amdel test program were designated as shown in Table 13.2.
Table 13.2
Composite Samples used in the Amdel Test Program
Samples CA1, CSI1 and PA1 received by Amdel were too fine to undertake coarse ore
cyanidation bottle roll tests, and CA1 and PA1 were too fine to determine Bond ball mill
work indices.
The first phase of confirmatory tests conducted by Lakefield in May 2003 comprised Bond
rod and ball mill work index determinations, and gravity and cyanidation gold recovery tests.
The samples used for these tests consisted of composite samples CH05 and CH06, which
represent fresh unoxidized bedrock from the southern and northern sectors of the Rosika
deposit. A second phase of work at Lakefield included an additional 10 cyanidation bottle
roll tests, undertaken on samples of fresh hard rock and soft, weathered mineralized material.
A third series of tests conducted at Lakefield comprised 18 cyanidation bottle roll tests using
standard conditions. These tests included 16 variability tests using individual samples of
near surface material.
13.2.1 Grinding
The McClelland, Amdel and Lakefield Bond ball and rod mill work index test results are
presented in Table 13.3.
Table 13.3
Summary of Grinding Testwork Results
Gravity concentration tests were conducted at Amdel and Lakefield. These tests were
undertaken to determine the potential recovery of liberated gold prior to cyanide leaching.
The gravity concentration tests at Amdel were conducted using a Wilfley shaking table while
the tests at Lakefield used a Knelson concentrator and Mozley mineral separator.
The gravity testwork results are summarized in Table 13.4.
Table 13.4
Summary of Gravity Testwork Results
Gold Recovery
Laboratory Sample Mineralization
Amdel CL1 Surface 30.0
Amdel PL1 Surface 11.5
Amdel PV1 Weathered 25.9
Amdel CA1 Weathered 7.2
Amdel CSI1 Weathered 3.5
Amdel PA1 Weathered 16.7
Lakefield CH05/06 blend Fresh 19.1
A summary of the McClelland testing results is presented in Table 13.5. This table includes
results from 120 h coarse bottle roll cyanidation tests and 48 h conventional bottle roll tests
conducted on all four samples. Results from 48 h agitated leach tests on CH01, CH02 and
CH03 are also included.
Table 13.5
Summary of McClelland Cyanidation Testwork Results
The results from the McClelland testwork program indicated that all of the different types of
mineralization at Choco are amenable to conventional carbon-in-pulp (CIP) cyanidation at a
grind size of 80% passing 75 μm, although gold recoveries for sample CH04 (fresh ore) were
typically lower than the other samples.
The McClelland coarse ore bottle roll tests indicated that the surface and weathered samples
(CH01, CH02 and CH03) were also potentially amenable to heap leaching although CH03
was more sensitive to crush size with respect to gold recovery. Heap leach testing of the fresh
ore composite sample (CH04) was not successful with regard to gold recovery, coarse bottle
roll gold recoveries of less than 45% were reported with a fine crush size F80 of 6.3 mm.
The gold kinetic extraction profile for the agitation leach tests performed on the surface and
weathered ore samples, CH01, CH02 and CH03, suggested that the extraction was
substantially complete in less than 24 h.
A summary of the Amdel cyanidation test results is presented in Table 13.6. This table
includes results from 7-day coarse (-12.5 mm) bottle roll tests and 48 h agitated leach tests.
The agitated leach tests were undertaken on ground samples of gravity test tailings. The
comparative grind sizes used for the agitated leach tests were 80% passing 150, 106 and
75 μm.
Table 13.6
Summary of Amdel Cyanidation Testwork Results
The relatively high gold recoveries achieved in the coarse bottle roll tests could partly be
attributed to the considerable amount of comminution that occurred during the 7-day period.
Nevertheless, these results indicate that the mineralization tested may be amenable to heap
The gold extractions achieved by the Amdel agitation leach tests were generally high. The
average gold recoveries after 48 h leaching time, for material ground to 80% passing 75 μm,
were 98% and 94% for surface and weathered material, respectively. The comparative
leaching tests performed at different grind sizes indicated that gold recovery improved with a
finer grind size for both surface and weathered material.
Generally the gold extraction during the agitation leach tests was complete within 24 h. The
exceptions were the tests conducted on surface sample CL1 and the weathered sample CSI1,
which both exhibited relatively slow leach kinetics.
The 48-h cyanide gold extraction was about 90% in all the Lakefield cyanidation bottle roll
tests conducted on the fresh ore composite samples, CH05 and CH06. A gravity separation
test using a bench scale Knelson separator realized 19% gold recovery, but this additional
process step did not significantly impact the overall (gravity plus leach) gold recovery. The
average results from these tests, together with the average of 10 bottle rolls conducted in the
second phase of Lakefield testwork, and the average of 16 leaching tests conducted on
samples of near surface material, are summarized in Table 13.7.
Table 13.7
Summary of Lakefield Cyanidation Bottle Roll Testwork Results
Sample Feed Size Gold Head Gold Recovery Lime Consumed CN Consumed
(80% passing) (g/t) (% - 48 h) (kg/t) (kg/t)
CH05/06 – Ave. 80 µm 2.97 90.0 0.54 0.35
Fresh – Ave1 70 µm 4.35 90.5 0.74 0.83
Weathered – Ave2 66 µm 2.68 95.7 2.34 0.37
Surface – Ave3 ~35 µm 2.35 89.6 4.67 0.48
1 Average results from tests conducted on three fresh rock samples, CR03-12/13 and 17.
2 Average results from tests conducted on six weathered rock samples, CR03-19/20/24/24B/34 and 46.
3 Average results from tests conducted on sixteen surface samples.
The design metric Bond ball mill work indices selected for surface, transition and fresh ore,
based on the testwork results, were 7.0, 12.0 and 14.0, respectively.
Gravity concentration tests suggested that a gravity circuit incorporated in the milling circuit
might be able to recover up to 30% of the gold from certain feed types. However, there may
be no net gain in overall (gravity plus leach) gold recovery by installing a gravity circuit prior
to the cyanidation circuit.
The ground ore cyanide leaching testwork showed that all of the ore types tested were
amenable to conventional cyanide leaching at a grind size of 80% passing 75 μm. For the
majority of samples, the leaching kinetics was relatively good with the gold extraction
generally complete within 24 h.
The gold extractions achieved during the ground ore cyanide leaching testwork were
typically 90 to 98% for surface samples, 93 to 96% for weathered samples and about 90% for
fresh samples. Lime consumption was generally high, moderate and low for surface,
weathered and fresh mineralization, respectively. Cyanide consumption was relatively
moderate for surface and weathered material but tended to be higher for fresh samples.
The results from the coarse ore bottle roll tests conducted by both McCelland and Amdel
indicated that the surface and weathered material could be amenable to heap leaching,
although the fresh ore was not. However, considering the likely problems associated with the
heap leach solution permeability of lateritic and clay type material, the process route selected
for the recovery of gold from all types of material occurring within the Choco mineral
resource was grinding followed by cyanide leaching and CIP.
Since the new plant would be treating predominantly harder competent rock as the
overlaying Saprolite would be mined out attention focused on those samples from the
Preliminary Assessment work (reported June 3rd 2009) that met these criteria. The previous
assessment work had included samples which were softer than future ore expectations and,
where possible, these were disregarded for the Feasibility Study.
Samples used for the 2008 metallurgical testwork were identified by drill hole, sample label
and type, as noted inTable 13.8. Samples 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 9 were characterised as “hard
rock” and samples 3, 5 and 8 as saprolite.
Table 13.8
Summary of Samples Used in 2008-2010 Testwork
To provide sufficient sample for detailed testing and optimise the number of tests, ores with
the same characteristics were combined into a number of composites as noted in Table 13.9.
Choco samples were described as underground, open pit (fresh rock) and oxide, referring to
VBK (Villa Balazo-Karolina), ROS (Rosika), COA (Coacia), and RCO (Rosika/Coacia)
lodes, foot- or hanging-wall origins. Each composite was homogenised and split into 1 kg
test charges, an aliquot from each was submitted for gold fire assay, S- and C species and 30
element ICP-MS scans. In preparation for controlled flotation testing Bond ball mill work
indices were determined and test grinds in a stainless steel rod mill were conducted to
establish time vs. grind relationships.
Table 13.9
Composite Sample Identifiers
Bottle roll cyanide leaching tests using 1 kg samples were carried out at a pulp density of 40
wt% solids. Prior to adding sodium cyanide (NaCN), the alkalinity was adjusted with
hydrated lime to pH 10.5 -11 and maintained at this level during the tests. NaCN levels were
also maintained at specific targets and dissolved oxygen concentration monitored throughout
the test. Solution samples were removed at 7, 24 and 48 h of retention time to determine
silver dissolutions. Baseline tests were terminated after 72 h with filtration of pregnant leach
solution (PLS). The solid residues were displacement-washed with hot cyanide solution,
followed by two hot water rinses. The PLS and the final residue were analyzed for gold
content by standard fire assay procedures.
The initial leach test conditions were, 1 g/L NaCN (Tests C1-C2) with target grinds of 74 μm
(200-mesh). Test CIL-1 was similar but with addition of 20 g/L activated carbon, no kinetic
sampling and 48-h duration. Grind times were doubled in Tests C3 and C4, both with
overhead agitation, either with air or oxygen sparging for 48-h, but also maintained at 1 g/L
NaCN. One leach test (GC1) was undertaken with a start NaCN concentration of 1 g/L
NaCN but maintained at 0.5 g/L NaCN.
To determine if overall recoveries could be improved, single pass gravity separation tests
were conducted in a laboratory centrifugal concentrator (Falcon) at grinds simulating likely
cyclone underflow streams. Panning to produce smaller amounts of concentrate for assaying
purposes and to also simulate further upgrading was employed.
Further tests on gravity concentration were also carried out but the method appears to offer
no significant advantage over a whole-ore leach and so has not been used in the proposed
13.3.4 Flotation
Bench scale flotation testing was conducted in a Denver D12 laboratory flotation machine
equipped with a metered forced-air supply. A 5 L cell size was used which enabled a 2 kg
charge to be tested at 35% w/w solids, airflow was controlled manually to maintain the froth
level. Collectors were added before aerating with timed conditioning periods. The primary
flotation regimes were estimated based on existing industrial standards. The rougher product
slurry of F1 only was filtered and weighed wet to permit a standard regrind to be carried out.
Size assays were performed on the tailings from all tests.
Further tests on flotation concentration were also carried out but the method appears to offer
no significant advantage over a whole-ore leach and so has not been used in the proposed
The Bond ball-mill work indices of a number of samples were determined by PRA using a
Bico-Braun® laboratory mill and standard ball charge medium. Abrasion tests and SMC
tests were undertaken at Hazen Research Inc. (USA) (Hazen).
The preliminary assessment work reported in the June 3, 2009 report provided useful
background information but the primary focus of current discussions was centered on the
results obtained at PRA for the Choco 10 project only. Preliminary diagnostic tests were
conducted on few less extractable 2008 samples, to expedite the planned leach optimization
on client-selected blends of the major material types
Interval samples assayed and tested in 2008 had shown a persistent variation of gold grades,
with a mean variance on the order of 20%. Fresh composites prepared in 2009 (Table 13.10)
fell within the expected ranges, with a few outliers on the high-grade side when aggressive
gravity scalping was pursued. Sulphate and silver levels were low (near detection limits),
and traces of impurities of concern and few base metals were present. As implied by
available project information, hydrothermal mineralization is mainly found within or at
boundaries of more permeable structures, and cyanide leaching could be hampered by
encapsulation, adsorption or “preg-robbing” via co-deposited carbon, clay, mica, spinels,
sulphides or sulfo-salts, much more likely than in abundant quartz or non-porous carbonates,
as indicated above.
Table 13.10
Head Assay Comparison of New Composites Tested
Hardness determinations indicated an average Bond ball mill work index (BWI) of
13.6 kWh/t at a 104 µm (150-mesh) closing screen, and a 3.35 mm (6-mesh) bulk S.G. of
1.994 (Table 13.11). Sample IC-3 was excluded as there was insufficient material. The data
was consistent with those of previous suites of testing and confirmed a medium-hard
character for most of the Choco-10 intervals submitted.
Table 13.11
Hardness and Bulk SG Data on New Composites
Table 13.12
Head Assay Comparison of Less Extractable Intervals
Interval ppm %
ID Au As Cu Ca Al ST Fe Mg Mn
MC-B2 7.27 <5 118 6.65 6.13 1.68 8.66 3.54 0.095
MC-D4 28.7 <5 57 3.61 7.49 1.92 4.10 1.47 0.052
MC-F6 3.03 <5 125 6.65 6.93 0.59 8.00 4.15 0.093
MC-K10 1.52 <5 40 0.07 9.80 0.01 3.31 0.65 0.066
IC-#1 4.35 70 105 4.61 5.31 1.85 7.78 1.75 0.078
IC-#6 2.92 1200 15 2.77 6.46 0.38 1.73 0.54 0.022
IC-#7 2.91 940 13 1.80 7.24 0.37 1.39 0.36 0.016
IC-#8 2.25 400 27 0.57 8.90 0.15 2.50 0.15 0.016
Table 13.13
Gravity Response of Less Extractable Intervals
Gravity Characterization
The results indicate incomplete removal of refractory gold portions by gravity scalping so a
series of diagnostic leach tests were conducted on the least extractable interval samples: IC-
#6, IC-#7, MC-B2 and MC-D4. High Cr, Co, and Ni levels accompanying iron in the pan
concentrates, indicate that varying amounts of grinding scat could also be diluting the gravity
concentrate grades.
Selected samples were pulverized and tested by staged sequences of cyanide leaching.
Findings are shown in Table 13.14, these results are also presented in Figure 13.1.
The calculated head grade of MC-D4 (21.3 g/t) mainly represents free milling gold (80% of
total) that would leave a residue grade of 4.2 g/t in 24 h using cyanide-leaching. Leaching
with Malonitrile CH2(CN)2 would yield a grade of 2.7 g/t by stripping Au from preg-robbers.
Leaching with acids in neutral or redox environments then releases small portions of Au that
are CIL extracted.
The other samples were similar in nature whilst containing lesser proportions of free milling
gold. The final oxidative leach step released much of the residual Au, especially from
sample IC-#6, suggesting general encapsulation in sulphides. However, it was decided to
postpone additional diagnostic testing, including mineralogy on the gravity products, as the
potential advantages of producing a gravity concentrate were perceived to be outweighed by
other factors. Efforts were then concentrated on systematic leach optimization studies.
Table 13.14
Summary of Diagnostic Leach Findings
Figure 13.1
Diagnostic Leach Residue Grades
Residual Au, g/t
5 CN-Res.
3 OX-Feed
IC#6 IC#7 MC-B2 MC-D4
Head grade for MC-D4 is 21.25 g/t Au which is higher than graph boundaries.
Testing was conducted in several rounds with variations of major parameters of interest,
starting with the primary grind size. As reflected by the initial results on gravity-scalped
feed, high NaCN maintenance levels and 72 h retention times were abandoned, once it had
been established that they could be mitigated. As a result, the reliability of reagent
consumptions reported from early phases of testing is considered to be low.
Persistent scatter in calculated head grades affect the Au-recovery levels when the majority
of the gold is free-milling as in the Rusoro samples. From the start, averaged residual grades
were preferred for trend evaluations, whilst weighted averages may be calculated when major
tonnages and blending formulas have been verified. This procedure, as applied in Table
13.15, simplifies interpretations. Plotting of the residue grades (see Figure 13.2) shows some
sensitivity to the grind size, which suggests that liberation and matrix permeability is a
concern for most of the ore types tested by baseline direct cyanidation.
Table 13.15
Baseline Grind-Sensitivity Data for Leach Evaluation
Figure 13.2
Grind Sensitivity of Whole Ore Leaching
1.0 1.5
0.1 0.3
55 71 108 155
Subtle grade variations in residues are magnified by a logarithmic axis and show a mild
ambiguity due to heterogeneities and proximity to detection limits. Main trends and un-
weighted averages, however, show that grinding to a leach feed F80 of 55 and 74 µm was
similar, with a clear recovery-drop for the coarser grinds.
Additions of 800 g/t lead nitrate were compared to the use of oxygen in whole ore
cyanidation at various NaCN levels (Table 13.16, Figure 13.3). The results suggest that the
use of oxygen is equivalent to the addition of lead nitrate in achieving lower residue grades
as compared to the baseline leach, except for MC-B. This allowed a reduction in retention
time to 48 h, with maintenance of NaCN at low levels (<0.2 g/L). Calculated Au-recoveries
reflect the trends established by the residue grades, and would average ~90% if the IC-2
sample is discounted.
Table 13.16
Effect of Oxidative Leach Enhancements at 74 µm
Figure 13.3
Labile Sulphide Oxidation Effects
1.0 1.5
0.1 0.3
Base 72-h O2 72-h Pb 72-h O2 48-h
Gravity+CIP test results using conditions 0.5 g/L NaCN and a retention time of 48 + 6 h
gave similar results to using direct CIL leaching for 72 h with a higher maintained level of
NaCN (0.75 g/L). , as shown in Table 13.17 and Figure 13.4. Halving of the retention to 36-
h at 0.2 g/L of maintained NaCN returned the average residue grade to the baseline level of
0.43 g/t Au. Gravity scalping seems to benefit samples MC-C, MC-D, IC-1 and IC-2, but
incompletely removed refractory gold portions in all of the samples needed about 48-h of
leaching as an optimum.
Table 13.17
Effect of Standard Carbon Additions at 74 µm
Figure 13.4
Effects of Carbon Additions
1.0 1.5
0.1 0.3
Base 72-h GCIP 54-h CIL 72-h CIL 36-h
Increased NaCN levels and consumptions had little effect on leach kinetics and recoveries.
NaCN consumption also increased continuously with retention time, so that improving
kinetics through carbon and oxygen additions, whilst maintaining starvation levels of free
cyanide is quite crucial (Figure 13.5). Reduction potentials (RP) were very moderate for
sulphide materials, indicating little fouling.
CIP solution data also showed very benign impurity build ups (Table 13.18), with low levels
(≤15 ppm) of most metals extracted and no signs of cyanide deterioration. Thus, the
impurities are likely precipitated or adsorbed on matrix components.
Figure 13.5
Un-weighted Average Performance Summary
100 2.5
72-hour retention, med.-high CN
80 2.0
60 1.5
40 1.0
20 0.5
0 0.0
Au, %R RP, mL/L Res., g/t NaCN, kg/t
Table 13.18
Typical CIP Solution Assays
Au mg/l 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 <0.01 0.02
TCN- mg/l 134.7 125.0 144.7 160.2 143.5 144.6 114.3
WAD CN- mg/l 127.2 114.5 132.4 134.8 122.0 132.0 104.2
SCN- mg/l 8.0 8.0 9.0 6.0 12.0 8.0 9.0
CNO- mg/l 44.0 39.0 42.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 43.0
SO42- mg/l 0.4 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1
Al mg/l 0.4 <0.2 0.3 0.9 1.2 1.4 0.5
As mg/l <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 0.7 3.1 0.7
Ca mg/l 2.0 26.8 3.6 3.8 2.5 2.6 2.0
Cr mg/l 0.03 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 <0.01 <0.01
Co mg/l 0.05 0.08 0.05 0.03 0.21 <0.01 0.22
Cu mg/l 4.47 5.51 7.15 2.89 5.01 2.46 4.7
Fe mg/l 9.19 0.85 1.59 2.85 12.49 12.27 10.93
Na mg/l 632.0 198.0 285.0 434.0 638.0 603.0 639.0
Zn mg/l 1.0 0.62 0.62 1.5 0.67 0.73 0.39
A high lime consumption (~3 kg/t) was frequently noted for MC-B and, to a lesser extent (~2
kg/t), also for MC-C (Table 13.19). Residual grades are elevated for IC-2 due to As, and for
the higher-grade samples MC-A and IC-1. It appears that incomplete leaching is likely
caused by a number of contributing factors, as implied by the diagnostic results. A 48-h
retention maintained at 45% solids in 0.2 g/L NaCN, in the presence of carbon, would ensure
reliable extractions on the order of 90% Au. Consumptions of 0.6 kg/t NaCN and 1 kg/t lime
(to maintain pH ~11) are indicated. The use of oxygen and a finer grind benefits treatment of
the refractory ore types; intensive leaching of gravity concentrate has not been tested, but its
overall impact on the whole ore leach is not very pronounced.
Table 13.19
Average Whole Ore Leach Responses per Sample
The results for the selected hard rock composites and Hazen Research Inc. (USA) (Hazen)
abrasion indices are shown in Table 13.20 (see Table 13.8 for description of samples).
Table 13.20
Bond Ball Mill Work and Abrasion Indices
Hazen also determined SMC parameters for SAG mill sizing; results from these tests are
shown in Table 13.21
Table 13.21
Summary of SMC Evaluations
51933-1 51933-2 51933-3 51933-4
A (maximum breakage) 58.3 67.6 72.1 74.5
b (relation between energy
0.70 0.44 0.55 0.45
and impact breakage)
A x b (overall SAG hardness) 40.8 29.7 39.7 33.5
DWi, kWh/m3 7.1 9.9 6.9 8.4
Mia, kWh/m3 19.2 24.6 19.7 22.6
ta 0.44 0.31 0.45 0.37
S.G. (Weighing in Air) 2.86 2.93 2.73 2.78
13.3.7 Conclusions and Recommendations
Current plant practice reflects near optimum conditions for whole ore leaching of materials
that are largely free-milling in nature. Additions of carbon are needed to shorten retention
times at 74 µm grinds, 40% solids, and low levels of NaCN to reduce the reagent
Systematic studies of whole ore cyanide leaching showed consistent trends in materials from
many zones that are to be processed in the Choco mill. Major parameters to be considered in
the design of an expansion are:
Material types and head grade variations, which could be tracked routinely.
Medium grind requirements with many practical implications.
Leach kinetics and reagent consumptions, including carbon and lime additions.
Material blending and sorting routines as related to parametric stability.
In general, 48-h CIL Au extractions of ≥90% can be expected at ~74 µm, 40% solids, ≤0.5
g/L NaCN and pH ~11, with typical consumptions of 0.6 kg/t NaCN and <1 kg/t lime. The
majority of leach residues graded ~0.2 g/t for Choco-10, but refractory components would
give rise to excursions above this value. Careful metallurgical control due to head grade
variability and different leach train processing will be required to enable optimization of gold
Tracking of CN-soluble gold for resource modelling purposes is recommended, as a basis for
blending a more predictable feed.
Current plant practice offers a reliable basis for project evaluation as well as a benchmark for
further improvements. The current study has focused on a limited portion of the materials to
be treated only. Master composites could be selected to test further process optimization,
followed by variability testing of the deposit.
A total of six ore samples from the deposit comprising ½ and ¼ drill core samples and one
run of mine rock pieces, were shipped to Ammtec for determination of grind, rheology, and
thickener design parameters and confirmatory testing of the previously determined CIL
conditions. Table 13.22 lists the samples and assay details. The test samples description and
source locations are shown in Table 13.23.
Table 13.22
Sample Identification
Sample Location & ID Au1 (g/t) Au2 (g/t) Ag (g/t) S Total (%) S Sulphide (%) SG
Elisa Zone 09 – 1 7.16 7.06 0.4 1.42 1.35 2.90
Culebra Zone 09 – 2 2.63 2.51 <0.3 0.43 0.31 2.73
Christina Zone 09 – 03 1.61 1.75 <0.3 0.54 0.45 2.89
VBK High Grade 09 – A 14.5 14.6 0.3 1.82 1.82 2.91
VBK Footwall 09 – B 3.78 3.01 0.3 1.38 1.37 2.91
Rosika Pit 09 – C 1.56 1.57 0.4 3.67 3.70 2.87
Coacia 09 – D 1.96 1.66 <0.3 0.82 0.79 2.80
Table 13.23
Sample Description and Source Location
The JK Drop Weight test provides ore-specific parameters for use in the JKSimMet Mineral
Processing Simulator Software. The parameters are combined with equipment details to
analyse and/or predict SAG/autogenous mill performance. The results from the JK Drop
Weight test are shown in Table 13.24. Mill sizing requirements can also be derived from
other rock testing parameters such as the SMC test, and standard Bond rod and ball mill work
indices. Since there are a number of mill sizing techniques available the JK test was only
carried out on one sample to supplement the information obtained from the other tests
mentioned above.
Table 13.24
JK Tech Drop-Weight Test
The SMC tests were carried out on all the samples in addition to Bond rod mill Bond work
index determinations. Ball mill work indices previously determined by PRA in Canada are
reported in Table 13.20.
SAG Mill Comminution (SMC) testwork was carried out on the fresh samples to re-confirm
the parameters for mill sizing as initial work carried out in 2009 had contained samples
which were possibly not representative of the future ore. The values derived agreed
reasonably well those previously obtained, indicating that the future ore would be hard and
that pebble crushing would be required. Table 13.25 lists the results.
Table 13.25
SMC Test Results
Derived Values
Sample Identity DWi SG
A b Axb Category Rank %
09-1: Elisa Zone 6.64 2.89 61.0 0.71 43.3 Medium 1307 43.4
09-2: Culebra zone 8.33 2.70 71.6 0.45 32.2 Hard 545 18.1
09-3: Christina Zone 8.00 2.84 60.1 0.59 35.5 Hard 771 25.6
09-A: VBK High Grade 8.45 2.86 67.3 0.50 33.7 Hard 635 21.1
09-B: VBK Footwall 7.86 2.85 55.4 0.65 36.0 Hard 812 26.9
09-C: Rosika Pit 7.63 2.82 77.1 0.48 37.0 Hard 889 29.5
09-D: Coacia 10.05 2.77 76.4 0.36 27.5 Very Hard 253 8.4
Bond rod mill work index tests had not previously been conducted and it was felt desirable to
do these as they also help indicate a requirement for pebble crushing in the SAG mill circuit.
The results (Table 13.26) were significantly higher than those obtained from the ball mill
work index tests, which is a good indication that the ore is very competent and hard, and that
a pebble crushing installation will be required.
Table 13.26
Bond Rod Mill Work Index Determinations
86 Bond Abrasion Index Determinations
Bond abrasion index tests results (Table 13.27) demonstrate considerable variation from
mildly to very abrasive with a peak value of 0.54 for the Culebra zone. Fortunately this
portion of the resource is fairly small so its impact will be limited.
Table 13.27
Bond Abrasion Index Determinations
Sample Identity Feed Particle Size (mm) Bond Abrasion Index (Ai)
09-1: Elisa Zone 0.25
09-2: Culebra zone -19.0 + 12.7 0.54
09-3: Christina Zone 0.22
09-A: VBK High Grade 0.37
09-B: VBK Footwall 0.1
-19.0 + 12.7
09-C: Rosika Pit 0.38
09-D: Coacia 0.47
A wide variety of test conditions were employed during the testing conducted in Canada to
achieve optimum leach recoveries. To confirm the results, tests were repeated on the fresh
samples that had been shipped to Ammtec. The conditions and results are listed in Table
Table 13.28
Carbon-in Leach and Cyanidation Leach Tests
To assist in and confirm slurry pump design, rheology tests were conducted on a sample
representing the largest proportion of material to be treated in the initial years of operation.
The results (Table 13.29) indicate that the slurry characteristics are typical for material at the
expected slurry density and grind size. Therefore, design requirements are considered
standard for this material.
Table 13.29
Rheology Testwork
Settling testwork was conducted on a portion of the sample taken from the VBK pit footwall.
It was considered that this material was a good representation of future material and would
form a basis to confirm preliminary design calculations. The results (Table 13.30) indicate
that the proposed design flux is slightly conservative. However, to allow for the possibility
of finding additional saprolitic material, which has poor settling characteristics, the thickener
sizing was unchanged.
Table 13.30
Thickener Design Testwork
The 2008 testwork at the Inspectorate America Corporation, PRA Metallurgical Division
laboratories and that conducted by Ammtec, Australia support the results as reported in the
Preliminary Assessment (Buchanan et al., 2009). Resultant minor changes to the original
flowsheet are:
The overall leach time has been reduced and the carbon in leach time increased, as it
is believed that “pregnant solution robbing” may be occurring. Overall leach/CIL
time will remain at approximately 48 h.
The inclusion of oxygen injection will enhance gold dissolution rates.
In Micon’s opinion, the work has confirmed that the material is amenable to SAG milling,
that the flowsheet being considered is appropriate for the proposed plant expansion, and that
a gold recovery of 89% from a mill head grade of 2.5 g/t is achievable.
14.1 CHOCO 10
A previous mineral resource estimate by Gold Fields was audited by Micon in 2007 and in
2009 that estimate was used in a preliminary assessment of the Choco 10 deposit (Buchanan
et al, 2009). The Gold Fields estimate (Table 14.1) considered all relevant geological data
available at that time. The 3D block model used a kriged uniform conditioning methodology
which was very selective and complex in nature.
Table 14.1
Gold Fields Mineral Resource Estimates as of September 30, 2007
During its ownership of the property, a series of procedures was developed by Gold Fields to
act as guides to all of the geological operations. These resource procedures are documented
in MRM_P021 (Resource Modelling - Geological Interpretation), MRM_P022 (Resource
Modelling - Geostatistical Analysis) and MRM_P023 (Resource Modelling - Estimation and
Each drill hole was meticulously logged and examined in great detail. That detail was
transferred to the geological models of the deposit. Each mineralized vein system or
“domain” (Gold Field terminology) within each deposit was separated, geostatistically
analysed and estimated. Each block within the 3D block model had 43 separate attributes.
Extracting useful information to guide future exploration has subsequently proved difficult
and time consuming. Experience has also shown that the Gold Fields ‘domains’ are too
narrow to be of use in mine planning and grade control. Rusoro has also found that
differences between domains are too subtle, since they are sufficiently similar to one another
that treating each domain separately is unnecessary. Therefore, Rusoro engaged Micon to
provide a simpler model that could better meet the demands of an active mining operation.
At the same time, there has been a substantial amount of additional drilling completed within
the Choco 10 concession since the last resource estimate. Although some of the drilling has
been condemnatory or geotechnical in nature, the majority has been for resource definition
and delineation. This has also led to the need to update the mineral resource estimates of
these deposits.
14.1.2 Methodology
The new resource model has been developed using Gemcom Software International Inc.’s
Surpac Software, version 6.1.3. Surpac is a 3D geological and mining software package that
can accurately manipulate and portray geological data and mine development and production
A detailed description of the block model and interpolation can be found in the Choco 10
Mineral Resource Technical Report (Makepeace, 2010); however, the major stages in
building the current model are outlined below. Topography
The topography was derived from previous survey data in UTM coordinates. The
information was contoured and triangulated to create a digital terrain model (DTM). In
Surpac software, a DTM is a combination of a string file (“.str”) and a triangulation file
(“.dtm”). A separate DTM was created from the Choco 10 surveyed pit limits as of
December 31, 2009. The two DTMs were amalgamated into one seamless DTM
The drill data was derived from a series of Excel spreadsheets generated by Rusoro’s
Maxwell Data Model database (i.e. Collar_PMG.xls, Survey_PMG.xls, Assay_PMG.xls,
Lithology_PMG.xls, Stratigrafia_PMG.xls).
These files were checked and converted to input files for the Surpac drill database (Microsoft
Corporation’s Access database engine). The resulting drill database file was created (i.e.
The known deposits in the Choco 10 concession [Rosika (R), Coacia (C), Pisolita (P) and
Villa Balazo-Karolina (VBK)] are closely associated with one another. There are three
dimensional overlaps between each of the deposits. Although originally considered two
separate deposits, the Rosika and Coacia deposits are in essence one continuous deposit. The
deposits are also mined in one long open pit. To compare the current mineral resources with
the Gold Fields mineral resources, it was necessary to construct a wireframe constraint to
separate the Rosika and Coacia deposits.
Three dimensional geological wireframe models constrain the search for composited assays
during the resource estimation. The polylines within the wireframe models must be closed
and have no cross-overs, overlaps, spikes and duplicate points before a triangulation
algorithm can be used and a valid solid can be created.
A new set of wireframes were created by generating 20 metre sections through each of the
deposits based on the Gold Fields wireframes and the drill database. The stacked vein
systems were digitized as larger units that incorporated mineralized haloes and their
associated low-grade and high-grade lenses. The resulting polylines were triangulated into
solids that became separate entities and validated.
The geological wireframe models for all four Choco 10 deposits is illustrated in Figure 14.1.
Figure 14.1
VBK+RCP Geological Wireframe Model
(Looking Southwest) Compositing
The drill database samples were taken over varying interval lengths with respect to either
geology and/or visible mineralization. The minimum interval was 0.01 m while the
maximum interval was 6.10 m with an average of 1.18 m. The total number of assays was
A 2 m fixed length downhole composite was chosen with a minimum 75% of the sample
interval being included. Remnants are included in a second string range number (i.e., 2). A
global composite was created. This was further constrained to the four mineralized
wireframes. Table 14.2 is a summary of the constrained database in the four deposits which
is illustrated in Figure 14.2 and Figure 14.3.
Table 14.2
Deposit Basic Statistics
Figure 14.2
Rosika and Coacia Histogram and Frequency Distribution Graphs
Figure 14.3
Pisolita and VBK Histogram and Frequency Distribution Graphs
The coefficient of variation (i.e., standard deviation/mean) for all four deposits, indicate that
outliers exist and that, therefore, capping should be examined. Outliers
The basic statistics of the four deposits seem to indicate a large capping would be required
for each deposit. To obtain a coefficient of variation of 1.2 or less, the capping value for the
four deposits would range between 1 and 2.5 g/t. The ninety fifth (95%) percentile values
range from 0.80 to 3.11 g while the 99% values range from 4.24 to 12.39 g/t. Neither of
these two methods produces an acceptable capping value. The mineralization within the
wireframes is not strictly high grade mineral lenses. Lower grade mineralization is included
which most likely has affected the basic statistics.
An overall cap value of 34.285 g/t Au (1 oz/t) was determined to be adequate for the
database. There were only 29 samples out of 59,603 that had to be capped. Variography
The four composite semi-variograms were calculated for gold. The geological models of the
deposit assisted in determining the major, semi-major and minor directions of continuity. The
semi-variograms for each of the four known deposits in the Choco 10 concession have been
reproduced in Figure 14.4 and the parameters are summarized in Table 14.3.
Table 14.3
Variogram Parameters
Figure 14.4
Semi-Variograms for RCPVBK
14.1.3 Block Model
A block model encompassing both the geological wireframe models of all four deposits as
well as the drill hole database was constructed. The block model geometry is documented in
Table 14.4.
Table 14.4
Block Model Geometry
Minimum Coordinates 807200 615450 -460
Maximum Coordinates 809500 616850 +280
User Block Size 20 10 5
Minimum Block Size 5 2.5 1.25
Bearing = 0.0° Dip = 0.0° Plunge = 0.0°
The total number of blocks was 6,317,283 with a storage efficiency of 95.85%. Three
attributes were created and are listed in Table 14.5.
Table 14.5
Block Model Attributes
The estimation method employed was an Inverse Distance Cubed (ID3) calculation using
search ellipsoids based on the variography discussed in Section This method was
chosen because the Nearest Neighbour method tends to generate fewer tonnes at a higher
grade while the Ordinary Kriging and Inverse Distance Squared methods tend to produce
higher tonnes at a lower grade. The Inverse Distance Cubed method tends to produce
numbers that fall between these other methods.
The estimates were constrained to individual geological wireframe models acting as hard
boundaries. An individual block estimate would not accept composites outside of the
wireframes or in adjacent lenses that make up the wireframe model. Rosika and Coacia are
constrained further by the Rosika and Coacia deposit model (Section
Table 14.6
Block Model Parameters
A block model report was generated for each deposit with respect to its resource category
and grouped with respect to gold grade cut-offs.
The block model and accompanying drill hole database were compared visual in section
(north-south and east-west), plan and in 3D. The block model has been constrained to the 3D
wireframes. All blocks outside the wireframes have a grade attribute of -1. Visually the
blocks and their respective grade attributes correspond well to both grade and 3D location of
the mineralized intervals within the database.
The method used (Inverse Distance Cubed or ID3) normally produces tonnage and grade that
is between the Nearest Neighbour and the Ordinary Kriging/Inverse Distance Squared (ID2)
methods. Micon believes that the block model results portray the best estimate of the
mineralization in the four deposits that make up the Choco 10 property.
Mineral resource reporting in Canada follows National Instrument 43-101 and its companion
policy 43-101CP and technical report requirements 43-101F1 which have been in-place since
February 1, 2001. The mineral resource definitions are based on the Canadian Institute of
Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum’s (CIM) definitions (CIM Definition Standards – For
Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves, adopted on December 11, 2005).
The term Mineral Resource covers mineralization and natural material of intrinsic economic
interest which has been identified and estimated through exploration and sampling and within
which Mineral Reserves may subsequently be defined by the consideration and application of
technical, economic, legal, environmental, socio-economic and governmental factors. The
phrase ‘reasonable prospects for economic extraction’ implies a judgement by the Qualified
Person in respect of the technical and economic factors likely to influence the prospect of
economic extraction. A Mineral Resource is an inventory of mineralization that under
realistically assumed and justifiable technical and economic conditions might become
economically extractable. These assumptions must be presented explicitly in both public and
technical reports.” (CIM, 2005)
There are three subdivisions within the mineral resource category, which are based on
decreasing geological confidence (Measured, Indicated and Inferred). The Choco 10
deposits have mineral resources in all three categories based on geostatistics. The definitions
of the categories are as follows:
Due to the uncertainty that may be attached to Inferred Mineral Resources, it cannot be
assumed that all or any part of an Inferred Mineral Resource will be upgraded to an
Indicated or Measured Mineral Resource as a result of continued exploration. Confidence in
the estimate is insufficient to allow the meaningful application of technical and economic
parameters or to enable an evaluation of economic viability worthy of public disclosure.
Inferred Mineral Resources must be excluded from estimates forming the basis of feasibility
or other economic studies.
Indicated Mineral Resource
An ‘Indicated Mineral Resource’ is that part of a Mineral Resource for which quantity, grade or
quality, densities, shape and physical characteristics, can be estimated with a level of confidence
sufficient to allow the appropriate application of technical and economic parameters, to support
mine planning and evaluation of the economic viability of the deposit. The estimate is based on
detailed and reliable exploration and testing information gathered through appropriate
techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes that are
spaced closely enough for geological and grade continuity to be reasonably assumed.
A ‘Measured Mineral Resource’ is that part of a Mineral Resource for which quantity, grade or
quality, densities, shape, and physical characteristics are so well established that they can be
estimated with confidence sufficient to allow the appropriate application of technical and
economic parameters, to support production planning and evaluation of the economic viability
of the deposit. The estimate is based on detailed and reliable exploration, sampling and testing
information gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches,
pits, workings and drill holes that are spaced closely enough to confirm both geological and
grade continuity.
Variable cut-off scenarios were run at 0.1 gram per tonne (g/t) gold intervals. A grade of
0.5 g/t Au was selected as a realistic cut-off value for these mineral resources.
At the selected cut-off grade of 0.5 g/t Au, the Rosika deposit contains a measured plus
indicated mineral resource of 18.3 million tonnes grading 2.15 g/t Au, and an inferred
mineral resource of 12.2 million tonnes grading 1.55 g/t Au.
Table 14.7, Table 14.8 and Table 14.9 document the Rosika mineral resources with variable
cut-off scenarios for the three resource categories, respectively.
Table 14.7
Rosika Measured Mineral Resource
Table 14.8
Rosika Indicated Mineral Resource
Table 14.9
Rosika Inferred Mineral Resource
100 Coacia Deposit
Table 14.10, Table 14.11 and Table 14.12 document the Coacia deposit mineral resources
with variable cut-off scenarios for the three resource categories respectively.
Table 14.10
Coacia Measured Mineral Resource
Table 14.11
Coacia Indicated Mineral Resource
Table 14.12
Coacia Inferred Mineral Resource
At the selected cut-off grade of 0.5 g/t Au, the Coacia deposit contains a measured plus
indicated mineral resource of 1.3 million tonnes grading 1.55 g/t Au, and an inferred mineral
resource of 8.3 million tonnes grading 1.68 g/t Au.
At the selected cut-off grade of 0.5 g/t Au, the Pisolita deposit contains a measured plus
indicated mineral resource of 5.4 million tonnes grading 1.58 g/t Au, and an inferred mineral
resource of 18.7 million tonnes grading 1.15 g/t Au.
Table 14.13, Table 14.14 and Table 14.15 document the Pisolita deposit mineral resources
with variable cut-off scenarios for the three resource categories respectively.
Table 14.13
Pisolita Measured Mineral Resource
Table 14.14
Pisolita Indicated Mineral Resource
Table 14.15
Pisolita Inferred Mineral Resource
Table 14.16, Table 14.17 and Table 14.18 document the VBK deposit mineral resources with
variable cut-off scenarios for the three resource categories respectively.
Table 14.16
VBK Measured Mineral Resource
Table 14.17
VBK Indicated Mineral Resource
Table 14.18
VBK Inferred Mineral Resource
At the selected cut-off grade of 0.5 g/t Au, the VBK deposit contains a measured plus
indicated mineral resource of 114.9 million tonnes grading 1.81 g/t Au, and an inferred
mineral resource of 20.0 million tonnes grading 1.67 g/t Au.
Table 14.19 summarises the mineral resource estimates for all four deposits on the Choco 10
property, at a cut-off grade of 0.5 g/t Au. These mineral resources are inclusive of any
mineral reserves on the property. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have
demonstrated economic viability. As of the effective date of this report, there are no known
legal, political, environmental or other risks that could materially affect the potential
development of the mineral resources and reserves.
Table 14.19
Choco 10 Mineral Resource Estimates
Above a cut-off grade of 0.50 g/t Au, as of December 31, 2009
The current Mineral Resource estimate has delineated a total of 139.9 million tonnes of
mineralization with an average grade of 1.85 g/t gold in the Measured and Indicated
categories. This translates to an increase of 81.1 million tonnes from the previous Mineral
Resource estimate that was completed in 2006/2007. There is also a total Inferred Mineral
Resource of 59.2 million tonnes with an average grade of 1.48 g/t gold. It cannot be assumed
that all or any part of this Inferred Mineral Resource will be upgraded to an Indicated or
Measured Mineral Resource as a result of continued exploration. Confidence in the Inferred
Mineral Resource is insufficient to allow the meaningful application of technical and
economic parameters.
A comparison of the December 31, 2009 mineral resource estimate with the September 30,
2007 (December 31, 2006) mineral resource estimate is presented in Table 14.20.
Table 14.20
Choco 10 Mineral Resource Comparison
The largest increase is at the VBK deposit. This is due to the 40 strategically placed drill
holes within this deposit over the last three years. The drilling has delineated additional
tonnage along strike and at depth. It has also upgraded tonnage from the Inferred Mineral
Resource category to either Indicated or Measured Mineral Resource categories due in part to
reducing the drill spacing within the deposit. A substantial portion of higher grade
mineralization appears to be located at depth.
The Rosika deposit Mineral Resources improved, primarily due to its proximity to the VBK
deposit. Additional drilling in VBK intersected Rosika mineralization.
The Coacia deposit has also been mined for the last three years which explains the losses to
its Mineral Resources. Additional drilling within the boundaries of the deposit assisted in
producing modest gains in the Inferred Resource category.
The Pisolita deposit gained some tonnage in the “North Pisolita” area as well as a modest
increase in tonnage at depth. This deposit had the most drilling (221 holes) in the last three
years which translated into a larger Inferred Resource category.
A mineral resource estimate was completed in September 2007 using all available data at the
time It was constructed by Mr. Zbeetnoff using Gemcom Software Internationals GEMS
Software version 5.55. A geological interpretation of the deposit was carried out by Rusoro
geological staff which included identifying mineralized lenses as well as the depth to which
oxidation has occurred. The interpretation was completed on vertical cross-sections spaced
roughly at 25 m. The interpretation was also validated on 20-m level plans as the cross-
sectional work advanced. Wireframe solids were constructed from this work. The
interpolation was an ID2 method. Assays were capped to reduce the influence of erratic high-
grade values. A detailed description of this mineral resource is found in Laudrum et al.,
2008. Table 14.21 shows the previous resource estimate for Increible 6.
Table 14.21
Previous Increible 6 Mineral Resource Estimate, September 2007
Additional drilling and a refinement to the interpretation of the deposits led to a re-evaluation
of the mineral resources in 2009-10 as part of this feasibility study.
14.2.2 Methodology
The new model has been developed using Gemcom Software International Inc.’s Surpac
Software, version 6.1.3. Surpac is a 3D geological and mining software package that can
accurately manipulate and portray geological data and mine development and production
The basic methodology used to generate the Increible 6 estimate was identical to the
methodology used to develop the Choco 10 estimate which was covered in the previous
section of this report. Topography
The topography was derived from previous survey data in UTM coordinates. A topography
DTM constructed to cover the Ingrid-Elisa, Olga-Enoc and Christina deposits (IOC) and a
separate topography DTM was constructed for the Culebra deposit. DTMs were constructed
for the saprolite/saprock and saprock/fresh rock contacts for both the IOC and Culebra
deposits. These contact DTMs were used to assign the proper specific gravity attributes
within the block model.
The drill data was derived from an Excel spreadsheet generated by Rusoro’s Maxwell Data
Model database (i.e. INC6_Micon.xls). The individual worksheets within the spreadsheet
included collar, survey and assay data for the entire Increible 6 concession.
These files were checked and converted to input files for the Surpac drill database (Microsoft
Corporation’s Access database engine). The resulting drill database file was created (i.e.
The main deposits in the Increible 6 concession are Ingrid-Elisa (Ingrid) , Olga-Enoc (Olga),
Christina and Culebra. There are other small mineralized zones within the Increible 6
concession that have been drill tested but at this time they are insignificant compared to the
main four deposits.
A new set of wireframes were created by Rusoro geologist in Datamine Software. The
wireframes required re-digitizing in Surpac Software to be validated as solids. The Surpac
set of wireframes was essentially a copy of the Datamine wireframes. The resulting
wireframes for each deposit is illustrated in Figure 17.5. The individual series of stacked
veins (domains) can clearly be seen in Figure 17.5. Each vein (domain) was individually
triangulated into a solid and validated.
Figure 14.5
Increible 6 Deposit Wireframe Solids Compositing
The drill database samples were taken over varying interval lengths with respect to either
geology and/or visible mineralization. The minimum interval was 0.01 m while the
maximum interval was 67.0 m with an average of 0.97 m. The total number of assays was
A 2 metre fixed length downhole composite was chosen with a minimum 75% of the sample
interval being included. Remnants are included in a second string range number (i.e., 2). A
global composite was created. This was further constrained to the four mineralized
wireframes. Table 14.22 is a summary of the basic statistics of the constrained database in
the four Increible 6 deposits and which are illustrated in Figure 14.6 and Figure 14.7.
Table 14.22
Increible 6 Deposit Basic Statistics
The coefficient of variation (i.e., standard deviation/mean) for all four deposits, indicate that
outliers exist and that capping should be examined.
Figure 14.6
Ingrid and Christina Histogram and Frequency Distribution Graphs
Figure 14.7
Olga and Culebra Histogram and Frequency Distribution Graphs Outliers
The basic statistics of the four deposits seem to indicate a large capping would be required
for each deposit. To obtain a coefficient of variation of 1.2 or less, the capping value with
respect to the ninety fifth (95%) percentile values range from 3.00 to 5.73 g while the 99%
values range from 7.60 to 14.89 g/t. Neither of these two percentiles produces an acceptable
capping value to Rusoro or Micon due to the style of mineralization.
The mineralization within the wireframes is not strictly high grade mineral lenses. Lower
grade mineralization is included which most likely has affected the basic statistics and
skewed conservatively. Also there is low grade and some high grade intervals outside the
wireframes which correspond to footwall and hangingwall mineralized structure which can’t
be taken into account by the wireframe constraints.
It was then agree to by Rusoro and Micon geologists that an overall cap value of 34.285 g/t
Au (1 oz/t) would be adequate for the database. There were only 18 samples out of 59,245
that had to be capped. Variography
The four composite semi-variograms were calculated for gold. The geological models of the
deposit assisted in determining the major, semi-major and minor directions of continuity. The
semi-variograms for each of the four known deposits in the Increible 6 concession have been
reproduced in Figure 14.8 and the parameters are summarized in Table 14.23.
Figure 14.8
Semi-Variograms for Increible 6 Deposits
Table 14.23
Increible 6 Variogram Parameters
A block model encompassing the Ingrid, Christina and Olga deposits (new3_ioc_bm.mdl)
and the associated drill holes and composites was constructed. The block model geometry is
documented in Table 14.24.
Table 14.24
Ingrid-Olga-Christina Block Model Geometry
Minimum Coordinates 815900 620760 -500
Maximum Coordinates 818000 623060 +230
User Block Size 10 10 10
Minimum Block Size 2.5 2.5 2.5
Bearing = 0.0° Dip = 0.0° Plunge = 0.0°
A separate block model encompassing the Culebra deposit (new3_cub_bm.mdl) and the
associated drill holes and composite was constructed. This was required because of the two
separate sets of topography, saprolite/saprock and saprock/fresh rock contact DTMs. The
block model geometry is documented in Table 14.25.
Table 14.25
Culebra Block Model Geometry
Minimum Coordinates 816950 623240 -170
Maximum Coordinates 817640 624520 +200
User Block Size 10 10 5
Minimum Block Size 2.5 2.5 1.25
Bearing = 0.0° Dip = 0.0° Plunge = 0.0°
Three attributes were created for each block model and are listed in Table 14.26.
Table 14.26
Block Model Attributes
The estimation method employed was an Inverse Distance Cubed (ID3) calculation using
search ellipsoids based on the variography discussed in Section This method was
chosen because the Nearest Neighbour method tends to generate fewer tonnes at a higher
grade while the Ordinary Kriging and Inverse Distance Squared methods tend to produce
higher tonnes at a lower grade. The Inverse Distance Cubed method tends to produce
numbers that fall between these other methods.
The estimates were constrained to individual geological wireframe models acting as hard
boundaries. An individual block estimate would not accept composites outside of the
wireframes or in adjacent lenses that make up the wireframe model.
The user (maximum) block volume is 10 m (N-S) by 10 m (E-W) by 10 m (vertical) for the
Ingrid-Olga-Christina deposits and 10 m (N-S) by 10 m (E-W) by 5 m (vertical) for the
Culebra deposit. This equates to 1,000 and 500 m3, respectively. The specific gravity varies
within the deposits due to amount of decomposition of the rock. The density is one of the
attributes of the block model. The tonnage of a saprolite user block is 1,600 t while a
saprock user block is 2,350 t and fresh rock is 2,700 t.
A block model report was generated for each deposit with respect to its resource category
and grouped with respect to gold grade cut-offs.
Table 14.27
Increible 6 Block Model Parameters
The block model and accompanying drill hole database were compared visual in section
(north-south and east-west), plan and in 3D. The block model has been constrained to the 3D
wireframes. All blocks outside the wireframes have a grade attribute of -1. Visually the
blocks and their respective grade attributes correspond well to both grade and 3D location of
the mineralized intervals within the database.
The method used (Inverse Distance Cubed or ID3) normally produces tonnage and grade that
is between the Nearest Neighbour and the Ordinary Kriging/Inverse Distance Squared (ID2)
methods. A comparison of the previous 2006-7 estimate shows a slightly lower tonnage and
lower grade. This difference in grade can be attributed to the different interpolation method,
and search radii parameters used as well as more drilling and new wireframe constraints.
Micon believes that the block model results portray the best estimate at this time of the
mineralization in the four deposits that make up the Increible 6 concession.
14.2.7 Increible 6 Mineral Resource Estimate
Table 14.28 and Table 14.29 document the Ingrid deposit mineral resources with variable
cut-off scenarios for the measured and indicated, and inferred resource categories,
Table 14.28
Ingrid Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource
Table 14.29
Ingrid Inferred Mineral Resource
Cut-off Inferred
Grade Tonnes Grade Au oz
(g/t) (millions) (g/t) (000)
0.1 16.0 0.94 483.7
0.2 13.4 1.09 471.8
0.3 11.6 1.22 457.6
0.4 9.9 1.38 438.0
0.5 8.6 1.52 420.2
0.6 7.6 1.65 401.6
0.7 6.8 1.76 385.4
0.8 6.1 1.89 367.8
0.9 5.4 2.01 350.7
1.0 4.9 2.12 334.6
1. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an Inferred Mineral Resource will be upgraded to an
Indicated or Measured Mineral Resource as a result of continued exploration.
2. Mineral resources which are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
At the selected cut-off grade of 0.5 g/t Au, the Ingrid deposit contains a measured plus
indicated mineral resource of 13.7 million tonnes grading 2.10 g/t Au, and an inferred
mineral resource of 8.6 million tonnes grading 1.52 g/t Au.
114 Christina Deposit
Table 14.30 and Table 14.31 document the Christina deposit mineral resources with variable
cut-off scenarios for the measured and indicated, and inferred resource categories,
Table 14.30
Christina Measured and Inferred Mineral Resource
Table 14.31
Christina Inferred Mineral Resource
Cut-off Inferred
Grade Tonnes Grade Au oz
(g/t) (millions) (g/t) (000)
0.1 0.122 0.28 1.1
0.2 0.040 0.60 0.8
0.3 0.023 0.87 0.6
0.4 0.021 0.90 0.6
0.5 0.020 0.92 0.6
0.6 0.019 0.94 0.6
0.7 0.013 1.09 0.4
0.8 0.010 1.19 0.4
0.9 0.007 1.33 0.3
1.0 0.005 1.49 0.2
1) It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an Inferred Mineral Resource will be upgraded to an
Indicated or Measured Mineral Resource as a result of continued exploration.
2) Mineral resources which are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
At the selected cut-off grade of 0.5 g/t Au, the Christine deposit contains a measured plus
indicated mineral resource of 2.12 million tonnes grading 1.53 g/t Au, and an inferred
mineral resource 0.02 million tonnes grading 0.92 g/t Au, at a 0.5 g/t Au cut-off.
115 Olga Deposit
The following two tables document the Olga deposit mineral resources with variable cut-off
scenarios for the measured and indicated, and inferred resource categories, respectively.
Table 14.32
Olga Measured and Inferred Mineral Resource
Table 14.33
Olga Inferred Mineral Resource
Cut-off Inferred
Grade Tonnes Grade Au oz
(g/t) (millions) (g/t) (000)
0.1 1.486 0.33 15.9
0.2 0.904 0.46 13.2
0.3 0.571 0.58 10.6
0.4 0.313 0.77 7.7
0.5 0.230 0.88 6.5
0.6 0.175 0.99 5.6
0.7 0.139 1.07 4.8
0.8 0.112 1.15 4.1
0.9 0.091 1.22 3.6
1.0 0.069 1.31 2.9
1. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an Inferred Mineral Resource will be upgraded to an
Indicated or Measured Mineral Resource as a result of continued exploration.
2. Mineral resources which are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
At the selected cut-off grade of 0.5 g/t Au, the Olga deposit contains a measured plus
indicated mineral resource of 0.587 million tonnes grading 1.25 g/t Au, and an inferred
mineral resource of 0.230 million tonnes grading 0.88 g/t Au.
116 Culebra Deposit
Table 14.34 and Table 14.35 document the Christina deposit mineral resources with variable
cut-off scenarios for the measured and indicated, and inferred resource categories,
Table 14.34
Culebra Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource
Table 14.35
Culebra Inferred Mineral Resource
Cut-off Inferred
Grade Tonnes Grade Au oz
(g/t) (millions) (g/t) (000)
0.1 1.622 0.75 39.1
0.2 1.377 0.86 37.9
0.3 1.154 0.97 36.1
0.4 0.915 1.14 33.4
0.5 0.706 1.34 30.4
0.6 0.562 1.54 27.9
0.7 0.452 1.76 25.6
0.8 0.377 1.96 23.8
0.9 0.326 2.14 22.4
1.0 0.275 2.36 20.8
1. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an Inferred Mineral Resource will be upgraded to an
Indicated or Measured Mineral Resource as a result of continued exploration.
2. Mineral resources which are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
At the selected cut-off grade of 0.5 g/t Au, the Culebra deposit contains a measured plus
indicated mineral resource of 6.008 million tonnes grading 1.64 g/t Au 0, and an inferred
mineral resource of 0.706 million tonnes grading 1.34 g/t Au.
117 Increible 6 Mineral Resources
The mineral resources of the four major deposits within the Increible 6 concession are listed
below at the 0.5 g/t Au cut-off. These mineral resources are inclusive of any mineral reserves
on the property. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated
economic viability. As of the effective date of this report, there are no known legal, political,
environmental or other risks that could materially affect the potential development of the
mineral resources and reserves.
Table 14.36
Increible 6 Mineral Resource at 0.5 g/t Au Cut-off
There has been a decrease in the overall tonnes and grade of the four deposits although in
most cases this decrease is relatively small. Reasons for this decrease are as follows:
Table 14.37
Increible 6 Mineral Resource Comparison
As of December 31, 2010, the mineral reserves for the Choco 10 and Increible 6 deposits are
as summarized in Table 15.1 and Table 15.2 respectively. Mining losses of 1% were
assumed, and dilution factors of 11% and 14% were applied to oxide ore and transition/fresh
ore respectively. Ore tonnes were diluted by an average grade of 0.10 g/t. These mineral
reserves are included within the mineral resources stated in Section 14.
Table 15.1
Choco 10 Mineral Reserves (December 31, 2010)
Table 15.2
Increible 6 Mineral Reserves (December 31, 2010)
The mine design work supporting these reserves is described more fully in Section 16.
The Rosika, Coacia and Pisolita deposits have been mined for at least 6 years. The current
mill has a capacity of 5,000 t/d. It is proposed to increase the plant capacity to 20,000 t/d.
This increase in capacity is based on continuing to mine the combined Rosika/Coatia/Pisolita
pits, bringing the large VBK open pit on line as well as developing the Increible 6 deposits.
The feasibility study considers mining from the Choco 10 (Rosika, Coacia, Pisolita and
VBK) and the Increible 6 (Culebra, Christina, Elisa) deposits at a combined rate of 20,000 t/d
or 7.3 Mt/y of mill feed. New resource block models generated by Micon were used as the
basis for the open pit design. The mine design process involved the following steps:
Generation of economically-optimized ultimate open pit shells for each deposit using
Whittle 4X software
Design of phased pits with access ramps for each deposit. The tonnage within this
minable pit serves as the basis for the mineral reserve.
Selection of the fleet of drilling, loading, hauling and auxiliary equipment required to
meet the design schedule.
Estimation of mine capital expenditures and operating costs to the level of accuracy
appropriate for a feasibility study.
Open pit optimization was completed using Gemcom Software’s Whittle 4X open pit
optimization program. This program uses the Lerchs-Grossman algorithm to determine the
optimal economic open pit footprint for a given mineral resource. Once this footprint has
been established, the software allows the development of a simple production schedule. For
the Choco Feasibility Study, instead of the typical single block model, three different block
models needed to be optimized separately to provide design limits.
The Choco Feasibility Study considers three gold deposits as the basis for the resource.
These include Choco 10, Increible 6, and Culebra. Choco 10 is made up of two different
deposits, RCP and VBK. The other deposits are defined in individual block models for a
total of three block models. All of the models were delivered to Micon in an ASCII format.
These block models were imported into a Vulcan format and then exported into Whittle.
Three different rock types (oxide, transition, and fresh) and average gold value above a cut-
off were exported into the Whittle model. Pit slopes used in the Whittle analysis take into
account the preliminary pit slope recommendations given by Knight Piésold in February,
2010. The recommended inter-ramp angles are 40° in saprolite/saprock and transition, and
range between 47° and 51° in fresh rock.
For a mineral reserve estimate to comply with CIM definitions, no value should be attributed
to inferred mineral resources in the design of an open pit. For this Feasibility Study, only
measured and indicated materials could be considered as potential mineral resource in the
Whittle pit optimizations. Inferred mineral resource was considered as waste only. The
criteria used in the pit optimization are shown in Table 16.1, Table 16.2 and Table 16.3.
Table 16.1
Parameters used for the Choco 10 Whittle Pit Optimization
Area Units $/Unit Source
Ore Mining US$/Ore Tonne $3.000 Micon Scoping Study
Waste Mining US$/Waste Tonne $3.000 Micon Scoping Study
Processing US$/Ore Tonne $4.340 Micon Scoping Study
G&A US$/Ore Tonne $2.670 Micon Scoping Study
Contingency US$/Ore Tonne $2.370 Micon Scoping Study
Gold Price US$/Ounce $900.00 C. Jacobs 7/2010
Royalty % of Gross Sales 3.0% Micon Scoping Study
Selling Cost US$/Recovered Ounce Gold $94.50 Micon Scoping Study
Gold Recovery % of Feed Grade 90.0% Micon Scoping Study
Table 16.2
Parameters used for the Increible 6 Whittle Pit Optimization
Table 16.3
Parameters used for the Culebra Whittle Pit Optimization
Area Units $/Unit Source
Ore Mining US$/Ore Tonne $3.000 Micon Scoping Study
Waste Mining US$/Waste Tonne $3.000 Micon Scoping Study
Processing US$/Ore Tonne $4.340 Micon Scoping Study
G&A US$/Ore Tonne $2.670 Micon Scoping Study
Contingency US$/Ore Tonne $2.370 Micon Scoping Study
Gold Price US$/Ounce $900.00 C. Jacobs 7/2010
Royalty % of Gross Sales 3.0% Micon Scoping Study
Selling Cost US$/Recovered Ounce Gold $94.50 Micon Scoping Study
Gold Recovery % of Feed Grade 90.0% Micon Scoping Study
The topographic base for each block model/Whittle model was provided by Rusoro and is
based on current topography in November, 2010.
For all block models, mining dilution and mining recovery was input into the Whittle open
pit optimization. Dilution in Whittle is assumed to be 11% in oxide rock and 14% in
transition and fresh rock. Mining recovery in Whittle is assumed to be 99% in all material
types. These dilution and mining recoveries were provided by Rusoro and is based on actual
operating experience at Choco 10.
Each of the block models were loaded into Whittle and reblocked to a standard block size
(40 x 40 x 10 m). Whittle optimization was performed on each block model (in the order of
Choco 10, Increible 6, and Culebra). Using these results a pit shell at the full gold price was
selected and used as a maximum pit limit for Whittle Milawa scheduling.
Scheduling using the Whittle Milawa algorithm to achieve the required processing plant feed
and maximum waste movement for each period was then carried out. Milawa production
scheduling is the method, which is used by Whittle to take the results of a pit optimization
and generate a balanced production schedule.
In order to accomplish this, a series of pit shells are selected at various increments
representing lower to higher gold prices. The program then attempts to balance the
production schedule on total material movement while filling the processing plant and
producing the maximum allowable gold ounces. This generates a balanced and more realistic
mining production schedule.
The Whittle open pit optimization work completed for the Feasibility Study considered an
annual production level of 7.3 million tonnes. These schedules were run at various gold
prices in order to determine the sensitivity of the various deposits to changing economic
conditions. The results for each block model are shown below in Table 16.4, Table 16.5 and
Table 16.6.
Based on this work, for the Choco 10 deposit pit shell 49 was selected for design, for the
Increible 6 deposit pit shell 44 was selected, and for the Culebra deposit pit shell 41 was
selected. These three pit shells were then used as the basis for the more detailed feasibility
Table 16.4
Whittle Results – Choco 10
Mill Whittle
Scenario – Gold Total
Total Stripping Estimated NPV
Gold Price Class Price Resource Au Rec'd Waste
Tonnes Ratio (No CAPEX,
($/oz) (US$/oz) Tonnes (g/t) ozs Au Tonnes
$500 M+I $500 11,061,000 3.030 970,000 42,009,000 53,070,000 3.80 $98,615,000
$550 M+I $550 12,688,000 2.869 1,053,000 48,250,000 60,938,000 3.80 $138,261,000
$600 M+I $600 54,423,000 2.255 3,551,000 250,660,000 305,083,000 4.61 $129,426,000
$650 M+I $650 61,353,000 2.150 3,817,000 267,456,000 328,809,000 4.36 $218,618,000
$700 M+I $700 69,798,000 2.035 4,110,000 287,275,000 357,073,000 4.12 $303,937,000
$750 M+I $750 79,480,000 1.938 4,458,000 318,384,000 397,864,000 4.01 $374,703,000
$800 M+I $800 84,923,000 1.874 4,606,000 327,760,000 412,683,000 3.86 $468,451,000
$850 M+I $850 99,858,000 1.796 5,190,000 401,186,000 501,044,000 4.02 $505,400,000
$900 M+I $900 104,622,000 1.743 5,277,000 403,939,000 508,561,000 3.86 $594,362,000
$950 M+I $950 118,857,000 1.659 5,706,000 460,231,000 579,088,000 3.87 $628,312,000
$1000 M+I $1,000 138,691,000 1.580 6,341,000 561,993,000 700,684,000 4.05 $601,459,000
$1050 M+I $1,050 146,289,000 1.528 6,469,000 568,127,000 714,416,000 3.88 $621,009,000
$1100 M+I $1,100 153,850,000 1.490 6,634,000 589,165,000 743,015,000 3.83 $749,650,000
$1150 M+I $1,150 159,047,000 1.466 6,747,000 606,090,000 765,137,000 3.81 $829,538,000
$1200 M+I $1,200 166,667,000 1.433 6,912,000 630,998,000 797,665,000 3.79 $827,840,000
$1250 M+I $1,250 171,704,000 1.410 7,006,000 644,886,000 816,590,000 3.76 $917,198,000
$1300 M+I $1,300 178,068,000 1.373 7,075,000 644,543,000 822,611,000 3.62 $1,006,407,000
$1350 M+I $1,350 181,350,000 1.355 7,111,000 645,754,000 827,104,000 3.56 $1,081,296,000
$1400 M+I $1,400 185,557,000 1.332 7,153,000 646,024,000 831,581,000 3.48 $1,157,599,000
$1450 M+I $1,450 189,666,000 1.314 7,212,000 653,773,000 843,439,000 3.45 $1,229,961,000
$1500 M+I $1,500 193,138,000 1.296 7,244,000 653,527,000 846,665,000 3.38 $1,309,273,000
Table 16.5
Whittle Results – Increible 6
Mill Whittle
Scenario – Gold Total
Total Stripping Estimated NPV
Gold Price Class Price Resource Au Rec'd Waste
Tonnes Ratio (No CAPEX,
($/oz) (US$/oz) Tonnes (g/t) ozs Au Tonnes
$500 M+I $500 1,392,000 3.254 131,000 6,095,000 7,487,000 4.38 $15,458,000
$550 M+I $550 1,926,000 3.116 174,000 9,642,000 11,568,000 5.01 $23,007,000
$600 M+I $600 2,557,000 2.888 214,000 13,099,000 15,656,000 5.12 $32,309,000
$650 M+I $650 2,912,000 2.724 230,000 14,348,000 17,260,000 4.93 $42,497,000
$700 M+I $700 3,036,000 2.672 235,000 14,786,000 17,822,000 4.87 $53,301,000
$750 M+I $750 3,536,000 2.519 258,000 17,372,000 20,908,000 4.91 $64,488,000
$800 M+I $800 3,899,000 2.424 274,000 19,312,000 23,211,000 4.95 $76,448,000
$850 M+I $850 4,236,000 2.351 288,000 21,381,000 25,617,000 5.05 $89,037,000
$900 M+I $900 4,734,000 2.254 309,000 24,498,000 29,232,000 5.17 $102,076,000
$950 M+I $950 6,072,000 2.105 370,000 35,381,000 41,453,000 5.83 $115,595,000
$1000 M+I $1,000 6,568,000 2.063 392,000 39,572,000 46,140,000 6.02 $132,064,000
$1050 M+I $1,050 7,127,000 2.026 418,000 45,021,000 52,148,000 6.32 $148,917,000
$1100 M+I $1,100 7,261,000 2.005 421,000 45,591,000 52,852,000 6.28 $167,164,000
$1150 M+I $1,150 7,442,000 1.973 425,000 46,049,000 53,491,000 6.19 $185,706,000
$1200 M+I $1,200 7,539,000 1.956 427,000 46,299,000 53,838,000 6.14 $204,457,000
$1250 M+I $1,250 7,693,000 1.927 429,000 46,483,000 54,176,000 6.04 $223,281,000
$1300 M+I $1,300 8,191,000 1.873 444,000 50,140,000 58,331,000 6.12 $241,999,000
$1350 M+I $1,350 8,545,000 1.837 454,000 52,897,000 61,442,000 6.19 $261,182,000
$1400 M+I $1,400 9,124,000 1.810 478,000 60,261,000 69,385,000 6.60 $280,732,000
$1450 M+I $1,450 9,468,000 1.772 486,000 62,152,000 71,620,000 6.56 $301,254,000
$1500 M+I $1,500 9,965,000 1.731 499,000 66,196,000 76,161,000 6.64 $321,707,000
Table 16.6
Whittle Results – Culebra
Mill Whittle
Scenario – Gold Total
Total Stripping Estimated NPV
Gold Price Class Price Resource Au Rec'd Waste
Tonnes Ratio (No CAPEX,
($/oz) (US$/oz) Tonnes (g/t) ozs Au Tonnes
$500 M+I $500 924,000 3.164 85,000 3,215,000 4,139,000 3.48 $11,813,000
$550 M+I $550 1,344,000 2.752 107,000 4,621,000 5,965,000 3.44 $16,211,000
$600 M+I $600 1,469,000 2.643 112,000 4,925,000 6,394,000 3.35 $21,409,000
$650 M+I $650 2,010,000 2.378 138,000 7,148,000 9,158,000 3.56 $27,107,000
$700 M+I $700 2,581,000 2.107 157,000 8,415,000 10,996,000 3.26 $33,688,000
$750 M+I $750 2,779,000 2.020 162,000 8,630,000 11,409,000 3.11 $41,086,000
$800 M+I $800 2,930,000 1.961 166,000 8,824,000 11,754,000 3.01 $48,707,000
$850 M+I $850 3,064,000 1.925 171,000 9,303,000 12,367,000 3.04 $56,480,000
$900 M+I $900 3,298,000 1.854 177,000 9,923,000 13,221,000 3.01 $64,344,000
$950 M+I $950 3,460,000 1.815 182,000 10,554,000 14,014,000 3.05 $72,542,000
$1000 M+I $1,000 3,680,000 1.757 187,000 11,132,000 14,812,000 3.03 $80,917,000
$1050 M+I $1,050 3,917,000 1.696 192,000 11,728,000 15,645,000 2.99 $89,383,000
$1100 M+I $1,100 4,033,000 1.659 194,000 11,685,000 15,718,000 2.90 $98,128,000
$1150 M+I $1,150 4,102,000 1.642 195,000 11,796,000 15,898,000 2.88 $106,982,000
$1200 M+I $1,200 4,298,000 1.599 199,000 12,399,000 16,697,000 2.88 $115,769,000
$1250 M+I $1,250 4,540,000 1.548 203,000 13,034,000 17,574,000 2.87 $124,624,000
$1300 M+I $1,300 4,932,000 1.506 215,000 15,740,000 20,672,000 3.19 $133,730,000
$1350 M+I $1,350 5,066,000 1.479 217,000 15,925,000 20,991,000 3.14 $143,302,000
$1400 M+I $1,400 5,372,000 1.440 224,000 17,624,000 22,996,000 3.28 $152,574,000
$1450 M+I $1,450 5,638,000 1.411 230,000 19,280,000 24,918,000 3.42 $162,261,000
$1500 M+I $1,500 5,756,000 1.400 233,000 20,095,000 25,851,000 3.49 $172,490,000
The open pit designs are consistent with inter-ramp and overall slope angles recommended
by Knight Piésold in February, 2010. In saprolite/saprock 10 m bench height, 6 m berm and
60° face angle gives an inter-ramp slope of 40°. In fresh rock, 20 m bench height, 8 m berm
and 60° face angle gives an inter-ramp slope <46°, versus a recommended inter-ramp slope
range of 47-51°. As recommended, the overall slope in VBK pit does not exceed 43°.
Haulage roads were typically designed to a width of 25 m to accommodate two-way haulage.
However, as shown in Figure 16.1 and Figure 16.2, one-way haulage was designed for each
of the smaller and shallower satellite pits.
The mine production schedule, summarized in Table 16.7, was developed using phased pit
designs and Minesched 7.0 scheduling software. Numerous constraints were set to meet the
following objectives:
Balance the stripping profile to maximize utilization of the truck fleet (minimizing the
need to purchase new trucks later in the project life);
Manage ore stockpiles to ensure adequate ore feed is available (equivalent to 3 or 4
months of production);
Ensure that 3 to 4 mining faces are available at all times for operational flexibility;
Maintain higher ore grades prior to and during mill ramp up.
Table 16.7
Mine Production Schedule
Figure 16.1
Life of Mine Pit Design – Choco 10 (VBK-Rosika-Coacia-Pisolita)
VBK-North Escombrera
Buena Vista
Coacia Escombrera #1
Figure 16.2
Life of Mine Pit Design – Increible 6 (Culebra-Cristina-Elisa)
Escombrera #3
Culebra N
Escombrera #2
The existing fleet, operated by a local mining contractor, was assumed to remain in operation
to feed the mill at a rate of approximately 5000t/d through 2012 Q2. Beginning in 2012 Q2,
larger equipment would be phased in and a mixed fleet would remain in operation through
2012 until the new fleet is completely mobilized by 2013 Q1.
The required number of equipment units was determined from the annual production
schedule for ore and waste with allowances for availability and utilization based on
experience. Drill requirements were based on assessed penetration rates and shovel
requirements were based on average cycle times and hourly productivities. Truck fleet
requirements were estimated using annual haulage profiles. Auxiliary equipment
requirements were based on experience.
The annual fleet requirements for the Choco 10 and Increible 6 complex are shown in Table
Table 16.8
Annual Mine Equipment Requirements
Table 16.9
Equipment Replacement Requirements
Waste storage dumps designs provided by Rusoro were used as starting basis for the RCP,
VBK and Increible 6 deposits. For Increible 6, no changes to the waste rock designs were
necessary as adequate capacity was available with the existing designs. However, additional
capacity was required for the VBK and RCP deposits. Additional lifts were added to the
original VBK and RCP dump designs, and two new dumps were designed as shown in Figure
Waste storage for the RCP pits are located in two dumps to the east of the existing and
planned ultimate pits. (Note: Escombrera #1 had reached capacity at the time of the
preparation of this study). The maximum elevation for the VBK south rock storage pile is
340 masl. The maximum elevation for the VBK north rock storage pile is 335 masl. The
maximum elevation for the VBK west rock storage pile is 340 masl. Additional lifts were
added to the Escombrera Buena Vista storage pile for a maximum elevation of 370 masl.
For the Increible 6 pits, waste rock storage is located immediately south and north of the
planned ultimate pits. Maximum elevation of the waste piles is 225 masl for the south rock
storage facility and 210 masl for the north storage facility. Maximum vertical lift for each
pile is 45 m.
It should be noted that the rock storage facilities have only been sited and designed at a
conceptual scale. Additional geotechnical analysis is required to assess the stability of the
proposed designs and locations of the dumps.
To minimize risk and to ensure a steady flow of mill feed to the plant, a conservative ore
stockpile strategy was developed. In addition to short term run-of-mine stockpiles located
near the crusher, longer term ore storage capacity was explored. The main pit for the Pisolita
deposit is large and shallow, making it a suitable location for longer term ore stockpile
storage. As per current operating practices, ore stockpiles will be sorted into low-grade,
medium-grade, and high-grade stockpiles using the cut-off grades of 0.40%, 0.7%, and 1.0%
respectively. A closing stockpile balance of 75,000 tonnes is brought forward from 2010.
The Choco 10 gold recovery plant was installed and commissioned in 2005, with the
majority of equipment sourced from a previously closed operation in Canada. Under
Rusoro’s management the plant is reported to have achieved a throughput of close to
7,000 t/d while treating saprolitic material. For the purpose of this study, however, a
throughput of only 5,000 t/d has been assumed, well within its rated capacity of 5,400 t/d
when treating harder rock.
Figure 17.1
Schematic Flow Diagram of the Existing Plant (5,000 t/d)
17.1.1 Crushing and Grinding
Run-of-mine ore is dumped directly by truck or front-end loader into a bin with a grizzly and
the undersize fed onto an apron feeder. Material from the apron feeder is fed onto a screen
where undersized material bypasses the primary jaw crusher. A separate feed bin is also
in place to allow for bypassing the crusher when the feed material is predominantly oxide
(saprolitic material). The crusher product, at approximately 80% minus 6 in, and undersize
material are fed directly onto the SAG mill conveyor feed-belt. Lime is added onto the SAG
mill feed-belt via a bin and screw conveyor.
Cyanide leaching of the milled product is undertaken in five large leach vessels each of
3,450 m3. The leach vessels are mechanically agitated with air injection to maintain
dissolved oxygen at an acceptable level. The installed leaching capacity allows for theoretical
leach residence time in excess of 48 h.
The slurry is transferred from the leach tanks to a conventional carbon-in-pulp circuit,
comprising seven CIP tanks, operating in a conventional counter-current flow of slurry and
carbon. Carbon is transferred upstream by recessed impellor pumps with inter-stage screens,
recently upgraded from Kambalda screens to two 12 m2 Kemix screens. Loaded carbon is
pumped from the head tank to the elution and regeneration section for stripping of contained
gold. The regenerated carbon is returned to the tail adsorption tank.
Elution of loaded carbon is carried out in a 4 t batch through a conventional Pressure Zadra
vertical column. Acid washing of the loaded carbon is undertaken predominantly to reduce
calcium loadings on the carbon. Carbon regeneration is carried out in a vertical kiln with
typical temperatures of 700°C. Tails from the adsorption circuit are screened for removal of
carbon, and pumped directly to the tailings dam.
Plant feed tonnage is generally measured by weigh scales on the mill feed belts. Capital has
been expended to upgrade methods to determine the metallurgical plant balance. Upgrade of
plant security is in progress, including installation of closed-circuit security cameras and
construction of a secondary security fence around the plant to better control access to the
17.1.4 Production
The plant is designed to operate as a SAG/ball mill operation; however, the current feed is
predominantly saprolite/oxidized material with very low work indices and requires little
energy for grinding. At the time of Micon’s site visit (see Leader et al., 2007) milling was
set up to operate with only the SAG mill. When operating in this mode, the plant is
capable of treating the equivalent of nearly 7,000 t/d of saprolitic ore.
Figure 17.2 illustrates the production history from mid-2006, as reported by Rusoro. These
data are for 3 monthly intervals (quarters).
Figure 17.2
Historical Production from the Choco 10 Plant
700,000 3.00
600,000 2.50
100,000 0.50
‐ ‐
2006 Q3
2006 Q4
2007 Q1
2007 Q2
2007 Q3
2007 Q4
2008 Q1
2008 Q2
2008 Q3
2008 Q4
2009 Q1
2009 Q2
2009 Q3
2009 Q4
2010 Q1
2010 Q2
2010 Q3
2010 Q4
Milled (tonnes) Grade (g/t Au)
A review of the various reports relating to operating costs for the plant indicates that these
are in reasonable agreement with those to be expected for a similar plant treating this type of
ore. Additionally, the reagent consumptions also agree well with those on which the
feasibility study is based. Barring external factors causing disruption to normal operations, as
operating time improves unit operating costs should also reduce. However, these costs will
increase somewhat when harder, fresh ore is treated.
The intent of the increase in plant capacity is for the Choco 10 plant to be able to produce up
to 500,000 oz/y of gold utilizing a flowsheet that is essentially similar to the existing one. In
the 2009 Preliminary Assessment (Buchanan et al., 2009), a number of plant scenarios were
Expand the existing 5,000 t/d plant.
A new 5,000 t/d plant to operate in parallel with the existing facility (total 10,000 t/d).
A new 10,000 t/d plant (and shut down the existing plant).
Existing 5,000 t/d plant plus a new 10,000 t/d plant (total 15,000 t/d).
Existing 5,000 t/d plant plus a new 15,000 t/d plant (total 20,000 t/d).
A new 20,000 t/d plant comprising two 10,000 t/d grinding lines and shut down the
existing plant.
The economic analysis presented in that study demonstrated that keeping the existing mill at
5,000 t/d and adding a new, 15,000 t/d plant provides the optimum return on capital. Thus,
the feasibility study envisages the existing plant continuing to operate “as is”, with the
crushing, grinding and leach circuits as shown in Figure 17.1, above.
Details of the proposed plant were noted in the 2009 Preliminary Assessment. This
information provided the basis for a feasibility study to determine more precisely the
economics of the expanded plant.
For the feasibility study, the basic engineering and construction capital estimate for the
proposed plant expansion and associated infrastructure was completed by Ausenco.
The flowsheet for the combined 5,000 t/d and new 15,000 t/d facilities is shown in Figure
17.3. The layout of the proposed facilities is shown in Figure 17.4.
Figure 17.3
Flowsheet for Expansion to 20,000 t/d (5,000 + 15,000 t/d)
Figure 17.4
Proposed Site Layout
(Source: Ausenco Dwg 1953-G-002)
17.3.1 General
The process plant and associated service facilities will process run-of-mine (ROM) ore
delivered to the primary crusher to produce doré bars and tailings. The process encompasses
crushing and grinding of the ROM ore, pre-leach thickening, carbon-in-leach (CIL) gold
extraction, carbon stripping, electrowinning, and smelting to produce gold bars that will be
shipped to a refinery for further processing. The CIL tailings will be thickened before
placement in the tailings storage facility (TSF).
The new plant will be integrated with the existing facilities to maximise the plant operability
and throughput while minimising capital expenditure. Figure 17.4 (above) shows the current
proposed design which permits a simple integration of the expanded facilities into the
existing plant and minimises downtime for the “tie-in.”
The Feasibility Study (FS) design criteria were based on the available test work as well as
data from similar operations. The timeline of the study meant that the scope of the
metallurgical testing typically recommended for an FS could not be completed in time for
incorporation in the study. Benchmarking against similar operations was therefore required
to confirm some of the design criteria. Ausenco considers this approach to be adequate in
terms of managing risk for this project at the FS level of accuracy.
Treatment of an average 15,000 dry metric tonnes per day (t/d) for 365 days per year
(d/a), after allowance for availability, while treating 100% primary hard ore.
Design availability of 90%, assuming 7,884 operating hours per year, with standby
equipment in critical areas.
Sufficient plant design flexibility for treatment of all ore types at design throughput,
as indicated by the completed test work.
An overall plant availability of 90%, or 7,884 h/a, was nominated. Benchmarking indicates
that well-operated plants with abrasive ores similar to those tested for this project have
consistently achieved 91% overall plant availability.
The selected throughput is mainly a function of the mining production schedule. The
recommended rate of 15,000 t/d through the new plant to allow a total operational throughput
of 20,000 t/d, is based on the hard rock capacity of 5,000 t/d for the existing operation.
The two milling circuits will operate independently through to the classification cyclones.
The cyclone overflow from each circuit will be combined in the new pre-leach thickener.
Underflow from the thickener will be divided and pumped separately to the new and existing
leach tanks. CIL/CIP tailings from the respective circuits will be combined again in the
tailings thickener.
Loaded carbon from each circuit will be stripped in separate (new and existing) elution
circuits. The acid wash and elution columns for the existing plant will remain in their current
locations, while all electrowinning and gold handling will be consolidated into a new and
common gold room.
The plant is designed to treat various tonnages of ore at a maximum feed rate of 15,000 t/d
and a grade of 2.5 g/t Au.
The overall design approach is to provide a robust process plant that can handle the
variability in the metallurgical performance of material from the Choco 10 and Increible 6
ore bodies, as defined during the test work programs. The design of the new plant focuses
specifically on the metallurgical performance of the hard rock samples from the various pits
and does not consider the characteristics of the saprolite ores which are expected to be
exhausted prior to the expanded plant commencing operation.
A detailed process design criteria derived from the results of the metallurgical test work
program has been developed and the key criteria are summarized in Table 17.1.
Table 17.1
Process Design Criteria Summary
Primary crusher:
Type 50” x 65” Gyratory
Crusher Product P80 mm 120
OSS mm 165
Criterion Description Units Design
Number of leach
Number of CIL
Total residence time h 48
Gold dissolution 91%
Tailings solution
Au g/m³ 0.05
grade gold
Carbon Parameters
Type Coconut shell
Metal grades on carbon:
Loaded carbon -
g/t 2,500
gold (Nominal)
Carbon Kinetics - Design
Fleming k value 130
Fleming n value 0.6
Thickener type High rate
Flocculant addition g/t 10
Settling rate - range t/m²h 0.75
Underflow density:
Design % w/w 55%
17.3.5 Unit Process Selection
The process plant design is based on a flow sheet incorporating the following unit process
Crushing ore from the open pits in a primary gyratory to a product size of nominally
80% passing (P80) 120 mm for feed to a coarse ore stockpile (COS)
COS with a live capacity of 20,000 t (24 h) to provide crusher product surge capacity
ahead of SAG milling
Two coarse ore reclaim systems to feed the existing and new plants
10 tonne carbon acid wash and two 10 tonne carbon elution columns
Raw process plant water supply from the existing site raw water dam; raw water
distribution throughout the plant as required
Process water supply from water reclaimed from the TSF, bore hole wells, mine
decant, and process operations
143 Primary Crushing
Based on the design throughput and ore characteristics, a gyratory crusher is considered the
most suitable primary crusher for the duty. The smallest available gyratory crusher is 42” x
65” in size. Although this crusher is capable of crushing more than 20,000 t/d, which would
allow all ore to be processed through the gyratory facility and bypass the existing crushing
circuit, a slightly larger crusher, 50” x 65”, was selected based on its ability to accept a larger
feed size (~1 m).
The concept for the crushing station is a minimalist design with a low concrete structure, two
feeding sides, and no storage bin or apron feeder below the crusher; the design includes a
rock box to protect the stockpile feed conveyor belt and room to access and remove the
eccentric for maintenance. The design incorporates continuous feeding with 220 tonne
trucks and occasional reclaim from the ROM stockpile with a front-end loader.
The selected crusher can handle feed approximately 1 m diameter in size so there will be
little need for a rock breaker if the mine can meet this top size criterion. A mobile rock
breaker supplied by the mining department will be used for oversize breakage when
Crusher product discharges directly from the crusher onto the stockpile feed conveyor. A
discharge feeder and only a minimal surge bin have been incorporated to minimize the height
of the crusher structure. To ensure no build-up of material under the crusher, the stockpile
feed conveyor is designed to run at 3,000 t/h, faster than the expected instantaneous fall-
through rate possible from the crusher.
The stockpile feed conveyor is equipped with a belt scale and a metal detector.
Crushed ore will be conveyed to a crushed ore stockpile (COS) that provides 24 hours live
surge capacity for both the new and existing plants (20,000 t). Two parallel trains of three
apron feeders per train will reclaim ore from under the stockpile to feed the new and existing
SAG mills. Each feeder has been sized for 60% of the design mill feed tonnage to allow two
feeders in each train to operate with some surge/turndown allowance. Feed to the existing
mill will be via the existing SAG mill emergency feeder and from there to the SAG mill feed
During crusher shutdowns, ore can be reclaimed from the COS for both SAG circuits, or the
existing primary jaw crusher can be used to feed the existing SAG mill. During primary
gyratory crusher shutdowns longer than 24 hours, the dead zone of the COS will need to be
“dozed in” to provide ore for the SAG mills.
The stockpile feed conveyor and reclaim tunnels are on an obtuse angle to each other, this
has sometimes resulted in a bias in the mill feed sizes for a two train reclaim system, with the
outside mill preferentially being fed coarser material. This can result in a slight reduction in
throughput for the outside train and an increase in the inside train. The outside circuit is the
larger of the two and incorporated pebble crushing and is expected to be least influenced by
any feed size bias.
No cognisance of this effect has been made in the mill design and layout, further work to
straighten the angle and minimise this effect may be warranted as part of future work.
Test work data indicate that material from most of the rock types is of moderate to high
competency and requires a relatively fine primary grind for mineral liberation. A two-stage
milling circuit with pebble crushing (SABC) has been selected as the most practical flow
sheet for the required throughput of ore with this competency and grain size.
The major comminution design parameters were based on results from the PFS metallurgical
test work program. Additional test work was undertaken during the FS, but the results were
not available in time to incorporate into the FS design. A preliminary evaluation of the
additional test work results against the FS design, identified minor discrepancies in the
installed powers and mill sizings, but was considered too minor to warrant any changes.
The tonnage percentages of the ore resources used for the weighted average for the 12 years
of operation are shown in Table 17.2.
Table 17.2
Ore Deposit Resource Tonnage Ratio
Pit %
VBK 76
Rosika 9
Culebra 4
Elisa 7
The above shows that the VBK deposit forms the major part of the resource although this
will likely lessen as the Increible deposit is explored in more detail. However, the high initial
proportion indicates that this rock type is a major consideration in selecting the comminution
parameters. The results for the primary hard ores are shown in Table 17.3.
Table 17.3
Primary Ore Comminution Parameters
SMC Abrasion
Sample Location JKDWT Bond Bond Bond
DWI Index
(kWh/m3) Ai
VBK 7.05 12.4 0.18
VBK 9.92 12.6 0.14
Rosika 6.9 16 0.67
Coacia 8.37 14.5 0.59
Micon Composite A VBK 8.45 19.2 12.4 0.36
Micon Composite B VBK 7.86 19.4 11 0.15
Micon Composite C Rosika/Coacia 38.34 7.63 19.9 12.9 0.38
Micon Composite D Coacia 10.1 22.8 14.2 0.47
Increible Comp 1
Cristina 6.64 17.5 14.2 0.25
Increible Comp 2
Elisa/Ingrid 8.33 22.6 16.6 0.54
Increible Comp 3
Elisa/Ingrid 8 20.8 0.22
Increible Comp 2
Cristina 16.4 0.29
Increible Comp 3
Culebra 13.6
Increible Comp 5
Elisa 15 0.41
Increible Comp 6
Ingrid 15.5
CH04 Choco 10 13.6
CH05 Rosika 17.8 14.1
CH06 Rosika 16.7 13.7
Number of tests 1 11 0 9 17 13
Ausenco uses a power approach, based on empirically derived models developed from a
database of actual plant operating data and associated bench-scale test work. Critical input
parameters to the model are ore competency (measured by either JK Drop Weight Axb or
SMC DWI values) and Bond work indices (CWI, RWI, and BWI). Ausenco’s power-based
model uses the JK Drop Weight/SMC data, which are a measure of ore competency, to
predict the milling efficiency of the various circuits. The specific energy and mill sizing
determined from Ausenco’s in-house modelling method are shown in Table 17.4.
Table 17.4
Grinding Mill Design Criteria
The installed ball mill power of 11,000 kW incorporates allowances for drive train losses to
determine the motor power from the pinion power, as well as a 10% design contingency to
account for the accuracy of the models, calculations, and test work used to determine the
expected average pinion power. The installed motor power of 8000 kW for the SAG mill
incorporates similar allowances plus an additional contingency for adjustments in the mill
operating conditions to handle ore variability.
Mill sizing was independently verified by DJB Consultants using the same base criteria
which confirmed the suitability of the selected mills for the design duty.
Crushed ore is reclaimed from the ore stockpile by separate reclaim trains for the existing
and new milling circuits. Each reclaim system consists of three feeders, each equipped with a
variable-speed drive, discharging onto a SAG mill feed conveyor. Each reclaim feeder is
capable of providing 60% of the design SAG mill feed rate for that train, allowing any two
feeders to supply the required mill feed rate with a 20% surge allowance.
The reclaim train feeding the existing plant passes the crushed ore to the existing SAG mill
emergency feeder for transfer to the SAG mill feed belt.
The SAG mill feed conveyor for the new plant feeds directly to the new 8 MW SAG mill. A
belt scale on the SAG mill feed conveyor monitors the feed rate to permit control of the
reclaim feeders. The SAG mill is equipped with a twin-pinion, variable-speed drive system,
high-speed motors, and reduction gearboxes, allowing the mill to operating at 65% to 80% of
critical speed.
Discharge from the SAG mill gravitates through a trommel and into the mill cyclone feed
pump box. Oversized pebbles from the trommel screen (mill rejects/scats) are recycled back
onto the mill feed conveyor and reintroduced into the mill after any tramp metal (primarily
from ground down mill balls) is magnetically separated out and the pebbles have been
crushed to below nominally 12 mm in a pebble crushing circuit.
The ball mill, nominally 7.16 m diameter x 11.46 m EGL, is supplied with cast-steel liners,
twin 5.5 MW wound rotor induction motors, a liquid resistance starter, a trommel screen, and
a retractable feed spout/chute. Discharge from the ball mill gravitates through a trommel and
into the common mill cyclone feed pump box. The combined mill discharge slurry is
pumped to the mill cyclone cluster operating in closed circuit configuration with the ball
mill. Water is added to the cyclone feed pump box to achieve the required cyclone feed pulp
Mill cyclone underflow gravitates to the ball mill feed and the overflow gravitates to the CIL
circuit feed, over a vibrating trash screen.
The milling circuit consists of a single cluster of twelve 400 mm cyclones, of which up to ten
will be in operation at any one time with two on standby. A pneumatically actuated valve on
each cyclone allows for unit isolation. Rubber-lined steel pipes, hoppers, and chutes will be
installed throughout the grinding circuit for handling the coarse slurry.
The circuit design incorporates pebble crushing and conveyors to return the crushed pebbles
to the SAG mill feed. The circuit will consist of a single 230 kW pebble crusher.
Based on typical industry experience with ores of similar competency, a pebble circulating
load of 33% of the new feed rate was assumed for the design of the pebble crusher. The FS
design allows the pebble crusher to be bypassed when offline for maintenance or when the
SAG mill throughput can be maintained by operating without the pebble crusher (in SAB
mode) to process more friable ore.
The classification circuit is designed for a maximum circulating load of 350%, a typical
design value widely used within industry for an SABC circuit treating competent ore. The
slurry is pumped to a cluster of 12 x 400 mm diameter cyclones. Up to 10 cyclones will be
online at any time based on the design plant throughput at 350% circulating load. Fine
cyclone overflow (P80 75 µm) will report to the CIL circuit, while the coarse underflow will
report to the ball mill for further grinding. Cyclone overflow will pass over a single-deck
vibrating screen for trash removal before reporting to the pre-leach thickener.
Cyclone overflow from both the existing and new cyclone overflow streams will combine in
a single new pre-leach thickener. The underflow will be pumped separately to the new and
existing leach circuits. No thickening test work was available for the FS, and the design
criteria for the thickener, shown in Table 17.5, were therefore based on standard industry
Table 17.5
Pre-Leach Thickening Design Criteria
Subsequent testing indicated that the thickener diameter could be reduced and the target
underflow density increased. The potential advantages of these changes should be evaluated
prior to final design and construction.
Design Criteria
The major leaching design parameters used for this study were based on the 2007
metallurgical test work program. No carbon adsorption or equilibrium test work was
completed for the FS. The carbon adsorption parameters are based on either industry
standards or benchmarked plants operating on similar ores. These design criteria are
summarized in Table 17.6.
The CIL tanks will contain a wedge wire carbon inter-tank pump screen and recessed
impeller centrifugal carbon transfer pumps to progress carbon in counter-current flow to the
leach slurry. An average of 833 kg/h of carbon will be moved through the CIL circuit and
stripped per day to maintain the maximum total gold loading of 2,500 g/t. The design carbon
inventory in the CIL tanks is 204 tonnes, which results in a carbon dwell time of 245 hours.
Table 17.6
Leaching and Adsorption Design Criteria
Process Design
Mill cyclone overflow gravitates to a vibrating trash screen to prevent trash from the pit
(typically detonation cord, polyethylene pipe, and organic matter) from entering the leaching
tanks. Cyclone overflow, pumped from the existing plant, is also fed to the trash screen. The
screened-off material (nominally +0.8 mm) is removed and directed to a skip at ground level.
Trash screen underflow gravitates through a metallurgical sampler to the pre-leach thickener.
Thickener overflow flows by gravity to the process water dam, and two thickener underflow
streams are pumped to each of the new and existing leaching/adsorption circuits.
A hybrid CIL design was selected over the CIP circuit used in the existing plant because its
lower capital cost and greater operational flexibility. The hybrid CIL design maximizes
carbon contact time, resulting in flexibility and design contingency to allow for the
anticipated variations in gold carbon loading kinetics indicated in the test work and as
experienced at similar plants benchmarked by Ausenco.
Sodium cyanide solution is added to the leaching circuit through a pressurized ring main. A
sparging system injects oxygen into each tank to assist with maintaining sufficient dissolved
oxygen in the slurry for efficient leaching.
Each CIL tank is equipped with a twin-blade agitator to ensure uniform mixing and two
mechanically driven intertank pump screens to retain the carbon. All tanks are fitted with
bypass launder facilities to allow any tank to be removed from service for agitator and tank
maintenance. A CIL gantry crane is available to assist in removing intertank screens and
tank agitators for maintenance and routine cleaning.
Regenerated carbon from the carbon regeneration circuit is dewatered by passing over the
0.8 x 10 mm aperture barren carbon dewatering screen. The recovered water gravitates to the
carbon safety screen for disposal to tailings. The dewatered activated carbon is fed to CIL
tank No. 6.
Carbon flows counter-currently to slurry flow from CIL tank No.6 to tank No.1 using
recessed-impeller, vertical spindle transfer pumps. Carbon loaded with precious metals
(loaded carbon) is transferred from CIL tank No. 1 to the 0.8 x 10 mm aperture loaded
carbon recovery screen mounted above the acid wash column in the desorption circuit. The
screen underflow gravitates back to CIL tank No.1, and the loaded carbon reports to the
screen oversize and subsequently the acid wash column.
Leach tailings discharged from CIL tank No. 6 gravitate to the tailings thickener via the 0.8 x
10 mm slotted aperture carbon safety screen. Any leaked carbon from holes in an intertank
screen is captured at the screen oversize, collected in a bulk bag, and manually returned to
the CIL circuit. Undersize from the carbon safety screen gravitates through a final tailings
sampler to the tailings thickener. Tailings from the existing plant bypass the carbon safety
screen and final tailings sampler and feed directly to the tailings thickener.
Barren carbon from the elution circuit will be re-activated in a 1200 kW electric
carbon regeneration kiln at 650 to 750°C.
Fine carbon will be recovered from various transfer water streams around the
desorption circuit via a plate-and-frame pressure filter. The recovered fine carbon
will be stored in bulk bags for subsequent treatment off site.
All unit processes and equipment in the carbon desorption, carbon regeneration,
electrowinning, and smelting circuit will be capable of treating 20 t/d of loaded carbon with
an average gold loading of 2,500 g/t.
Loaded carbon from the CIL tanks is recovered on the loaded carbon recovery screen and
directed to a rubber-lined acid wash column with capacity for 20 tonnes. The carbon is
washed with raw water to remove any further entrained solids before being washed with
dilute HCl. Concentrated acid (HCl at 33% w/w) is added to raw water in the loaded carbon
wash tank to provide the required acid wash solution concentration of 3% w/v HCl. The acid
wash solution is pumped through the acid wash column at two bed volumes (BVs) per hour.
One bed volume equates to 42.6 m3. Acid-soluble foulants (mainly CaCO3) that have loaded
onto the carbon are dissolved by the acid during this wash period. The spent acid wash
solution is discharged to the tailings discharge hopper.
Following acid solution contact, the carbon is rinsed with raw water to remove residual acid
and to neutralize the carbon slurry. Carbon from the acid wash column is then hydraulically
transferred to one of two 10 tonne (carbon capacity) stainless-steel elution columns. Strip
solution is mixed to a concentration of approximately 1% NaOH and 0.1% to 0.3 % NaCN
and then heated under pressure to 130°C. The solution is pumped in ascension through a
vertical bed of carbon residing in the elution column and discharges at the top of the vessel.
As the solution contacts the gold-cyanide laden carbon, the gold is desorbed from the carbon
and into the strip solution. The Split Zadra system supplied by SVEE was selected for the FS
because it requires less time than other methods to conduct back-to-back strips and/or
sequential strips of smaller carbon batches.
Following the strip cycle, gold in the pregnant solution is recovered downstream by
electrowinning. Precious metals are periodically harvested from the stainless-steel cathodes
by manual high-pressure washing the cathodes to produce a gold sludge. The recovered
gold-bearing sludge is filtered through a plate-and-frame pressure filter.
The filtrate is manually loaded into a vendor-supplied drying oven and is then combined with
fluxes (silica, nitre, borax) and smelted in an electric induction furnace before being poured
into doré bars. The gold/silver doré solidifies and is quenched in water, cleaned to remove
slag, stamped for identification, sampled for analysis, weighed, and stored in a vault.
A sump in the gold room collects all gold room spillage and is cleaned periodically to
remove solid trash. An overflow weir allows liquid spillage to overflow to the gold room
sump pump for pumping back to the leach circuit.
Barren carbon from the elution columns is hydraulically transferred to the kiln dewatering
screen, the screened carbon oversize is fed to the kiln feed hopper, and the screen undersize,
mostly water, gravitates to the fine carbon filter feed tank. The oversize carbon is fed into
the vendor-supplied carbon regeneration kiln.
The carbon is re-activated in the kiln at temperatures of 650° to 750°C. Regenerated carbon
exits the kiln and is quenched with water in the carbon quench tank. The carbon is then
pumped to a barren carbon dewatering screen for reuse in the CIL circuit. The barren carbon
screen oversize reports to the activated carbon storage tank before being pumped directly to
CIL tank No. 6, while the undersize (mainly water) is directed to the fine carbon filter feed
Fine carbon is pumped from the fine carbon filter feed tank to a plate-and-frame pressure
filter. Fine carbon is harvested into bulk bags for subsequent sale and off-site treatment.
Filtrate from the fine carbon filter is returned to the carbon transfer water tank.
The FS design includes a tailings thickener and a nearby tailings storage facility (TSF) for
the disposal of thickened tailings and recovery of reclaim water from the TSF surface.
Slurry discharging the CIL circuit passes through the carbon safety screen and gravitates to
the tailings thickener, which is used to dewater the CIL tailings to 55% solids prior to
Thickening test work was not available for the FS design and therefore, the design was based
on the same standard industry values as used for the pre-leach thickener. The thickener will
treat the combined tailings from both plants and hence will have the same feed rate as the
pre-leach thickener. The thickeners will therefore be the same size.
Flocculant is added to the tailings thickener to accelerate the solids settling. The thickened
underflow slurry gravitates to the final tailings hopper before being pumped to the tailings
storage facility using a two-stage series pumping system. The thickener water overflow
gravitates to the tailings thickener overflow tank for re-use as leach feed dilution water. Re-
use of cyanide in this overflow recycling process significantly reduces overall cyanide
consumption and hence reagent costs.
A number of reagents are used in processing the mineralized rock to produce gold doré. Lime
Lime is used to control the pH in the CIL circuit. Quicklime is delivered in trucks and
dumped into a storage shed. The lime will then be slaked in a slaking mill operating with a
degritting cyclone to produce hydrated lime. The slurry will be stored in an agitated tank and
distributed to the existing and new plants through separate ring mains. On/off control valves
operating in closed loop control with pH meters are used to regulate lime addition. Flocculant
Flocculant is used in the pre-leach and CIL tailings thickeners to enhance the solids settling.
One flocculant mixing, storage, and dosing system is considered. Flocculant powder is
delivered in 25 kg bags and loaded into a storage hopper. Dry powder flocculant is mixed
with raw water to produce a 0.25% w/v solution in the package flocculant mixing system.
The mixed flocculant solution is pumped to a storage tank and dosed from there to the
thickeners by variable-speed helical rotor pumps. Process water is mixed into the flocculant
lines to dilute the solution to 0.025% w/v before being added to the thickener feed slurry.
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is used as part of the elution process to strip precious metals off
the loaded carbon. Sodium hydroxide is delivered in 25 kg bags and mixed on site with raw
water to a solution strength of 25% w/w. The solution is dosed to the elution circuit by a
dedicated variable-speed helical rotor pump. The existing dosing facility will be used to dose
NaOH into the existing elution circuit.
Sodium cyanide (NaCN) is primarily used in the leaching process for the dissolution of gold.
It is also used in the elution process to help strip precious metals off the loaded carbon.
Sodium cyanide is delivered as dry pellets in bulk bags (1 tonne). The cyanide pellets are
loaded into a mixing tank and mixed with raw water into a solution containing 20% w/w
cyanide. The solution is then transferred to a storage tank. Cyanide from the storage tank is
dosed to both the new and existing leach circuits through a single pressurized ring main.
Cyanide solution is also dosed to the elution circuit from the ring main.
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is used in the acid wash stage of the carbon stripping circuit to clean
the carbon of scale and foulants. It is delivered to site as a concentrate solution containing
33% HCl in 200 litre drums. The solution is pumped from the drums to a storage tank and
dosed form there directly to the acid wash circuit by a dedicated variable-speed helical rotor
pump. The existing dosing facility will be used to dose HCl dosing into the existing elution
154 Activated Carbon
Activated carbon is used in the CIL. Precious metals that are leached into solution adsorb
onto the activated and recovered to the carbon stripping circuit.
Carbon is delivered in 500 kg bulk sacks and will be added to the carbon attrition tank. The
carbon will be lightly agitated to remove fine carbon prior to being pumped to the activated
carbon storage tank and subsequently the CIL.
Grinding media is used in the SAG and ball mills as part of the ore comminution process.
High carbon steel forged grinding media will be delivered in bulk and stored on site. SAG
mill media is added to a metering hopper to feed the balls onto the SAG mill feed belt. Media
addition to the ball mill is via a ball bucket and hoist system.
The main fluxes required for smelting the gold doré are silica, sodium nitrate, and borax.
These reagents are delivered in 25 kg bags and added directly to the smelting process, as
High-pressure air for plant, instrument air, and oxygen generation requirements will be
provided by four rotary-screw air compressors, three serving as duty compressors and one on
standby operating in lead-lag mode. All air will be dried by duty/standby refrigerant air
dryers. Plant and instrument air will report to dedicated air receivers prior to reticulation
throughout the plant.
A take-off from the high-pressure air line (after the dryers) will direct air to a pressure swing
adsorption (PSA) oxygen plant, which will generate oxygen for addition to the leach circuit.
This oxygen is sparged into the leach and CIL tanks to provide sufficient dissolved oxygen in
the leach solution for gold dissolution. An additional line will reticulate oxygen to the
existing plant.
The water services and distribution systems required for the plant include process, raw, fire
and potable water services.
Process water is primarily used in the grinding and CIL areas. The source of process water is
pre-leach thickener overflow, TSF decant water, and raw water make-up. In addition, a
separate water circuit is provided for the tailings thickener overflow, which is used primarily
for CIL feed slurry dilution.
Raw water is primarily used for reagent preparation and in the elution circuit. Raw water is
sourced from the existing plant raw water dam and will be stored in the new raw water tank
before being distributed through the plant.
Fire water is sourced from the plant raw water tank. The lower section of the raw water tank
contains a dedicated 4 hour, or 575 m³, fire water reservoir. The fire water reticulation
system consists of an electric jockey pump to maintain line pressure, a single electric
centrifugal fire water pump, and a standby diesel-powered pump.
Potable water is used through the plant offices and buildings as well as for the safety eye
wash and shower facilities. Potable water will be obtained from a new potable water plant.
The additional infrastructure required for the new Choco 10 expansion process plant is
outlined below. The existing infrastructure will continue to support the existing 5,000 t/d
plant and mine, supplemented with new facilities only where necessary to support the
expanded plant. The expansion infrastructure includes an increase in the power supply, fire
protection, sewage treatment, water supply and treatment, site drainage, in-plant roads,
communication, security, site buildings, and a temporary construction camp facility.
The combined power requirements from the new and existing plants is 40 MVA (32 MVA
for the new plant, 8 MVA for the existing). This is significantly higher than the capacity of
the existing 13.8 kV, 8 MVA line and therefore requires the construction of a new 115 kV
overhead transmission line from the existing El Callao substation to a new high-voltage
substation at site.
Electricity will then be distributed via 13.8 kV buried power lines, including a feeder to the
existing plant HV switchyard for reticulation to the existing operation. All existing plant and
infrastructure will be powered through the existing power reticulation system. For the
expansion, electricity distribution will include reticulation to all new substations within the
plant boundary and new site infrastructure, including warehouses, maintenance workshops,
and the mine dry.
The site has an existing fuel storage area for diesel to service the mining fleet as well as the
medium- and light-duty equipment. Little additional plant mobile equipment will be required
for the expanded plant, and the slight increase in demand does not justify additional fuel
storage. The mining fleet for the expanded mining operations will require additional fuel
storage capacity. However; these requirements are the responsibility of the mining
The existing fire protection system will need to be expanded to cover the new facilities and
will include a fire water distribution system. An underground fire main, consisting of
multiple loops, will provide fire water to the various building sprinkler systems, water
monitors, and hydrants.
Plant fire water will be supplied from a dedicated reservoir sized for 576 m³ at the bottom of
the plant raw water tank. The fire water will be supplied by a pressurized system containing
an electric centrifugal pump and a standby diesel-driven pump. A small jockey pump will
also be provided to maintain the line pressure.
Fire hydrants, water monitors, hose reel cabinets, wheeled fire extinguishers, hand-held fire
extinguishers, and sprinkler systems will be strategically located throughout the site to
provide the required fire protection.
All raw water required for the project will be harvested from the existing borefield, pumped
to the existing raw water dam, and pumped to a new raw water tank for distribution around
the new plant.
The existing potable water supply is understood to be adequate for the expanded operation.
A vendor-supplied waste water treatment plant (WWTP) will be provided to treat sewage
generated from the camp and various site ablution facilities at a rate of 200 m³/d. Sewage
will be pumped to the WWTP by transfer pumps installed in enclosed and lined transfer pits
at various locations around the site. The WWTP will produce a sterilized solution suitable
for re-use within the process plant water system. The sludge produced will be disposed of
within the TSF.
No site-specific drainage study was performed for the FS. The new plant site will be on flat
land that previously housed a coreshed and laboratory. Existing drainage works already
capture and divert water around the site. It is anticipated that incremental surface runoff at
the plant site will be limited, and no detention or holding ponds are addressed in this study.
All stormwater run-off from the new plant site will flow into the existing site drainage
The plant roads identified in the study are limited to those within the boundary limits of
expanded plant operation. In addition, the existing haul road to the ROM pad will need to be
partially re-routed around the new coarse ore stockpile. Details of the new road requirements
are shown on the overall plant General Arrangement (Figure 17.4, above).
Telephones and Internet service will be added to the new control room, warehouses, and gold
room; at this stage no expansion of the existing PABX facility has been allowed for. Two-
way radios are used for communication within the plant operation.
The entire processing plant will be fenced. The existing site fencing will be modified to
integrate the new plant fencing and allow the current access gate at the southeast end of the
plant to be used for both plants. The chain-link fence, topped with razor wire, is intended to
keep unauthorized personnel out of the plant area.
The gold room within the plant will be fully secured with a screening checkpoint for persons
entering/exiting the room. This location also includes a safe, a metal detector, and camera
surveillance for additional security. The gold room will contain ablution facilities to reduce
personnel traffic during gold processing.
The new (relocated) laboratory and new workshop and warehouse facilities will be
constructed within the plant security fenced area.
A new plant administration building has not been considered for this project. It is assumed
that the existing building will be adequate for the administration needs of both plants.
A new main administration building has not been was considered for this project. It is
assumed that the existing building will be adequate for the administration needs of the
expanded project. This office building will house General and Administrative,
Environmental, and Mining management staff.
The existing site fencing and access systems will be modified to combine the low-security
areas of the existing and new plants and allow the existing low-security gatehouse at the
main access road to the administration office area to be used for access to the combined
plants. The gatehouse houses the security guards and provides the principal checkpoint for
personnel and vehicles entering the administration and warehouse area.
The existing medical treatment room adjacent to the administration building is assumed to be
adequate to service the combined operations. Construction contractors will be responsible
for the medical needs of their workers.
The existing plant laboratory lies within the design footprint of the new plant and will need to
be relocated. A new building, of similar size, has been allowed for at the site shown in the
overall plant General Arrangement (Figure 17.4, above). The equipment in the existing
laboratory will be relocated and re-used; no allowance was made for new equipment for the
new laboratory.
A change-room/ablution facility and mess hall will be constructed in the secured plant area.
Providing this area for meal breaks will reduce traffic in/out of the plant and therefore reduce
security risks.
A number of other new buildings have been allowed for within the process plant site,
including the gold room, various motor control centres (MCCs), CIL titration room, and plant
control rooms.
18.8.7 Warehouse
An additional 200 m2 maintenance warehouse and a 400 m2 covered reagent store have been
allowed for. The warehouse will provide covered storage for small and medium-sized spares
used by process and mining operations.
The existing permanent camp at El Callao will house senior operations and mining personnel.
An additional small temporary construction camp will be provided for construction
management and supervision. Accommodation and messing for construction labour will be
the responsibility of the individual construction contractors; these costs have been captured in
the contractors’ rates. No additional camp facilities are expected to be required.
The mine equipment maintenance building is a standard structural steel, siding and concrete
foundations building normally constructed for similar plant sites. No doors are provided for
the maintenance bays. The building includes one maintenance bay for mine service
equipment that can also serve as a wash bay and three major equipment maintenance bays to
accommodate CAT 793D type mining trucks. The building also includes three maintenance
bays for small equipment and space for some offices and a lunchroom on the second floor.
The wash bay is equipped with a pressure washing system. The maintenance bays are
equipped with a 15-t overhead crane. An oil/water separator is included.
160 Mine Dry
No provision is made for additional space for the mine dry as it is assumed that the existing
facilities will be sufficient for the new production rate.
Provision has been made for a 100-t mobile crane to service the new processing facilities. It
is assumed that no additional requirement is necessary in terms of plant mobile equipment
(pick-ups, small loader, fork lifts, ambulance, fire truck, et cetera) and that the existing plant
mobile equipment will cover the new production rate.
The existing TSF site, shown in Figure 18.1 and Figure 18.2, is located approximately 3 km
north of the Choco 10 mill, and is currently being used for storage of all tailings. The
capacity of the existing TSF is limited by a high voltage electrical transmission line that
traverses the facility. PMG surveys suggest that, at the end of 2009, the crest of dams A, B,
and C supporting the current TSF were at approximately 225 m and dam D was at 223 m.
Figure 18.1
Schematic Diagram of Existing TSF Layout (not to scale)
Micon understands that, in 2010, PMG prepared to raise the dams as necessary increase the
capacity of the existing TSF. The project was designed to increase the capacity of the TSF to
approximately 4,000,000 m3 of tailings and provide additional freeboard of 1,850,000 m3 to
accommodate any exceptional rainfall events, by raising the crest levels to the 230 m
elevation. During 2010, dams A, B, and C were raised to the 230 m elevation, and dam D to
an average of 227 m. The approximate level of the tailings in December 2010 was 223.61 m.
A TSF site trade-off study was carried out by Golder Associates (Golder, 2006). The study
evaluated and ranked eight potential sites, named Sites A, B, C, D, F, G, H, and I, for storage
of 80 Mt of tailings solids. The sites were evaluated for three different tailings management
options: dilute slurry tailings, paste tailings and thickened tailings. The sites were ranked
using a number of criteria, including:
Confining embankment volumes.
Total plan area footprint.
Final dam crest and tailings surface elevations.
Distances from the existing process plant.
That report recommended that Site D, located in the valley immediately north of the existing
TSF be used for the new 70 Mt capacity TSF. Site D was subsequently confirmed as the
preferred site by PMG, and is used for the TSF design described herein (Figure 18.2).
Knight Piésold was retained by Rusoro to complete a conceptual design of a tailings storage
facility (TSF) at the previously identified Site D, situated approximately 6 km east-northeast
of the current process plant, in the adjacent basin immediately northeast of the existing TSF.
The principal objectives of the design for the TSF were to ensure protection of regional
groundwater and surface waters both during operations and in the long term, and to achieve
effective reclamation at mine closure. Features taken into account in the design include:
Permanent, secure and total confinement of tailings and process water within an
engineered tailings management facility
Control, collection and removal of free draining liquids from the tailings during
operations, with recycling, to the maximum practical extent, for process use
The inclusion of monitoring for all aspects of the facility, to ensure that performance
goals are achieved and design criteria and assumptions are met, and
Staged development of the facility to reduce initial capital expenditures and smooth
sustaining capital costs over the life of the project.
Figure 18.2
Proposed TSF Layout (Site ‘D’)
18.10.4 Tailings Characteristics
Three rock types will be processed at the Choco 10 mill and stored in the 70 Mt TSF: oxide,
transition, and fresh. The different ore types will result in tailings with distinct
characteristics. Test work has been carried out on the oxide and fresh ore tailings to
determine the physical and geochemical characteristics. Transition tailings comprise
approximately 2% of the total tailings produced over the life of the mine, therefore, test work
was not considered necessary. For the purposes of this study, the transition tailings are
considered to exhibit similar characteristics to the oxide tailings. Oxides and transition
material will together comprise less than 6% of the material stored in the proposed TSF.
Golder completed physical testwork on oxide tailings in March 2006 at its laboratory in
Sudbury, Ontario. The material characterization program included Particle size analysis
(laser scanner and hydrometer), Specific Gravity determination, chemical and mineralogical
analysis, paste rheological index testing, paste water retention/pumpability at 7 to 10-inch
slump, paste slump and viscosity vs. pulp density relationship, paste yield stress, and
dewatering testing (conducted by a vendor).
Rheology test results indicate that the tailings become non-segregating when thickened to a
consistency of 34% solids by weight or more.
The geotechnical portion of the testing program was completed by the Golder laboratory in
Lakewood, Colorado. The material characterisation program included particle size
distribution, Atterberg limits, shrinkage limit, Specific Gravity, slurry consolidation tests,
and triaxial compression tests.
Hard rock tailings will account for approximately 94% of the total tailings produced over the
life of the mine. Tailings produced from hard rock samples underwent physical, rheological,
and geochemical laboratory testing by Knight Piésold (KP), Paterson and Cooke (P&C), and
CANTEST, respectively.
Coefficients of consolidation determined for the tailings generally increase with
increasing effective confining stress, ranging from about 220 to 2,781 m2/y (for
confining stresses ranging up to about 827 kPa). These coefficients of consolidation
are within the range of typical values for sandy silt tailings materials and are higher
compared to more fine grained tailings.
Calculated vertical permeabilities for the tailings range from approximately 1.0 x 10-5
cm/s at very low stresses, decreasing to about 4.8 x 10-6 cm/s at high stresses.
The dry density of the tailings increases with increasing effective stress (due to
consolidation), with a value of about 1.7 t/m3 achieved at an effective stress of
approximately 827 kPa.
A tailings dry density of approximately 1.47 t/m3 is achieved under air drying
The slurry consolidation test results indicate that the consolidation and permeability
characteristics of the tailings are consistent with other similar hard rock mine tailings (sandy
silt) materials.
The proposed TSF site shown is located in a broad, gently sloping valley basin varying in
elevation from approximately 200 m above sea level (masl) at the northeast, to 250 masl at
the height of land to the southwest. The valley sides to the northwest and southeast have
average slopes between 25 and 50%.
The basin is generally covered by dense savannah type forest approximately 15 m in height,
although a portion of the proposed tailings site in the vicinity of the main confining
embankment is being used as agricultural land and has been cleared of vegetation.
A hazard assessment has been carried out to enable appropriate design earthquake and storm
events to be determined for the TSF. The selection of appropriate design earthquake and
flood events has been based on classification of the tailings dam using criteria provided by
the Canadian Dam Association’s “Dam Safety Guidelines” (2007).
The potential for loss of life following a dam failure is likely minor but cannot be discounted;
particularly during operations when there will be work activities downstream of the TSF. If
failure resulted in the release of tailings and/or process water it would have a significant
environmental impact on the areas downstream. The economic consequences (including
clean-up, repair and remedial works) and socio-economic impact to the mine would also be
very high. Consequently, a HIGH consequence category (hazard classification) has been
assigned to the TSF.
165 Hydrometeorology
The average annual precipitation at the TSF site was estimated to be 1,094 mm. Monthly
mean pan evaporation standard deviation values of 2,070 mm (Caroni Macagua, 1974 to
2007) closely match the average of 1,993 mm per year (Tumeremo, 1972 to 1978). A factor
of 0.7 has been applied to estimate lake evaporation values from the measured pan
evaporation data. The estimated mean annual lake evaporation at the Choco 10 site is 1,517
Based on the HIGH hazard classification assigned to the TSF in, an appropriate
IDF is a probabilistically derived event with a return period of one third between the 1-in-
1,000 year and the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF).
Considering the steep catchment area slopes, the lush vegetation, and the relatively
impermeable clay and silt surficial soils, a runoff coefficient of 0.75 was assumed during
average conditions, increasing to 0.9 during the design storm event due to saturation of the
The design of the TSF includes sufficient capacity and freeboard to store the IDF during
operations. The storm storage volume of the TSF that is required and provided during
operations is approximately 5.75 million m3, plus an additional 2 m of freeboard. Hydrogeology
Standpipe piezometers were installed in drill holes as part of the geotechnical site
investigation program. Groundwater levels were estimated as the holes were drilled and
measured a few to several weeks after drilling was terminated to allow groundwater levels to
equilibrate. Groundwater levels were found to be between 10 m below to slightly above the
overburden-bedrock contact in seven of the nine drill holes with piezometers. One drill hole
had a groundwater level approximately 30 m below the overburden-bedrock contact and one
drill hole was dry at the depth to which the piezometer was installed. These levels
correspond to a depth to groundwater of approximately 30 m along the embankment
alignment and approximately 20 m downstream of the embankment alignment. Seismicity
The 1-in-500 year earthquake was adopted as the Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE) for the
tailings facility design. For a design operating life of 13 years, the probability of exceedance
for the OBE event is less than 3%. The median value of maximum acceleration for the 1-in-
500 year earthquake is estimated to be 0.03 g. A design earthquake magnitude of 6.5 is
appropriate for the OBE, based on a review of the regional seismicity and the findings of the
seismic hazard assessment. The tailings facility would be expected to function in a normal
manner after the OBE.
An appropriate Maximum Design Earthquake (MDE) for the tailings facility has been
defined based on a dam classification of HIGH (see Section The MDE is the 1-
in-2,500 year earthquake, with a median value of maximum acceleration of 0.06g, and a
design earthquake magnitude of 7.0. Limited deformation of the tailings dam is acceptable
under seismic loading from the MDE, provided that the overall stability and integrity of the
facility is maintained and that there is no release of stored tailings or water.
A deterministically derived Maximum Credible Earthquake for the Choco 10 project has
been defined as a near-field crustal earthquake (focal depth of 15 km) of magnitude 6.5,
resulting in a maximum credible acceleration of 0.44g at the site. The return period of this
extreme (hypothetical) event is likely much greater than 10,000 years, based on currently
available geological and seismicity information.
A geotechnical site investigation of the proposed TSF area was completed between October
2008 and February 2009 that comprised 80 test pits and 11 drill holes. Laboratory testing
was carried out on selected test pit and drill hole samples, and Standard Penetration Testing
(SPT) and hydrogeological tests were completed at various depths within the drill holes.
Results of test pit and drill hole logging, together with the results of in situ and laboratory
testing, allowed for the identification and characterization of geological units within the
project area and were used to estimate the geotechnical and hydrogeological parameters of
the embankment foundation, impoundment basin, and the proposed embankment fill. The
geological units encountered include three overburden soils: residual soils, saprolite, and
saprock, and two types of bedrock: intrusive metagabbro (gabbro) and a metalava and
metapyroclastic from andacitic to dacitic composition (dacite-andecite) (Golder, 2006).
The geotechnical conditions within the project area were determined using the results from in
situ and laboratory testing of test pit and drill hole samples. Findings include the following:
The overburden soils are generally of low plasticity.
The stress strain response of the embankment foundation is generally semi-
The embankment foundation is very slightly to slightly compressible and slightly
overconsolidated; the embankment fill is slightly compressible. Simplified
calculations to estimate the ultimate consolidation due to the weight of the
embankment indicate that the foundation may consolidate approximately 1.7 m and
that the embankment may consolidate approximately 0.6 m.
Compaction tests indicate that the maximum density of the embankment fill is
approximately 16 kN/m3 at an optimum moisture content of 21%.
Based on the information available, the shear strength parameters used for modelling
were ’ = 30° and a c’ = 0 kPa for the embankment foundation and ’ = 10° and
c’ = 100 kPa for the embankment fill.
The embankment foundation is medium dense.
Hydraulic conductivity values used for modelling the embankment foundation and
impoundment basin were: overburden 1 x 10-4 cm/s; bedrock 7 x 10-5 cm/s; and 1 x 10-5 cm/s
for embankment fill.
A number of triaxial tests of “undisturbed” samples were not completed due to insufficient
sample size or unacceptable disturbance during sample extrusion. Four Shelby tube (ST)
samples were not slated for testing and it is recommended that these samples be considered
for triaxial testing. Although a maximum of four ST samples remain to be tested, sample
availability, storage conditions and variability in the results may necessitate collection of
additional ST samples for triaxial testing. It is also recommended that block samples be
collected for direct shear testing.
Another method of determining the in situ overburden shear strength is to perform vane shear
tests. It is recommended that vane shear testing be incorporated into any additional
geotechnical drilling to provide additional information regarding the overburden in situ shear
strength parameters.
The UCS test of a bedrock (gabbro) sample indicated that the tested UCS value was lower
than the estimated UCS value. It is recommended that additional UCS testing be completed
to confirm this result and, if necessary, adjust the estimated UCS values.
Additional laboratory testing of select overburden and bedrock samples should be conducted
at a laboratory with well-known quality assurance and control standards to confirm the
results from the GMK and UCAB laboratories. Select duplicate overburden samples were
prepared for this purpose following the site investigation program and were being stored on
site. It should be confirmed whether these samples are still available and in what condition
they are in.
The Choco 10 mill will operate at a proposed total throughput of approximately 20,000 t/d.
The Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) proposed for Site D is designed for the complete and
permanent secure storage of approximately 70 Mt of tailings, process water, surface runoff,
and incident precipitation. Local borrow material will be used to construct the TSF
For development of the TSF filling schedule, a tailings dry density of 0.67 t/m3 was assumed
during the first year of production, increasing to a final dry density of 1.53 t/m3 in Year 12.
These average tailings dry densities are based on the results of the tailings consolidation
The facility is designed to continue providing secure storage of water and tailings during
hydrologic and seismic events up to and including the Inflow Design Flood (IDF) and
Maximum Design Earthquake (MDE).
The TSF will comprise an earthfill confining embankment along the north and northeast ends
of the valley as shown on Figure 18.2. The layout is similar to the Site D dilute slurry
tailings option presented by Golder (2006). The dam alignment has been modified to keep
the ultimate facility footprint, including the embankment and downstream facilities, entirely
within the Choco 4 concession.
The embankment will be developed in stages throughout the life of the project using the
centerline construction method. It will be constructed as a water retaining structure with a
vertical sand chimney drain running longitudinally along the length of the dam core. The
shell zones will be constructed at 3H:1V slopes using low permeability residual soil
compacted in lifts. A typical cross section of the final Stage 7 embankment is shown on
Figure 18.3.
Design provisions to manage seepage include the in-situ soil liner, vertical chimney drain,
foundation drains, and seepage collection and recycle ponds. All seepage losses from the
TSF will be collected in seepage collection ponds located at topographic low points
downstream of the embankment toe and pumped back to the TSF.
Figure 18.3
Typical Cross-Section of Embankment
Construction of the Stage 1A embankment will start approximately six months before tailings
deposition begins in the TSF.
Slurry tailings will be pumped from the mill to the TSF through a High Density Polyethylene
(HDPE) pipeline approximately 10 km long. The first 4 km of the pipeline will generally
follow an uphill gradient from the mill elevation of 215 masl, to a topographic high point at
approximately 280 masl. The last segment of the pipeline will generally be downhill, at
approximately 1% to 2% grade, allowing gravity flow to the discharge points at the
A multi-stage tailings pumping system located at the mill, designed with full standby
redundancy, will provide pressure for tailings transport. A drain-back pond will be located at
the mill to facilitate pipeline drainage.
Tailings will be discharged from one of a number of valved offtakes along the dam crest,
forming a low-angle beach upstream of the embankment. The systematic rotational
deposition of the slurry from the embankment crest will result in the formation of layers of
fine, low permeability tailings beaches. Coarser material typically settles rapidly and
accumulates closer to the discharge points, forming a beach with a slope of about 0.5% to
1.5% . Finer particles will travel further and settle at flatter slopes. Beach development will
be managed to maximise storage volume in the TSF, to control the location of the
supernatant pond, and to minimise the potential for fugitive dust emissions. The tailings
beach will provide a hydraulically long, low-permeability barrier between the supernatant
pond and the dam face. An exposed tailings beach will also promote evaporation from the
tailings, potentially accelerating consolidation. Selective tailings deposition, in coordination
with embankment construction, will be used to keep the pond clear of the embankment
thereby reducing seepage potential, improving embankment stability, and ensuring that clean
reclaimed water is available for reuse at the process plant. A schematic representation of the
tailings beach at Stage 7 is shown on Figure 18.4.
Figure 18.4
TSF General Arrangement - Stage 7
Seepage originating in the TSF will be intercepted by the high permeability vertical sand
chimney drain within the embankment. Seepage will flow through the continuous sand drain
into a series of foundation drains at select low points in the embankment footprint. The
foundations drains will be arranged perpendicularly to the embankment centerline, and their
outlets will empty into a series of collection ponds excavated downstream of the dam.
Water in the seepage collection ponds will be monitored and recycled to the TSF as required
by a system of pumps and pipes.
The process water reclaim system must provide sufficient water on a continuous basis from
the TSF supernatant pond to support mill operations.
To accommodate pipeline or pump station maintenance, or system breakdown, the ability to
deliver water to the mill head tank at a rate greater than the annual average flow requirement
is necessary. Additional water supply is available from a water storage reservoir to the west
of the mill, and from groundwater wells.
Water from the TSF will be reclaimed from the supernatant pond by pumps mounted on a
floating reclaim barge.
Tailings will initially be deposited in the north side of the TSF to allow supernatant water to
flow to the south side of the facility. This is closest to the pipeline route back to the mill and
the reclaim barge. The reclaim barge will be moored at the south side of the TSF, alongside
a causeway or platform constructed from suitable locally excavated material. The causeway
will provide maintenance vehicle access, a power supply corridor, and a route for the
discharge pipework from the barge. Power will be provided via cable. As required, a skid
mounted transformer may be located close to the barge. As the elevation of the supernatant
pond rises, access will be maintained by raising the barge access ramps, relocating the
transformer, and moving the barge closer to higher ground. Operation of the barge reclaim
pump station will be near continuous.
Reclaim water will be pumped from the TSF to the mill through a HDPE pipeline
approximately 7 km long. The first 4 km of the pipeline will generally follow an uphill
gradient from the reclaim barge elevation of 190 masl to a topographic high point at
approximately 270 masl, mirroring the layout of a majority of the tailings pipeline. The last
segment of the pipeline will generally be downhill, at approximately 1% to 2% grade,
allowing gravity flow to the discharge point at the mill head tank.
18.10.8 Closure
The primary objective of the TSF closure and reclamation initiatives will be to eventually
allow the TSF site to become an integrated component of the surrounding ecosystem,
mimicking the pre-mining usage and capability of the area. The TSF will be required to
maintain long term stability, protect the downstream environment and manage surface water
with minimal maintenance.
Activities that will be carried out during at closure to achieve these objectives include:
Selective discharge of tailings around the facility during the final years of operations
to establish a final tailings beach that will facilitate the surface water management
and reclamation
Constructing an engineered cover, including re-vegetation of remaining embankment
faces and exposed tailings surfaces using topsoil stockpiled from stripping activities
Construction of a network of surface runoff swales across the TSF to limit surface
erosion and safely convey water to the closure spillway
Construction of an outlet channel or spillway at the west abutment of the
embankment to enable discharge of surface water from the TSF to the downstream
watercourse. This full closure scenario will also work well in the event of premature
closure of the facility
Dismantling and removal of the tailings delivery and water reclaim systems and all
pipelines, structures and equipment not required beyond mine closure
Removal of the seepage collection system at such time that suitable water quality for
direct release is achieved
Removal and regrading of all access roads, ponds, ditches, and borrow areas not
required beyond mine closure, and
Long term stabilization of all exposed erodible materials.
Ongoing monitoring will then be required until monitoring results indicate that any seepage
from the TSF is of suitable quality for direct release to downstream waters. During the
monitoring period, seepage collection ponds and recycle pumps, groundwater monitoring
wells and all other geotechnical instrumentation will be retained, the latter for use as long
term monitoring devices.
Post closure requirements will also include an annual inspection of the TSF and an ongoing
evaluation of water quality, flow rates, and instrumentation records to confirm the design
assumptions for closure.
As noted in Section 22.0, the forecast sale of gold over the LOM period has been based on a
steady gold price of $1,023/oz, equating to the three-year trailing average spot price over the
period to 31 December, 2010.
On July 15, 2010, the Central Bank of Venezuela (CBV) passed Resolution No. 10-07-01
that replaced Resolution No. 09-06-03 and the CBV and Ministry of Finance passed an
updated Exchange Agreement No. 12 that replaced the previous version.
Resolution No. 10-07-01 and the updated Exchange Agreement No. 12 became effective
August 12, 2010. Resolution No. 10-07-01 mandates that 50% of gold produced in the
country in each calendar quarter must be offered for sale to the CBV and after obtaining
authorization to export from the CBV, the remaining 50% can be exported or offered for sale
to the CBV, at the option of the gold producer. Authorization to export is obtained in the
form of renewable permits, which are provided by the CBV and which expire 45 days from
The updated Exchange Agreement No. 12 mandates that, for companies in which the
Venezuelan state has an interest of less than 50%, 50% of proceeds from gold exports
collected in a currency other than BsF can be used for direct payments in foreign currency.
The remaining 50% of the proceeds from gold exports must be exchanged for BsF with the
CBV at the official rate of BsF 4.30/$1.00. For companies in which the Venezuelan State has
an interest of 50% or greater, all proceeds from gold exports collected in a currency other
than BsF can be used for direct payments in foreign currency.
Accordingly, this study has assumed that the marketing of production from the Choco 10 and
Increible 6 claims is carried out by PMG according to Venezuelan regulations, so that 50% of
the bullion is offered to the CBV and the rest exported for sale in international markets.
Micon considers that PMG’s continuing access to foreign currency in terms of Exchange
Agreement 12 will be necessary to sustain the expanded operation of the Choco 10 mine.
Rusoro contracts out the open pit mining operation at Choco 10, and intends to maintain that
contract for the duration of the project. Micon has reviewed the mining contract and is of the
opinion that the rates and terms reflect industry norms.
This section has been prepared by Jenifer Hill, R.P.Bio., Senior Environmental Scientist with
Micon. Ms. Hill is not a Qualified Person in terms of NI 43-101.
Initial environmental baseline data for the Choco 4 and 10 concessions are included in the
2003 Environmental Impact Assessment, “Mining Development Project Choco 4 and Choco
10”, completed by Ambioconsult CA.
The Choco 10 project area falls within the Dry Tropical Forest bioclimatic zone of
Venezuela. The weather conditions in this zone are characterized by an annual maximum
rainfall pattern, occurring from May to January. Historically, this zone has received an
average annual rainfall of over 1,100 mm, with an average maximum rainfall during July of
approximately 160 mm and a minimum average of 38.3 mm in March. The mean monthly
temperature varies only slightly between 25°C and 27°C throughout the year.
The mine concessions in the El Callao district are entirely in a rural setting. Ambient air
quality and visibility are considered good since there are only two small controlled emission
points of gaseous and particulate matter in the project area. However, there are some local
emissions (e.g., road dust and bush burning).
The majority of the forest in the El Callao district is composed of secondary forest in various
stages of development. The area has been extensively disturbed by subsistence agriculture,
forestry and artisanal and commercial mining.
Like the flora, the fauna has been extensively disturbed. Hunting is common in the district.
This has resulted in a reduced number of larger mammals. During October, 2006 a baseline
survey identified 130 different species of mammals, reptiles, fish and birds, none of which is
considered rare or uncommon.
The Choco 4 and 10 concessions present a hydrographical dendrite pattern with most of the
superficial water intermittent. Both concessions lie inside the Yuraurí River main drainage
basin. The only permanent flow of water is the Yuraurí River, which flows from west to east
and contains a maximum average of 174 m3/s in August and a minimum average of 2 m3/s in
The mine is working on progressive reclamation activities which include topsoil spreading on
the waste dumps, and revegetation activities through transplanting and raising plants for
reclamation in a plant nursery located near the water reservoir.
20.1.2 Environmental Impacts
The Choco property is an operating mine with existing environmental impacts that are being
managed according to approved and permitted mitigation measures. The main impacts are
the loss of vegetation and wildlife habitat within the footprint of the mine. This is being
managed through the concurrent reclamation program. Water is recycled from the tailings
facility and there are no surface water discharges from the operation. Groundwater seepages
are monitored from the waste rock and tailings facility.
Table 20.1 summarizes the potential impacts and the mitigation for the Increible 6 operation.
These are similar impacts and mitigation identified and managed at the Choco mine
Table 20.1
Increible Impacts and Mitigation
The focus of the Choco 10 operation has been to ensure legal compliance in all its activities.
The operation has an Environmental Management System (EMS) to help manage water,
various wastes, hazardous materials, emissions, hydrocarbons, energy consumption, and
other environmental protection measures.
The General Manager is ultimately responsible for environmental management at the Choco
10 mine. The Environmental Manager and the Sustainable Development Manager report
directly to the General Manager.
The majority of mining to date has taken place in saprolite, subsequently the waste rock
dumps are not acid generating and seepage is alkaline. Waste characterization studies were
completed in 2009 by Knight Piésold and Co. for a variety of rock types including un-
weathered rock from below the saprolite. Static testwork indicated that the majority of rock is
not acid generating; although there are some samples that were uncertain as to whether they
will be acid producing. Leaching tests were also conducted and results showed that there is
the potential for waste rock to leach sulphate, aluminum, iron and selenium above
Venezuelan guidelines. Water quality monitoring data to date has shown elevated aluminum
and iron; however, the high aluminum and iron is indicative of naturally occurring
background concentrations associated with the saprolite soils in the area (PMG 2010).
Waste rock dump seepage is monitored, but not collected. A seepage collection system is not
planned for future dumps. It is recommended that the operation continues to monitor seepage
and make modifications to future dump expansions and new waste rock dumps to allow for a
collection and recovery system if seepage quality starts to degrade.
The current tailings impoundment operates as a zero discharge facility. A filter dam is
located within the tailings impoundment to allow for water to seep from the tailings into a
clear water pond before being reclaimed for re-use in the process plant. A monitoring well is
used to monitor seepage quality downstream of the tailings dam. Design provisions to
manage seepage for the new tailings impoundment include an in-situ soil liner, vertical
chimney drain, foundation drains, and seepage collection and recycle ponds. To the extent
possible, seepage losses from the TSF will be collected in ponds located at topographic low
points downstream of the embankment toe and pumped back to the TSF.
Venezuela has extensive legislation relating to the environment and social protection of the
country, including new legislative changes. Key applicable legislation for mine operation is
presented in Table 20.2. There is no assurance that future changes in environmental
regulation will not adversely affect the operations.
Table 20.2
Applicable Legislation
Legislation Description
Organic Law of the Environment (updated December 22, Establishes inside the national policy the
2006) fundamentals to preserve, protect, and improve the
environment and a framework for sustainability.
Law of Biodiversity Governs all the matters related to biodiversity.
Decree N° 1.257. “Norms about evaluation of activities with Establishes norms/standards to evaluate activities
potential to impact the environment”. 13-03-1996 capable of degrading the environment and also
requires the registration of all companies with the
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
Resolution N° 056. “Norms about environmental evaluation of Establishes the requisites and time periods to apply
hydrocarbons and mining projects”. 04-07-1996 and obtain permits for mining projects.
Decree Nº 883. “Norms for classification and quality control Sets the limits on water discharge and the limits for
on surface water and water discharge”. 11-10-1995 classification of surface water.
Decree Nº 1.400. “Norms about regulation and control of Governs water usage and establishes the
water usage and the watersheds”. 10-07-1996 requirements to apply for the water usage permits.
Decree Nº 638. “Norms about air quality and control of Governs and controls air emission and air quality.
atmospheric emissions”. 26-04-1995
Decree Nº 2.635. “Norms to control the handling of hazardous Controls the handling, temporary and final disposal
material and waste”. 22-07-1998 of hazardous material and waste.
Decree Nº 2.216. “Norms for handling commercial, industrial, Governs the handling storage and final disposal of
domestic or any kind of non-hazardous waste”. 23-04-1992 non-hazardous waste.
Decree Nº 1.659. “Partial rules of the water and soil woodland Governs the rehabilitation and compensation from
law about forest rehabilitation.” 05-06-1991 34.808 the deforestation permits.
Decree N° 3.091. “Technical norms to control the effect Addresses at the local level the rules to control the
associated with gold and diamond mining on the Bolívar state contamination from the gold mining industry.
and Antonio Díaz county on Delta Amacuro state”
and non-toxic residues, recovery measures for affected ground, topography and
drainage, a reforestation plan and an estimated annual cost. An Environmental
Supervision Plan (Supervision Plan) must be filed as part of the Exploration Permit
application. The Supervision Plan sets forth the manner in which the execution of the
project will be evaluated and controlled.
20.3.2 Required Environmental Permits
This assessment is for the expansion of an operating mine. The exploitation and exploration
permits are in place for Choco 10, Choco 4, and Increible 6, and are kept current. Table 20.3
summarizes the exploitation permits for continued operation and for expansion of the mine
operations. Permitting is in progress for expansion of the project to include the new plant,
waste rock dumps, tailings impoundment, and ancillary facilities. Certain noted renewals
remain outstanding; although, in practice, the expiration date is not applicable once the
application for renewal has been submitted.
Table 20.3
Permit Status for Project Changes, New Affection Licences, and/or Exploitation Certificates
A groundwater well field has been permitted and as of the effective date of this report, the
Yuruarí River extraction was being permitted for water extraction for the operation for a total
of 0.17 m3/s. It was estimated that there will be sufficient water for the expanded operation
from these water extraction permits in combination with the existing water reservoir and
water recovery from the tailings pond. Additional groundwater well fields may need to be
permitted in the future depending on the final water balance.
The Choco 4 exploitation area was expanded to allow for the existing tailings impoundment
to operate into 2010. A new tailings facility to be located northeast of the existing facility
has been designed to contain an additional 70Mt of tailings.
The environmental management plan for the Choco mine follows the program presented in
the September 2003 environmental impact assessment report prepared by Ambioconsult,
environmental consultants. The existing mine complies with all government reporting
requirements. These requirements will continue with the expanded project. Compliance
requires biweekly monitoring of the tailings facility, quarterly sampling of surface,
subsurface and effluent waters, annual emissions monitoring, and air quality monitoring
twice each year. Reporting consists of weekly and monthly internal reporting, annual
reporting to the government on waste management, monthly reporting to the Ministry for
Basic Industry and Mines (MIBAM), and quarterly reporting to the Ministry of Environment
(Minamb). In addition, PMG speaks to community members and workers about
environmental protection as part of the company’s environmental education program.
This environmental management or supervision program for the Choco mine has been
expanded to include the environmental management plan requirements for the Increible 6
mines. Requirements for the environmental management program incorporate conditions of
the exploitation authorization and include compliance with all applicable legislation,
avoiding protected areas, waste disposal, erosion control, hazardous materials storage, fire
prevention, wildlife conservation, health, safety and security, effluents, water management,
community consultation, among other items.
The nearest community to the mine is the village of Choco while El Callao is the closest
commercial centre. There are few indigenous people in the communities surrounding the
Choco 4, Choco 10, and Increible 6 concessions, and no fully indigenous communities.
Indigenous communities are generally located farther south on the Rio Cuyuní. The majority
of the population surrounding the operations are criolla communities, which are relatively
recent, transient, and tied to small mining activities.
Cultural heritage resources have been already impacted in the area, but should be considered
for any expansion activities in the future.
Relationships and consultation with the communities, workers, and small miners are
important to keep the mine operating. Rusoro, as PMG, has proven its ability to maintain
working relations with these groups since its acquisition of the Choco mine and the Isidora
The Choco mine management has engaged in development activities in the communities near
the mine and communities further away where workers live. PMG agreed to work with
Corporación Venezolana de Guayana (CVG), in an addendum to the Choco 4 and Choco 10
lease agreements, to include a formal obligation to contribute at least $250,000 per year in
social contributions for the development of the mining area after the commencement of
commercial production. Social programs include:
Building of a small rural medical clinic located at the Choco Village. The clinic was
constructed to specifications from the Institute of Public Health of the State of
Construction of an aqueduct to supply the Choco Village with potable water.
In addition to the above, compensation agreements were made with the small miners who
previously occupied the property.
The Increible 6 exploitation permit requires 4.75M Bolivars Fuerte to be paid annually to a
socio-economic fund. 70% of this fund will be used for compliance with the special
provisions of the exploitation permit, and the remaining 30% of the fund go to community
programs for health, education, recreation, and environmental clean-up.
The Choco mine operates in accordance with the standard procedures, codes of safety and
regulations of health and effective labour safety in Venezuela, such as Covenin Norms,
LOPCYMAT and regulation of the conditions of hygiene and industrial safety.
Under the Labour Law, an employer is liable to employees or their relatives, as the case may
be, for work-related accidents and occupational illnesses suffered by them, unless such
accidents: (i) occur due to force majeure events; (ii) derive from the intentional will of the
employee; (iii) occur while an individual is performing an occasional service for the
employer which is not related to the company’s business; or (iv) occur in the course of work
undertaken by the employee working from his own domicile. The Labour Law provides for
indemnification payments of up to two years’ salary, but not in excess of 25 times the
applicable monthly minimum salary. The payment of indemnification is triggered when the
accident derives from the service or is directly related to it, whether or not there is fault or
negligence of the employer or the employee. Furthermore, as an employer engaged in
mining activities, the mine faces potential liability arising from injuries to, or deaths of,
workers, including workers employed by its contractors.
The Venezuelan Organic Law of Work Conditions (the Organic Law) imposes on employers
the obligation to maintain a work environment where employees are safeguarded against
work-related accidents and illnesses. The Organic Law imposes certain obligations on
employers which can be onerous, such as the implementation and maintenance of medical
services and the creation of employer-employee committees in charge of coordinating
policies related to work and safety procedures, conditions and precautions. In case of
infringement, the Organic Law provides for penalties, including criminal liability where an
employee’s injury results from the negligence of his or her employer or the employer’s non-
compliance with legal requirements.
Venezuelan law requires mining operations to rehabilitate land disturbed by mining. As part
of its permit obligations to the Ministry of Environment, PMG developed a reclamation and
rehabilitation plan for Choco 4 and Choco 10 in 2007 titled “Propuesta Plan De
Recuperación Forestal Como Medida Compensatoria A La Afectación De Recursos Por
Exploración, Construcción De Facilidades Y Explotación Del Proyecto Minero Choco 4 Y
Choco 10”. This document outlines the objectives and specific measures to be employed for
rehabilitation of each area of the mine with the focus on stabilizing slopes and revegetation
with native plant species. The minimum commitment is for 12% of disturbed areas to be
restored. Waste rock storage areas are to be contoured to fit the local topography and be no
higher than 50 m. Slopes are to be rehabilitated in a number of ways depending on the slope,
area and quality of materials. Geotextiles, hydroseeding and fertilizing will be needed on
steeper slopes with poor material quality. Less than 5% legume species may be used in order
to allow for natural native species to become established. A 20 cm thick organic soil layer is
prescribed for some of the gentle slopes by the water reservoir.
PMG has entered into an agreement with a local university (Universidad Experimental de
Guayana, UNEG) to develop a detailed decommissioning and mine closure program,
including a plan for progressive rehabilitation. The Choco Mine has demonstrated success in
the progressive reclamation plan, in particular with on-going reclamation of the waste rock
The mine closure and rehabilitation costs for Choco prior to the proposed expansion were
estimated at $4.8 million. The revised estimate for closure cost used in this assessment
provides for an amount of $30.1 million over the life of the operation and $14.35 million at
the end of the life of the operation.
A closure and reclamation plan is required for exploitation of the Increible 6 property. The
reclamation and closure fund required by the government for Increible 6 was 14,286,749
Bolivars Fuerte.
Expansion project capital expenditure is summarised in Table 21.1. The estimate of process
and infrastructural capital was prepared by Ausenco in the third and fourth quarter, 2010.
The estimate for the tailings storage facility (TSF) is included in the infrastructural capital
shown below, and was prepared by Knight Piésold in mid-2010. No escalation has been
applied to the estimate. The provisions for contingency in the Ausenco and Knight Piésold
estimates are combined.
As of the effective date of this report, the capital estimate is believed to be accurate to ±15%.
Table 21.1
Project Capital Expenditure Summary
The study has identified the fleet of mining equipment that will be required in order to
achieve the scheduled production of ore and waste from the open pits. The purchase price of
the fleet has also been estimated using OEM budgetary prices. However, the economic
evaluation of the project reflects Rusoro’s operating strategy, wherein the mining contractor
is responsible for the procurement of the required fleet. In order to ensure that the cost of
ownership of the expanded mining fleet is fully reflected in the cash flow model, Micon has
added the appropriate finance charges to the basic contract mining rate. These leasing costs
are included in the operating cash flow and do not appear in the capital cost estimate.
Capital expenditure for the process plant expansion is estimated as shown in Table 21.2,
plant services in Table 21.3, infrastructure in Table 21.4, and indirect costs and contingency
in Table 21.5.
The estimates presented in this section have been compiled by Micon from information
provided by Ausenco and Knight Piésold during 2010. In Micon’s opinion, the impact on
these estimates of inflation and exchange rate variances between the effective date and the
signature date of this report lie within the expected range of accuracy of the estimate.
Table 21.2
Plant Expansion Capital Expenditure
Table 21.3
Plant Services Capital Expenditure
Table 21.4
Infrastructural Capital Expenditure
Table 21.5
Indirect and Other Capital Expenditure
Item US$ 000
EPCM Costs 30,250
Vendor Erection Supervision 814
Vendor Commissioning 488
First Fills / Spares 2,197
Contingency 40,105
TOTAL 86,291
Sustaining capital expenditure for plant equipment is provided for in the cash flow model as
an annual allowance of 2% of the initial cost of the expanded plant, or $3.0 million per year.
Over the LOM period these total $36.7 million.
In addition, subsequent phases of tailings dam construction are allowed for, at a total cost of
$49.1 million, including a contingency of $12.7 million.
Over the LOM period, the total sustaining capital expenditure amounts to $85.8 million.
A mine closure and rehabilitation provision of $47.8 million is also provided for, made up of
contributions of $2M/y assumed over fifteen years, and a further $17.8 million upon mine
The cash operating costs for the expanded operation have been estimated using a zero-based
approach for mining and the operation of the new process plant. Actual (past) operating costs
for the Choco 10 mine have been used as a guide to future costs for the existing plant and for
General and Administrative costs.
As of the effective date of this report, the operating cost estimates are believed to be accurate
to ±15%.
Mine operating costs are forecast using a zero-based estimate (±15% accuracy) considering
the fleet requirements in each period. Over the LOM, these rates average $1.69/t mined for
drill, blast, load and haul operations. Further allowances are made for stockpile rehandle
($0.01/t mined) and mining supervision and technical services ($0.07/t mined).
In addition to the above, the contractors cost of ownership of the required equipment fleet has
been assumed to be passed back to the project. In order to estimate these costs, the leasing
cost of the equipment has been calculated, assuming a five year leasing period on each item,
using a real interest rate of 7%/y. Since the entire cost would in reality be reflected in the
contract rate, no deposits or residual amounts are considered in the cash flow model. Over
the LOM, cost of ownership is estimated to add $0.62/t mined.
Process operating costs are estimated to average $8.34/t milled, made up as shown in Table
21.6. These estimates are derived from unit costs for labour, consumables and spare parts,
and specific rates of consumption, based on throughput matched to the production schedule.
Power costs are based on a unit cost of $0.03/kWh and an average consumption rate of
40.47 kWh/t.
Table 21.6
Process Operating Costs
General and Administrative costs are based on experience at the operating mine, as of the
effective date of this report. The average over the life of mine equates to $3.04/t milled.
Micon has prepared its assessment of the Project on the basis of a discounted cash flow
model, from which Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), payback and
other measures of project viability can be determined. Assessments of NPV are generally
accepted within the mining industry as representing the economic value of a project after
allowing for the cost of capital invested.
The objective of the study was to establish the economic viability of the proposed expansion
of open pit mining and processing for the production of gold from the Choco 10 and Increible
6 deposits. In order to do this, the cash flow arising from the base case has been forecast,
enabling a computation of the NPV to be made. The sensitivity of this NPV to changes in the
base case assumptions is then examined.
The project cash flow model, an all results derived from the model, are expressed in United
States dollars ($). Inputs to the cash flow model originating in Venezuelan Bolivar Fuerte
(BsF) have been converted at the ruling rate2. Constant, Q4-2010 money terms are used
throughout, i.e., without provision for inflation.
The base case has been evaluated using trailing average metal prices to December 31, 2010,
as shown in Table 22.1. In the light of upward momentum in the gold price, Micon has taken
the 12-month average as its forecast price for the base case. As part of its sensitivity analysis,
Micon also tested a range of prices 30% above and below the base case value, based on the
12-month trailing average.
Table 22.1
Gold Price Forecasts
Item Gold
36-month trailing average to Dec-2010 1,023
24-month trailing average to Dec-2010 1,100
12- month trailing average to Dec-2010 1,225
1-month trailing average to Dec-2010 1,391
Figure 22.1 shows the monthly average price of gold over the period 2001 to 2010 inclusive.
As of December, 2010 Venezuela’s Central Bank applies a selling rate of BsF 4.30 per US$. Prior to
January 11, 2010, the selling rate was BsF 2.15 per US$.
Figure 22.1
Gold Price 2001-2010
Gold USD/oz
Gold 36 per. Mov. Avg. (Gold)
In order to find the NPV of the cash flows forecast for the project, an appropriate discount
factor must be applied which represents the weighted average cost of capital (WACC)
imposed on the project by the capital markets. The cash flow projections used for the
valuation have been prepared on an all-equity basis. This being the case, WACC is equal to
the market cost of equity.
Figure 22.2 illustrates the real return on US bonds computed by the Federal Reserve Board,
taken as a proxy for the risk-free interest rate.
Figure 22.2
Real Return on US Long Bonds 2003-2010
(Source: US Federal Reserve)
Yield (%)
Jan‐03 Jan‐04 Jan‐05 Jan‐06 Jan‐07 Jan‐08 Jan‐09 Jan‐10
US Long Bonds, Indexed 36 per. Mov. Avg. (US Long Bonds, Indexed)
It will be noted that over much of the past seven years this rate has fluctuated between 1.5%
and 2.5% and, although it has recently fallen below 1.5%, the average is close to 2.0% over
this period.
Historically, the risk premium for equity has been estimated at 5.0%. The value of beta (β)
for similar gold producers is observed to lie in the range 0.6 to 1.4 so, applying the Capital
Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), the project’s cost of equity will lie in the range of 5.0% to
9.0%. Accordingly, Micon has selected a discount rate of 7.0% as its base case estimate for
the project’s cost of equity and the economic results are presented for discount rates ranging
from 5.0% to 9.0%.
Venezuelan corporate income tax has been allowed for at the rate of 34%. Expansion project
capital expenditure for the establishment of the new processing capacity, taken together with
ongoing or sustaining capital, is assumed to be eligible for depreciation based on the unit of
production method over the remaining life of the mine. The effective tax rate is thus
approximately 28%.
22.2.5 Royalty
A royalty of 3.0% has been provided for in the cash flow model.
Costs relating to the refining and disposal of gold production take into account the market
structure in Venezuela, in which 50% of the total sales are earmarked for sale to the Central
Bank of Venezuela at the ruling exchange rate, and the remainder for export. For the
purposes of this study, it is assumed that all cash flows are convertible to US dollars at the
ruling exchange rate.
The technical parameters, production forecasts and estimates described earlier in this report
are reflected in the base case cash flow model. These inputs to the model are summarised
In Years 0 to 2, the current mill is fed at the rate of 5,000 t/d, comprising a mixture of oxide,
transition and fresh ore types. During this period, waste mining ramps up to expose
additional ore in anticipation of the expansion of milling capacity. After Year 3, the rate of
ore mining increases, ROM tonnage being dominated by fresh ore, with remnant oxides
being mined during stripping of the new open pits, including the Increible area. Figure 22.3
shows the annual ore mining schedule.
Figure 22.3
Ore Mining Production Schedule
8,000 2.25
7,000 2.00
6,000 1.75
5,000 1.50
Tonnes (000)
4,000 1.25
3,000 1.00
2,000 0.75
1,000 0.50
‐ 0.25
Oxide Trans Fresh Average Grade
The grade profile reflects the result of detailed optimization of the mining schedule, whereby
waste stripping is carried out as late as possible, consistent with maximising mill feed grade,
and keeping steady the required mining fleet capacity while maintaining ore availability and
fleet utilization.
Figure 22.4 shows the combined ore and waste mining schedule. Waste mining ramps up
during construction of the new milling capacity, peaking in Year 4 when the VBK pit is
being opened up, before falling back sharply in Year 6 and thereafter.
Figure 22.4
Ore and Waste Mining Production Schedule
80,000 14.0
70,000 12.0
60,000 10.0
Tonnes (000)
20,000 4.0
10,000 2.0
‐ ‐
Yr0 Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 Yr4 Yr5 Yr6 Yr7 Yr8 Yr9 Yr10 Yr11 Yr12 Yr13 Yr14 Yr15
22.3.2 Stockpiling
Three stockpiles are accounted for in the production schedule, designated by grade band
(high, medium and low). The closing balances of each grade band are shown in Figure 22.5.
It will be seen that once the expansion project is complete, the stockpile fluctuates between
800,000 and 1,800,000 tonnes, equivalent to between 40 and 90 days of plant feed.
Figure 22.5
Ore Stockpiles – Closing Balances
Tonnes (000)
Yr0 Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 Yr4 Yr5 Yr6 Yr7 Yr8 Yr9 Yr10 Yr11 Yr12 Yr13 Yr14 Yr15
Figure 22.6
LOM Processing Schedule and Grade Profile
8,000 2.50
7,000 2.25
Average Grade (g/t Au)
6,000 2.00
Milled (000 t)
5,000 1.75
4,000 1.50
3,000 1.25
2,000 1.00
1,000 0.75
‐ 0.50
Yr0 Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 Yr4 Yr5 Yr6 Yr7 Yr8 Yr9 Yr10 Yr11 Yr12 Yr13 Yr14 Yr15
HG MG LG Average Grade
Following expansion of the process plant, in Year 3 significant quantities of low grade
material are milled while the VBK open pit is being opened up. As the VBK pit develops,
the proportion of high grade ore in the mill feed slowly increases, raising the average grade
of ore milled from 1.25 g/t to around 1.75 g/t and then 2.25 g/t in Year 12.
Cash operating costs average $22.73/t milled over the LOM period, including $11.36/t
mining, $8.34/t processing and $3.04/t general and administrative costs. The mining cost
estimate includes a provision for increases in the contractors’ unit rate to cover leasing
charges in respect of the expanded mining fleet and its periodic replacement. This operating
expense is in lieu of capital expenditure of approximately $153 million for new mining
equipment over the LOM period. Figure 22.7 shows the operating expenditures over the
LOM period. The average cost per tonne milled follows closely the average stripping ratio
seen in Figure 22.4 (above). The initially high waste:ore ratios put pressure on operating
margins in the first few years, but after Year 5, operating margins are increasingly robust
over the remainder of the LOM.
Figure 22.7
Cash Operating Costs
500,000 80
Operating Costs ($ 000)
Average Cost ($/t)
300,000 50
200,000 30
‐ ‐
Yr0 Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 Yr4 Yr5 Yr6 Yr7 Yr8 Yr9 Yr10 Yr11 Yr12 Yr13 Yr14 Yr15
Mining Costs Processing Costs G&A costs
Net Sales Revenue Average USD/t milled
Capital expenditures for the expansion project are estimated to total $310.8M, including
$152.8M processing, $15.0M for services, $41.9M infrastructure, $14.8M for design growth,
$46.2M indirect costs and a contingency of $40.1M, equivalent to almost 18% of the direct
capital cost estimate. In addition, sustaining capital has been provided for in the amount of
$85.8M over the LOM period. A mine closure and rehabilitation provision of $47.8 million is
also provided for, made up of contributions of $2M/y assumed over fifteen years, and a
further $17.8 million upon mine closure.
Working capital has been estimated to include 15 days product inventory comprising the
mill, leaching circuit, carbon and elution inventories, and 15 days accounts receivable. Stores
provision is for 60 days of consumables and spares inventory, less 30 days accounts payable.
A balance of $14.25M in working capital is assumed to be brought forward from the current
operation. Figure 22.8 compares annual capital expenditures over the preproduction and
LOM periods with the project’s cash operating margin.
Figure 22.8
Capital Expenditures
USD (000)
Yr0 Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 Yr4 Yr5 Yr6 Yr7 Yr8 Yr9 Yr10 Yr11 Yr12 Yr13 Yr14 Yr15
Initial/expansion capital Sustaining capital
Closure Provision Changes in Working Capital
Net Cash Operating Margin
The LOM base case project cash flow is summarised in Table 22.2
Table 22.2
Life-of-Mine Cash Flow Summary
Annual cash flows are presented in Figure 22.9 and Table 22.3 (over).
Figure 22.9
Life-of-Mine Cash Flows
$ million
(100 )
(200 )
(300 )
(400 )
Yr0 Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 Yr4 Yr5 Yr6 Yr7 Yr8 Yr9 Yr10 Yr11 Yr12 Yr13 Yr14 Yr15
Capital expenditure Total cash operating costs Taxation payable
Net cash flow after tax Net Sales Revenue Cumulative DCF (7 %/y)
Cumulative cash flow
In addition to the expansion capital of $310.8M, the project has additional funding
requirements for the acceleration of waste mining and increases in working capital, bringing
the cumulative cash flow at the end of Year 2 to (negative) $331.2M. From that point, with
completion of the expansion project, the project demonstrates an undiscounted pay back of
3.7 years or approximately 4.4 years when the cash flow is discounted at the selected rate of
7.0%. The latter leaves a production tail of 8.0 years on the current mineral reserve.
Over the LOM period, the average cash operating cost equates to $487/oz gold.
The base case evaluates to an IRR of 40% before tax and 30% after tax. At the selected
discount rate of 7.0%, the net present value (NPV7) of the cash flow is $1260.7M before tax
and $758.0M after tax.
The base case cash flow evaluation results are shown in Table 22.4, in which results at the
comparative discount rates of 5%/y and 9%/y are also presented.
Table 22.3
Base Case Life of Mine Annual Cash Flow
TOTAL Yr0 Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 Yr4 Yr5 Yr6 Yr7 Yr8 Yr9 Yr10 Yr11 Yr12 Yr13 Yr14 Yr15
Ore Production
Oxide 000t 3,247 211 547 521 63 29 278.9 322.3 155.5 26.2 687.0 1.0 217.1 135.3 44.1 7.5 -
Trans 000t 2,228 532 105 229 217 30 - 75.8 239.9 152.6 104.9 - 63.4 342.5 99.0 35.5 -
Fresh 000t 90,411 1,435 1,983 1,642 5,989 6,943 6,412.8 7,024.9 6,836.9 7,319.8 7,174.5 7,485.4 6,925.5 6,045.9 6,457.9 6,960.6 3,775.8
Total Ore Mined 000t 95,886 2,178.5 2,634.8 2,392.9 6,268.3 7,002.5 6,691.7 7,423.0 7,232.4 7,498.7 7,966.4 7,486.4 7,206.0 6,523.7 6,601.0 7,003.6 3,775.8
Ore Grades
Oxide g/t Au 1.48 1.20 1.18 1.22 0.83 1.41 1.15 1.83 2.75 1.83 1.65 1.22 1.48 1.90 1.38 1.86 -
Trans g/t Au 1.67 1.92 1.35 1.13 0.98 2.18 - 1.07 1.88 2.80 1.56 - 1.18 1.64 2.06 1.71 -
Fresh g/t Au 1.63 1.60 1.66 1.70 1.74 1.89 1.25 1.24 1.34 1.65 1.76 1.59 1.70 2.06 1.78 1.61 1.68
Average Grade g/t Au 1.63 1.64 1.55 1.54 1.70 1.89 1.25 1.26 1.39 1.67 1.75 1.59 1.69 2.03 1.78 1.61 1.68
Total Waste 000t 361,034 13,018 21,959 31,192 55,556 60,490 48,955 22,142 21,019 17,467 20,760 8,939 9,219 9,901 9,869 8,107 2,441
Waste/Ore ratio t/t 3.8 6.0 8.3 13.0 8.9 8.6 7.3 3.0 2.9 2.3 2.6 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.2 0.6
Ore treated 000 tonnes 95,902 1,825 1,825 1,825 6,342 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,301 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 3,785
Au grade (g/t) 1.63 1.59 1.52 1.75 1.86 1.82 1.20 1.26 1.37 1.60 1.58 1.59 1.66 2.25 1.76 1.61 1.68
Au content (000 oz) 5,022.2 93.3 89.2 102.5 380.0 427.2 281.5 295.0 321.4 375.3 370.0 372.5 388.8 527.9 413.9 378.7 205.0
Recovery (%) 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0
Au yield (000 oz) 4,520.0 83.9 80.2 92.3 342.0 384.5 253.4 265.5 289.3 337.7 333.0 335.2 349.9 475.1 372.5 340.9 184.5
Gold inventory Au (000 oz) 3.6 3.0 3.5 16.0 14.2 9.1 10.9 11.9 13.9 13.7 13.8 14.4 19.5 15.3 14.0 -
Gold sales (gross) Au (000 oz) 4,520.0 80.3 80.9 91.7 329.6 386.3 258.5 263.7 288.3 335.7 333.2 335.2 349.3 470.0 376.7 342.2 198.5
Gold payability % 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99%
Gold Sales (payable) Au (000 oz) 4,474.8 79.5 80.1 90.8 326.3 382.4 255.9 261.0 285.4 332.4 329.9 331.8 345.8 465.3 372.9 338.7 196.5
Revenue (US$ 000) Gross Sales 5,481,588 97,399 98,125 111,204 399,718 468,454 313,500 319,783 349,631 407,170 404,081 406,456 423,622 569,935 456,829 414,944 240,737
less Bullion transport (2,487) (162) (162) (162) (162) (162) (162) (159) (159) (159) (159) (159) (159) (159) (159) (159) (84)
less Refining charges (13,424) (239) (240) (272) (979) (1,147) (768) (783) (856) (997) (990) (995) (1,037) (1,396) (1,119) (1,016) (590)
less Insurance (5,482) (97) (98) (111) (400) (468) (313) (320) (350) (407) (404) (406) (424) (570) (457) (415) (241)
less Marketing (34,260) (609) (613) (695) (2,498) (2,928) (1,959) (1,999) (2,185) (2,545) (2,526) (2,540) (2,648) (3,562) (2,855) (2,593) (1,505)
Net Invoice Value 5,425,935 96,292 97,011 109,964 395,679 463,749 310,297 316,522 346,081 403,062 400,003 402,355 419,354 564,248 452,239 410,761 238,318
Royalty (162,778) (2,889) (2,910) (3,299) (11,870) (13,912) (9,309) (9,496) (10,382) (12,092) (12,000) (12,071) (12,581) (16,927) (13,567) (12,323) (7,150)
Net Sales Revenue 5,263,157 93,403 94,101 106,665 383,808 449,836 300,988 307,026 335,699 390,970 388,003 390,284 406,773 547,321 438,672 398,438 231,168
Cash op. costs (US$ 000) Mining Costs 1,089,342 35,112 64,551 91,051 155,262 168,924 157,352 79,535 61,528 48,001 44,660 36,932 32,326 32,612 34,379 31,490 15,629
Processing Costs 799,537 17,230 17,230 17,640 54,228 59,785 59,545 59,785 59,573 59,785 59,548 59,785 59,573 59,785 59,545 59,785 36,718
G&A costs 291,423 18,214 18,214 18,214 18,214 18,214 18,214 18,214 18,214 18,214 18,214 18,214 18,214 18,214 18,214 18,214 18,214
Total cash operating costs 2,180,303 70,556 99,995 126,905 227,704 246,922 235,111 157,533 139,315 125,999 122,423 114,930 110,113 110,610 112,138 109,488 70,561
Net Cash Operating Margin(US$ 000) 3,082,854 22,847 (5,894) (20,240) 156,105 202,914 65,877 149,493 196,384 264,971 265,581 275,354 296,661 436,711 326,535 288,949 160,608
Capital Expenditure Initial/expansion capital 310,765 35,294 130,815 144,655 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sustaining capital 85,806 - - - 8,524 11,851 3,057 10,896 3,057 10,972 3,057 10,563 3,057 14,661 3,057 3,057 -
Closure Provision 47,772 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 17,772
Changes in Working Capital 0.000000 1,103 1,639 1,274 19,800 (1,166) (7,194) (1,792) 280 1,615 (298) (276) 440 5,800 (4,390) (1,784) (15,052)
Net cash flow before tax (US$ 000) 2,638,511 (15,550) (140,348) (168,169) 125,781 190,229 68,014 138,389 191,048 250,384 260,822 263,067 291,164 414,249 325,868 285,677 157,887
Taxation payable 952,438 7,857 - - 34,520 62,900 18,162 45,525 61,728 82,983 84,134 85,702 93,948 136,299 102,976 90,631 45,073
Net cash flow after tax (US$ 000) 1,686,073 (23,407) (140,348) (168,169) 91,261 127,329 49,852 92,864 129,320 167,401 176,688 177,365 197,216 277,950 222,892 195,046 112,813
Cumulative cash flow (23,407) (163,755) (331,924) (240,663) (113,334) (63,482) 29,381 158,701 326,102 502,791 680,156 877,372 1,155,322 1,378,213 1,573,259 1,686,073
Payback period on undiscounted cash flow (years) 3.7 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.68 - - - - - - - - -
Discounted Cash Flow (7 %/y) 757,964 (23,407) (131,166) (146,885) 74,496 97,139 35,544 61,879 80,534 97,429 96,107 90,163 93,696 123,413 92,492 75,642 40,889
Cumulative DCF (7 %/y) (23,407) (154,574) (301,459) (226,963) (129,824) (94,280) (32,401) 48,133 145,561 241,668 331,832 425,528 548,941 641,433 717,075 757,964
Payback period on discounted cash flow (years) 4.4 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.40 - - - - - - - -
Capital expenditure 444,343 38,398 134,454 147,929 30,324 12,685 (2,137) 11,104 5,336 14,586 4,758 12,287 5,497 22,462 667 3,272 2,721
Ave Revenue per tonne treated 54.88 51.18 51.56 58.45 60.52 61.62 41.23 42.06 45.99 53.56 53.15 53.46 55.72 74.98 60.09 54.58 61.08
Ave Cost per tonne treated 22.73 38.66 54.79 69.54 35.90 33.82 32.21 21.58 19.08 17.26 16.77 15.74 15.08 15.15 15.36 15.00 18.64
Operating Margin 58.6% 24.5% -6.3% -19.0% 40.7% 45.1% 21.9% 48.7% 58.5% 67.8% 68.4% 70.6% 72.9% 79.8% 74.4% 72.5% 69.5%
US$ Cost per ounce payable gold 487.24 887.40 1,248.34 1,397.96 697.84 645.70 918.70 603.47 488.12 379.08 371.13 346.38 318.42 237.74 300.70 323.23 359.05
Table 22.4
Base Case Cash Flow Evaluation
In Micon’s opinion, the results demonstrate the economic viability of the project base case,
under the conditions described above.
The sensitivity of the project returns to changes in all revenue factors (including grades,
recoveries, prices and exchange rate assumptions) together with capital and operating costs
was tested over a range of 20% above and below base case values. Figure 22.10 shows the
results of this analysis.
The results show that the project is most sensitive to revenue factors, with an adverse change
of 20% reducing NPV7 by $399M to $359M. The project is less sensitive to operating costs,
with an adverse change of 20% reducing NPV7 by $189M to $569M. Capital costs have the
least impact on returns, with a 20% increase in cost reducing NPV7 by $72M to $686M.
In further analysis, Micon notes that simultaneously applying an increase of 57% to both
capital and operating costs simultaneously would be required in order to reduce NPV7 to
zero. Likewise, a gold price of $766/oz is required to produce a zero NPV7, i.e., an economic
Micon concludes that the project is sufficiently robust to withstand adverse changes in the
principal value drivers of the project, within the limits of accuracy of the estimate.
Figure 22.10
Sensitivity to Capital, Operating Costs and Revenue
The sensitivity of project returns to changes in the gold price and discount rate were
determined, as shown in Table 22.5.
Table 22.5
Sensitivity to Gold Price and Discount Rate
Micon concludes that this study demonstrates the viability of the project as proposed, and
that expansion of the mine to process 20,000 t/d is warranted.
In the El Callao Gold district, the gold deposits are aligned in a broad east-northeast trend
which mimics the Guri Fault trend to the north (see Figure 7.2). It is noteworthy that most
major deposits lie close to and/or to the north of the Laguna magnetic high as illustrated in
Figure 15.1, a feature which is believed to mark an important structure in the greenstone.
Most of the deposits are hosted in the volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of the Pastora
Supergroup (e.g. Choco 10, Colombia, Sosa Mendes/Union and Isidora) and less
significantly in the overlying Botanamo Group (e.g. Tomi).
Gold deposits in the district highlight the potential for both high-grade, low-tonnage deposits
such as the historical El Callao mine and the Isidora mine (formerly Mina Chile) as well as
low-grade, higher-tonnage deposits such as La Victoria and Choco 10.
Figure 23.1
El Callao Gold District - Adjacent Properties Map
The following information on adjacent properties is taken from publicly available documents,
but Micon has been unable to verify this information. (Published resource figures vary
depending on the source and what exploration was completed.) The information presented
below is not necessarily indicative of the Choco 10 or Increible 6 deposits.
The La Victoria and Tomi mines of Crystallex International Corporation are located
approximately 25 and 40 km, respectively, northeast of the Choco 10 mine. These mines
ceased operation when Crystallex’s Revemin mill was handed over to Minerven, a
Venezuelan state-owned company in October 1, 2008. The gold production for 2006 to 2008
is illustrated in Table 15.1.
Table 23.1
La Victoria and Tomi, Production
The Isidora mine is located approximately 5 km east of the Choco 10 mine. The mine is a
50/50 joint venture with the Venezuelan government and Rusoro. The mine commenced
production in 2005 and has used the Choco 10 mill to process the ore for the last several
years. It has produced approximately 250,000 ounces of gold. A NI 43-101 report was
completed on the mineral resources as of March 31, 2008 and is illustrated in Table 15.2
(Source: ).
Table 23.2
Isidora Mine Mineral Resources, March 31, 2008
The mineral reserves reported by Hecla Mining Ltd. As of December 31, 2007 are listed in
Table 15.3.
Table 23.3
Isidora Mine Mineral Reserve, March 31, 2008
The Columbia mine is located approximately 25 km east of Choco 10 near the town of El
Callao. It is owned by CVG-Minerven, a Venezuelan state-owned company).
Production in 2004 was 100,906 ounces (256,339 t at 13 g/t Au) and reserves were stated at
1.6 Mt at a grade of 9.2 g/t Au with ore shoots grading up to 60 g/t Au, (Channer, Graffe, and
Vielma, 1996 – SEG Newsletter).
A Level 2 schedule has been developed for the project covering all major activities from
completion of the study through to process plant ramp-up. It also includes key milestones for
the project, some of which are imposing constraints. The schedule consists of a logic-
networked critical-path schedule based on all known project requirements and the proposed
methods of project implementation.
The implementation schedule is based on delivery of the SAG and ball mills 55 weeks from
the date of placing the order, assumed to be 18 weeks after Board approval to proceed. The
scheduled mill installation and commissioning period is 37 weeks. The mills are likely to be
the critical item of equipment required to complete the project, they will therefore be
tendered and a recommendation to purchase issued as soon as practical after the
commencement of sufficient engineering. Other long-lead items such as transformers and
the primary crusher will also need to be ordered near the commencement of engineering. The
source of permanent site power for the expansion has not been definitively resolved for this
study, and the schedule impact of the power supply options is uncertain. Supply of permanent
power has the potential to become the schedule critical path.
Figure 24.1 shows a summary of the project implementation schedule, based on a notional
start date at the end of 2010, valid as of the effective date of this report. However, this
schedule will need to be re-validated once PMG’s approval for project implementation is
given, and Micon notes that, as of the date of signing this report, slippage of one year had
already occurred in the project implementation schedule.
In particular, changes in the lead time for delivery of items such as transformers, the gyratory
crusher, SAG and ball mills may have a material impact on the duration of the construction
period and the eventual date of commissioning the expanded plant.
Figure 24.1
Project Implementation Schedule
Rusoro Mining Ltd. has successfully been able to identify additional mineral resources within
the Choco 10 concession, over the last four years. It has also updated the Increible mineral
The current mineral resource estimate for all eight deposits is 162.3 million tonnes of
mineralization with an average grade of 1.85 g/t gold in the measured and indicated
categories. This is equivalent to 9.7 million ounces of gold in-situ. There is a total inferred
mineral resource of 68.7 million tonnes with an average grade of 1.48 g/t gold. It cannot be
assumed that all or any part of this Inferred Mineral Resource will be upgraded to an indicated
or measured mineral resource as a result of continued exploration. Confidence in the inferred
mineral resource is insufficient to allow the meaningful application of technical and economic
The majority of the increased tonnage is derived from the VBK deposit where most of the 406
new drill holes were completed. This deposit and its mineral resources is an order of
magnitude larger than the other three deposits. There has been no stripping or development
mining undertaken at this deposit.
The VBK deposit is a series of stacked vein systems which have good continuity along strike
and down the dip. “Domain 41” is the largest of the vein systems within VBK with respect to
tonnage. The grade of the VBK veins systems appear to increase at depth. Mineralization is
still open at depth at VBK
Even though the Rosika, Coacia and Pisolita deposits have been mined over the last five
years, additional mineralization has been identified in all three deposits. Mineralization has
been identified either along strike or at depth. Due to the close proximity of all four deposits,
their extremities overlap each other. Drilling one deposit, especially at depth, usually
intersects another deposit, hence increasing mineral resources of both deposits. Due to close-
spaced drill holes some mineralization has been transferred to higher confidence mineral
resource categories. Mineralization is still open at depth at Rosika and possibly Coacia
Drilling between Coacia and Pisolita indicate that the Pisolita may be the up-dip extension of
the Coacia deposit. The deeper Coacia vein systems flatten as they approach the surface and
may be traced into mineralized vein systems within the flat lying Pisolita deposit.
The Increible 6 deposits show a slight decrease in estimated tonnage and grade due to
difference in interpolation and interpretations of the deposits. The excellent grade control
procedures that are done within the RCP open pits will most likely increase the tonnage of the
Increible deposits.
Micon concludes that this study demonstrates the viability of the project as proposed, and that
expansion of the mine to process 20,000 t/d is warranted.
It is recommended that all diamond drill holes be collared HQ size (63.5 m) and if necessary
reduced to NQ size (47.6 m). It is recommended that all Rusoro drilling and sampling
procedures be followed to provide appropriate QA/QC controls and database validation.
The main purpose of these holes would be to continue to target areas where there is wide-
spaced drilling and Inferred Mineral Resource within the proposed VBK open pit boundary.
The program is designed to upgrade these areas to either an Indicated or Measured Mineral
Resource category. Some of the proposed holes will be specifically designed to provide
geotechnical data for future pit slope design and mine planning. The program will also
provide additional sample material for future metallurgical testwork on the VBK deposit
mineralization. The results of this metallurgical testwork would most likely be too late for the
present on-going feasibility study. However it would be useful to fine tune specific
metallurgical circuits within the present and future mill complexes.
The Rosika deposit has been adequately drilled off to a depth of approximately 400 to 450 m
below the surface. No further drilling is recommended on the Rosika deposit at this time.
The Coacia and Pisolita deposits have been drilled off to a depth of approximately 250 and
200 m below the surface, respectively. It is recommended that further drilling at the Coacia
and Pisolita deposits be completed to target areas where there is wide-spaced drilling and
Inferred Mineral Resources within their respective pit boundaries, requiring approximately 60
diamond drill holes totalling 12,000 m. The anticipated budget would be approximately
US$ 2,400,000 at an “all in” cost rate of US$ 200 per metre.
A series of geotechnical drill holes are scheduled to be completed on the Increible 6 deposits.
This should be carried out as soon as practical so that the best optimized pit designs can be
finalized. No further exploration holes are warranted on the Increible 6 deposits at this time.
Additional testing of bedrock samples, and
Additional testing of select overburden and bedrock samples to confirm laboratory
A number of triaxial tests of “undisturbed” samples were not completed due to insufficient
sample size or unacceptable disturbance during sample extrusion. Four Shelby tube (ST)
samples were not slated for testing and it is recommended that these samples be considered
for triaxial testing. Although a maximum of four ST samples remain to be tested, sample
availability, storage conditions and variability in the results may necessitate collection of
additional ST samples for triaxial testing. It is also recommended that block samples be
collected for direct shear testing.
Another method of determining the in situ overburden shear strength is to perform vane shear
tests. It is recommended that vane shear testing be incorporated into any additional
geotechnical drilling to provide additional information regarding the overburden in situ shear
strength parameters.
The UCS test of a bedrock (gabbro) sample indicated that the tested UCS value was lower
than the estimated UCS value. It is recommended that additional UCS testing be completed
to confirm this result and, if necessary, adjust the estimated UCS values.
Additional laboratory testing of select overburden and bedrock samples should be conducted
at a laboratory with well-known quality assurance and control standards to confirm the results
from the GMK and UCAB laboratories. Select duplicate overburden samples were prepared
for this purpose following the site investigation program and were being stored on site. The
availability and condition of these samples should be confirmed.
Waste rock dump seepage is monitored, but not collected. A seepage collection system is not
planned for future dumps. It is recommended that PMG:
Continues to monitor seepage and make modifications to future dump expansions and
new waste rock dumps to allow for a collection and recovery system if seepage quality
starts to degrade.
Carry out a geotechnical assessment of waste dump foundations and stability.
PRA concluded that, in general, 48-h CIL Au extractions of ≥90% can be expected at a P80 of
~74 µm, 40% solids, ≤0.5 g/L NaCN and pH ~11, with typical consumptions of 0.6 kg/t
NaCN and <1 kg/t lime. Recommendations included:
Careful metallurgical control due to head grade variability and different leach train
processing required to optimize gold recovery.
Tracking of CN-soluble gold for resource modeling purposes is recommended, as a
basis for blending a more predictable feed.
The implementation schedule is based on delivery of the SAG and ball mills 55 weeks from
the date of placing the order, assumed to be 18 weeks after Board approval to proceed. The
scheduled mill installation and commissioning period is 37 weeks. This schedule should be
updated to reflect PMG's approval date for project implementation and to capture changes in
delivery periods for capital equipment, including long lead items such as gyratory crusher,
SAG and ball mills and transformers. The mills are likely to be the critical item of equipment
required to complete the project and should, therefore, be tendered and a recommendation to
purchase issued as soon as practical after the commencement of sufficient engineering.
Other long-lead items such as transformers and the primary crusher will also need to be
ordered near the commencement of engineering.
The source of permanent site power for the expansion has not been definitively resolved for
this study, and the schedule impact of the power supply options is uncertain. Supply of
permanent power for the expansion has the potential to become the schedule critical path.
The capital estimates presented in this section have been compiled by Micon from
information provided by Ausenco and Knight Piésold during 2010. In Micon’s opinion, the
impact on these estimates of inflation and exchange rate variances between the effective date
and the signature date of this report lie within the expected range of accuracy of the estimate.
However, due to the passage of time since the preparation of the capital and operating cost
estimates used in this Feasibility Study, it is recommended that, subject to project approval, an
update of the estimate should be prepared as a basis for management of the implementation
The budget to carry out further technical work is shown in Table 26.1.
Table 26.1
Project Development Budget to March 2013
Design Work
Engineering; Plant 5,000,000
Engineering; Tailings 800,000
Environmental and permitting work 200,000
Geotechnical Studies 100,000
Metallurgical testwork 100 samples $500/sample 50,000
Travel and other support 50,000
Report preparation 70,000
Subtotal 6,270,000
Contingency 10% 630,000
Total 6,900,000
The effective date of the RCP, VBK and Increible 6 deposit mineral resource estimates is as
of 31 December, 2009. The effective date of the mineral reserve estimate and this report is
30 December, 2010.
Alford, C., 1995, Geological Report for Lo Increible 6, Bolivar State, Venezuela. Report for
Golden Star Resources Ltd.
Barnard, F., 2004, Newton Ventures Ltd. Gold Concessions, Bolivar State, Venezuela. Private
Report to Newton Ventures Ltd.
Bloom, L. (2003). Letter report from Analytical Solutions Ltd. to Promotora Minera Guayana
describing a review of the quality control procedures employed at the Choco Project, October
31, 2003.
Bloom, L. (2004). Assay Quality Control for the Choco 10 Deposit Venezuela 2003-2004
Drilling Program prepared on behalf of Bolivar Gold Corp, August, 2004.
Buchanan, M.J., et. al. (2009). Technical Report on the Preliminary Assessment of the
Expansion of Production at Choco 10, Bolivar State, Venezuela, dated June 3, 2009.
Gold Fields Limited (2006). Competent Persons’ Report on the Mining and Exploration
Assets of Promotora Minera de Guayana “PMG”, Choco 10 Gold Mine, December, 2006.
Gold Fields Limited (2007). Summary Competent Persons’ Report (CPR) on The Mining and
Exploration Assets of Choco 10 Limited, as of June 30, 2007. An Addendum to CPR of 31
December, 2006.
Gow, N., 2004. An Audit of Diamond Drilling, Sampling, the Assay Laboratory and Reserve
calculations at Newton Ventures Ltd. Gold Concessions in Bolivar State, Venezuela. Private
Report for Newton Ventures Ltd.
Hazen Research, Inc. (2008). Letter report to Process Research Associates Ltd., dated October
2, 2008 with report from JKTech Pty Ltd, SMC Test Report on Four Samples from PRA
Project, dated September, 2008.
Laudrum et al. (2008). Technical Report on the Increible 6 Property, Bolivar State,
Venezuela, dated November 14, 2007, revised and updated February 14, 2008.
Leader et al. (2007). Technical Report on the PMG (Gold Fields) Choco 10 Concession and
Mine, Estado Bolivar, Venezuela, dated November 21, 2007.
Maxwell (2006a). Gold Fields Venezuela: BGC Database Integration Report. Compiled by
Moses Matema. July 20, 2007.
Met-Chem (2009). Choco 10 Increible 6 Project - Scoping Study 20,000, 15,000 and 10,000
t/d Options. Prepared for Micon International Limited, April, 2009.
Micon (2002). Gold Resources of Concessions Choco 4 and 10, Estado Bolivar, Venezuela,
dated November 26, 2002 and revised January 23, 2003.
Micon (2003). Micon International Limited – Choco Gold Project, Feasibility Study.
Consultants’ report for Promotora Minera de Guayana C.A.
Mine Development Associates (2005). Updated Technical Report on the Choco Project Gold
Resources and Reserves, Bolivar State, Venezuela. Prepared for Bolivar Gold Corp.
Process Research Associates (2008). Bond Mill Grindability Test Report. Prepared for Rusoro
Mining Ltd., 5 August, 2008.
Promotora Minera de Guayana “PMG”, S.A. 2007. Propuesta Plan De Recuperación Forestal
Como Medida Compensatoria A La Afectación De Recursos Por Exploración, Construcción
De Facilidades Y Explotación Del Proyecto Minero Choco 4 Y Choco 10.
Rusoro Mining Ltd. (2007) Press Release dated November 29, 2007. Updated 43-101
Accepted for Filing; Rusoro Drills 21m of 8.44g/t at Increible 6.
Rusoro Mining Ltd. (2008) Press Release dated May 22, 2008. Rusoro Mining Releases
Drilling Update.
Rusoro Mining Ltd. (2009) Press Release dated January 14, 2009. Rusoro Reports Record
Gold Production and Record Low Cash Costs for Q4 2008; Further Government Approvals
Received – Rusoro Advances Environmental Permit to Mine at Increible 6.
Scott Wilson RPA (2006). Technical Report and Mineral Resource Statement on the
Increible 6 Project, Bolivar State, Venezuela, Prepared for Newton Ventures Ltd. By Scott
Wilson Roscoe Postle Associates Inc.
Smee, B. (2004a). A Review of Quality Control Procedures and Core Sampling Methods
Choco 10 Project, El Callao, Bolivar State, Venezuela. August, 2004.
Smee, B. (2004b). Results of an Audit of SGS and Triad Laboratories Canada and Venezuela,
Prepared for Bolivar Gold Corp. and El Callao Holdings (Gold Fields). July and August,
Smee, B. (2004c). A Review of Quality Control Protocol and Data, Choco 10 Project, El
Callao, Bolivar State, Venezuela. Consultant’s report by Smee and Associates for Bolivar
Gold Corp. December, 2004.
Smee, B. (2005a). A Review of Quality Control Procedures and Core Sampling Methods
Choco 10 Project, El Callao, Bolivar State, Venezuela. Prepared for Bolivar Gold Corp.
August, 2005.
Smee, B. (2005b). Results of an Audit of Triad Laboratories, Venezuela, Prepared for Bolivar
Gold Corp. and El Callao Holdings (Gold Fields). August, 2005.
Smee, B. (2006). A Review of Quality Control Procedures and Field Sampling Techniques, El
Callao, Bolivar State, Venezuela, Prepared for Promotora Minera de Guayana (Gold Fields).
July, 2006.
Smith, G., 2004, Technical Report on the Bolivar State Gold Projects including the Emilia
Mill Complex, Bolivar State, Venezuela, South America. Private report for Newton Ventures
Smith, G., Summary of Additional Results for Check Assays on Drill Samples from the
Increible Project. Mena Resources Inc. Memorandum.
Smith, G., June 2007, Summary of the Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures During
the 2004 – 2007 Drilling Program on the Increible 6 Gold Project, Bolivar State Venezuela.
Snowden (2007). Assessment of effectiveness of MRM Internal controls within Gold Fields
operations (on behalf of PricewaterhouseCoopers regarding compliance with the Sarbanes-
Oxley Act 2002).
SRK (2005). Project Boomerang QA/QC Report, Prepared for Gold Fields International.
Ambioconsult, 2003. EIA Desarrollo Minero Chocó 4 Y Chocó 10. Prepared for Promotora
Minera Guayana, PMG. September 2003.
Knight Piésold and Co. 2009. Promotora Minera de Guayana, S.A. Choco 10 Project
Preliminary Waste Characterization Final Report. August 2009. 54pp.
Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ambiente (Minamb), 2010. Authorization for the
Affectation of Natural Resources, for the Exploitation of the Increible 6 property. September
2010. Official notice number 3708.
Promotora Minera Guayana, PMG, 2010. Evaluación Ambiental (Aguas Subterráneas, Aguas
Superficiales, Efluentes Industriales). Report Number 1005-ASD-0317. 40pp.
David K. Makepeace
As an author of this report entitled “Rusoro Mining Ltd., NI 43-101 Technical Report, Feasibility Study, Expansion of
Gold Production at Choco 10 and Increible 6, Bolivar State, Venezuela” dated December 30, 2011, I, David
Makepeace, M.Eng., P.Eng., do hereby certify that:
4. I have worked as a geological engineer for a total of 32 years since my graduation from university.
5. I have read the definition of “qualified person” set out in National Instrument 43-101 (“NI 43-101”) and certify
that by reason of my education, affiliation with professional associations (as defined in NI 43-101) and past
relevant work experience, I fulfill the requirements to be a “qualified person” for this report for the purposes of
NI 43-101. My relevant experience in gold deposits includes mineral exploration, geological modeling,
mineral resource estimates and operations of numerous properties in British Columbia, California, Montana,
Mexico, Mali West Africa.
6. I am responsible for the preparation of Sections 4 to 12, 14 and 23 of this technical report.
8. I was the author of a previous report entitled “Technical Report on the Mineral Resources of the Choco 10
Deposits, Bolivar State, Venezuela” dated August 18, 2010.
9. As of the effective date of the report, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the sections of the
Technical report for which I am responsible contain all scientific and technical information that is required to
be disclosed to make the technical report not misleading. Mining has continued since the effective date.
10. I am independent of the issuer applying all the tests in section 1.5 of NI 43-101 other than providing consulting
11. I have read NI 43-101 and the portions of this report for which I am responsible have been prepared in
compliance with the instrument.
Daniel Friedman
As an author of this report entitled “Rusoro Mining Ltd., NI 43-101 Technical Report, Feasibility Study, Expansion of
Gold Production at Choco 10 and Increible 6, Bolivar State, Venezuela” dated December 30, 2011, I, Daniel Friedman,
P.Eng., do hereby certify that:
3. I am a member in good standing of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British
Columbia (License #32571).
4. I have practiced my profession continuously since June 2004. My relevant experience with respect to mine
waste and water management includes over seven years of continuous work in the discipline.
5. I have read the definition of “qualified person” set out in National Instrument 43-101 (“NI 43-101”) and certify
that by reason of my education, affiliation with professional associations (as defined in NI 43-101) and past
relevant work experience, I fulfill the requirements to be a “qualified person” for this report for the purposes of
NI 43-101.
8. I have had no prior involvement with the properties that are the subject of the Technical Report.
9. As of the effective date of the report, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the sections of the
Technical report for which I am responsible contain all scientific and technical information that is required to
be disclosed to make the technical report not misleading. Mining has continued since the effective date.
10. I am independent of the issuer applying all the tests in Section 1.5 of NI 43-101 other than providing
consulting services.
11. I have read NI 43-101 and the portions of this report for which I am responsible have been prepared in
compliance with the instrument.
Dayan Anderson
As the author of portions of the technical report entitled “NI 43-101 Technical Report, Feasibility Study, Expansion of
Gold Production at Choco 10 and Increible 6, Bolivar State, Venezuela” dated December 30, 2011 (“Technical Report”)
I, Dayan Anderson, do hereby certify that:
1. I am the Principal of Onyx Mining Services, California, and I carried out this assignment as an associate for
Micon International Limited, Suite 900, 390 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5H 2Y2- tel. (416) 362-5135, fax
(416) 362-5763
3. I am a Qualified Professional (QP) Member of the Mining & Metallurgical Society of America (MMSA);
4. I have worked as a mining engineer in the minerals industry for over 17 years;
5. I do, by reason of education, experience and professional registration, fulfill the requirements of a Qualified
Person as defined in NI 43-101. My work experience includes 13 years as a mining engineer at various active
mine operations and four years with Micon as a senior mining engineering consultant;
7. I am responsible for the preparation of Sections 15, 16 and 21.2.1 of this Technical Report.
8. I am independent of the issuer to whom this report is addressed, as described in Section 1.5 of NI 43-101;
9. I have had no prior involvement with the properties that are the subject of the Technical Report.
10. I have read NI 43-101 and the portions of this report for which I am responsible have been prepared in
compliance with the instrument;
11. As of the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the
sections of this Technical Report for which I am responsible contain all scientific and technical information
that is required to be disclosed to make this report not misleading.
Richard M. Gowans
As the author of portions of the technical report entitled “NI 43-101 Technical Report, Feasibility Study, Expansion of
Gold Production at Choco 10 and Increible 6, Bolivar State, Venezuela” dated December 30, 2011 (“Technical Report”)
I Richard M. Gowans, P. Eng., do hereby certify that:
4. I have worked as an extractive metallurgist in the minerals industry for over 30 years.
5. I do, by reason of education, experience and professional registration, fulfill the requirements of a Qualified
Person as defined in NI 43-101. My work experience includes the management of technical studies and design
of numerous metallurgical testwork programs and metallurgical processing plants.
7. I supervised the preparation of, and am responsible for Sections 13 and 21, excluding sub-section 21.2.1, of
this Technical Report.
8. I am independent of the issuer to whom this report is addressed, as described in Section 1.5 of NI 43-101.
9. I have had no prior involvement with the properties that are the subject of the Technical Report.
10. I have read NI 43-101 and the portions of this report for which I am responsible have been prepared in
compliance with the instrument.
11. As of the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the
sections of this Technical Report for which I am responsible contain all scientific and technical information
that is required to be disclosed to make this report not misleading.
As the author of portions of the technical report entitled “NI 43-101 Technical Report, Feasibility Study, Expansion of
Gold Production at Choco 10 and Increible 6, Bolivar State, Venezuela” dated December 30, 2011 (“Technical Report”)
I, Gregory Seale Lane, do hereby certify that:
1. I am General Manager Technical Solutions for Ausenco Minerals & Metals, 144 Montague Road, South
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
2. I graduated with a B. App. Sc. (Applied Chemistry) in 1982 and an M.Sc. degree in Chemistry from University
of Tasmania in 1987
4. I have worked as a Metallurgist continuously since 1990. For the past 8 years I have been employed with
Ausenco Minerals & Metals. During this period I have fulfilled roles as Manager Technology and GM
Technical Solutions.
5. I have read the definition of Qualified Person set out in National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) and certify
that by reason of education, affiliation with a professional association (as defined in NI 43-101) and past
relevant work experience, I fulfil the requirements to be a Qualified Person for the purpose of this report.
7. I am responsible for, Sections 17 and 18, excluding sub-section 18.10, of this Technical Report.
8. I am independent of the issuer to whom this report is addressed, as described in Section 1.5 of NI 43-101.
9. I have had no prior involvement with the properties that are the subject of the Technical Report.
10. I have read NI 43-101 and the portions of this report for which I am responsible have been prepared in
compliance with the instrument.
11. As of the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the
sections of this Technical Report for which I am responsible contain all scientific and technical information
that is required to be disclosed to make this report not misleading.
Christopher Jacobs
As the author of portions of the technical report entitled “NI 43-101 Technical Report, Feasibility Study, Expansion of
Gold Production at Choco 10 and Increible 6, Bolivar State, Venezuela” dated December 30, 2011 (“Technical Report”)
I, Christopher Jacobs, do hereby certify that:
1. I am employed by, and carried out this assignment for Micon International Limited, Suite 900 – 390 Bay St,
Toronto, ON, M5H 2Y2 - tel. (416) 362-5135, fax (416) 362-5763
3. I am a Chartered Engineer registered with the Engineering Council of the U.K. (registration number 369178);
Also, I am a professional member in good standing of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining; and a
member of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum;
5. I do, by reason of education, experience and professional registration, fulfill the requirements of a Qualified
Person as defined in NI 43-101. My work experience includes 10 years as an exploration and mining geologist
on gold, platinum, copper/nickel and chromite deposits; 10 years as a technical/operations manager in both
open pit and underground mines; 3 years as strategic (mine) planning manager and the remainder as an
independent consultant;
6. I visited the Choco and Increible properties during the period of October 19 to 24, 2009.
7. I am responsible for the preparation of Sections 1 to 3, 19, 20, 22, and 24 to 26 of this Technical Report.
8. I am independent of the issuer to whom this report is addressed, as described in Section 1.5 of NI 43-101;
9. I was co-author of a previous report entitled “Technical Report on the Preliminary Assessment of the
Expansion of Production at Choco 10, Bolivar State, Venezuela”, dated June 3, 2009.
10. I have read NI 43-101 and the portions of this report for which I am responsible have been prepared in
compliance with the instrument;
11. As of the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the
sections of this Technical Report for which I am responsible contain all scientific and technical information
that is required to be disclosed to make this report not misleading.