New TP DT 05 1718349704
New TP DT 05 1718349704
New TP DT 05 1718349704
FCI HQ-EP013(11)/7/2022-EP
Dated: Approved date
1. Transfer Policy
2. General Guidelines
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(c) On Promotion
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(c) For Cat-I officer serving For difficult stations of North East, Union
at Difficult Station Territories of Ladakh, and Andaman & Nicobar
Island, the effective tenure shall be 24
(d) For Cat-I and Cat-II CAT I OFFICERS:
employees serving in FCI
Hqrs (including IFS) (a) No employee shall be posted in
division/section in Headquarters for more
than 3 years. He can serve for a maximum
of 05 years at a stretch in FCI Hqrs/IFS.
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2.3 Cat II & III employees will be eligible for transfer back to his/her preferred
Region on completion of the normal tenure as prescribed at clause 2.2.
2.4 In no case, an employee (Cat II & III) shall be posted to same seat where
he/she has once served except for those in the specialized cadres.
2.5 EDs and CGMs are exempted from stipulation of overall tenure as
stipulated at 2.2 above.
3.1 Leave other than the earned leave (EL earned during the period of tenure
spent in NE), casual leave, restricted holiday availed by the employees shall be
deducted from the period of their stay at difficult station for the computing
effective tenure for the purpose of reckoning their eligibility for transfer. The
request for preferred Zone or Hqrs will have to be submitted directly to Hqrs by
the concerned employee at least two months before completion of tenure
period with copy endorsed to Executive Director (Zone) and concerned General
Manager (Region).
3.3 If a Cat I officer opts for transfer to NE, he will be preferred over others for
posting in NE Zone.
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applicable in case of Cat-I officers who have been posted in anticipation of his
promotion to higher post against the vacancy.
Transfer on promotion is to be done as stipulated above except in case of
promotion from Cat III to Cat II if employees has not completed 05 years in
the Region where he/ she is posted before promotion.
Eg; if a Cat III official who is transferred from UP Region Delhi Region and
within 2 years, if he/ she is getting promoted as cat II, then in such case the
officer can be retained in Delhi Region subject to availability of vacancy.
5.2 Every Cat-I officer‟s is liable to serve at least one tenure during
their service at difficult stations declared by the FCI, Headquarters from time to
6.4 Any employee, who is found guilty of sexual misconduct by the ICC and
punished, shall not be posted to a sensitive post during the currency of
punishment and 5 years after currency of punishment is over.
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6.6 The procedure for effecting transfer will be in the order of period of stay of
the officer/ official in Hqrs/ Zone, followed by Region and Division in that order
(a) Punjab
(b) Haryana
(c) Uttar Pradesh
(d) Jammu & Kashmir
(e) Chhattisgarh
(f) Madhya Pradesh
(g) Andhra Pradesh
(h) Telangana
(i) Assam
(j) Odisha
6.9 Divisional Manager and AGM (QC) shall not be again posted in the same
Divisional Office, where he/she has already served.
6.10 AGMs shall not be posted in and under the FCI Divisional Office in which
their home district falls except difficult station.
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(a) Application has been given in prescribed format along with all the
requisite documents as per check list. The Inter-Zonal transfer on
tenure basis will be subject to administrative convenience and
availability of vacant posts of relevant level and Category.
7.4 Employees shall be eligible for transfer benefits for joining back in
the parent zone on completion of Inter Zonal Tenure of minimum 03 years. This
benefit shall be available only once in career. Employees shall also be entitled for
Transfer benefits on Inter Zonal Permanent Transfer.
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8.1 Inter Zonal transfer (on tenure basis) will be available to employees
only after completion of two years‟ service excluding period of probation.
8.4 Inter-Zonal transfer is valid for the period for which it is allowed by
Personnel Division of FCI Headquarters and any extension is neither automatic
nor should it be assumed. The employee may be considered as transferred by
competent authority on last date of the completion of tenure and his/her
relieving shall be guided by circular dated 07.01.2020 issued on the subject.
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9.1 Inter Zonal transfer on permanent basis will be available to the employee
only after completion of two years‟ service in his/ her cadre/ Unit of seniority
including probation period.
However, there shall be no such minimum qualifying service in cases where
threat to life of the employee is involved and such cases will be considered
immediately for Inter Zonal Permanent Transfer.
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9.10 The transfer guidelines mentioned in the Circular will not bestow
any right on employees to such deputation / transfer.
(a) The allotment of Region to the selected Cat II candidates should be done
as per preferred Region of posting (given by the candidate) in order of merit,
and after taking 03 Regions of their preference in order of priority.
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(b) The procedure mentioned above shall also be followed in case of posting
of direct recruited Category III employees at Regional Level as well for
allotment of Divisions, by obtaining preference of three (03) Divisions in the
order of priority. They will be allowed to be posted to their hometown, on
merit cum priority basis.
(d) Where vacancies are more than the selected candidates, the concerned
ED/GM shall use their discretion to distribute the vacancies as per
administrative convenience while deciding allocation of Region/Division as the
case may be.
Further, the protected workmen declared by the Corporation are exempted from
transfer as per provisions of ID Act.
(a) Where the spouses are employed in FCI and belong to same
unit of seniority, the Competent Authority may post them at the
same station.
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(b) Where one spouse belongs to an All India Service and the
other spouse belongs to FCI, the spouse employed under FCI may
apply to the competent authority and said authority may post the
employee to the station, or if there is no post under FCI in that
station, to the State where the other spouse is posted.
(c) Where one spouse belongs to a Central Service and the other
spouse belongs to FCI, the spouse employed under the FCI may
apply to the competent authority and the said authority may post
the employee to the station or if there is no post under FCI in that
station, to the station nearest to the station where the other spouse
is posted. If, however, the request cannot be granted because FCI
has no post in the said station, then the spouse belonging to the
Central Service may apply to the appropriate cadre controlling
authority and the said authority may post the said employee to the
station or if there is no post in that station, to the station nearest to
the station where the spouse employed under FCI is posted.
(d) Where one spouse is employed in FCI and the other spouse is
employed under the State Govt. or Central/State PSU, the spouse
employed under FCI may apply to competent authority which may
post the said employee to the station or if there is no post in that
station, to the State where the other spouse is posted.
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they want to settle down after retirement, may be considered by the Competent
Authority, subject to administrative convenience. The period of tenure/ stay as
mentioned in para 2.2 shall not apply.
The posting and transfers of an employee who serves as the main care
giver of dependent daughter/son/parents/spouse/brother/sister with specified
disability as certified by the certifying authority as a Person With Benchmark
disability may be exempted from the routine exercise of transfer/rotational
transfer, subject to the administrative constraints, by the Competent Authority
as per Central Government guidelines issued vide DoP&T O.M. No.
42011/3/2014-Estt (Res) dated 08.10.2018 and DPE-GM-0043/2014-GM (FTS-
1899) dated 05.04.2023 forwarded vide FCI Circular no. EP-03-2023-19 dated
04.05.2023 as amended from time to time.
11.7 Employees who‟s children are studying in Class X & XII will be exempted
from routine transfers. However, this exemption can be availed only in case of
transfer occurs during such specific academic year and up to the end of the
academic session only.
11.9 Widow/ single parent employees belonging to Cat II & III will be exempted
from routine transfer subject to availability of vacancies and administrative
Mutual Transfer is allowed to the Cat II & III employees on the following
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(b) Conditions regarding the maximum tenure prescribed at clause 2.2 shall
(c) Mutual transfers would be allowed Inter Zone and Inter Region only.
(d) In case of Inter Zonal mutual transfer of Cat II & III employees,
provisions relating to seniority shall be governed as stipulated under clause 9 of
the Transfer Policy.
12. Miscellaneous
12.3 All transfer orders shall be normally issued two times in a year i.e.,
before commencement of RMS and KMS. For the purpose of calculation of the
tenure/ stay the period shall be taken as 30th June and 31st Dec respectively.
However, transfer benefits on Inter Zonal Tenure & Inter Zonal Permanent
Transfers shall be regulated as per clause 7.4 above.
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(a) All employees who have been promoted and transferred by the
competent authority shall be mandatorily relieved by the controlling
authority within a maximum of 15 days from the date of issue of promotion
order by appointing authority.
(b) Employee under transfer should join the next place of posting
within the Joining Time as admissible.
(c) If the officers/officials do not join the next place of posting within
the applicable joining time, an administrative/disciplinary action shall be
initiated by the controlling authority of the new place of posting.
(e) If the competent authority has decided to reject the request for
foregoing promotion, the employee shall be stand relieved from the date of
decision of the competent authority and the employee shall have to join at
the next place of posting within the joining time available.
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be relieved within the time limit as specified above, without waiting for any
communication/decision from competent authority.
(b) Employee under transfer should join the next place of posting
within the Joining Time as admissible.
(c) If the officers/officials do not join the next place of posting within
the applicable joining time, an administrative/disciplinary action shall be
initiated by the controlling authority of the new place of posting.
15. Officers who are on the verge of their retirement shall not issue any
transfer/posting orders, thirty days before their retirement. Further, no
posting/transfer shall be ordered by an officer who himself is under orders of
transfer, between the date of his transfer orders and the date of his relieving.
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18. General
The authorities competent to issue transfer orders may also consider the cases
which do not strictly fall within the policy but are required to be considered.
Such cases shall be thoroughly examined;
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