3 (1)/2013
Dated:) 2- Mar 2021
1. Transfer Policy
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2. General Guidelines
(c) On Promotion
b) For Cat-I and Cat-II Cat-I officer will serve for a normal
officers serving at a| tenure of 36 months and extendable upto
Station except sensitive | 60 months in a Station at a stretch.
seat/difficult station
Cat-1I officer will serve for a normal
tenure of 48 months and extendable upto
60 months in a Station at a stretch,
(c) For Cat-I officer serving | (a) Category-I officer posted on
at Difficult Station transfer/ promotion: For difficult
stations of North East, Uni
on Territories of
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J&K, Laddakh, and Andaman and Nicobar
Island, the effective tenure shall be 24
Category-II officer can serve for a
maximum of 10 years in entire service in
FCI Hqgrs/IFS/ZO(North).
(e) For Cat-I officer posted Category-I officer can serve upto 5
in Region/Zonal Office/ years at a stretch in the Region/Zonal
Zone Office.
Office/Regional Office/ Regional Office/Zonal Office/Hgrs in entire
Zonal Office/Hqgrs service,
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5. Posting to difficult Station
5.2 Every Cat-I officer's is liable to serve at least one tenure during
their service at difficult stations declared by the Corporation from time to
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completing the tenure in Sensitive Region, the officer shall not be posted
to another sensitive Region for next three years:
(a) Punjab
(b) Haryana
(c) Uttar Pradesh
(d) Jammu & Kashmir
(e) Chhattisgarh
(f) Madhya Pradesh
(g) Andhra Pradesh
(h) Telangana
O) Assam
(j) Odisha
6.6 An employee (DGM and below) who has been transferred from
a sensitive seat/Region may be considered for posting to another sensitive
seat/Region only after completion of minimum 3 years on a non-sensitive
6.7 Divisional Manager and AGM (QC) shall not be again posted in
the same Divisional Office, where he/she has already served.
6.8 Cat-I officer shall not be again posted in the Region (including
Zonal Office/ other Regional office where both the offices are in the same
city) from where he has been transferred after completion of
his tenure
served unless completed 03 years in other Region. For e.g., if an officer is
transferred from RO/ZO Tamil Nadu to Zonal Office Mumbai, he/she shall
serve five years before being eligible to be posted back to either RO Tamil
Nadu or Zonal Office Chennai.
2. Inter-Zonal Transfer ion for Cat-II and Cat-IIT
employees: The transfers for inter-zonal transfer on tenure basis or
on permanent basis in respect of Cat-II officer and Cat-III Smpl
cyees are
subject to following guidelines:
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7.1 Any request for transfer on tenure basis or perm
anent basis or
extension of tenure shall be considered by concerne
d office only if,
of relevant |
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b) On medical grounds in respect of self/spouse and children
subject to condition that the treatmen
t for the disease is not
available in the present zone.
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9. Guidelines regulating Inter-Zonal transfer on permanent
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that all the AG-III Depot who is having same or earlier joining date are
promoted to AG-II at “Y” Zone.
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ME ’
(b) Where one spouse belongs to an All India Service and the
other spouse belongs to FCI, the spouse employed under FCI
may apply to the competent authority and said authority may
post the employee to the station, or if there is no post under
FCI in that station, to the State where the other spouse is
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11.4 Transfer of Sports Person
12. Miscellaneous
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of the tenure/stay the period shall be taken as 30% June and 31st Dec
12.7 AGMs shall not be posted in and under the FCI Divisional Office
in which their home district falls except difficult station.
ue: Page 14 of 17
good and sufficient reason exists for making changes
orders, prior in such
approval of competent authority of
Hars should invariably be obtained.
(d) An employee ma
can be retained at
the place of posting
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without waiting for any communication/decision from competent
(b) Employee under transfer should join the next place of posting
within the Joining Time as admissible.
15. Officers who are on the verge of their retirement shall not issue any
transfer/posting orders, thirty days before their retirement. Further, no
posting/transfer shall be ordered by an officer who himself is under orders
of transfer, between the date of his transfer orders and the date of his
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17. OUTSIDE INFLUENCE: No officer shall bring or attempt to
bring any political or other outside influence to further his own interest in
respect of matters pertaining to his service including transfer as this will
render them liable for disciplinary action as per provisions contained in FCI
(Staff) Regulations, 1971 Section 32(A) for violating the provisions
mentioned in Regulation 50 which stipulates that “No employee shall bring
or attempt to bring, any political, personal or other influence to bear upon
any authority of the Corporation to further his interests or the interest of
any other person in respect of matters pertaining to his service or the
service of such other person or in respect of any other mater involving a
pecuniary or other benefit to him or so such other person”. It is clarified
that adequate avenues are available for employees to submit
representations/appeals against their transfers/postings and other
grievances and seek redressal, subject to administrative requirement/
18. General
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