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3 (1)/2013
Dated:) 2- Mar 2021

(Circular No. EP-03-202 1-06)

Subject: Comprehensive Transfer Poli

cy Guidelines for employees
of Food Corporation of India

Regulation 17 of Food Corporation of Indi

a (Staff)
Regulations, 1971 provides that "An empl
oyee shall be liable
to serve anywhere in India in the
service of the Corporation
and to proceed on tour in the course
of his official duty to any
place within India or abroad.”

To regulate the placement and rotation

of employees to various
offices / stations judiciously
and in the best interest of the
Corporation and to ensure that thes
e are done in an objective and
transparent manner, certain transfer
policy guidelines have to be laid

1. Transfer Policy

The primary functions of Food Corporation of India are to

undertake procurement, storage, movement, transport, distribution and
sale of foodgrains and other foodstuf
fs as decided by Govt. of India from
time to time . In the discharge of these function
s, the Corporation
has to
appoint sufficient number of employ
ees and post them at various places
throughout the country. In order to efficiently discharge the assigned
functions, the Corporation has to expose its employees particularly at
higher levels, to various activities / functions and rotate them from one
place to another.

In supersession of earlier instructions issu

ed vide Circular No.
EP.13-2006-28 dated 31.10.2006, Circular No.d EP-03-2013-02 date
14.1.2013 and Circular No. EP-03-20
14-05 dated 12.2.2014 on the subj
the transfer polic ect,
y for employees has been formulated as

Page 1 of 17

2. General Guidelines

2.1 Applicability: These transfer policy guidelines are

applicable to all the Executives/ Employees working in Food Corporation of
India offices.

2.2 Tenure: The tenure at various locations and units of

administration in FCI is given below, which is to be adhered to for all
employees, for their service in all posts:


(a) |For Cat-I and Cat-II Cat-1 and Cat-II officer will serve for a
officer posted in| normal tenure of 24 months and
Sensitive Seat. extendable upto 36 months when posted in
a Sensitive seat/post.

The tenure mentioned above, shall not

be applicable in following scenarios:

(a) A disciplinary action initiated against

the officer under Regulation 58.

(b) Adverse reporting in writing by

controlling authority with proper

(c) On Promotion

(d) Officers/officials posted in Vigilance

Division shall be governed by CVC Circular
No. 16/3/06 dated 28.3.2006 which inter-
alia states that the normal tenure of officer
posted in Vigilance Division shall be 03
years extendable for five years.

b) For Cat-I and Cat-II Cat-I officer will serve for a normal
officers serving at a| tenure of 36 months and extendable upto
Station except sensitive | 60 months in a Station at a stretch.
seat/difficult station
Cat-1I officer will serve for a normal
tenure of 48 months and extendable upto
60 months in a Station at a stretch,
(c) For Cat-I officer serving | (a) Category-I officer posted on
at Difficult Station transfer/ promotion: For difficult
stations of North East, Uni
on Territories of
Page 2 of 17

J&K, Laddakh, and Andaman and Nicobar
Island, the effective tenure shall be 24

(b) Direct recruited Category-I officer

(AGMs): For difficult stations of North
East, Union Territories of J&K, Laddakh,
and Andaman and Nicobar Island, the
effective tenure shall be 24 months.
(d) For Cat-I and Cat-II CAT I OFFICERS:
employees serving in (a) No Cat-I Officer shall be posted in a
FCI Hqrs/IFS/zZ0 division/section in Headquarters/IFS for
(North) more than 3 years. He can serve for a
maximum of 05 years at a stretch in FCI

(b) An employee (GMs and below) shall be

posted in Headquarters/IFS for a
maximum of 10 years in entire service,
except officer of Legal Cadre.

Category-II officer can serve for a
maximum of 10 years in entire service in
FCI Hqgrs/IFS/ZO(North).
(e) For Cat-I officer posted Category-I officer can serve upto 5
in Region/Zonal Office/ years at a stretch in the Region/Zonal
Zone Office.

Category I officer can serve for a

maximum of 10 years in entire serv
ice in a
Zone except officer of Legal Cadre.

However, the period can be ext

ended in
case of officer who is willing to
serve more
than the stipulated period in difficult
(f) For Cat-II officer Category-II officer can serve
posted in Region/Zonal years at
upto 10
a stretch in the Region/Zonal
Office Office.

Category-I1 officer can serve for a

maximum of 15 years
in entire service in a
Region/Zonal Office.
(9) For Cat-IIl official Category-1II officials
can serve for a
posted in Divisional maximum of 15 years in
Divisional a particular
Office includin depots)/
Page 3 of 17

Office/Regional Office/ Regional Office/Zonal Office/Hgrs in entire
Zonal Office/Hqgrs service,

Category-III officials can serve for a

maximum of 05 years in a
seat/Section/Depot/Division (in Zonal/
Regional office) after which he/she shall be
posted to other seat/Section/Depot/
Division. In no case, the official shall be
posted to same place/seat where he/she
has once served.
Tenure mentioned at 2.2 will be applicable in the respective
Category only and the period spent in previous category will not be

3. An employee completing an effective tenure of 24 months in

NE Zone, UT of J&K, Laddakh and Andaman and Nicobar Island have
give three preferences of Regions/Zones/Hqgrs. Leave other than the
earned leave, casual leave and restricted holiday availed by the
employees shall be deducted from the period of their stay at difficult
station for the computing effective tenure for the purpose of reckoning
their eligibility for transfer. The request for next place of posting will have
to be submitted directly to Hgrs by the concerned employee at least two
months before completion of tenure period with copy endorsed to
Executive Director (Zone) and concerned General Manager (Region). For
this purpose preference to Hqrs/zO (North)/RO Delhi/IFS will be
considered as one unit. Preferences for posting given for Divisional
Office/Division in Regional Office/Zonal Office/Hgrs shall not be
considered. An employee may be posted to his choice of preference
subject to administrative convenience.

If a cat I officer opts for Transfer to NE, he will be preferred over

others for posting in NE Zone.

4. Transfer on Promotion: The employees on promotion

shall be invariably transferred from their present work profile. On
promotion from Cat IV to Cat III will involve change of Divisional Office
and from Cat III to Cat II post will involve change of Region. The
promotion from Cat II to I post and within Cat-I post will involve change
of Zone. However, it will not be applicable in case of Cat-I officers who
have been posted in anticipation of his promotion to higher post against
the vacancy.

Page 4 of 17

5. Posting to difficult Station

5.1 Executive Director(Zone) in consultation with GM(Region) are

empowered to identify and declare difficult stations once in three years
based on - (a) list of difficult stations notified by the State/Central
Government if any, (b) conditions of basic facilities / amenities available
at different stations / places etc. covering all the regions of Zone, and (c)
If the stations identified by FCI are different from those identified by
Central /State Government, then no extra financial benefits for such
declared stations will be admissible. A list of the difficult stations so
identified may be forwarded to Headquarters for reference and record.

5.2 Every Cat-I officer's is liable to serve at least one tenure during
their service at difficult stations declared by the Corporation from time to

6. Posting of employees to sensitive seats / posts

6.1 For posting in sensitive Divisional Office, the list of sensitive

divisions and posts shall be as per the Headquarters’ Vigilance Division
Circular dated 25.2.2021 as amended from time to time. The
transfer/posting of Divisional Managers/AGMs (QC) in a sensitive Division
shall be regulated as per guidelines stipulated in circular dated 25.2.2021.

6.2 Divisional Manager /AGM (QC) of Sensitive Divisions shall not

be posted to sensitive seats for AGMs a period of three years after the
currency of the punishment, if a minor penalty has been imposed on an
officer. In case of imposition of a major penalty, officer shall not be posted
to sensitive seat for a period of five years, after the currency of punishment.

Any employee who is found guilty of sexual misconduct by the

ICC and punished, shall not be posted to a sensitive post during the
currency of punishment and 5 years after currency of punishment is over.

6.3 An employee who is involved in a vigilance case in Major

Penalty charges should be transferred out of Divisional/Regional/Zonal
office, as the case may be. The request for change of transfer from such
employees shall not be entertained by the authority concerned.

6.4 Following Regions shall be treated as Sensitive Regions, as

amended by FCI Hars Vigilance Division from time to time. Further, after

Page 5 of 17

completing the tenure in Sensitive Region, the officer shall not be posted
to another sensitive Region for next three years:

(a) Punjab
(b) Haryana
(c) Uttar Pradesh
(d) Jammu & Kashmir
(e) Chhattisgarh
(f) Madhya Pradesh
(g) Andhra Pradesh
(h) Telangana
O) Assam
(j) Odisha

6.5 Employees (DGM and below) ), except DGM (Finance), should

be rotated from sensitive to non-sensitive and vice versa. Similarly,
employees (DGM and below) may be rotated from field to non-field posts
and vice versa. In no case, employees (DGM and below) shall be posted
from sensitive seat/Region to sensitive seat/Region.

6.6 An employee (DGM and below) who has been transferred from
a sensitive seat/Region may be considered for posting to another sensitive
seat/Region only after completion of minimum 3 years on a non-sensitive

6.7 Divisional Manager and AGM (QC) shall not be again posted in
the same Divisional Office, where he/she has already served.

6.8 Cat-I officer shall not be again posted in the Region (including
Zonal Office/ other Regional office where both the offices are in the same
city) from where he has been transferred after completion of
his tenure
served unless completed 03 years in other Region. For e.g., if an officer is
transferred from RO/ZO Tamil Nadu to Zonal Office Mumbai, he/she shall
serve five years before being eligible to be posted back to either RO Tamil
Nadu or Zonal Office Chennai.
2. Inter-Zonal Transfer ion for Cat-II and Cat-IIT
employees: The transfers for inter-zonal transfer on tenure basis or
on permanent basis in respect of Cat-II officer and Cat-III Smpl
cyees are
subject to following guidelines:

Page 6 of 17
7.1 Any request for transfer on tenure basis or perm
anent basis or
extension of tenure shall be considered by concerne
d office only if,

(a) application has been given in prescribed forma

t alongwith
all the requisite documents as per check list. The Inter-Zonal
transfer on tenure basis will be subject to administrative
convenience and availability of vacant posts of relevant level
and Category.

(a) request is forwarded by the concerned

Executive Director
(Zone) with unconditional recommendati
ons and concurred by
the "Executive Director” of the reci
pient Zone.

7.2 Request for extension of tenure

must be received at least 3
months prior to expiry of approved peri
od of deputation.

of relevant |

7.4 Employees are not entitl

e for TA/DA/Transfer
zonal transfer grant on inter-
on tenure/permanent basis unless it
administrative grounds. is done on

8.2 Requests for Inter-Zon

al transfer on te
considered only in genuin nure basis will
e cases in following ci
rcy mstances:

a) Marital status of the em

ployee: Where husband/wife
employee is workin of an
g in FCI/Central
State Govt. or in Ce Govt. / All India
ntral/ State Public Services/
Autonomous bodies. Sector Undertaking,

" Page7of17
b) On medical grounds in respect of self/spouse and children
subject to condition that the treatmen
t for the disease is not
available in the present zone.

c) Confirmation of threat to life of self

or spouse or dependent
children, if reported. In case of request on
ground of threat,
Zonal Office of the parent Zone shall have
the genuineness of
the requests assessed by a committee comp
rising of at least
three officers. Employee is to give choice of
at least two zones
while applying for permanent transfer on
the ground of extreme

8.3 The total allowable period of Inter-Zonal transfer in the

Career of an employee shall be 5 (Five) years further extendable
for 01
However, in exceptional circumstances Managing Director may
consider to extend it for another 01 year subject to his/her
performance and contribution to the operation of FCI in that

However, this will not be applicable

in cases where the tenure
has already been extended beyond
7 years and the employee shall be
transferred to his/her parent Zone on
completion of extended tenure.

8.4 Further, the request will be considered

vacancy only if the
position (i.e., percentage of vacant
post) in preferred Zone is less than
Parent Zone in the same category/cadre.

8.5 Inter-Zonal transfer is valid for the

period for which it is allowed
by Personnel Division of FCI Headquarters and any
automatic nor should it be assume
extension is neither
d. The employee considered as may be
transferred by competent authority
on last date of the completion of tenu
and his/her relieving shall be guided re
by circular dated 07.01.2020 issued
on the subject.

8.6 In all Inter-Zonal transfer cases,

Divisional Manager concerned shall be responsi
ble for ensuring that such
an employee on deputation is relieved immediately on the |ast day of
his/her tenure and provide substitute to take over his/her
charge. In
exceptional cases, maximum duration of three months extension
may be
sought from ED (P) duly recommended by ED (Zone)/GM (Region).

A Page 8 of 17

9. Guidelines regulating Inter-Zonal transfer on permanent

9.1 Inter-Zonal transfer on permanent basis from one unit of

seniority to another as defined under Regulation 4 of FCI (Staff)
Regulations, 1971 shall be governed by following conditions:

(a) Where husband /wife of an employee is working in FCI / Central

Government / All India services State Government or in
Central/State Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous bodies and
Private Companies/Multi-National companies of repute.

(b) On grounds of self and dependent family members suffering

from serious/life threatening diseases.

(c) On grounds of extreme hardship in the rarest of cases

constituting threat to the life of the employee or Spouse or
dependent children. In case of request on ground of
Zonal Office of the parent Zone shall have the genuin
eness of
the requests assessed by a committee comprising of
at least
three officers. Employee is to give choice of at least two
while applying for permanent transfer on the ground of

(d) Widow/Widower/Divorcee/Single Parent

9.2 An employee on his transfer on permanent basis from

one Zone
to another at his / her own request will be treated as
a fresh entrant in the,
latter Zone for the purpose of seniority. Employee
will be placed at the
bottom of the panel(s) drawn / to be drawn in the
year of transfer for that
particular post. In case of more than one employee joinin
g in a particular
post from different zones, their inter se seniority will
be determined by
panel year of their selection in the particular
post in their parent zone. In
the event of their panel year being same,
inter-se seniority will be
determined as per their respective Date of Birth.
Employee born earlier to
be treated as senior.

9.3 At the time of transfer on permanent basis, it should be

examined that the employee who is transferred from parent zone should
not be senior in the zone where he is transferred. For e.g., If an AG-II
Depot is to be transferred from 'X’ to *Y’ Zone, then it should be ascer

> Page 9 of 17
that all the AG-III Depot who is having same or earlier joining date are
promoted to AG-II at “Y” Zone.

92.4 An employee once transferred to a Zone on permanent basis

would have no claim on seniority / promotion etc. in the parent Zone
irrespective on any revision of seniority etc. at a later stage as a result of
any court case or other administrative decision. A legally valid undertaking
will have to be furnished by the employee in this regard while making a
request for Inter Zonal transfer on permanent basis.

9.5 Managing Director is the Competent Authority to allow Inter

Zonal transfer of Cat II, III and IV employees on permanent basis.
Executive Director (Zone) will be the Competent Authority for Inter-
Regional transfer in case of Cat IV employees.

9.6 In case of Cat IV employees, the words “Inter-Zonal" may be

construed as “Inter-Regional” also in the foregoing paras.

9.7 Any request for Inter-Zonal transfer on permanent basis will be

entertained only if it is forwarded by the concerned Executive
Director(Zone) with unconditional recommendations and concurred by
“Executive Director” of the recipient Zone.

9.8 Any request should be acceptable by concerned office only if,

application has been given in prescribed format alongwith all the requisite
documents as per check list. The Inter Zonal transfer on permanent basis
will be subject to administrative convenience and availability of vacant
posts of relevant level and Category.

9.9 The transfer guidelines mentioned in the Circular will not

bestow any right on employees to such deputation / transfer.

10. Posting of Cat-II and Cat-III empl nder Dir


The posting in respect of Cat-II and Cat-III candidate on

appointment by Direct Recruitment shall be decided by the Zonal
Offices/Regional Offices as per following guidelines:

(a) The allotment of Region to the selected

candidates should
be done as per preferred Region of posting (given by the
candidate) in order of merit, subject to availability of vacancies
Ne Page 10 of 17
and after taking 03 Regions of their preference in order of

(b) The candidates recruited should not be posted in Regio

Office/Zonal Office/in and under Divisional Office
located in
Home District to which he/she belongs, except difficult
Further, the candidate shall not be posted in Zonal
Office/Regional Office whose home district falls even under the
local FCI Divisional Office. For e.g., if an employee belon
gs to
Hoshangabad District under FCI Divisional Office Bhopa
l, he
shall not be posted to FCI Regional Office Bhopal/in and
Divisional Office in Bhopal.

11. Guidelines for Special Cases:

In addition to the above, the following special cases may be

considered by the competent authority:

11.1 Transfers of office bearers of recognised Union/


The office bearers of any of the Union / Staff Association

including recognized Unions are not exempted from transfers. However,
subject to administrative convenience, the President
and the Secretary of
the recognised Unions at the All India, Zonal and Regio
nal levels may not
be transferred outside the station upto two tenur
es in the capacity of
President or Secretary. Further, the protected
workmen declared by the
Corporation are also exempted from transfer for
maximum two tenures
subject to administrative convenience.

11.2 Posting of Husband and Wife

In view of the utmost importance attached

to the enhancement
of women’s status in all walks of life and to enable them
to lead a normal
family life and also to ensure the education and welfa
re of the children, it
has been decided to consider posting/ transfer of the employees in the
following situations subject to administrative convenience: :

(a) Where the spouses are employed in FCI and belong

same unit of seniority, the Competent Authority may post them
at the same station.

Ne Page 11 of 17
ME ’
(b) Where one spouse belongs to an All India Service and the
other spouse belongs to FCI, the spouse employed under FCI
may apply to the competent authority and said authority may
post the employee to the station, or if there is no post under
FCI in that station, to the State where the other spouse is

(c) Where one spouse belongs to a Central Service and the

other spouse belongs to FCI, the spouse employed under the
FCI may apply to the competent authority and the said
authority may post the employee to the station or if there is no
post under FCI in that station, to the station nearest to the
station where the other spouse is posted. If, however, the
request cannot be granted because FCI has no post in the said
station, then the spouse belonging to the Central Service may
apply to the appropriate cadre controlling authority and the said
authority may post the said employee to the station or if there
is no post in that station, to the station nearest to the station
where the spouse employed under FCI is posted.

(d) Where one spouse is employed in FCI and the other

spouse is employed under the State Govt. or Central/Stat
PSU, the spouse employed under FCI may apply to compet
authority which may post the said employee to the station
or if
there is no post in that station, to the State where the other
spouse is posted.

11.3 Transfer of Specially Abled Employees

The posting and transfers of Specially Abled employees

may be
considered by the Competent Authority as per Central Government
guidelines issued vide DoP&T O.M. No. DoPT OM No. AB 14017/41/90-Estt
(RR) dated 10.5.1990 and OM No. AB 14017/16/2002-Estt (RR) dated
13.3.2002 which stipulate that such persons may be given posting, as far
as possible, subject to administrative convenience, near their native places.

9 Page 12 of 17
11.4 Transfer of Sports Person

A sports person actively involved in sports, as players and

administrators or both should be exempted from transfer
till the time they
are associated with sports, subject to administrative conven

11.5 Transfers of employees due for retirement within two

years to their places of choice

Requests from officers/ employees, who are due for retirement

within two years, for transfer to their home State/towns or other stations
where they want to settle down after retirement, may be considered
by the
Competent Authority, subject to administrative convenience.
The period of
tenure/stay as mentioned in para 2.2 shall not apply.

11.6 Posting of employees having Divyangjan with specified

disability as dependent

The posting and transfers of an employee who serves as the main

care giver of dependent daughter/son/parents/spouse/br
other/sister with
specified disability as certified by the certifying authority
as a Person With
Benchmark disability may be exempted from the routine exercise of
transfer/rotational transfer, subject to the administrative constraints, by
the Competent Authority as per Central Government guidelines
issued vide
DoP&T O.M. No. 42011/3/2014-Estt (Res) dated 08.10.2018 as amended
from time to time.

12. Miscellaneous

12.1 The Competent Authorities while affecting the transfer may

consider economy aspect, administrative requirement, exigen
cies of work.
The endeavour should be to post the right person at the right
place so that
the interest of the Corporation is best served.

12.2 Rosters/Registers shall be maintained at District/Region/Zone/

Headquarters level as the case may, for all request transfers of employees
to a particular station and transfers shall be affected as per roster position.

12.3 All transfer orders shall be normally issued two times

in a year
i.e., before commencement of RMS and KMS. For the purpose of calculation

> Page 13 of 17
of the tenure/stay the period shall be taken as 30% June and 31st Dec

12.4 A correct and complete database is a prerequisite for effective

implementation of the Transfer Policy. Personnel Establishment Division of
Headquarters/Zonal/Regional offices shall ensure that the database
containing the profiles of all employees falling within their respective
Jurisdiction is updated regularly in HRMS.

12.6 The employees transferred on their own request will not be

eligible for travelling allowance. However, the employees transferred after
completion of full tenure will be eligible for transfer benefit even if posted
to the place of their choice.

12.7 AGMs shall not be posted in and under the FCI Divisional Office
in which their home district falls except difficult station.

12.8 The DOP to transfer employees is given by circular dated

19.01.2005, and remains applicable. Further, the revised DOP for transfer
of employees in following cases is given below:

(a) Managing Director is the Competent Authority to allow

Inter-Zonal transfer of Cat II, III and IV employees on
permanent basis. Executive Director (Zone) will be the
Competent Authority for Inter-Regional transfer in case of Cat
IV employees.

(b) Powers to transfer employees within the Region vested in

GM (Region) are also exercisable by DGM (Pers)/DGM (R) in his

(c) Powers of all transfers of officers of DGM and above is

vested with Managing Director.

(d) Powers of posting of Divisional Manager and AGM (QO)

to Divisions declared as sensitive by Vigilance division is
vested with Managing Director.

13. Transfer/posting orders issued with the approval of competent

authority in FCI Hqgrs are strictly implemented and in a rare case, where

ue: Page 14 of 17

good and sufficient reason exists for making changes
orders, prior in such
approval of competent authority of
Hars should invariably be obtained.



All controlling officers should adh

ere to the following timelines
for relieving of employees on
transfer on promotion and regu
lar transfer:
— — SFER
oo ON PR
(a) All employees who have bee
n promoted and transferr
competent authority shall ed by the
be mandatorily relieved
authority by the controlling
within a maximum of 15 days
promotion order by app from the date of issue of
ointing authority.

(b) Employee under transf

er should join the nex
within the Joining Tim t place of posting
e as admissible,

(c) If the officers/ officials

(d) An employee ma

can be retained at
the place of posting

available. ing within the join; i e

Joi ning tim
(f) An employee can also make
cancellation/modific ga Written request
ation of transfer orde f
order by comp r withi
etent authority and ol
applicant/controlling i
authority, jt
representation has not
been accepted
the employee is to be
relieved within t

Page 15 of 17
without waiting for any communication/decision from competent


(a) All employees who have been transferred by the competent

authority shall be mandatorily relieved by the controlling authority
within a maximum of 10 days from the date of issue of transfer order
by the competent authority.

(b) Employee under transfer should join the next place of posting
within the Joining Time as admissible.

(c) If the officers/officials do not join the next place of posting

within the applicable joining time, an administrative/disciplinary action
shall be initiated by the controlling authority of the new place of
(d) An employee can also make a written request for
cancellation/modification of transfer order within 07 days of issue of
order by competent authority and if no reply is received by the
applicant/controlling authority, it is to be assumed that the
representation has not been accepted by the competent authority and
the employee is to be relieved within the time limit as specified above,
without waiting for any communication/decision from competent

15. Officers who are on the verge of their retirement shall not issue any
transfer/posting orders, thirty days before their retirement. Further, no
posting/transfer shall be ordered by an officer who himself is under orders
of transfer, between the date of his transfer orders and the date of his

Officers and Officials shall submit a declaration in Rice/Wheat

Procurement Region regarding ownership of rice/flour mill in the name of
their family members such as father, father-in-law., mother, mother-in-
sister, sister-in-law, husband/wife and
law, brother, brother-in-law,
any of their relatives mentioned above has a rice/flour
children. In case
employees, they should not be
mill, then in the case of Cat-II and Cat-III
Cat-I officers, they
ted in the same Divisional Office and in the case of case in a District
rp efe (say
piel be poste
rably 100 d outside the State and: in any .
i Kms) from location of the rice/flour mill,

\r Page 16 of 17
17. OUTSIDE INFLUENCE: No officer shall bring or attempt to
bring any political or other outside influence to further his own interest in
respect of matters pertaining to his service including transfer as this will
render them liable for disciplinary action as per provisions contained in FCI
(Staff) Regulations, 1971 Section 32(A) for violating the provisions
mentioned in Regulation 50 which stipulates that “No employee shall bring
or attempt to bring, any political, personal or other influence to bear upon
any authority of the Corporation to further his interests or the interest of
any other person in respect of matters pertaining to his service or the
service of such other person or in respect of any other mater involving a
pecuniary or other benefit to him or so such other person”. It is clarified
that adequate avenues are available for employees to submit
representations/appeals against their transfers/postings and other
grievances and seek redressal, subject to administrative requirement/

18. General

The authorities competent to issue transfer orders may also consider

the cases which do not strictly fall within the policy but administratively
required to be considered. Such cases shall be thoroughly examined;

a) At Headquarters level, by a committee of three EDs chaired by ED

(Personnel), CVO and one Executive Director nominated by CMD from
time to time.

b) At Zonal Level, by a committee comprising of CGM, GM (Personnel)

and any other GM/ DGM nominated by ED (Zone).

c) At regional Level by a committee comprising of DGM (Personnel),

AGM (Personnel) and any other DGM nominated by GM (Region).

On the committee report, suitable decision regarding transfer of such

officer/ employee may be taken by competent authority.

General Manager (PE)

Distribution: As per standard mailing list.

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