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Information System Application for Decision-Making Paper Outline


A. Capture Readers' Interest: Technology contributes significantly to the healthcare unit and the

decision-making models. Nurses play an important role in utilizing technology, precisely

Electronic Health Record systems, which is a pivot of the decision-making process of the

healthcare sector.

B. Build case through logic: Now, more than ever, the healthcare industry needs nurses’ input

when choosing and assessing EHR systems as its dependency on them has rapidly grown.

C. Topic sentence/thesis statement: Nurses' Role in choosing and assessing EHR systems is vital

since they form the foundation of the decision-making models in the healthcare unit.


One Technology Application Used in Health Care to Facilitate Decision-Making.

A. Contribution of Electronic Health Record systems towards ensuring informed decision-

making approaches.

1. Helps with the storage of patient data.

2. Ease of accessibility to patient's medical records, facilitating better decision-making


B. Nurses' contribution in selecting a nursing technology towards the overall success of


1. Choosing a reliable and usable system that influences better decision-making approaches.

2. Prioritization patient safety and advancements in technology.

The Application's Impact on the Quality of Decision-making

A. The Quality of decisions depends on accessible data, assessment, and reasoning.


1. EHRs support towards decision-making through patients' medical history accessibility.

The Process for Selecting and Implementing the Application

A. Factors determining the chosen technology.

1. Financial status of the healthcare facility.

2. The readiness of the institution's leadership to implement change.

3. The alignment of the technology to the organization's needs.

4. Adherence to IT Healthcare legislatives.

The Costs Associated with the Application.

A. Costs incurred to the organization during actualization of Electronic Health Record Systems.

1. Establishment of a rational financial plan.

2. An average of $ 167,000 for the whole project.

3. Organizational needs contribution towards determining costs.

Nurses' Role(s) in Selecting and Evaluating the Application

A. Essentiality of EHRs in nursing practice calls for nurses' inclusivity in selection and


1. They define organizational needs.

2. Nurses determine the contribution of EHRs in bridging organizational gaps.

3. Prioritization of patient safety.

B. Nurses involvement in evaluation procedures.

1. Evaluation of the system's ability to support communication.

2. Its ability to boost organizational services.

3. Evaluation of adherence to HIPPA guidelines.

4. Ability to enhance decision-making procedures.



Nurses contribute significantly towards choosing and assessing the most suitable

technologies for healthcare practice. The technology chosen for this paper is the Electronic

Health Records system. When selecting technology, they should consider usability, reliability,

adherence to healthcare laws, influence on Quality of care, and data security. Nurses'

contribution to the selection and evaluation process ensures that decisions in healthcare are made

from an informed point of view and that the technology influences the organization's overall


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