HITACHI - 2GHE167330 - en Surge Arresters Buyers Guide

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High Voltage Surge Arresters

Buyer’s Guide
Table of contents
001 – 027 Product information
01 Introduction
03 Definitions
05 Simplified selection procedure
11 EXLIM - Porcelain-housed surge arresters
14 PEXLIM and TEXLIM - Polymer-housed surge arresters,
25 Quality control and testing

028 Online Buyers Guide

029 – 032 PEXLIM - Technical information

Zinc oxide surge arresters with silicone polymer-housed insulator

29 PEXLIM R-Y, 10 kA, IEC arrester class designation SL

30 PEXLIM Q-Y, 10 kA, IEC arrester class designation SM
31 PEXLIM P-Z, 20 kA, IEC arrester class designation SH
32 PEXLIM P-Y, 20 kA, IEC arrester class designation SH

033 – 035 TEXLIM - Technical information

High strength zinc oxide surge arresters with silicone polymer housed insulator

33 TEXLIM Q-C, 10 kA, IEC arrester class designation SM

34 EXLIM P-C, 20 kA, IEC arrester class designation SH
35 TEXLIM T-C, 20 kA, IEC arrester class designation SH

036 – 040 EXLIM - Technical information

Zinc oxide surge arresters with porcelain-housed insulator

36 EXLIM R-C, 10 kA, IEC arrester class designation SL

37 EXLIM Q-E, 10 kA, IEC arrester class designation SM
38 EXLIM Q-D, 10 kA, IEC arrester class designation SM
39 EXLIM P-G, 20 kA, IEC arrester class designation SH
40 EXLIM T-B, 20 kA, IEC arrester class designation SH

041 – 056 Accessories

41 Introduction

057 – 059 Other

57 Installations with Hitachi Energy surge arresters
59 Purchase order
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Safe, secure and economic supply of
electricity - with Hitachi Energy Surge
Hitachi Energy’s surge arresters are the primary protection Strong focus on quality at all stages, from raw material through to
against atmospheric and switching overvoltages. They are finished product, ensures that Hitachi Energy’s surge arresters survive
generally connected in parallel with the equipment to be the designed stresses with ease and with good margins. Different
protected to divert the surge current. The active elements dimensions permit a large variety of standard arresters as well as client-
specific solutions with regards protection levels, energy capability and
(MO resistors) of Hitachi Energy’s surge arresters are
mechanical performance. This buyer’s guide deals with high voltage
manufactured using a highly non-linear ceramic resistor
surge arresters for standard AC applications. For other applications,
material, composed primarily of zinc oxide mixed with other
such as series capacitors protection, shunt capacitor protection or
metal oxides and sintered together. DC applications, contact your Hitachi Energy sales representative.
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Product range
PEXLIM - Silicone polymer-housed arrester
Superior where low weight, reduced clearances, flexible mounting, non-fragility and additional personnel safety is required. Major component
for PEXLINKTM concept for transmission line protection

Arrester classification Type Max. system Rated volatage(2) Energy requirement/ Mechanical
volatage(2) kVrms kVrms lightning intensity strength(3) Nm
10 kA, IEC station class designation SL PEXLIM R-Y 24 – 170 18 – 144 Moderate 1 600
10 kA, IEC station class designation SM PEXLIM Q-Y 52 – 420 42 – 396 High 4 000
20 kA, IEC station class designation SH PEXLIM P-Z 52 – 420 42 – 396 Very high 6 000
20 kA, IEC station class designation SH PEXLIM P-Y 300 – 550 228 – 444 Very high 9 000

TEXLIM - High strength silicone polymer-housed arrester

Specially suited to extreme seismic zones.

Arrester classification Type Max. system Rated volatage(2) Energy requirement/ Mechanical
volatage(2) kVrms kVrms lightning intensity strength(3) Nm
10 kA, IEC station class designation SM TEXLIM Q-C 123 – 420 90 – 420 High 40 000
20 kA, IEC station class designation SH TEXLIM P-C 245 – 550 180 – 444 Very high 40 000
20 kA, IEC station class designation SH TEXLIM T-C 245 – 800 180 – 624 Very high 40 000

EXLIM - Porcelain-housed arrester

Arrester classification Type Max. system Rated volatage(2) Energy requirement/ Mechanical
volatage(2) kVrms kVrms lightning intensity strength(3) Nm
10 kA, IEC station class designation SL EXLIM R-C 52 – 170 42 – 168 Moderate 7 500
10 kA, IEC station class designation SM EXLIM Q-E 52 – 245 42 – 228 High 7 500
10 kA, IEC station class designation SM EXLIM Q-D 170 – 420 132 – 420 High 20 000
20 kA, IEC station class designation SH EXLIM P-G 52 – 550 42 – 444 Very high 20 000
20 kA, IEC station class designation SH EXLIM T-B 245 – 800 180 – 624 Very high 20 000

1. Arrester classification according to IEC 60099-4.

2. Arresters with lower or higher voltages may be available on request for special applications.
3. Specified short-term service load (SSL).
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NOTE: The standards referred to hereunder are the latest editions Arrester class
of IEC 60099-4 and IEEE C62.11
• Distribution class arrester (IEC designations: DL, DM, DH) An
arrester intended for use on distribution systems, typically of US ≤
Maximum system voltage (US)
52 kV, to protect components primarily from the effects of lightning.
The maximum voltage between phases during normal service.
• Station class arrester (IEC designations: SL, SM, SH) An
Nominal discharge current (IEC) arrester intended for use in stations to protect the equipment from
The peak value of the lightning current impulse which is used to transient overvoltages, typically but not only intended for use on
classify the arrester. systems of US ≥ 72.5 kV.

Lightning classifying current (ANSI/ IEEE) Energy capability

The designated lightning current used to perform the The energy that a surge arrester can absorb, in one or more impulses,
classification tests. without damage and without loss of thermal stability. The energy
capability of a surge arrester is different depending on the type,
Rated voltage (Ur) duration and grouping of applied impulses as well as what occurs
An arrester fulfilling the IEC standard must withstand its rated voltage afterwards. Arrester standards have historically not explicitly defined
(Ur) for 10 s after being preheated to 60°C and subjected to energy the energy capability of an arrester, and the current editions have
injection as defined in the standard. Thus, Ur shall equal at least the specifically focused on attempting to resolve this deficiency in the
10-second temporary overvoltages (TOV) capability of an arrester. following forms (IEC 60099-4 definitions):
Additionally, rated voltage is used as a reference parameter.
• Repetitive charge transfer rating, Qrs
NOTE: TOV capability of Hitachi Energy’s arresters exceeds the IEC The maximum specified charge transfer capability of an arrester, in
requirements. the form of a single event or group of surges that may be transferred
through an arrester without causing mechanical failure or
Duty-cycle voltage rating (IEEE) unacceptable electrical degradation to the MO resistors. This
The designated maximum permissible voltage between its terminals applies to both station and distribution class arresters.
at which an arrester is designed to perform its duty cycle.
• Thermal charge transfer rating, Qth
The maximum specified charge that may be transferred through an
Continuous operating voltage
arrester or arrester section within 3 minutes in a thermal recovery
The maximum permissible r.m.s. power frequency voltage that may
test without causing a thermal runaway. This applies only to
be applied continuously between the arrester terminals. This voltage
distribution class arresters.
is defined in different ways (verified by different test procedures) in
IEC and IEEE. • Thermal energy rating, Wth
The maximum specified energy, given in kJ/ kV of Ur, that may be
• IEC (Uc) - IEC gives the manufacturer the freedom to decide Uc. The injected into an arrester or arrester section within 3 minutes in a
value is verified in the operating duty test thermal recovery test without causing a thermal runaway. This
applies only to station class arresters.
• IEEE (MCOV) - IEEE lists the maximum continuous operating
voltage (MCOV) for all arrester ratings used in a table. The value is
used in all tests specified by IEEE Short-circuit capability
The ability of an arrester, in the event of an overload due to any reason,
Temporary overvoltages (TOV) to conduct the resulting system short-circuit current without violent
Temporary overvoltages, as differentiated from surge overvoltages, shattering which may damage nearby equipment or injure personnel.
are oscillatory power frequency overvoltages of relatively long After such an operation, the arrester must be replaced. The system
duration (from a few cycles to hours). The most common form of short-circuit current may be high or low depending on the system
TOV occurs on the healthy phases of a system during an earth- impedance and earthing conditions and hence short-circuit capability
fault involving one or more phases. Other sources of TOV are load- is verified at different current levels.
rejection, energization of unloaded lines, ferroresonance, etc. The
TOV capability of the arresters is indicated with prior energy stress in External insulation withstand strength
the relevant catalogues. The maximum value of the applied voltage of a specified wave shape
which does not cause the flashover of an arrester. Unlike other
Residual voltage/ discharge voltage equipment, arresters are designed to discharge internally and the
The peak value of the voltage that appears between the terminals voltage across the housing can never exceed the protective levels.
of an arrester during the passage of discharge current through it. Thus, the external insulation of arrester housings is self-protected
Residual voltage depends on both the magnitude and the waveform and need not fulfill a certain standardized insulation class provided
of the discharge current. The voltage/ current characteristics of the its insulation withstand strength is higher than the protective levels by
arresters are given in the relevant catalogues. a designated safety factor and appropriately corrected for installation
4 (58)

NOTE: The insulation withstand of Hitachi Energy surge arresters has occurs i.e. a backflashover. Backflashover is most prevalent when
been thoroughly considered in the design, and spacings between tower footing impedance is high.
metal flanges as well as spacings between flanges and grading rings
are sufficiently large to withstand overvoltages appearing during Compact insulation lines
current discharges. All Hitachi Energy’s arresters are suitable for Transmission lines with reduced clearances between phases and
installations up to at least 1000 m above sea level, often with a large between phase and earth and with lower insulation level withstand
margin. than for normal lines for the same system voltage.

Site Pollution Specific Unified specific Coupling factor

polltion level creepage in creepage The ratio of included surge voltage on a parallel conductor to that
severity mm/ kV distance
on a struck conductor. This factor is determined from the geometric
class (Us) mm/ kV
(US/ √3) relationships between phase and ground (or protected phase
a Very light 12.7 22.0
conductors). A value often used for estimation purposes is 0.25.
b Light (L) 16 27.8
Keraunic level
c Medium (M) 20 34.7
Number of annual thunderstorm days for a given region.
d Heavy (H) 25 43.3
e Very heavy (V) 31 53.7
Line Surge Arresters are intended for installation in overhead lines in
parallel to the line insulators in order to prevent flashovers, which may
Pollution performance
be either:
IEC 60815 defines five levels of pollution (from very light to very
heavy), with the traditional correspondingly required creepage • Non-gapped line arrester (NGLA) arrester without internal or
for porcelain housings as indicated in the table below. Polymeric external series gap
insulators of hydrophobicity transfer material (HTM), e.g. silicone,
• Externally gapped line arrester (EGLA) arrester with series gap used
present advantages including a generally improved pollution
to protect an insulator assembly from lightning-caused fast-front
withstand behaviour when compared to similar ceramic insulators
overvoltages only
of equal creepage distance. From a pollution withstand or flashover
point of view, a reduced creepage distance may be used on PEXLIM
and TEXLIM arresters with such HTM insulators.

The creepage distance is the length measured along the housing’s
Protection of phase conductors from direct lightning strokes; generally,
external profile and serves as a measure of the arrester performance
by means of additional conductor(s) running on the top of the towers
in polluted environments with respect to the risk of external flashover.
and grounded through the tower structures.
Since the mean diameter for all the standard arresters is less than
300 mm, the specific creepage distance is the same as the nominal
Shielding angle
creepage distance.
The included angle, usually between 20 to 30 degrees, between shield
wire and phase conductor.
Specified long-term load (SLL)
SLL allowed to be continuously applied during service without causing
Shielding failure
any mechanical damage to the arrester.
Occurs when lightning strikes a phase conductor of a line protected
by overhead shield wires.
Specified short-term load (SSL)
SSL allowed to be applied during service for short periods and for
Tower footing impedance
relatively rare events without causing any mechanical damage to the
The impedance seen by a lightning surge flowing from the tower base
to true ground. The risk for backflashover increases with increasing
footing impedance.
Mean breaking load (MBL)
MBL is the average breaking load for porcelain-housed arresters.
Travelling waves
Occur when lightning strikes a transmission line span and a high
Line Surge Arresters (LSA) current surge is injected on to the struck conductor. The impulse
Backflashover voltage and current waves divide and propagate in both directions
Occurs when lightning strikes the tower structure or overhead shield from the stroke terminal at a velocity of approximately 300 meters per
wire. The lightning discharge current, flowing through the tower and microsecond with magnitudes determined by the stroke current and
tower footing impedance, produces potential differences across the line surge impedance.
line insulation. If the line insulation strength is exceeded, flashover
5 (58)

Simplified selection procedure

The selection is carried out in two major steps:

1. Matching the electrical characteristics of the arresters to the

system’s electrical demands
2. Matching the mechanical characteristics of the arresters to the
system’s mechanical and environmental requirements

The final selection is reflected in the arrester type designation.


Us Maximum system voltage

Uc Continuous operating voltage
Ur Rated voltage
TOV Temporary overvoltage
T TOV strength factor
k Earth fault factor
Ups Switching impulse protective level
Up Lightning impulse protective level
Uws Switching impulse withstand level
Uwl Lightning impulse withstand level
SIWV Switching impulse withstand voltage
LIWV Lightning impulse withstand voltage
6 (58)

Flowchart for simplified selection

of surge arresters
Electrical selection

Sytem voltage (US )

Rated voltage (U r0 )
Select rated voltage
Sytem earthing UC ≥ 1,05 X US / √ 3
= maximum (U r0 , Ur1,...Urn )
See table 1
Earth-fault Duration

Other TOV (amplitude Rated voltage

& duration) (U r1,...,rn = Utov1/ T 1...Utovn / T n)
[TOV curves]

Line/ apparatus Arrester class, designation and

energy type. See table 2

Arrester protection levels Choose next higher surge

Upl and Ups at co-ordination arrester class designation
currents Table 3

Equipment external Calculate protection margins Acceptable YES

withstand values ((LIWV/ U pl ) - 1) x 100 margins?
LIWV/ SIWV ((SIWV/ U ps ) - 1) x 100

Mechanical selection Selection

Pollution level Creepage distance

Short-circuit rating Housing dimensions


Adequate YES
Terminal load

Wind load
Static/ dynamic
Mechanical strength Table 4
Seismic load

Other loads
7 (58)

Matching the system

Arrester rated voltage (Ur) NOTE: Do not select a lower value of Ur than obtained as above unless
For each system voltage, the tables ”Guaranteed protective data” the parameters are known more exactly; otherwise the arrester may
be over-stressed by TOV.
show a range of Ur and maximum continuous operating voltages
Uc, all of which are capable of withstanding the actual continuous
Energy capability and Arrester Class designation
operating voltage (Uca) with sufficient margin. Hence, the selection of
IEC classifies arresters by their application and nominal discharge
Ur is only a function of the applied temporary overvoltages, TOV, (Utov),
current. Station class 10 and 20 kA arresters are further classified
taking into account their amplitudes and duration.
by energy capability expressed as a repetitive charge transfer rating
and thermal energy rating. These arresters are thereafter designated
TOV, as differentiated from surge overvoltages, are oscillatory power
as either SL, SM, or SH where the letters “L”, “M” and “H” in the
frequency overvoltages, with or without harmonics, of relatively long
designation stand for “low”, “medium” and “high” duty, respectively.
duration (from a few cycles to hours or longer) which are generated
by system events. The arresters must withstand the heat energy
Arrester Arrester type Energy capability Normal
generated by them. Class application
Wth Qrs(C)
designation range (Us)
kJ/ kV (Ur)
Most commonly, a single or two-phase earth fault leads to a TOV in the EXLIM R-C 5 1.2 ≤ 170 kV
healthy phase(s) and also in the neutral of Y-connected transformers. SL PEXLIM R-Z 5 1.2 ≤ 145 kV
Its amplitude is determined by the system earthing conditions and its
PEXLIM R-Y 5 1.2 ≤ 170 kV
duration by the fault-clearance time.
EXLIM Q-E 8 2.0 ≤ 245 kV

If the earth-fault factor, (k) = Utov/ Uca, is 1.4 or less, the system is EXLIM Q-D 8 2.0 170 – 420 kV
considered to be effectively earthed. Generally, this implies a solid PEXLIM Q 8 2.0 ≤ 420 kV
connection of the neutral to the earth grid. All other forms of earthing TEXLIM Q-C 8 2.0 123 – 420 kV
via an impedance or a non-earthing of the neutral is considered as EXLIM P-G 11 3.2 ≤ 550 kV
non-effective with, typically, k = 1.73. PEXLIM P-Z 11 3.2 ≤ 420 kV
PEXLIM P-Y 11 3.2 300 – 550 kV
For effectively earthed systems, the fault-clearance time is generally SH
TEXLIM P-C 11 3.2 245 – 550 kV
under 1 s but it can vary widely among different systems. The
EXLIM T-B 15 5.2 245 – 800 kV
catalogues list the values of TOV capability for 1 and 10 s duration after
a prior energy stress (as a conservative approach). For other durations TEXLIM T-C 15 5.2 245 – 800 kV

or for specific TOV conditions, follow the procedure hereunder:

Table 2. Arrester class, designation and type. Energy capability of Hitachi Energy arresters:
• Consider each TOV separately The normal application range is only a guide, and depends on the specific parameters.

• From the TOV curves, read off the TOV strength factor (Tr) for the
Though the energy capability is mentioned in a different manner in
time corresponding to the fault-clearance time
IEEE, the normal range of application as above applies even for IEEE
• Utov/ Tr gives the minimum value of Ur for withstanding this TOV. systems. For specific and special cases, e.g. capacitor banks, it may
Choose the next higher standard rating be necessary to calculate the energy capability differently; for example
as shown in the IEC 60099-5 and other guides.
• The final choice of Ur will be the highest of the Ur values obtained
from the above calculations for each TOV

System Fault System voltage Min.

earthing duration US (kV) Ur (kV)
Effective ≤ 10 s ≤ 100 ≥ 0.79 x Us
Effective ≤1s ≥ 123 ≥ 0.74 x Us
Non-effective ≤ 10 s ≤ 170 ≥ 0.97 x Us
Non-effective ≤1h ≤ 170 ≥ 1.24 x Us

Table 1. Rated voltage.

The table gives a suggested minimum value of the arrester rated

voltage (Ur) based on common parameters. In each case, choose
the next higher standard rating as given in the catalogue. This is only
intended as a general guide, and actual Ur necessary may depend on
the specific parameters of the system and the chosen arrester.
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Protection levels (UPl and Ups) Should the selected arrester type not give the desired protection
For insulation coordination purposes, consider the lightning impulse margins, the selection should be changed to an arrester of a higher
protection level (Upl) at 10 kA for Um ≤ 362 kV and at 20 kA for higher designated energy class, which automatically leads to lower Upl.
voltages. Similarly, the switching impulse protection levels (Ups) for
coordination purposes range from 0.5 kA (for Um ≤ 170 kV) to 2 kA (for Note: DO NOT use a lower-than selected Ur to attempt improvement
Um ≥ 362 kV). The values can be read-off from the catalogue tables or of the margins, as this may lead to unacceptably low TOV capability.
easily computed from Table 3. In the latter case, they must be rounded
upwards. As an additional assistance in selection, please refer to the simplified
flow chart at the beginning of this chapter. The MO resistor column
Protection margins must be suitably housed to withstand long-term effects of the system
Protection margins (in %), calculated at coordinating impulse currents loading and the environmental stresses.
as per Table 3, are defined as follows:
External creepage distance
• Margin for lightning impulses = ((LIWV/ Upl)-1) x 100, where LIWV is
IEC 60815 defines the minimum creepage distances for different
the external insulation withstand of the equipment against lightning
environmental conditions. Select the housing to give the desired
creepage - the same as for the other equipment in the same location.
• Margin for switching impulses = ((SIWV/Ups)-1) x 100 where SIWV is If the specific creepage demand exceeds 31 mm/ kV, please refer to
the external insulation withstand of the equipment for switching Hitachi Energy for a special design.
PEXLIM and TEXLIM arresters, having a highly hydrophobic housing,
NOTE: IEEE standards refer to LIWV as BIL and SIWV as BSL. are better suited for extremely polluted areas than EXLIM arresters
and a lower creepage may be justified in many cases.
Arrester Nom. Upl/ Ur Upl/ Ur Ups/ Ur
type Discharge at at
current (In) 10 kA p 20 kA p Mechanical strength
Surge arresters are an active protective device, which means they
EXLIM R-C 10 2.590 2.060 at 0.5 kAp
are not inherently intended to be permanently mechanically loaded in
PEXLIM R-Y 10 2.590 2.060 at 0.5 kAp
service. Naturally their design includes consideration to withstanding
EXLIM Q-E, Q-D 10 2.350 1.981 at 1.0 kAp
rarely-occurring and short-term mechanical loads (e.g. external
PEXLIM Q-Y 10 2.350 1.981 at 1.0 kAp
short-circuit, gust winds, earthquake, etc) as well as more likely and
TEXLIM Q-C 10 2.350 1.981 at 1.0 kAp long-term mechanical loads (e.g. conductor weight, static wind, etc).
EXLIM P-G 20 2.275 2.5 2.020 at 2.0 kAp However, such loads should always be limited as much as possible
PEXLIM P-Z 20 2.250 2.5 2.020 at 2.0 kAp though proper installation.
PEXLIM P-Y 20 2.275 2.5 2.020 at 2.0 kAp
TEXLIM P-C 20 2.275 2.5 2.020 at 2.0 kAp All Hitachi Energy arrester designs exhibit very high strength under
EXLIM T-B 20 2.200 2.4 1.976 at 2.0 kAp tensile or compression loading; hence it is the cantilever loading
TEXLIM T-C 20 2.200 2.4 1.976 at 2.0 kAp
that is of interest in defining mechanical strength. To be applicable
to different arrester lengths, the loading is given in terms of bending
Table 3. Arrester protection levels. Upl and Ups ratios for Hitachi Energy arresters. moment in this guide. The line terminal and the insulating base (when
supplied) match or exceed the strength of the arrester housing.
Margins are normally excellent due to the low Upl, Ups and also that
most equipment at present have high external insulation withstand. Standard arresters are intended for vertical, upright erection on a
However, depending on the electrical distance between the arrester structure and require no bracing. Pedestal-mounted arresters with
and the protected equipment, the Upl margin is reduced and thus mechanical strength higher than listed can be quoted on request.
arresters fail to protect equipment that is not in the close vicinity of Special arresters for suspension, inverted mounting or other angular
the arresters, i.e. within their protection zone. The flexible erection erection are also available.
alternatives for PEXLIM arresters may be of benefit in reducing the
distance effects. Additional line-entrance arresters may help too. For Due to their otherwise advantageous flexible onstruction, PEXLIM
more detailed information, please refer to separate Hitachi Energy’s arresters may exhibit a visible deflection at the line-end under
technical publication regarding application guidelines for station maximum terminal loading. Such deflection is never theless limited
protection. by our specified value for long-term load (SLL) given in Table 4.
This maximum recommended continuous loading ensures that the
NOTE: The ”distance effect” reduction does not apply to Ups margin electrical and mechanical functions of the arrester are not impaired in
since the front-time of a switching surge impulse is longer. any way, even during long-term cyclic loading. Importantly, the value
for specified shortterm load (SSL) can be upheld even after such
It is recommended that the protection margins (after taking into cyclic loading.
account the ”distance effect”) should be of the order of 20% or more
to account for uncertainties and possible reduction in the withstand If the permissible bending moment for a certain arrester appears
values of the protected equipment with age. insufficient for a given loading, consider one of the following methods
to reduce the loading demand.
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Arrester Cantilever strength (Nm)

• Use lighter terminal clamps and/ or optimized tee-offs for arresters.
In contrast to the current capability (and thus the size of clamps and SLL SSL

conductors) required for other substation equipment, the EXLIM porcelain-housed insulator
continuous current through an arrester is of the order of only a few EXLIM R-C 3 000 7 500
mA. Hence, using a lighter terminal clamp and/ or connecting the EXLIM Q-D 8 000 20 000
arresters by lighter and more vertical tee-offs can considerably EXLIM Q-E 3 000 7 500
reduce the demand for mechanical strength.
EXLIM T-B 8 000 20 000
• Use another erection alternative (suspension, under-hung, etc). EXLIM P-G 8 000 20 000
Since PEXLIM arresters are very light compared to equivalent PEXLIM Silicone polymer-housed insulator
porcelain- housed arresters, they permit innovative erection PEXLIM R-Y 1 000 1 600
alternatives, which could reduce the bending moment demands. PEXLIM Q-Y 2 500 4 000
This in turn can lead to the additional benefit of lighter structures
PEXLIM P-Z 3 000 6 000
with subsequent reduced costs, or even the complete elimination
PEXLIM P-Y 6 000 9 000
of the need for a separate structure at all.
TEXLIM High stregth silicone polymer-housed insulator
TEXLIM Q-C 21 000 40 000
TEXLIM P-C 21 000 40 000
TEXLIM T-C 21 000 40 000

Table 4. Permissible mechanical loading for Hitachi Energy arresters. SLL Specified long-term
load. | SSL Specified short-term load. (For PEXLIM and TEXLIM arresters this is a declared value
based on cyclic loading.)

Neutral-ground arresters
For neutral-ground arresters the recommended rated voltage is
approximately the maximum system voltage divided by √3. The
recommended neutral-ground arresters in the relevant sections are
calculated for unearthed systems with relatively long fault duration.
The electrical characteristics are identical to standard catalogue
arresters with the corresponding rated voltage. For such arresters,
Uc is zero since they are not subject to any continuous voltage stress
during normal service conditions. The neutral-ground arresters should
preferably be of the same type as the phase-ground arresters. For
resonantearthed systems with long radial lines special considerations
must be taken and a higher rated voltage (20 % to 40 %) than listed
may be necessary.
10 (58)

Type designation Ordering example

The type designation itself gives detailed information of the arrester Below is a typical example of an order with three PEXLIM arresters
and its application. See the figure below. As standard, the arresters and its accessories.
are meant for upright vertical erection. For under-hung erection,
when desired, the type designation has the suffix letter ”H”. For other Number Item
angular erection, please inform us at order. For non-standard arresters 3 PEXLIM Q192-YH245, rated voltage 192 kV
the type designation will have additional suffix letters, for example: 3 Line terminal type 1HSA 410 000-L
3 Earth terminal type 1HSA 420 000-A
E Non-standard electrical data
3 Insulating base type 1HSA 430 000-A
M Non-standard mechanical data
3 Surge counter type EXCOUNT-C
P Non-standard metal-oxide columns

Special applications Note: We recommend that the order form, on page 57, be filled-in
and attached to your order to ensure inclusion of all the important
parameters and commercial conditions.

Simple selection example

Substation data

Maximum system voltage 145 kV

Arrester location Phase-ground
System earthing Effective
System fault clearance time 1s
Creepage distance 3 625 mm

• Ur0 = 0.74 x Us (according to table 1) = 0.74 x 145 = 107.3 kVrms.

Select the next higher standard Ur (see ”Guaranteed protective
data”), i.e. 108 kVrms

• According to table 2, a common choice selection for 145 kVrms

would be a Arrester Class designation SL arrester, i.e. PEXLIM R.
This arrester has a Upl/ Ur of 2.59, i.e. Upl of 280 kVpeak at 10 kA
Please consult your nearest Hitachi Energy representative for help in
(according to table 3). With a LIWV of 650 kVpeak this would give a
selection of arresters for special applications such as protection of
protective margin of (650/ 280 - 1) x 100 = 132 %
shunt or series capacitor banks, cables and cable-aerial junctions,
rotating machines, traction systems, overhead lines, HVDC or for non- • This margin appears to be excellent but it must be noted that, after
standard arrester ratings or extreme mechanical demands. considering distance effect and possible insulation ageing, the
margin could be reduced to below 20% depending on the impinging
Ordering data for arresters impulse steepness and amplitude. Thus, it is very important that the
The following information, at a minimum, is required with your order: arrester is installed as close as possible to the protected object
Quantity and type designation
• If the margin is considered insufficient, choose a higher class
• Rated voltage designation arrester, e.g. PEXLIM Q, with the same rated voltage
108 kV
• Type of line terminal
• With a required creepage distance of 3625 mm, i.e. 25 mm/ kV SCD,
• Type of earth terminal
a H145 housing is suitable from the range
• Type of surge counter, if any
• The type designation of the selected arrester will then be:
• Type of insulating base, if any. PEXLIM R108 - YH145 (or PEXLIM Q108 - YH145)

(Insulating base is required if surge counter and/or leakage current

measurements are desired. One base is required for each arrester.)
11 (58)

EXLIM 10 5

Porcelain-housed surge arresters 7 3 6

The design is based on successful experience of over 80

years, first as gapped SiC arresters, in all climates and 2
conditions all over the world. EXLIM arresters live up to
their name: EXcellent voltage LIMiters. The design is robust
and well-matched with the other apparatus in substations.

Each arrester is built up of one or more units. Each unit is a porcelain 1 8

housing containing a single column of MO resistors (blocks), all
individually extensively routine-tested during manufacture, dispersed
with the necessary spacers as determined by the electrical design
for the arrester. It is necessary, therefore, that the units are series-
connected at site in the pre-determined order as marked on the units.
Consult the installation instructions supplied with each arrester.

Longer arresters often require (and are supplied with) external grading
rings to maintain a uniform and acceptable voltage stress along their
length. Operation of such arresters without the grading rings, therefore,
may lead to failure and invalidates our guarantees/ warranties.

The standard porcelain color is brown but grey porcelain is supplied

on request.

Seaworthy packing of the arresters is standard.

Sealing and pressure-relief function

The flanges are cemented to the porcelain and enclose also the
sealing arrangement. Please see the figures herein. For satisfactory
performance, it is important that the units are hermetically sealed for
the lifetime of the arresters. The sealing arrangement at each end of
each unit consists of a pre-stressed stainless steel plate with a rubber
gasket. This plate exerts a continuous pressure on the gasket against
the surface of the insulator and ensures effective sealing even if the
gasket ”sets” due to ageing. It also serves to fix the column of the
blocks in the longitudinal direction by means of springs. The sealing is
verified for each unit after manufacture in routine tests.

The sealing plate is designed to act also as an over-pressure relief

system. Should the arrester be stressed in excess of its design
capability, an internal arc is established. The ionized gases cause rapid 7 6 2
increase in the internal pressure, which in turn causes the sealing plate
to flap open and the ionized gases to flow out through the venting
ducts. Since the ducts at the two ends are directed towards each
other, this results in an external arc; thus relieving the internal pressure Porcelain EXLIM design
and preventing a violent shattering of the insulator. 1. Porcelain insulator
2. Venting duct
3. Spring
4. Desiccant bag
5. Copper sheet
6. Sealing cover
7. Sealing ring
8. Indication plates
9. MO resistors
10. Flange cover
12 (58)
13 (58)

Porcelain-housed surge arresters
Mechanical Strength

The mechanical strength of the housing is defined in accordance

with IEC 60099 - 4. Thus the guaranteed mean breaking load (MBL)
is at least 20% above the specified figure for short-term service load
(SSL). The insulating base (when supplied) matches the strength of
the housing.

The specified long-term load (SLL) should be limited to 40% of the

SSL in accordance with IEC 60099 - 4.

Arresters with mechanical strength higher than listed are quoted on


Mechanical loading - Horizontal (cantilever) load

The maximum permissible continuous horizontal load is calculated
as the maximum continuous (static) moment divided by the distance
between the base of the arrester and the centre of the terminal load.
The continuous current through an arrester is of the order of a few mA.
Hence, using a lighter terminal clamp and/ or connecting the arrester
by a lighter tee-off considerably reduces the demand for mechanical

Installation, maintenance and monitoring

Standard EXLIM arresters are intended for vertical, upright erection
on a structure and require no bracing. Special EXLIM arresters for
suspension, inverted mounting or other angular erection are available
on request.

EXLIM arresters are easy to install following the instructions packed

with each arrester. Installation does not need any special tools or
instruments. Properly chosen and installed arresters are practically
maintenance-free for their lifetime and do not need any monitoring.
However, if such monitoring is demanded, it is easily performed online
by using the EXCOUNT-II/ EXCOUNT-III with it’s built-in features for
correctly measuring the resistive leakage current.
14 (58)


Polymer-housed surge arresters
PEXLIM and TEXLIM arresters use the same MO resistors as the EXLIM arresters and match their electrical performance.
Silicone as outer insulation material has been used for over 30 years with good results and has been chosen by Hitachi
Energy for arresters as well. It confers the additional benefits of low weight, improved pollution performance, increased
personnel safety and flexibility in erection.

Two basic designs

The Hitachi Energy polymer-housed arresters comes in two different designs:






Moulded PEXLIM design TEXLIM tube design

1. Protective winding 1. Sealing cover

2. Silicone rubber insulator 2. Silicone rubber insulator
3. Base 3. Fibre glass tube
4. Line terminal 4. Line terminal
5. Top yoke 5. Spacers
6. MO resistors 6. MO resistors
7. Fibre glass loop 7. Spring
8. Bottom yoke 8. Venting duct
15 (58)
16 (58)

Moulded polymeric design
Design Highlights
Each arrester is built-up of one or more units, which in turn may be
made up of one or more modules. Each module contains a single
column of MO resistors (blocks), which are extensively individually
routine-tested during manufacture, dispersed with the necessary
spacers as determined by the electrical design for the arrester. The
modules are standardized into different sizes based on electrical,
mechanical and process considerations.

Hitachi Energy employs a unique patented design to enclose the

blocks in each module under axial pre-compression in a cage formed
of fibreglass reinforced loops fixed between two yokes which also
serve as electrodes. A protective fibre-winding is then wound over the
loops resulting in an open cage design for the module. This results
in high mechanical strength and excellent short-circuit performance.
See the figures hereunder.

Each module is then passed through a computer- controlled

cleaning and priming process. The module is then loaded in a highly
automated vulcanizing press and silicone injected at a high pressure
and temperature (HTV process) to completely bond to the active
parts, leaving no internal voids or air spaces. Individual modules are
thereafter assembled into units and routine tested before packing and

For satisfactory performance, it is important that the units are

hermetically sealed for the lifetime of the arresters. The HTV moulding
process under vacuum ensures this by bonding along the entire length
from electrode to electrode. There is no air or any gas entrapped
between the active parts and the housing. Hence, gaskets or sealing
rings are not required.

Should the arrester be electrically stressed in excess of its design

capability, an internal arc will be established. Due to the open cage
design, it will easily burn through the soft silicone material, permitting
the resultant gases to escape quickly and directly. At the same time,
the fibre-windings prevent the explosive expulsion of the internal
components. Hence, special pressure-relief vents are not required for
this design; with the fail-safe short-circuit capability well verified by Cutaway view of a typical PEXLIM module showing the internal arrangements and the open-cage
short-circuit tests in accordance with IEC/ IEEE. construction designed to improve both mechanical strength and personnel safety.
17 (58)

High strength tube design
In special cases with very high demands for mechanical
strength, the moulded design may not provide the optimal
solution - particularly at system voltages above 420 kV.
Instead, what is required is a mix between the features of
the standard EXLIM and the moulded PEXLIM designs. The
TEXLIM tube design provides this by offering comparable
mechanical strength to EXLIM arresters, but with much
less mass. The seismic and pollution performance is in line
with the moulded PEXLIM arresters and thus superior to
conventional porcelain designs.

Design highlights
The basic concept is the replacement of the porcelain housing used
with EXLIM arresters by a fibreglass tube housing onto which the
silicone sheds are vulcanized and metal flanges are integrated. The
internal arrangement and the pressure-relief devices are similar to
those for EXLIM arresters.

For satisfactory performance, it is important that the units are

hermetically sealed for the lifetime of the arresters. The sealing
arrangement at each end of each unit is shown in the figure hereunder
and consists of a pre-stressed stainless steel plate with a rubber
gasket. This plate exerts a continuous pressure on the gasket against
the inner surface of the flanges and ensures effective sealing even if
the gasket “sets” due to ageing. It also serves to fix the column of the
blocks in the longitudinal direction by means of heavy spring washers.

To maintain the interior free of any humidity, the unit is evacuated after
the sealing plate and gaskets are fitted and then filled with dry air
at low dew point. Additionally, a small bag of a desiccant is placed
in each unit during assembly. Sealing is verified for each unit after
manufacture during routine tests.

The sealing plate is designed to also act as an over-pressure relief

system. Should the arrester be electrically stressed in excess of its
design capability, an internal arc is established.

The ionized gases cause a rapid increase in the internal pressure, Cutaway view of a typical TEXLIM unit showing the internal arrangements.
which in turn causes the sealing plate to flap open and the ionized
gases to flow out through openings in the flanges. Since the openings
at the two ends are directed towards each other this results in an
external arc; thus relieving the internal pressure and preventing a
violent breaking of the insulator.
18 (58)

Silicone as an insulator
All PEXLIM and TEXLIM arresters utilize silicone for the external
insulation. Silicone rubber is highly hydrophobic and resistant to UV
radiation and has been shown to be the best insulation (compared to
both porcelain and other polymers) based on world wide independent
laboratory and field tests. Hitachi Energy uses special fillers to enhance
these properties as well as giving it high pollution resistance, tracking
resistance and fire-extinguishing features. The silicone housing is
available only in grey color. For additional information, please refer to
publication 1HSM 9543 01-06en.

In a form-fit-function comparison, PEXLIM is the most optimized and

cost-effective of the available polymer designs. A separately defining
criteria often becomes the mechanical strength demands. TEXLIM
would seemly have the advantage in this regard, and it could be that
specific applications do require a very strong composite tube solution.
However, mechanical loads should always be limited as much as
possible though proper installation using good engineering practices,
and by so doing, the PEXLIM design remains the first choice for the
vast majority of applications.

Installation, maintenance
and monitoring
All Hitachi Energy arresters are easy to install following the instructions
packed with each arrester. Installation does not need any special tools
or instruments.

The units of multiple-unit arresters must be series- connected at site

in a pre-determined order as marked on the units and explained in the
instructions that are packed in each case. An incorrect assembly may
lead to failure and invalidates our warranty.

The design of tall arresters often requires external grading rings to

maintain a uniform and acceptable voltage stress along their length.
Such rings are included in the delivery of arresters. Installation or
operation of such arresters without these grading rings may lead to
failure and invalidates our warranty.

Properly chosen and installed arresters are practically maintenance-

free for their lifetime and do not need any monitoring. However, if such
monitoring is desired, it is easily performed online by using EXCOUNT-
II/ EXCOUNT-III with its built-in features for diagnostic analysis of
resistive leakage current. More information is available in the chapter
dealing with accessories.
19 (58)

Line surge arresters PEXLINK

The concept
Both large and small public/ private utility owners of Improved footing impedance
transmission systems face a sharpened competitive Often difficult and expensive, especially in hilly terrain.
situation which demands increased availability and reliability
of the systems. Consumers have become more demanding Shield wires
If the provision was not in the original tower design, it can be
as their processes are dependent on constant and reliable
expensive to retrofit such shielding. It helps eliminate a large
energy supply of good quality.
number of interruptions, but it may not be enough to obtain the
now demanded degree of reliability.
In many countries, it has also been increasingly difficult to obtain
permission to build new lines of normal dimensions. Hence, new lines
Protection of line insulation by surge arresters
under construction may mostly be ”compact-insulation” lines. This, in
Surge arresters connected in parallel with them at selected towers.
turn, requires optimal control of overvoltages caused by lightning or
In this application usually the term line surge arresters (LSA) is used.
switching events. Surge arresters installed along the line or at a few
Protection using polymer-housed arresters (Hitachi Energy type
selected critical towers, in this case, may be an attractive solution or
PEXLIM) along with additional accessories for fixing the arresters
a complement to other means.
across the insulators and providing automatic disconnection of the
arresters in the event of their being overstressed is called the PEXLINK
Improvement in the reliability and availability of a transmission
concept. This method is simple, costeffective and, in many cases, an
system can be obtained in one or more of the following ways:
attractive alternative to the methods mentioned above.

Duplication of the system (more than one line)

This is a very expensive method and often impractical.

Increased insulation withstand.

It can both be expensive and create other problems such as the need
for increased insulation of station equipment.

More information on internet Visit here for viewing the PEXLINK video.
20 (58)

Hitachi Energy’s protection philosophy
Hitachi Energy’s philosophy is to provide protection for line The design permits installation using standard transmission-line
insulation at selected locations by using standard available hardware normally available locally. The design also permits mounting
components. The main item is the gapless silicone polymer- at different positions based on tower geometry and conductor spacing.
housed arrester, PEXLIM, with metaloxide (MO) active
If very high availability is desired, a very large number of locations
elements. Such arresters have been used for many years
may have to be protected, mainly due to the unpredictable nature
for protection of equipment in substations and hence their
of lightning. In such a case it may not be economically justified to
protective performance and reliability is wellknown.
select arresters with ”sufficient energy capability” and instead a higher
failure rate may be acceptable.
The low weight permits installation on existing structures and the
polymer housing gives increased safety of the line equipment as well
To ensure quick, safe, automatic and controlled disconnection of a
as people and animals which may be in the vicinity of the lines during
failed arrester, Hitachi Energy uses a special disconnecting device
overstress conditions.
with a suitable link, often in the earthing circuit of the arresters.

With regard to lightning energy, line arresters are exposed to more

The recommended earth lead is designed to withstand the short-
severe conditions than arresters placed in substations. The latter are
circuit currents and the disconnecting device is tested to ensure no
benefited by the reduction of surge steepness due to line corona effect
false operations. Thus, at a failure, the tripped line does not have to be
and reduction in surge amplitude as the lightning current finds parallel
locked-out and attended to immediately.
paths through shielding wires, flashover and parallel lines. Thus, it is
necessary to ensure that the MO resistors of the LSA are not under-
dimensioned from an energy and current point-of-view. A computer
program is used to determine the optimum number of locations
(generally where the footing impedance is high) and to calculate the
arrester stresses at each of the chosen locations.

Line surge arresters, incorporating PEXLIM Q arresters and disconnecting devices on earth leads, erected on ESKOM 300 kV system in South Africa.
21 (58)

Increased line availability Line upgrading
By locating the PEXLINK on sections of lines with high footing The existing insulation level of a line, when suitably protected by
impedance towers and one additional low footing-impedance tower arresters, may be upgraded for service at a higher system voltage
at each end of the section, PEXLINK protects existing shielded and leading to greater power transfer without much additional capital cost.
non-shielded lines from abnormal lightning surges (frequent or high
amplitudes) and reduces the outages. Extended station protection
By locating arresters on towers near a substation, the risk of
The reduced outages are beneficial also indirectly because sensitive backflashovers near the station is eliminated. This results in
equipment is not damaged and the circuit breakers overhaul interval reduction of steepness and amplitude of incoming travelling waves,
can be increased. Thus, total maintenance costs are also reduced. thus improving the protection performance of station arresters and
eliminating the need for additional expensive metal-enclosed arresters
This protection may be used for all system voltages where the stated even for large GIS.
abnormal conditions exist. Arresters with moderate energy capability
are often sufficient. However, the high-current capability must be large Substitute for shield wires
and distribution-type arresters may not be suitable. In cases where provision of shield wires is not practical physically or
is very expensive, e.g. very long spans, very high towers etc, arresters
are a good and economical substitute.

Arresters located in all phases on each tower eliminate the need
3.5 for both shield wires and good footing impedance and may be
3 economically justified in cases where the cost of reduction in footing
2.5 impedance and the cost of overhead shield wire are very high.



The diagram shows overvoltages phase-ground generated by three-

phase reclosing of 550 kV, 200 km transmission line with a previous
ground fault. For long EHV lines preinsertion resistors traditionally are
used to limit switching overvoltages. Surge arresters, as a robust and
efficient alternative, could be located at line ends and along the line
at selected points.

Switching overvoltage control

For long EHV lines, surge arresters usually are located at line-ends. In
addition, by locating arresters at one or more points along the line e.g.
at midpoint or 1/3 and 2/3 line length switching surge overvoltages
and thus line insulation requirements could be limited without using
preinsertion resistors. Arresters used for this type of application should
be designed for high energy capability, especially at the receiving end
of the line.

Compact-insulation lines
Arresters placed in parallel with line insulators permit a large degree
of compacting of a transmission line with lower right-of-way costs as
a result.
22 (58)


No arresters at all. Lightning stroke to tower number 5.

Very high risk for flashover due to high TFI (Tower Footing Impedance) with an earth fault followed by a circuit breaker operation as a consequence.

Arresters in all 9 towers. Lightning stroke to tower number 5.

The overvoltage profile is well below the LIWV of the system all along the section. An ideal protection is obtained.
23 (58)

Lightning discharge capability A few examples can be seen in the figures for ”Some erection
In general, arresters on lines are subjected to higher energy and alternatives” on next page. The disconnecting device is carefully
current stresses caused by lightning than arresters installed in chosen to perform its function only at the overload of the arrester.
stations. Furthermore, the associated waveform and durations differ
considerably from those specified for station arrester applications. The separation of the disconnector is quick and effective and the
Thus, line arresters are defined in terms of their lightning discharge method of connection advised by Hitachi Energy in each particular
capability, and PEXLIM arresters perform well in this regard. case ensures that neither the disconnected conductor nor the
damaged arrester cause any interference with other live parts. Thus,
Arrester type Lightning discharge capability after a failure, the line can be re-charged without attending to it
as per IEC 60099-4 Annex H
Energy charge

PEXLIM R 2.5 KJ/ kV (Ur)* 1.0 As** The disconnection is easily visible from the ground and thus locating
PEXLIM Q 4.0 KJ/ kV (Ur)* 1.8 As** it is simple for the maintenance crew.
PEXLIM P 7.0 KJ/ kV (Ur)* 2.8 As**

* Ur = Rated voltage Easy to install

** As = Ampere second. The PEXLIM arresters are built-up of optimum-length modules and
hence can be easily designed for use on various voltages. They are
Standard components light and easily transported up the towers.
The suspension of the arresters is simplified and standard clamps and
similar hardware normally available may be used for this purpose. This
leadsto overall economy for the user.

PEXLINK line surge arrester PEXLINK line surge arrester with Hitachi Energy’s surge arrester
monitor EXCOUNT-II

4 4

6 7 6
8 5
Transmission Line Surge Arrester PEXLINK design

1. Standard line clamp

2. Shunt
3. Clevis link
4. Line terminal
5. Disconnecting device
6. Linkage
7. EXCOUNT-II sensor
8. Earth cable to tower leg
24 (58)

Some erection alternatives

Different arrangements showing how easy it is to install the PEXLINK concept in towers of different design.

01 02

25 (58)

Quality control and testing

Hitachi Energy is certified to fulfil the
requirements of ISO 9001.
Type tests Accelerated life test on samples
Type (design) tests have been performed in accordance with IEC Power losses after 1 000 hours calculated from a test with shorter
60099-4. Test reports are available on request. duration (approximately 300 hours) at an elevated temperature of
115°C at 1.05 times Uc shall not exceed the losses at start of the test.
Routine tests Batches in which unapproved blocks appear are rejected.
Routine tests are performed on MO resistors as well as on assembled
arrester units and accessories. The most important type tests data is Energy capability test on samples
verified on all batches of MO resistors, thus verifying catalogue data. Validation of repetitive charge transfer rating (Qrs), based on the
same sampling and test procedure and criteria as the IEC 60099-
Tests on MO resistors 4 type test for station class. The samples are representative of the
Energy withstand test on all blocks Each individual MO resistor passes highest residual voltage of MO resistors from the individual batch
three energy test cycles with cooling in-between. In each cycle, the in order to verify the statistical quality of each produced batch of
injected energy is in excess of the rated energy capability. Blocks with all sizes of MO resistors. Batches which do not fulfill the criteria
insufficient energy capability are automatically rejected. are rejected.

Classification and inspection Impulse current test on samples

Each individual MO resistor is classified at 1 mA (DC) and 10 kA (8/ 20 Selected blocks are subjected to two 100 kA current impulses
μs) and the voltages are printed on each block together with a batch (4/10 μs) at spaced intervals. Other sample tests In addition to
identification. Finally all blocks are visually inspected. the above, low current characteristics, protection characteristics,
power losses and capacitance are checked to verify the inherent
MO resistor parameters.
26 (58)
27 (58)

Tests on assembled mechanical units

Routine tests on units fulfil the demands of both IEC 60099-4 and Internal corona
ANSI/IEEE C62.11. Each arrester has a unique serial number. The satisfactory absence of partial discharge is checked on each unit
at 0.9 times Ur. A steady internal corona level of not greater than 10 pC
Guaranteed residual voltage is required in a pass/no-pass test.
The residual voltage at 10 kA, 8/20 μs impulse current of each unit is
calculated as the sum of the residual voltages for all blocks connected Grading current
in series in the unit. The total leakage current passing through the arrester unit is measured
at Uc for information only.
The residual voltage of the complete arrester is the sum of the residual
voltages for its units. Power losses
Power loss is measured at Uc on each unit verifying that the thermal
Tightness check (only for EXLIM and TEXLIM arresters) performance is in compliance with performed type tests.
During manufacture, a vacuum is drawn on the internal volume and
then dry air is pumped in, together with a small amount of helium Test reports
tracer gas, before sealing off the unit. A leakage test is performed by Routine test reports are filed and are available on request.
placing each unit in a vacuum chamber connected to a He-spectro-
meter. Maximum permissible leakage rate of Helium is 0.0001 mbarl/s Tests on accessories
at a pressure difference of 0.1 MPa as a pass/no-pass test. Surge counters and monitors All such devices are routinely function-
tested before leaving the factory.
Power frequency reference voltage
Reference voltage is measured on each surge arrester unit.
28 (57)

Online Buyers Guide

For complete data and easy selection of specific surge arresters for your application
please visit the Online Buyers Guide:
29 (58)

Polymeric Zinc-Oxide Surge Arrester
Protection of switchgear, transformers and other equipment in high voltage systems against atmospheric and switching
overvoltages. For use when requirements of lightning intensity, energy capability and pollution are moderate.

Superior where low weight, reduced clearances, flexible mounting, non-fragility and additional personnel safety is

Major component in PEXLINK™ concept for transmission line protection.

General characteristics

System voltages (Us) kV 24-170

Rated voltages (Ur) kV 18-144
Nominal discharge current (IEC) kApeak 10
Lightning impulse classifying current (ANSI/IEEE) k Apeak 10
Service conditions
• Ambient temperature °C -50 to +45
• Design altitude masl max. 1 000
• Frequency Hz 15-62
Charge, energy and current withstand
Surge arrester classification as per IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0 Station;SL
Repetitive charge transfer rating, Qrs (IEC) C 1.2
Repetitive charge transfer test value –
sample tests on all manufactured block batches C 1.5

Thermal energy rating, Wth (IEC) kJ/kV (Ur) 5
Single impulse energy capability (2 – 4 ms impulse) kJ/kV (Ur) 2.5

Discharge current withstand strength
• High current (4/10 us) kApeak 100
• Low current (2000 us, based on Qrs) Apeak 600
Line discharge class (as per IEC 60099-4, Ed. 2.2) Class 2
Surge arrester classification as per IEEE C62.11-2012 Station
Energy class (IEEE, switching surge energy rating) Class C
Single-impulse withstand rating (IEEE) C 1.2
Technical data for housing
Short-circuit/Pressure relief capability kA rms(sym) 50
Mechanical strength
• Specified long-term load (SLL) Nm 1 000
• Specified short term load (SSL) Nm 1 600

Note: All parameters are according to IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0, unless otherwise specified.

NOTE: Further data according to the IEEE standard can be supplied on request

For complete data and easy selection of specific surge arresters for your application please
visit the Online Buyers Guide:
30 (58)

Polymeric Zinc-Oxide Surge Arrester
Protection of switchgear, transformers and other equipment in high voltage systems against atmospheric and switching

• in areas with high lightning intensity and high energy requirements

• where grounding or shielding conditions are poor or incomplete

Superior where low weight, reduced clearances, flexible mounting, non-fragility and additional personnel safety
is required.

Major component in PEXLINK™ concept for transmission line protection.

General characteristics

System voltages (Us) kV 52-420

Rated voltages (Ur) kV 42-396
Nominal discharge current (IEC) kApeak 10
Lightning impulse classifying current (ANSI/IEEE) k Apeak 10
Service conditions
• Ambient temperature °C -50 to +45
• Design altitude masl max. 1 000
• Frequency Hz 15-62
Charge, energy and current withstand
Surge arrester classification as per IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0 Station;SM
Repetitive charge transfer rating, Qrs (IEC) C 2.0
Repetitive charge transfer test value –
sample tests on all manufactured block batches C 2.7 •
Thermal energy rating, Wth (IEC) kJ/kV (Ur) 8

Single impulse energy capability (2 – 4 ms impulse) kJ/kV (Ur) 4.5
Discharge current withstand strength
• High current (4/10 us) kApeak 100
• Low current (2000 us, based on Qrs) Apeak 1 000
Line discharge class (as per IEC 60099-4, Ed. 2.2) Class 3
Surge arrester classification as per IEEE C62.11-2012 Station
Energy class (IEEE, switching surge energy rating) Class E
Single-impulse withstand rating (IEEE) C 2.2
Technical data for housing
Short-circuit/Pressure relief capability kA rms(sym) 65
Mechanical strength

• Specified long-term load (SLL) Nm 2 500

• Specified short term load (SSL) Nm 4 000

Note: All parameters are according to IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0, unless otherwise specified.

NOTE: Further data according to the IEEE standard can be supplied on request

For complete data and easy selection of specific surge arresters for your application please
visit the Online Buyers Guide:
31 (58)

Polymeric Zinc-Oxide Surge Arrester
Protection of switchgear, transformers and other equipment in high voltage systems against atmospheric and switching

• in areas with very high lightning intensity

• where grounding or shielding conditions are poor or incomplete

• for important installations

• where energy requirements are very high (e.g. very long lines, capacitor protection).

Superior where low weight, reduced clearances, flexible mounting, non-fragility and additional personnel safety
is required.

Major component in PEXLINK™ concept for transmission line protection.

General characteristics

System voltages (Us) kV 52-420

Rated voltages (Ur) kV 42-360
Nominal discharge current (IEC) kApeak 20
Lightning impulse classifying current (ANSI/IEEE) k Apeak 10/15
Service conditions
• Ambient temperature °C -50 to +45
• Design altitude masl max. 1 000
• Frequency Hz 15-62
Charge, energy and current withstand
Surge arrester classification as per IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0 Station;SH
Repetitive charge transfer rating, Qrs (IEC) C 3.2
Repetitive charge transfer test value –
sample tests on all manufactured block batches C 4.0

Thermal energy rating, Wth (IEC) kJ/kV (Ur) 11

Single impulse energy capability (2 – 4 ms impulse) kJ/kV (Ur) 7
Discharge current withstand strength
• High current (4/10 us) kApeak 100
• Low current (2000 us, based on Qrs) Apeak 1 600
Line discharge class (as per IEC 60099-4, Ed. 2.2) Class 4
Surge arrester classification as per IEEE C62.11-2012 Station
Energy class (IEEE, switching surge energy rating) Class G
Single-impulse withstand rating (IEEE) C 3.2
Technical data for housing
Short-circuit/Pressure relief capability kA rms(sym) 65
Mechanical strength
• Specified long-term load (SLL) Nm 3 000
• Specified short term load (SSL) Nm 6 000

Note: All parameters are according to IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0, unless otherwise specified.

NOTE: Further data according to the IEEE standard can be supplied on request

For complete data and easy selection of specific surge arresters for your application please
visit the Online Buyers Guide:
32 (58)

Polymeric Zinc-Oxide Surge Arrester
Protection of switchgear, transformers and other equipment in high voltage systems against atmospheric and switching

• In areas with very high lightning intensity

• where grounding or shielding conditions are poor or incomplete

• for important installations

• where energy requirements are very high (e.g. very long lines, capacitor protection).

Superior where low weight, reduced clearances, flexible mounting, non-fragility and additional personnel safety
is required.

General characteristics

System voltages (Us) kV 300-550

Rated voltages (Ur) kV 228-444
Nominal discharge current (IEC) kApeak 20
Lightning impulse classifying current (ANSI/IEEE) k Apeak 10/15
Service conditions
• Ambient temperature °C -50 to +45
• Design altitude masl max. 1 000
• Frequency Hz 15-62
Charge, energy and current withstand
Surge arrester classification as per IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0 Station:SH
Repetitive charge transfer rating, Qrs (IEC) C 3.2
Repetitive charge transfer test value –
sample tests on all manufactured block batches C 4.0 •
Thermal energy rating, Wth (IEC) kJ/kV (Ur) 11 •
Single impulse energy capability (2 – 4 ms impulse) kJ/kV (Ur) 7
Discharge current withstand strength
• High current (4/10 us) kApeak 100
• Low current (2000 us, based on Qrs) Apeak 1 600
Line discharge class (as per IEC 60099-4, Ed. 2.2) Class 4
Surge arrester classification as per IEEE C62.11-2012 Station
Energy class (IEEE, switching surge energy rating) Class G
Single-impulse withstand rating (IEEE) C 3.2
Technical data for housing
Short-circuit/Pressure relief capability kA rms(sym) 65
Mechanical strength
• Specified long-term load (SLL) Nm 6 000
• Specified short term load (SSL) Nm 9 000

Note: All parameters are according to IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0, unless otherwise specified.

NOTE: Further data according to the IEEE standard can be supplied on request

For complete data and easy selection of specific surge arresters for your application please
visit the Online Buyers Guide:
33 (58)

Polymeric High Strength Zinc-Oxide Surge Arrester
Protection of switchgear, transformers and other equipment in high voltage systems against atmospheric and switching

• in areas with very high lightning intensity

• where grounding or shielding conditions are poor or incomplete

• for important installations

• where energy requirements are very high (e.g. very long lines, capacitor protection)

• Specially suited to extreme seismic zones

Superior where low weight, non-fragility and additional personnel safety is required.

General characteristics

System voltages (Us) kV 123-420

Rated voltages (Ur) kV 90-420
Nominal discharge current (IEC) kApeak 10
Lightning impulse classifying current (ANSI/IEEE) k Apeak 10
Service conditions
• Ambient temperature °C -50 to +45
• Design altitude masl max. 1 000
• Frequency Hz 15-62
Charge, energy and current withstand
Surge arrester classification as per IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0 Station;SM
Repetitive charge transfer rating, Qrs (IEC) C 2.0
Repetitive charge transfer test value –
sample tests on all manufactured block batches C 2.7
Thermal energy rating, Wth (IEC) kJ/kV (Ur) 8
Single impulse energy capability (2 – 4 ms impulse) kJ/kV (Ur) 4.5
Discharge current withstand strength
• High current (4/10 us) kApeak 100
• Low current (2000 us, based on Qrs) Apeak 1 000
Line discharge class (as per IEC 60099-4, Ed. 2.2) Class 3
Surge arrester classification as per IEEE C62.11-2012 Station
Energy class (IEEE, switching surge energy rating) Class E
Single-impulse withstand rating (IEEE) C 2.2
Technical data for housing
Short-circuit/Pressure relief capability kA rms(sym) 80
Mechanical strength
• Specified long-term load (SLL) Nm 21 000
• Specified short term load (SSL) Nm 40 000

Note: All parameters are according to IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0, unless otherwise specified.

NOTE: Further data according to the IEEE standard can be supplied on request

For complete data and easy selection of specific surge arresters for your application please
visit the Online Buyers Guide:
34 (58)

Polymeric High Strength Zinc-Oxide Surge Arrester
Protection of switchgear, transformers and other equipment in high voltage systems against atmospheric and switching

• in areas with very high lightning intensity

• where grounding or shielding conditions are poor or incomplete

• for important installations

• where energy requirements are very high (e.g. very long lines, capacitor protection).

• Specially suited to extreme seismic zones.

Superior where low weight, non-fragility and additional personnel safety is required.

General characteristics

System voltages (Us) kV 245-550

Rated voltages (Ur) kV 180-444
Nominal discharge current (IEC) kApeak 20
Lightning impulse classifying current (ANSI/IEEE) k Apeak 10/15
Service conditions
• Ambient temperature °C -50 to +45
• Design altitude masl max. 1 000
• Frequency Hz 15-62
Charge, energy and current withstand
Surge arrester classification as per IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0 Station;SH
Repetitive charge transfer rating, Qrs (IEC) C 3.2
Repetitive charge transfer test value –
sample tests on all manufactured block batches C 4.0
Thermal energy rating, Wth (IEC) kJ/kV (Ur) 11
Single impulse energy capability (2 – 4 ms impulse) kJ/kV (Ur) 7
Discharge current withstand strength
• High current (4/10 us) kApeak 100
• Low current (2000 us, based on Qrs) Apeak 1 600
Line discharge class (as per IEC 60099-4, Ed. 2.2) Class 4
Surge arrester classification as per IEEE C62.11-2012 Station
Energy class (IEEE, switching surge energy rating) Class G
Single-impulse withstand rating (IEEE) C 3.2
Technical data for housing
Short-circuit/Pressure relief capability kA rms(sym) 80
Mechanical strength
• Specified long-term load (SLL) Nm 21 000
• Specified short term load (SSL) Nm 40 000

Note: All parameters are according to IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0, unless otherwise specified.

NOTE: Further data according to the IEEE standard can be supplied on request

For complete data and easy selection of specific surge arresters for your application please
visit the Online Buyers Guide:
35 (58)

Polymeric High Strength Zinc-Oxide Surge Arrester
Protection of switchgear, transformers and other equipment in high voltage systems against atmospheric and switching

• in areas with very high lightning intensity

• where grounding or shielding conditions are poor or incomplete

• for important installations

• where energy requirements are very high (e.g. very long lines, capacitor protection).
• Specially suited to extreme seismic zones.

Superior where low weight, non-fragility and additional personnel safety is required.

Arrester classificat
General characteristics
Arrester classificat
System voltages (Us) kV 245-800
System voltages (U
Rated voltages (Ur) kV 180-624
Rated voltages (Ur
Nominal discharge current (IEC) kApeak 20
Lightning impulse classifying current (ANSI/IEEE) k Apeak 10/15 Nominal discharge
Service conditions Lightning impulse
• Ambient temperature °C -50 to +45 Charge, energy an
• Design altitude masl max. 1 000
Repetitive charge t
• Frequency Hz 15-62
Thermal energy rat
Charge, energy and current withstand
Surge arrester classification as per IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0 Station;SH
Single impulse ene
Repetitive charge transfer rating, Qrs (IEC) C 5.2 Discharge curren
Repetitive charge transfer test value – •
sample tests on all manufactured block batches C 6.2
Thermal energy rating, Wth (IEC) kJ/kV (Ur) 15 •
Single impulse energy capability (2 – 4 ms impulse) kJ/kV (Ur) 11
Discharge current withstand strength Single-impulse wit
• High current (4/10 us) kApeak 150
Repetitive charge t
• Low current (2000 us, based on Qrs) Apeak 2 600
Short-circuit/ Pre
Line discharge class (as per IEC 60099-4, Ed. 2.2) Class 5
Surge arrester classification as per IEEE C62.11-2012 Station
Mechanical stren
Energy class (IEEE, switching surge energy rating) Class J Specified long-term
Single-impulse withstand rating (IEEE) C 5.2 Specified short-te
Technical data for housing Service condition
Short-circuit/Pressure relief capability kA rms(sym) 80
Ambient temperatu
Mechanical strength
Design altitude
• Specified long-term load (SLL) Nm 21 000
• Specified short term load (SSL) Nm 40 000
Line discharge cl
Note: All parameters are according to IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0, unless otherwise specified.

NOTE: Further data according to the IEEE standard can be supplied on request

For complete data and easy selection of specific surge arresters for your application please
visit the Online Buyers Guide:
36 (58)

Porcelain-housed Zinc-Oxide Surge Arrester
Protection of switchgear, transformers and other equipment in high voltage systems against atmospheric and switching
overvoltages. For use when requirements of lightning intensity, energy capability and pollution are moderate.

General characteristics

System voltages (Us) kV 52-170

Rated voltages (Ur) kV 42-168
Nominal discharge current (IEC) kApeak 10
Lightning impulse classifying current (ANSI/IEEE) k Apeak 10
Service conditions
• Ambient temperature °C -50 to +45
• Design altitude masl max. 1 000
• Frequency Hz 15-62
Charge, energy and current withstand
Surge arrester classification as per IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0 Station;SL
Repetitive charge transfer rating, Qrs (IEC) C 1.2
Repetitive charge transfer test value –
sample tests on all manufactured block batches C 1.5
Thermal energy rating, Wth (IEC) kJ/kV (Ur) 5
Single impulse energy capability (2 – 4 ms impulse) kJ/kV (Ur) 2.5
Discharge current withstand strength
• High current (4/10 us) kApeak 100
• Low current (2000 us, based on Qrs) Apeak 600
Line discharge class (as per IEC 60099-4, Ed. 2.2) Class 2
Surge arrester classification as per IEEE C62.11-2012 Station
Energy class (IEEE, switching surge energy rating) Class C
Single-impulse withstand rating (IEEE) C 1.2
Technical data for housing
Short-circuit/Pressure relief capability kA rms(sym) 50
Mechanical strength
• Specified long-term load (SLL) Nm 3 000
• Specified short term load (SSL) Nm 7 500

Note: All parameters are according to IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0, unless otherwise specified.

NOTE: Further data according to the IEEE standard can be supplied on request

For complete data and easy selection of specific surge arresters for your application please
visit the Online Buyers Guide:
37 (58)

Porcelain-housed Zinc-Oxide Surge Arrester
Protection of switchgear, transformers and other equipment in high voltage systems against atmospheric and switching

• in areas with high lightning intensity and high energy requirements.

• where grounding or shielding conditions are poor or incomplete.

General characteristics

System voltages (Us) kV 52-245

Rated voltages (Ur) kV 43-228
Nominal discharge current (IEC) kApeak 10
Lightning impulse classifying current (ANSI/IEEE) k Apeak 10
Service conditions
• Ambient temperature °C -50 to +45
• Design altitude masl max. 1 000
• Frequency Hz 15-62
Charge, energy and current withstand
Surge arrester classification as per IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0 Station;SM
Repetitive charge transfer rating, Qrs (IEC) C 2.0
Repetitive charge transfer test value –
sample tests on all manufactured block batches C 2.7
Thermal energy rating, Wth (IEC) kJ/kV (Ur) 8
Single impulse energy capability (2 – 4 ms impulse) kJ/kV (Ur) 4.5
Discharge current withstand strength
• High current (4/10 us) kApeak 100
• Low current (2000 us, based on Qrs) Apeak 1 000
Line discharge class (as per IEC 60099-4, Ed. 2.2) Class 3
Surge arrester classification as per IEEE C62.11-2012 Station
Energy class (IEEE, switching surge energy rating) Class E
Single-impulse withstand rating (IEEE) C 2.2
Technical data for housing
Short-circuit/Pressure relief capability kA rms(sym) 65
Mechanical strength
• Specified long-term load (SLL) Nm 3 000
• Specified short term load (SSL) Nm 7 500

Note: All parameters are according to IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0, unless otherwise specified.

NOTE: Further data according to the IEEE standard can be supplied on request

For complete data and easy selection of specific surge arresters for your application please
visit the Online Buyers Guide:
38 (58)

Porcelain-housed Zinc-Oxide Surge Arrester
Protection of switchgear, transformers and other equipment in high voltage systems against atmospheric and
switching overvoltages.

• in areas with high lightning intensity and high energy requirements.

• where grounding or shielding conditions are poor or incomplete.

General characteristics

System voltages (Us) kV 170-420

Rated voltages (Ur) kV 132-420
Nominal discharge current (IEC) kApeak 10
Lightning impulse classifying current (ANSI/IEEE) k Apeak 10
Service conditions
• Ambient temperature °C -50 to +45
• Design altitude masl max. 1 000
• Frequency Hz 15-62
Charge, energy and current withstand
Surge arrester classification as per IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0 Station;SM
Repetitive charge transfer rating, Qrs (IEC) C 2.0
Repetitive charge transfer test value –
sample tests on all manufactured block batches C 2.7
Thermal energy rating, Wth (IEC) kJ/kV (Ur) 8
Single impulse energy capability (2 – 4 ms impulse) kJ/kV (Ur) 4.5
Discharge current withstand strength
• High current (4/10 us) kApeak 100
• Low current (2000 us, based on Qrs) Apeak 1 000
Line discharge class (as per IEC 60099-4, Ed. 2.2) Class 3
Surge arrester classification as per IEEE C62.11-2012 Station
Energy class (IEEE, switching surge energy rating) Class E
Single-impulse withstand rating (IEEE) C 2.2
Technical data for housing
Short-circuit/Pressure relief capability kA rms(sym) 65
Mechanical strength
• Specified long-term load (SLL) Nm 8 000
• Specified short term load (SSL) Nm 20 000

Note: All parameters are according to IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0, unless otherwise specified.

NOTE: Further data according to the IEEE standard can be supplied on request

For complete data and easy selection of specific surge arresters for your application please
visit the Online Buyers Guide:
39 (58)

Porcelain-housed Zinc-Oxide Surge Arrester
Protection of switchgear, transformers and other equipment in high voltage systems against atmospheric and switching

• In areas with very high lightning intensity.

• where grounding or shielding conditions are poor or incomplete.

• For important installations.

• Where energy requirements are very high (e.g. very long lines, capacitor protection)

General characteristics

System voltages (Us) kV 52-550

Rated voltages (Ur) kV 42-444
Nominal discharge current (IEC) kApeak 20
Lightning impulse classifying current (ANSI/IEEE) k Apeak 10/15
Service conditions
• Ambient temperature °C -50 to +45
• Design altitude masl max. 1 000
• Frequency Hz 15-62
Charge, energy and current withstand
Surge arrester classification as per IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0 Station:SH
Repetitive charge transfer rating, Qrs (IEC) C 3.2
Repetitive charge transfer test value –
sample tests on all manufactured block batches C 4

Thermal energy rating, Wth (IEC) kJ/kV (Ur) 11
Single impulse energy capability (2 – 4 ms impulse) kJ/kV (Ur) 7 •
Discharge current withstand strength
• High current (4/10 us) kApeak 100
• Low current (2000 us, based on Qrs) Apeak 1 600
Line discharge class (as per IEC 60099-4, Ed. 2.2) Class 4
Surge arrester classification as per IEEE C62.11-2012 Station
Energy class (IEEE, switching surge energy rating) Class G
Single-impulse withstand rating (IEEE) C 3.2
Technical data for housing
Short-circuit/Pressure relief capability kA rms(sym) 65
Mechanical strength
• Specified long-term load (SLL) Nm 8 000
• Specified short term load (SSL) Nm 20 000

Note: All parameters are according to IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0, unless otherwise specified.

NOTE: Further data according to the IEEE standard can be supplied on request

For complete data and easy selection of specific surge arresters for your application please
visit the Online Buyers Guide:
40 (58)

Porcelain-housed Zinc-Oxide Surge Arrester
Protection of switchgear, transformers and other equipment in high voltage systems against atmospheric and switching

• In areas with very high lightning intensity.

• where grounding or shielding conditions are poor or incomplete.

• For important installations.

• Where energy requirements are very high (e.g. very long lines, capacitor protection)

General characteristics

System voltages (Us) kV 245-800

Rated voltages (Ur) kV 180-624
Nominal discharge current (IEC) kApeak 20
Lightning impulse classifying current (ANSI/IEEE) k Apeak 10/15/20
Service conditions
• Ambient temperature °C -50 to +45
• Design altitude masl max. 1 000
• Frequency Hz 15-62
Charge, energy and current withstand
Surge arrester classification as per IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0 Station:SH
Repetitive charge transfer rating, Qrs (IEC) C 5.2
Repetitive charge transfer test value –
sample tests on all manufactured block batches C 6.2
Thermal energy rating, Wth (IEC) kJ/kV (Ur) 15

Single impulse energy capability (2 – 4 ms impulse) kJ/kV (Ur) 11 •
Discharge current withstand strength
• High current (4/10 us) kApeak 150
• Low current (2000 us, based on Qrs) Apeak 2 600
Line discharge class (as per IEC 60099-4, Ed. 2.2) Class 5
Surge arrester classification as per IEEE C62.11-2012 Station
Energy class (IEEE, switching surge energy rating) Class J
Single-impulse withstand rating (IEEE) C 5.2
Technical data for housing
Short-circuit/Pressure relief capability kA rms(sym) 65
Mechanical strength
• Specified long-term load (SLL) Nm 8 000
• Specified short term load (SSL) Nm 20 000

Note: All parameters are according to IEC 60099-4 Ed. 3.0, unless otherwise specified.

NOTE: Further data according to the IEEE standard can be supplied on request

For complete data and easy selection of specific surge arresters for your application please
visit the Online Buyers Guide:
41 (58)

Surge arrester monitors matched with the surge arresters
With our state-of-the-art product family EXCOUNT, Hitachi Energy has the full range of counters and monitors to cater
for all customer needs – from simple discharge operation count (EXCOUNT-C) through leakage current measurement
(EXCOUNT-I), remote wireless monitoring and diagnostics (EXCOUNT-II) to online real-time monitoring, diagnostics and
analysis (EXCOUNT-III).


Surge registration
Number of impulses
Impulse amplitude classification
Time stamp
Auxiliary contact
Surge analytics
Advanced surge analytics
Impulse amplitude measurement
Wave steepness
Overvoltage estimation
Leakage current measurement
Total leakage current
Resistive leakage current
General characteristics
Online real-time monitoring
Support SCADA connection 1

6-digit electromechanical Remote reading, Remotely monitored through

Display counter 6-digit, Ch-LCD PC connectivity network connection
100-250 VAC (50-60 Hz) or
Power supply Not applicable Solar panel Solar panel and field probe VDC, Max. 5 Watt, Max. 0.1 A

Surge registration only

Yes, depending on product version
42 (58)

Monitoring the health of surge arresters
Well-designed and tested, Hitachi Energy surge arresters Since the capacitive component of the current dominates so greatly,
are maintenancefree and can reasonably be expected the total leakage current measured on a basic mA-meter will be very
to have a long service life. Nevertheless, considering sensitive to the installation; making interpretation of the readings
the type of expensive equipment which an arrester is difficult. Furthermore, the capacitive current does not change
protecting, together with how costly and devastating an significantly due to deterioration of the voltage-current characteristic
of the surge arrester. Consequently, measurement of capacitive
unplanned power outage can be, there are good reasons
current cannot reliably indicate the condition of metal-oxide arresters.
for “monitoring” the condition of arresters.
Nevertheless, increasing values may be of some use in indicating that
cleaning of the insulators is necessary.
Surge arresters present a high impedance at normal service voltage
such that they behave as an insulator for the majority of their life.
Instead, it is generally recognized (IEC 60099-5) that the only reliable
This is necessary to assure a long life for the arrester itself as well
indicator for the condition of a gapless arrester that can be assessed
as stability of the electrical network as a whole. A deterioration of an
during normal service is to measure the resistive component of the
arrester’s insulatingproperties is therefore important to detect early
leakage current (or estimate it from the 3rd harmonic). The obtained
before the situation becomes acute.
value may then be compared with the maximum allowable resistive
current as given by the manufacturer under prevailing service
In order to truly evaluate the health of an arrester, testing of the kind
conditions i.e. temperature and applied voltage.
made as routine during manufacture would need to be performed.
However, such testing is not practical to make in the field and removal
of the arrester to a HV lab is deemed uneconomic. Instead some kind
of in-service diagnostic is required.

Surge registration
The primary reason for the use of surge counters on modern gapless
ZnO arresters is to check if a particular transmission line or phase
suffers from an exceptionally high number of overvoltages leading to
arrester operation — lightning faults on a line, for example. If this is
the case, whilst it validates the need for the arresters, use of some
preventative counter-measures may be warranted to limit the number
of surges. A sudden increase in the counting rate may also indicate an
internal arrester fault, in which case the arrester should be investigated
Remote reading with EXCOUNT-II.
However, simple surge counters tell only part of the story, as they
only register the number of surges according to their operating If a metal-oxide varistor ages or is damaged by impulses etc, the
characteristic. The user therefore has no way of telling the magnitude arrester resistive leakage current, and hence power losses, increase
of the surge and if it was significant, nor when it occurred and if it was permanently. This may result in an increase in temperature, which in
coincident with a system event. turn, increases the leakage current and so on until a so-called thermal
runway occurs. Early detection of a possible harmful increase may
Leakage current measurement prevent a failure and subsequent unplanned shutdown. Hence, to
Surge counters can be complimented with the facility to measure provide true diagnostics, a good monitor must be able to detect
leakage currents (total and/or resistive), with the intention of monitoring the arrester leakage current and isolate and measure the resistive
and diagnosing the condition of the arrester and its state of fitness for component flowing internally.
continued service. Howeverit is important to understand the validity of
the information provided. Diagnostic plan
A surge arrester does not contain any moving parts or items that can
At continuous operating voltage (Uc), a metaloxide varistor acts as a break. Consequently there is nothing to maintain, adjust, correct or
capacitor, leading to a predominantly capacitive component of current repair, which is why there is normally no need to perform any form
and a significantly smaller resistive part. For a complete surge arrester, of periodical checking or monitoring. In general, a correctly chosen
the capacitive current is further dependent on stray capacitances, and installed arrester is maintenance free during its entire lifetime. A
pollution currents on the insulator surface, number of varistor columns correctly chosen arrester in this context means that its electrical and
in parallel and the actual operating voltage. Meanwhile the small mechanical characteristics are matched to actual service conditions.
resistive component of the leakage current is temperature and voltage
43 (58)

Nonetheless, since external factors can place stresses on the arrester,

potentially leading to its deterioration and ultimate overload, it may be
prudent to draw up a schedule for regular checks. Such consideration
is all the more important if an unplanned outage is unacceptable for
reasons of system stability or economics. The older the arrester, the
more regular these checks may need to be, since the statistical risk for
overload increases with age.

As a guide, the following strategy is proposed to be made at

regular intervals as required and determined by site availability and

• Visual inspection and possible cleaning

• Diagnostics in advance of the designated lighting season and
thereafter following periods with bad weather conditions.
• Diagnostics after special fault conditions causing flashover in the
network or TOV’s of high amplitude and/ or long duration.

Because of their nature, old-style gapped arresters should be removed

as soon as possible as part of a scheduled replacement program.
Their age and inherent design does not warrant detailed evaluation.
Early models of gapless arresters may require additional visual checks
to look for signs of mechanical or physical deterioration as well as
monitoring of the internals. Newly purchased arresters can also
benefit from diagnostic monitoring right from first installation since
this permits easy trend analysis to detect potential deterioration later
on in its service life.
44 (58)

When safety comes first
EXCOUNT draws upon over 80 years of experience
by Hitachi Energy in the development of arresters and
associated accessories. Safety, functionality and longevity
are key elements which are given priority in selection and
design of components. In stark contrast to many other
competing products, EXCOUNT has not neglected short-
circuit safety which lies inherent in the design concept.

Common features of the EXCOUNT family

• Highest personnel safety
- Same safe performance as Hitachi Energy arresters
• Negligible residual voltage
- Does not reduce protection margins
- Minimized risk for injury in case of accidental contact during
• Maintenance free
- Sealed components
- Requires no external power supply (except for EXCOUNT-III)
• Long life
- Moulded components, non-sensitive to humidity or temperature
• Universal application
- All makes and types of gapless surge arresters.
- All weather and temperature conditions.

The use of an impulse current transformer with a single-turn primary
ensures that the voltage drop across the counter is negligible, even
at the highest impulse currents encountered in service. This leads to
added personnel safety and no increase in the protection level of the
arrester. Since no gaps or series impedance are used, there is no risk
of internal arcing and consequent explosive failure in the event of a
short-circuit following an arrester failure.

One further common feature with the entire EXCOUNT family is that all
internal components are fully encapsulated in polymer. This provides
sealing to IP67, which ensures no harmful ingress of dust or moisture
as well as providing personal safety through complete protection
against contact with the internals.

EXCOUNT is available in different variants, depending on the user’s

needs: simple, basic or extensive
45 (58)

A basic surge counter
EXCOUNT-C is a simple surge counter with all the essentials Surge registration
for easy installation and highest personnel safety. The The counting threshold for EXCOUNT-C is adapted for gapless surge
arresters. Only pulses that are considered significant to the arrester
counter is maintenance free; powered by the surge current
capability and life are therefore registered.
and suitable for all weather and temperature conditions.
Maintenance free
Design features
A robust plastic casing is fitted over the encapsulated internals,
EXCOUNT-C is to be fitted in the earth circuit between the arrester and
which makes EXCOUNT-C non-sensitive to humidity or temperature
ground. For simplicity, the EXCOUNT-C does not have a termination
variations. It can be exposed to all environments regardless of weather
point for the earth cable. Instead an opening is provided to draw the
and temperature conditions. The current transformer secondary
entire earth conductor from the arrester completely through and down
output is sufficient for driving the counter and an external
to ground. In case the conductor is too large to fit through the hole, an
supply source is hence not needed.
optional conductor kit may be ordered separately.

The secondary circuit is connected to a mechanical counting relay

and all components are totally sealed in polymer. A viewing window
permits easy reading of the six-digit cyclometer-type counter.
46 (58)

Technical data

General characteristics Stepping criteria

Item number 1HSA448000-A

Climatic conditions Sealed water-tight design, IP67
Short-circuit Capability 65 kA according to IEC 60099-4
Power supply Impulse current

Surge registration

Minimum counting threshold (8/20 μs) 1.5 kA

47 (58)


Optional accessory
EXCOUNT-C current conductor
Item number: 1HSA448427-A
48 (58)

A surge counter with a digital mA-meter
EXCOUNT-I is a surge counter with basic leakage current Surge registration
measurement function. The counter provides a number EXCOUNT-I registers the surge each time the arrester has discharged a
of unique features such as short-circuit safety and a well current over 10 A. The accumulated number of surges is continuously
proven electronic display which is easy to read, even in shown on the electronic display.
direct sunlight. EXCOUNT-I is specially designed for use
Leakage current measurement
with all makes and types of gapless arresters and in diverse
Hitachi Energy’s unique design ensures that total leakage current
through the arrester can be measured without risking personnel safety.

Design features The measurement is initiated by triggering a light sensitive diode using
As with all surge counters from Hitachi Energy, EXCOUNT-I does not a standard laser pointer. This will initiate EXCOUNT-I to start measuring
negatively affect the residual voltage of the arrester. EXCOUNT-I is the total leakage current for several cycles and shortly thereafter
housed in a sealed, weather-proof case, suitable for outdoor use display the average value (in mA). The counter will then automatically
and proven to match the short circuit capability of the arresters. return to its normal state and display number of impulses. Thus, the
EXCOUNT-I has been designed for highest personal safety and has measurement can be made at a discreet distance without coming into
been successfully short circuit tested at 65 kA. direct contact with the equipment.

EXCOUNT-I requires no external power supply as it incorporates its Maintenance free

own internal power source in the form of a high-efficiency capacitor EXCOUNT-I is a maintenance free product in outdoor applications.
charged by solar cells. The electronic display is of Cholesteric Liquid The display and solar panels might however need to be wiped off
Crystal Display type. This ensures highest readability, even in direct before measurement in extremely polluted conditions.
sunlight. The display is Bi-stable, which means that power is only
required during refresh of the display.
49 (58)

Technical data
General characteristics
Climatic conditions Sealed water-tight design, IP67
Short-circuit capability 65 kA according to IEC 60099-4
Power supply Built-in solar cells (battery alternative for indoor use)

Surge registration
Minimum counting threshold (8/20 μs) 10 A
Surge counting memory capacity 999999 registrations (wrap-around)
Time resolution < 0.5 s

Leakage current measurement

Measuring range of total leakage current 0.1 – 50 mApeak
Measuring frequency range 48 – 62 Hz
Laser pointer wavelength 630 nm

EXCOUNT-I versions
EXCOUNT-I can be supplied with an output connection (auxiliary contact) for interfacing to external
signalling equipment. Versions with only surge counting function are also available.

Leakage current
Model Surge counting measurement Auxiliary contact Laser pointer included
1HSA440000-C Yes - - -
1HSA440000-E Yes - Yes -
1HSA440000-J Yes Yes - Yes
1HSA440000-L Yes Yes Yes Yes

NOTE: The auxiliary pulse contact is suitable for use with AC or DC voltage (max. 250V, 1A). An auxiliary relay of suitable type must be connected
separately to the EXCOUNT-I auxiliary contact (not included as standard).
50 (58)


11 69,5
40 ø17




13 max ø14


Auxiliary contact brought out via dual-core (2 x 1 mm) cable 1HSA440000-E and 1HSA440000-L


51 (58)

Remote wireless monitoring and diagnostics
EXCOUNT-II is our remote wireless monitoring and which facilitates download of the measured data from the transceiver
diagnostics product combining outstanding looks with the and permits analysis and reporting of the collected information.
most extensive and powerful features. Included are a variety
of surge counting features together with all the essential Surge registration
EXCOUNT-II does more than just count surges. It also registers the
leakage current measurement functions. EXCOUNT-II
date and time as well as amplitude of the surge each time the arrester
enables users to keep track of overvoltages in the network
has discharged a current over 10 A. Time and amplitude measurement
as well as providing state-of-the art on-line condition
gives the user better information about overvoltages in the network
monitoring of arresters. and the operation of the arrester.

Design features Leakage current measurement and condition monitoring

EXCOUNT-II is a unique monitoring system, which can be used as EXCOUNT-II gives the user the possibility to measure both the total
an aid to assess the health of the entire substation by monitoring leakage current as well as the resistive component of the current
surges transmitted in and out of the network. Each surge arrester is through the arrester. Measurement of the resistive current gives a
fitted with a sensor, which detects the total number of discharges, the good indication of the arrester’s condition and fitness for continued
surge amplitude, date and time of occurrence, as well as the leakage service. The measurement method employed is based on third-
current through the arrester. The measurements can be remotely read harmonic analysis which is considered the most reliable measuring
when convenient with the aid of a hand-held transceiver (and optional method for condition monitoring according to IEC 60099-5.
external antenna).
Safe and secure
Remote reading provides increased personnel safety compared with The sensor is housed in a sealed, weather-proof case, suitable for
conventional counters. With a communication distance of up to 60 m outdoor use and proven to match the short-circuit capability of the
(120 m with external antenna), the person does not necessarily have to arrester to which it is connected. The sensor requires no external
even be inside the substation perimeter, so saving the need to arrange power supply as it incorporates its own internal power source in the
entry permits or have electrically trained personnel perform the work. form of a high-efficiency capacitor automatically charged by solar
cells and electric field probe.
The measured data can then be transferred to a computer for statistical
analysis. Included with EXCOUNT-II is specially designed software
52 (58)

Technical data
General characteristics
Climatic conditions Sealed water-tight design, IP67
Short-circuit capability 65 kA according to IEC 60099-4
Power supply Built-in solar cells and field probe (battery alternative for indoor use)

Surge registration
Minimum counting threshold (8/20 μs) 10 A
10 – 99 A
100 – 999 A
1 000 – 4 999 A
5 000 – 9 999 A
Amplitude classification (8/ 20 μs) > 10 000 A
Time stamp Yes
Time resolution < 0.5 s
Memory capacity 1 000 registrations (wrap-around)

Leakage current measurement

Measuring range of total leakage current 0.2 – 12 mApeak
Measuring range of resistive leakage current (peak level) 10 – 2 000 μA
Measuring frequency range 48 – 62 Hz

EXCOUNT-II versions
EXCOUNT-II verisons are available for two different frequencies depending on national regulations.
Contact Hitachi Energy for guidance.

Transceiver model 1 Transceiver model 2

Model Frequency Model Frequency

1HSA442 000-C for 868.35 MHz 1HSA442 000-A for 868.35 MHz
1HSA442 000-E for 916.50 MHz 1HSA442 000-D for 916.50 MHz
Application: Measuring total leakage current and surge data Application: Measuring total leakage current, resistive leakage current and surge data.

Sensor External antenna

Model Frequency Model Frequency

1HSA441 000-A for 868.35 MHz 1HSA446 000-A for 868.35 MHz
1HSA441 000-C for 916.50 MHz 1HSA446 000-B for 916.50 MHz

Sensors for inverted mounting

Model Frequency
1HSA441 000-D for 868.35 MHz
1HSA441 000-E for 916.50 MHz
53 (58)


01 Sensor

02 Transceiver 03 External antenna

54 (58)

Remote real-time monitoring, diagnostics
and analysis
Hitachi Energy introduces the next generation of monitoring A web browser interface via an optical fibre connection permits online
equipment for surge arresters: EXCOUNT-III, utilizing unique interrogation and data analysis from each unit individually and is also
features previously unseen on the market. used for configuration setup. The introduction of smart grid and the
communication protocol IEC 61850 has made users more focused
Given that much of the other station equipment is already on integration with existing SCADA systems. EXCOUNT-III supports
this protocol and communicates remotely via the fibre optic cable to
being condition and activity monitored, there has been
permit the user to add signals into an existing data collection system.
a clear desire to include arresters as well. Not only does
EXCOUNT-III monitor the arrester itself, it can also give
Surge registration
an estimate of overvoltage occurring at nearby apparatus In addition to surge counting, a special feature of the advanced
within the arrester’s protection zone - providing valuable version is the registration of the surge amplitude and wave-steepness.
information about whether the protection against potentially This can be used to define the residual voltage across the arrester
damaging surges is sufficient or not. In this way, EXCOUNT- for the actual surge, which in turn can be used to better estimate
III provides the user with remote real-time monitoring overvoltages in the station for a more detailed evaluation of insulation
of arresters as well as useful input to the insulation co- coordination than has been possible in the past.
ordination of the station as a whole.
This added-value feature will help users to verify if they have adequate
With market pressure on utilities to obtain near 100% power availability, protection or if they need to reconsider their choice of arrester or even
taking all actions to avoid even a rare unplanned outage is considered increase the number of arresters in the station. Furthermore, there is
worthwhile. As users push their systems harder accordingly, it can be particular interest to correlate front time and overvoltage levels with
expected to see stresses from system events leading to the arresters pre-existing transformer monitoring equipment as a means to support
also being called upon to act more often than they perhaps did in the total system condition monitoring diagnostics.
past. Monitoring how they handle those stresses - as well as what
the consequences of those events are on the system itself - may Leakage current measurement and condition monitoring
be included as part of the user’s strategy for improving the overall EXCOUNT-III gives the user the possibility to measure both the total
availability. EXCOUNT-III has been developed with this strategy in leakage current as well as the resistive component of the current
mind. through the arrester. The measurement of the resistive current
especially gives a good indication of the arrester’s condition and
Design features fitness for continued service. With the aid of the SCADA system,
For each surge arrester it is fitted on, the advanced version (EXCOUNT- these measurements can readily be used to co-ordinate maintenance
IIIA) registers the total number of discharges, the surge amplitude and work and possible replacement in order to assist with minimizing
wave-steepness, the date and time of occurrence, the total leakage unnecessary and costly unplanned outages.
current as well as the resistive leakage current through the arrester
by thirdharmonic analysis (method B2 according to IEC 60099-5). Safe and secure
Using high speed sampling and sweep time, complete surge current EXCOUNT-III remote retrieval of data via the optical fibre cable
impulses at the arrester’s connection point are recorded and available eliminates the need for substation visits solely to monitor arrester
for analysis. condition, while also enabling the highest possible personnel safety
standard by not having to approach an energized arrester to perform
The standard version (EXCOUNT-IIIM) is available for users who do online diagnostic measurements. All components are housed in a
not desire to analyze the overvoltages in detail. With this, discharges sealed, weather-proof case, suitable for outdoor use. The base unit
are only categorized by their amplitude along with a date and time is mounted on the support structure and interconnected similar to
stamp of occurrence. Other generic features are the same between a traditional counter, while the separate field probe is fixed at the
the versions. bottom of the arrester. An external power connection from the station
auxiliary supply (100 - 250 V, AC or DC) as well as a fibre optic cable
connection are additionally to be provided by the user.
55 (58)

Technical data
General characteristics
Climatic conditions Sealed water-tight design, IP67
Power supply 100-250 Volt, AC (50-60 Hz) or DC

Surge registration
Minimum counting threshold (8/ 20 μs) Adjustable 100 -1000 A
Amplitude classification/measurement (8/20 μs) The surge amplitude is classified as follows: The surge amplitude is classified as follows:

100 – 999 A 100 – 999 A

1000 – 4999 A 1000 – 4999 A
5000 – 9999 A 5000 – 9999 A
>10 000 A >10 000 A

Additionally, EXCOUNT-IIIA provides the

measured surge amplitude between 100-20 000 A.
EXCOUNT-IIIA register amplitude, wave-steepness
and calculates estimated overvoltage at
connection point.
Time stamp Yes
Time resolution 1s
Memory capacity 30 years of data

Leakage current measurement

Measuring range of total leakage current 0.2 – 12 mApeak
Measuring range of resistive leakage current (peak level) 10 – 2 000 μA
Measuring frequency range 48 – 62 Hz

Optical fibre connection Yes
Protocol IEC 61850, Ed. 2. TCP/IP with web server in the device

EXCOUNT-III versions
EXCOUNT-III is available in two versions, EXCOUNT-IIIM and EXCOUNT-IIIA.



Model 1HSA449000-C 1HSA449000-A

General characteristics
Online real-time monitoring Yes Yes

Surge registration
Number of impulses Yes Yes
Impulse amplitude classification Yes Yes
Time stamp Yes Yes

Surge analytics
Advanced surge analytics - Yes
Impulse amplitude measurement - Yes
Wave steepness - Yes
Overvoltage estimation - Yes

Leakage current measurement

Total leakage current Yes Yes

Resistive leakage current Yes Yes

56 (58)


04 Field probe


05 Field probe


57 (58)

Installations with Hitachi Energy’s surge arresters

01 PEXLIM surge arresters protecting a 420 kV

power transformer in Norway

02 PEXLIM surge arresters protecting a 420 kV power transformer in Sweden 03 TEXLIM surge arresters connected to the line entrance
58 (58)

04 PEXLIM surge arresters protecting a cable entrance 05 EXLIM surge arresters protecting a 420 kV power transformer

06 PEXLIM surge arresters connected to

the 420 kV secondary winding on a step-up
transformer in a nuclear power plant
59 (58)

Purchase order
Project Handled by email/ fax Tener reference number if any

Buyer Date (yyyy-mm-dd) Buyer reference

End user End user reference (if any)

Shipping terms Destination Means of transport

Freight forwarder (if FCA or FOB) Payment terms

Goods marking Delivery address

Yes No

Inspection of routine tests Routine test standard Documentation language Rating plate language Currency

Quantity Arrester type designation

Color (porcelain) Line terminal Earth terminal Insulating base

Delivery date (EXW) dddd-mm-yy Unit price (If known) Total price (If known)

Quantity Arrester type designation

Color (porcelain) Line terminal Earth terminal Insulating base

Delivery date (EXW) dddd-mm-yy Unit price (If known) Total price (If known)

Quantity Arrester type designation

Color (porcelain) Line terminal Earth terminal Insulating base

Delivery date (EXW) dddd-mm-yy Unit price (If known) Total price (If known)

It is recommended that the above form is used when ordering EXLIM/PEXLIM/TEXLIM surge arresters and accessories.
Send to:
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.
Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Energy Company

We reserve the right to make technical changes We reserve all rights in this document and in
or modify the contents of this document the subject matter and illustrations contained
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Hitachi Energy Sweden AB orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. parties or utilization of its contents – in whole
Lyviksvägen 4 Hitachi Energy Ltd. does not accept any or in parts – is forbidden without prior written
771 80 Ludvika responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or consent of Hitachi Energy Ltd.
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