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B.Tech, EE, 5th Sem, 2018-19 Batch

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Curriculum and Syllabus

B. Tech (Electrical Engineering) for the Batch


Semester (5th)

B. Tech in Electrical Engineering (Admission Batch: 2018-2019)

5th Semester
Category Course Code Course Title L-T-P Credit
Electric Power Transmission and
1 PC 11 3-0-0 3
2 PC 12 Control System 3-0-0 3
3 PC 13 Electrical Machines-II 3-0-0 3
Electrical Machine Design 3-0-0
PE 2 Electrical Energy Conservation and 3-0-0
4 (Any Auditing 3
Industrial Process Control and Dynamics 3-0-0

Electric Drives 3-0-0

PE 3
5 (Any Renewable Power Generating System 3-0-0 3
Sensors and Transducers 3-0-0

6 MC 5 Universal Human Values 0

Total Credit (Theory) 15
Electric Power Transmission and
1 PC 14 0-0-3 2
Distribution Lab
2 PC 15 Control and Instrumentation Lab 0-0-3 2
3 PC 16 Electrical Machines Lab-II 0-0-3 2
4 PSI 2 Evaluation of Summer Internship 0-0-3 1
Total Credit (Practical) 7
Total Semester Credit 22
5Th Semester
Electric Power Transmission and Distribution

Module I: (4 hours)
Evolution of Power Systems and Present-Day Scenario. Structure of power system.
Conventional sources of Electrical Energy, Hydroelectric Power Generation, Thermal Power
Generation and Nuclear Power Generation.

Module II: (10 hours)

Inductance of a Conductor due to Internal Flux, Flux Linkages between Two Points External
to an Isolated Conductor, Inductance of a Single Phase Two Wire Line, Flux Linkages of one
Conductor in a Group, Inductance of Composite-Conductors, Concept of GMD,
Transposition of lines, Inductance of a Three Phase Line with symmetrical and
Unsymmetrical Spacing, Inductance Calculations for Bundled Conductors, Skin effect and
Proximity effect. Capacitance of a Two Wire Line, Capacitance of a Three Phase Line with
symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Spacing, Effect of Earth on the Capacitance of a Three
Phase Line, Capacitance Calculations for Bundled Conductors, Parallel- Circuit Three Phase
Lines. Corona.

Module III: (12 hours)

Representation of Short, medium and long Transmission Line, Equivalent Circuit,
Calculation and analysis of performance of transmission lines, Voltage Profile of
transmission lines, Ferranti Effect, Power Flow Through Transmission Line, Power Flow
capability and Surge Impedance Loading, Series and Shunt Compensation of Transmission
Overhead Line Insulators: Insulator Materials, Types of Insulators, Voltage Distribution over
Insulator String, Methods of Equalizing the potential.
Mechanical Design of Overhead Transmission Lines: The catenary curve, Sag
TensionCalculation, supports at different levels, Stringing chart, sag Template, Equivalent
span, Stringing of Conductors, Vibration and Vibration Dampers

Module IV: (6 hours)

Method of Symmetrical Components (positive, negative and zero sequences). Balanced
andUnbalanced Faults. Representation of generators, lines and transformers in
sequencenetworks. Computation of Fault Currents. Neutral Grounding.

Module V: (10 hours)

Classification of Distribution Systems, Primary and secondary distribution network, Voltage
Drop in DC Distributors, Voltage Drop in AC Distributors, Kelvin’s Law, Limitations of
Kelvin’s Law, Application of Capacitors to Distribution Systems.
Underground Cables: Type and construction, Classification of Cables, Parameters of Single
Core Cables, Grading of Cables, Capacitance of Three Core Cable, Comparison of overhead
lines with underground Cables, XLPE, PVC Cables.
Power System Earthing: Soil Resistivity, Earth Resistance, Tolerable Step and Touch
Voltage, Actual Touch and Step Voltages. Single-wire Earth Return Concept in distribution
[1] J. Grainger and W. D. Stevenson, “Power System Analysis”, McGraw Hill Education,
[2] O. I. Elgerd, “Electric Energy Systems Theory”, McGraw Hill Education, 1995.
[3] D. P. Kothari and I. J. Nagrath, “Modern Power System Analysis”, McGraw Hill
Education, 4th Edition, 2011.

[4] B. M. Weedy, B. J. Cory, N. Jenkins, J. Ekanayake and G. Strbac, “Electric Power

Systems”, Wiley, 5th Edition, 2012.
[5] C.L. Wadhwa, “Electrical Power Systems”, New Age International Publishers, 6th
[6] A. R. Bergen and V. Vittal, “Power System Analysis”, Pearson Education Inc, 1999.

Digital Learning Resources:

Course Name: Power System Generation Transmission and Distribution

Course Link: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/102/108102047/
Course Instructor: Prof. D P Kothari, IIT Delhi

Course Name: Power System Engineering

Course Link: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/105/108105104/
Course Instructor: Prof. D Das, IIT Kharagpur
5Th Semester
Control System

Module I: (5 hours)
Industrial Control examples. Mathematical models of physical systems. Control hardware and
their models. Transfer function models of linear time-invariant systems. Feedback Control:
Open-Loop and Closed-loop systems. Benefits of NegativeFeedback. Block diagram algebra.
Signal Flow Graph and Mason’sGain formula.

Module II: (10 hours)

Standard test signals. Time response of first and second order systems for standard test
inputs. Application of initial and final value theorem. Design specifications for second-
ordersystems based on the time-response. Concept of Stability. Routh-Hurwitz Criteria.
Relative Stability analysis. Root-Locus technique. Construction of Root-loci.

Module III: (7 hours)

Relationship between time and frequency response, Polar plots, Bode plots. Nyquist
stabilitycriterion. Relative stability using Nyquist stability criterion – gain and phase margins.
Closed-loop frequency response: Constant M Circle, Constant N Circle, Nichols Chart.

Module IV: (10 hours)

Stability, steady-state accuracy, transient accuracy, disturbance rejection, insensitivity and
robustness of control systems. Root-loci method of feedback controller design. Design
specifications in frequency-domain. Frequency-domain methods of design. Application of
Proportional, Integral and Derivative Controllers, Tuning of PID controllers, Lead and Lag
and Lag-Lead compensator design.

Module V: (10 hours)

Concepts of state variables. State space model. Diagonalization of State Matrix. Solution of
state equations. Eigenvalues and Stability Analysis. Concept of controllability and
observability. Pole-placement by state feedback. Discrete-time systems. Difference
Equations. State-space models of linear discrete-time systems. Stability of linear discrete-
time systems.

Text Books:
[1] I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, “Control Systems Engineering”, New Age International,
[2] K. Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall, 1991
Reference Books:
[1] M. Gopal, “Control Systems: Principles and Design”, McGraw Hill Education, 1997.
[2] B. C. Kuo, “Automatic Control System”, Prentice Hall, 1995.

Digital Learning Resources:

Course Name: Control System Engineering

Course Link: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/102/108102043/
Course Instructor: Prof. M Gopal, IIT Delhi
5Th Semester
Electrical Machines - II

Module I: (8 Hours)
Physical arrangement of windings in stator and cylindrical rotor; slots for windings;
singleturn coil - active portion and overhang; full-pitch coils, concentrated winding,
distributed winding, winding axis, Air-gap MMF distribution with fixed current through
winding - concentrated and distributed, Sinusoidally distributed winding, winding
distribution factor

Module II: (4 Hours)

Constant magnetic field, pulsating magnetic field - alternating current in windings with
spatial displacement, Magnetic field produced by a single winding - fixed current and
alternating current Pulsating fields produced by spatially displaced windings, Windings
spatially shifted by 90 degrees, Addition of pulsating magnetic fields, Three windings
spatially shifted by 120 degrees (carrying three-phase balanced currents), revolving magnetic

Module III: (12 Hours)

Three Phase Induction Motor
Construction, Types (squirrel cage and slip-ring), Torque Slip Characteristics, Starting and
Maximum Torque. Equivalent circuit. Phasor Diagram, Losses and Efficiency. Effect of
parameter variation on torque speed characteristics (variation of rotor and stator resistances,
stator voltage, frequency). Methods of starting, braking and speed control for induction
motors. Generator operation. Self-excitation. Doubly-Fed Induction Machines.

Module IV: (6 Hours)

Single Phase Induction Motor
Constructional features, double revolving field theory, equivalent circuit, determination
ofparameters. Split-phase starting methods and applications

Module V: (10 Hours)

Constructional features, cylindrical rotor synchronous machine - generated EMF, equivalent
circuit and phasor diagram, armature reaction, synchronous impedance, voltage regulation.
Operating characteristics of synchronous machines, V-curves. Salient pole machine – two
reaction theory, analysis of phasor diagram, power angle characteristics. Parallel operation of
alternators - synchronization and load division.

Text Books:
[1] Stephen J. Chapman-‘Electric Machinery and Fundamentals’- Mc Graw Hill
International Edition, (Fourth Edition), 2015.
[2] M. G. Say, “Performance and design of AC machines”, CBS Publishers, 2002.
Reference Books:
[1] A. E. Fitzgerald and C. Kingsley, "Electric Machinery”, McGraw Hill Education,
[2] P. S. Bimbhra, “Electrical Machinery”, Khanna Publishers, 2011.
[3] I. J. Nagrath and D. P. Kothari, “Electric Machines”, McGraw Hill Education, 2010.
[4] A. S. Langsdorf, “Alternating current machines”, McGraw Hill Education, 1984.
[5] P. C. Sen, “Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics”, John Wiley &
Sons, 2007
Digital Learning Resources:

Course Name: Electrical Machine-II

Course Link: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/105/108105131/
Course Instructor: Prof. T K Bhattacharya, IIT Kharagpur
5Th Semester
Electrical Machine Design

Module-I: (12 hours)

Design of Transformers: Classification of transformer, transformer core, yoke, transformer
winding, cooling of transformers, method of cooling of transformers, transformer tank,
cooling ducts, transformer insulation, conservator and breather, output of transformer, output
equation, ratio of iron loss to copper loss, relation between core area and weight of iron and
copper, optimum design, variation of output and lossless in transformers with linear
dimensions, design of core, selection of core area and type of core, choice of flux density,
design of windings, Design of insulation, surge phenomenon, surge protection widow space
factor, window dimension, width of window for optimum output, design of yoke, overall
dimensions, simplified steps for transformer design, operating characteristics, resistance of
winding, leakage reactance of winding, regulation.

Module-II: (12 hours)

D C Machines; Output equations, choice of average gap density, choice of ampere conductor
per meter, selection of number of poles, core length, Armature diameter, pole proportions,
number of ventilating ducts, estimation of air gap length, Armature reaction;flux distribution
at load, effect of armature reaction, brush shift and its effect, reduction of effects of armature
reaction Armature design; choice of armature winding, numbers of armature conductors,
numbers of armature slots, cross section of armature conductors, insulation of armature
winding, slot dimension, armature voltage drop, depth of armature core, Design of field
system; pole design, design of field winding, design of yoke, magnetic circuit, magnetization
curve, design of field winding, commutation phenomenon, forms of current in coil
undergoing commutation, Design of commutator and brushes; number of segments,
commutator diameter, length of commutator, dimension of brushes, losses at commutator
surface, loss and efficiency. Design of interpoles; time of commutation, width of
commutation zone, width of interpole shoe, calculation of reactance voltage, length of
interpole, flux density under interpole shoe, design of interpole winding.

Module-III: (8 hours)
Three Phase Induction Motors; output equation, choice of average flux density in air gap,
choice of armature conductors, efficiency and power factor, main dimensions, stator winding,
Shape of stator slots, number of stator slots, area of stator slots, length of mean turn, stator
teeth, stator core, Rotor design; length of air gap, number of rotor slots, effects of harmonics,
reduction of harmonic torques, design of rotor bars and slots, design of end rings, full load
slip, design of wound rotor, rotor teeth, rotor core, operating characteristics; no load current,
short circuit current, leakage reactance.

Module-IV: (12 hours)

Design of synchronous Machines; output equation, design of salient pole machines-main
dimensions, short circuit ratio, length of air gap, shape of pole face, armature design,
armature winding, coils and their insulation, slot dimension, length of mean turn, stator pole,
elimination of harmonics, armature parameters, estimation of air gap length, design of rotor,
magnetic circuits, Open circuit characteristics, determination of full load field mmf, design of
field winding, design of turbo-Alternator- main dimension, length of air gap, stator design,
rotor design. Determination of direct and quadrature axis synchronous reactances, short
circuit characteristics, losses, temperature rise,

Text Books:
[1] A.K. Sawhney and Dr. A. Chakrabarti,“A course in Electrical Machine
Design”,Dhanpat Rai & Company Pvt. Ltd International Edition, (Fourth Edition),
Reference Books:
[1] Clayton A E & Hancock N N, “The Performance and Design of Direct Current
Machines”, CBS Publishers and Distributors.
[2] M. G. Say, “Performance and design of AC machines”, CBS Publishers, 2002.
[3] Sen S K, “ Principles of Electrical Machine Design with Computer Programs:, Oxford
& IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
[4] A.Shanmugasundaram, G.Gangadharan, R.Palani, “'Electrical Machine Design Data
Book”, New Age Intenational Pvt. Ltd
5Th Semester
Electrical Energy Conservation and Auditing
Module I: (12 Hours)
Electrical energy conservation: Energy economics- discount rate, payback period, internal
rate of return, net present value, and life cycle cost. Energy generation, energy distribution,
energy usage by processes, technical and economic evaluation, understanding energy costs,
classification of energy conservation measures, plant energy performance, benchmarking and
energy performance, matching energy usage to requirement, maximizing energy system
efficiency, optimizing the input energy requirements, fuel and energy substitution, and energy
EB billing- HT and LT supply, transformers, electric motors- motor efficiency computation,
energy efficient motors, pumps, fans, blowers, compressed air systems, refrigeration and air
conditioning systems, cooling towers, electric heaters (space and liquid), DG-sets,
illuminating devices, power factor improvement, and harmonics.
Module II: (12 Hours)
Electrical energy audit: Energy consumption pattern and scenario of any region; Energy
auditing: Need, types, methodology and approaches; Preliminary energy audit methodology
(initial site visit and preparation required for detailed auditing, detailed energy audit
activities, information and data collection, process flow diagram and process steps);
Procedure and techniques: Data gathering, evaluation of saving opportunities, and energy
audit reporting; and Energy audit instruments.
Module III: (06 Hours)
Illumination: Illumination, luminous flux, lumen, luminous intensity, candela power,
brightness, glare, types of lighting (incandescent, CFL, and LED), requirements of lux for
various purposes, determine the method of lighting, select the lighting equipments, and
calculate the lighting parameters.

Text Books:
[1] Callaghn, P. W.” Design and Management for Energy Conservation”, Pergamon
Press, Oxford, 1981.
[2] Dryden. I. G. C.,” The Efficient Use of Energy”, Butterworths, London, 1982.
[3] Energy Economics -A. V. Desai (Wiley Eastern).
[4] Handbook of Energy Efficiency - CRC Press
Reference Books:
[1] Energy Technology, OP Gupta, Khanna Book Publishing
[2] Handbook of Energy Audits Albert Thumann, William J. Younger, Terry Niehus,
[3] Handbook on Energy Audit and Environment Management, Y P Abbi and Shashank
Jain, TERI, 2006.
5Th Semester
Industrial Process Control and Dynamics

Module-I: (10 Hours)

Introduction, control systems, process control block diagram, control system evaluation, analog
and digital processing. Analog Signal Conditioning: Introduction, principles of analog signal
conditioning, passive circuits, operation, amplifiers, op-amp circuits in instrumentation

Module-II: (10 Hours)

Digital Signal Conditioning: Introduction, Review of digital fundamentals, converters, Data
Acquisition system.
Thermal Sensors: Introduction, Definition of temperature, Metal resistance versus Temperature
devices, Thermistors, Thermocouples.
Mechanical Sensors: Introduction, Displacement, Location or Position sensors, Strain sensors,
Motion sensors Pressure sensors, Flow sensors

Module-III: (10 Hours)

Optical Sensors: Introduction, Photo detectors, Pyrometry, Optical Sources application. Final
Control: Introduction, Final control operation, signal conversions, Industrial Electronics,
Actuators, Control Elements. Discrete State Process Control: Introduction, Definition of
Discrete State Process control, Characteristics of the system, Relay controllers and ladder
diagram, PLCs. Control Loop.

Module IV (10 Hours)

Controller Principles: Introduction, Process characteristics, Control system parameters,
Discontinuous controller modes, continuous controller modes, composite control modes. Analog
Controllers: Electronics Controller, Pneumatic controller. 3. Digital Controllers: Digital
electronics methods, Computers in process control, Characteristics of digital data

Text Books:
[1] Curtis D. Johnson, “Process Control Instrumentation Technology”, PHI Publication.
[2] D. R. Coughanowr, Steven LeBlanc, “Process System Analysis and Control”,
McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2013
Reference Books:
[1] Surekha Bhanot, “Process Control: Principle and Application”, Oxford
5Th Semester
Electric Drives


Requirements, AC and DC drives, Advantages of Electrical Drives, Fundamentals ofTorque
Equations, Speed Torque Conventions and Multi-quadrant Operation, Equivalent Valuesof
Drive Parameters, Components of Load Torques, Calculation of Time and Energy Loss
inTransient Operations, Steady State Stability, Load Equalization, Control of Electrical
Thermal Model of Motor for Heating and Cooling, Classes of Motor Duty, Determination of
Motor Rating.


Steady State Performance of DC/AC Drives:DC Motors and their Performances,
Starting,Braking, Transient Analysis, Speed Control, Methods of Armature Voltage Control,
ControlledRectifier Fed DC Drives,Induction Motor Drives: Speed Control, Pole Changing,
PoleAmplitude Modulation, Stator Voltage Control, Variable Frequency Control from
VoltageSource, Voltage Source Inverter Control, Variable Frequency Control from Current
Source,Current Source Inverter Control, Current Regulated Voltage Source Inverter Control,
RotorResistance Control, Slip Power Recovery.
Synchronous Motor Drives: Synchronous Motor Variable Speed Drives, VariableFrequency
Control of Multiple Synchronous Motors. Electric Traction: System of electrictraction
Mechanics of Train Movement: Speed- time, distance- time and simplified speed-timecurves,
Attractive effort for acceleration and propulsion, effective weight, train resistance,adhesive
weight, specific energy output and consumption. Traction Motors: Review of characteristics
of different types of DC and AC motors usedin traction and their suitability


Drives for specific application like Textile Mills, Steel Rolling Mills, Cranes and
HoistDrives, Cement Mills, Sugar Mills, Machine Tools, Paper Mills, Coal Mines,
Centrifugal Pumps.Application Areas and Functions of Microprocessors in Drive

Text Books:
[1] G. K. Dubey,” Fundamentals of Electrical Drives”, CRC Press, 2002.
[2] V.Subrahmanyam, “Electric Drives”,TMH
Reference Books:
[1] W. Leonhard,” Control of Electric Drives”, Springer Science & Business Media, 2001.
[2] R. Krishnan,” Electric Motor Drives: Modeling, Analysis and Control”, Prentice Hall

Digital Learning Resources:

Course Name: Fundamentals of Electric Drives

Course Link: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/104/108104140/
Course Instructor: Prof. Shyama Prasad Das, IIT Kanpur
5Th Semester
Renewable Power Generation Systems
Module I: (15 Hours)
Introduction: Conventional energy Sources and its Impacts, Non conventional energy–
seasonalvariations and availability, Renewable energy – sources and features, Distributed
energy systemsand dispersed generation (DG). Solar Energy: Solar processes and spectral
composition of solar radiation. Solar Thermal system-Solar collectors, Types and
performance characteristics, Applications-Solar water heating systems(active & passive) ,
Solar space heating & cooling systems , Solar desalination systems, Solar cooker.Solar
photovoltaic system-Operating principle, Photovoltaic cell concepts, Cell, module,
array,Losses in Solar Cell, Effects of Shadowing-Partial and Complete Shadowing, Series
and parallelconnections, Cell mismatching, Maximum power point tracking, Applications-
Battery charging,Pumping, Lighting, Peltier cooling. Modelling of PV cell.

Module II: (10 Hours)

Wind Energy: Wind energy, Wind energy conversion; Wind power density, efficiency limit
for windenergy conversion, types of converters, aerodynamics of wind rotors, power ~ speed
and torque speed characteristics of wind turbines, wind turbine control systems; conversion to
electricalpower: induction and synchronous generators, grid connected and self excited
induction generatoroperation, constant voltage and constant frequency generation with power
electronic controlsingle and double output systems, reactive power compensation,
Characteristics of wind powerplant, Concept of DFIG.

Module III: (9 Hours)

Biomass Power: Principles of biomass conversion, Combustion and fermentation, Anaerobic
digestion, Types of biogas digester, Wood gassifier, Pyrolysis, Applications. Bio gas, Wood
stoves,Bio diesel, Combustion engine, Application.

Module IV: (6 Hours)

Hybrid Systems: Need for Hybrid Systems, Range and type of Hybrid systems, Case studies
ofDiesel-PV, Wind-PV, Microhydel-PV, Biomass-Diesel systems, electric and hybrid electric

Text Books:
[1] Godfrey Boyle“Renewable Energy- Power for a Sustainable Future”,Oxford
University Press.
[2] B.H.Khan, “Non-Conventional Energy Resources”,Tata McGrawHill, 2009.
[3] S. N. Bhadra, D. Kastha, S. Banerjee, “Wind Electrical Systems”,Oxford University
Press, 2005.
Reference Books:
[1] S. A. Abbasi, N. Abbasi, “Renewable Energy Sources and Their Environmental
Impact”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2006
Digital Learning Resources:

Course Name: Energy Resources and Technology

Course Link: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/105/108105058/
Course Instructor: Prof. S Banerjee, IIT Kharagpur
5Th Semester
Sensors and Transducers
Module-I (9 Hours)
Elements of a general measurement system: Static Characteristics: systematiccharacteristics,
statistical characteristics, calibration; Dynamic characteristics ofmeasurement systems:
transfer functions of typical sensing elements, step and frequencyresponse of first and second
order elements, and dynamic error in measurement systems.

Module-II (8 Hours)
Sensing elements: Resistive sensing elements: potentiometers, Resistance
TemperatureDetector (RTD), thermistors, strain gages. Capacitive sensing elements:
variableseparation, area and dielectric; Inductive sensing elements: variable reluctance and
LVDTdisplacement sensors; Electromagnetic sensing elements: velocity sensors.

Module-III (8 Hours)
Thermoelectric sensing elements: laws, thermocouple characteristics, installationproblems,
cold junction compensation. IC temperature sensor Elastic sensing elements:Bourdon tube,
bellows, and diaphragms for pressure sensing, force and torquemeasurement.
Module-IV (9 Hours)
Signal Conditioning Elements: Deflection bridges: design of resistive and reactive
bridges,push-pull configuration for improvement of linearity and sensitivity.
Amplifiers:Operational amplifiers-ideal and non-ideal performances, inverting, non-inverting
anddifferential amplifiers, instrumentation amplifier, filters. A.C. carrier systems,
phasesensitive demodulators and its applications in instrumentation.

Text Books:
[1] J.P. Bentley, “Principles of Measurement Systems”,Pearson Education, New
Delhi,3rdEdition, 2007.
[2] A.K. Ghosh, “Introduction to Measurement and Instrumentation”,PHI, 3rdEdition,
Reference Books:
[1] E.O. Doeblin, “Measurement Systems Application and Design”, McGraw-Hill,
International, 4thEdition.
[2] J.W. Dally, W.F. Riley and K.G.McConnel, “Instrumentation for Engineering
Measurements”, John Wiley, NY, 2nd Edition 2003.
[3] T.R. Padmanabhan, “Industrial Instrumentation”, Springer, London, 2000.

Digital Learning Resources:

Course Name: Industrial Instrumentation

Course Link: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/105/108105064/
Course Instructor: Prof. A Barua, IIT Kharagpur
5Th Semester
Universal HumanValues
(Self, Society and Nature)

Pre-requisites: Universal Human Values: Self & Family (desirable); 4-day Harmony-2
Workshop (co-requisite). Please refer to AICTE Model Curriculum-Vol-II.

1. Objective:
The objective of the course is four-fold:

A. Sensitization of student towards issues in society and nature.

B. Understanding (or developing clarity) of nature, society and larger systems, on the
basis of human relationships and resolved individuals.
C. Strengthening of self reflection.
D. Development of commitment and courage to act.

(For elaboration on some of the above, consult course description for Universal Human
Values 1: Self and Family, AICTE Model Curriculum-VOL-II).

2. Course Topics :
In this Universal Human Values course, the focus is more on understanding society and
nature on the basis of self and human relationships.

i) Purpose and motivation for the course.

ii) Recapitulation (from the previous course) on ideas of self, pre-conditioning, and
natural acceptance.
iii) Harmony in the self. Understanding human being as co-existence of self and
body. Identifying needs and satisfying needs of self and body. Self-observations.
Handling peer pressure.
iv) Recapitulation on relationships. Nine universal values in relationships. Reflecting
on relationships in family. Hostel and institute as extended family. Real life
v) Teacher-student relationship. Shraddha. Guidance. Goal of education.
vi) Harmony in nature. Four orders of nature – material order, plant order, animal
order and human order. Salient features of each. Human being as cause of
imbalance in nature. (Film “Home” can be used.)
vii) Human being as cause of imbalance in nature. Depletion of resources – water,
food, mineral resources. Pollution. Role of technology. Mutual enrichment not
just recycling.
viii) Prosperity arising out of material goods and understanding of self. Separation of
needs of the self and needs of the body. Right utilization of resources. lkekU;
vkdka{kk ,oa egRokdka{kk, Understanding the purpose they try to fulfil.
ix) Recapitulation on society. Five major dimensions of human society. Fulfilment of
the individual as major goal. Justice in society. Equality in human relationships as
naturally acceptable. Establishment of society with abhaya (absence of fear).
x) Ethical human conduct. Values, character and netikataa.
xi) Professional ethics. Conduct as an engineer or scientist.
Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Laboratory
List of Experiments

( Perform any 08 Experiments )

1. Study and of Ferranti Effect

2. Determination of ABCD Parameter.
3. Determination of string efficiency
4. Earth resistance measurement.
5. Series and shunt capacitance computation in transmission line
6. Transformer oil test.
7. Study of various lightning arresters.
8. Distribution system power factor improvement using switched capacitor.
9. Study of corona discharge

Digital Learning Resources:

Virtual Lab Link: http://vp-dei.vlabs.ac.in/Dreamweaver/list.html

Control and Instrumentation Laboratory
List of Experiments

( Perform any 10 Experiments )

Group-A (Control)

1. Study of a dc motor driven position control system

2. Study of speed torque characteristics of two phase ac servomotor and determination of
its transfer function
3. Obtain the frequency response of a lag and lead compensator.
4. To observe the time response of a second order process with P, PI and PID control and
apply PID control to servomotor
5. To determine the transfer function of a system (network) using transfer function
6. To study and validate the controllers for a temperature control system
7. To study the position control system using Synchroscope.

Group-B (Instrumentation)

1. To measure strain developed in a cantilever beam using strain gauges.

2. Study of temperature voltage characteristic of J type thermocouple
3. Measurement of linear displacement using LVDT
4. To measure unknown resistance, inductance and capacitance using different bridges.
5. Calibration of Single phase Energy meter

Digital Learning Resources:

Virtual Lab Link:

Electrical Machine-II Laboratory
List of Experiments

( Perform any 08 Experiments )

1. Determination of the voltage regulation of an alternator by synchronous impedance

method and zero power factor (zpf) method
2. Determination of the V and inverted V curves of a synchronous motor
3. Speed control of a three phase induction motor using variable frequency drives.
4. Determination of parameters of synchronous machine
(a) Positive sequence reactance
(b) Negative sequence reactance
(c) Zero sequence reactance
5. Determination of power angle characteristics of an alternator
6. Determination of parameter of a Capacitor start single phase induction motor.
7. Study of parallel operation of two alternators
8. Measurement of direct and quadrature axis reactance of a salient pole synchronous
machine by Slip test.
9. Measurement of transient and sub transient reactance of a salient pole alternator
10. Performance of grid connected induction generator.
11. Determination of parameters of three phase induction motor from No Load Test and
Blocked Rotor Test.
12. Determination of Efficiency, Plotting of Torque-Slip Characteristics of Three Phase
Induction motor by Brake Test.

Digital Learning Resources:

Virtual Lab http://vem-iitg.vlabs.ac.in/


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