Specs 1
Specs 1
Specs 1
A.1.1 (6) Provision of Combined Field Office, Laboratory & Living Quarters Building
for the Engineer
102.1 Description
This Item shall consist of roadway and drainage and borrow excavation and the
disposal of material in accordance with this Specification and in conformity with the lines,
grades and dimensions shown on the Plans or established by the Engineer.
Roadway excavation will include excavation and grading for roadways, parking
areas, intersections, approaches, slope rounding, benching, waterways and ditches;
removal of unsuitable material from the roadbed and beneath embankment areas; and
excavating selected material found in the roadway as ordered by the Engineer for specific
use in the improvement. Roadway excavation will be classified as “unclassified
excavation”, “rock excavation”, “common excavation”, or “muck excavation” as indicated
in the Bill of Quantities and hereinafter described.
(4) Muck Excavation. Muck excavation shall consist of the removal and disposal
of deposits of saturated or unsaturated mixtures of soils and organic matter
not suitable for foundation material regardless of moisture content.
The material shall meet the quality requirements determined by the Engineer
unless otherwise provided in the Contract.
102.2.1 General
When there is evidence of discrepancies on the actual elevations and that shown
on the Plans, a pre-construction survey referred to the datum plane used in the approved
Plan shall be undertaken by the Contractor under the control of the Engineer to serve as
basis for the computation of the actual volume of the excavated materials.
All suitable material removed from the excavation shall be used in the formation of
the embankment, subgrade, shoulders, slopes, bedding, and backfill for structures, and
for other purposes shown on the Plans or as directed.
The Engineer will designate as unsuitable those soils that cannot be properly
compacted in embankments. All unsuitable material shall be disposed off as shown on
the Plans or as directed without delay to the Contractor.
All excess material, including rock and boulders that cannot be used in
embankments shall be disposed off as directed.
Borrow material shall not be placed until after the readily accessible roadway
excavation has been placed in the fill, unless otherwise permitted or directed by the
Engineer. If the Contractor places moré borrow than is required and thereby causes a
waste of excavation, the amount of such waste will be deducted from the borrow volume.
102.2.4 Prewatering
Excavation areas and borrow pits may be prewatered before excavating the
material. When prewatering is used, the areas to be excavated shall be moistened to
the full depth, from the surface to the bottom of the excavation. The water shall be
controlled so that the excavated material will contain the proper moisture to permit
compaction to the specified density with the use of standard compacting equipment.
Prewatering shall be supplemented where necessary, by truck watering units, to ensure
that the embankment material contains the proper moisture at the time of compaction.
The Contractor shall provide drilling equipment capable of suitably checking the
moisture penetration to the full depth of the excavation.
102.2.5 Presplitting
Unless otherwise provided in the Contract, rock excavation which requires drilling
and shooting shall be presplit.
Presplitting to obtain faces in the rock and shale formations shall be performed by:
(1) drilling holes at uniform intervals along the slope lines, (2) loading and stemming the
holes with appropriate explosives and stemming material, and (3) detonating the holes
Prior to starting drilling operations for presplitting, the Contractor shall furnish the
Engineer a plan outlining the position of all drill holes, depth of drilling, type of explosives
to be used, loading pattern and sequence of firing. The drilling and blasting plan is for
record purposes only and will not absolve the Contractor of his responsibility for using
proper drilling and blasting procedures. Controlled blasting shall begin with a short test
section of a length approved by the Engineer. The test section shall be presplit,
production drilled and blasted and sufficient material excavated whereby the Engineer
can determine if the Contractor’s methods are satisfactory. The Engineer may order
discontinuance of the presplitting when he determines that the materials encountered
have become unsuitable for being presplit.
The holes shall be charged with explosives of the size, kind, strength, and at the
spacing suitable for the formations being presplit, and with stemming material which
passes a 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) standard sieve and which has the qualities for proper
confinement of the explosives.
The finished presplit slope shall be reasonably uniform and free of loose rock.
Variance from the true plane of the excavated backslope shall not exceed 300 mm (12
inches); however, localized irregularities or surface variations that do not constitute a
safety hazard or an impairment to drainage courses or facilities will be permitted.
All materials excavated from side ditches and gutters, channel changes, irrigation
ditches, inlet and outlet ditches, toe ditchers, furrow ditches, and such other ditches as
may be designated on the Plans or staked by the Engineer, shall be utilized as provided
in Subsection 102.2.3.
Ditches shall conform to the slope, grade, and shape of the required cross-section,
with no projections of roots, stumps, rock, or similar matter. The Contractor shall maintain
and keep open and free from leaves, sticks, and other debris all ditches dug by him until
final acceptance of the work.
Furrow ditches shall be formed by plowing a continuous furrow along the line
staked by the Engineer. Methods other than plowing may be used if acceptable to the
Engineer. The ditches shall be cleaned out by hand shovel work, by ditcher, or by some
other suitable method, throwing all loose materials on the downhill side so that the bottom
of the finished ditch shall be approximately 450 mm (18 inches) below the crest of the
loose material piled on the downhill side. Hand finish will not be required, but the flow
lines shall be in satisfactory shape to provide drainage without overflow.
Material below subgrade, other than solid rock shall be thoroughly scarified to a
depth of 150 mm (6 inches) and the moisture content increased or reduced, as necessary,
to bring the material throughout this 150 mm layer to the moisture content suitable for
maximum compaction. This layer shall then be compacted in accordance with
Subsection 104.3.3.
The Contractor shall notify the Engineer sufficiently in advance of opening any
borrow areas so that cross-section elevations and measurements of the ground surface
after stripping may be taken, and the borrow material can be tested before being used.
Sufficient time for testing the borrow material shall be allowed.
All borrow areas shall be bladed and left in such shape as to permit accurate
measurements after excavation has been completed. The Contractor shall not excavate
beyond the dimensions and elevations established, and no material shall be removed
prior to the staking out and cross-sectioning of the site. The finished borrow areas shall
be approximately true to line and grade established and specified and shall be finished,
as prescribed in Clause 61, Standard Specifications for Public Works and Highways,
Volume 1. When necessary to remove fencing, the fencing shall be replaced in at least
as good condition as it was originally. The Contractor shall be responsible for the
confinement of livestock when a portion of the fence is removed.
The excavation of muck shall be handled in a manner that will not permit the
entrapment of muck within the backfill. The material used for backfilling up to the ground
line or water level, whichever is higher, shall be rock or other suitable granular material
selected from the roadway excavation, if available. If not available, suitable material shall
be obtained from other approved sources. Unsuitable material removed shall be
disposed off in designated areas shown on the Plans or approved by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall be deemed to have included in the contract unit prices all
costs of obtaining land for the disposal of unsuitable or surplus material.
105.1 Description
This Item shall consist of the preparation of the subgrade for the support of
overlying structural layers. It shall extend to full width of the roadway. Unless authorized
by the Engineer, subgrade preparation shall not be done unless the Contractor is able to
start immediately the construction of the pavement structure.
Unless otherwise stated in the Contract and except when the subgrade is in rock
cut, all materials below subgrade level to a depth 150 mm or to such greater depth as
may be specified shall meet the requirements of Section 104.2, Selected Borrow for
Prior to commencing preparation of the subgrade, all culverts, cross drains, ducts
and the like (including their fully compacted backfill), ditches, drains and drainage outlets
shall be completed. Any work on the preparation of the
subgrade shall not be started unless prior work herein described shall have been
approved by the Engineer.
The finished compacted surface of the subgrade shall conform to the allowable
tolerances as specified hereunder:
Permitted variation from + 20 mm
design LEVEL OF SURFACE - 30 mm
Permitted variation from
design CROSSFALL OR CAMBER + 0.5 %
Permitted variation from ± 0.1 %
over 25 m length
Unless otherwise specified, all materials below subgrade level in earth cuts to a
depth 150 mm or other depth shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer shall be
excavated. The material, if suitable, shall be set side for future use or, if unsuitable, shall
be disposed off in accordance with the requirements of Subsection 102.2.9.
Where material has been removed from below subgrade level, the resulting
surface shall be compacted to a depth of 150 mm and in accordance with other
requirements of Subsection 104.3.3.
All materials immediately below subgrade level in earth cuts to a depth of 150 mm,
or to such greater depth as may be specified, shall be compacted in accordance with the
requirements of Subsection 104.3.3.
Surface irregularities under the subgrade level remaining after trimming of the rock
excavation shall be leveled by placing specified material and compacted to the
requirements of Subsection 104.3.3.
After the embankment has been completed, the full width shall be conditioned by
removing any soft or other unstable material that will not compacted properly. The
resulting areas and all other low sections, holes, or depressions shall be brought to grade
with suitable material. The entire roadbed shall be shaped and compacted to the
requirements of Subsections 104.3.3. Scarifying, blading, dragging, rolling, or other
methods of work shall be performed or used as necessary to provide a thoroughly
compacted roadbed shaped to the cross-sections shown on the Plans.
The Contractor shall be required to protect and maintain at his own expense the
entire work within the limits of his Contract in good condition satisfactory to the Engineer
from the time he first started work until all work shall have been completed. Maintenance
shall include repairing and recompacting ruts, ridges, soft spots and deteriorated sections
of the subgrade caused by the traffic of the Contractor’s vehicle/equipment or that of the
The Contractor shall provide for use of the Engineer, approved templates and
straight-edges in sufficient number to check the accuracy of the work, as provided in this
105.4.2 Payment for all work for the preparation of the subgrade, including shaping to
the required levels and tolerances, other than as specified above shall be
deemed to be included in the Pay Item for Embankment.
105.5 Basis of Payment
200.1 Description
This item shall consist of furnishing, placing and compacting an aggregate subbase course on a
prepared subgrade in accordance with this Specification and the lines, grades and cross-sections
Sieve Designation
Standard, mm Alternate US Standard Mass Percent Passing
50 2” 100
25 1” 55 – 85
9.5 3/8” 40 – 75
0.075 No. 200 0 - 12
The fraction passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve shall not be greater than 0.66 (two
thirds) of the fraction passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve.
The fraction passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve shall have a liquid limit not greater
than 35 and plasticity index not greater than 12 as determined by AASHTO T 89 and T 90,
The coarse portion, retained on a 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve, shall have a mass percent of
wear not exceeding 50 by the Los Angeles Abrasion Tests as determined by AASHTO T 96.
The material shall have a soaked CBR value of not less than 25% as determined by
AASHTO T 193. The CBR value shall be obtained at the maximum dry density and
determined by AASHTO T 180, Method D.
200.3.2 Placing
The aggregate subbase material shall be placed at a uniform mixture on a prepared subgrade in a
quantity which will provide the required compacted thickness. When more than one layer is
required, each layer shall be shaped and compacted before the succeeding layer is placed.
The placing of material shall begin at the point designated by the Engineer. Placing shall be from
vehicles especially equipped to distribute the material in a continuous uniform layer or windrow.
The layer or windrow shall be of such size that when spread and compacted the finished layer be in
When hauling is done over previously placed material, hauling equipment shall be dispersed
uniformly over the entire surface of the previously constructed layer, to minimize rutting or uneven
When uniformly mixed, the mixture shall be spread to the plan thickness, for compaction.
Where the required thickness is 150 mm or less, the material may be spread and compacted in one
layer. Where the required thickness is more than 150 mm, the aggregate subbase shall be spread
and compacted in two or more layers of approximately equal thickness, and the maximum
compacted thickness of any layer shall not exceed 150 mm. All subsequent layers shall be spread
The moisture content of subbase material shall, if necessary, be adjusted prior to compaction by
watering with approved sprinklers mounted on trucks or by drying out, as required in order to obtain
Immediately following final spreading and smoothening, each layer shall be compacted to the full
width by means of approved compaction equipment. Rolling shall progress gradually from the sides
to the center, parallel to the centerline of the road and shall continue until the whole surface has
been rolled. Any irregularities or depressions that develop shall be corrected by loosening the
material at these places and adding or removing material until surface is smooth and uniform. Along
curbs, headers, and walls, and at all places not accessible to the roller, the subbase material shall be
If the layer of subbase material, or part thereof, does not conform to the required finish, the
dry density determined in accordance with AASHTO T 180, Method D has been achieved. In-place
Before subbase construction is started, the Contractor shall spread and compact
trial sections as directed by the Engineer. The purpose of the trial sections is to check
the suitability of the materials and the efficiency of the equipment and construction
method which is proposed to be used by the Contractor. Therefore, the Contractor must
use the same material, equipment and procedures that he proposes to use for the main
work. One trial section of about 500 m2 shall be made for every type of material and/or
construction equipment/procedure proposed for use.
After final compaction of each trial section, the Contractor shall carry out such field
density tests and other tests required as directed by the Engineer.
If the basic conditions regarding the type of material or procedure change during
the execution of the work, new trial sections shall be constructed.
200.3.5 Tolerances
Aggregate subbase shall be spread with equipment that will provide a uniform layer
which when compacted will conform to the designed level and transverse slopes as
shown on the Plans. The allowable tolerances shall be as specified hereunder:
Aggregate Subbase Course will be measured by the cubic meter (m 3). The
quantity to be paid for shall be the design volume compacted in-place as shown on the
Plans, and accepted in the completed course. No allowance will be given for materials
placed outside the design limits shown on the cross-sections. Trial sections shall not be
measured separately but shall be included in the quantity of subbase herein measured.
311.1 Description
This Item shall consist of pavement of Portland Cement Concrete, with or without
reinforcement, constructed on the prepared base in accordance with this Specification
and in conformity with lines, grades, thickness and typical cross-section shown on the
It shall conform to the applicable requirements of Item 700, Hydraulic Cement. Only
Type I Portland Cement shall be used unless otherwise provided for in the Special
Provisions. Different brands or the same brands from different mills shall not be mixed
nor shall they be used alternately unless the mix is approved by the Engineer. However,
the use of Portland Pozzolan Cement Type IP meeting the requirements of AASHTO M
240/ASTM C 695, Specifications for Blended Hydraulic Cement shall be allowed,
provided that trial mixes shall be done and that the mixes meet the concrete strength
requirements, the AASHTO/ASTM provisions pertinent to the use of Portland Pozzolan
Type IP shall be adopted.
Cement which for any reason, has become partially set or which contains lumps of caked
cement will be rejected. Cement salvaged from discarded or used bags shall not be
It shall consist of natural sand, stone screenings or other inert materials with similar
characteristics, or combinations thereof, having hard, strong and durable particles. Fine
aggregate from different sources of supply shall not be mixed or stored in the same pile
nor used alternately in the same class of concrete without the approval of the Engineer.
It shall not contain more than three (3) mass percent of material passing the 0.075 mm
(No. 200 sieve) by washing nor more than one (1) mass percent each of clay lumps or
shale. The use of beach sand will not be allowed without the approval of the Engineer.
If the fine aggregate is subjected to five (5) cycles of the sodium sulfate soundness test,
the weighted loss shall not exceed 10 mass percent.
The fine aggregate shall be free from injurious amounts of organic impurities. If subjected
to the colorimatic test for organic impurities and a color darker than the standard is
produced, it shall be rejected. However, when tested for the effect of organic impurities
of strength of mortar by AASHTO T 71, the
fine aggregate may be used if the relative strength at 7 and 28 days is not less than 95
mass percent.
The fine aggregate shall be well-graded from coarse to fine and shall conform to Table
It shall consist of crushed stone, gravel, blast furnace slag, or other approved inert
materials of similar characteristics, or combinations thereof, having hard, strong, durable
pieces and free from any adherent coatings.
It shall contain not more than one (1) mass percent of material passing the 0.075 mm
(No. 200) sieve, not more than 0.25 mass percent of clay lumps, nor more than 3.5 mass
percent of soft fragments.
If the coarse aggregate is subjected to five (5) cycles of the sodium sulfate soundness
test, the weighted loss shall not exceed 12 mass percent.
It shall have a mass percent of wear not exceeding 40 when tested by AASHTO T 96.
If the slag is used, its density shall not be less than 1120 kg/m 3 (70 lb./cu. ft.). The
gradation of the coarse aggregate shall conform to Table 311.2.
Only one grading specification shall be used from any one source.
311.2.4 Water
It shall conform to the requirements of Item 404, Reinforcing Steel. Dowels and tie
bars shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 31 or M 42, except that rail steel
shall not be used for tie bars that are to be bent and restraightened during construction.
Tie bars shall be deformed bars. Dowels shall be plain round bars. Before delivery to the
site of work, one-half of the length of each dowel shall be painted with one coat of
approved lead or tar paint.
The sleeves for dowel bars shall be metal of approved design to cover 50 mm ( 2
inches), plus or minus 5 mm (1/4 inch) of the dowel, with a closed end, and with a suitable
stop to hold the end of the sleeve at least 25 mm (1 inch) from the end of the dowel.
Sleeves shall be of such design that they do not collapse during construction.
Poured joint fillers shall be mixed asphalt and mineral or rubber filler conforming to the
applicable requirements of Item 705, Joint Materials.
Preformed joint filler shall conform to the applicable requirements of Item 705. It shall be
punched to admit the dowels where called for in the Plans. The filler for each joint shall
be furnished in a single piece for the full depth and width required for the joint.
311.2.7 Admixtures
Fly Ash, if specified or permitted as a mineral admixture and as 20% partial replacement
of Portland Cement in concrete mix shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 618.
Admixture should be added only to the concrete mix to produce some desired
modifications to the properties of concrete where necessary, but not as partial
replacement of cement.
All cement shall be stored, immediately upon delivery at the Site, in weatherproof building
which will protect the cement from dampness. The floor shall be raised from the ground.
The buildings shall be placed in locations approved by the Engineer. Provisions for
storage shall be ample, and the shipments of cement as received shall be separately
stored in such a manner as to allow the earliest deliveries to be used first and to provide
easy access for identification and inspection of each shipment. Storage buildings shall
have capacity for storage of a sufficient quantity of cement to allow sampling at least
twelve (12) days before the cement is to be used. Bulk cement, if used, shall be
transferred to elevated air tight and weatherproof bins. Stored cement shall meet the
test requirements at any time after storage when retest is ordered by the Engineer. At
the time of use, all cement shall be free-flowing and free of lumps.
The handling and storing of concrete aggregates shall be such as to prevent segregation
or the inclusion of foreign materials. The Engineer may require that aggregates be stored
on separate platforms at satisfactory locations.
In order to secure greater uniformity of concrete mix, the Engineer may require that the
coarse aggregate be separated into two or more sizes. Different sizes of aggregate shall
be stored in separate bins or in separate stockpiles sufficiently removed from each other
to prevent the material at the edges of the piles from becoming intermixed.
The Contractor shall prepare the design mix based on the absolute volume method as
outlined in the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Standard 211.1, “Recommended
Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal and Heavyweight Concrete”.
It is the intent of this Specification to require at least 364 kg of cement per cubic meter of
concrete to meet the minimum strength requirements. The Engineer shall determine from
laboratory tests of the materials to be used, the cement content and the proportions of
aggregate and water that will produce workable concrete having a slump of between 40
and 75 mm (1-1/2 and 3 inches) if not vibrated or between 10 and 40 mm (1/2 and 1-1/2
inches) if vibrated, and a flexural strength of not less than 3.8 MPa (550 psi) when tested
by the third-point method or 4.5 MPa (650 psi) when tested by the mid-point method at
fourteen (14) days in accordance with AASHTO T97 and T177, respectively; or a
compressive strength of 24.1 MPa (3500 psi) for cores taken at fourteen (14) days and
tested in accordance with AASHTO T24.
The designer shall consider the use of lean concrete (econocrete) mixtures using local
materials or specifically modified conventional concrete mixes in base course and in the
lower course composite, monolithic concrete pavements using a minimum of 75 mm (3
inches) of conventional concrete as the surface course.
The mix design shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval and shall be accompanied
with certified test data from an approved laboratory demonstrating the adequacy of the
mix design. A change in the source of materials during the progress of work may
necessitate a new design mix.
1. General
The Contractor shall be responsible for the quality control of all materials during the
handling, blending, and mixing and placement operations.
The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer a Quality Control Plan detailing his
production control procedures and the type and frequency of sampling and testing to
insure that the concrete produces complies with the Specifications. The Engineer shall
be provided free access to recent plant production records, and if requested, informational
copies of mix design, materials certifications and sampling and testing reports.
3. Qualification of Workmen
Experienced and qualified personnel shall perform all batching or mixing operation for
the concrete mix, and shall be present at the plant and job site to control the concrete
productions whenever the plant is in operation. They shall be identified and duties
defined as follows:
a. Concrete Batcher. The person performing the batching or mixing operation shall
be capable of accurately conducting aggregate surface moisture determination and
establishing correct scale weights for concrete materials. He shall be capable of assuring
that the proportioned batch weights of materials are in accordance with the mix design.
b. Concrete Technician. The person responsible for concrete production control and
sampling and testing for quality control shall be proficient in concrete technology and
shall have a sound knowledge of the Specifications as they relate to concrete production.
He shall be capable of conducting tests on concrete and concrete materials in accordance
with these Specifications. He shall be capable of adjusting concrete mix designs for
improving workability and Specification compliance and preparing trial mix designs. He
shall be qualified to act as the concrete batcher in the batcher’s absence.
The Contractor shall perform all sampling, testing and inspection necessary to assure
quality control of the component materials and the concrete.
The Contractor shall be responsible for determining the gradation of fine and coarse
aggregates and for testing the concrete mixture for slump, air content, water-cement ratio
and temperature. He shall conduct his operations so as to produce a mix conforming to
the approved mix design.
5. Documentation
The Contractor shall maintain adequate records of all inspections and tests. The
records shall indicate the nature and number of observations made, the number and type
of deficiencies found, the quantities approved and rejected, and nature of any corrective
action taken.
The Engineer may take independent assurance samples at random location for
acceptance purposes as he deems necessary.
311.3.2 Equipment
Equipment and tools necessary for handling materials and performing all parts of the work
shall be approved by the Engineer as to design, capacity and mechanical condition. The
equipment shall be at the jobsite sufficiently ahead of the start of construction operations
to be examined thoroughly and approved.
a. General. The batching shall include bins, weighing hoppers, and scales for the
fine aggregate and for each size of coarse aggregate. If cement is used in bulk, a bin, a
hopper, and separate scale for cement shall be included. The weighing hopper shall be
properly sealed and vented to preclude dusting operation. The batch plant shall be
equipped with a suitable non-resettable batch counter which will correctly indicate the
number of batches proportioned.
b. Bins and Hoppers. Bins with adequate separate compartments for fine aggregate
and for each size of coarse aggregate shall be provided in the batching plant.
c. Scales. Scales for weighing aggregates and cement shall be of either the beam
type or the springless-dial type. They shall be accurate within one-half percent (0.5%)
throughout the range of use. Poises shall be designed to be locked in any position and
to prevent unauthorized change.
Scales shall be inspected and sealed as often as the Engineer may deem necessary to
assure their continued accuracy.
2. Mixers.
c. Truck Mixer and Truck Agitators. Truck mixers used for mixing and hauling
concrete, and truck agitators used for hauling central-mixed concrete, shall conform to
the requirements of AASHTO M 157.
The concrete shall be placed with an approved paver designed to spread, consolidate,
screed and float finish the freshly placed concrete in one complete pass of the machine
in such a manner that a minimum of hand finishing will be necessary to provide a dense
and homogeneous pavement in conformance with the Plans and Specifications.
The finishing machine shall be equipped with at least two (2) oscillating type
transverse screed.
Vibrators shall operate at a frequency of 8,300 to 9,600 impulses per minute under
load at a maximum spacing of 60 cm.
4. Concrete Saw
The Contractor shall provide sawing equipment in adequate number of units and
power to complete the sawing with a water-cooled diamond edge saw blade or an
abrasive wheel to the required dimensions and at the required rate. He shall provide at
least one (1) stand-by saw in good working condition and with an ample supply of saw
5. Forms
Forms shall be of steel, of an approved section, and of depth equal to the thickness of
the pavement at the edge. The base of the forms shall be of sufficient width to provide
necessary stability in all directions. The flange braces must extend outward on the base
to not less than 2/3 the height of the form.
All forms shall be rigidly supported on bed of thoroughly compacted material during
the entire operation of placing and finishing the concrete. Forms shall be provided with
adequate devices for secure setting so that when in place, they will withstand, without
visible spring or settlement, the impact and vibration of the consolidation and finishing or
paving equipment.
After the subgrade of base has been placed and compacted to the required density, the
areas which will support the paving machine and the grade on which the pavement is to
be constructed shall be trimmed to the proper elevation by means of a properly designed
machine extending the prepared work areas compacted at least 60 cm beyond each edge
of the proposed concrete pavement. If loss of density results from the trimming
operations, it shall be restored by additional compaction before concrete is placed. If
any traffic is allowed to use the prepared subgrade or base, the surface shall be checked
and corrected immediately ahead of the placing concrete.
The subgrade or base shall be uniformly moist when the concrete is placed.
1. Base Support.
The foundation under the forms shall be hard and true to grade so that the form when
set will be firmly in contact for its whole length and at the specified grade. (Any roadbed,
which at the form line is found below established grade, shall be filled with approved
granular materials to grade in lifts of three (3) cm or less, and thoroughly rerolled or
tamped.) Imperfections or variations above grade shall be corrected by tamping or by
cutting as necessary.
2. Form Setting
Forms shall be set sufficiently in advance of the point where concrete is being placed.
After the forms have been set to correct grade, the grade shall be thoroughly tamped,
mechanically or by hand, at both the inside and outside edges of the base of the forms.
The forms shall not deviate from true line bv more than one (1) cm at any point.
The alignment and grade elevations of the forms shall be checked and corrections
made by the Contractor immediately before placing the concrete. Testing as to crown
and elevation, prior to placing of concrete can be made by means of holding an approved
template in a vertical position and moved backward and forward on the forms.
When any form has been disturbed or any grade has become unstable, the form shall
be reset and rechecked.
When side forms have been securely set to grade, the subgrade or base course shall be
brought to proper cross-section. High areas shall be trimmed to proper elevation. Low
areas shall be filled and compacted to a condition similar to that of surrounding grade.
The finished grade shall be maintained in a smooth and compacted condition until the
pavement is placed.
Unless waterproof subgrade or base course cover material is specified, the subgrade or
base course shall be uniformly moist when the concrete is placed. If it subsequently
becomes too dry, the subgrade or base course shall be sprinkled, but the method of
sprinkling shall not be such as to form mud or pools of water.
The batch plant site, layout, equipment and provisions for transporting material shall be
such as to assure a continuous supply of material to the work.
Stockpiles shall be built up in layers of not more than one (1) meter in thickness. Each
layer shall be completely in place before beginning the next which shall not be allowed to
“cone” down over the next lower layer. Aggregates from different sources and of different
grading shall not be stockpiled together.
All washed aggregates and aggregates produced or handled by hydraulic methods, shall
be stockpiled or binned for draining at least twelve (12) hours before being batched.
When mixing is done at the side of the work. aggregates shall be transported from the
batching plant to the mixer in batch boxes, vehicle bodies, or other containers of adequate
capacity and construction to properly carry the volume required. Partitions separating
batches shall be adequate and effective to prevent spilling from one compartment to
another while in transit or being dumped. When bulk cement is used, the Contractor
shall use a suitable method of handling the cement from weighing hopper to transporting
container or into the batch itself for transportation to the mixer, with chute, boot or other
approved device, to prevent loss of cement, and to provide positive assurance of the
actual presence in each batch of the entire cement content specified.
Bulk cement shall be transported to the mixer in tight compartments carrying the full
amount of cement required for the batch. However, if allowed in the Special Provisions,
it may be transported between the fine and coarse aggregate. When cement is placed
in contact with the aggregates, batches may be rejected unless mixed within 1-1/2 hours
of such contact. Cement in original shipping packages may be transported on top of the
aggregates, each batch containing the number of sacks required by the job mix.
The mixer shall be charged without loss of cement. Batching shall be so conducted as
to result in the weight to each material required within a tolerance of one (1) percent for
the cement and two (2) percent for aggregates.
Water may be measured either by volume or by weight. The accuracy of measuring the
water shall be within a range of error of not over than one (1) percent. Unless the water
is to be weighed, the water-measuring equipment shall include an auxiliary tank from
which the measuring tank shall be equipped with an outside tap and valve to provide
checking the setting, unless other means are provided for readily and accurately
determining the amount of water in the tank. The volume of the auxiliary tank shall be
at least equal to that of the measuring tank.
The concrete may be mixed at the site of the work in a central-mix plant, or in truck mixers.
The mixer shall be of an approved type and capacity. Mixing time will be measured from
the time all materials, except water, are in the drum. Ready-mixed concrete shall be
mixed and delivered in accordance with requirements of AASHTO M 157, except that the
minimum required revolutions at the mixing speed for transit-mixed concrete may be
reduced to not less than that recommended by the mixer manufacturer. The number of
revolutions recommended by the mixer manufacturer shall be indicated on the
manufacturer’s serial plate attached to the mixer. The Contractor shall furnish test data
acceptable to the Engineer verifying that the make and model of the mixer will produce
uniform concrete conforming to the provision of AASHTO M 157 at the reduced number
of revolutions shown on the serial plate.
When mixed at the site or in a central mixing plant, the mixing time shall not be less than
fifty (50) seconds nor more than ninety (90) seconds, unless mixer performance tests
prove adequate mixing of the concrete is a shorter time period.
Four (4) seconds shall be added to the specified mixing time if timing starts at the instant
the skip reaches its maximum raised positions. Mixing time ends when the discharge
chute opens. Transfer time in multiple drum mixers is included in mixing time. The
contents of an individual mixer drum shall be removed before a succeeding batch is
emptied therein.
The mixer shall be operated at the drum speed as shown on the manufacturer’s name
plate attached on the mixer. Any concrete mixed less than the specified time shall be
discarded and disposed off by the Contractor at his expense. The volume of concrete
mixed per batch shall not exceed the mixer’s nominal capacity in cubic meter, as shown
on the manufacturer’s standard rating plate on the mixer, except that an overload up to
ten (10) percent above the mixer’s nominal capacity may be permitted provided concrete
test data for strength, segregation, and uniform consistency are satisfactory, and provided
no spillage of concrete takes place.
The batches shall be so charged into the drum that a portion of the mixing water shall be
entered in advance of the cement and aggregates. The flow of water shall be uniform
and all water shall be in the drum by the end of the first fifteen (15) seconds of the mixing
period. The throat of the drum shall be kept free of such accumulations as may restrict
the free flow of materials into the drum.
Mixed concrete from the central mixing plant shall be transported in truck mixers, truck
agitators or non-agitating truck specified in Subsection 311.3.2, Equipment. The time
elapsed from the time water is added to the mix until the concrete is deposited in place at
the Site shall not exceed forty five (45) minutes when the concrete is hauled in non-
agitating trucks, nor ninety (90) minutes when hauled in truck mixers or truck agitators,
except that in hot weather or under other conditions contributing to quick hardening of the
concrete, the maximum allowable time may be reduced by the Engineer.
In exceptional cases and when volumetric measurements are authorized for small project
requiring less than 75 cu.m. of concrete per day of pouring, the weight proportions shall
be converted to equivalent volumetric proportions. In such cases, suitable allowance shall
be made for variations in the moisture condition of the aggregates, including the bulking
effect in the fine aggregate. Batching and mixing shall be in accordance with ASTM C
685, Section 6 through 9.
Concrete mixing by chute is allowed provided that a weighing scales for determining the
batch weight will be used.
Retempering concrete by adding water or by other means shall not be permitted, except
that when concrete is delivered in truck mixers, additional water may be added to the
batch materials and additional mixing performed to increase the slump to meet the
specified requirements, if permitted by the Engineer, provided all these operations are
performed within forty-five (45) minutes after the initial mixing operation and the water-
cement ratio is not exceeded. Concrete that is not within the specified slump limits at the
time of placement shall not be used. Admixtures for increasing the workability or for
accelerating the setting of the concrete will be permitted only when specifically approved
by the Engineer.
No concrete shall be mixed, placed or finished when natural light is insufficient, unless an
adequate and approved artificial lighting system is operated.
During hot weather, the Engineer shall require that steps be taken to prevent the
temperature of mixed concrete from exceeding a maximum temperature of 90 0F ( 320C)
Concrete not in place within ninety (90) minutes from the time the ingredients were
charged into the mixing drum or that has developed initial set shall not be used.
Retempering of concrete or mortar which has partially hardened, that is remixing with or
without additional cement, aggregate, or water, shall not be permitted.
In order that the concrete may be properly protected against the effects of rain before the
concrete is sufficiently hardened, the Contractor will be required to have available at all
times materials for the protection of the edges and surface of the unhardened concrete.
Concrete shall be thoroughly consolidated against and along the faces of all forms and
along the full length and on both sides of all joint assemblies, by means of vibrators
inserted in the concrete. Vibrators shall not be permitted to come in contact with a joint
assembly, the grade, or a side form. In no case shall the vibrator be operated longer
than fifteen (15) seconds in any one location.
Concrete shall be deposited as near as possible to the expansion and contraction joints
without disturbing them, but shall not be dumped from the discharge bucket or hopper
into a joint assembly unless the hopper is well centered on the joint assembly. Should
any concrete material fall on or be worked into the surface of a complete slab, it shall be
removed immediately.
As work progresses, at least one (1) set consisting of three (3) concrete beam test
specimens, 150 mm x 150 mm x 525 mm or 900 mm shall be taken from each 330 m 2
of pavement, 230 mm depth, or fraction thereof placed each day. Test specimens shall
be made under the supervision of the Engineer, and the Contractor shall provide all
concrete and other facilities necessary in making the test specimens and shall protect
them from damage by construction operations. Cylinder samples shall not be used as
substitute for determining the adequacy of the strength of concrete.
The beams shall be made, cured, and tested in accordance with AASHTO T 23 and T
Following the placing of the concrete, it shall be struck off to conform to the cross-
section shown on the Plans and to an elevation such that when the concrete is properly
consolidated and finished, the surface of the pavement will be at the elevation shown on
the Plans. When reinforced concrete pavement is placed in two (2) layers, the bottom
layer shall be struck off and consolidated to such length and depth that the sheet of fabric
or bar mat may be laid full length on the concrete in its final position without further
manipulation. The reinforcement shall then be placed directly upon the concrete, after
which the top layer of the concrete shall be placed, struck off and screeded. Any portion
of the bottom layer of concrete which has been placed more then 30 minutes without
being covered with the top layer shall be removed and replaced with freshly mixed
concrete at the Contractor’s expense. When reinforced concrete is placed in one layer,
the reinforcement may be firmly positioned in advance of concrete placement or it may
be placed at the depth shown on the Plans in plastic concrete, after spreading by
mechanical or vibratory means.
Reinforcing steel shall be free from dirt, oil, paint, grease, mill scale and loose or
thick rust which could impair bond of the steel with the concrete.
311.3.12 Joints
Joints shall be constructed of the type and dimensions, and at the locations required by
the Plans or Special Provisions. All joints shall be protected from the intrusion of injurious
foreign material until sealed.
1. Longitudinal Joint
Deformed steel tie bars of specified length, size, spacing and materials shall be placed
perpendicular to the longitudinal joints, they shall be placed by approved mechanical
equipment or rigidly secured by chair or other approved supports to prevent displacement.
Tie bars shall not be painted or coated with asphalt or other materials or enclosed in tubes
or sleeves. When shown on the Plans and when adjacent lanes of pavement are
constructed separately, steel side forms shall be used which will form a keyway along the
construction joint. Tie bars, except those made of rail steel, may be bent at right angles
against the form of the first lane constructed and straightened into final position before
the concrete of the adjacent lane is placed, or in lieu of bent tie bars, approved two-piece
connectors may be used.
Longitudinal formed joints shall consist of a groove or cleft, extending downward from
and normal to, the surface of the pavement. These joints shall be effected or formed by
an approved mechanically or manually operated device to the dimensions and line
indicated on the Plans and while the concrete is in a plastic state. The groove or cleft
shall be filled with either a premolded strip or poured material as required.
The longitudinal joints shall be continuous, there shall be no gaps in either transverse
or longitudinal joints at the intersection of the joints.
Longitudinal sawed joints shall be cut by means of approved concrete saws to the
depth, width and line shown on the Plans. Suitable guide lines or devices shall be used
to assure cutting the longitudinal joint on the true line. The longitudinal joint shall be
sawed before the end of the curing period or shortly thereafter and before any equipment
or vehicles are allowed on the pavement. The sawed area shall be thoroughly cleaned
and, if required, the joint shall immediately be filled with sealer.
Longitudinal pavement insert type joints shall be formed by placing a continuous strip
of plastic materials which will not react adversely with the chemical constituent of the
The expansion joint filler shall be continuous from form to form, shaped to subgrade
and to the keyway along the form. Preformed joint filler shall be furnished in lengths
equal to the pavement width or equal to the width of one lane. Damaged or repaired joint
filler shall not be used.
The expansion joint filler shall be held in a vertical position. An approved installing
bar, or other device, shall be used if required to secure preformed expansion joint filler at
the proper grade and alignment during placing and finishing of the concrete. Finished
joint shall not deviate more than 6 mm from a straight line. If joint fillers are assembled
in sections, there shall be no offsets between adjacent units. No plugs of concrete shall
be permitted anywhere within the expansion space.
When shown on the Plans, it shall consist of planes of weakness created by forming
or cutting grooves in the surface of the pavement and shall include load transfer
assemblies. The depth of the weakened plane joint should at all times not be less than
50 mm, while the width should not be more than 6 mm.
Sawing of the joint shall commence as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently
to permit sawing without excessive ravelling, usually 4 to 24 hours. All joints shall be
sawed before uncontrolled shrinkage cracking takes place. If necessary, the sawing
operations shall be carried on during the day or night, regardless of weather conditions.
The sawing of any joint shall be omitted if crack occurs at or near the joint location prior
to the time of sawing. Sawing shall be discounted when a crack develops ahead of the
saw. In general, all joints should be sawed in sequence. If extreme condition exist which
make it impractical to prevent erratic cracking by early sawing, the contraction joint groove
shall be formed prior to initial set of concrete as provided above.
The portion of each dowel painted with one coat of lead or tar, in conformance with
the requirements of Item 404, Reinforcing Steel, shall be thoroughly coated with approved
bituminous materials, e.g., MC-70, or an approved lubricant, to prevent the concrete from
binding to that portion of the dowel. The sleeves for dowels shall be metal designed to
cover 50 mm plus or minus 5 mm (1/4 inch), of the dowel, with a watertight closed end
and with a suitable stop to hold the end of the sleeves at least 25 mm (1 inch) from the
end of the dowel.
In lieu of using dowel assemblies at contraction joints, dowel may be placed in the full
thickness of pavement by a mechanical device approved by the Engineer.
1. Sequence
The sequence of operations shall be the strike-off and consolidation, floating and
removal of laitance, straight-edging and final surface finish. Work bridges or other
devices necessary to provide access to the pavement surface for the purpose of finishing
straight-edging, and make corrections as hereinafter specified, shall be provided by the
In general, the addition of water to the surface of the concrete to assist in finishing
operations will not be permitted. If the application of water to the surface is permitted, it
shall be applied as fog spray by means of an approved spray equipment.
2. Finishing Joints
The concrete adjacent to joints shall be compacted or firmly placed without voids or
segregation against the joint material assembly, also under and around all load transfer
devices, joint assembly units, and other features designed to extend into the pavement.
Concrete adjacent to joints shall be mechanically vibrated as required in Subsection
311.3.9, Placing Concrete.
After the concrete has been placed and vibrated adjacent to the joints as required in
Subsection 311.3.9, the finishing machine shall be brought forward, operating in a manner
to avoid damage or misalignment of joints. If uninterrupted operation of the finishing
machine, to over and beyond the joints causes segregation of concrete, damage to, or
misalignment of the joints, the finishing machine shall be stopped when the front screed
is approximately 20 cm (8 inches) from the joint. Segregated concrete shall be removed
from in front of and off the joint. The front screed shall be lifted and set directly on top of
the joint and the forward motion of the finishing machine resumed. When the second
screed is close enough to permit the excess mortar in front of it to flow over the joint, it
shall be lifted and carried over the joint. Thereafter, the finishing machine may be run
over the joint without lifting the screeds, provided there is no segregated concrete
immediately between the joint and the screed or on top of the joint.
3. Machine Finishing
During the first pass of the finishing machine, a uniform ridge of concrete shall be
maintained ahead of the front screed in its entire length.
b. Vibratory Method. When vibration is specified, vibrators for full width vibration of
concrete paving slabs, shall meet the requirements in Subsection 311.3.2, Equipment. If
uniform and satisfactory density of the concrete is not obtained by the vibratory method
at joints, along forms, at structures, and throughout the pavement, the Contractor will be
required to furnish equipment and method which will produce pavement conforming to
the Specifications. All provisions in item (a) above not in conflict with the provisions for
the vibratory method shall govern.
4. Hand Finishing
Hand finishing methods may only be used under the following conditions:
Concrete, as soon as placed, shall be struck off and screeded. An approved portable
screed shall be used. A second screed shall be provided for striking off the bottom layer
of concrete if reinforcement is used.
The screed for the surface shall be at least 60 cm (2 feet) longer than the maximum
width of the slab to be struck off. It shall be of approved design, sufficiently rigid to retain
its shape, and constructed either of metal or other suitable material shod with metal.
5. Floating
After the concrete has been struck off and consolidated, it shall be further smoothed,
trued, and consolidated by means of a longitudinal float, either by hand or mechanical
a. Hand Method. The hand-operated longitudinal float shall be not less than 365 cm
(12 feet) in length and 15 cm (6 inches) in width, properly stiffened to prevent flexibility
and warping. The longitudinal float, operated from foot bridges resting on the side forms
and spanning but not touching the concrete, shall be worked with a sawing motion while
held in a floating position parallel to the road center line, and moving gradually from one
side of the pavement to the other. Movement ahead along the center line of the
pavement shall be in successive advances of not more than one-half the length of the
float. Any excess water or soupy material shall be wasted over the side forms on each
After the floating has been completed and the excess water removed, but while the
concrete is still plastic, the surface of the concrete shall be tested for trueness with a 300
cm long straight-edge. For this purpose, the Contractor shall furnish and use an accurate
300-cm straight-edge swung from handles 100 cm (3 feet) longer than one-half the width
of the slab. The straight-edge shall be held in contact with the surface in successive
positions parallel to the road center line and the whole area gone over from one side of
the slab to the other as necessary. Advances along the road shall be in successive
stages of not more than one-half the length of the straight-edge. Any depressions found
shall be immediately filled with freshly mixed concrete, struck off, consolidated and
refinished. High areas shall be cut down and refinished. Special attention shall be given
to assure that the surface across joints meets the requirements for smoothness. Straight-
edge testing and surface corrections shall continue until the entire surface is found to be
free from observable departures from the straight-edge and the slab conforms to the
required grade and cross-section.
7. Final Finish
If the surface texture is broom finished, it shall applied when the water sheen has
practically disappeared. The broom shall be drawn from the center to the edge of the
pavement with adjacent strokes slightly overlapping. The brooming operation should be
so executed that the corrugations produced in the surface shall be uniform in appearance
and not more than 1.5 mm in depth. Brooming shall be completed before the concrete is
in such condition that the surface will be unduly roughened by the operation. The surface
thus finished shall be free from rough and porous areas, irregularities, and depressions
resulting from improper handling of the broom. Brooms shall be of the quality size and
construction and be operated so as to produce a surface finish meeting the approval of
the Engineer. Subject to satisfactory results being obtained and approval of the Engineer,
the Contractor will be permitted to substitute mechanical brooming in lieu of the manual
brooming herein described.
If the surface texture is drag finished, a drag shall be used which consists
of a seamless strip of damp burlap or cotton fabric, which shall produce a uniform of gritty
texture after dragging it longitudinally along the full width of pavement. For pavement 5 m
or more in width, the drag shall be mounted on a bridge which travels on the forms. The
dimensions of the drag shall be such that a strip of burlap or fabric at least 100 cm wide
is in contact with the full width of pavement surface while the drag is used. The drag shall
consist of not less than 2 layers of burlap with the bottom layer approximately 15 cm wider
than the layer. The drag shall be maintained in such condition that the resultant surface
is of uniform appearance and reasonably free from grooves over 1.5 mm in depth. Drag
shall be maintained clean and free from encrusted mortar. Drags that cannot be cleaned
shall be discarded and new drags be substituted.
Regardless of the method used for final finish, the hardened surface of
pavement shall have a coefficient of friction of 0.25 or more. Completed pavement that is
found to have a coefficient of friction less than 0.25 shall be grounded or scored by the
Contractor at his expense to provide the required coefficient of friction.
After the final finish, but before the concrete has taken its initial set, the edges of the
pavement along each side of each slab, and on each side of transverse expansion joints,
formed joints, transverse construction joints, and emergency construction joints, shall be
worked with an approved tool and rounded to the radius required by the Plans. A well –
defined and continuous radius shall be produced and a smooth, dense mortar finish
obtained. The surface of the slab shall not be unduly disturbed by tilting the tool during
the use.
At all joints, any tool marks appearing on the slab adjacent to the joints shall be
eliminated by brooming the surface. In doing this, the rounding of the corner of the slab
shall not be disturbed. All concrete on top of the joint filler shall be completely removed.
All joints shall be tested with a straight-edge before the concrete has set and correction
made if one edge of the joint is higher than the other.
As soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently, the pavement surface shall be tested
with a 3-m straight-edge or other specified device. Areas showing high spots of more
than 3 mm but not exceeding 12 mm in 3 m shall be marked and immediately ground
down with an approved grinding tool to an elevation where the area or spot will not show
surface deviations in excess of 3 mm when tested with 3 m straight-edge. Where the
departure from correct cross-section exceeds 12 mm, the pavement shall be removed
and replaced by and at the expense of the Contractor.
Any area or section so removed shall be not less than 1.5 m in length and not less than
the full width of the lane involved. When it is necessary to remove and replace a section
of pavement, any remaining portion of the slab adjacent to the joints that is less than 1.5
m in length, shall also be removed and replaced.
311.3.15 Curing
Immediately after the finishing operations have been completed and the concrete has
sufficiently set, the entire surface of the newly placed concrete shall be cured in
accordance with either one of the methods described herein. Failure to provide sufficient
cover material of whatever kind the Contractor may elect to use, or the lack of water to
adequately take care of both curing and other requirements, shall be a cause for
immediate suspension of concreting operations. The concrete shall not be left exposed
for more than ½ hour between stages of curing or during the curing period.
In all congested places, concrete works should be designed so that the designed strength
is attained.
The surface of the pavement shall be entirely covered with mats. The mats used shall
be of such length (or width) that as laid they will extend at least twice the thickness of the
pavement beyond the edges of the slab. The mat shall be placed so that the entire
surface and the edges of the slab are completely covered. Prior to being placed, the
mats shall be saturated thoroughly with water. The mat shall be so placed and weighted
down so as to cause them to remain in intimate contact with the covered surface. The
mat shall be maintained fully wetted and in position for 72 hours after the concrete has
been placed unless otherwise specified.
2. Waterproof Paper
The top surface and sides of the pavement shall be entirely covered with waterproof
paper, the units shall be lapped at least 45 cm. The paper shall be so placed and
weighted down so as to cause it to remain in intimate contact with the surface covered.
The paper shall have such dimension but each unit as laid will extend beyond the edges
of the slab at least twice the thickness of the pavement, or at pavement width and 60 cm
strips of paper for the edges. If laid longitudinally, paper not manufactured in sizes which
will provide this width shall be securely sewed or cemented together, the joints being
securely sealed in such a manner that they do not open up or separate during the curing
period. Unless otherwise specified, the covering shall be maintained in place for 72 hours
after the concrete has been placed. The surface of the pavement shall be thoroughly
wetted prior to the placing of the paper.
3. Straw Curing
When this type of curing is used, the pavement shall be cured initially with burlap or
cotton mats, until after final set of the concrete or, in any case, for 12 hours after placing
the concrete. As soon as the mats are removed, the surface and sides of the pavement
shall be thoroughly wetted and covered with at least 20 cm of straw or hay, thickness of
which is to be measured after wetting. If the straw or hay covering becomes displaced
during the curing period, it shall be replaced to the original depth and saturated. It shall
be kept thoroughly saturated with water for 72 hours and thoroughly wetted down during
the morning of the fourth day, and the cover shall remain in place until the concrete has
attained the required strength.
The entire surface of the pavement shall be sprayed uniformly with white pigmented
curing compound immediately after the finishing of the surface and before the set of the
concrete has taken place, or if the pavement is cured initially with jute or cotton mats, it
may be applied upon removal of the mass. The curing compound shall not be applied
during rain.
Curing compound shall be applied under pressure at the rate 4 L to not more than 14
m2 by mechanical sprayers. The spraying equipment shall be equipped with a wind
guard. At the time of use, the compound shall be in a thoroughly mixed condition with
the pigment uniformly dispersed throughout the vehicle. During application, the
compound shall be stirred continuously by effective mechanical means. Hand spraying
of odd widths or shapes and concrete surface exposed by the removal of forms will be
permitted. Curing compound shall not be applied to the inside faces of joints to be sealed,
but approved means shall be used to insure proper curing at least 72 hours and to prevent
the intrusion of foreign material into the joint before sealing has been completed. The
curing compound shall be of such character that the film will harden within 30 minutes
after application. Should the film be damaged from any cause within the 72 hour curing
period, the damaged portions shall be repaired immediately with additional compound.
The top surface and sides of the pavement shall be entirely covered with polyethylene
sheeting. The units used shall be lapped at least 45 cm. The sheeting shall be so
placed and weighted down so as to cause it to remain intimate contact with the surface
covered. The sheeting as prepared for use shall have such dimension that each unit as
laid will extend beyond the edges of the slab at least twice the thickness of the pavement.
Unless otherwise specified, the covering shall be maintained in place for 72 hours after
the concrete has been placed.
After forms for concrete shall remain in place undisturbed for not less than twenty four
(24) hours after concrete pouring. In the removal of forms, crowbars should be used in
pulling out nails and pins. Care should be taken so as not to break the edges of the
pavement. In case portions of the concrete are spalled, they shall be immediately
repaired with fresh mortar mixed in the proportion of one part of Portland Cement and two
parts fine aggregates. Major honeycomb areas will be considered as defective work and
shall be removed and replaced at the expense of the Contractor. Any area or section so
removed shall not be less than the distance between weakened plane joint nor less than
the full width of the lane involved.
311.3.17 Sealing Joints
Joints shall be sealed with asphalt sealant soon after completion of the curing period and
before the pavement is opened to traffic, including the Contractor’s equipment. Just prior
to sealing, each joint shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign materials including
membrane curing compound and the joint faces shall be clean and surface dry when the
seal is applied.
The sealing material shall be applied to each joint opening to conform to the details shown
on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. Material for seal applied hot shall be stirred
during heating so that localized overheating does not occur. The pouring shall be done
in such a manner that the material will not be spilled on the exposed surfaces of the
concrete. The use of sand or similar material as a cover for the seal will not be permitted.
The seals shall be in one piece for the full width of each transverse joint.
The Contractor shall protect the pavement and its appurtenances against both public
traffic and traffic caused by his own employees and agents. This shall include watchmen
to direct traffic and the erection of and maintenance of warning signs, lights, pavement
bridges or cross-overs, etc. The Plans or Special Provisions will indicate the location
and type of device or facility required to protect the work and provide adequately for traffic.
All boreholes after thickness and/or strength determinations of newly constructed asphalt
and concrete pavements shall be immediately filled/restored with the prescribed
concrete/asphalt mix after completion of the drilling works.
Any damage to the pavement, occurring prior to final acceptance, shall be repaired or the
pavement be replaced.
If the Contract calls for the construction of pavement without the use of fixed forms, the
following provisions shall apply:
1. Grade
After the grade or base has been placed and compacted to the required density, the
areas which will support the paving machine shall be cut to the proper elevation by means
of a properly designed machine. The grade on which the pavement is to be constructed
shall then be brought to the proper profile by means of properly designed machine. If
the density of the base is disturbed by the grading operation, it shall be corrected by
additional compaction before concrete is placed. The grade should be constructed
sufficiently in advance of the placing of the concrete. If any traffic is allowed to use the
prepared grade, the grade shall be checked and corrected immediately before the placing
of concrete.
2. Placing Concrete
The concrete shall be placed with an approved slip-form paver designed to spread,
consolidate, screed and float-finish the freshly placed concrete in one complete pass of
the machine in such a manner that a minimum of hand finish will be necessary to provide
a dense and homogenous pavement in conformance with the Plans and Specifications.
The machine shall vibrate the concrete for the full width and depth of the strip of
pavement being placed. Such
vibration shall be accompanied with vibrating tubes or arms working in the concrete or
with a vibrating screed or pan operating on the surface of the concrete. The sliding forms
shall be rigidly held together laterally to prevent spreading of the forms. The forms shall
trail behind the paver for such a distance that no appreciable slumping of the concrete
will occur, and that necessary final finishing can be accomplished while the concrete is
still within the forms. Any edge slump of the pavement, exclusive of edge rounding, in
excess of 6 mm shall be corrected before the concrete has hardened.
The concrete shall be held at a uniform consistency, having a slump of not more than
40 mm (1-12/ inches). The slip form paver shall be operated with as nearly as possible
a continuous forward movement and that all operations of mixing, delivering and
spreading concrete shall be coordinated so as to provide uniform progress with stopping
and starting of the paver held to a minimum. If, for any reason, it is necessary to stop
the forward movement of the paver the vibratory and tamping elements shall also be
stopped immediately. No tractive force shall be applied to the machine, except that which
is controlled from the machine.
3. Finishing
The surface smoothness and texture shall meet the requirements of Subsections
311.3.13 and 311.3.14.
4. Curing
Unless otherwise specified, curing shall be done in accordance with one of the
methods included in Subsection 311.3.15. The curing media shall be applied at the
appropriate time and shall be applied uniformly and completely to all surfaces and edges
of the pavement.
5. Joints
In order that the concrete may be properly protected against rain before the concrete
is sufficiently hardened, the Contractor will be required to have available at all times,
materials for the protection of the edges and surface of the unhardened concrete. Such
protective materials shall consist of standard metal forms or wood planks having a
nominal thickness of not less than 50 mm (2 inches) and a nominal width of not less than
the thickness of the pavement at its edge for the protection of the pavement edges, and
covering material such as burlap or cotton mats, curing paper or plastic sheeting materials
for the protection of the surface of the pavement. When rain appears imminent, all paving
operations shall stop and all available personnel shall begin placing forms against the
sides of the pavement and covering the surface of the unhardened concrete with the
protective covering.
The strength level of the concrete will be considered satisfactory if the averages of all
sets of three (3) consecutive strength test results equal or exceed the specified strength,
fc’ and no individual strength test result is deficient by more than 15% of the specified
strength, fc’.
Concrete deemed to be not acceptable using the above criteria may be rejected unless
the Contractor can provide evidence, by means of core tests, that the quality of concrete
represented by failed test results is acceptable in place. At least three (3) representative
cores shall be taken from each member or area of concrete in place that is considered
deficient. The location of cores shall be determined by the Engineer so that there will be
at least impairment of strength of the structure. The obtaining and testing of drilled cores
shall be in accordance with AASHTO T 24.
Concrete in the area represented by the cores will be considered adequate if the average
strength of the cores is equal to at least 85% of, and if no single core is less than 75% of,
the specified strength, fc’.
If the strength of control specimens does not meet the requirements of this Subsection,
and it is not feasible or not advisable to obtain cores from the structure due to structural
considerations, payment of the concrete will be made at an adjusted price due to strength
deficiency of concrete specimens as specified hereunder:
The Engineer will decide when the pavement may be opened to traffic. The road will not
be opened to traffic until test specimens molded and cured in accordance with AASHTO
T 23 have attained the minimum strength requirements in Subsection 311.2.11. If such
tests are not conducted prior to the specified age the pavement shall not be operated to
traffic until 14 days after the concrete was placed. Before opening to traffic, the pavement
shall be cleaned and joint sealing completed.
1. General
The thickness of the pavement will be determined by measurement of cores from the
completed pavement in accordance with AASHTO T 148.
The completed pavement shall be accepted on a lot basis. A lot shall be considered
as 1000 linear meters of pavement when a single traffic lane is poured or 500 linear
meters when two lanes are poured concurrently. The last unit in each slab constitutes a
lot in itself when its length is at least ½ of the normal lot length. If the length of the last
unit is shorter than ½ of the normal lot length, it shall be included in the previous lot.
Other areas such as intersections, entrances, crossovers, ramp, etc., will be grouped
together to form a lot. Small irregular areas may be included with other unit areas to
form a lot.
Each lot will be divided into five (5) equal segments and one core will be obtained from each
segment in accordance with AASHTO T 24.
2. Pavement Thickness
It is the intent of this Specification that the pavement has a uniform thickness as called
for on the Plans for the average of each lot as defined. After the pavement has met all
surface smoothness requirements, cores for thickness measurements will be taken.
In calculating the average thickness of the pavement, individual measurements which
are in excess of the specified thickness by more than 5 mm will be considered as the
specified thickness plus 5 mm and measurement which are less than the specified
thickness by more than 25 mm shall not be included in the average. When the average
thickness for the lot is deficient, the contract unit price will be adjusted for thickness in
accordance with paragraph (3 below).
When the measurement of any core is less than the specified thickness by more than
25 mm, the actual thickness of the pavement in this area will be determined by taking
additional cores at no less than 5 m intervals parallel to the center line in each direction
from the affected location until a core is found in each direction, which is not deficient in
thickness by more than 25 mm. The area of slab for which no payment will be made
shall be the product of the paving width multiplied by the distance along the center line of
the road between transverse sections found not deficient in thickness by more than 25
mm. The thickness of the remainder of the segment to be used to get the average
thickness of each lot shall be determined by taking the average thickness of additional
cores which are not deficient by more than 25 mm.
When the average thickness of the pavement per lot is deficient, payment for the lot
shall be adjusted as follows:
No acceptance and final payment shall be made on completed pavement unless core
test for thickness determination is conducted, except for Barangay Roads where the
implementing office is allowed to waive such test.
The area to be paid for under this Item shall be the number of square meters (m 2) of
concrete pavement placed and accepted in the completed pavement. The width for
measurements will be the width from outside edge to outside edge of completed
pavement as placed in accordance with the Plans or as otherwise required by the
Engineer in writing. The length will be measured horizontally along the center line of
each roadway or ramp. Any curb and gutter placed shall not be included in the area of
concrete pavement measured.
The accepted quantity, measured as prescribed in Section 311.4, shall be paid for at
the contract unit price for Portland Cement Concrete Pavement, which price and payment
shall be full compensation for preparation of roadbed and finishing of shoulders, unless
otherwise provided by the Special Provisions, furnishing all materials, for mixing, placing,
finishing and curing all concrete, for furnishing and placing all joint materials, for sawing
weakened plane joints, for fitting the prefabricated center metal joint, for facilitating and
controlling traffic, and for furnishing all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary
to complete the Item.