NSC303 2022 2
NSC303 2022 2
NSC303 2022 2
Question 1
a. Discuss the factors that determine the health of an individual (10marks)
b. Achieving optimum state of health requires actions. Enumerate the prerequisites of health.
Question 2
2a. The health care system in Nigeria are represented by major sectors or agencies. Outline four
(4) sector wise distribution of health and give two examples each. (12marks)
b. Highlight the reason for Evaluation (8marks)
Question 3
3a. Define the following terms:
i. Monitoring
ii. surveillance
iii. Evaluation (2marks each)
b. Describe the seven (7) components of evaluation process (14marks)
Question 4
4a. Highlight the srategies proposed by WHO-ICN meeting by nurses in support of health for
All. (10marks)