MDH Primer Second Edition W Cover July 17
MDH Primer Second Edition W Cover July 17
MDH Primer Second Edition W Cover July 17
August 2012
Second Printing Revised
Batang nu Basa a Magindanawn
The Letters of the Magindanawn Language
A Guide to Teaching the Sounds of the Magindanawn Language
In partnership with:
Department of Education
Region XII, Koronadal City,
SIL Philippines
Manila Office: PO Box 2270 CPO, 1099 Manila
Davao Office: PO Box 81439, 8000 Davao City
This Alphabet Primer Teacher’s Guide was designed for use in teaching Grade 1
Maguindanaon children to associate the sounds of their language with the corresponding letter
or letters, and to use that knowledge to grow toward becoming fluent readers and creative
writers. This Guide was prepared to be used as part of the Magindanawn* Tongue Based
Multilingual Education Program for Maguindanaon. A multi-strategy approach to literacy has
been adopted, so that the Guide can be used alongside other materials previously prepared by
the teachers, such as Big Books, Big Pictures, Small Books etc.
The Alphabet Primer Teacher’s Guide has one lesson for each letter that is to be
introduced. The lessons includes word-building and sentence-building exercises, as well as
short texts that use the letters being taught in various environments along with other letters
that have already been introduced. Word-building is done using the “onset-rime” concept to
introduce the children to the idea of word families. This is a strategy to aid in learning good
spelling by reinforcing a particular spelling pattern through exposure to words with a common
rime, meaning an identical string of letters with similar or identical sounds. Review lessons
have been included periodically throughout the Guide. These review lessons provide
exercises intended to stimulate children’s creativity. Teachers can reproduce the review
lessons or exercises as worksheets for the children to work with individually in order to
reinforce what they have been learning. Step-by-step instructions to aid teachers with a
presentation of the lessons are provided at the beginning of the Guide.
The writers of this Guide are the diligent Maguindanaon teachers who, under the
guidance of the Department of Education and with the support and advice of Save the
Children in partnership with SIL Philippines, have collaborated to make this publication
* In this book, writers have decided to spell the name of the language as Magindanawn, but to refer to the people as
Table of Contents
Preface ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… iii
Instructions for Using this Alphabet Primer
Follow these steps when teaching new symbols and letters. Feel free to add your own
activities as well. The more practice with the letters and words, the better.
2. Sigulu ka i aden lugal kanu pageletan nu papebpitasen a kadtalu enggu su ebpamaluyn a kadtalu. Dait na aden
bun lugal sia kanu aung nu Masela a Kaun para sa kabpamaluy enggu kapapebpitas kanu kata. Ilay ka su
Alphabet Primer nengka para kanu ustu a kapapegkaid lun. (Make sure to leave enough space in between for
the word breaking and the word making activity. There should also be space below the Big box for the sentence
making and sentence breaking activity. Refer to your Alphabet Primer pages for the correct layout).
3. Tanudan – di den nasisita a isulat nengka su langun nu nakadalem kanu ebpangagian sa primer. Su tuladan bu
nu bagu a kadtalu a ibpamandu nengka ,su kadtalu mismu enggu su Masela a Kaun. Mapakay bun a isulat
nengka su ped a galebekan kanu timpu a kabpamandu nengka den. (Remember – You do not need to copy out
Sangkad Ukit a Kabpamandu lun Directions
(Steps) (Activity)
1. Itendu nengka su pekas a kadtalu 1. Point to the key word and say, “This is a
Pekas a endu edtalun i, “Nia ba su tuladan nu picture of a ___.”
tanda, pekas a_____.”
a tuladan,
pekas a 2. Itendu nengka su pekas a kadtalu 2. Point to the keyword and say, “This is how
endu edtalun i, “Maya ba i kapedsulat sa we write the word ___.”
1 kadtalu
nia a kadtalu ____.”
Key symbol,
3. Batia ka sa makadua taman sa maka- 3. Read the keyword with the pupils 2-3
key picture & telu su paganayan a kadtalu tagapeda
key word more times.
su manga wata.
Kapegkaun 1. Itendu nengka su pekas a kadtalu 1. Point to the key word and read it at
sa uman i endu batian sa nasasangan i kalengkas normal speed.
saka uni nu nin.
kadtalu, 2. Itendu nengka su uman i saka uni nu 2. Point to each syllable as you read each
amaika su kadtalu gay pembatia. syllable distinctly.
kadtalu na 3. Edsalumanan matia su uman i saka 3. Read each syllable again, clapping once
dikena bu uni, edtaupay sa makaisa uman i saka
2 for each syllable. Do this again and have the
saka uni uni. Embalinganan enggula i maya ba pupils clap for each syllable with you.
entu pan ka ipanggula kanu manga wata
Syllable Box sa tagapeda nilan su ebpamandu.
(only if key
word has 2
or more
1. Isulat su pekas a kadtalu sia tampal sa 1. Write the key word on the left side
biwang sa aung na nakakaun a uni nu under the syllable box
kadtalu bantu.
2. Batian su pekas a kadtalu kanu manga 2. Read that keyword to the pupils and
wata entu pan ka batian menem sa then with the pupils.
tagapeda silan.
3. Edtalun i, “Saguna na isulat ku su bagu a 3. Say, “Now I will write the part of the
batang tanu a nailay tanu kanu kadtalu.” keyword that has our new symbol for the
Isulat su bagu a batang sa aung nu bagu a day.” Write the new letter directly under
batang sia tampal sa pulu. Batian su bagu a the new letter above. Read the new letter
batang kanu manga wata entu pan ka to the pupils and then with the pupils.
Pabpitasen batian tagapeda su manga wata.
su kadtalu
4. Italus su kapedsulat sa manga badbadan 4. Continue writing each smaller part of
3 nu kadtalu endu batian kanu manga wata the word and reading it to and with the
Break the entupan ka batian sa tagapeda silan.
Word pupils. (This may be one step or several,
(Mapakay a enggulan i nia sa makaisa ataw depending on the length of the word.)
ka kambabalinganan dipindi sa kalendu nu
5. Amaika nia bu nasama na su bagu a 5. When only the new symbol is left, say,
batang na edtalun i, “Saguna na isulat ku su “Now I will write our new letter for the
bagu a batang tanu sa nia ba gay.” Isulat su day.” Write the new letter directly under
bagu a batang sa aung nu bagu a batang the new letter above. Read the new letter
tampal sa pulu. Batian su bagu a batang kanu to the pupils and then with the pupils.
manga wata entu pan ka batian sa
tagapeda silan.
6. Batian su satiman a kadtalu a pinabpipitas 6. Read the whole Break-the-word column
a tagapeda su manga wata. with the pupils.
1. Edtalun kanu manga wata, “Nia 1. Tell the pupils, “First we “broke” the
paganayan a pinggula tanu na pinabpipitas new word down to the new letter. Now we
tanu su bagu a kadtalu ebpawang sa kanu will start with the new letter and make the
bagu a batang. Saguna na ludsuan tanu word whole again. Let’s start with the new
menem kanu bagu batang taman sa letter.”
maumbal tanu embalingan su bagu a kadtalu.
Ludsuan tanu kanu bagu a batang tanu.”
2. Isulat su bagu a batang sia tampal sa 2. Write the new letter to the right of the
kawanan nu Pinabpipitas a Kadtalu entu pan Break the Word column and read the new
ka batian su bagu a batang tagapeda su letter with the pupils.
manga wata.
Pamaluyn 3. Edtalun kanu manga wata, “Italus tanu 3. Tell the pupils, “Let’s keep making our
4 su kadtalu bun su kabpagumbal tanu sa bagu a kadtalu. new word. I will write the part of the new
Isulat ku su sabad kanu bagu a kadtalu tanu word that has our new letter.”
Make the a aden lun su bagu a batang.
4. Isulat su entu ba a sabad nu kadtalu sia 4. Write that part of the word under the
tampal kanu aung nu bagu a batang ka endu new letter so the new letters are in a
makapagataga su bagu a batang. Entu pan ka straight column. Then read that part of
batian su entu ba a sabad nu kadtalu the word with the pupils.
tagapeda su manga wata.
5. Ebpapalumanan enggula su manga 5. Follow that pattern, using as many
sangkad sa kinapabpipitas sa kadtalu. Entu steps as you did with the Break the Word
pan ka isulat sa talutup su kadtalu ka endu activity. Finally, write the entire word so
makapagataga su manga bagu a batang. the new letters are in a straight column
Mapasad na batian su bagu a kadtalu and read the word with the pupils.
tagapeda su manga wata.
1. Batian nu manga wata su manga batang 1. Pupils read the letters or
udi na su manga pibpipitas a kadtalu kanu syllables in the Big box
ludep nu Masela a Kaun.
Edtalun kanu manga wata i batian nilan su manga Tell the pupils to read the letters or
batang udi na su manga pinabpipitas a kadtalu kanu syllables in the Big Box as you point
ludep nu Masela a Kaun gay nengka pedtendu lun. to them. First have them read from
Paganayan na ipabatia nengka sa kanilan gemanat sa left to right and then have them read
biwang ebpawang sa kawanan entu pan ka gemanat from top to bottom.
menem sa pulu ebpawang sa baba.
2. Pangilayn nu manga wata su bagu a 2. Pupils find the new key word
kadtalu kanu ludep nu Masela a Kaun in the Big Box
3. Pangilayn nu manga wata su ped a manga 3. Pupils find other words in the
kadtalu sa ludep nu Masela a Kaun Big Box
Tawag ka sa sakataw a wata a makapangilay sa ped Invite volunteers to find other words
a manga kadtalu kanu ludep nu Masela a Kaun. in the Big Box. These can be words
Mapakay su entu a manga kadtalu na naukitan nilan they already learned or, even better,
den ataw’a aden pan salakaw a manga kadtalu a words they had not learned
matun nilan endu da nilan pan kaukiti. previously.
Batia ka su manga kadtalu a egkatun nilan tagapeda Read the words with the pupils as
su manga wata. Idsay ka su ped a manga wata u they identify them. Ask the rest of the
nakatidtu su entu a manga kadtalu. Amaika class if the word is correct. If so, read
nakatidtu na batian sa tagapeda silan tanan. Amaika it with the class. If not, invite another
da menem, na tawag ka sa ped a wata a makaangay student to come and point to the
sa kasangulan endu makatendu edsaluman.
correct letters.
Italus su kabpaguman sa manga kadtalu kanu listan Continue adding new words to the
nu manga kadtalu a nakasulat lu sa kasangulan word list on the chalk board.
Batian su langun nu manga nakasulat a kadtalu Read all the words in the word list
tagapeda su manga wata. with the pupils.
1. Batian su bagu a kata sa manga wata 1. Read the new Sentence word
entu pan ka batian menem sa tagapeda su to the pupils and then with the
manga wata. pupils.
Isulat su bagu a kadtalu sa pisara, sa aung nu Write the new word on the
Masela a Kaun. Edtalun kanu manga wata, “Nia ba chalkboard, under the Big Box. Tell
su kadtalu a usalen tanu saguna sa “kapambadbad the pupils, “This is the word we will
enggu kabpagumbal” sa kata.” use today to “break and make” a
Usalen su kapedtendu gay nengka pambatian Use the pointer as you read that part
su kata tagapeda su manga wata. of the sentence with the pupils.
Ipailay kanu manga wata su kapedsulat sa bagu Show the pupils how to write the new
a batang sa ukit a kasulat lun muna sia sa letter in the air and on their hand.
sambel endu kanu kawanan a lima nilan.
Edtalu ka kanu manga wata i pegkiugan nengka Tell the pupils that you want them to
silan a egkataw sa kapedsulat sa bagu a batang write the new letter ___ (say name of
– (labit ka su ngala nu batang) the letter)
Taligkudi ka su manga wata, edtalu ka i ilayn With your back to the pupils, tell them
nilan sa mapia su tindulu nengka u panun i to watch your finger as you “write” the
kapedsulat sa batang sia sa sambel. Sigulu ka i new letter in the air. Make sure you
masela i kinasulat nengka kanu batang para make the letter very large so they can
mailay nilan sa mapia. see how you make it.
Edtalu ka sa kanilan i ilingan nilan su pinggula Ask them to copy your movements
Kapedsulat nengka endu paganadan nilan su kapedsulat sia and practice writing the letter in the
endu sa sambel taman sa makatelu ataw’a makapat. air 3-4 times.
Isulat sa bala a palad na lima su batang sa nia Hold one hand in the air and show
7 Handwriting ebpagusalen na su tindulu nu satiman a lima them how to write the letter on the
and Spelling nilan. Enggulan nilan i maitu ba sa makatelu palm of one hand using the finger of
taman sa makapat. their other hand. Have them do this
with you 3-4 times.
Isulat su bagu batang lu sa chalkboard. Isulat sa Write the new letter on the chalk
malalanat endu sigulu ka i masela i kapedsulat board. Write slowly and make the
nengka lun para mailay nilan tanan. letter large so everyone can see it.
Embabalinganan su kanggula lun taman sa Write it 3 times like that.
Edtalun ka kanu manga wata i maganad silan Ask pupils to practice writing the letter
semulat kanu kaletas nilan sa makasapulu in their notebooks 10 times.
Isulat nengka su bagu a kadtalu sa masela sia Write the new key word in large
kanu chalkboard. Isulat sa makatelu ataw’a letters on the chalk board. Write it 3-
makapat ka asal mailay sa mapia su ukit nu 4 times so everyone can see clearly
kinasulat lun. how you write it.
Isulat bun mambu nu manga wata su bagu a Pupils write the new key word 10
kadtalu sia kanu kaletas nilan. times in their notebooks.
Libet ka kanu bilik endu mailay nengka u ngin i Walk around the room to see how
betad nu kapedsulat nilan. Tabangi ka su entian i they are doing. Help anyone that is
egkapasangan pedsulat. having trouble.
Kapambatang Spelling
Labit ka kanu manga wata su bagu a kadtalu a Dictate the key word from today’s
napangagian sa saguna. Entu pan ka isulat nilan lesson. Pupils write the word in their
menem sia kanu kaletas nilan. notebooks.
Kapedsulat Labit ka kanu manga wata su napangagian a Dictate the key word from last
endu kadtalu sa kanu naipus a gay. Entu pan ka isulat lesson. Pupils write the word in their
Kapambatang nilan menem sia kanu kaletas nilan. notebooks.
7 Handwriting Labit ka sa 2-5 a manga kadtalu a napangagian nu Dictate 2-5 key words from earlier
and Spelling den kanu nauna. Labit ka sa kanilan sa malalanat lessons, slowly, one by one. Pupils
enggu padsasatiman ka. Entu pan ka isulat nilan write each word in their notebooks.
menem sia kanu kaletas nilan su uman i kadtalu
a nalabit nengka.
Libet ka kanu bilik endu mailay nengka u ngin i Walk around the room as they write
betad nu kapedsulat nilan. Tabangi ka su entain i to encourage and help them.
egkapasangan pedsulat.
These instructions are adapted from Malone, S. (2006) "Developing an Alphabet Teaching Book"
SIL International.
Batang nu Basa a Magindanawn
A a B b K k
ay babak kanus
D d E e G g
I i L l M m
N n Ng ng P p
S s T t U u
W w Y y
wata sayap
Manga Bilang
1 2 3
isa dua telu
4 5 6
pat lima nem
7 8 9
pitu walu siaw
Ebpangagian 1 Key symbol
s, u
Key picture
Key word
su su Syllable box
u s
Sentence-making word
(not needed for this
Key symbol
Ebpangagian 2 n, a
Su batang a
inipamandu Key picture
den: s, u
Key word
s as an
u n s
san Sentence-making word
Ebpalumanan Mangagi (Review Lesson): a, u, s, n
Nadadag a Batang (Missing Letter)
Pamilin su batang ka enggu makatukep kanu manga basa san sa baba.
Ilingan su upaman.
(Choose from these letters to complete the words below. Follow the example.)
a u s n
1. A nas
2. ___anas
3. ___usu
4. An___s
as u as
Key symbol
Ebpangagian 3a k
Su batang a
inipamandu Key picture
den: s, u, n, a
Key word
sa ku Syllable box
n a k s
nakakua Sentence-making word
Key symbol
Ebpangagian 3b k
Su batang a
inipamandu Key picture
den: s, u, n, a
Key word
Key symbol
Ebpangagian 4 i
Su batang a
inipamandu Key picture
den: s, u, n, a,
Key word
i na Syllable box
s u u
sinusuan Sentence-making word
Key symbol
Ebpangagian 5 p
Su batang a
inipamandu Key picture
den: s, u, n, a,
k, i
Key word
Key symbol
Ebpangagian 6 l
Su batang a
inipamandu Key picture
den: s, u, n, a,
k, i, p
Key word
k p u ua
Sentence-making word
Sentence-making and
Pinalin ni Anas su lansuk nin. pinalin sentence-breaking
Ebpalumanan Mangagi (Review Lesson): a, u, s, n, k, i, p, l
Ipatendu sa gulis su ngala lu sa tuladan. Ilingan su upaman.
(Match the words with the pictures. Follow the example.)
Nadadag a kadtalu (Missing Word)
Pamilin sia sa baba i manga kadtalu a makatalutup kanu manga bitiala.
(Choose from the list of words to complete the sentences below.)
Kinan ku su _____________.
i p a s l n k u p u a s
Key symbol
Ebpangagian 7 t
Su batang a
inipamandu Key picture
den: s, u, n, a,
k, i, p, l
tali Key word
ta li Syllable box
n p k a
Sentence-making word
Sentence-making and
Tinalian ni Anas sa saku a tali su sapi. sentence-breaking
tinalian ni Anas Words and sentences
for spelling and hand-
tinalian ni Anas sa saku a tali writing practice
Key symbol
Ebpangagian 8 d
Su batang a
inipamandu Key picture
den: s, u, n, a,
k, i, p, l, t
Key word
di la Syllable box
Ebpangagian 9 g Key symbol
Su batang a
inipamandu Key picture
den: s, u, n, a,
k, i, p, l, t, d
gansu Key word
t an us a
s p n l
Sentence-making word
Ginapus nu laga su gansu sa tali. ginapus Sentence-making and
ginapus nu laga su gansu ginapus nu laga
ginapus nu laga ginapus nu laga su gansu
ginapus Ginapus nu laga su gansu sa tali.
Key symbol
Ebpangagian 10 e
Su batang a
inipamandu Key picture
den: s, u, n, a,
k, i, p, l, t, d, g
Key word
se da Syllable box
Word-breaking and
seda e word-making
se se
e seda
d t i n
p k l t
pegkan Sentence-making word
Sentence-making and
Pegkan si Anas sa seda. pegkan sentence-breaking
Ebpalumanan Mangagi (Review Lesson): a, u, s, n, k, i, p, l, t, d, g, e
Ganapi ka su bitiala pantag sa tuladan kanu gulis.
(Complete a phrase or a sentence about each picture.)
Upaman: Su saku
s e d a i s n p
u t i n a a a a
s e l u n k n p
u t a l i u a a
l a n s u k s n
t a g a n s u u
l n u k p d a k
g u l u e k s u
Key symbol
Ebpangagian 11 m
Su batang a
inipamandu Key picture
den: s, u, n, a,
k, i, p, l, t, d,
Key word
g, e manuk
t u p d
g l am n
mapia Sentence-making word
Sentence-making and
Mapia su manuk ni ama. mapia sentence-breaking
Key symbol
Ebpangagian 12 ng
Su batang a
inipamandu Key picture
den: s, u, n,
a, k, i, p, l, t,
Key word
d, g, e, m ngipen
d a en uk
p nga l t
langun Sentence-making word
Pinadtud su masakit a ngipen nu Datu. Dinemugal su
ngipen nu Datu. Pinadtud nu datu su ngipen nin a
dimugal. Ginemalak su ngali nu datu a pinadtudan sa
Key symbol
Ebpangagian 13 b
Su batang a
inipamandu Key picture
den: s, u, n, a,
k, i, p, l, t, d,
Key word
g, e, m, babak
b i a ib
m en p at
mibpakulut Sentence-making word
Ebpangagian 14 w Key symbol
Su batang a
inipamandu Key picture
den: s, u, n, a,
k, i, p, l, t, d,
g, e, m, wata
Key word
wa ta Syllable box
l ang ng k aw
b a m t en
limakaw Sentence-making word
Ebpalumanan Mangagi (Review Lesson):a, u, s, n, k, i, p, l, t, d, g, e, m, ng,
b, w
Gemulis sa tuladan:
(Draw the Picture:)
manuk wata
Isulat su ngala nu
Nadadag a kadtalu (Missing Word)
Pamilin sia kanu manga kadtalu i makatalutup kanu manga bitiala sia sa
baba. . (Choose from the list of words to complete the sentences below.)
tali wata ngipen manuk babak seda gansu
Ebpalumanan Mangagi (Review Lesson): a, u, s, n, k, i, p, l, t, d, g, e, m, ng,
b, w, y
Upaman: w wata
d e
ng w g m
b y
s m ng et p
aw ad g k b
Sentence-making word
Sentence-making and
Naulug su laun nu kayu. naulug sentence-breaking
Key symbol
Ebpangagian 17 ai
Su batang a
inipamandu Key picture
den: s, u, n, a,
k, i, p, l,
Key word
t, d, g, e, m, maitem
ng, b, w, y, au
mai tem Syllable box
ay p g l d
nakailay Sentence-making word
Sentence-making and
Nakailay si Anas sa maitem a kuda. nakailay sentence-breaking
Key symbol
Ebpangagian 18 ia
Su batang a
inipamandu Key picture
den: s, u, n, a,
k, i, p, l, t, d,
Key word
g, e, m, ng, b, palia
w, y, au, ai
pa lia Syllable box
b s ua i
Sentence-making word
Sentence-making and
Mapia su palia ni ina ni Subia. mapia sentence-breaking
Key symbol
Ebpangagian 19 ua
Su batang a
inipamandu Key picture
den: s, u, n, a,
k, i, p, l, t, d, Key word
g, e, m, ng, b, dua
w, au, ai, ia
dua Syllable box
s b e n
nakakua Sentence-making word
nakakua si Alim
Nakakua si Alim sa dua timan a tual.
Ebpalumanan Mangagi (Review lesson): au, ai, ia, ua
Pamilin sia kanu kaun i nakasugat a batang ka endu maganap su kadtalu sia sa baba.
(Choose from the box the correct letter to complete the words below.)
ai au ia ua
1. l__n
2. d__
3. k__n
4. kam__s
5. pal__
Palaisipan (Acrostic)
Taguan sa batang i uman i kaun a makabales sa ngala nu uman i tuladan.
(Fill each line of boxes with the word for the illustration with the same number).
Balawag Tindeg
1 7
4 1.
Manga sawal: 1. d i l a
2. s a y a p
3. p a p a n u k
4. g a n s u
5. l a u n
6. m a n u k
For comments, suggestions and feedback,
please email the following: