Lesson Plan in English

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lesson plan in english

Bachelor elementary education (Samar State University)

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Republic of the Philippines

College of Education

K to 12 SCHOOL Samar State University GRADE III

Lesson TEACHER Mr. Williamar V. Jabonero SUBJECT English
8:00AM – 9:30AM
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of grammatical structures
of English to be able to communicate effectively in oral and written
B. Performance The learners show proficiency in constructing grammatically
Standards correct sentences in varied theme-based oral and written activities.
C. Learning Use appropriate punctuation marks (e.g. period, comma, question
Competencies/ mark, exclamation point).
Objectives EN3G-Id-1.6
Write the LC code for
II. CONTENT Sentences (Kinds of Sentences)
A. References
1.Teacher's Guide pages CG Pp.55
2.Learner's materials pages LM Pp.57-60
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials from Big book, charts, word cards
learning resources
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Good morning class, Good morning Sir,
lesson or presenting Yesterday we discuss
the new lesson What was our topic yesterday? sentence, construction of
sentences with appropriate
Very good.” use of punctuation marks.
B. Establishing a At the end of the discussion, the
purpose for the lesson learners will be able to use (listening)
appropriate punctuation marks
(e.g. period, comma, question
mark, exclamation point).
C. Presenting examples/ Present the sentences:
Instances of the new Class please read the following
lesson words written on strips of
cartolina. And observe the use of
punctuation marks.
1.) Kristine told her brothers to (All students are reading)
stop but they ignored her.
2.) Oh my, the numbers of
expensive chocolate bars were
beyond the limits!
3.) So, what do you think father
and mother did?

Arteche Blvd., Guindapunan Catbalogan City, 6700 Samar Philippines | Telephone No. (055) 251 – 2139 | Fax: (055) 543 - 8394 | Website: www.ssu.edu.ph | Page 1 of 5

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Republic of the Philippines

College of Education

4.) “Please Jessie, Jacob that’s


D. Discussing new Look at the strips of cartolina

concepts and posted on the other side of the
practicing new skills board. declarative, interrogative
#1 exclamatory, imperative
Let us place the sentences under
their proper heading. What
punctuation mark was used in the
sentence under declarative?
interrogative? exclamatory?

1. Do you like chocolate puto?

2. Chocolate comes from cocoa
3. Mix the eggs with the 1. interrogative
condensed milk. 2. declarative
4. What, a delicious chocolate 3. imperative
puto you made! 4. exclamatory

You are right if you said that

sentence 1 is an interrogative
sentence. It asks something.
Sentence 2 is declarative. It tells
something. Sentence 3 is
imperative. It tells what to do.
Sentence 4 is an exclamation. It
expresses a strong feeling- i.e. joy.
E. Discussing new Now class, give at least one 1. What is your favorite
concepts and example of interrogative Larong Pinoy?
practicing new skills declarative, imperative, 2. He is the best dancer in
#2 exclamatory the group.
3. Do your project on time.
4. Yehey, I got gift from
my tita!

Arteche Blvd., Guindapunan Catbalogan City, 6700 Samar Philippines | Telephone No. (055) 251 – 2139 | Fax: (055) 543 - 8394 | Website: www.ssu.edu.ph | Page 2 of 5

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Republic of the Philippines

College of Education

F. Developing mastery Group Activity:

(Leads to formative Ask them to think of a sentence
assessment 3) that will fit the idea shown in the
picture. By using the correct
punctuation marks.

(Students doing their


Individual Activity:
Read the following sentences. Put (All students are reading,
the correct punctuation mark at doing their activity)
the end of each sentence. 1. I like to make puto.
1. I like to make puto 2. Do you have cheese?
2. Do you have cheese 3. We have all the ingredients
3. We have all the ingredients 4. It’s hard to put the mixture
4. It’s hard to put the mixture in a in a small container.
small container 5.Don’t touch the hot
5. Don’t touch the hot steamer steamer!
6. When will the puto be done 6.When will the puto be
7. The puto smells great done?
8. Please share the cheese puto 7. The puto smells great.
with your sister 8. Please share the cheese
puto with your sister.
G. Finding practical Ask: Why do we use these
applications of punctuation marks for the
concepts and skills in different kinds of sentences? (answer may vary)
daily living Is there a relevant in knowing
those uses of punctuation marks?
Yes, Sir
Yes, when you are going to
express your feeling to someone
specifically to the member of your
family. If you can’t use the
appropriate punctuation marks it
may lead to chaos and
misunderstood for who hear or
read your sentences.

H. Making How do we know the punctuation

generalizations and marks to be used for the different
abstractions about sentences?
the lesson Sentences start with capital
letters and end with punctuation
Declarative sentence ends with a

Arteche Blvd., Guindapunan Catbalogan City, 6700 Samar Philippines | Telephone No. (055) 251 – 2139 | Fax: (055) 543 - 8394 | Website: www.ssu.edu.ph | Page 3 of 5

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Republic of the Philippines

College of Education

Interrogative sentence ends with

a question mark.
Exclamatory sentence ends with
an exclamation mark.
Imperative sentence ends with a

Do you understand class? Yes, Sir

I. Evaluating learning Pupils will be grouped into four.
Group 1:
Write and memorize sentences
about yourselves. The sentences
should be declarative. Tell about
these things. Be ready to act out
in front of the class.
1. Your favorite tv show
2. A good book you read

Group 2:
Think of three things that caused
you to have strong feelings –
extreme joy or sadness. Start the
exclamatory sentence with the (Students doing their
word how. activity)
ex. I passed the math test. How
happy I was!

Group 3:
Think of a famous place, such as
Hundred Islands, Luneta Park,
Mayon Volcano or Malacañang
Palace. What would you like to
know about the place? Write as
many as interrogative sentences
about the place.

Group 4:
Think of a game you like to play.
Write four directions for playing
the game. Use imperatives.
J. Additional activities Assignment: Decide whether
for application or each sentence is imperative,
remediation interrogative, imperative or
exclamatory. Rewrite each
sentence on the blank and add the
correct punctuation mark.
1. Cooking is fun
2. Do you know how to cook
3. Chop meat and vegetables into
bite-sized piece
4. Heat a small amount of oil in a

Arteche Blvd., Guindapunan Catbalogan City, 6700 Samar Philippines | Telephone No. (055) 251 – 2139 | Fax: (055) 543 - 8394 | Website: www.ssu.edu.ph | Page 4 of 5

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Republic of the Philippines

College of Education

5. Stir in the meat and vegetables

6. Be careful
7. Don’t burn yourself
8. Put a little seasoning to taste
9. You followed instructions well
10. Did you enjoy what you did
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of Learners who
require additional
activities for

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Arteche Blvd., Guindapunan Catbalogan City, 6700 Samar Philippines | Telephone No. (055) 251 – 2139 | Fax: (055) 543 - 8394 | Website: www.ssu.edu.ph | Page 5 of 5

Downloaded by wiwo wowi (wu21266@gmail.com)

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