Practice Pages: Partial Products or Standard Algorithm

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2 x 2 Digit Multiplication
Practice Pa g es
Partial Products
or Standard Algorithm

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Thank you for downloading my
2 X 2 Digit Multiplication Practice Pages!

This resource includes:

D e ar E du c a to rs , Description Page
I ho p e thi s m u lti p li cati o n f re e b i e m ak e s te achi n g
an d p ra c ti c i n g the p a rti a l p ro du c t s tra te g y
e as i e r f o r y o u a n d y o u r s tu de n ts !
Anchor chart: Multiplying Using Partial Product 3
T he n u m b e r s e n te n c e s o n e a c h p a g e a re w ri tte n Boxes
ho ri z o n ta lly w i th w o rk s p a c e b e n e a th f o r
s tu de n ts to s ho w w o rk a n d s o lv e . I te a c h m y
s tu de n ts to m u lti p ly 2 di g i t b y 2 di g i t n u m b e rs
u s i n g p a rti a l p ro du c t b o x e s ( a ls o c a lle d are a
Two (2) 2 digit x 2 digit practice pages with 4-9
m e tho d) b e f o re m o v i n g o n to the s ta n dard
6 equations on each page (includes answer
alg o ri thm . T hi s m e tho d i s a n a tu ra l tra n s i ti o n keys)
f ro m u s i n g m an i p u lati v e s o r gri d p ap e r an d has
the a dde d a dv a n ta g e o f c o n ti n u e d p ra c ti c e w i th
de c o m p o s i n g n u m b e rs a n d u s i n g the di s tri b u ti v e The first page in each set includes partial
p ro p e rty . product boxes for students using the
strategy. The second page has open space for
I f y o u r s tu de n ts a re a lre a dy u s i n g the s tan dard students to solve using a different strategy or
algo ri thm f o r m u lti p li cati o n o r a di f f e re n t
the standard algorithm. The third page in each
f le x i b le s tra te g y , the y c a n u s e the p a g e s w i th
an o p e n w o rk s p a c e . T he s e p a g e s w i ll p ro v i de set includes a complete answer key.
p rac ti c e li n i n g u p the di g i ts c o rre c tly a s
s tu de n ts re w ri te the e q u a ti o n s v e rti c a lly .

I f y o u e n j o y the f o rm at o f the s e p age s , y o u

Valentine’s Day Theme Dice roll pages (partial 10-11
m i g ht li k e to try the c o m p le te 2 x 2 m u lti p li c ati o n product boxes and standard algorithm)
re s o u rc e , w hi c h i n c lu de s 1 2 p ra c ti c e p a g e s w i th 6
an d 1 2 e q u a ti o n s p e r p a g e , s tu de n t a n c ho r The dice roll pages are open -
c harts , a n d di c e ro ll p a g e s . Y o u c a n f i n d m o re ended, which make them
i n f o rm a ti o n a b o u t the w i n te r re s o u rc e perfect for repeated
practice or math centers.
P le as e le t m e k n o w i f y o u ha v e a n y q u e s ti o n s .
I ’ d b e ha p p y to he lp !
You can differentiate by using
M y e m a i l i s the k n i tte da p p le @ g ma i l.c o m . 9-sided dice in place of 6 -
sided for students needing a
-K ri s ta

Credits and Terms of Use 12

©2015-2021 The Knitted Apple

Multiplying Using Partial Product Boxes
73 x 16
Step 1: Draw a rectangle and divide it
into four parts. You will use this to
show your work when solving the
multiplication problem.

x 70 + 3
Step 2: Break the 2-digit numbers
apart into expanded form (tens and
ones). Write these numbers on the 10
top and side of the rectangle as +

Or, first add

Step 3: Multiply each number x 70 + 3 vertically to get
by the tens and ones this equation:
numbers and write the
answers in the boxes. Finally,
10 700 30 730
+ 1,120
add the numbers together. + 438
You can add in any order. + 48
6 420 18 1,168
Two examples are shown. 1,168

©2016-2022 The Knitted Apple

Name ______________________ Date________________

2 Digit by 2 Digit Multiplication

Directions: Use the partial products strategy to solve each
equation. Show your work in the space provided.

1) 69 x 31= ___________ 2) 45 x 38= ___________ 3) 52 x 25= ___________

4) 43 x 57= ___________ 5) 26 x 75= ___________ 6) 39 x 27= ___________

P rac ti c e p a g e 1 : p a rti a l p ro du c ts
©2016-2022 The Knitted Apple
Name ______________________ Date________________
2 Digit by 2 Digit Multiplication
Directions: Use your favorite multiplication strategy to solve
each equation. Rewrite the equation in vertical form when using
the standard algorithm. Show your work in the space provided.

1) 69 x 31= ___________ 2) 45 x 38= ___________ 3) 52 x 25= ___________

4) 43 x 57= ___________ 5) 26 x 75= ___________ 6) 39 x 27= ___________

P rac ti c e p a g e 1 : f le x i b le s tra te g y o r
s tan da rd a lg o ri thm ©2016-2022 The Knitted Apple
Answer Key
Name ______________________ Date________________

2 Digit by 2 Digit Multiplication

Directions: Use the partial products strategy to solve each
equation. Show your work in the space provided.

1) 69 x 31= ___________ 1,710
2) 45 x 38= ___________ 1,300
3) 52 x 25= ___________

x 60 + 9 40 + 5 50 + 2
x x
1 1 1
30 1,800 270 2,070 30 1,200 150 1,350 20 1,000 40 1,040
+ + 69 + + 360 + + 260
1 60 9 2,139 8 320 40 1,710 5 250 10 1,300

4) 43 x 57= ___________ 1,950
5) 26 x 75= ___________ 1,053
6) 39 x 27= ___________

40 + 3 20 + 6 30 + 9
x x x
50 2,000 150 2,150 70 1,400 420 1,820 20 600 180
+ + 301 + + 130 + + 273
7 280 21 2,451 5 100 30 1,950 7 210 63 1,053

A n s w e r k e y f o r p ra c ti c e p a g e 1
©2016-2022 The Knitted Apple
Name ______________________ Date________________

2 Digit by 2 Digit Multiplication

Directions: Use the partial products strategy to solve each
equation. Show your work in the space provided.

1) 62 x 33= ___________ 2) 56 x 46= ___________ 3) 93 x 16= ___________

4) 75 x 34= ___________ 5) 88 x 29= ___________ 6) 65 x 57= ___________

P rac ti c e p a g e 2 : p a rti a l p ro du c ts
©2016-2022 The Knitted Apple
Name ______________________ Date________________
2 Digit by 2 Digit Multiplication
Directions: Use your favorite multiplication strategy to solve
each equation. Rewrite the equation in vertical form when using
the standard algorithm. Show your work in the space provided.

1) 62 x 33= ___________ 2) 56 x 46= ___________ 3) 93 x 16= ___________

4) 75 x 34= ___________ 5) 88 x 29= ___________ 6) 65 x 57= ___________

P rac ti c e p a g e 2 : f le x i b le s tra te g y o r
s tan da rd a lg o ri thm ©2016-2022 The Knitted Apple
Answer Key
Name ______________________ Date________________

2 Digit by 2 Digit Multiplication

Directions: Use the partial products strategy to solve each
equation. Show your work in the space provided.

1) 62 x 33= ___________ 2,576
2) 56 x 46= ___________ 1,488
3) 93 x 16= ___________

x 60 + 2 50 + 6 90 + 3
x x
30 1,800 60 1,860 40 2,000 240 2 , 2 4 0 10 900 30 930
+ + 186 + + 336 + + 558
3 180 6 2,046 6 300 36 2,576 1,488
6 540 18

4) 75 x 34= ___________ 5) 88 x 29= 2,552
___________ 3,705
6) 65 x 57= ___________

70 + 5 80 + 8 60 + 5
x x x
1 1 1
30 2,100 150 2,250 20 1,600 160 1,760 50 3,000 250 3,250
+ + 300 + + 792 + + 455
4 280 20 2,550 9 720 72 2,552 7 420 35 3,705

A n s w e r k e y f o r p ra c ti c e p a g e 2
©2016-2022 The Knitted Apple
Name ______________________ Date________________
2 x 2 Digit Dice Roll Multiplication
Directions: Roll the dice to create your own 2 digit by 2 digit
multiplication problem. Record your equation in the space below.
Show your work and solve.

1) _________________ 2) _________________ 3) ________________

4) _________________ 5) _________________ 6) ________________

Dice roll page: Students create and

solve equations using partial products
©2016-2022 The Knitted Apple
Name ______________________ Date________________
2 x 2 Digit Dice Roll Multiplication
Directions: Roll the dice to create your own 2 digit by 2 digit
multiplication problem. Record your equation in the space below.
Show your work and solve.

1) _________________ 2) _________________ 3) ________________

4) _________________ 5) _________________ 6) ________________

Dice roll page: Students create and solve equations

using the standard algorithm
©2016-2022 The Knitted Apple
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Additional Resources
If you liked the
You can click here to follow my store. Valentine’s Day
Thank you! - Krista freebie, you
might enjoy the
full version.
It includes 12
Credits practice pages,
student anchor
charts, and dice
roll pages.

©2016-2022 The Knitted Apple

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