Highly Sensitive and Full Genome Interro
Highly Sensitive and Full Genome Interro
Highly Sensitive and Full Genome Interro
metagenomic method
Chenyu Li1#, David N. Debruyne1#, Julia Spencer1, Vidushi Kapoor1, Lily Y. Liu1, Bo Zhou2, Lucie Lee1,
Rounak Feigelman1, Grayson Burdon1, Jeffrey Liu1, Alejandra Oliva1, Adam Borcherding3, Hongdong
Tan3,4, Alexander E. Urban2, Guoying Liu1, Zhitong Liu1*
Reverse transcription
50ng of Universal Human Reference RNA was converted into cDNA using random primers and
SuperScript™ IV Reverse Transcriptase by following the supplier recommended method (Thermo Fisher
Scientific, Cat# 18090050). After reverse transcription, cDNA was purified with 2.4X volume of magnetic
beads, and washed twice with 70% ethanol. Finally, the purified cDNA was dissolved in 1X TE buffer and
used per multiplex PCR reaction.
Multiplex PCR
Plasmids pUC-S and pUC-N were combined with human cDNA and used in each multiplex PCR reaction.
Paragon Genomics’ CleanPlex® multiplex PCR reagents and protocol were used. Briefly, a 10µl multiplex
PCR reaction was made by combining 5X mPCR mix, 10X Pool 1 of the panel, plasmid pUC-S, pUC-N and
cDNA. The reaction was run in a thermal cycler (95°C for 10min, then 98°C for 15sec, 60°C for 5min for 10
cycles), then terminated by the addition of 2µl of stop buffer. The reaction was then purified by 29µl of
magnetic beads, followed by a secondary PCR with a pair of primers for 25 cycles. The secondary PCR
added sample indexes and sequencing adapters, allowing for sequencing of the resulting products by high
throughput sequencing. A final bead purification was performed after the secondary PCR, followed by
library interrogation using a Bioanalyzer 2100 instrument with Agilent High Sensitivity DNA Kit (Agilent
Technologies, Inc. Part# 5067-4626).
Plasmids pUC-S and pUC-N, in combination with human cDNA, were used in each reaction. Paragon
Genomics’ CleanPlex® secondary PCR mix was used with 100nM of each PCR primers in 10ul reactions.
The PCR thermal cycling protocol used was 95°C for 10min, then 98°C for 15sec, 60°C for 30sec for 45
ddPCR was performed on QX200 from Bio-Rad®. Plasmids pUC-S and pUC-N at the estimated copy
numbers 1 (6 repeats), 2 (3 repeats), and 100 (3 repeats) were tested. In each reaction, the ddPCR thermal
cycling protocol used was 95°C for 5min, then 95°C for 30sec, 60°C for 1min with 60 cycles, 4°C for 5min
and 90°C for 5min, 4°C hold. The resulting data was analyzed by following the supplier recommended
Author contributions
C.L., D.N.D., Z.L. conceived the study and drafted the manuscript. C.L., D.N.D., J.S., V.K., L.Y.L., L.L., R.F.,
G.B., J.L., A.O., G.L., Z.L. performed experiments, analysis and revised the manuscript. B.Z., A.E.U.
performed ddPCR experiments and analysis. A.B., H.T. performed MGI sequencing and analysis.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare no competing interests.
Additional files
Supplemental Fig 2. Multiplex PCR efficiency as determined by using CleanPlex® UMI technology by
Paragon Genomics.
Supplemental Fig 3. Comparison of LOD between multiplex PCR and regular PCR.
Supplemental Fig 4. Performance statistics of the amplicons retrieved from multiplex PCR method
highlighting a 10-fold range read depth.
Supplemental Table 1. Multiplex PCR efficiency as determined by using CleanPlex® UMI technology by
Paragon Genomics.
Supplemental Table 2. Sequencing results of the multiplex PCR-based metagenomic method using 4,500
copies of plasmids containing S and N genes of SARS-CoV-2, spiked in 10ng of human gDNA.
Supplemental Table 3. Performance statistics of the amplicons retrieved from our multiplex PCR method
highlighting a 10-fold range read depth.
Supplementary Information