Week 13

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School San Juan Institute of Technology Grade Level 11

DAILY LESSON Teacher Catherine Atienza Learning Area Oral Communication

Teaching Dates and
Time Week 13 (November 20-24, 2023) 1st

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3


1. Content Standards Recognizes that communicative competence requires understanding of speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative
2. Performance Standards Demonstrates effective use of communicative strategy in a variety of speech situations.
3. Learning Competencies 1. Engages in a communicative situation using acceptable, polite and meaningful communicative strategies. EN11/12OC-IIab-21

2. Explains that a shift in speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative strategy affects the following.

o Language form EN11/12OC-IIab-22.1
o Duration of interaction EN11/12OC-IIab-22.2
o Relationship of speaker EN11/12OC-IIab-22.3
o Role and responsibilities of the speaker EN11/12OC-IIab-22.3
o Message EN11/12OC-IIab-22.4
o Delivery EN11/12OC-IIab-22.5

II. CONTENT The Nature of Nomination and Guidelines for Nomination and
Restriction Restriction

Learner’s Materials C&E Publishing, Inc. C&E Publishing, Inc. C&E Publishing, Inc.
Turn your dreams into
Oral Communication in Context for Oral Communication in Context for Senior Oral Communication in Context for

Author: Philippe John Fresnillo Sipacio, Author: Philippe John Fresnillo Sipacio, Author: Philippe John Fresnillo
PhD and Anne Richie Garcia Balgos, PhD PhD and Anne Richie Garcia Balgos, PhD Sipacio, PhD and Anne Richie Garcia
Balgos, PhD
p.101-138 p. 101-138
p. 101-138

Materials/Other Learning
Resource (LR) portal

Teacher’s Materials Laptop, Monitor, White Board, Marker, Laptop, Monitor, White Board, Marker, Laptop, Monitor, White Board,
Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Marker, Powerpoint Presentation

A. Reviewing previous Recall! Warm-Up Review

lesson or presenting Complete the frames below by filling the
the new lesson What was our lesson yesterday? empty speech balloon with what you 1. When you talk with your
might say when you want to restrict friends or family, do you take
someone from talking in a particular turns, or someone always
language (Frame A) and when you takes all the time talking?
nominate a topic among your friends 2. How about you, do you allow
such as when you want to discuss plans others to talk or you consume
for the weekend (Frame B). all the time talking?

B. Establishing a 1. Identify instances of nomination and 1. Use nomination and restriction in a 1. Analyze a sample dialogue;
purpose for the restriction in a conversation; and communication situation; and and
lesson 2. Explain the nature of nomination 2. Follow certain guidelines in using 2. Employ turn-taking strategies
and restriction in a conversation. nomination and restriction. in communication situations.
3. Reflect on the use of nomination 3. Reflect on the use of the guidelines for 3. Reflect on the use of turn taking
and restriction in everyday nomination and restriction in everyday in everyday communication.
communication. communication.
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C. Presenting examples/ Discuss what is Guidelines for Nomination Discuss what is Turn-Taking.
Discuss what is The Nature of
instances of the and Restriction.
Nomination and Restriction.

concepts and
practicing new skills The teacher will be going to call The teacher will be going to call someone The teacher will be going to call
#1 someone in the class to share the in the class to share the vocabulary from someone in the class to share the
vocabulary from his/her word bank. The his/her word bank. The class will be going vocabulary from his/her word bank.
class will be going to take notes and use to take notes and use them in a sentence. The class will be going to take notes
them in a sentence. and use them in a sentence.

E. Discussing new Question and Answer Question and Answer Question and Answer
concepts and
practicing new skills

F. Developing mastery Drills

(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3) Identify if the statement is true or

1. The main speaker needs to wait

for someone else to nominate the

2. The main speaker should not

reveal the topic right away.

3. To properly nominate a topic in a

conversation, it is important to
state necessary details and be as
clear as possible.

4. To confine the responses of

participants within a particular set
of categories is to do restriction.

5. There’s no need to lay down

specific instructions when doing

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G. Finding practical Why should we make a deliberate effort How should we encourage or limit what
applications of to communicate clearly with others? people contribute in a discussion? Why should we be sensitive to
concepts and skills in whose turn it is during discussions?
daily living

H. Making Factors to Consider for Guidelines for Nomination and Three Turn-Taking Acts
generalizations and Nomination and Restriction Restriction
abstractions about
the lesson 1. Social relationships - 1. The main speaker should state
determine the specific role the topic that will be discussed. a. Keep-turn - suggests that a
of the participants, which is This can be done by explicitly speaker must not stop until
a factor for whether they stating the topic or by asking he or she fulfills his purpose
can nominate or restrict questions regarding the subject in a conversation
other speakers from joining matter. b. Release-turn - suggests that
the conversation 2. When nominating a topic, it a speaker is finished talking
should be said clearly, and only and is ready to yield the floor
a. Higher authorities - those relevant details should be to another person to take his
who are assigned to control included. If there are details that or her turn
the flow of the conversation the listeners should know in c. Take-turn - suggests that
b. Lower authorities - refer to order for them to understand the another participant can take
the participants who start topic even more, the main the role of the speaker
as listeners and are then speaker should include those
nominated to be speakers details as well while nominating. Indicative Signs for Keeping,
when called on by the 3. When restricting what Yielding, or Taking a Turn
higher authorities participants can contribute to
2. Environment - the setting of the discussion, lay down specific a. Intonation may signal when
the conversation; it also instructions or parameters a speaker intends to keep or
determines the roles of the regarding what they can say or yield his or her turn. Falling
speakers how they can say it. intonation indicates that a
a. One-on-one communication speaker is about to end his or
- refers to communication her turn, while rising
situations in which there intonation implies that a
are only two participants speaker is about to reach the
b. Group communication - climax of his or her point,
refers to communication asking the participants for
situations in which there clarification and confirmation,
are more than two or sometimes to express
participants disbelief.
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b. Verbal cues may suggest
that a speaker wants to yield
or to keep his or her turn.
a. Nonverbal cues or
gestures show that a
participant wants to take the
floor or speak. Also, when a
speaker points to or fixes his
or her gaze on a participant,
it may mean that he or she
wants that participant to

I. Evaluating learning Identify what is being described in

each statement below.

1. This refers to the act of the speaker

wherein he or she limits what a
participant can contribute to the
2. This refers to the act of the speaker
wherein he or she opens and establishes
a topic in the conversation or discussion.
3. These refer to those who are assigned
to control the flow of the conversation.
4. This refers to the setting of the
5. This refers to communication
situations in which there are more than
two participants.

Identify whether the statements

below are true or false.
1. Students are always considered as
lower authorities.
2. Higher authorities are always those
that have a high position in society.
3. The one who controls the flow of the
discussion is a higher authority.
4. Lower authorities can use nonverbal

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cues to signal their interest to join a
5. Panel discussions and forums usually
have moderators, and these moderators
are lower authorities.

J. Additional activities Research about Guidelines for

for application or Nomination and Restriction. Research about turn-taking. Enjoy your weekends.



1. No. of learners who

earned 80% on the
formative assessment
2. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
3. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
4. No. of learners who
continue to require
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
6. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
7. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
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other teachers?
Prepared by: Catherine Atienza, LPT

Checked by: Novalyn P. Dimayuga, LPT

Noted: Jomar M. Andal

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