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This study shows that the usage of social media significantly improves academic
performance on psychological well‐being, with a Comparative Fit Index of 0.921 and
an RMSEA of 0.06 indicating a good fit of the CFA model. Finally, we exhibit a strong
statistically significant positive impact of social media usage on academic success, and
as supporting the hypothesis, the study observed a positive mediating role of mental
health between social media addiction and academic performance.
The present research investigations produced unique results, that is, online social
media enhances mental health and mediates the link between social media addiction
and academic performance in Bangladeshi students. This finding also add to the
empirical database on social media usage and have significant theoretical and practical
Social media has become one of the most important platforms for communication in
recent years. On the other side, social networking enables users to easily communicate
data, files, pictures, and videos., as well as post blogs, send messages, and have in‐
person chats regardless of distance. Checking and scrolling through social media have
become common activities among all levels of people over the last decade. It is now
easier to access the internet through the robust development of information
technology. Social media dependence (SMD) is identified as a communicative reliance
or behavioral intention involved in social media, driven by an uncontrolled desire to
use social media, and allocating so much time and effort to social media that weakens
other important life areas. The desire to express oneself on social media lights up the
same part of the brain that activates while taking some addictive element. 1 It is also
found that there is an irrefutable connection between the usage of social media, bad
physical and mental health, and low self‐esteem, which has become more severe due
to the pandemic. 2 Another study from California State University reported that in
Bangladesh there were 45 million (27.2% of the total population) social media users in
January 2021 and the number increased by 9 million (25%) between 2020 and 2021.
Bangladeshi students are using different social media platforms to look for
information, promote and aid communication, share e‐learning, and so forth. There
have been few studies and viewpoints that have recognized four key benefits of using
social media in higher education. These include strengthening connections, boosting
the desire for learning, providing tailored course content, and nurturing teamwork. 3
However, extensive use of social media is causing youths to suffer from different kinds
of physical and mental disorders.
Moreover, another study also states that social media multitasking negatively predicts
educational performance. 15 According to a survey done by Raisa (2018), 41.4% of
university students are highly inclined to use Facebook. 16 Griffiths & Mamun (2019)
identified that the risk of Facebook affection seems to be a crucial factor among
Bangladeshi students, and depression is one of the main combined factors. 17 There
are cross‐sectional studies in Bangladesh about the association between internet
obsession or problematic internet use and the mental health of school‐going
adolescents. 18 , 19 Extreme and unrestrained social media usage has received
substantial attention in recent years. 20
Using social networks has advantages and disadvantages. It has a profound impact on
how well students perform academically. The impacts of social networking use on
college student's accomplishment in the classroom were examined by researchers.
When the media is used excessively in a way that does not academically advance
learning or its process, they discovered a terrible effect and influence. 21 Other
academics have looked at this issue, but they have come to different conclusions on
whether there is a positive significant connection between students' use of social
networking and their academic achievement. 22 There is growing evidence that social
media can become problematic and have several commonalities with behavioral
afflictions such as gambling, gaming, loneliness, self‐esteem, depression, and so forth.
However, it is also evident that the students get more enthusiastic about their wide
learning environment by which they can achieve their higher academic standings and
maximize their potential.
It's imperative to consider different perspectives while discussing how social media
usage affects students. Since their level of commitment and the amount of time they
spend via web‐based media might meddle with their scholastic viability and different
parts of their lives. It is necessary to comprehend the causes, impacts, and way out of
social media attachment before becoming concerned about it. This study seeks to
ascertain the relationship between social media inclination and mental health status
among Bangladeshi university students, as well as how it will expedite the students'
academic performance. Hence, the following hypotheses will be proposed by this
As, in Bangladesh, little is known about university students' entanglement with social
media and how it affects mental health and academic records, the current study is
trying to probe social media addiction and its effects on the mental health and
academic records of Bangladeshi university students. This survey will enhance the
information on social media among the students of an emerging economy.
The participants of this study were some specific university students in Bangladesh.
The data for this study was obtained from an online survey and offline survey
administered to university students in Bangladesh between July 1 and September 30,
2022. Hence, a non‐parametric sampling technique, convenience sampling was
executed in respect of accessibility within the timeframe. Overall 417 responses were
collected but omitted response error and response bias, finally, 380 (91.13%) were
collected for further investigation and thus, an effective response rate was achieved.
The data is analyzed using AMOS V24.0 to analyze the measurements and structural
relationships among the construction under investigation. Mental health is being
measured by the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ‐9) used as a mediating variable
(Figure 1) that enables tracing the depression state of an individual, respectively. The
PHQ‐9 questionnaire is a nine‐item depression‐related scale that is capable of
diagnosing depression, measuring the severity of the condition, and assessing the
improvement of certain symptoms over time. The PHQ‐9 is a versatile tool that
typically evaluates a variety of depressive symptoms, such as sadness, loss of interest
in or enjoyment from activities, changes in appetite or weight, sleep problems, fatigue,
feelings of guilt or worthlessness, trouble concentrating, psychomotor agitation or
retardation, and thoughts of suicide or self‐harm. Due to the diversity of the student's
fields of study, classes, and universities, academic performance is assessed by self‐
reporting to the peers in each group. This study executed a covariance‐based
structural equation model (CB‐SEM) approach due to its usefulness and applicability
in executing the relationship between dependent, independent, and mediation analysis
under several constructs. To do this, data screening, reliability, and validity,
confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for confronting scale measurement and validating
three variables, CB‐SEM for exhibiting the effect, and mediation analysis for
performing mediation analysis.
Figure 1.
Empirical framework.
For scale development, this study perceived others in follows, social media hang‐up is
used in terms of the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale, and its improved version, the
Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS), is the most popular scale of social
media inclination. 23 , 24 The BSMAS scale had six items, each of which was rated on a
Likert scale from 1 (very seldom) to 5 (very often), with choices. The overall score was
in the range of 6 to 30, and the greater the total score, the more severe the indication
of social media. Secondly, The patient health questionnaire (PHQ‐9) with nine
questions was evaluated as a mental health questionnaire having nine items and asked
that mental health condition was estimated on tracking the state of depression
symptoms over the preceding 2 weeks with responses of; 0 = “not at all,” 1 = “several
days,” 2 = “more than half the days,” and 3 = “nearly every day.” 25 The item scores are
aggregated into a total score between 0 and 27 and maintained into an ordered scale
of measurement that indicates the severity of depressive symptoms: 0–4 = “none,” 5–9
= “mild,” 10–14 = “moderate,” 15–19 = “moderately‐severe,” and 20–27 = “severe.” A
score having 10 or above was considered as having symptoms of Major Depressive
Disorder. 25 Finally, it assessed the academic performance of the students following the
recent study. 26 Academic performance is characterized as a student's ability to
complete academic activities and assess their performance across a variety of
disciplines by using quantifiable metrics like final course grades and grading point
averages. 27 , 28 The Internet become an integral part of their academic life and
Facebook along with other social media are also significant components of their daily
life. 29 Access to the internet helps students get knowledge of the wider scope of
resources, and improve their capabilities and skills for studies, assignments,
presentations, and so forth. 30
2.2. Data
The current study worked on the goal of the nexus of social media dependence and
academic performance under the mediating role of mental health. To deal with this,
several scales for these three pillars were assessed. Firstly, social media attachment
was assessed by employing the BSMAS, 24 Mental health was assessed by the most
popular scale as it serves as a versatile tool for depression screening, diagnosis,
monitoring, and severity measurement. Finally, academic performance was assessed
by recent scholars. 26 Data from this study was collected from online and printed
questionnaires from different disciplines in different universities in Bangladesh. The
data was collected during the COVID‐19 pandemic which started July 1, 2022 and
ended on September 30, 2022. Out of 417 responses, 380 responses were considered
for our investigation and 37 responses were omitted due to response error and
response bias. The demographic profiles and further information were exhibited in the
Appendix. In the demographic profile, out of 360 students, 228 (60%) were male and
234 (61.6%) were aged between 21 and 25 years. In the educational discipline, the
Accounting information system (AIS) holds the highest possession, 150 (39.5%)
whereas management 85 (22.4%), finance and banking 73 (19.2%), and the rest posit
marketing and management information systems respectively.
For data validation, there needs some criteria for following traditional validity and
reliability for scale measurement and construct development. Firstly, internal
consistency and measure of reliability are assessed under Cronbach's alpha. 31 The
threshold or acceptance criteria are different for different scholars. As Hair et al.
(2010) mentioned the cut‐off level is 0.70 and a value as low as 0.60 is acceptable for
exploratory research while George and Mallery (2003) mentioned 0.7 – Acceptable,
but ≥0.6–Questionable. 32 , 33 This study observed 0.851–0.906 respectively. Construct
validity (i.e., convergent validity and discriminant validity) is before CFA assessment.
This validity is the ‘extent to which a set of measured items reflects the theoretical
latent construct the items are designed to measure’. 34 In convergent validity,
convergent validity, two major criteria were examined‐composite reliability (CR) and
average variance extracted (AVE). 35 AVE > 0.5 and CR > 0.7 indicate adequate
convergence or internal consistency. 34 Both criteria are fulfilled in this study.
The perspective taken in the research result focuses on evaluating data quality through
measures of reliability and validity. Internal consistency is assessed using Cronbach's
alpha, with obtained values exceeding acceptable thresholds, indicating high reliability.
Construct validity is confirmed through criteria like Composite Reliability and Average
Variance Extracted, meeting established benchmarks, ensuring the accuracy and
consistency of measurements in the study.
In Table 1, the basic statistics along with several model indices related to the
measurement of scale were shown. Out of 19 variables, the average ranges between
0.55 (PHQ9: Feelings that it would be better for you to harm yourself or die) to 3.45
(BSMA6: I use social media so much that it has harmed my studies) respectively. The
skewness and kurtosis of all variables did not crisscross the threshold level ‐2 to +2,
hence, there is no issue of outliers or extreme values. 32 According to normal data has
kurtosis between −7 and +7 and skewness between −2 and +2. Moreover, as the
sample size is greater than 200, there is no chance of impact on the Skewness and
Kurtosis deviations from normality. 37 Hence, there is no missing value issue and
overall data screening is performed well.
Table 1.
Note: α, AVE, and CR indicate Cronbach's alpha, average variance extracted, and composite
reliability respectively.
Table 2.
Discriminant validity (Fornell & Larkcer discriminant validity and HTMT ratio discriminant
In the context of recent research on the development of a particular scale, CFA is used
to assess factor loading. This study performed both CFA and structural equation model
with maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) under 2000 bootstrapping and 95% bias‐
corrected bootstrap confidence intervals considered. The factor loading represents the
level of a particular construct with its regression paths. A satisfactory factor loading
value is more than 0.5. 32 For one indicator, it is deemed good when it is equal to or
greater than 0.7. This threshold is followed in Figure 2. Moreover, other measurement
model criteria are already discussed above.
Figure 2.
In the structural model, it's the pivot part of the test of the hypothesis to exhibit
interrelationship among constructs. 34 Figure 3 depicts the factor loadings with the
standardized effect of the constructs. The first hypothesis was to exhibit the role of
social media usage on psychological health and it came positive with a 1% level of
significance (β = 0.343, t‐statistic = 4.288, p< 0.001). Another hypothesis was to exhibit
the effect of mental health on academic performance and it also comes positive (β =
0.510, t‐statistic = 6.892, p < 0.001). The second hypothesis investigated the impact of
social media platforms on academic performance, and it was statistically significant
and had a favorable value, validating our proposition (β = 0.293, t‐statistic = 3.756, p <
0.001). Finally, all three hypotheses were supported and all the results stated above or
below were performed on two‐sided based t‐distribution.
Figure 3.
Open in a new tab
Structural equation modeling of mental health, social media attachment, and academic
Using CFA, the study encountered 19 items under three constructs. The initial
construct is the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS), and it has 6 items. The
psychological health assessment is defined in terms of PHQ‐9 having 9 items. Finally,
the outcome variable was assessed on academic performance as it contains 4 items.
Several fit indices were followed in case of justifying the fitness of CFA. There are three
fit categories to satisfy: absolute fit, incremental fit, and parsimonious fit. 40 According
to Hu & Bentler (1995), absolute fit indices determine how well the model fits the data
when covariance is observed. 41 Three statistics were investigated under the absolute
fit index: Chi‐square (2), goodness‐of‐fit (GFI), and root mean square error (RMSEA).
Second, incremental fit indices coincide with two tools: the Comparative Fit Index
(CFI) and the Normed Fit Index (NFI). The final tool parsimonious fit indices can be
restrained by normed chi‐square (χ2/df). The following table summarizes the
goodness of fit indices utilized in this research. All these criteria are illustrated in
Table 3 and fulfill the cut‐off of each point.
Table 3.
Path coefficients with model indices under structural equation model (SEM).
Mediation analysis (test for mediation using a bootstrap analysis With a 95% Confidence
The study's limitations include potential sampling bias due to convenience sampling,
self‐reported academic performance subjectivity, and the influence of the COVID‐19
pandemic on the data. Specific scales may not fully capture social media dependence
and mental health complexity. Variability among students from different fields of study
also impacts the findings. These limitations underscore the need for cautious
interpretation and the potential for future research to address these challenges.
As university students engage in a range of social media activities daily, there are
growing worries about social media's possible harmful impacts on students' well‐
being. The influence of an informal attachment on a student hampers his psychosocial
well‐being and sense of belonging. However, restricting the amount of time students
spend on social media and scholastic attainment can improve students' potential and
cognitive abilities as well as their academic achievement. Our research findings have
shown that the usage of online social media has a positive impact on university
students' mental health in Bangladesh and it came with significant signs. Hence, the
first hypothesis was supported and the second one also does. Moreover, the mediating
role of mental health positively impacts social media addiction and academic
performance connection as it also came significant but in positive sign rather than
negative sign. The study also provides crucial warnings about the impacts of excessive
social media use on academic performance and mental health. As the epidemic has not
yet been completely eradicated, social media attachment and issues with student
mental health need to receive more attention. The verdict of our study highlights the
favorable effects of using social platforms on students' educational achievement,
including far‐reaching effects, and suggests that using social media in higher education
is generally advantageous for students. Furthermore, our findings imply that
policymakers and university stakeholders have to draw greater emphasis on the issues
of student mental health and social media affection. Unfortunately, a substantial
number of Bangladeshi university stakeholders do not offer their students mental
health support services at this challenging moment.
The authors declare that all authors have read and approved the final version of the
manuscript. They also declare that the corresponding author has full access to all the
data in this study and takes full responsibility for the integrity of the data and the
accuracy of the data analysis.
The study protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Committee, University of Asia
Pacific, Dhaka, Bangladesh (UAP/REC/2021/108). The study was conducted following
the principles stated in the Declaration of Helsinki. We also obtained informed
electronic consent from all the participants.
The lead author Rana Al Mosharrafa affirms that this manuscript is an honest,
accurate, and transparent account of the study being reported; that no important
aspects of the study have been omitted; and that any discrepancies from the study as
planned (and, if relevant, registered) have been explained.
We are thankful to the participants for their cooperation in conducting this study. The
authors received no funding to conduct the study.
Mosharrafa RA, Akther T, Siddique FK. Impact of social media usage on academic
performance of university students: mediating role of mental health under a cross‐
sectional study in Bangladesh. Health Sci Rep. 2024;7:e1788. 10.1002/hsr2.1788
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding
author upon reasonable request.
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Associated Data
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The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding
author upon reasonable request.
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