Understanding BLDC Motors
Understanding BLDC Motors
Understanding BLDC Motors
Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motors are one of the motor types rapidly gaining
popularity. BLDC motors are used in industries such as Appliances, Automotive,
Aerospace, Consumer, Medical, Industrial Automation Equipment and Instrumentation.
As the name implies, BLDC motors do not use brushes for commutation; instead, they
are electronically commutated. BLDC motors have many advantages over brushed DC
motors and induction motors. A few of these are:
• Better speed versus torque characteristics
• High dynamic response
• High efficiency
• Long operating life
• Noiseless operation
• Higher speed ranges
In addition, the ratio of torque delivered to the size of the motor is higher, making it useful
in applications where space and weight are critical factors.
In this application note, we will discuss in detail the construction, working principle,
characteristics and typical applications of BLDC motors.
The stator of a BLDC motor consists of stacked steel laminations with windings placed in the
slots that are axially cut along the inner periphery (as shown in Figure 3). Traditionally, the
stator resembles that of an induction motor; however, the windings are distributed in a
different manner. Most BLDC motors have three stator windings connected in star fashion.
Each of these windings are constructed with numerous coils interconnected to form a
winding. One or more coils are placed in the slots and they are interconnected to make a
winding. Each of these windings are distributed over the stator periphery to form an even
numbers of poles.
There are two types of stator windings variants: trapezoidal and sinusoidal motors. This
differentiation is made on the basis of the interconnection of coils in the stator windings to
give the different types of back Electromotive Force (EMF).
As their names indicate, the trapezoidal motor gives a back EMF in trapezoidal fashion and
the sinusoidal motor’s back EMF is sinusoidal, as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. In addition
to the back EMF, the phase current also has trapezoidal and sinusoidal variations in the
respective types of motor. This makes the torque output by a sinusoidal motor smoother than
that of a trapezoidal motor. However, this comes with an extra cost, as the sinusoidal motors
take extra winding interconnections because of the coils distribution on the stator periphery,
thereby increasing the copper intake by the stator windings.
Depending upon the control power supply capability, the motor with the correct voltage rating
of the stator can be chosen. Forty-eight volts, or less voltage rated motors are used in
automotive, robotics, small arm movements and so on. Motors with 100 volts, or higher
ratings, are used in appliances, automation and in industrial applications.
Phase A-B
Phase B-C
Phase C-A
Stator Windings
The rotor is made of permanent magnet and can vary from two to eight pole pairs with
alternate North (N) and South (S) poles.
Based on the required magnetic field density in the rotor, the proper magnetic material is
chosen to make the rotor. Ferrite magnets are traditionally used to make permanent
magnets. As the technology advances, rare earth alloy magnets are gaining popularity. The
ferrite magnets are less expensive but they have the disadvantage of low flux density for a
given volume. In contrast, the alloy material has high magnetic density per volume and
enables the rotor to compress further for the same torque. Also, these alloy magnets
improve the size-to-weight ratio and give higher torque for the same size motor using ferrite
Neodymium (Nd), Samarium Cobalt (SmCo) and the alloy of Neodymium, Ferrite and Boron
(NdFeB) are some examples of rare earth alloy magnets. Continuous research is going on to
improve the flux density to compress the rotor further.
Figure 4 shows cross sections of different arrangements of magnets in a rotor.
Hall Sensors
Unlike a brushed DC motor, the commutation of a BLDC motor is controlled electronically. To
rotate the BLDC motor, the stator windings should be energized in a sequence. It is
important to know the rotor position in order to understand which winding will be energized
following the energizing sequence. Rotor position is sensed using Hall effect sensors
embedded into the stator.
Most BLDC motors have three Hall sensors embedded into the stator on the non-driving end
of the motor.
Whenever the rotor magnetic poles pass near the Hall sensors, they give a high or low
signal, indicating the N or S pole is passing near the sensors. Based on the combination of
these three Hall sensor signals, the exact sequence of commutation can be determined.
Stator Windings
Figure 5 shows a transverse section of a BLDC motor with a rotor that has alternate N
and S permanent magnets. Hall sensors are embedded into the stationary part of the
motor. Embedding the Hall sensors into the stator is a complex process because any
misalignment in these Hall sensors, with respect to the rotor magnets, will generate an
error in determination of the rotor position. To simplify the process of mounting the Hall
sensors onto the stator, some motors may have the Hall sensor magnets on the rotor, in
addition to the main rotor magnets. These are a scaled down replica version of the rotor.
Therefore, whenever the rotor rotates, the Hall sensor magnets give the same effect as
the main magnets. The Hall sensors are normally mounted on a PC board and fixed to
the enclosure cap on the non-driving end. This enables users to adjust the complete
assembly of Hall sensors, to align with the rotor magnets, in order to achieve the best
Based on the physical position of the Hall sensors, there are two versions of output. The
Hall sensors may be at 60° or 120° phase shift to each other. Based on this, the motor
manufacturer defines the commutation sequence, which should be followed when
controlling the motor.
See the “Commutation Sequence” section for an example of Hall sensor signals and
further details on the sequence of commutation.
Theory of Operation
Each commutation sequence has one of the windings energized to positive power (current
enters into the winding), the second winding is negative (current exits the winding) and the
third is in a non-energized condition. Torque is produced because of the interaction between
the magnetic field generated by the stator coils and the permanent magnets. Ideally, the
peak torque occurs when these two fields are at 90° to each other and falls off as the fields
move together. In order to keep the motor running, the magnetic field produced by the
windings should shift position, as the rotor moves to catch up with the stator field. What is
known as “Six-Step Commutation” defines the sequence of energizing the windings. See the
“Commutation Sequence” section for detailed information and an example on six-step
Figure 6 shows an example of torque/speed characteristics. There are two torque
parameters used to define a BLDC motor, peak torque (TP) and rated torque (TR). During
continuous operations, the motor can be loaded up to the rated torque. As discussed earlier,
in a BLDC motor, the torque remains constant for a speed range up to the rated speed. The
motor can be run up to the maximum speed, which can be up to 150% of the rated speed,
but the torque starts dropping.
e Intermittent
Torque Zone
Torque Zone
Rated Maximu
Spee Speed d
Applications that have frequent starts and stops and frequent reversals of rotation with
load on the motor, demand more torque than the rated torque. This requirement comes
for a brief period, especially when the motor starts from a standstill and during
acceleration. During this period, extra torque is required to overcome the inertia of the
load and the rotor itself. The motor can deliver a higher torque, maximum up to peak
torque, as long as it follows the speed torque curve. Refer to the “Selecting a Suitable
Motor Rating for the Application” section to understand how to select these
parameters for an application.
Compared to brushed DC motors and induction motors, BLDC motors have many
advantages and few disadvantages. Brushless motors require less maintenance, so they
have a longer life compared with brushed DC motors. BLDC motors produce more
output power per frame size than brushed DC motors and induction motors. Because the
rotor is made of permanent magnets, the rotor inertia is less, compared with other types
of motors. This improves acceleration and deceleration characteristics, shortening
operating cycles. Their linear speed/torque characteristics produce predictable speed
regulation. With brushless motors, brush inspection is eliminated, making them ideal for
limited access areas and applications where servicing is difficult. BLDC motors operate
much more quietly than brushed DC motors, reducing Electromagnetic Interference
(EMI). Low-voltage models are ideal for battery operation, portable equipment or medical
Feature BLDC Motor Brushed DC Motor
Commutation Electronic commutation based on Hall Brushed commutation.
position sensors.
Maintenance Less required due to absence of Periodic maintenance is required.
Life Longer. Shorter.
Speed/Torque Flat – Enables operation at all speeds Moderately flat – At higher speeds,
Characteristics with rated load. brush friction increases, thus reducing
useful torque.
Efficiency High – No voltage drop across Moderate.
Output Power/ High – Reduced size due to superior Moderate/Low – The heat produced
Frame Size thermal characteristics. Because by the armature is dissipated in the air
BLDC has the windings on the stator, gap, thus increasing the temperature
which is connected to the case, the in the air gap and limiting specs on
heat dissipation is better. the output power/frame size.
Rotor Inertia Low, because it has permanent Higher rotor inertia which limits the
magnets on the rotor. This improves dynamic characteristics.
the dynamic response.
Speed Range Higher – No mechanical limitation Lower – Mechanical limitations by the
imposed by brushes/commutator. brushes.
Electric Noise Low. Arcs in the brushes will generate
Generation noise causing EMI in the equipment
Cost of Building Higher – Since it has permanent Low.
magnets, building costs are higher.
Control Complex and expensive. Simple and inexpensive.
Control A controller is always required to keep No controller is required for fixed
Requirements the motor running. The same speed; a controller is required only if
controller can be used for variable variable speed is desired.
speed control.
N is the number of winding turns per
l is the length of the rotor,
r is the internal radius of the
rotor, B is the rotor magnetic
field density and ω is the
motor’s angular velocity
Once the motor is designed, the rotor magnetic field and the number of turns in the stator
windings remain constant. The only factor that governs back EMF is the angular velocity
or speed of the rotor and as the speed increases, back EMF also increases. The motor
technical specification gives a parameter called, back EMF, that can be used to estimate
back EMF for a given speed.
The potential difference across a winding can be calculated by subtracting the back EMF
value from the supply voltage. The motors are designed with a back EMF constant in
such a way that when the motor is running at the rated speed, the potential difference
between the back EMF and the supply voltage will be sufficient for the motor to draw the
rated current and deliver the rated torque. If the motor is driven beyond the rated speed,
back EMF may increase substantially, thus decreasing the potential difference across the
winding, reducing the current drawn which results in a drooping torque curve. The last
point on the speed curve would be when the supply voltage is equal to the sum of the
back EMF and the losses in the motor, where the current and torque are equal to zero.
Sensorless Control of BLDC Motors
Until now we have seen commutation based on the rotor position given by the Hall
sensor. BLDC motors can be commutated by monitoring the back EMF signals instead of
the Hall sensors. The relationship between the Hall sensors and back EMF, with respect
to the phase voltage, is shown in Figure 7. As we have seen in earlier sections, every
commutation sequence has one of the windings energized positive, the second negative
and the third left open. As shown in Figure 7, the Hall sensor signal changes the state
when the voltage polarity of back EMF crosses from a positive to negative or from
negative to positive. In ideal cases, this happens on zero-crossing of back EMF, but
practically, there will be a delay due to the winding characteristics. This delay should be
compensated by the microcontroller. Figure 10 shows a block diagram for sensorless
control of a BLDC motor.
Another aspect to be considered is very low speeds. Because back EMF is proportional to
the speed of rotation, at a very low speed, the back EMF would be at a very low amplitude to
detect zero-crossing. The motor has to be started in open loop, from standstill and when
sufficient back EMF is built to detect the zero-cross point, the control should be shifted to the
back EMF sensing. The minimum speed at which back EMF can be sensed is calculated
from the back EMF constant of the motor.
With this method of commutation, the Hall sensors can be eliminated and in some motors,
the magnets for Hall sensors also can be eliminated. This simplifies the motor construction
and reduces the cost as well. This is advantageous if the motor is operating in dusty or oily
environments, where occasional cleaning is required in order for the Hall sensors to sense
properly. The same thing applies if the motor is mounted in a less accessible location.
Selecting the right type of motor for the given application is very important. Based on the
load characteristics, the motor must be selected with the proper rating. Three parameters
govern the motor selection for the given application. They are:
• Peak torque required for the application
• RMS torque required
• The operating speed range
The torque due to inertia (TJ) is the torque required to accelerate the load from standstill or
from a lower speed to a higher speed. This can be calculated by taking the product of load
inertia, including the rotor inertia and load acceleration.
TJ = JL + M * α where:
JL + M is the sum of the load and rotor inertia and α is the required acceleration
The mechanical system coupled to the motor shaft determines the load torque and the
frictional torque.
RMS Torque Requirement (TRMS)
The Root Mean Square (RMS) torque can be roughly translated to the average
continuous torque required for the application. This depends upon many factors. The
peak torque (TP), load torque (TL), torque due to inertia (TJ), frictional torque (TF) and
acceleration, deceleration and run times.
The following equation gives the RMS torque required for a typical application where TA
is the acceleration time, TR is the run time and TD is the deceleration time.
In conclusion, BLDC motors have advantages over brushed DC motors and induction
motors. They have better speed versus torque characteristics, high dynamic response, high
efficiency, long operating life, noiseless operation, higher speed ranges, rugged construction
and so on. Also, torque delivered to the motor size is higher, making it useful in applications
where space and weight are critical factors. With these advantages, BLDC motors find wide
spread applications in automotive, appliance, aerospace, consumer, medical,
instrumentation and automation industries.