Character Sheet Goblin Druid

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Choose Name Neutral

Character Name Alignment Player

Sorcerer (1) Not set Not set

Character Level Deity Homeland Campaign

Human Medium Not set Not set (Adult) Not set Not set Not set Not set
Race Size Gender Age Height Weight Hair Eyes

Ability Score Mod. Temp. Temp.

Name Score Mod. HP
Hit Points
8 Movement
10 +0 Total nonlethal Damage

30 ft. 6 sq. 30 ft. 6 sq.

Base Speed Armor Speed Burrow
16 +3
Wounds / Current HP

CON 13 +1 Initative 3 3 0 Fly Maneuverability Swim Climb Temp. Mods

Constitution = +
12 +1 Damage Skill Names Total Abilit Ranks Misc
Acrobatics 3 =DEX 3 +0 +0
WIS 14 +2
Wisdom Power 1 x Appraise 1 =INT 1 +0 +0

x Artistry 1 =INT 1 +0 +0
18 +4 Power 2
x Bluff 4 =CHA 4 +0 +0
Climb 0 =STR 0 +0 +0
Armor Class
13 =10+ 0 + 0 + 3 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0
TOTAL Armor Shield Dex. Size Natural Deflect. Misc.
x Craft (a) 1 =INT 1 +0 +0
x Craft (b) 1 =INT 1 +0 +0
Touch AC 13 Flat Footed AC 10
x Craft (c) 1 =INT 1 +0 +0
Total Base Save Ability Magic Misc. Mod. Temp. Mod.
Diplomacy 4 =CHA 4 +0 +0
1 = 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + Disable Device* =DEX + +
Disguise 4 =CHA 4 +0 +0
Reflex 3 = 0 + 3 + 0 + 0 +
Escape Artist 3 =DEX 3 +0 +0

Will 4 = 2 + 2 + 0 + 0 +
x Fly 3 =DEX 3 +0 +0

Handle Animal 5 =CHA 4 +1 +0

Spell Energy Heal 3 =WIS 2 +1 +0
B.A.B. 0 Resistance Resistance
x Intimidate 4 =CHA 4 +0 +0
CMB 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 x Knowledge (arcana) 5 =INT 1 +1 +3
Total BAB Strength Size Mod. Misc. Mod.
Knowledge (dungeoneering)* =INT + +
CMD 13 =10+ 0 + 0 + 3 + 0 + 0 Knowledge (engineering)* =INT + +
Total BAB Strength Dex Mod. Size. Mod. Misc. Mod.
Knowledge (geography)* =INT + +
Knowledge (history)* =INT + +
Knowledge (local)* =INT + +
Critical Type Range Ammo
Knowledge (nature)* =INT + +
Knowledge (nobility)* =INT + +
Attack Damage
Knowledge (planes)* =INT + +
Knowledge (religion)* =INT + +
Weapon Linguistics* =INT + +
x Lore* =INT + +
Critical Type Range Ammo Perception 2 =WIS 2 +0 +0
Perform (a) 4 =CHA 4 +0 +0
Attack Damage
Perform (b) 4 =CHA 4 +0 +0
x Profession (a)* =WIS + +
Weapon x Profession (b)* =WIS + +
Ride 3 =DEX 3 +0 +0
Critical Type Range Ammo Sense Motive 2 =WIS 2 +0 +0
Sleight of Hand* =DEX + +
Attack Damage x Spellcraft 5 =INT 1 +1 +3
Stealth 3 =DEX 3 +0 +0

Survival 2 =WIS 2 +0 +0
Swim 0 =STR 0 +0 +0

Critical Type Range Ammo

x Use Magic Device* =CHA + +
X Class Skill *Trained Only

Conditional Modifiers
Attack Damage
Armor check penalties applied to skills.


Critical Type Range Ammo

Attack Damage
Armor Item Bonus Type Check Penalty Spell Failure Weight Properties

Totals 0 0 0% 0 lbs.

Feats Bloodlines Equipment Qty. lbs. Head Qty. lbs.

Combat Casting Phoenix

Defiant Luck Other Specials
Headband Qty. lbs.

Weapon Proficiency, Simple Bloodline Arcana

Eschew Materials
The Unseen World Eyes Qty. lbs.

Shoulders Qty. lbs.

Neck Qty. lbs.

Chest Qty. lbs.

Body Qty. lbs.

Belt Qty. lbs.

Wrist Qty. lbs.

Hands Qty. lbs.

Feet Qty. lbs.

Rings Qty. lbs.

Play Notes

Racial Traits


Background Traits

Divine Arcana

Light 33 lbs. or less Lift Over 100 lbs.

Load Head PP 0 Experience Points
GP 0 Not set
Medium 34-66 lbs. Lift Off 200 lbs.
Load Ground
SP 0 Next Level
67-100 lbs. Drag or
500 lbs. CP 0 2,000 (Medium Progression)
Sorcerer Spell Book

Spell Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spells per day (adjusted) ∞ 3 (4) - - - - - - - -

Spontaneous Caster Spell Use Tracker

Level 1

Known Spells
Known Spell Level 0 School Duration Cast time Range/Area Save SR DC

Acid Splash Conjuration instantaneous; 1 standard action close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) none no 14

Jolt Transmutation instantaneous; 1 standard action close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) none Yes 14

Prestidigitation Universal 1 hour; 1 standard action 10 ft. see text see text no 14

Ray of Frost Evocation instantaneous; 1 standard action close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) none yes 14

Bonus Dancing Lights Evocation 1 minute; 1 standard action medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) none no 14

Bonus Detect Magic Divination concentration, up to 1 1 standard action 60 ft. cone-shaped emanation none no 14

Bonus Read Magic Divination 10 min./level; 1 standard action personal 14

Known Spell Level 1 School Duration Cast time Range/Area Save SR DC

Burning Hands Evocation instantaneous; 1 standard action 15 ft. cone-shaped burst Reflex half yes 15

Mage Armor Conjuration 1 hour/level (D); 1 standard action touch Will negates no 15

Bonus Produce Flame Evocation 1 min./level; 1 standard action 0 ft. none yes 15
Spell Descriptions (A-Z)

School: Conjuration (creation)

Level: sorcerer/wizard 0, summoner 0, inquisitor 0, magus 0
Descriptor: acid
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: one missile of acid
Duration: instantaneous;
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no
You fire a small orb of acid at the target. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to hit your target. The orb deals 1d3 points of acid damage.
This acid disappears after 1 round.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC


School: Evocation
Level: sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1, magus 1, bloodrager 1, shaman 1, occultist 1
Descriptor: fire
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: 15 ft.
Area: cone-shaped burst
Duration: instantaneous;
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: yes
A cone of searing flame shoots from your fingertips. Any creature in the area of the flames takes 1d4 points of fire damage per caster level
(maximum 5d4). Flammable materials burn if the flames touch them. A character can extinguish burning items as a full-round action.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC


School: Evocation
Level: bard 0, sorcerer/wizard 0, witch 0, magus 0, shaman 0, occultist 0, psychic 0, mesmerist 0
Descriptor: light
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: Up to four lights, all within a 10-ft.-radius area
Duration: 1 minute;
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no
Depending on the version selected, you create up to four lights that resemble lanterns or torches (and cast that amount of light), or up to four
glowing spheres of light (which look like will-o'-wisps), or one faintly glowing, vaguely humanoid shape. The dancing lights must stay within a 10-
foot-radius area in relation to each other but otherwise move as you desire (no concentration required): forward or back, up or down, straight or
turning corners, or the like. The lights can move up to 100 feet per round. A light winks out if the distance between you and it exceeds the spell's
range. You can only have one dancing lights spell active at any one time. If you cast this spell while another casting is still in effect, the previous
casting is dispelled. If you make this spell permanent, it does not count against this limit. Dancing lights can be made permanent with a
permanency spell.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC


School: Divination
Level: bard 0, cleric/oracle 0, druid 0, sorcerer/wizard 0, summoner 0, witch 0, inquisitor 0, magus 0, shaman 0, occultist 0, psychic 0, mesmerist 0,
spiritualist 0
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: 60 ft.
Area: cone-shaped emanation
Duration: concentration, up to 1 min./level;
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no
You detect magical auras. The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study a particular area or subject. 1st Round: Presence or
absence of magical auras. 2nd Round: Number of different magical auras and the power of the most potent aura. 3rd Round: The strength and
location of each aura. If the items or creatures bearing the auras are in line of sight, you can make Knowledge (arcana) skill checks to determine the
school of magic involved in each. (Make one check per aura: DC 15 + spell level, or 15 + 1/2 caster level for a nonspell effect.) If the aura emanates
from a magic item, you can attempt to identify its properties (see Spellcraft). Magical areas, multiple types of magic, or strong local magical
emanations may distort or conceal weaker auras. Aura Strength: An aura's power depends on a spell's functioning spell level or an item's caster
level; see the accompanying table. If an aura falls into more than one category, detect magic indicates the stronger of the two. Spell or Object Aura
Power Faint Moderate Strong Overwhelming Functioning spell (spell level) 3rd or lower 4th-6th 7th-9th 10th+ (deity-level) Magic item (caster level)
5th or lower 6th-11th 12th-20th 21st+ (artifact) Lingering Aura: A magical aura lingers after its original source dissipates (in the case of a spell) or is
destroyed (in the case of a magic item). If detect magic is cast and directed at such a location, the spell indicates an aura strength of dim (even
weaker than a faint aura). How long the aura lingers at this dim level depends on its original power: Original Strength Duration of Lingering Aura
Faint 1d6 rounds Moderate 1d6 minutes Strong 1d6x10 minutes Overwhelming 1d6 days Outsiders and elementals are not magical in themselves,
but if they are summoned, the conjuration spell registers. Each round, you can turn to detect magic in a new area. The spell can penetrate barriers,
but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it. Detect magic can be made permanent with a
permanency spell.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC


School: Transmutation
Level: sorcerer/wizard 0
Descriptor: electricity
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: spark of electricity
Duration: instantaneous;
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: Yes
You cause a spark of electricity to strike the target with a successful ranged touch attack. The spell deals 1d3 points of electricity damage.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Paizo Blog containing Ultimate Magic cantrips


School: Conjuration (creation)

Level: sorcerer/wizard 1, summoner 1, witch 1, bloodrager 1, occultist 1, psychic 1, spiritualist 1
Descriptor: force
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, F (a piece of cured leather)
Range: touch
Targets: creature touched
Duration: 1 hour/level (D);
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: no
An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of a mage armor spell, providing a +4 armor bonus to AC. Unlike mundane armor,
mage armor entails no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, or speed reduction. Since mage armor is made of force, incorporeal
creatures can't bypass it the way they do normal armor.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC


School: Universal
Level: bard 0, magus 0, sorcerer/wizard 0, psychic 0, mesmerist 0
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: 10 ft.
Area: see text
Effect: see text
Targets: see text
Duration: 1 hour;
Saving Throw: see text
Spell Resistance: no
Prestidigitations are minor tricks that novice spellcasters use for practice. Once cast, a prestidigitation spell enables you to perform simple magical
effects for 1 hour. The effects are minor and have severe limitations. A prestidigitation can slowly lift 1 pound of material. It can color, clean, or soil
items in a 1-foot cube each round. It can chill, warm, or flavor 1 pound of nonliving material. It cannot deal damage or affect the concentration of
spellcasters. Prestidigitation can create small objects, but they look crude and artificial. The materials created by a prestidigitation spell are
extremely fragile, and they cannot be used as tools, weapons, or spell components. Finally, prestidigitation lacks the power to duplicate any other
spell effects. Any actual change to an object (beyond just moving, cleaning, or soiling it) persists only 1 hour.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC


School: Evocation
Level: druid 1, shaman 1
Descriptor: fire
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: 0 ft.
Effect: flame in your palm
Duration: 1 min./level;
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: yes
Flames as bright as a torch appear in your open hand. The flames harm neither you nor your equipment. In addition to providing illumination, the
flames can be hurled or used to touch enemies. You can strike an opponent with a melee touch attack, dealing fire damage equal to 1d6 + 1 point
per caster level (maximum +5). Alternatively, you can hurl the flames up to 120 feet as a thrown weapon. When doing so, you attack with a ranged
touch attack (with no range penalty) and deal the same damage as with the melee attack. No sooner do you hurl the flames than a new set appears
in your hand. Each attack you make reduces the remaining duration by 1 minute. If an attack reduces the remaining duration to 0 minutes or less,
the spell ends after the attack resolves. This spell does not function underwater.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC

School: Evocation
Level: sorcerer/wizard 0, magus 0
Descriptor: cold
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: ray
Duration: instantaneous;
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: yes
A ray of freezing air and ice projects from your pointing finger. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack with the ray to deal damage to a target.
The ray deals 1d3 points of cold damage.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC


School: Divination
Level: bard 0, cleric/oracle 0, druid 0, paladin 1, ranger 1, sorcerer/wizard 0, summoner 0, witch 0, inquisitor 0, magus 0, shaman 0, occultist 0,
psychic 0, mesmerist 0, spiritualist 0
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, F (a clear crystal or mineral prism)
Range: personal
Targets: you
Duration: 10 min./level;
You can decipher magical inscriptions on objects-books, scrolls, weapons, and the like-that would otherwise be unintelligible. This deciphering does
not normally invoke the magic contained in the writing, although it may do so in the case of a cursed or trapped scroll. Furthermore, once the spell
is cast and you have read the magical inscription, you are thereafter able to read that particular writing without recourse to the use of read magic.
You can read at the rate of one page (250 words) per minute. The spell allows you to identify a glyph of warding with a DC 13 Spellcraft check, a
greater glyph of warding with a DC 16 Spellcraft check, or any symbol spell with a Spellcraft check (DC 10 + spell level). Read magic can be made
permanent with a permanency spell.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC

Open Game License and Copyright details available at:



Requirements: None
You get a +4 bonus on concentration checks made to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability when casting on the
defensive or while grappled.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC


Requirements: Human.
Once per day, after you roll a natural 1 on a saving throw or a critical hit is confirmed against you, you can either reroll
that saving throw, or force the creature that confirmed the critical hit against you to reroll the critical confirmation roll.
This does not stack with other effects that allow you to reroll a saving throw or an attack roll. You may only make one
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide Copyright 2012, Paizo Publishing,


Requirements: None
You make attack rolls with simple weapons without penalty.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC

Open Game License and Copyright details available at:

A PFRPG character build.

No build notes.

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