Belaid2022 Est
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Belaid2022 Est
Keywords: Battery storage systems are an important alternative to compensate for wind turbine irregularities. This paper
Wind turbine contributes to the feasibility of a wind energy installation with battery storage. In order to manage these different
Battery storage power sources, a power management control (PMC) strategy is developed and connected to the proposed two-
Hybrid maximum power point tracking
level MPPT controller. PMC provides an efficient optimal operation of two MPPT algorithms (torque and
State of charge
Batteries stress
speed) and ensures minimal stress on the used storage batteries. A complete system with better performances is
obtained by combining the advantages of both MPPT and PMC proposed methods. The obtained results highlight
the positive impact of MPPT hybridization on the reduction of usage of battery storage system. The different
wind turbine parameters were identified in our research laboratory. All these parameters have been used in
simulation models in order to obtain more realistic mathematical models and the closest to the empirical data.
The study was performed under Matlab/Simulink. The obtained results with the different comparisons are
presented to show the best algorithm to be used in a wind energy system (WES) in terms of power, efficiency,
response time, and effect on the battery state of charge.
Abbreviations: AC, Alternate Current; ANN, Artificial Neural Network; ANFIS, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System; DAS, Data Acquisition System; DC, Direct
Current; EMC, Energy Management Control; EV, Electric Vehicle; FLC, Fuzzy Logic Controller; FOC, Field-oriented control; GA, Genetic Algorithm; HCS, Hill Climb
search; Hyb(HCS/OTC), Hybrid HCS & OTC; Hyb (HCS/FLC), Hybrid HCS & FLC; Hyb(OTC/FLC), Hybrid OTC& FLC; MPP, Maximum power point; MPPT, Maximum
power point tracking; OTC, Optimal torque control; PMC, Power Management Control; PMSG, Permanent magnet synchronous generator; P&O, Perturb. and
Observe; PSO, Particle Swarm Optimization; SOC, State of charge; SOCmin, Minimum state of charge; SOCmax, Maximum state of charge; TSR, Tip speed ratio; WES,
Wind Energy System.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (D. Rekioua).
Received 26 April 2021; Received in revised form 8 October 2021; Accepted 6 November 2021
Available online 7 December 2021
2352-152X/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Belaid et al. Journal of Energy Storage 45 (2022) 103613
reference speed variation (ΔωTb,ref). In order to converge to the optimal renewable energy systems has been conducted. The authors in [15] have
point, the rules will depend on the variations of power and speed. presented different methods to utilize excess energy in renewable sys
Different architectures of the multi-source system were suggested tems. Different methods were presented to improve the operation
with different power management controls (PMC) methods. Some of without additional cost. In [16], energy management control (EMC) is
them are logic-based and others are intelligent-based. The latter are developed using a predictive control strategy and applied to a wind/PV
more interesting, especially for stand-alone applications [13–15] and turbine with battery storage. This method achieves optimal values and
[16–18]. All PMC strategies are based on the concept of controlling the the overall cost has been reduced. In another study [17], artificial in
output power of each source and protecting the storage systems used telligence methods are widely applied to the supervision of renewable
[19–21]. Authors in [13] synthesized the most important supervisory energy systems. For example, in [18], the authors propose a review of
controls and different energy management methods used. In another energy management for photovoltaic installations. The similar approach
study [14], an extensive review of energy management methods in has also been applied in [24–26] and [27–29]. The PMC developed in
S. Belaid et al. Journal of Energy Storage 45 (2022) 103613
this publication; takes into account all input variables considering the
power optimization by a hybrid MPPT method. The supervision used
allows controlling the different output powers, protecting the storage
system and controlling the DC voltage.
This paper contributes to the feasibility of a wind energy system with
a battery storage and equipped with a two-level MPPT controller. It
achieves an efficient operation of both MPPT algorithms to obtain an
optimal performance level of wind power system and a minimal stress
on the battery of the studied system. This new and improved controller
level is based on a mathematical optimization method. A PMC was also
applied. It is based on control different powers (the power supplied by
the wind generator (PTb), the power supplied or required by the battery
for compensation or recharge respectively (PBat) and the power needed
by the load (PLoad). The objectives of the PMC based are, on the one
hand, to satisfy the load power demand and in the other hand to
maintain the state of charge of the battery bank to prevent blackout and
to extend the batteries life. For wind power maximization, HCS, OTC
and FLC methods were first investigated, and then, due to the advan
tages and disadvantages of each MPPT method, three hybrid algorithms
were proposed. The combination of HCS and OTC method (Hyb(HCS/
OTC)), then the combination of HCS and FLC (Hyb(HCS/FLC)) and
finally the combination of OTC and FLC (Hyb(OTC/FLC)). The best al
gorithm to choose is based on different criteria (power, time response,
efficiency, effect on state of charge of battery…). This not only maxi
mizes wind power through faster responses, but also puts less strain on
the batteries thus increasing their life. To keep the voltage DC bus
constant whatever the wind speeds variations, field-oriented control
Fig. 2. Installed wind turbine system.
(FOC) based on hysteresis current was used. This PMC strategy is con
nected to a proposed hybrid maximum power point tracking (MPPT)
Table 1 algorithm. A complete system incorporating the advantages of the MPPT
Wind turbine parameters. method and the PMC is thus produced resulting in better performance of
Nominal power PN 900 W the studied system. The different wind turbine parameters were identi
Resistance of the stator winding RS 0.49 Ω fied at the LTII of the University of Bejaia (Algeria). Wind speed mea
Stator inductance LS 0.0016 H surement was performed during a whole day using a data acquisition
Number of pole pairs P 5 system (DAS). All these parameters were used in simulation models in
Flux Φf 0.148 Wb order to obtain the most realistic mathematical models and the closest to
Turbine radius RTb 1.05 m the experiment. The results obtained in MATLAB/Simulink are pre
TotalinertiaJ 0.016 kg/m2 sented and analyzed. The proposed PMC with Hybrid MPPT algorithm
Viscous friction coefficient f 0.0001 N.m.s rad− (Hyb(HCS/FLC)) has been applied to a WECS with battery storage,
S. Belaid et al. Journal of Energy Storage 45 (2022) 103613
2. System description
4. System modeling
under two wind speed profiles. The first one is used to show the different
performances (the power coefficient curves, tip speed ratio, mechanical 4.1. Wind turbine model
power, rotational speeds and electromagnetic torque). But in order to
compare the different methods in terms of efficiency, power and effect The wind turbine tip speed ratio (TSR) is defined as the ratio between
on the state of charge of the battery, a step profile was chosen. This the rotational speed of the tip of a blade ωTb .RTb and the actual wind
allows making the different calculations at constant speeds during time speed V wind [22].
intervals. So, the custom profile is chosen, in purpose, to illustrate and
compare the transient dynamics response and efficiency. λ=
ωTb .RTb
The obtained results point out the important role that hybridization V wind
and maximum power point tracking algorithms play in optimizing bat The mechanical power PTb is expressed using Eq. (2):
tery usage and lifetime in hybrid storage systems.
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S. Belaid et al. Journal of Energy Storage 45 (2022) 103613
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S. Belaid et al. Journal of Energy Storage 45 (2022) 103613
[ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ]
Vd Rs − ω.Ls Id d Id ed 4.3. Storage sytem modeling
= + Ls +
Vq ω.Ls Rs Iq dt Iq eq (5) The used battery model is shown in Fig. 4. This model it character
Tem =
ea .Iq
) ized by a variable resistance in series setting with a voltage source
ω representing the electromotive force. For nb cells in series, the battery
voltage can be written as [27,28]:
Where: ed and eq are the direct and quadratic magnetomotive forces, Id,
Iq are respectively the direct and quadratic stator currents, Vd, Vq V Bat = nBat .EBat ± nBat .RBat .IBat (7)
represent direct and quadratic stator voltage, Ls is the stator inductance,
Rs is the stator resistance and ω is the rotational speed. Where:V Bat is the terminal battery voltage, EBat Open circuit voltage,
To avoid harmful voltage fluctuations caused mainly by abrupt and RBat battery internal resistance, IBat the battery current and nBat series
large wind speeds variations, field oriented control (FOC) based hys cells.
teresis current control is used to ensure DC bus voltage regulation and is
shown in Fig. 3. Direct and quadrature reference currents are given by 5. Hybrid MPPT algorithms
Eq. (6) shown below. It is worth noticing that Idref is set to zero for
decoupling and torque maximization. Over the years, several MPPT strategies have been introduced for
⎧ tracking the wind turbine maximum power [5–11]. In our work, HCS,
⎨ Iqref = 2.T eref
⎪ OTC and FLC methods were combined for sake of increasing system
3.ϕf .P.ωTb (6) effeciency and reducing the stress applied on the storage batteries. To
Idref = 0 invistigate the positive impact of hybridization on enhancing the overal
system performance, HCS and OTC methods were first combined Hyb
(HCS/OTC)). After that, HCS and FLC methods were gathered (Hyb
(HCS/FLC)). Finally, OTC and FLC methods were simultaneously used
S. Belaid et al. Journal of Energy Storage 45 (2022) 103613
(Hyb (OTC/FLC)). ( )2
V eff π2 1 − α
Req = = RLoad (11)
5.1. Optimal duty cycle calculation Ieff 18 α
The provided electrical power by the generator is given by:
In order to find the optimal duty cycle expression, a theoretical ( )
analysis of the system represented in Fig. 5 is performed. p.Φeff ω
Pele = 3Req .I2eff = 3Req ( )2 (12)
Neglecting the various losses and assuming system ideality (unity Rs + Req + (Ls .ω)2
efficiency), the electric generated power is equal the power received by
the battery (Pele=PBat). Mathematically, this last sentence is expressed as Thus, it is obtained as a function of the duty cycle and the rotational
follow: speed:
⎛ ⎞
V 2Bat V2
P = = DC (8) ( )⎜ ⎟
RLoad RDC π2 1 − α ⎜ (K.Φ.ω)2 ⎟
Pele = ⎜[
⎜ ( )2 ] 2
⎟ (13)
6 α ⎝ π2 ⎠
With: R
18 Load
1− α
α + Rs + (Ls .ω)2
( )2
1− α
RDC = RLoad (9) The optimal duty cycle is obtained when:dPdαele = 0
( )([ ] )
V DC 18.V eff dPele π2 1+ α − 2α2 (A+Rs )2 +(Ls .ω)2 − 2(A+Rs )A
RDC = = 2 (10) dα
α3 ( )2
IDC π .Ieff (A+Rs )2 +(Ls .ω)2
S. Belaid et al. Journal of Energy Storage 45 (2022) 103613
S. Belaid et al. Journal of Energy Storage 45 (2022) 103613
With: ⎧ ( )
⎪ 1 Cp.ρ.π.R5Tb
( )2 ⎪
⎨ P Tb = .ω3Tb
π 2
1− α 2 λ5
A= RLoad ( ) (16)
18 α ⎪
⎪ 1 Cp.ρ.π.R5Tb
⎪ .ω2Tb
⎩ T em = 3
The accepted solution of this equation is: 2 λ
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S. Belaid et al. Journal of Energy Storage 45 (2022) 103613
The different linguistic rules depend on the variations of power ΔPTb With: ωopt1, ωopt2 , ……., ωoptk are the different rotational speed values of
and voltage fluctuations ΔωTb each MPPT method (k=1,6), T em− opt1, T em− opt2 , …, T em− optk are different
ΔωTb = ωTb (k) − ωTb (k − 1) electromagnetic torque values of each MPPT method (k=1,6), PTb-best is
(19) the selected best optimized turbine power, ωTb− opt is the optimal turbine
ΔPTb = PTb (k) − PTb (k − 1)
rotational speed, ωTb− opt,best is the selected best optimal turbine rota
Where PTb(k) and ωTB (k) are respectively the output turbine power and tional speed, T em− opt,best is the selected best optimal electromagnetic
its rotational speed at sampled instants (k) and ΔωTb,ref (k) the instant of torque, Tem-opt is the optimal electromagnetic torque.
reference speed. These inputs and output variables are expressed in In our work, three hybrid MPPT algorithms have been investigated.
terms of linguistic variables (table 2.) The first hybrid control strategy combines HCS and OTC algorithms
(Hyb(HCS/OTC)), the second hybrid control strategy gathers HCS and
FLC algorithms (Hyb(HCS/FLC)). The last hybrid method considered is
5.5. Proposed hybrid MPPT algorithms
the combination of OTC and FLC algorithms (Hyb(OTC/FLC)).
S. Belaid et al. Journal of Energy Storage 45 (2022) 103613
hybrid control methods give the best results in terms of power, elec It is noticed that compared to the other methods, the Hyb(HCS/FLC)
tromagnetic torque and speed (Figs. 17–19) and especially the Hyb method gives the highest power values for all wind speeds which are
(HCS/OTC) method and the Hyb(HCS/FLC). The batteries are initially ranging from 4 to 12 m/s.
charged. The SOCmin is defined at 30% and the SOCmaxat90%. Voltage The efficiency of each method has been calculated and summarized
and power battery are represented in Figs. 18 and 19 and the state of in Table 4. It is calculated by the following equation:
charge in Fig. 20. It is seen that the battery voltage remains around its
ΔPMPPT = PTb− − PTb (23)
reference voltage of 24 V for the hybrid methods (Fig. 18). The less stress opt
on the battery when using the hybrid methods causes a reduction in the PTb PTb − ΔPMPPT ΔPMPPT
discharge power of the battery (Fig. 19). In Fig. 22, it is noticed at ηMPPT (%) = x100 = =1− (24)
PTb− opt PTb− opt PTb− opt
startup (Zoom1), the HCS/OTC and HCS/FLC hybrid methods do not
stress the battery much and their SOC stays around the SOCmax of 90%, Where: PTb− opt is the optimized power turbine and PTb is the turbine
contrary to the OTC method which brings the SOC down to 79% but power without optimization and ΔPMPPT is the increase of generated
hybridizing of the OTC with the FLC, will be increased to 85%. During a turbine power.
period of time, at a given wind speed (Zoom2), it is seen that the hybrid In fact, there was an increase in the power generated by the MPPT
methods keep the SOC around 90% unlike the HCS and OTC methods. compared to the system without MPPT (Fig. 25). That is why the effi
To conclude, the simulation results reveal that the proposed hybrid ciency of the proposed MPPT methods achieves high values.
methods provide better results than the standard non-hybrid methods. It As for the response time, a comparison of the different methods is
is also observed that when using hybrid methods, the SOC remains summarized in Table 5.
around a maximum value of 90% unlike other methods such as OTC and Response time Tr is the necessary time for a system to go from 10% to
HCS. The best level of the SOC is the one of Hyb(HCS/FLC). 95 % of its steady state value. In general wind profiles are in permanent
In order to compare the different methods in terms of transient dy variation and don’t settle to a steady state value. This is why another
namics, efficiency, power and effect on the state of charge of the battery, custom speed profile was added to highlight the system responsiveness
a step profile was chosen (Fig. 23). using the different MPPT approaches. It is clear that the hybrid MPPT
The turbine power waveform using the different MPPT methods is methods respond faster than the non hybrid methods whatever the wind
shown in Fig. 24. speeds, with always a slight superiority for the Hyb(HCS/FLC) method.
In order to calculate the different power for each MPPT method, In terms of state of charge (Fig. 26.), it can be seen that at startup
different zooms were taken for each time interval which represents a (Zoom1), the HCS/OTC and HCS/FLC hybrid methods keep their state of
given constant speed. The different power values are reported in the charge between a SOCmax of 90% and a SOCmin of 50%. When using non
following table (Table 3). hybrid methods, battery SOC reaches a SOCmin of 40%. Hence, one can
S. Belaid et al. Journal of Energy Storage 45 (2022) 103613
S. Belaid et al. Journal of Energy Storage 45 (2022) 103613
Table 3
Evaluation of the different powers.
Vwind(m/s) PTb (W)
Table 4
MPPT Efficiency of each control strategy.
Vwind(m/ ηMPPT (%)
Fig. 25. Generated turbine and its increasing a of each MPPT method. (a)
Generated turbine powers. (b) Increased generated turbine power.
S. Belaid et al. Journal of Energy Storage 45 (2022) 103613
Table. 5
Comparison of the different methods in terms of response time.
Vwind(m/s) Tr (s)
S. Belaid et al. Journal of Energy Storage 45 (2022) 103613
Table 7
Status of the switches and the different modes.
Description ΔP(W) Powers (W) State of Switches Modes
Disconnected mode: The wind speed is below Vstart, the system stops and the load is disconnected to ΔP = 0 PLoad = 0 ———– K1=0 Mode 1
preserve the stored power. PTb = 0 K2=0 (M1)
PBat = 0 K3=0
Windmode: The power delivered by the generator is equal to load power. ΔP = 0 PLoad = PTb ———– K1=0 Mode 2
PBat = 0 K2=0 (M2)
Compensation mode: The wind turbine power is insufficient to supply the load, energy compensation is ΔP < 0 PLoad = PTb + PBat Discharging K1=0 Mode 3
essential. The lack is provided by the storage (SOCmin=30%). SOC > SOCmin K2=0 (M3)
Excessmode: The power delivered by the generator is greater than the load power and the SOC is greater ΔP > 0 PTb > PLoad Charging K1=0 Mode 4
than the SOCmax, the battery is disconnected, the excess power is sent to d a dump load SOC ≥ SOCmax K2=1 (M4)
Battery discharged mode: The power supplied by the wind turbine is lower than the load power and the ΔP < 0 PTb ≤ PLoad Discharging K1=1 Mode 5
SOC is lower than the SOCmin, the load is disconnected and the power supplied by the wind turbine is PLoad = 0 K2=0 (M5)
directed to the batteries for charging. K3=0
PBat = − PTb
SOC < SOCmin
Battery chargemode: The wind turbine power is greater than the load power, the excess energy is ΔP > 0 PTb > PLoad Charging K1=1 Mode 6
directed to the battery for charging as long as the state of charge is below the SOCmax. SOC < SOCmax K2=0 (M6)
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S. Belaid et al. Journal of Energy Storage 45 (2022) 103613
recharge respectively (PBat),
• and the power required by the load (Pload).
0 =0
The available power is expressed as follows:
ΔP = PTb − PLoad
Mathematically, this value can be negative, positive or zero. If it is
positive, the load will be provided by the wind turbine, and the batteries
>0 are being charged. On the other hand, if it is negative, the wind turbine
power is either zero or still insufficient to supply the load. In this case,
the batteries will assume the relay and supply the load, either by them or
From the management algorithm, six different operating modes can
be identified. The different powers involved are: the power supplied by
the wind generator (PTb), the power supplied or required by the battery
presented in Table 7.
The different switches are defined as follows (Fig. 28). The flowchart
compensation or recharge respectively PBat (in red color) and the power
required by the load Pload (in sky blue color). In this figure, it is repre
sented the different powers under two different profiles to show the
speed profile.
2 >0
When ΔP<0 we have:
PTb > PLoad so PBat = ΔP > 0 the battery is charged and this corre
sponds to Mode 4 (M4) or: PTb > PLoad so PBat = ΔP > 0 the battery is
-2 <0
operating modes. One can notice that all the six scheduled modes have
0 =0
In the above figure, The developed turbine power PTb and battery
power PBat are respectively highlighted in green and red colors. Load
power is represented in light blue color. One can notice that due to wind
It can be observed that with the chosen profile, all the modes have
appeared (M1, M2,…). This proves that the proposed PMC has well-
Power calculations.
0 =0
managed the different sources. Also, a good sizing was performed and
this is why batteries have not been requested too much. Moreover, with
Pload (W)
S. Belaid et al. Journal of Energy Storage 45 (2022) 103613
Fig. 31. Battery and turbine developed powers versus operating modes.
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