Exercise Answers

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Answers to Exercises

General Exercise on Concept (1.3)

Multiple-Choice Questions:

1. (c) How living organisms depend on each other to get their food.

2. (a) Two living organisms or more depend on each other to get their food.

3. (d) All the previous answers.

4. (d) All the previous answers.

5. (a) Harm the ecosystem.

6. (d) Fish that consume algae are removed.

7. (b) Predator and prey.

8. (c) Grass and animals.

9. (c) The number of plants would increase.

10. (c) They show the direction of energy flowing between organisms.

11. (c) Burning fossil fuels.

12. (d) Sun.

13. (d) Both (b) and (c).

14. (a) Healthy habitat.

15. (a) Because they are small enough to be eaten by a marine organism.


1. Protects

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Answers to Exercises

2. Negative

3. Drought

4. Destroys

5. Feeding

6. Healthy

7. Jellyfish

8. Reduces

True/False Statements:

1. (Incorrect) Human activities don't affect marine habitats.

2. (Incorrect) Overfishing protects the environment.

3. (Correct) Invasive species decrease the number of marine animals.

4. (Incorrect) In a food web, the energy transfers from primary consumer to producer.

5. (Incorrect) Only human activities in water affect marine habitats.

6. (Correct) Environmental changes in ecosystem affect the food web.

7. (Correct) The relationships between living organisms cause the balancing of ecosystem.

8. (Correct) Drought affects the ecosystem.

9. (Incorrect) In food web, all energy is transferred from one organism to another while feeding on it.

10. (Correct) Overpopulation of a specific organism causes lack of its food.

11. (Correct) Corals die after losing their colors.

12. (Incorrect) Coral bleaching has a positive impact on coral reefs.

13. (Correct) Coral is considered as a food for a variety of primary and secondary consumers.

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Answers to Exercises

14. (Incorrect) Healthy habitat has a lack of food.

15. (Incorrect) Plastic is a nutritious material for marine animals.

Scientific Terms:

1. Extinction

2. Population fluctuation

3. Biodegraders or decomposers

4. Marine organisms

5. Filter feeders

Matching Columns:

1. (C) Adding buildings to a habitat - Causes habitat loss.

2. (D) Foxes and lions - From the top predators in the food web.

3. (A) Palau island - It takes protected marine environment programs.

4. (E) Coral reefs - Attract people to visit them.

5. (B) Sea turtles - Cannot differentiate between plastic and their food.

Open-Ended Questions:

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Answers to Exercises

1. Heavy rain destroys desert habitat because it causes soil erosion and flooding, which disrupt the

plants and animals adapted to dry conditions.

2. The basic needs of living organisms include food, water, shelter, and space to survive and


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