Workbook English
Workbook English
Workbook English
Workbook answers
d This computer is just as easy to use as
Unit 1 your old one.
e This course is much/a lot/far more
Think about it: What are schools difficult than I had expected.
like in other countries? This course isn’t nearly as easy as
I had expected.
1 What do you like best about your school?
Is there anything you would change? Use of English: Present simple
2 a Mie; b Mulia; c Mie; d Lucia; e Victor;
f Victor; g Lucia
or present continuous?
3 a postgraduates; b semester; c Master’s degree; 1 Are you going to the gym now? I can’t go now.
d further education; e compulsory education; I’m finishing my maths homework.
f undergraduate; g higher education You know that I usually hand all my
4 Student’s own answers. homework in late. The teachers are getting
5 Student’s own answers. angry with me so I’m making a real effort
to change.
Psychology and education: I want to give this in on time and get a good
What type of learner are you? grade.
You normally run first and then work out, so
1 Student’s own answers.
why don’t I meet you there in an hour and we
2 1 aural; 2 visual; 3 social; 4 verbal; 5 solitary; can work out together after your run? I live
6 kinaesthetic; 7 logical; 8 strategies 5 minutes from the gym, so it’s no problem!
3 Student’s own answers.
2 a He is doing his maths homework.
4 Student’s own answers.
b He is going to the gym.
Use of English: Degrees c He hands his homework in late.
of comparison d His teachers are getting angry with him.
e He wants to give his homework in on time
1 a False. Omar is a bit younger than Sofia.
and get a good grade.
b False. Sofia’s school day is much longer
than Omar’s. f He runs first, then he works out.
c True 3 a continuous; b simple; c continuous;
d simple; e simple
d True
4 a continues; b am thinking; c have;
e True
d am studying; e don’t agree
2 Much, not nearly = big difference, just = no
difference, a bit = small difference 5 b CF
3 a much larger than; b a bit later than; c CI
c much longer than; d nearly as long as; d CF
e much earlier than; f a bit shorter than e I. Due to the fact that students are
4 a slightly; b a lot; c far disliking dislike training in the current
5 a Online learning is much/a lot/far cheaper bad weather, football practice today will
than learning at school. be cancelled.
b Today’s exam was a bit/a little/slightly 6 Student’s own answers.
easier than yesterday’s exam.
c My brother’s English is much/a lot better
than his classmates’.
b Snakes have a life span of 2–8 years; e We are working to ensure that these
however, frogs have a life span of up species will being be saved from
to 30 years. / Snakes have a life span of extinction.
2–8 years. However, frogs have a life span 5 1 were hunted; 2 were maintained;
of up to 30 years. / Snakes have a life 3 were introduced; 4 were killed; 5 declined;
span of 2–8 years, while frogs have a life 6 was formed; 7 are protected; 8 has risen
span of up to 30 years. / Snakes have
6 Student’s own answers.
a life span of 2–8 years, whereas frogs
have a life span of up to 30 years.
Improve your writing:
c Penguins are not able to fly, although they
are excellent swimmers. / Penguins are A TV documentary review
not able to fly; however, they are excellent 1 Student’s own answers.
swimmers. / Penguins are not able to fly. 2 a 3; b 2; c 2; d 2; e 1; f 2; g 2; h 3
However, they are excellent swimmers.
d Correct. Summary of The film is about three
5 Student’s own answers. main topic young foxes growing
up on a nature reserve
Use of English: The passive in Canada.
Unique aspects Focus on whole
1 Nearly all species of sea turtle are now
of the film ecosystem, animals
classified as endangered. In the past, they
are all wild, no special
were hunted for their eggs, meat and shells.
effects, told through
Today, hunting turtles has been banned,
the eyes of one fox.
but their habitat is being destroyed by
overdevelopment, overfishing, pollution and Things some Artificial to have the
by climate change. Turtles are a vital part viewers might story told by a fox, a bit
of the ocean’s ecosystem. They need to be not like slow and rather long.
protected. Join us in our fight to save the sea
turtles from extinction. With your help, their 4 Student’s own answers.
population will be restored.
5 Student’s own answers.
2 Six: present simple, past simple, present
perfect, present continuous, infinitive, future
Check your progress
with will
The form of the verb to be can be written 1 1 mammals; 2 extinct; 3 predators; 4 illegal;
in the past, present or future tenses and the 5 nature reserves; 6 poachers; 7 trespass;
simple or continuous form to reflect when 8 captured; 9 life span; 10 captivity
the action happened. (The action verb is only 2 1 Like; 2 While; 3 are usually seen;
used in the past participle form and does not 4 Unlike; 5 while; 6 Whereas; 7 will not/
indicate when the action happened.) would not/cannot be pollinated;
3 a has declined; b are going to be protected; 8 In comparison; 9 have been stung/are stung;
c are being; d have risen; e will be listed 10 have been seriously reduced
4 a In the past, crocodiles was were killed for 3 a It is to tell his friend about his trip to
their skin. Thailand.
b We rescued a baby wolf that had been b He uses it as an example of how turtles
bit bitten. are threatened.
c Pandas are been being kept in protected c People walk on them or near them and
areas. disturb the nests.
d Several baby elephants have been took d Student’s own answers.
taken to our elephant sanctuary. 4 Student’s own answers.
Exactly half have parents who do not have a Art and design: Architecture –
science-related job.
an important art form
Twenty-five percent of students do not enjoy
studying science. 1 Because architects strive to communicate
A little fewer than a quarter do not think through the design of the buildings and create
science is important in their daily life. a reaction in the users/viewers.
2 a togetherness; b balance; c harmony
Improve your writing: 3 Student’s own answers, similar to:
Report – survey results a The purpose is to persuade the reader.
1 Student’s own answers. b Because they all aim to communicate
a feeling or idea to the viewer or audience.
2 1 My findings are presented below; 2 in the
final paragraph; 3 A small but significant c Rising sea levels, extreme weather,
minority; 4 I suggest taking the following flooding, global warming.
steps; 5 I recommend offering d It creates drama and increases the sense
3 State the aim of the report in the introduction of urgency.
Suggested answer: The main aim of this report 4 Student’s own answers.
is to evaluate why participation was low on
a recent school trip. Use of English: Modal verbs and
4 Student’s own answers. other phrases of probability
1 The arts, in its broadest sense, is not limited
Check your progress only to the creation of artwork but also
1 a CO2 levels; b stem cells; c compared includes creative writing, dance, theatre and
and contrasted; d disprove my theory; music. It is one of the most difficult industries
e make predictions; f collect data to work in, so improving skills outside
your art form could be a good strategy for
2 a iii; b ii; c i; d iv
achieving success within it. Knowing how to
3 a Nearly all; b slightly more than; c Very few promote yourself is a skill that every artist
4 a False; b True; c False; d False; e True needs to master.
5 Student’s own answers. One example of this may be the painters
who promote themselves on social media.
By doing this, they will most certainly
Unit 4 attract more international attention, which
is very likely to help them sell their work to
Think about it: Exploring different international buyers. Meanwhile, writers who
publish articles in well-known newspapers
types of art make themselves more visible and could see
1 1 physically demanding; 2 rhythms; 3 live a significant increase in their book sales,
audience; 4 dance moves; 5 in the spotlight; whereas musicians can consider putting on an
6 conductors; 7 form a band; 8 sketch; eye-catching concert with dancers rather than
9 paints, colours and brushes; 10 abstract art; appearing alone on stage.
11 redraft; 12 publish a novel In the world of art, it is important to realise
2 that artistic skills alone might not be enough
to guarantee success. Self-promotion is equally
-or -er -ist -cian important!
conductor drummer guitarist musician 2 will most certainly, is very likely to
editor singer instrumentalist 3 1 may be; 2 might; 3 might; 4 very likely;
painter artist 5 can; 6 will certainly
writer 4 a With dedication and practice, you will
certainly improve your drawing skills and
3 B create beautiful art.
4 Student’s own answers.
b If you’re interested in music, it is very c There are many theories, but it’s not fully
likely that you will end up wanting to play understood why the play wasn’t a success.
an instrument or write your own songs. d It is believed that the best age to start
c Exploring various art forms and styles learning an instrument is when you
will certainly broaden your artistic are young.
understanding and inspire new ideas 6 Student’s own answers.
for your work.
d It seems highly likely that the newspaper Improve your writing: An opinion
review will help to promote his show. essay
5 Student’s own answers.
1 Student’s own answers.
Use of English: The passive 2 Student’s own answers.
3 a Student’s own answer similar to:
1 It is sometimes argued that art’s only function
is decorative. However, this is a rather The writer believes music lessons are
simplistic view. It is well documented that important but current lessons are not
our emotions can be altered by artwork. good.
However, our emotions may not always be b Yes
affected in positive ways. Artwork is often 4 1 B; 2 C; 3 A; 4 D
created as a response to social problems and
5 Student’s own answers.
the viewer may be forced to reflect on issues
that are uncomfortable or upsetting. Many 6 Student’s own answers.
artists prefer to be known for the message
behind their art rather than its beauty. They Check your progress
simply want to be heard. They choose art as 1 a zoom in; b conductor; c live audience;
their means of communication and have little d Rhythm
intention of creating something decorative.
2 a iii; b iv; c ii; d i
2 One example from each of the following:
3 1 B; 2 C; 3 A
a It is (sometimes) argued, it is (well)
4 Student’s own answers.
5 Student’s own answers.
b prefer to be known, want to be heard
c can be altered, may (not always) be
affected, may be forced
a iii; b ii; c i
Unit 5
4 a It is widely believed that great art is Think about it: Amazing
a result of hard work over many years,
as opposed to chance.
b Thanks to advances in technology, high 1 Student’s own answers.
quality music tracks can been recorded 2 a Swainson hawk; b Saiga antelope;
at home. c Swainson hawk; d whale
c I would like to be known for painting 3 a beaks; b caterpillars; c land mammals;
interesting and unique pieces of art. d retracing the route; e coastal areas; f toxic
d Many actors don’t want to being plants; g gain fat; h endangered; i calves;
recognised when they are out on j native species
the street. 4 Student’s own answers.
5 a It is often said that art should make the
viewer think. Geography: Reclaiming the
b It is generally thought that artists and migration routes of the shepherds
musicians are born talented, but it from long ago
actually requires hours and hours
of hard work to become talented. 1 Student’s own answers.
2 a Not given; b False; c True; d True; e False; 5 a the best; b The spiciest; c the quietest;
f Not given; g True d the most practical; e The furthest
3 Student’s own answers. Suggested answers: 6 Student’s own answers.
a Because by eating the plants, the sheep Superlative forms: the longest; the most
reduce the amount of vegetation that enjoyable; the most boring
could easily catch fire and cause a wildfire
to spread rapidly. Use of English: Past simple, past
b Because the environmentalists support continuous and past perfect
transhumance practices.
simple used in storytelling
c This is a practice that was started by
previous generations and handed down 1 a went, woke up, didn’t go, noticed, was,
from generation to generation. rushed, arrived, looked
4 Student’s own answer. Suggested answer: That b was feeling, were walking, were waiting
most people are unaware of the far-reaching c had planned, had forgotten, had left
benefits transhumance offers. 2 a past perfect; b past simple;
5 Sheep suffer from extreme heat, lack of water, c past continuous
overgrazing, rapid spread of wildfires. 3 past continuous
6 Student’s own answer. 4 1 had heard; 2 wondered; 3 were rushing;
4 was smiling; 5 had never seen; 6 felt; 7 had;
Use of English: Superlative forms 8 had not made; 9 wanted; 10 had bought
1 Hey fellow travellers! 5 a It was a boring train ride. Outside it
Today, I’m writing about the two-day train rained was raining, and raindrops were
trip I took from Vancouver to Jasper in running down the window. The only thing
Canada. I think this train ride might have I had to do was watch them.
been my best one yet! Not only was it the b I arrived at the café on time, my friend
fanciest train ride I’ve been on, with the best was waiting for me, two coffees were
food ever, but it was also the most memorable. sitting on the table and she was smiling;
Everything is designed to give you the most she was looking looked so happy. I could
amazing views possible, including the biggest tell she had good news.
windows you can imagine on a train, a glass c As I walked through the park, the birds
ceiling and even an outside viewing platform. were singing, the flowers bloomed were
It was a real luxury because the landscape was blooming and the sun was shining. Spring
unbelievably beautiful! We travelled alongside had arrived.
rivers, through breathtaking canyons and up
d I opened the front door to find my sister
into the highest mountains in the Canadian
was screaming, my brother was running
Rockies. Truly unforgettable!
after her with a spider, Mum was singing
2 a the highest; b memorable or amazing; in the kitchen and the air was smelling
c the fanciest; d the biggest; e the best smelt of coffee. I knew I was home.
3 a the + -est; b the most 6 Student’s own answers.
4 a I didn’t want my bag to weigh too much
so I packed the thinest thinnest jacket Improve your writing: Descriptive
I had. writing
b That is the heavyest heaviest suitcase
1 1 tiny; 2 world-class; 3 incredibly; 4 totally;
I have ever seen! How are you going
5 extremely strict; 6 top-quality;
to carry it?
7 tremendously
c Correct
2 A and C
d Correct
3 a 6; b 8; c 7; d 1; e 5; f 4; g 2; h 3
e August is one of the busyest busiest times
of the year so plane tickets are expensive. 4 Student’s own answers.
Think about it: Living with Use of English: Linking words and
smart technology phrases (contrast and addition)
1 a however, despite, yet, although
1 1 social media account; 2 screen time;
3 reliable wi-fi connection; 4 access to; b as well as, furthermore
5 smart technology 2 a comma; b previous; c despite, as well as;
2 a C; b A; c B d clause
3 a freeze; b touchscreen; c crop a photo; 3 a Despite Although I hadn’t read the
d virtual reality; e avatar news, I found out about the accident
on social media.
4 Student’s own answers.
b My mum has taken my smartphone away
5 Student’s own answers.
from me, furthermore as well as my TV.
Technology: Studying technology c I wouldn’t mind having a robot to help
me clean around the house. Furthermore
1 Student’s own answers. However, I would still like to do the
2 a It is to argue that technology should cooking myself.
be made into a core subject due to its d I find this social media site takes up too
importance in the workplace. much of my time. As well as Furthermore,
b expense of the equipment; lack of I don’t generally enjoy its content.
technological skills in teaching staff e Even though Despite my efforts, I can’t
c that technology has been a driving force manage to stay off social media for more
in bringing about social change than two hours at a time.
3 B 4 a All though Although smart technology
4 Student’s own answer. Suggested answer: is expensive, schools must be prepared
It is a play on words program and programme. to make this investment.
It uses humour to give a positive ending to b I couldn’t find the device I need anywhere
a serious message. They are writing in British in town, dispite despite looking in every
English (labour, programme). single computer shop.
5 Student’s own answers. c Correct
d Eventhough Even though it’s an easy
Use of English: Expressing program to use, it offers loads of
probability and certainty possibilities.
1 probability: the chances are, most likely, e My cousin’s school has a fantastic
may well technology department, where as whereas
my school doesn’t at all.
certainty: will (answers from Exercise 2: can’t,
It’s clear, must) 5 Student’s own answers.
3 a (if + present tense) + (will + verb); c The tour guide instructed me not to swim
b (if + past tense) + (would + verb) at the local beach.
4 probably, dramatically; B is true d I can’t imagine not recycling.
5 a buys; b had; c reduced; d don’t recycle; e They considered not travelling but
e gives decided a cycling holiday was an
6 a v; b iii; c i; d iv; e ii eco-friendly option.
7 Student’s own answers. 5 Student’s own answers.
c I’ve looked been looking for those old b They have been looking for more artefacts
photo albums all day and I can’t find them in that archaeological site but have not
anywhere. find found any recently.
d Correct c My mum has keept kept all her best
e I’ve read been reading about the ancient clothes to pass on to me; they are vintage
Mayan culture lately; I think it’s now and back in fashion.
fascinating. d Annie had told been telling stories about
4 a opened; b has been; c released; d have been her life in the olden days all night –
building; e have lived doesn’t she ever get tired?
5 a For years I have been researching my e Local people have been used using this
family’s past but there are still so many ancient path for hundreds of years to
unanswered questions. move their animals.
b Our family has had this farm for many 3 a True; b False; c True; d True;
generations now. e Not given
c My father has been collecting vintage 4 informal
cameras for over 30 years. (emphasis on 5 a dine out; b hang out; c swing by;
period of time and unfinished, he will d drop off; e drop me a line
continue) 6 Student’s own answers.
My father has collected vintage cameras
for over 30 years. (emphasis on action,
unclear if he will continue) Unit 9
d The museum has looked after the artefacts
so well that they look almost new. Think about it: The joy of reading
1 a folk tale; b novel; c based on a true story;
Improve your writing: Informal d setting; e autobiography; f dialogue;
emails g fiction; h plot; i comic strip; j suspense;
1 a i; b ii; c ii; d i k audio book; l moral; m main character;
n narrator
2 1 I just wanted to let you know; 2 Believe
it or not; 3 I think you’ll really enjoy it; 2 a main character; b fiction; c setting;
4 Why don’t you come? d moral; e folk tale
3 C and E 3 Student’s own answers.
4 a C; b B; c A
Psychology: Why reading books
5 run into: meet someone you know
unexpectedly is good for you
turns out: happens in a particular way, often 1 attention span e; behavioural science c;
unexpected empathy d; immersion b; psychological
put the word out: tell people a new piece benefits a
of news 2 a Not given; b False; c True; d Not given;
check it out: go to a place/event to see what e True; f Not given; g False; h True
it is like 3 Student’s own answers.
6 Student’s own answers.
Use of English: Direct speech
Check your progress 1 ‘Come in!’ she said in a kind voice and smiled.
1 a good manners; b family history; Sunshine shone through the window,
c physically active; d mature; e life lessons; making the room look bright and cheery.
f trust She indicated with her hand that I should
2 a Have you been losing lost your great sit down.
grandmother’s ring?
‘Thank you!’ I said, starting to feel a little 3 a No; b Yes; c past simple; d past simple
calmer. She poured two glasses of water, 4 B
then handed me one of them.
5 a Rebecca was never eating had never eaten
‘How can I help you, Dastan?’ she asked. Polish food.
‘I understand you have a question.’
b He noticed that snow had blocked the
I felt my hands start to sweat again. road.
‘Yes, I do. I wanted to ask you,’ I said in a quiet c While she was walking home, the street
voice, ‘if you could teach me to ride a bike.’ lights were going went black.
‘A bike? Ride a bike? Yes, of course I can! 6 a As I walked through the park, the wind
When shall we start?’ was blowing so hard that a huge branch
2 a speech marks/inverted commas/quotation suddenly bent and broke right in front
marks (all terms acceptable) of me.
b Yes. b I had to wait until late at night to open
c No. It is not a capital letter if it is not the my present, as my mother had forbidden
beginning of the spoken sentence. me to open it without her.
d The reporting clause can be placed before, c We had known each other for years but we
after or in the middle of the direct speech. didn’t recognise each other straight away.
e new line d The students had been complaining about
the classrooms for years but no one had
3 a No; b Yes; c Yes; d when the context makes
ever taken their complaints seriously.
it clear who is speaking
7 Student’s own answers.
4 Sam and Asha ran into the house.
‘Hi Mum, we’re home,’ they shouted at the Improve your writing:
same time.
‘I’m in the kitchen, come on through.’ She
A short story
kissed them and told them to wash their hands 1 Story 1
and sit down. Plot: a grandmother teaches her grandchild
‘It was amazing, Mum,’ said Asha. a life lesson
‘Yeah, it was brilliant,’ added Sam. Setting: small village in Africa
‘Well, here, eat these,’ she said, sitting down Storyline
at the table with a plate of sandwiches, Beginning: child lost and alone in forest
‘and tell me all about it.’ Middle: grandmother takes child to forest
5 Student’s own answers. Possible answers: many times, each time showing landmarks and
explain, laugh, admit, deny, insist, argue, letting child wander a little further on own
interrupt, agree, continue, gasp, etc. End: child finds grandmother after accident
6 Possible answer: in forest and brings her home
‘Have you ever been here before?’ she asked. Main characters: wise, old lady with lots
‘No,’ I answered, ‘never, but it looks of patience
wonderful.’ curious child with habit of wandering off
‘Brilliant! Then let’s have a look around. on own
Come on!’ she exclaimed. Story 2
7 Student’s own answers. Plot: two brothers find a way to return
a lost wallet
Use of English: Narrative verb Setting: inner-city neighbourhood
forms – past simple, past perfect Storyline
and past continuous Beginning: two brothers play football in city
1 Yes: c, d, e; No: a, b, f, g park every day, often coincide with the same
people in park
2 a A; b C
Middle: one day, while playing football, they 2 a Salma; b Ava; c Omar; d Lameh; e Salma;
notice an old man has left his wallet on park f Leeman
bench, but they have to find out who he is to 3 a workforce; b fulfilling; c co-workers;
be able to return it d high-pressured
End: brothers find out who old man is and 4 Student’s own answers.
return wallet to him
Main characters: two playful, adventurous Human geography and
brothers environmental science:
old man who is well-known in neighbourhood
15-minute cities
2 a Story 2; b Story 1
1 Student’s own answers.
3 Note, other combinations are possible.
2 Student’s own answers.
a Outside the cinema; b Just before I arrived;
c On the park bench; d By early afternoon; 3 B
e Straight after his exam 4 a inhabitants, residents, dwellers; b fall into
4 Student’s own answers. decline; c infrastructure; d urban planning
5 Student’s own answers. Possible answers:
Check your progress a Better – online shopping and remote
1 a setting; b autobiography; c comic strips; working make it easier
d moral Worse – online life can prevent
2 a I payed paid the bill and went straight community feeling within
home, hoping I would never see him the neighbourhood
again. b Pollution from commuter transport
b We were had been rehearsing for months, will not be such a big problem if green
but I still didn’t feel ready on the opening transport is used, but the sense of
night. community may still suffer if people
leave their neighbourhoods for work
c When I saw the present I knew
and social lives.
immediately that it had costed cost a lot
of money. 6 Student’s own answers.
d ‘This is where I live,’ he whispered quietly.
Use of English: Time adverbials
e ‘Can you help me?’ ‘I really don’t
understand and I can’t do it on my own,’
used with the past simple and
she asked. present perfect
or 1 This summer I’m going to South America
‘Can you help me?’ she asked. ‘I really with my friend and I’m so excited! We’ve been
don’t understand and I can’t do it on my planning it over the last few months to make
own.’ sure we have the best time possible.
3 a 4; b 1; c 2; d 3; e 2; f 4; g 3 It all started last winter. We researched the
4 B, D, F countries we want to visit. Afterwards, we
planned out our budget. I have been saving
5 Student’s own answers.
up for over a year but I will still need to keep
track of my expenses and make sure I don’t
run out of money.
Unit 10 We have already booked places to stay. I found
a bunch of really cool hostels. Last week, we
Think about it: Choosing a future booked our flights. So now we’re all set to go.
career I can’t wait! It’s going to be something I’ll
remember forever.
1 Possible answers: a journalist, technician;
b carpenter, visual effects digital artist;
c marketing manager; d vet, musician;
e programmer, translator
2 We use words like already and the present b True. The auxiliary verb do is no longer
perfect b; We use words like for over a year needed.
and the present perfect continuous c; We use c False. They only have question marks if
words like afterwards and the past simple a the expression used to form an indirect
3 a had, spent; b visited, was; c have just question is a question.
finished, was d True. In questions that require a yes/
4 a The Last week I dropped out of the trip – no answer, if or whether are placed after
I was exhausted and just wanted to go the expression used to form the indirect
home. question.
b Many people with low-paid jobs don’t 3 a Would you mind telling me what time are
have any money left by the last week of you you are going to arrive?
the month. b Can you tell me what the best bus to take
c Correct. is?
d For the last few years, interest in c I would like to ask how you book the
apprenticeships has steadily increased. tickets.
e As of the last week, the entire workforce d I was wondering if there is a café at the
is able to choose flexible working hours museum.
if they wish. e May I ask what time does the museum
5 1 For; 2 since; 3 six months ago; 4 few weeks; opens?
5 just; 6 already; 7 yet 4 Could you tell me if b; I was wondering
whether c; May I ask whether a
Use of English: Indirect questions 5 There is more than one possible answer.
1 Karen: Hello, I’m Karen, from Shrewsbury Suggested answers:
Secondary School. I called last week to ask a I was wondering whether or not it would
about a school trip to the museum. I was be possible to have an extension for my
wondering if I could ask a few more questions. school project.
Museum reception: Ah yes, I remember, b Could you please tell me where the library
thanks for calling again. Yes, of course, is?
how can I help you?
c I was wondering if you are sitting in the
Karen: Well, I would like to know what is wrong seat.
included in the basic school trip package.
d May I ask to see you after class so that
Museum reception: It includes access to the you can explain something to me?
Prehistoric exhibition, all the national history
rooms and the Medieval Europe exhibition. Improve your writing: A formal
Karen: May I ask if you provide guides who email requesting information
can lead the students through the different
rooms? 1 Tips followed: avoid multi-word verbs if better
alternatives exist; use indirect questions for
Museum reception: Yes, of course, that’s also
included! Would you mind telling me how
many students you will bring to the museum? Tips not followed: use formal salutations at
the beginning and end of the email; don’t use
Karen: I can’t give an exact number at the
abbreviated verb forms
moment but approximately 60 students,
I think. Suggested answer:
Museum reception: OK, that’s fine. We place Dear Sir/Madam,
one guide for each group of 20. So, would you My name is John Faraji. I’m I am 17 years old
be able to divide the students into three groups and am currently studying art and design at
before arriving at the museum? Sierra Community College. I’m I am writing
2 a False. They use the normal statement to ask about the possibility of doing a work
word order. experience placement at your company.
I’m I am a great admirer of the work your months. I’d very much like to do this at your
company does, not only for the quality and company. I’d be grateful if you could tell
creativity of the designs but also for your inform me whether or not you have accept
commitment to promoting local businesses. work placement students. If you do, would
I follow you on social media and I am familiar you be able to tell me explain what the entry
with the projects that you do. requirements are?
As part of my course, I’m I am required to do I’d be happy to do participate in any project
a work placement for three months. I’d I would you feel would benefit from my collaboration.
very much like to do this at your company. I’m particularly interested in the design aspect
I’d I would be grateful if you could tell me of my course and I have sound knowledge of
whether or not you have work placement various graphic design programs. My teachers
students. If you do, would you be able to tell are able to give provide references, should you
me what the entry requirements are? want require them.
I’d I would be happy to do any project you feel I look forward to hearing from you soon.
would benefit from my collaboration. I’m I am Thanks,
particularly interested in the design aspect of
my course and I have sound knowledge of
various graphic design programs. My teachers 3 Student’s own answers.
are able to give references, should you 4 Student’s own answers.
want them.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Check your progress
Thanks Yours faithfully, 1 a C; b A; c B; d B; e C
John Faraji 2 a I haven’t been visiting haven’t visited my
2 Dear Sir/Madam, dream destination yet, but I hope to go
there next year.
My name is John Faraji. I’m 17 years old
and am currently studying art and design at b At the beginning of November, I had
Sierra Community College. I’m writing to ask organised a surprise birthday party for
enquire about the possibilities of doing a work my classmate.
experience placement at your company. c Correct
I’m a great admirer of the work your company d I have already decided what I want to do
does produces, not only for the quality and in the future, so I am doing voluntary
creativity of the designs but also for your work to get some experience.
commitment to promoting local businesses. 3 a iii; b i; c ii; d iv
I follow you on social media and I am familiar
4 Young people trying to get their first job
with the projects that you do collaborate on.
5 C
As part of my course, I’m required to
do complete a work placement for three 6 Student’s own answers.