Inventor Class Book
Inventor Class Book
Inventor Class Book
Kibbles' Inventor
Inventor v2.2.1
A gnome sits hunched over a workbench in a room cluttered
with every sort of tool, carefully drawing the final lines to an
intricate rune. With a crackling hum of arcane energy, the
completed rune flares with power, and she watches
with a smile of pride as the golem comes to life and
An ogre looms large over a dwarf, saliva slopping
down its chin as it considers its hearty meal, only to
turn to a horrified roar of agony lost beneath the
crushing sounds of thunder as the dwarf unloads a
terrifying blast of power from a small metal tube. The
ogre flees in terror hounded by rippling cracks of
With a thunderous crash of energy a figure lands in the
middle of the battlefield. As the smoke clears, a towering
presence stands amidst the war-torn battlefield clad in
glowing mechanical plate mail. The glowing visor
swivels to inspect the wreckage. It raises a gauntlet, and
lightning crackles forth.
With a beckoning jesture, the elf summons a swirl of
swords leaping from the sheathes and springing to life... the
bandits start to edge away - breaking into a run as the swords
exuberantly chase.
Makers of magic-infused objects, Inventors are defined by
their inventive nature. Like wizards, they see magic as a
complex system waiting to be decoded and controlled through
a combination of thorough study and investigation.
Inventors, though, focus on creating marvelous new magical
objects. Spells are often too ephemeral and temporary for
their tastes. Instead, they seek to craft durable, useful items.
Cunning Creators
Every Inventor is defined by a specific craft. Inventors see
mastering the basic methods of a craft as the first step to true
progress, the invention of new methods and approaches.
Inventors are arcane engineers, students of invention and
warfare who craft deadly firearms, ingenious gadgets, magical
armor, and mechanical beings that they can augment with Table of Contents
magic. Inventor .................................................................................... 1
All Inventors are united by their curious and creative nature. Gadgetsmith .................................................................................... 5
To an Inventor, magic is an evolving art with a leading edge of Golemsmith ...................................................................................10
discovery and mastery that pushes further ahead with each Infusionsmith ................................................................................14
passing year. Inventors value novelty and discovery. This Potionsmith ...................................................................................18
penchant pushes them to seek a life of adventure. Thundersmith ...............................................................................23
A hidden ruin might hold a forgotten magic item or a Warsmith .......................................................................................27
beautifully crafted mirror perfect for magical enhancement. Fleshsmith .....................................................................................33
Inventors win respect and renown among their kind by Cursesmith ....................................................................................39
uncovering new lore or inventing new methods of creation. Runesmith .....................................................................................45
List of Glyphs ................................................................................49
Relicsmith ......................................................................................50
Boundless Imagination Inventor Spell List ................................................................54
An Inventor is not the sort be limited by what already exists or Feats .......................................................................................55
conventional wisdom. They combine all the tools at their Innovator's Upgrade ....................................................................55
disposal to go beyond, to discover new boundries and Mental Adaptability......................................................................55
promptly exceed them. Few things can stand in the path of an Spells ......................................................................................56
Inventor with a mind to change the world.
Kibbles' Inventor
The Inventor
Proficinecy Spells -Spell Slots per Spell Level-
Level Features Upgrades
Bonus Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Inventor Specialization, Magic Item Analysis -- -- -- -- -- -- --
9th +4 -- 7 4 3 2 -- -- 4
13th +5 -- 9 4 3 3 1 -- 6
15th +5 -- 10 4 3 3 2 -- 7
17th +6 -- 11 4 3 3 2 1 8
A Gadgetsmith is an Inventor whose curiosity and inventive
genius have run rampant. While other Inventors may spend
their whole career perfecting a single-minded pursuit, a
Gadgetsmith believes that quantity is at least as good as
Quick footed and quicker witted, a Gadgetsmith is never
caught without another trick up their sleeve. Their minds are
always jumping ahead to solve the next problem with a clever
A Gadgetsmith can come from any walk of life, but usually
exemplifies a curiosity and distaste for the suppression of
knowledge or technology, usually favoring freedom to
experiment, leaning toward more Chaotic behaviors.
Gadgetsmith’s Proficiency
When you choose this specialization at 1st level, you gain
proficiency with nets, rapiers, whips, and tinker’s tools.
Essential Tools
At 1st level, you’ve mastered the creation of the essential
reusable tools for surviving the battlefield as a gadgeteer. You
have the following items:
Phase Trinket
CROSSBOW SPIDER You create a magical gadget that manipulates ethereal
Tiny, unaligned
magic. As an action, you can cast blink or dimension door
Armor Class 10
using the gadget without expending a spell slot.
Hit Points 5 Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you
Speed 15 ft., climb 15 ft. complete a long rest.
Binding Rope
11th Level Upgrades
You create a rope that is capable of animating and binding a
target. As an action, choose a target creature within 30 feet. Flying Gadget
The target must make a Dexterity saving throw against your You build a device that allows you to fly, such as deployable
spell save DC or become restrained until the end of your next artificial wings. You can activate this device as a bonus action,
turn. If you are currently grappling the target, it makes the or as a reaction to falling. Whatever form it takes, when
Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. The rope can only activated it gives you a flying speed of 30 feet.
restrain one target at a time.
Lightning Generator Prerequisite: Requires Shock Generator
Explosive Gauntlet Prerequisite: Impact Gauntlet You upgrade your shock generator with additional lightning
Your gauntlets can exert massive kinetic force when capabilities. You can cast lightning lure at-will using it, and can
striking. When you make an attack with your Impact Gauntlet, overload it to cast lightning bolt without expending a spell slot.
you can choose to be knocked 10 feet in the opposite Once you overload it, you cannot use it to cast lightning bolt
direction, or, as a bonus action, force the target to make a again until you complete a short or long rest.
Strength saving throw or be knocked 10 feet backward. This Additionally, once per turn when dealing Lightning damage
movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. with a spell, you can add your Intelligence modifier to one roll
You can expend an attack to use the movement effect of this of the damage dealt.
gauntlet even if not attacking the target, in which case you can
use the movement in any direction (including upwards). Truesight Lenses Prerequisite: Sight Lenses
You upgrade and fine-tune your sight lenses, granting you
Smoky Images Truesight up to 15 feet.
When you use a Smoke Bomb, you can use a bonus action
to cast mirror image without expending a spell slot. Once you
do this, you cannot do this again until you complete a short or
long rest.
Kibbles' Inventor
Dimensional Toolbox
You build a toolbox, filling it with the many ideas you’ve had
and discarded, with the magical power of making those ideas
reality when you need them most. As an action, you can
withdraw an Unrestricted Upgrade (one with no level
requirement) from the Gadgetsmith list. Gadgets withdrawn
from the toolbox are fleeting, and disappear after one minute.
Once you have drawn an upgrade from the toolbox, you cannot
draw another upgrade from it until you complete a long rest.
Disintegration Ray
You create a Disintegration Ray. You can use this to cast
disintegrate without expending a spell slot.
Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you
complete a long rest.
Kibbles' Inventor
A Golemsmith is an Inventor that has committed GOLEM
themselves to creating a true work of artifice, forging a golem. Medium Construct, unaligned
A painstaking life ambition, they plan and design meticulously,
even if in practice sometimes compromises on materials must Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor)
be made. Hit Points 5 + ([Golem’s Constitution Modifier + 5] * Inventor Level)
Why a Golemsmith embarks on the quest to forge this Speed 30ft.
artificial construct of life can vary. For many it is the pure
pursuit of forging the perfect creation, while for others, it is 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 4 (-3) 5 (-3) 1 (-5)
simply so they do not have to carry around their loot, or to
have a loyal companion to count on at all times. Damage Immunities poison, psychic
A Golemsmith is rarely chaotic, as they are people of great Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, poisoned
care and discipline; those that are not would not have Senses passive perception 7
succeeded where they have, but some have been set on their Languages Understands creator’s languages, but cannot speak
path by such events that might drive them to interact
chaotically with society as a whole.
Bound. The golem is magically bound to its creator. As long as the
creator and it are on the same plane of existence, the creator can
Golemsmith’s Proficiency telepathically call the golem to travel to it, and the golem knows the
distance and direction to its creator.
When you choose this specialization at 1st level, you gain
proficiency with smith’s tools and tinker’s tools.
Mechanical Golem
Starting at 1st level, you forge a mechanical golem to carry
out your orders and protect you. The golem is under your
control, and understands the languages you speak, but does
not speak.
The Golem obeys your commands as best it can. On your
turn, you can verbally command the construct where to move
(no action required by you) and take an action, which requires
your action to do. Additionally, you can use your reaction to
direct it to take a reaction. The Golem acts on your
commands during your turn. If you issue no command to
your Golem, it takes no actions.
Your Golem’s Proficiency increases when yours
does. If the golem is killed, it can be returned
to life via normal means, such as with the
revivify spell.
In addition, over the course of a long
rest, you can repair a slain servant if you
have access to its body. It returns to life
with half (rounded down) its maximum hit
point at the end of the rest during which you
repaired it.
If the servant is beyond recovery, you can
reproduce the construct exactly as it was, with four
days of work (eight hours each day) and 100 gp of
raw materials.
Over the course of a short rest, you can restore
hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier +
your Inventor level to your golem, or repair it to full
health during a long rest. Healing spells you cast
on your golem ignore any restriction against
healing constructs.
The base statistics of your golem are as
Kibbles' Inventor
Multiattack Protocol.
When your Golem uses the Attack action, it can attack twice
instead of once.
Infused Armament
Starting at 1st level, you can infuse a powerful armament to
take into battle. At the end of a long rest, select one of the
Infusions below. The infusion lasts until the end of your next
long rest.
Animated Weapon
You touch a melee weapon, causing it to spring to life. An
animated weapon can be carried or stowed, but while readied,
it floats beside you. While an animated weapon is readied, you
can make attacks with it as part the Attack action sending it
out to strike a target, but all attacks it makes during a turn
must be against the same target.
This special attack is a melee spell attack with a range of 30
feet. That range reduced to 15 feet if the weapon has the
Heavy or Special property and increased to 60 feet if the
weapon has the Light property. If this attack hits, it deals the
weapon’s damage dice + your Intelligence modifier.
Blasting Rod
You touch a nonmagical wand-blank, stick, staff, or rod,
infusing with the ability to cast a cantrip. Select one Evocation
Cantrip from the Wizard spell list that does not require
concentration. Thereafter, as an action, you can use the
Blasting rod to cast that cantrip.
Once per turn, when you deal damage to a creature or
object with your Blasting Rod, you can add your Intelligence
modifier to damage dealt to that target.
Infused Weapon
You touch a weapon, enchanting it. While this weapon is
enchanted, you (and only you) have proficiency with it.
An Infused Weapon can be wielded like a normal weapon,
Kibbles' Inventor
Prepared Enchantment You can select this upgrade multiple times, selecting a
You bestow magical enchantments onto your gear, casting a different spell each time you take this upgrade.
limited version of contingency without expending a material
component or spell slot. When cast in this way, the spell How to get high level spells?
triggered by contingency must must a 2nd level or lower spell, Astute players will note that you can only add spells of a level you
and ends if you complete a long rest before the contingency is can cast through leveling to your Spell Manual, but you cannot
triggered. cast a 5th level spell until a higher level than Magical Rod upgrade
Once you cast contingency in this way, you cannot cast it becomes available. Spells for Magical Rods will primarily have to be
again until you complete a long rest. found in the wild, in the form of scrolls, and copied into your Spell
Manual that way.
Spell Trapping Ring.
You set a powerful magic into a non-magical ring. You can 15th Level Upgrades
use this ring to cast counterspell without expending a spell
slot. When you cast counterspell in this way and it succeeds, Advanced Object Animation
the spell countered is stored in the ring. You can then cast the When you cast the animate objects spell, you can use your
stored spell without expending a spell slot, but the spell fades spell attack modifier for the attack roll of anything animated
if it is not used before you complete a long rest. by the spell, and the damage they deal is increased by +8
Once you use this ring, you cannot use it again until you (divided by the number of things animated - tiny objects gain
complete a long rest. +1, huge objects gain +8).
Mixed Technique
If you use your action to cast a cantrip with a Blasting Rod,
you can make a single weapon attack as a bonus action using
an Animated or Infused weapon.
Spellsword’s Technique
You can make a Blasting Rod that allows you to cast
booming blade, and consequently use Mixed Technique to cast
booming blade, attacking with your Infused Weapon in your
other hand, and then attack with your bonus action.
Life Infusion
You learn a potent magical infusion that suffuses a creature
with life energy. You can cast regenerate without expending a
spell slot. Once you cast this spell in this manner, you cannot
use it again until you complete a long rest.
Alchemical Infusions
At 3rd level, you have discovered the secrets to drastically
bypass the alchemical brewing process, crafting potent
magical effects through the direct infusion of the potion with
your own magic. When you finish a short or long rest and have
an empty vial on your person, you may choose one or more the
following spells and use spell slots to cast them.
When you cast spells in this way, the spell does not take
effect immediately, but is infused into the potion.
If the spell grants an effect or restores health, a creature can
consume it or administrator it to another creature as an
If a spell targets an area of effect, you can accurately throw
a vial up to 30 feet, dealing no inherent damage, but breaking
the vial in impact. The area of effect takes place when the vial
Kibbles' Inventor
is broken, with the effect centered on where the vial breaks. If Alchemical Acid Instant Reaction
the spell targets a creature, you can treat the vial as a ranged You can produce a reaction causing a caustic acid to form.
weapon you have proficiency with the Thrown (20/60) As an action, you can throw this combination of ingredients at
property. You replace the spell attack with making a weapon a point within 20 feet, causing acid to splatter within a 5 foot
attack made with the vial. radius. Creatures in that area have to make a Dexterity saving
If the spell has a persistent effect that requires throw against your spell save DC, or take 2d4 acid damage.
concentration, it does not require concentration to maintain, Damage from this acid deals double damage against
but its duration is shortened to a number of rounds equal to structures and objects.
your Intelligence modifier. The damage increases by 2d4 when you reach 5th level
A spell that does not require concentration lasts its normal (4d4), 11th level (6d4), and 17th level (8d4).
duration. An infused potion loses its potency if it is not used by Alternatively, you can use a bonus action to prepare it as a
the end of your next long rest. ranged weapon you have proficiency lasting until the end of
You can gain additional spells for your Alchemical Infusions your turn with the Thrown (20/60) and Finesse property that
through your Alchemist upgrades. deals damage equal to failing the save against the effect (but
does not add your Strength or Dexterity modifier).
On Creativity and Catapults
While as per the feature, you can only accurately throw the vial Dragon Draught Instant Reaction (upgrade only)
containing an Infused Potion 30 feet, the trigger merely specifies As an action you quaff a vial of highly reactive liquid, allow
that the effect takes place where it breaks. you to immediately belch a blast of devastating elemental
If you can find another way to deliver the vial, such as the launch energy. You can select between cold, fire, acid, or lightning.
objectK spell (or similar spell) on the Inventor spell list... or, well, an Cold or Fire effect a 10 foot cone. Lightning or Acid effect at
actual catapult, you can apply these methods as well.
15 foot line. Creatures in that area have to make a Dexterity
saving throw against your Spell Save DC, or take 1d8 damage
Practiced Quaff of the elemental type chosen.
Additionally at 3rd level, you gain the ability to consume The damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level
potions and infused potions as a bonus action. (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
Flaming Grease
Potionsmith Upgrades You tweak your grease formula to be flammable, as grease
should be. When you cast grease or use it to make an
Alchemical Infusion, the effect becomes flammable. If the area
Unrestricted Upgrades of effect is hit with 1 or more point of fire damage, the all
creatures in the area of effect take 2d4 fire damage. The
Alchemical Fire Instant Reaction grease burns for a number of turns equal to your Intelligence
As an action you can produce a reaction causing a searing modifier.
flame. At a point within 20 feet, you can a toss quick Additionally, you when you cast the grease spell or use it as
combination of reagents that will cause searing fire to flare up an Alchemical Infusion, you can instead use it to coat a
in a 5 foot radius. Creatures in that area have to make a weapon. This coating lasts for 1 hour or until ignited by 1 or
Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC, or take 1d8 more points of fire damage. Once ignited, that weapon deals
fire damage. 1d4 additional fire damage for 1 minute.
The damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level
(2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8). Fortifying Fumes Reaction Instant Reaction
Alternatively, you can use a bonus action to prepare it as a You formulate a new instant reaction, a powerful fortifying
ranged weapon you have proficiency in lasting until the end of stimulus. Targeting a point within 20 feet, as an action, you
your turn with the Thrown (20/60) and Finesse property that cause fumes to erupt. Creatures within 10 feet of the target
deals damage equal to failing the save against the effect (but point can choose to hold their breath and not inhale, but
does not add your Strength or Dexterity modifier). creatures that inhale the fumes gain 1d4 temporary hit points,
deal 1d4 additional damage on their next melee weapon
Kibbles' Inventor
When you create a Healing Draught, you can add a more
potent concoction. That Healing Draught heals the maximum
value of the dice rolled when restoring health and has the
effect of greater restoration. Once you make an improved
Healing Draught like this, you cannot make one again until
you complete a long rest.
Perfect Reaction
In a moment of perfect focus, you can create a flawless
instant reaction. When you roll damage, hit points restored, or
temporary hit points granted, you gain the maximum value of
the dice, instead of rolling. Once you create a perfect reaction,
you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest.
Field Infusion
You can create an infused potion as an action. Once you do
so, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long
Kibbles' Inventor
A Thundersmith is an Inventor who harnesses the primal
force of elemental power, channeling its power into their great
creation: a weapon of unmatched devastation. Spectacular
and terrible, these weapons bring fear to their foes and awe to
their allies.
Why a Thundersmith bends their mind to the task of
making such a weapon are as varied as the creations
themselves. Some are coldly analytical about the destruction
it causes seeking to continually improve it, tweaking it for ever
more optimized destruction, while others view it merely as a
tool, a means to an end; others still revel in the crash of
thunder that heralds the terrifying force of their weapon.
Many look at these weapons as the dawn of a new age, in
truth wielding them is a tricky and arcane art; as complex as
its creation it is only truly understood and mastered by the
one who forged the device - each weapon a unique piece of
devastating art.
Thundersmith’s Proficiency
When you choose this specialization at 1st level, you gain
proficiency with tinker’s tools and smith’s tools.
If your weapon requires ammunition, you gain the
knowledge of how to forge them, and create them with
smithing tools during a long rest. You can create up to 50
rounds of ammunition during a long rest, with materials
costing 1 gold piece per 10 rounds.
Stormforged Weapon
Starting at 1st level, you harness the elemental power of
thundering storms to create a powerful weapon. This weapon
requires attunement, you are proficient with it while attuned.
and you can only be attuned to one Stormforged Weapon at a
time. If you have multiple Stormforged Weapons, you can
change which one you are attuned to during a long rest.
If you lose your Stormforged Weapon or wish to create Stormforged Weapon, you can make the same or different
additional ones, you can do so over the course of three days type, and select the same or different upgrades.
(eight hours each day) by expending 200 gold pieces worth of Select one of the following and consult the Stormforged
metal and other raw materials. When you make a new Weapon table for its statistics.
Stormforged Weapons
Weapon Name Damage Weight Type Properties
Ammunition (range 60/180), Two-Handed, Loud†,
Thunder Cannon 1d12 piercing 15 lbs. Ranged
Ammunition (range 30/90), Light, Loud†,
Hand Cannon 1d10 piercing 5 lbs. Ranged
1d10 bludgeoning +
Kinetic Hammer 10 lbs. Melee Two-Handed, Heavy, Loud†
1d4 thunder
1d6 slashing + 1d4
Charged Blade 3 lbs. Melee Finesse, Loud†
1d8 piercing + 1d4
Lightning Pike 10 lbs. Melee Reach, Two-Handed, Loud†
(*) Stormcharged. When you use an action, bonus action, or reaction to attack with a Stormcharged Weapon, you can make
only one Attack regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make. If you could otherwise make additional attacks with
that action, the weapon deals an additional 3d6 lightning or thunder damage per attack that was foregone.
(†) Loud: Your weapon rings with thunder that is audible within 300 feet of you whenever it makes an attack.
Kibbles' Inventor
Lightning Burst Thundermonger. You don’t add your ability modifier to the
You upgrade your Stormforged Weapon to discharge its damage of the bonus attack, unless that modifier is negative or
power within a 5-feet wide and 60-feet long line. If you have you have the Two Weapon Fighting Fighting Style.
not dealt Thundermonger damage since the start of your turn, While dual wielding Stormforged Weapon, you can load a
as an action, you can make a special attack. Each creature Stormforged Weapon without a free hand.
must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Spell Save
DC or take damage equal to the bonus damage of Weapon Improvement.
Thundermonger as lightning damage on a failed save, half as Your Stormforged weapon gains a +1 to attack and damage
much on a successful save. rolls. This does not stack with any benefit gained from Arcane
This counts as discharging your Thundermonger damage. Retrofit, and this upgrade can be replaced as part of applying
Firing in this way does not consume ammo. a bonus to your Stormforged Weapon via Arcane Retrofit.
Thunder Jump
Build a quick release for the arcane thundering energy that
fills your Stormforged Weapon. As an action you can channel
it to cast thunder step without expending a spell slot. This
counts as discharging your Thundermonger damage.
Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you
complete a short or long rest.
Kibbles' Inventor
Warsmith Armor
Armor Name AC Weight Stealth Properties
Heavy Armor,
Warplate 18 65 lbs. — Disadvantage
Powerful Build
14 + Dex
Warsuit 20 lbs. — — Medium Armor
Modifier (max 2)
Warskin 12 + Dex
13 lbs. — — Light Armor
(War Suit) Modifier
14 + Dex Medium Armor,
Integrated Armor N/A — —
modifier (max 2) Powerful Build
(*) Powerful Build You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or
Kibbles' Inventor
Unrestricted Upgrades
Force Blast
Adaptable Armor You upgrade your Warplate Gauntlet to deliver special
You integrate deployable hooks and fins into your armor, ranged attacks. These attacks are a ranged spell attack that
augmenting its mobility. While wearing your armor you gain a deals 1d8 + your Intelligence modifier force damage, and has
climbing speed equal to your walking speed, and you can a range of 60 feet.
move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down You are proficient in this weapon. When you take the attack
along ceilings, while leaving your hands free. action, you can use this ranged spell attack in place of any
Additionally, you gain a swim speed equal to your walking attack made.
Fortified Brace Prerequisite: Warplate
Accelerated Movement You can apply this upgrade twice. You build in systems to maximize defensive potential. As a
You reduce the weight of your armor by 15 lbs. While reaction to taking damage, you can brace your armor, locking
wearing your armor your speed increases by 10 feet. This it in a defensive position. Until the start of your next turn, you
applies to all movement speeds you have while wearing your gain resistance to all damage and any subsequent attacks
armor. made against you are made with disadvantage. On your next
turn after taking this action, your movement speed is reduced
Arcane Visor You can take this upgrade multiple times by half and you cannot take an action (you can still take a
selecting a different option each time. bonus action).
You magically enchant your visor. You gain one of the
following effects while wearing your armor; you pick the effect Iron Fortitude Prerequisite: Integrated Armor
when selecting the upgrade. You gain an unnatural durability. When damage reduces you
• You gain darkvision to a range of 60 feet. If you already to 0 hit points, you make Constitution saving throw with a DC
have darkvision, the range of that darkvision is increased of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage from a critical hit.
by 60 feet. On a success, you drop to 1 hit point instead.
• You can ignore Sunlight Sensitivity.
• Divination spells no longer require your Concentration to Grappling Reel Prerequisite: Warplate or Integrated Armor
maintain. You can only use this effect one spell at a time. Your Warsmith’s armor gains an integrated grappling reel
set into your gauntlet. As an attack or as an action, you may
Regardless of the selection, you have advantage on saving target a surface, object or creature within 30 feet. If the target
throws against being blinded while wearing your armor. is Large or Smaller, you can make a Grapple check to pull it to
you and Grapple it on success. Alternatively, if the target is
Large or larger, you can choose to be pulled to it, this does not
grapple it. This movement generates attack of opportunity as
normal movement would.
Kibbles' Inventor
Grappling Hook Prerequisite: Warsuit Sentient Armor
Your Warsuit’s gains an integrated grappling hook set into You create an artificial personality integrated into your
your gauntlet. As an attack or as an action, you may target a armor, giving it limited sentience. This sentience assists you in
surface, object or creature within 20 feet. If the target is Small many ways. While wearing your armor, your Intelligence
or Smaller, you can make a Strength (Athletics) grappling ability score and maximum Intelligence ability score are
check to pull it to you and grapple it. Alternatively, if the target increased by 2. Your armor can speak understand and speak
is Medium or larger, you can choose to be pulled to it, however, any language you can speak. You can communicate
this does not grapple it. Attacks of opportunity generated by telepathically with it while wearing it.
this movement have disadvantage.
Wire Acrobatics Prerequisite: Grappling Hook
Lightning Channel You can take your movement using your grappling hook
You are able to funnel your suits’ power into your attacks. instead of using it as an attack or action; you can only move
You can use this upgrade to cast lightning chargedK as a bonus yourself when using the grappling reel in this way.
action without expending a spell slot. Once used, this upgrade The first time you use your Grappling Hook to move on a
cannot be used until you complete a short or long rest. turn, the movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Additionally, you can apply the damage from lightning
charged on your Force Blast ranged spell attacks. Level 5 Upgrades
Lightning Projector
You gain the ability to unleash lightning energy. While Artificial Guidance Prerequisite: Sentient Armor
wearing your Warplate Gauntlet, you can cast shocking grasp, You upgrade the artificial personality integrated into your
and gain access to the following spells at the following levels armor to assist with a new skill. While able to communicate
while wearing your Warplate Gauntlet: with your armor, you can gain the effect of guidance when
making an Intelligence or Wisdom ability check.
Inventor Level Spell
Active Camouflage
3rd lightning tendrilK As an action, you can activate active camouflage causing
5th lightning chargedK your suit to automatically blend into its surroundings. This
lasts until deactivated. While this is active, you are considered
9th lightning bolt
lightly obscured, and can hide from a creature even when they
13th jumping joltK have a clear line of sight to you. Wisdom (Perception) checks
17th sky burstK to find you that rely on vision are made with disadvantage.
Optional Control
With Assume Control upgrade, the armor taking control on
Emergency Protocol becomes optional, though if you do not
choose for it to activate, it cannot activate later unless the
condition was previously specified (i.e. “take control if I fail two
Death Saving throws”).
Kibbles' Inventor
Thesis of Flesh
At first level, you select an approach to your work, a
specialization to your art form. Select one the following
Perfection of Form
Nature had its chance to make your form, now it’s your turn
to improve it. When you take this path, you gain the
Fleshcrafted Mutation upgrade, and it does not
count against your upgrade total. Additionally,
when an upgrade calls to use your spell save
DC, you can instead use 8 + your
Constitution modifier + your proficiency
When you take the Attack action, you can
use your bonus action to make a single additional attack with
this upgrade. You can make this additional attack a number
of times equal to your Inventor level. You
regain all uses at the end of a long rest.
Perfection of Mind
You know that perfection is an aspect of knowledge, a
perfect understanding of the mechanics of the Body, inside
and out. But particularly inside. You gain expertise in
Medicine. Additionally, you gain the Dissection upgrade, and it
does not count against your upgrade total.
You have a pool of d8s equal to your Inventor level. When
you restore hit points to a creature or use an Intelligence
(Medicine) check to deal damage to a creature, you can
expend these d8s to restore additional health or deal
additional damage. You can spend a number equal to
Proficiency bonus at a time. You regain this pool of d8s at the
end of a long rest.
Kibbles' Inventor
yourself toward a target, you use your bonus action to make a consciousness. It can do this a number of times equal to your
single weapon attack against it. You can do this a number of Intelligence modifier.
times equal to your Artificer level and you regain all uses at You can resuscitate it (or rebuild it, as necessary) at the end
the end of a long rest. of a short or long rest should anything untoward happen to it
without expending a spell slot or material component. It’s
creature type is Construct.
Uncanny Vitality
Starting at 3rd level, your body has such vitality that it is
Better Eyes You can select this Upgrade multiple times.
constantly able to restore itself. While you have 1 or more hit
Your eyes did not see everything you wanted them to, so you
points, at the start of your turn, you can choose to expend a hit
replace them with eyes that do. You gain a benefit to your
die and regain the value rolled + your Constitution modifier
vision, selecting one of following enhancements:
health (as normal for expending a hit die). If you have zero hit
• Blindsight (10 feet)
points, you can use this feature at the end of your turn.
• Darkvision (60 feet),
Additionally, you regain hit dice equal to your Constitution
• The ability to see clearly twice as far as your natural vision
modifier on a short or long rest (in addition to normal hit dice
recovery on a long rest).
• Proficiency in the Perception skill.
If you are missing any limbs at the start of a long rest, at the
end of the long rest the missing limb is regenerated.
If you select this upgrade again, you must select a different
Arcane Bioengineering
Additionally at 3rd level, you can use Arcane Retrofit to Brimstone Bladder
transmute a bonus to attack or damage rolls on a weapon to Why should dragons have all the fun? You can now exhale
natural weapons gained from this subclass. fire. As an action, or as an attack as part of the Attack action,
you can exhale a gout of flames in a 30 foot line or 15 foot
cone. Creatures in the area must make a Dexterity saving
Extra Attack throw against your spell save DC, or take 3d6 fire damage. You
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, can expend a spell slot to empower this fire breath, dealing a
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. number of additional d6 equal to the level of the spell slot
Perfection of Thesis Once you use the option, you cannot use it again until you
Starting at 14th level, your understanding of Thesis of Flesh complete a short or long rest. The damage increases by 1d6 at
grows; you regain uses of the resource it provides equal to 5th level (4d6) and again at 11th level (5d6), and 17th level
your Intelligence modifier when you complete a short rest. (6d6).
Fleshsmith Upgrades If you are holding a melee finesse weapon you have
proficiency with, as an action you can make an Intelligence
(Medicine) ability check against a creature within reach with a
Unrestricted Upgrades DC equal to its armor class. If you succeed the check, you can
deal damage to that creature equal to your weapons damage
Acid Gland
dice plus your Intelligence modifier. On a roll of 20, the roll
Realizing that putting something that oozes acid inside
weapon damage dice are doubled.
yourself could not possible go wrong, you do just that. As an
If you could normally make more than one weapon attack as
action, you can spew acid, making a ranged spell attack
part of the Attack action, you can deal a number of additional
against a target within 30 feet. On hit, you deal 3d8 acid
dice equal to the number of attacks you could normally make
as part of an attack action when taking this action (for
Alternatively, as an action, or as an attack as part of the
example, if you have the Extra Attack feature and take this
Attack action, you can spray all creatures in a 30 foot cone.
action with a dagger, you would deal 2d4 + your Intelligence
Each creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw
modifier damage).
against your spell save DC, taking 3d4 acid damage on failed
Expertise to Hit
Once you use either option, you cannot use this upgrade
Dissection can generate very high hit chance due to its nature, but
again until you complete a short or long rest. The damage
deals less damage than attacking twice with Extra Attack would (as
increased by one die at 5th level (4d8 or 4d4), 11th level (5d8 it only adds your modifier once), making it a trade off.
or 5d4), and 17th level (6d8 or 6d4).
Crushing Grip
Adorable Critter You don’t let things go once you have them in your grip.
You experiment on creating an adorable critter. You create Creatures that are grappled or restrained by you have
- or modify - a CR 0 tiny creature. This creature serves as a disadvantage on attempting to escape the condition.
familiar as per the find familiar spell, but does not disappear Additionally, you can choose to apply damage equal to your
when reduced to zero hit points, and simply becomes Strength modifier to any creature that starts its turn grappled
Unconscious. It cannot fully die unless destroyed. If it starts or restrained by you.
its turn unconscious, it regains its full hit points and regains
Kibbles' Inventor
Extra Eyes Each enhancement has an empowered effect. An
Why only see one direction? You add extra eyes. You gain empowered effect automatically occurs when you roll a 20 to
proficiency in the Perception skill. If you are already proficient hit with your natural weapon on an attack with the
in the skill, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks enhancement, or once per turn on your turn, you can manually
you make with it. In addition, you have advantage on Wisdom activate the empowered condition by expending a 1st level or
(Perception) checks that rely on sight. higher spell slot.
Corrosive Critter?! Prerequisite: 5th level, Perfection of Extreme Mutation Prerequisite: Mutation Mastery
Creation You can push your mutation to the limits and well beyond
Your adorable critters natural weapon deals an additional using a touch of magic. You learn the spell polymorph, but
1d6 acid damage on hit. unless you know this spell from another source, you can only
target yourself. Additionally, you can cast this spell without
Life Merchant expending a spell slot, but once you do so, you cannot do so
You can share your considerable vitality with other again until you complete a long rest.
creatures. You are a generous person, after all. You learn the
spell life transference, and you can cast life transference Life Void Prerequisite: Life Merchant
without expending a spell slot. Once you cast in this way, you You hunger for missing vitality. After casting life
cannot cast it again with this upgrade until you complete a transference the first time you damage a living creature within
short or long rest. the next minute, you deal an additional 3d8 necrotic damage,
and regain hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt.
Pressure Points Prerequisite: Perfection of Mind
You extensive knowledge of anatomy allows you to target Massive Hulk Prerequisite: Massive Mutation
critical spots. When you deal damage to a target with a melee You no longer have a limit to how long you can stay in larger
weapon, as a bonus action you can force them to roll a form.
Kibbles' Inventor
Adaptive Response
You attain full mastery of your body and its functionality,
able to detect when it malfunctions. As a reaction to failing a
saving throw against becoming paralyzed, blinded, deafened,
poisoned or infected by a disease as the result of failing a
constitution saving throw, you can end the effect, even if you
would normally not be able to take reactions due to the effect..
Once you do this, you cannot do this again until you
complete a short or long rest.
Autoimmune Response
You attain full mastery of your body and its functionality,
able to detect when it malfunctions. As a reaction, you can end
a condition or disease affecting you as the result of failing a
saving throw, even if you would normally not be able to take
reactions due to the condition.
Once you do this, you cannot do this again until you
complete a short or long rest.
Kibbles' Inventor
Empowered Artifact
The weapon hums with great power. Once per turn, you can
reroll one of the weapon’s damage dice. When attacking
objects or structures, you can instead maximize its die.
Abhorrent Life
Your Forbidden Artifact takes a life of its own, writhing and
lashing on its own at your mental direction. You can apply
your Intelligence modifier to the to attack and damage roll of
the weapon where you usually apply your Strength or
Dexterity modifier.
Grasping Form
You Forbidden Artifact can twist around binding targets.
When you hit an attack with it, you can attempt to grapple the
target as a bonus action. If you have the Abhorrent Life
property, you can make an Intelligence (Athletics) check to
initiate or contest the grapple. You cannot attack other
creatures while grappling a creature with this weapon.
Kibbles' Inventor
weapon, you can release this energy as a ranged spell attack. they are afflicted (regardless if of the roll of the bane die)
The ranged spell attack has a range of 60 feet. You can apply Additionally, when you suffer the effect of any curse effect of
your Intelligence modifier to damage done with this attack. one of the upgrades granted by this class, as a reaction, you
can force another creature within 30 feet to make a Charisma
saving throw against your Spell Save DC or suffer the same
Soul Investiture effect. You can do this a number of times equal to your
Due to your unique bond to your Forbidden Artifact, you can
proficiency bonus, regaining all uses on a long rest.
feed part of your soul into the weapon to empower it,
When you select this path, you learn the following spells at
weakening you and empowering it. While weakened in this
the following levels. These spells do not count against your
way, you are under the effect of bane. While empowered, the
spells known, and are Inventor spells for you.
weapon deals an additional 1d6 necrotic damage on hit.
You can make a DC 10 Charisma saving throw as an action
to reclaim the invested soul, ending the investiture on success. Spells Inventor Level
If you complete a long rest while your soul is invested into the 3rd bane
weapon, the number of hit dice you regain is halved. 5th disorientK
Curse Eater
Cursed Path You consume your forbidden artifact, destroying it and
Starting at 3rd level, the path you’ve chosen begins to claim afflicting yourself with a terrible curse. You gain a natural
your body and soul - some could call it a curse, some could weapon as the manifestation of this cursed power. On hit, this
call further opportunity. Select a path from the following. weapon deals 1d8 damage of your choice of bludgeoning,
piercing, or slashing damage (selected when you gain this
Curse Bearer feature), and 1d4 necrotic damage. All effects that apply to a
You soul can carry great burdens. When you are under the Forbidden Artifact apply to this natural weapon.
effect of bane, you can chose to ignore the effect for a roll. You can awaken the power gained from the weapon to your
Once you choose to ignore the effect, you cannot do so again natural weapon as well as the effect of the Forbidden Artifact
until the start of your next turn. curse.
Additionally, when you suffer the effect of any curse effect of Additionally, you can absorb any item you create with this
one of the upgrades granted by this class, you can suppress subclass, innately gaining its effect and curse. At the start of
the effect ignore the negative consequence of the effect. You your turn while you are not incapacitated you regain
can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, temporary hit points equal to 1 + the number of cursed items
regaining all uses on a long rest. If the curse is an ongoing you have consumed with this ability. If you are under the effect
effect, suppressing it suppressing it until the start of your next of bane, this becomes 1d4 + the number of cursed items you
turn. have consumed with this ability.
Additionally, when you gain temporary hit points from this
Other Curses feature, you can instead regain hit points, regaining hit points
At your DMs discretion, you may be able to use this feature to equal to the temporary hit points you have gained. You can do
shrug off the effects of other lesser curses. regain hit points this way a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus, regaining all uses on a long rest.
When you select this path, you learn the following spells at When you select this path, you learn the following spells at
the following levels. These spells do not count against your the following levels. These spells do not count against your
spells known, and are Inventor spells for you. spells known, and are Inventor spells for you.
Spells Inventor Level
3rd protection from evil and good Spells Inventor Level
5th warding bond 3rd inflict wounds
9th protection from energy 5th darkness
13th death ward 9th mutateK
17th dispel evil and good 13th ichorous bloodK
17th devouring darknessK
Curse Bringer
When spread the burdens you carry. When you make an Damned Affinity
attack roll while under the effect of bane, if you hit the Additionally at 3rd level, magical items granted by this
creature after rolling a 3 or 4 on bane, the target suffers the subclass that require attunement do not count against your
effect of bane until the end of your next turn. This effect is attunement total if that item is cursed.
extended if you hit them your Forbidden Artifact again while
Kibbles' Inventor
Extra Attack Curse: When you activate this helm, your AC and bonus to
saving throws is reduced by 5 until the start of your next turn.
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Helm of Omniscience You can only wear 1 Helm at a time.
Attunement, Cursed.
Unlimited Power You make a helm granting your unlimited knowledge. As a
Starting at 14th level, when you use Soul Investiture, you can bonus action, you can gain the effect of foresight until the start
double the amount of damage dealt bonus gained, but take of your next turn. Once you use this helm, you cannot use it
necrotic damage equal to the penalty taken at the end of each again until you complete a short or long rest.
of your turns as it continues to consume your soul. This Curse: When you activate this helm, your mind becomes
damage bypasses immunity and cannot be resisted in anyway. overloaded, causing you to take 1d6 psychic damage when you
make a roll that benefits from foresight until the start of your
next turn.
Unrestricted Upgrades
Dark Magic
Abhorrent Split: Prerequisite: Forbidden Artifact with You record some of the foulest effects your experiments
damage die of d8 or higher have had, codifying them into magical spells. You learn the
When awakened, your Forbidden Artifact splits into multiple following spells. They are Inventor spells for you, but do not
writhing branches. The weapons damage dice convert to count against your spells known.
smaller increments based on the table below: Spell Level Spells Learned
Damage Dice Awakened Damage Dice
1st crippling agonyK
1d12 or 2d6 3d4 2nd blindness/deafness
1d10 1d6 + 1d4 3rd rain of spidersK
1d8 2d4 4th blight
It can attack other creatures even while grappling or 5th contagion
restraining a creature with the Grasping Form artifact
property, but loses one damage die (starting with its smallest) You can cast crippling agonyK without expending a spell slot,
for each creature it is grappling or restraining. after which you must complete a long rest before you can cast
it without expanding a spell slot again. Starting at 5th level,
Blood Rites you can choose to cast blindness/deafness without expending
Delving your dark path, you formulate a way to form a spell slot instead.
temporary containers of magical power using blood. Select
three ritual spells from the Wizard spell list; you gain the Ring of Dark Investment
ability to cast these spells as Ritual Spells. You can only take You create a ring that can store a fragment of corrupted
spells of a level you could normally cast at the level you take power. As an action, you can infuse an Inventor spell you know
this talent. (including spells gained from upgrades) with a casting time of
To cast these spells as rituals, you require fresh blood; this 1 action into the ring. You cast the spell as normal (expending
can be provided by an creature that has been slain in the last the spell slot if it is 1st level or higher) but the spell does not
hour, or by a creature (including yourself) providing it at a cost take effect, and is stored in the ring for later use. When you
of 1d4 slashing damage. take the Attack action while a spell is stored in your ring, you
may replace one attack with the stored spell. You may also
Helm of Invulnerability You can only wear 1 Helm at a time release the stored spell directly, casting it at its normal casting
Attunement, Cursed. time. A stored spell fades if you remove the ring, or if it is
You forge a helmet, making yourself invulnerable... almost. unused at the end of a long rest.
As reaction to taking to bludgeoning piercing or slashing Curse. When you store a spell in your ring, your current and
damage, you can become immune to bludgeoning piercing maximum hit points are reduced by 1 + the level of the spell (1
and slashing damage until the start of your turn. Once you use for a cantrip).
this upgrade, you cannot use it again until you complete a
short or long rest. Ring of Gilded Lies
Curse: Whenever this helm prevents damage, you take Attunement, Cursed.
necrotic damage equal half the damage you would have taken. You create a ring that magically enhances your social
This damage cannot resisted. abilities. Some of them. When your roll Deception or
Performance, you gain the effects of guidance for the roll.
Helm of Madness You can only wear 1 Helm at a time Curse: When you roll for Persuasion, roll a d4 and subtract
Attunement, Cursed. it from the result.
With great madness comes great power. As a bonus action,
you can allow the madness to take your mind. You can Shadowed Shades
immediately move up to your movement speed and make a You make a set of specticles. While wearing them, you can
single weapon attack. Once you use this upgrade, you cannot see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a
use it again until you complete a short or long rest. distance of 120 feet.
Kibbles' Inventor
Curse: You treat all light as dim light for the purposes of 5th Level Upgrades
vision while wearing them.
Eldritch Magic Prerequisite: Artifact with the Eldritch
Whispers of the Night Eruption upgrade
After tinkering with the properties of your Artifact, you can Select a spell with a spell attack roll from the Wizard spell
hear it... whisper. You can hear that too, right? You gain the list that deals the same damage type as your weapon (when
ability to cast guidance and message, but the message is awakened). Once per turn, you can apply the secondary effect
always delivered in a haunting, unearthly, or creepy voice. of that cantrip to your weapon’s attack roll (for example,
You can amplify these whispers to cast dissonant whispers applying chill touch’s secondary effect to a weapon that deals
without expending a spell slot. Once you do so, you cannot do necrotic damage).
so again until you complete a short or long rest.
Ghostgrasp Gloves You can only wear 1 set of Gauntlets at a
Cursing Rod time
You make a twisted magical rod that can dispense curses. Cursed, Attunement
Select one of rotting curse, binding curse, or befuddling curse When you pull on these pale white gloves, your hands
when you create this item. You can cast that curse once using become ethereal, ghostlike appendages that drift and float
it without expending a spell slot. Once you do so, you cannot from your wrists. You can interact with objects with you hands
do so again until you complete a short or long rest. with a range of 10 feet, including picking up objects, opening
doors, or grappling foes; you can attack with these hands at
Vampiric Infusion range only if wielding light weapons.
You delvelop a dark infusion you can work upon a weapon. Curse: You have disadvantage on grappling checks and the
As a bonus action, you can expend a spell slot infusing a amount you can lift or drag with your hands is halved as things
weapon you touch with vampiric thirst for the next minute. slip through them.
When the wielder of the blade rolls damage with a weapon
attack using the infused weapon, they deal 1d8 additionally Mantle of the Beast
necrotic damage, and regain hit points equal to the necrotic Attunement, Cursed
damage dealt + your Intelligence modifier. This effect can You forge magical mantle by seeping it in the blood beasts.
occur a number of times equal to the spell slot used on the By dripping it in the blood of a beast slain within the past
infusion. week, you can gain one trait of that beast for an hour while
wearing the mantle (such as Keen Senses or Spiderclimb).
Form of the Fiend Curse: When you activate it’s power by dipping it in the
As an action, you can expend a spell slot to assume the form blood of a beast, the languages you can speak become the
of a fiend from the following list. The transformation lasts for languages the beast could speak (you still can understand any
a number of rounds equal to your spell casting modifier and language you could previously understand) until the effect
requires your concentration to maintain, as if concentrating ends.
on a spell, or until you drop to 0 hit points or dies. The new
form can be a fiend from the following table based on the level Skeletal Gauntlets You can only wear 1 set of Gauntlets at a
of spell slot spent. The you game statistics, excluding mental time
ability scores, are replaced by the statistics of the chosen You forge a pair of gauntlets that cause your hands to
fiend. You retains your alignment and personality. appear as skeletal appendages of dark metal. While wearing
You assume the hit points of your new form. When you these gauntlets, if you grapple a creature, at the start of its
reverts to your normal form, you returns to the number of hit turn it takes 1d6 necrotic damage, and cannot regain hit
points you had before you transformed. If you reverts as a points until the start of the of its next turn. Additionally, you
result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries have advantage against any check or save that would disarm
over to your normal form. As long as the excess damage you.
doesn’t reduce your normal form to 0 hit points, you aren’t While wearing these gauntlets, you can cast the grip of the
knocked unconscious. dead spell.
You do not gain any spells the form can cast, legendary Curse: The death grip these gloves have make it difficult to
actions, or legendary resistances it might have. Your gear let go of things. You have disadvantage on attacks made
melds into the new form. The creature can’t activate, use, throwing weapons or with weapons with the ammunition
wield, or otherwise benefit from any of its equipment. property. Additionally, you have disadvantage on any ability
Spell Slot Level Fiend Options check to throw an item.
1st Imp
Soul Transfer Token
2nd Spined Devil You create a dark magic object that allows you cast possess
3rd Bearded Devil corpse. Once you use this upgrade, you cannot do so again
4th Babau until you complete a long rest.
5th Barlgura
Soul Ring
You create a ring to store your soul. While wearing this ring,
you have advantage on death saving throws. If you another
creature dons the ring. You can absorb yourself your body and
Kibbles' Inventor
equipment into the ring. When you do so, it gains weight equal Ring of Nightmares
to one tenth of your weight (including your equipment). Attunement, Cursed
While another creature is wearing the ring, you can attempt You forge a ring of, well, pure evil. It can bring the horrifying
to posses them. They make a Charsima saving throw. Your nightmares to life in reality in a way that you don’t quite
body vanishes and you become incapicated for the duration, understand, but is very effective. When you invoke a
and they become under the effect of dominate monster. A nightmare, you can cast hunger of hadar, rain of spiders,
creature can choose to fail their save against this. summon lesser demons, or enemies abound without
expending a spell slot. Once you use the ring to invoke a
Vicious Effigy nightmare, you cannot use it until you complete a long rest.
You learn the cruel puppetry spell and can cast it once Curse: You cannot choose the nightmare invoked. When you
without expending a spell slot. Once you use this upgrade, you invoke a nightmare, roll 1d4 (1: hunger of hadar, rain of
cannot do so again until you complete a long rest. spiders, 3 summoner lesser demons, 4 enemies abound)
deal is reduced by half and you have resistance to non-magical (chosen when this upgrade is selected) increases by 1, to a
bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage. maximum of 24.
When you select this upgrade, you can select the condition
Blood Cloak You can only wear 1 cloak at a time. in which your weapon can be destroyed. Your weapon can no
Attunement, Cursed longer be permanently destroyed by any other means. This
You forge a blood red cloak that drinks blood to empower means can be absurd or implausible, but must be something
you. Unfortunately mostly your blood. When you take damage potentially possible.
from bludgeoning or piercing damage while below half of your
maximum hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to
half the damage taken. If you hit a creature while you have
these temporary hit points, you can add them to your damage
Curse: If you ar healed while you have these temporary hit
points, the temporary points are lost and the healing is
reduced by the amount of temporary hit points lost.
Exude Darkness
You allow the power of your artifact to leak out. Whenever
you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you heavily obscured by
dark shadowy flames for a number of rounds equal to the level
of the spell (for example, a 1st level spell the flames shroud
you until the start of your next turn). Any creature that hits you
with an attack while within 5 feet of you takes 2d8 necrotic
damage while you are shrouded in flames. This effect does not
require concentration to maintain.
True Artifact
So long ago you forged great power. Now you realize its full
potential. Your cursed weapon becomes a true artifact, any
bonus to attack and damage rolls lower than +3 it has is
replaced by a bonus of +3, it gains two additional properties
from the following list:
• While attuned to this artifact, you are immune to disease.
• While attuned to this artifact, you can’t be charmed or
• While attuned to this artifact, you can cast a 1st or 2nd
level spell of your choice once per short rest without
expended a spell slot (spell chosen when this upgrade is
• While attuned to this artifact, you can treat a 1 on a Death
Saving throw as a 20.
• While attuned to this artifact, one of your ability scores
Kibbles' Inventor
Runic Effects
Each rune grants a passive ability based on what is marked
on that enhances the ability of what it is marked on, and has
an active ability that can be activated as an action or in place
of an attack as part of the Attack action while it is marked.
Kibbles' Inventor
Rune of Lightning
A jagged rune that manipulates energy and controls Rune Cantrip Spell
lightning. It has the following effects: Rune of Power light magic missile
Target Effect Rune of Fire burnK burning hands
The first time per turn the weapon deals lightning
Weapon damage, that damage deals an additional Rune of Lightning shocking grasp
1d4 lightning damage.
Rune of unlocked
The effected creature gains 5 feet of guidance
Armor Proficiency potentialK
movement speed.
Rune of Warding blade ward freezing shellK
During the affected creature's turn, they
gain an additional action that can be used to Rune of Gravity N/A fallK
attack (one weapon attack with a light Rune of Blood N/A cure wounds
weapon or unarmed strike only), dash,
disengage, hide, or use an object.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
Rune of Warding whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
A stalwart rune that wards off harm. It has the following You can activate a rune using its active property in place of
effects: one or both attacks.
Target Effect
If the affected deals damage with this Twin Flares
Weapon weapon on their turn, they gain 1d4 Starting at 14th level, once per turn, when you use the
temporary hit points. active property of a Rune or Glyph, you can cause the active
Damage taken by the affected creature is effect of any two Runes or Glyphs
reduced by 1.
The next time the affected creature takes Runesmith Upgrades
Active damage before the start of your next turn, the
(Protect) damage is reduced by 1d4 + your intelligence
modifier. Unrestricted Upgrades
Ingenious Reliquary
Starting at 3rd level, you integrate your reckon into another
item, selecting one of the following for your Relic. Your Relic
retains all the properties it normally has, and gains new
properties based on the selected item. Once selected, you
cannot select a different options, but can replace the weapon
your relic is incorporated to during a long rest.
Melee Weapon
You integrate your divine relic into a melee weapon. The
weapon taps directly into the relics power. If you use your
Divine Relic to ignite it, it adds an additional 1d6 fire damage
(instead of 1d4). Setting a weapon integrated with your relic
ablaze can be done as part of the attack action.
Ranged Weapon
You integrate your divine relic into a ranged weapon, giving an
unlimited supply of sacred power to use as ammunition. It no
longer consumes ammunition and instead fires radiant bolts
Kibbles' Inventor
Dueling. When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand
and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls
with that weapon.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Mixed Weapons. When you take the attack action with a one
handed melee weapon with the light property, you can make
immediately make a single weapon attack with a one-handed Justicar Savant
ranged weapon as a bonus action. You ignore the reload Starting at 14th level, your understand of the paths of faith
property of ranged weapons. broadens and matures into a more holistic and naunced
understanding. You can select an additional Ordained Path.
Additionally, when you select this path, you learn the
following spells at the following levels. These spells do not
Relicsmith Upgrades
count against your spells known, and are Inventor spells for
you. Unrestricted Upgrades
Spells Inventor Level
Burning Pennance
3rd divine favor Prerequisite: Path of Penance
5th branding smite Whenever a creature rolls the d4 from the effect of a bane
9th crusader's mantle spell you have afflicted on them, they take fire damage equal to
the value rolled on the die.
13th guardian of faith Additionally, when you deal fire damage, you gain temporary
17th destructive wave hit points equal to the fire damage dealt, to a maximum of
your Proficiency bonus. Once you gain temporary hit points
Path of Salvation this way, you cannot gain them again until the start of your
When you restore hit points or grant temporary hit points to a next turn.
creature with an inventor spell or inventor class feature, you
can add your intelligence modifier. Ceremonial Procedures
Additionally, when you select this path, you learn the You develop a rapid way to produce Holy Water. Whenever
following spells at the following levels. These spells do not you complete a short or long rest, you can produce one flask
count against your spells known, and are Inventor spells for of holy water so long as you have a flask available. Flasks
you. created this way become normal water at dawn the next day.
You learn the spell protection from good and evil.
Spells Inventor Level
3rd bless Cleansing Fires
5th gentle repose You engrave your arcane foncus with the tenets of purging
flame. You learn the following spells at the following levels.
9th beacon of hope
These spells are inventor spells for you, and do not count
13th aure of life against your spells known.
17th mass cure wounds
Inventor Level Spells
Path of Penance Cantrip produce flame
Whips gain the light property for you, and can serve as your 3rd burning hands
spell casting focus.
When you strike a creature with a whip, you can cast bane, 5th scorching ray
targeting only that creature, without expending a spell slot. 9th fireball
Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again in this way 13th wall of fire
until you complete a short or long rest. You can use this ability
again before completing a long rest by expending a spell slot 17th flame strike
of 1st level or higher.
Additionally, when you select this path, you learn the Divine Light
following spells at the following levels. These spells do not Prerequisite: Path of Salvation.
count against your spells known, and are Inventor spells for Your learn the spell healing word. You can cast it this
you. without expending a spell slot once, after which you require a
spell as normal until you complete a long rest.
Spells Inventor Level
3rd bane Engraved Scriptures
5th silence During a long rest you can prepare a number of weapons
equal to your Intelligence modifier with holy scriptures
9th life transference marked upon them. Until the end of your next long rest, this
13th banishment weapons are considered silvered and magical for the purposes
17th insect plague of overcoming damage resistance of fiends, shapechangers,
and undead.
Kibbles' Inventor
Radiant Bolt you require a spell as normal until you complete a long rest.
You learn the spell guiding bolt. You can cast it this without
expending a spell slot once, after which you require a spell as Duplicate Relic
normal until you complete a long rest. You create a copy of your divine relic, though the copy only
serves as power source, allowing you to select an second
Inquisitor's Medallion Incorprated Relic.
You build a specialized version of your relic that focuses zeal
for the truth. While carrying it, you can add your Intelligence Ordained Focus
modifier to Wisdom (Insight) checks, and gain the ability to You inscribe your arcane focus with the tenents of your path.
cast zone of truth. You can use this to cast zone of truth You have advantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain
without expending a spell slot. Once you cast it in this way, you concentration on spells granted by your Ordained Path.
cannot do so again until completing a short or long rest.
Silver Bullet
Martyr's Light During a long rest you can create a single piece of
Prequisite: Relic Lantern ammunition specialized in the destruction of one creature
When a creature in the light of your lantern takes damage, type. Select from aberration, celestial, fiend, shapechanger, or
you can use your reaction give them resistance to that undead. The piece of ammunition is considered silvered and
damage. You take damage equal to the damage they take. This magical for the purposes of bypassing resistance. If this piece
damage cannot be reduced or resisted of ammunition hits the specified creature type, the hit
becomes a critical hit, and the piece of ammunition becomes a
Reach of Justice normal piece of ammunition. You can only have one special
Prerequisite: Path of Penance piece of ammunition from this feature at a time.
You can modify any whip to be longer, though only you have
proficiency with these extended whips. The reach of a whip is 9th Level Upgrades
increased by 5 feet for you.
Additionally, you can make an attack of opportunity with a Angelic Eyes
whip when a creature moves 5 or more feet within your reach. You forge a set of spectacles granting you vision the pieces
the darkness. You can see normally in darkness, both magical
Sacred Garments and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet, and have advantage
You craft holy scripture that channels divine energy through on ability checks to piece the illusions of fiends.
an article of clothing you wear. While wearing this item, you
can add your Intelligence modifier to any Wisdom or Condemnation of Fire
Charisma saving throw you make against a magical effect, or You invoke the power of your relic to attempt to purge a
the ability of undead or fiend creature. You can do this after creature. The target creature must make a Strength saving.
you roll, but before you know the outcome of the effect. On a failure it becomes restrained by chains of fire and set
Once you do this do this, you cannot do so again until you ablaze. While restrained, it takes 2d6 fire damage at the start
complete a short or long rest. of each of its turns. It may repeat the saving throw at the end
of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
Salvation's Shield Once you invoke this ability, you cannot do so again until
Prerequisite: Relic Lantern you complete a short or long rest.
While carrying the relic latern in your hand, you are under
the effect of shield of faith. Holy Hand Grenade
You build a sacred device of dispensing justice. You can use
Torch of Conviction it to cast flamestrike without expending a spell slot. Once
You empower a torch to burn with undying flame. This torch used, you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.
has an unlimited duration, and deals 1d6 fire damage on hit.
You have proficiency with this weapon and it has the light Inscribed Prayer
property for you. While carrying this torch, in place of making During a long rest, you can inscribe a special divine
an attack with it as part of the attack action, you can cast scripture. This serves as a scroll of mass healing word. You
create bonfire. can use this scroll without a check. This scroll lasts until used
or until you create another divine scripture.
5th level Upgrades
Purifier Rounds
Burning Seal You can make a number of pieces of ammunition equal to
When you strike a creature with a melee weapon, you can your Intelligence modifier imbued with special divine power.
leave a divine brand on them, lasting until the start of your On hit, these rounds do deal an additional 1d6 radiant
next turn. The first time that creature attacks a target other damage. If the creature is undead or a fiend and the damage
than you, it takes 1d8 fire damage. from this round reduces its hit points to a number to less than
your Inventor level, it has to make a Charisma saving throw.
Divine Book On failure, it dies and explodes to ash.
You can read from this book to cast prayer of healing. You You can replenish any spent rounds at the end a long rest.
can cast it this without expending a spell slot once, after which
Kibbles' Inventor
Emblem of Faith
You forge a special emblem that serves as the bane of
extraplanar creature. You can cast dispel evil and good once
without expending a spell slot. Once you use this to cast the
spell, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest.
Flagellant's Brand
You carve a holy mark onto yourself. Before you make a
saving throw, you can add a number of d6s up to your
Constitution modifier to the roll. You take fire damage equal
twice the value rolled on the d6s. This damage bypasses
resistances and immunity.
Piercing Light
Any bright light you generate with a class features or spells
is considered sunlight.
Favored Relic
While carrying your divine relic, you are under the effect of
divine favor.
Domain Device
You with careful inscription and rituals you create a divine
device that focus the holy power of a particular domain. At the
time of selecting this upgrade, select a cleric domain. This
device can be used to activate that domain's channel divinity
feature once, after which it cannot be used again until you
complete a long rest. Your inventor level is your cleric level for
Kibbles' Inventor
Innovator's Upgrade
Prerequisite: Inventor
Mental Adaptability
You've found ways to think outside the box, making
connections that other - lesser - minds can never seem to
When you have to make an Intelligence, Wisdom or
Charisma saving throw, you can roll all three and pick the
highest result. Once you do this, you cannot do it again until
you complete a long rest.
You can select an additional upgrade that is not from your
subclass list, so long as you can apply it to something in your
possession. This upgrade cannot be a level restricted upgrade.
Kibbles' Inventor
You alter gravity for yourself, causing you to reorient which You hurl a mote of arcane energy at a creature or object within
way is down for you until the end of your turn. You can pick range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit,
any direction to fall as if under the effect of gravity, falling up the target takes 2d4 force damage.
to 500 feet before the spell ends. This spell's damage increases by 2d4 when you reach 5th
If you collide with something during this time, you take level (4d4), 11th level (6d4), and 17th level (8d4).
falling damage as normal, but you can control your fall as you
could under normal conditions by holding onto objects or
move along a surface according to your new orientation as
Freezing Shell
1st-level abjuration
normal until your turn ends and gravity returns to normal.
Casting Time: 1 action.
Range: Self
Fling Components: V, S
2nd-level transmutation
Duration: 1 hour
Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard
A freezing shell shrouds you, covering you and your gear. You
Casting Time: 1 action.
gain 5 temporary hit points for the duration. If a creature hits
Range: 30 feet
you with a melee attack while you have these hit points, the
Components: V, S
creature takes 5 cold damage.
Duration: Instantaneous
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
of 2nd level or higher, both the temporary hit points and the
You manipulate gravity around one large or smaller creature.
cold damage increase by 5 for each slot level above 1st.
The target creature makes a Strength saving throw. On
failure, you can fling them 40 feet straight up or 20 feet in any
direction. Jumping Jolt
If you fling them straight up they immediately fall, taking 4th-level evocation
4d6 damage falling damage, and fall prone. If you fling them
any other direction, they take 2d6 damage and fall prone. If Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard
their movement would be stopped early by a creature or Casting Time: 1 action
object, both the target and creature or object takes 3d6 Range: 60 feet
bludgeoning damage. Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous.
Flash Freeze You release an arc of lighting at a creature within range. Make
3rd-level evocation
a ranged spell attack roll against the target. On hit, the target
takes 4d12 lightning damage, and you can cause the spell to
Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard
jump to another target within 20 feet of the first target making
Casting Time: 1 action
a new attack roll for each target. The spell cannot hit the same
Range: Self(30-foot cone)
target twice, or jump to a target out of the spells range. The
Components: V, S
spell can jump a maximum of five times.
Duration: Instantaneous.
On a miss, the target takes half as much damage and the
A freezing wind ripples outward. Each creature in a 30-foot
spell does not jump to a new target.
cone must make a Constitution saving throw. On a fail save, a
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
creature takes 4d8 cold damage and is restrained by ice until
of 5th level or higher, the starting damage increases by 1d12
the start of your next turn. On a successful save, the target
for each slot level above 4th.
takes half as much damage and isn't restrained.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each
slot level above 3rd.
Kibbles' Inventor
Launch Object At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a 3rd- or
4th-level spell slot, the damage increases to 2d12 and the
1st-level transmutation
range increases to 30 feet. When you cast it using a 5th- or
6th-level spell slot, the damage increases to 3d12 and the
Classes: Inventor
range increases to 60 feet.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 ft.
Components: S Mutate
Duration: Instantaneous 3rd-level transmutation
Choose one object weighing 1 to 5 pounds within range that Classes: Druid, Occutlist, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
isn’t being worn or carried. The object flies in a straight line Casting Time: 1 Action
up to 90 feet in a direction you choose before falling to the Range: Self
ground, stopping early if it impacts against a solid surface. If Components: V, S, M (something from an extinct animal)
the object would strike a creature, that creature must make a Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes.
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the object strikes the
target and stops moving. When the object strikes something, You manipulate the nature of your body with magic
the object and what it strikes each take 3d8 bludgeoning temporarily giving it new properties. You can select three of
damage. the following properties:
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
of 2nd level or higher, the maximum weight of objects that you • Your body becomes malleable and amorphous. You have
can target with this spell increases by 5 pounds, and the advantage on saves and checks against grapples and the
damage increases by 1d8, for each slot level above 1st. restrained condition, you do not suffer disadvantage from
squeezing into smaller spaces, and you can squeeze
through openings two sizes smaller than you.
• You grow one additional appendage. This appendage
Lightning Charged serves as an arm and a hand, though it can take the shape
2nd-level evocation
of an arm, tentacle, or similar appendage.
• You extend the length of your limbs, giving you a 10 foot
Classes: Inventor
reach on melee attacks, touch spells, and object
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
• Your flesh hardens, your base AC becomes 14 + your
Components: V, S, M (a piece of once used lightning rod)
dexterity modifier if it is not already higher.
Duration: 10 minutes
• You grow more resilient, adapting against one external
threat. You gain advantage on one type of saving throw of
You channel lightning energy into a creature. The energy is
your choice.
harmless to the creature, but escapes in dangerous bursts to
• You adapt your body to an aquatic environment, sprouting
other nearby creatures.
gills and growing webbing between your fingers. You can
Every time that creature strikes another creature with a
breathe underwater and gain a swimming speed equal to
melee attack, a spell with a range of touch, is struck by
your walking speed.
another creature with a melee attack, or ends their turn while
• Your body grows ablative armor. You gain temporary hit
grappling or being grappled by another creature, they deal
points equal to your spellcasting modifier at the start of
1d6 lightning damage to that creature.
each of your turns.
Once this spell has discharged 6 times (dealing up to 6d6
• You can grow one size larger or smaller.
damage), the spell ends.
• You sprout wings. You gain a flying speed of 30 feet.
At Higher Levels. The spell can discharge damage 2
• You grow a natural weapon; this weapon can have the
additional times (dealing 2d6 more total damage) before the
statistics of any martial melee weapon and takes on a form
spell ends for each slot level above 2nd.
vaguely reminiscent of it without the thrown property. You
have proficiency with this weapon, and are considered
Lightning Tendril holding it. You can use your spellcasting modifier in place
1st-level evocation of your Strength modifier for attack and damage rolls with
this natural weapon. The natural weapon is magic and you
Classes: Druid, Occultist, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard have a +1 bonus to the attack and damage rolls you make
Casting Time: 1 bonus action using it.
Range: 20 feet
Components: V, S, M (a twig from a tree that has been struck For the duration of the spell, you can use an action to change
by lightning) one or all of the properties, losing the benefits of your
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. previously selected properties and gaining the benefits of the
new selected properties.
Crackling beams of blue energy leap from your hands. For the At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
duration of the spell, as an action, you can direct them toward of 4th or higher, you can select one additional property from
a creature within range, dealing 1d12 lightning damage to that the list of options, with one additional property per spell level
creature. above 3rd.
Kibbles' Inventor
You charge your hand (or similar appendage) with thunder You create a sudden violent vortex that blasts outwards in a
power. Make a melee spell attack against the target. On a hit, cone, tossing characters and objects within the area.
there is a thunderous crash audible from up to 300 feet of you Creatures take 2d6 bludgeoning damage and must succeed a
and the target takes 3d8 thunder damage, and is knocked 10 Strength saving throw or be knocked 20 feet backward and 40
feet away from you. feet upward.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each
slot level above 1st. slot level above 3rd.
Turbulent Warp
3rd-level psionic
1st-level transmutation
• Louis.
Credits: •
• Mark Brandon
Patreon Supporters • masterofastra
The creation and maintaince of this class was made possible • Meerkat Manor
by patreon supportors. • Michael Molik
• Michael Ramage
• Abeezy • Mitchell Baltosser
• Abyssal Knight • Mitchell Kadolph
• Andrew Keenan Richardson • Name
• Andrew Valenti • Nannette Groft
• AndrewRP8023 • Negitive
• Angel Gomez • Nicholas Sherman
• Anthony Currier-Reagor • Nick
• Arden Dre • Nomatron
• Aren Harper • orionSquared
• Austin Fox • Patrick Hart
• Bailey Halsall • Peter Steil
• BenPriebe • polyblium
• bigbird • poprock3189
• Brandon Emory Lake • PrussiAntique (Antiqua)
• Brendan • PurblyDurbly
• Bryan Patterson • Ronick Dizon
• Bucket • Rory Collier
• C. Dobb • Sam B. Spivey
• Cameron • Seffykun
• CelticGamingGod • selene papathanasiou
• Chad Chadley • Slippygate
• Christian Maerten • Solarfed
• Colin Reilly • SonOfSofaman
• Conor McLaughlin • Spectre Creations
• CovertMuffin • Stormlord
• Crows' GamingDen • Suliman Adel
• Dallas blanch • Thortron
• Dan Schmidt • Tony Bucher
• David Romero • Tyler
• david santistevan • Verixa Okblek
• Dr.arielpro • vetro 26
• Drowrin • Witasmott
• Elijah McGowan • WitchDoctorXera
• Erin Wolsleben • Wraithkin
• FS-1414 • Zauvern
• Garion Pankievich
• Garth Ott ...and many more! Thank you all, you make the fun people
• Glider Onair have playing this class possible.
• GM Binder
• Herdsheep
• Ihileath Art Credits:
• Issac Dyne All it is copyright KibblesTasty, done by the following artists:
• Jack Inacker • Class Image: Adrytia45
• Jacob Herrera • Awakened Psion: Trung Tin Shinji
• Jake Sine • Transcended Psion: Trung Tin Shinji
• Jason Lasica • Shaper: Trung Tin Shinji
• Johannes Wieland • Wandering Mind: Trung Tin Shinji
• Kainoa Pacarro • Elemental Mind: Trung Tin Shinji
• Kilian Tyler • Consumption: Alika Hammam
• KnightOfAlcea
• Larry Eger
• Litchalope
• Logan Olson
• Lone Paladin
Kibbles' Inventor