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Manufacturing of Components Using Rapid Prototypin

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International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology

Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X (www.ijsrst.com)

doi : https://doi.org/10.32628/IJSRST523102102

Manufacturing of Components using Rapid Prototyping :

A Review
Dr. U. V. Kongre#1, Dr. R. M. Sherekar*2, Devanshu Akare #3, Pankaj Bhagat #4
HOD, Department of Mechanical Engineering, J.D.I.E.T.,Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India1
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, J.D.I.E.T.,Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India2
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, J.D.I.E.T.,Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India3-4


Now a day’s 3D printing and their properties are becoming a notable topic in
Article History:
technological aspects. 3D printer is a device which convert any design into a
Accepted: 01 April 2023 product in real-life. 3D printing was discovered in the late 1970s or maybe
Published: 20 April 2023 early 1980s and it was the only technique of manufacturing process which do
not include the usage of and tools, dies, fixtures, molds, etc. The name Rapid
Prototyping (RP) or Additive Manufacturing itself expresses that it is the
Publication Issue manufacturing of product with addition of material on top of the other. It saves
Volume 10, Issue 2 time, cost & also reduces the material wastage. This paper mainly explains the
March-April-2023 FDM procedure of manufacturing & material used for 3D printing by FDM
machine. This process is used in many different sectors like Automobile,
Page Number Biomedical, Military, Agriculture, etc. There are many different methods of
739-745 FDM 3D printing available in the market. In this paper the review is done on
different processes, materials and type used for Rapid Prototyping. There are
many different materials available for the use in Rapid Prototyping to acquire
different types of properties in the product. The material could be
thermoplastics, photopolymers, metal, and ceramics in the form of liquid,
powder, resins, or filaments. The paper presents a review about Rapid
Prototyping, different types of RP techniques, its benefits and limitations over
traditional processes, different types of RP material its areas of applications and
further advancements.
Keywords: - RP, 3D Printing, FDM

I. INTRODUCTION the crisis of machine tool in USA due to which this

technique came into existence in the year 1980s. UAS
Rapid prototyping is a revolutionary technique of was the dictator of tool industry in those days. It was
manufacturing in the production industry. There was difficult to design because of complex structure of the

Copyright: © 2023, the author(s), publisher and licensee Technoscience Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under 739
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
Dr. U. V. Kongre et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. March-April-2023, 10 (2) : 739-745

printer. In the initial stage of the machine modify it to fulfill the demands of the end-user with
development, they developed a procedure & working keeping the motive of the product same.
of prototype of a three-dimensional printer which was II. Review of Working & Types of FDM Machine
capable of printing object in 3D [1]. Rapid prototyping The Rapid Prototyping machine starts the production
is a group of methods used to rapidly manufacture a by collecting the data in terms of three-dimensional
model of a physical part or assembly using three- model with the help of Computer Aided Design (CAD),
dimensional computer aided design (CAD), Computed Image Acquisition or Scanning the model by different
Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging devices. A Data interface is used to translate the CAD
(MRI) data. The component is made by additive/layer model into a format called STL file format which is the
by layer manufacturing, which is known as 3D printing only input understood by the 3D printers. The full
[2]. This process can create very complex geometries form of STL is (Standard Triangular Language). The
which is not able to manufacture with conventional material used in the manufacturing of the product may
processes. Also, it helps to create object with less be in the form of liquid, powder, filament, or resin
amount of time. In short, we can say that it is very which depends upon the Rapid Prototyping technique
efficient and time saving technology which is yet in used to manufacturing the product.[4]. Fig 1 shows the
development phase. schematic procedure of RP.

I. Need for Rapid Prototyping

There are many people who think about different

Fig. 1: Rapid Prototyping Process Flow Diagram
brilliant techniques, but it is not enough to just think.
We need to apply those virtual thoughts in a physical
The STL file is then fed to the 3D printing software. In
form. Now a days or in the future with the all-round
the software the file is passed through a slicing process
growth in every industry, it is very essential to
which is used to translates the CAD model into the
fabricate a prototype of the product for marketing it to
form of unstacks of two-dimensional cross section &
the end users & all the types of distributors and the
stacks the cross-sectional layers of the build material
vendors for taking the opportunity & appreciable
which prints the model in layer-by-layer format after
review of the product for making the product viable for
feeding the model to the 3D printer. The finished
its efficient use [3]. The process ‘Additive
product is then passed through the post processing,
Manufacturing’ can prove it to be a dependent and
after which the validation and quality control of the
efficient for mankind. The manufacturing technique
prototype is done. There are many different types of
can be certainly developed in its own domain to evolve
software available for the different companies of 3D
over the years. By avoiding the techniques of
printing machines designed especially for their own
producing a working system at the value of is failure of
use. There are many different types of material
its structure and useless wasting of the material, it
available in the market. Different 3D printers use
would be smarter to fabricate the product first which
different types of material according to the desired
is general and cheaper prototype of the product to
output [5] [6].
analyze the failure occurring in it and simulating the
system which would lead to the feedback of the
Fuse Deposition Molding (FDM): - There are different
component. In fact, the prototype is not the end-user
types of 3D printing technologies which we can think
component. The prototype is only used to gather the
of. But Fused deposition Modeling (FDM) is a Rapid
useful data which is relevant to the component and
Prototyping technique which is a most commonly used

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (www.ijsrst.com) | Volume 10 | Issue 2 740
Dr. U. V. Kongre et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. March-April-2023, 10 (2) : 739-745

for making prototypes and useful components in the of this machine will oversee the Z axis, allowing the
industries. In this type of technique, the material used extruder to be positioned on the X and Y axes, so that
is a thermoplastic filament which is heated to about it can move in four directions.
200 to 250 degree C, which converts the material into
Two well-known brands in the Fused Deposition
liquified form & extrude the material on the printing
Modeling market that use Cartesian technology for
tray layer by layer from a tip of the extruder to create
their FDM 3D printers are Ultimaker and MakerBot.
a 3D object. The material is in the form of threads or
The main advantage of these solutions is that they are
filament. When the model is of complex and hanging
generally inexpensive and are sold as kits to be
structure, supports are provided to the respective
assembled by the user.
positions which can be easily removed from its place

This filament is then melted into the extruder nozzle

& the molten material is then extruded on the hot bed.
The printing method is a computerized process which
converts the STL file of the model into the three-
dimensional coordinates x, y & z. The nozzle extrudes
the material on horizontal plane constructing the cross
section of an object on the bed. The layer is then cooled
& hardened after extrusion. After a layer is processed,
the hot bed is vertically lowered to a thickness equal to Fig. 2: Cartesian FDM 3D printers
one layer thickness, so cycle continuous the process for
the successive layer. After the final product is designed 2. Polar FDM 3D printers: -
and chipped from the hot bed, it is sent for the post Polar 3D printers do not depend upon the x, y & z
processing. In post processing the scaffoldings material coordinate positioning. Polar 3D printing use angle and
is removed from the object. FDM technique is a slower length positioning. Instead of using square grid it uses
process as compared to other techniques like SLA & circular grid to describe the points which is not
SLS. There are 2 possibilities of movement in the FDM determined by X, Y and Z axes, but by angle and length.
machine. In the first possibility the extruder moves in This implies that the circular plate rotates at the same
x, y plane & the bed moves in the z plane. In the second time, with the extruder moving up & down. This
possibility the bed is steady & the extruder moves in x, method particularly prints only spiral objects, such as
y & z plane [7] [8]. traffic cones, Plant vase, etc. The fig 3 shows the polar
3D printer The main advantage of Polar FDM 3D
FDM 3D printing techniques printers is they only have two engines, whereas
Cartesian printers need at least three. In the long term,
1. Cartesian FDM 3D printers: - the polar printer has greater energy efficiency and can
make larger objects while using less space. However,
Cartesian 3D printers as shown in fig 2 are the type of
polar printers have an inconsistent accuracy; as they
FDM 3D printers which are commonly found in the
rotate in a circle, there is much more accuracy in the
market. This technique basically uses the Cartesian
center than in the outer area.
coordinate system in mathematics, it uses orthogonal
axis- x, y & z to determine the perfect position &
orientation of the printing head. Depending on the
model and manufacturer of the printer, the print platen

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (www.ijsrst.com) | Volume 10 | Issue 2 741
Dr. U. V. Kongre et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. March-April-2023, 10 (2) : 739-745

lines, especially in large automotive plants. Now 3D

printing has started to incorporate the robotic arms
into their production units, mostly for manufacturing
of the 3D printed homes and buildings, this technology
remains in the development stage. Robotic arms are
primarily used in the assembly of parts. Hybrid
manufacturing is a 3D printing process in which the
combination of both additive (3D printing) and
subtractive (CNC machining, milling) methods
brought in a single solution. This machine allows the
Fig. 3: Polar FDM 3D printers easy exchange of tools for different type of work. In the
case of FDM 3D printers that incorporate subtractive
3. Delta FDM 3D printers: - heads, which mostly have Cartesian structure.
These printers are being seen more and more on the However, there are other cases, such as
FDM 3D printing market. They operate with Cartesian the Kraken project, which depend upon a robotic arm
coordinates. As shown in the Fig 4, this method which is capable to extrude material, but which also
involves a circular printing plate that is combined with includes subtractive methods, for creating a hybrid
an extruder that is fixed at three triangular points manufacturing project. We know that the machine
(hence the name ‘Delta’). Each of the three points then which incorporates both the techniques has a much
moves up and down and left and right, thereby larger price tag, although the benefits can be far greater
determining the position and direction of the print as it expands the capabilities of part creation.
head. Therefore, the manufacturing limits of these
machines are defined solely by the diameter of the base
and the height of the arms. Delta printers, with a fixed
print tray, were designed to speed up the printing
process. Another advantage of Delta printers is that
they can be resized, without affecting quality.
However, they can prove more difficult to calibrate.[9]

Fig. 5: Robotic Arm & Hybrid FDM 3D printing

Fig. 4: Delta FDM 3D printers

Robotic Arm & Hybrid FDM 3D printing: -

Robotic Arm is the most essential component in the

manufacturing industry. Fig 5 & 6 shows the physical Fig. 6: Robotic Arm & Hybrid FDM 3D printing
structure of this process. It is mostly used in
Assembling components on industrial production

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (www.ijsrst.com) | Volume 10 | Issue 2 742
Dr. U. V. Kongre et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. March-April-2023, 10 (2) : 739-745

II. Materials used in RP 2) Engineering Plastics: -These are used for

Materials used in FDM 3D printing are as follows: - structural purpose applications.
1) Standard Plastics: -These are used for non-critical • Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE)
applications. TPE material are flexible materials which can be
• Polylactic acid (PLA): - transformed in to desired structure. It is a rubber like
PLA is a type of polyester made from fermented plant material that can be processed like Plastic
starch from corn, cassava, maize, sugarcane or sugar • Nylons: -
beet pulp. PLA is generally, the material used in FDM Nylon 11 (polyamide) is a strong and tough
(Fused Deposition Molding) 3D printers. The main engineering-grade SLS thermoplastic. Parts produced
properties of the PLA material are that, (1) It is rigid, with this material show a high elongation at break,
strong but brittle in nature which means it can brake elasticity and high impact resistance. Nylon filament
easily. at the same time, (2) The material has less offers great toughness and flexibility. Many nylon
resistant to heat & chemicals which means that it can copolymers also exist which modify the strength and
melt in higher temperatures, (3) It is a biodegradable rigidity of the material to meet application
material with no odor of any kind. requirements.
3) Advanced Plastics: -These are used for mechanical,
• Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS): - thermal & chemical high strength applications
ABS is generally, the material used in FDM (Fused
Deposition Molding) 3D printers. ABS or Acrylonitrile• PEEK: -
butadiene styrene is a common thermoplastic polymer It is one of the top-notch materials present in the
typically used for injection molding applications. This market. It is one of the costliest material. It is a
engineering plastic is popular due to its low production colorless, organic thermoplastic polymer that achieves
cost and the ease with which the material is machined some of the best results out of all thermoplastics
by plastic manufacturers. Better yet, its natural benefits worldwide. It is part of the polyaryletherketone
of affordability and machinability do not hinder the (PAEK) family.
ABS material’s desired properties.

Table 1: Material Properties & Selection Criterion

Material PLA ABS Nylon PEEK

Properties Tough, Strong, Impact Resistance, Tough and Harsh chemical

Biodegradable Structural Strength partially Resistance, very low
and Stiffness, Flexible, very Moisture uptake,
Chemical high good
Resistance, impact fire performance,
Excellent High and resistance, excellent mechanical
Low Temperature offers good strength, good
Performance, ductility dimensional
Great Electrical stability

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (www.ijsrst.com) | Volume 10 | Issue 2 743
Dr. U. V. Kongre et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. March-April-2023, 10 (2) : 739-745

Easy to Paint and


Temperature Temperature to Temperature to Temperature to Temperature to

melt the melt the material melt the melt the material
material is between material is between
is between 220-250 Co is between 370-410oC
190-220oC 240-290oC
Cost Low Cost Low Cost Expensive Higher Cost

Odor Produces No fumes are Nearly odorless Produces dangerous

dangerous produced fumes during 3D
fumes during 3D printing
Print rate 45 – 60 mm/s 45 – 60 mm/s 25-50 mm/s Up to 50 mm/s

III.CONCLUSION obsolete, but rather complement it. At last, we can

conclude that, in the upcoming days Rapid Prototyping
This paper reviews the details regarding the different will change the entire traditional manufacturing
Rapid Prototyping procedures & techniques to know techniques & make the output efficient and durable.
the deep insights of product manufacturing. Also,
stating the different types of material used and their
significance of RP in product manufacturing.
Advantages of 3D printing are endless therefore it is
[1]. Rapid Prototyping Association of the Society of
most preferable technology in complex shaped
Manufacturing Engineers, International
geometry of product. Rapid Prototyping is going to
Technology Research Institute, 1997, European
change the future of manufacturing industries in
and Japanese Development, Rapid Prototyping
upcoming decades. This paper provides an overview of
in Europe and Japan.
RP technology in brief and emphasizes on their ability
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to shorten the product design and development
and Advantages, Technical Knowledge, TWI
process. For certain applications, particularly metals,
Ltd., United Kingdom.
machining will continue to be a useful manufacturing
process. Rapid prototyping will not make machining

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (www.ijsrst.com) | Volume 10 | Issue 2 744
Dr. U. V. Kongre et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. March-April-2023, 10 (2) : 739-745

[3]. Philips Andrew, 2013, The Need for Rapid

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[4]. Hanssen Jesse, Moe Zaw Hlwan, Tan Desmond,
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[5]. Liu Chen-Yu, Dr. Occeña Luis G., 2013, A
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Systems, Thesis, University of Missouri.
[6]. Rapid Prototyping, A Blog from Tech-Labs,
Technical Laboratory Systems, Columbia.
[7]. Palermo Elizabeth, 2013, Fused Deposition
Modelling: Most Common 3D Printing Method,
[8]. Chennakesava P., Narayan Y. Shivraj, 2014,
Fused Deposition Modelling- Insights,
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[9]. Bell C. 3D Printing with Delta Printers. New
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Cite this article as :

Dr. U. V. Kongre, Dr. R. M. Sherekar, Devanshu

Akare, Pankaj Bhagat, "Manufacturing of
Components using Rapid Prototyping : A Review”
International Journal of Scientific Research in
Science and Technology (IJSRST), Online ISSN :
2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 10
Issue 2, pp. 739-745, March-April 2023. Available
at doi : https://doi.org/10.32628/IJSRST523102102
Journal URL : https://ijsrst.com/IJSRST523102102

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (www.ijsrst.com) | Volume 10 | Issue 2 745

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