Manufacturing of Components Using Rapid Prototypin
Manufacturing of Components Using Rapid Prototypin
Manufacturing of Components Using Rapid Prototypin
Now a day’s 3D printing and their properties are becoming a notable topic in
Article History:
technological aspects. 3D printer is a device which convert any design into a
Accepted: 01 April 2023 product in real-life. 3D printing was discovered in the late 1970s or maybe
Published: 20 April 2023 early 1980s and it was the only technique of manufacturing process which do
not include the usage of and tools, dies, fixtures, molds, etc. The name Rapid
Prototyping (RP) or Additive Manufacturing itself expresses that it is the
Publication Issue manufacturing of product with addition of material on top of the other. It saves
Volume 10, Issue 2 time, cost & also reduces the material wastage. This paper mainly explains the
March-April-2023 FDM procedure of manufacturing & material used for 3D printing by FDM
machine. This process is used in many different sectors like Automobile,
Page Number Biomedical, Military, Agriculture, etc. There are many different methods of
739-745 FDM 3D printing available in the market. In this paper the review is done on
different processes, materials and type used for Rapid Prototyping. There are
many different materials available for the use in Rapid Prototyping to acquire
different types of properties in the product. The material could be
thermoplastics, photopolymers, metal, and ceramics in the form of liquid,
powder, resins, or filaments. The paper presents a review about Rapid
Prototyping, different types of RP techniques, its benefits and limitations over
traditional processes, different types of RP material its areas of applications and
further advancements.
Keywords: - RP, 3D Printing, FDM
Copyright: © 2023, the author(s), publisher and licensee Technoscience Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under 739
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
Dr. U. V. Kongre et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. March-April-2023, 10 (2) : 739-745
printer. In the initial stage of the machine modify it to fulfill the demands of the end-user with
development, they developed a procedure & working keeping the motive of the product same.
of prototype of a three-dimensional printer which was II. Review of Working & Types of FDM Machine
capable of printing object in 3D [1]. Rapid prototyping The Rapid Prototyping machine starts the production
is a group of methods used to rapidly manufacture a by collecting the data in terms of three-dimensional
model of a physical part or assembly using three- model with the help of Computer Aided Design (CAD),
dimensional computer aided design (CAD), Computed Image Acquisition or Scanning the model by different
Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging devices. A Data interface is used to translate the CAD
(MRI) data. The component is made by additive/layer model into a format called STL file format which is the
by layer manufacturing, which is known as 3D printing only input understood by the 3D printers. The full
[2]. This process can create very complex geometries form of STL is (Standard Triangular Language). The
which is not able to manufacture with conventional material used in the manufacturing of the product may
processes. Also, it helps to create object with less be in the form of liquid, powder, filament, or resin
amount of time. In short, we can say that it is very which depends upon the Rapid Prototyping technique
efficient and time saving technology which is yet in used to manufacturing the product.[4]. Fig 1 shows the
development phase. schematic procedure of RP.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 10 | Issue 2 740
Dr. U. V. Kongre et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. March-April-2023, 10 (2) : 739-745
for making prototypes and useful components in the of this machine will oversee the Z axis, allowing the
industries. In this type of technique, the material used extruder to be positioned on the X and Y axes, so that
is a thermoplastic filament which is heated to about it can move in four directions.
200 to 250 degree C, which converts the material into
Two well-known brands in the Fused Deposition
liquified form & extrude the material on the printing
Modeling market that use Cartesian technology for
tray layer by layer from a tip of the extruder to create
their FDM 3D printers are Ultimaker and MakerBot.
a 3D object. The material is in the form of threads or
The main advantage of these solutions is that they are
filament. When the model is of complex and hanging
generally inexpensive and are sold as kits to be
structure, supports are provided to the respective
assembled by the user.
positions which can be easily removed from its place
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 10 | Issue 2 741
Dr. U. V. Kongre et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. March-April-2023, 10 (2) : 739-745
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 10 | Issue 2 742
Dr. U. V. Kongre et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. March-April-2023, 10 (2) : 739-745
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 10 | Issue 2 743
Dr. U. V. Kongre et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. March-April-2023, 10 (2) : 739-745
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 10 | Issue 2 744
Dr. U. V. Kongre et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. March-April-2023, 10 (2) : 739-745
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 10 | Issue 2 745