”General cutoffs are not necessarily an indicator of how ’good’ a college is; it is merely an indicator
of the demand vs. supply. The cutoff is numerically negatively correlated with the ratio of demand to
supply of seats for that particular college + branch combination, which does not necessarily correlate
with the quality of the program. TL;DR: Don’t use past year cutoffs to compare quality of programs
or colleges, and especially not DASA cutoffs.”
— zynade
• Extension cord
• Belt
• Cap
• Knife
• Steel utensils (spoon, plates, glass, bowl, cup)
• Raincoat and/or umbrella
• Wristwatch
• Hangers (3)
• Clips to attach clothes to a rope
• Rope to hang clothes
• Lock and key (2)
• Wallet/purse
• Mobile phone cover
• Olive oil
3. Bathroom
• Toothbrush
• Toothpaste
• Nail cutter
• Comb
• Carrying case for toiletries
• Soap case (large enough for multiple items)
• Mouthwash
• Dettol handwash
• Shampoo
• Body wash
• Face wash
4. Medicine Box (Personal Use)
• Cotton
• Vaseline
• Panadol
• Bandage
• Vicks Vapo Rub
• Iodex (for muscular pain)
5. Footwear
• Bucket and mug
• Bicycle (optional)
7. Winter Essentials
• Quilt (bring around September/Diwali break)
• Half sweaters
• Full sweaters
• Jackets/coats
• Warm innerwear
”Explore a lot. Try out various subfields with an open mind to find what interests you. In your first
year, you’ll have more free time than later on, so use it to explore interests outside your curriculum.
A good CGPA is easier to maintain if you start strong in your first year before advanced coursework
and other responsibilities (like research or TA duties) kick in.”
”Connect with seniors who are doing well academically, and learn from them. Connections with PhD
mentors or other seniors can be extremely helpful, both for insights and future application processes.
Beware of bad advice, though; understand who is giving it and evaluate it critically.”
— zynade
”JEE failure is not comparable to college failure. Failing in JEE will hurt for a while, but as an
OCI/NRI student, you’ll still get admission somewhere. In college, however, your CGPA stays with
you and can impact your future studies and job prospects. The mentality of ‘CGPA doesn’t matter’
is often just coping for those who didn’t do well. It’s essential to understand that your CGPA is a
tangible metric that can affect further opportunities.”
— catboy bob
• Start as soon as possible.
8. When is the best time to start research?
• Approach professors when you have a clear interest in a specific field; there’s no fixed timeline.
students in Computer Science?Basic roadmap for
students in Computer Science?
• Data Structures and Algorithms → System Design → Advanced Topics.
College Resources
DSA & Leetcode Resources
Name Link
LeetCode https://leetcode.com
HackerRank https://hackerrank.com
CodeSignal https://codesignal.com
GeeksforGeeks https://geeksforgeeks.org
Codeforces https://codeforces.com
TopCoder https://topcoder.com
InterviewBit https://interviewbit.com
Codewars https://codewars.com
Project Euler https://projecteuler.net
SPOJ https://spoj.com
General Resources
Resource Description
GeeksforGeeks Online portal for DSA concepts and coding problems.
HackerRank Platform for competitive coding and DSA challenges.
LeetCode Platform with a vast collection of coding problems.
CodeSignal Practice coding challenges and improve your skills.
Khan Academy - Algorithms Algorithm tutorials and interactive exercises.
Coursera - Algorithms Specialization Algorithms course by Stanford University.
Princeton - Algorithms, Part I Algorithm course by Princeton University.
TopCoder Competitive programming challenges and contests.
Hackerearth Practice coding problems and participate in contests.
Codeforces Competitive programming platform with contests.
InterviewBit Prepare for coding interviews with structured courses.
Educative - Grokking the Coding Interview Comprehensive course for coding interviews.
AlgoExpert Platform for learning and practicing coding problems.
Project Euler Math-based coding challenges for algorithmic thinking.
CodeCombat Learn to code by playing a real game.
Hackerrank - Interview Preparation Kit Practice common interview questions.
LintCode Online judge with a variety of coding problems.
Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne Book and online materials for learning algorithms.
GeekyAnts - DS & Algo Handbook Comprehensive handbook with DSA problems and solutions.
MIT OpenCourseWare - Introduction to Algorithms MIT’s free course on algorithms.
Google Code Jam Google’s coding competition with challenging problems.
Sphere Online Judge (SPOJ) Online judge with a vast collection of algorithmic problems.
LeetCode Patterns Patterns for solving LeetCode problems efficiently.
Algorithm Visualizer Visualize algorithms to better understand their operation.
Hackerearth - Algorithms Algorithm challenges and practice problems.
CodeChef Competitive programming platform and contests.
Brilliant.org - Algorithms Course Interactive course on algorithms.
Techie Delight Coding problems and articles for DSA.
Resources Mega Compilation
Resource Description
LeetCode Online platform with a vast collection of coding proble
HackerRank Offers coding challenges and competitions.
GeeksforGeeks Provides tutorials and practice problems for DSA.
CodeSignal Platform for practicing coding and preparing for interv
InterviewBit Helps in preparing for technical interviews.
Pramp Peer-to-peer mock interviews with real-time coding.
TopCoder Hosting competitive programming contests.
Codewars Practice coding through challenges and katas.
Educative.io Interactive courses on various DSA topics.
Algorithm Visualizer Visualizes algorithms to aid understanding.
MIT OpenCourseWare - Introduction to Algorithms MIT’s course on algorithms.
Coursera - Data Structures and Algorithms Specialization A specialization offered by UC San Diego.
LeetCode Discuss Forum for discussing coding problems and solutions.
Project Euler Mathematical and computational problems for coding.
Kaggle Data science competitions and coding challenges.
Interview Cake Coding interview preparation with step-by-step solutio
AlgoExpert Platform with curated coding interview questions.
Google Code Jam Annual coding competition hosted by Google.
Sphere Online Judge (SPOJ) Online judge system with a vast collection of problems
CodeChef Competitive programming platform with regular contes
LeetCode Patterns Patterns for solving LeetCode problems efficiently.
Big-O Cheat Sheet Quick reference for Big-O complexities of algorithms.
CS50x - Harvard’s Introduction to Computer Science Online version of Harvard’s CS50 course.
The Art of Computer Programming (TAOCP) Classic book series by Donald Knuth.
Cracking the Coding Interview Book by Gayle Laakmann McDowell.
Introduction to Algorithms Book by Thomas H. Cormen et al.
Algorithm Design Manual Book by Steven S. Skiena.
Programming Pearls Book by Jon Bentley discussing programming.
Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship Book by Robert C. Martin.
Data Structures and Algorithms in Python Book by Michael T. Goodrich et al.
Elements of Programming Interviews Comprehensive book series by Aziz et al.
Algorithms (4th Edition) Book by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
The Coding Interview Bootcamp: Algorithms + Data Structures Udemy course by Stephen Grider.
Hackerearth Platform for coding challenges, hackathons, and skill as
LeetCode in Python 3 Book by Yang Hu providing Python solutions.
Algorithms Part I & II on Coursera Courses by Princeton University’s Robert Sedgewick.
Algorithms Specialization on Coursera Stanford University’s course series.
Competitive Programming 3 Book by Steven Halim and Felix Halim.
Udacity - Data Structures and Algorithms Nanodegree Program focusing on DSA concepts.
Coursera - Algorithms, Part I & II Online courses covering algorithms and data structures
Algorithms Illuminated (Part 1, 2, 3) Book series by Tim Roughgarden.
LeetCode Explained GitBook covering various LeetCode problems.
Dynamic Programming for Coding Interviews Book focused on dynamic programming concepts.
Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick Online version of the book with resources.
Interviewing.io Platform for practicing technical interviews.
Stanford Online - Algorithms: Design and Analysis Stanford’s online course.
Algocasts Video series explaining algorithms and data structures.
CodeNCode YouTube channel providing tutorials on algorithms.
Algorithms Live! YouTube channel with live problem-solving sessions.
Algorithm Problems Blog with detailed explanations of algorithmic problem
Algorithms and Data Structures - Full Course for Beginners Video course by freeCodeCamp.
CSES Problem Set Collection of algorithmic problems for practice.
LeetCode Top Interview Questions Curated list of top interview questions.
System Design Primer 8 GitHub repository for learning system design.
Competitive Programmer’s Handbook Book by Antti Laak sonen available online.
Introduction to Data Structures Algorithms in Python (Udemy)
Course for beginners in Python.