MMCC College Prospect Web Final
MMCC College Prospect Web Final
MMCC College Prospect Web Final
Hon. Late Shri Shankarrao Chavan Hon. Late Shri Vilasrao Deshmukh
Founder President, Ex. President,
Marathwada Mitra Mandal Marathwada Mitra Mandal
3 Dr Madhavrao V Suryawansh
hi Vice President
About MMCC
In 1986, the Commerce College under management, faculty members, students
the leadership of Prin. B.G. Jadhav, was and other stakeholders, the institute has
established in the prime location of Pune witnessed an unprecedented growth since
city, with a view to provide affordable and its establishment. Since its inception, MMCC
quality education especially to students from (approved by UGC and affiliated to Savitribai
Marathwada region and the underprivileged Phule Pune University) has gained its credentials
strata of society for their progression. The in the area of academics, community outreach
student centric activities and the congenial & programs, sports and culture at the state and
inclusive atmosphere of the college campus national and international level. We take pride
has brought many students from the city as in acknowledging and leveraging our network
well as the state to pursue their education. of alumni, who have attained distinguished
The ongoing growth of college and blooming positions in society across the globe. MMCC
student strength was all a result of the stands testimonial to its accolade, adjudged
honest and systematic efforts of staff and as the ‘The Best College’ by Savitribai
management that has jointly envisaged and Phule Pune University for its inclusive and
administered certain welfare schemes for the overall performance and is also reaccredited
progressiveness of society and upliftment of with ‘A’ grade by National Assessment and
masses. Accreditation Council (NAAC).
Vision Mission
To impart quality education for MMCC will strive to offer opportunities
professional excellence and for learning and development of
sustainable development through our students and work towards
continuous improvement, teamwork the attainment of social justice,
and efforts so as to promote welfare equity and contentment for all our
to all our stakeholders. stakeholders.
About MMM
Marathwada Mitra Mandal, Pune, is a Public to the economically underprivileged students
Charitable Trust registered on 19th Jan from the Marathwada region of Maharashtra.
1967 at the hands of Hon. Late Shankarraoji It was established through the inspiration
Chavan, Former Home Minister, Govt. of India; of socially and educationally charged
as the “Founder President” and followed by personalities, with the motto “येथे बहुत ां चे ि हत”
Hon. Late Vilasraoji Deshmukh, Former Union (Welfare of Masses). Mass education, co-
Minister, Govt. Of India. education and dedication towards overall
development of the region are watchwords of
The trust had started its activity with the the trust.
objective of providing hostel facility in Pune
President Message
our campuses has brought educational light to
many underprivileged families across the society.
We focus on discovering, developing and drawing
out the hidden talents and the magic lying dormant
inside all our students. From academics to co-
curricular activities, perseverance and a never-
say-die spirit are entrenched in the heart of every
student not only making them good students but
brilliant human beings. In today’s dynamic world,
a 360 degree development and grooming is of
supreme importance and through our campus we
are creating an environment for future leaders,
Shri S D Ganage entrepreneurs and professional who possess skills
President MMM and aptitudes in an array of functional disciplines.
The revolution witnessed today in the form of
Industry 4.0 propels us for a robust and mutually
The current education system along with research
benefitting linkages with industry and research
and industrial collaborations, are the tools for
developing a society through the young creative
and analytical minds for its holistic progress. The Together, let us share our ideas, dreams and
legacy ingrained by our Late Hon’ble Shankarraoji vision to make the learning process an even more
Chavan has scripted the path of work, development exciting experience. I cordially invite you to visit
and success of Marathwada Mitra Mandal (MMM). our institution and wish you a successful future in
The plethora of educational programs offered at the times to come.
MMCC is striving to fulfill
the dreams of millions
by embarking on the journey
of quality education.
Principal’s Message
Since its inception, MMCC has gained its
credentials in the area of academics, community
outreach programs, sports and culture at
the state and national and international
level. We take pride in acknowledging and
leveraging our network of alumni, who have
attained distinguished positions in society
across the globe. MMCC stands testimonial
to its accolade, adjudged as the ‘The Best
College’ by Savitribai Phule Pune University
for its inclusive and overall performance and
is also reaccredited with ‘A’ grade by National
Prof Dr Devidas Golhar Assessment and Accreditation Council
Principal (NAAC). Our team of dedicated faculty
members has built up industry partnerships
and community liaisons so as to supplement
the curriculum with practical leanings and
community sensitization. In the context of
At the very outset, I would like to send you the new Maharashtra Public University Act
warm greetings from Marathwada Mitra 2016 and the New Education Policy 2020, we
Mandal’s College of Commerce (MMCC), Pune. are taking diligent efforts to inculcate skill
building and value education programs in
Education has the potential to transform the order to nurture the overall capabilities and
demography of the society. With this optimism, required competencies amongst our students.
hope and determination, MMCC is striving to
fulfill the dreams of millions by embarking The college, while proud of its past
on the journey of quality education. The achievements, is marching ahead on its
broader philosophy being the ‘Welfare of the journey to achieve excellence. Along with my
Masses’, the institute has and will continue faculty colleagues, staff and our illustrious
to uphold its philosophy in changing times. alumni, I welcome you all to MMCC and look
With the relentless efforts and vision of the forward to partnering with you in your journey
management, faculty members, students, towards excellence.
alumni and other stakeholders, the institution Best Wishes!!
has witnessed an unprecedented growth since
its establishment.
Why MMCC ?
Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of which is actively functional to look into the
Commerce with its vision is moving with steady complaints lodged by any student, and judge
growth and development. MMCC is situated its merit. The Grievance cell is also empowered
in the heart of Pune city, Deccan Gymkhana. to look into matters of harassment.We have
The home to one of the most student-driven an anti – ragging cell which comprises of
environments in Pune, the institute thrives the Principal and other staff members. The
on the efforts of its students who continue to students are sensitized on the ill effects of
prove their mettle in curricular, co-curricular ragging and the legal proceedings in curbing
& extracurricular and sports events thereby the practice.The college has Complaint
strengthening the brand of the institute. Committee which is constituted hereby as per
following composition to receive and examine
MMCC through its meritorious students complaints of “Sexual Harassment of Women
continues to be one of the leaders in at the Work place” in terms of Section 4 of
Commerce education. The students are SHWW (PPR) Act, 2013.
provided necessary support and assistance
for excelling in their internship projects and For the overall development of girl students,
getting Placements. The students are provided the college has established “Priyadarshini
with a platform to showcase their talents Yuvati Manch” in June 1994. The objective of
in academics, social service through NSS & the Manch is self development along with the
Rotract Club, Dramatics through Arts circle development of the family and educational
etc. The College has a well established women institute. The NSS unit within the span of 30
development cell, Priyadarshini Yuwati Manch years has covered 28 villages and 5 tehsils
to counsel, guide and address their concerns. of Pune district for social awareness.The Art
Circle of the college has been active for the
‘Welfare of masses’ is the motto of our past 25 years. Subsequently, the students
institution and adhering to this motto, all have brought laurels and accolades to the
efforts and initiatives have been taken to college by winning many more such prestigious
develop welfare schemes for the betterment of competitions in various drama categories. The
our stakeholders especially students, parents, Rotaract Club commenced in AY 2014-15.The
teachers and the society at large that invoke activities conducted by the Club has brought
awareness amongst students and teachers recognition in many ways like DRR’s Best
with regard to social accountability and social Service Award, Best Charter Club, Outstanding
responsibility. Charter President, Maximum Participation in
The college has a Grievance Redressal Cell District Events
Department of Commerce
The Department of Commerce started in B.Com. is a three-year undergraduate full
1986 with the objective of catering young time course spread over six semesters, which
aspirants. From few hundred students in 1986 confers a graduate degree to the student.
the Commerce stream has grown by leaps and The department offers Master’s in Commerce
bounds and at present there are six divisions and post graduate Diploma courses (PGDBFI,
Department of Business Administration
Key Highlights experts and visiting faculties handhold the
students through their academic journey. The
The Department of Business Administration department offers a holistic and robust learning
was incepted in the year 2004. The department environment with a unique combination of
offers two programmes BBA and BBA (IB). curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular
Five full time Faculty along with Industry activities for student development.
Department of Computer Science
The Department of Computer Science started outreach has seen an excellent placement
in 2007 with the objective of catering to the record and liaising with prominent alumni in
growing demands of the dynamic IT industry different walks of life. There are
and has seen success through growth
and development of students into young ▪ Four PhD teachers
professionals and entrepreneurs. There are two ▪ Four MPhil teachers
academic programmes under this department: ▪ Two NET / SET faculty members.
1. BSc (Computer Science) with an intake of
160 students Key Highlights
2. BBA (Computer Application) with an intake The Department offers various certification
of 160 students. courses through IIRS-ISRO Nodal Center for
There are more than eighteen full time faculty skill development, conducts various value
members who are into teaching, evaluating, added courses for industry orientation,
mentoring and counseling the students for better organizes events for their holistic development
curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular and provides a platform for research orientation
performance. The multidisciplinary culture, through participation in SPPU’s Avishkar
environmental consciousness and social Competition.
To provide Computer education To develop problem-solving skills, think
1 by developing logical and
analytical skills so as to design
2 logically, identify and analyze a problem, design
a solution as a systematic way of processing
and implement the solutions for the necessary information to produce the
real world problems. required output, and implement the solution.
3 To provide a platform for developing and showcasing curricular, co curricular and extra
curricular activities to become confident professionals.
Department of Communication and Journalism
We offer a two year course, M.A.(Mass
Communication and Journalism).
To accustom students with modern communication technologies: particularly documentary,
short film, blog, podcasting, data analysis, technical writing and web content.
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CertificateCourse in ForeignLanguages
We provide an opportunity to learn an intensive opportunity to learn any foreign language
certificate course in Foreign Language i.e certificate course which is approved by
French, German, Spanish, Japanese for all Savitribai Phule Pune University and accepted
students. Students who are willing to go worldwide.
abroad for higher studies can get a golden
To use the foreign language particularly To change their world view gradually
3 as a part of their academic and
business life.
4 as they gain a better understanding of
their own culture and the culture(s) of
the foreign language.
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A candidate from Science stream, should have passed 12 th
B.Sc(CS) 160 Std. Examination (H.S.C.10+2) with minimum 40% of
marks and Mathematics as a passing subject.
Certificate Course in
A candidate from any stream, should have passed 12th
Foreign Languages 40
Std. Examination (H.S.C.10+2) with minimum 50% of
(French, German, each
marks and English as a passing subject.
Spanish, Japanese)
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Admission Rules and Procedure
The admission process for the AY 2023-24 ▪ Caste Certificate in case of reserved
is going to be held online. Please visit our category.
website “” ▪ Certificates in respect of reservation under
Sports/Physically challenged quota.
Online Admission Process for all First-year
programmes ie B.Com. / BBA (CA) / B.Sc. ▪ Passport size photograph
(Computer Science) / BBA / BBA-IB are purely ▪ Original Leaving Certificate. (Undertaking
on merit basis. Read the eligibility criteria will be accepted if LC not received)
carefully before applying for admission. ▪ Original Migration Certificate for only
Students are required to register themselves outside Maharashtra student.
for the online admission process by filling the
▪ Attested copy of Domicile certificate
admission registration form.
▪ Gap Certificate in case of education gap.
S.N. PROCESS ▪ Aadhar CARD photocopy
Filling of Registration form for online The merit list student should fill the online
admission process admission form and pay the requisite fees
before the given due date so as to confirm
2 Display of merit list
their admission otherwise their admission
Admission of merit list students by would stand canceled and seat will be passed
3 filling the online admission form and on to the next waiting list candidate. Any
payment of fees misinformation related to documents will
cause cancellation of admission.
Students should keep the following
Admission will stand canceled in case of any
documents ready for uploading while filling
discrepancy or falsity in data.
the registration form for the online admission
process; Admission cancellation rules will be as per
▪ Mark sheet of 12th Standard. SPPU guidelines
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Examination Pattern
S.N. Course Internal Evaluation External Practical and Project
30 Marks
(Quiz, Presentations,
Projects, assignments, oral Continuous Internal
70 Marks
1 B.Com. examinations, tutorials) Evaluation (CIE) is done
50 Marks
Practical subject : FY Bcom -1 for projects.
30 Marks Internal + 20 Marks
Continuous Internal
3 B.Sc.(CS) 15 35 Evaluation (CIE) is done
for projects
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For 2 credit subjects
50 Marks converted to grades
[Projects, activities, MCQs
presentation, vivas] No External
Evaluation In case of specialisation
For 3 credit subjects
50 marks projects
30 Marks [Open Book test,
in each semester
Assignments, Case study, MCQ,
from sem 3 onwards
Presentation, Group discussion 70 marks
5 BBA-IB where specialisation
case studies]
based industrial visits,
For 4 credit subjects computer interfaced
50 marks i.e. 30+20 modules and internships
30 marks [Open Book test, are covered.
Assignments, Case study, MCQ, 50 marks
Presentation, Group discussion
case studies]
20 marks Tutorial
Project Work & Internship Internal
(Insurance) 100 Marks Evaluation
8 (Semester
50 Marks
Continuous Internal
MA (JMC) [Assignments, making
Evaluation (CIE) is done
9 four Newspaper and news bulletin, 50 Marks
and progress will be
semesters Viva, Quiz, Presentation, Group
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Library Information
The Library is not simply a place or building, Scholarly Content” being jointly executed by
nor is it only a collection of resources. the UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium.
Rather, the Library, as a program of services It provides the widest range of online
(including on-site and remote collections), resources to us. We can read and download
possesses a mission of supporting learning from the N-List package. It is very useful for
by providing information services to meet the research scholars. We are also members of
needs of students and faculty.We are member DELNET, “DELNET-Developing Library Network
of N-List program,“N-List – National Library ‘’ Also we have membership of National Digital
and Information services Infrastructure for Library of India (NDL).
Course Wise cholarship / Freeship
S.N. Course Category
Scholarship Freeship Scholarship Freeship VJNT/ S BC SBC
(Income (No (Income (No Scholarship Freeship
Limit Rs. 2.5 Income Limit Rs. Income (Income (Income
Lakhs and Limit) 2.5 Lakh Limit) Limit Rs. 1 Limit Rs. 8
below) and below) Lakh and Lakh and
below) below)
11th & 12th
1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
11th & 12th
2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
11th & 12th
3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
4 B.Com Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
5 BBA Yes No Yes Yes No No
6 BBA(IB) Yes No Yes Yes No No
7 BCA Yes No Yes Yes No No
8 B.Sc (CS) Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
9 M.Com Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
10 MA-JMC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
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MMCC Competitive Exam-Guidance Centre : (MMCC- CEC)
About CEC
To prepare our students for various types of competitive examinations and build confidence
among the students through continuous counseling, and provide necessary exposure to
competitive environment.
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Our Recruiters
1 Concentrix 21 Sakal
2 Infosys 22 Newsnation
12 Mahindra 32 Loksatta
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Social Outreach Program
The college conducts various social / community platform to provide computer awareness and
outreach programs under the motto, ‘Welfare personality development to children at the
of Masses’ to provide holistic development of orphanage. The college conducts surveys and
students along with experiential learning. The awareness programs at five villages near Pune
thirteen month activity at an orphanage near as part of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan.
Pune at ‘Apla Ghar’ provided students with a
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Innovation & Incubation :
a) Under the skill development program
of Innovation and Start-up Cell, the
students showcased their talents in
events on research bulletin, business plan
competition, trade fair & exhibition. Fifty
eight students having entrepreneurial
inclination and self help groups participated
in SPPU’s Student event on promoting
research, ‘Avishkar’ Competition and the
trade fair & exhibition.
Maharashtra State Election, WE Foundation,
MakeItHappen Center for Invention, the promotion of holistic development
Innovation & Incubation (MMCIII) and of students through skill development in
many more have been instrumental in multidisciplinary environment.
a. Smart Classroom: equipped with laboratories for Computer Science,
wifi,Digital podium Information Technology, Mathematics
b. Divyangjan friendly environment: and Electronics. All the laboratories are
provision of ramp,lift,wheelchair, adequately equipped as per the University
c. Library:The College Library is the hub of
learning with a rich collection of books, f. Auditorium: College has an ICT enabled
e-books, standard reference sources and auditorium with 150 seating capacity.
other audio-visual material like video g. Assembly hall: The Assembly Hall of
cassettes and CD ROM’s. The library the college is used conventionally to host
subscribes to national and International academic and co-curricular activities of
journals. the college.
d. Canteen: With all care and hygiene,caters h. Gymnasium: Gymnasium has the latest
a wide variety of snacks, hot beverages as exercise and workout machine.
well as cold drinks and other food items. i. Girl’s Common Room: There is a
e. Laboratories: The college has separate separate room for Girls Students
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MMCC Art Circle
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National Service Scheme [NSS]
National Service Scheme is a programme run the inception of the NSS Unit at our college
under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, many students have joined this scheme and
Government of India and NSS cell, Higher and developed their behavioral, interactive skills.
technical education, Govt. of Maharashtra. Students visit the rural areas as NSS volunteers
National Service Scheme (NSS) has been during the camps organized by the college and
playing a vital role in enriching the souls and sensitize themselves with many social issues
minds of the students for a long time. as well as help the underprivileged people in
regards to development or other such issues.
The overall objective of this scheme is’
Education and Service’ to the community Regular Personality Activities Conducted under
and by the community. It is a programme for NSS : Development Programmes, Tree Youth
students to cater to the needs of the community, Festival, Cultural Programmes Plantation,
as and when required. It will also help the Awareness on Swatch Medical Check-up Camp,
students to communicate with society. The Blood Donation Bharath, Plastic free campus
scheme promotes the ability to present them activity, Awareness rallies and march past
in a better way. Thus the ultimate goal of the Programme, Disaster Management on social
scheme is striving for inculcation of the bond of
issues. Workshop, Road Safety Awareness
patriotism, national integration, brotherhood,
campaign. Activities Gram conducted swachhata
communal harmony among these volunteers.
in Special Winter Camp under Swachh Bharat
NSS Unit was introduced in MMCC in the : Aabhiyaan, Social Surveys, Street plays on
academic year 1989-90 under the guidance various social issues,Eradication of superstition
of founder Principal Dr. B. G. Jadhav and and blind beliefs, Personality Development
Programme officer Prof. Sarang Edke. Students, Programmes, Construction of Vanrai bunds
Teachers and community are three fundamental ,Construction of Roads,Awareness of various
pillars of NSS Unit. NSS Unit of our college Govt. Schemes to villagers, Awareness on
has a volunteer base of 100 students. Since avenues in Rural Entrepreneurship
The aim of NSS is to demonstrate this To develop among themselves a sense
1 motto in day-to-day life forever. 2 of social and civic responsibility.
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MMCC Sports Achivement
Ruturaj Gaikwad
We are proud of you!
An illustrious alumni of
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MMCC Community Outreach
Student of Marathwada Mitramandal College of Commerce, swimmer Sadhvi Dhuri was honored
with “The Khashaba Jadhav Kridanaipunya Puraskar” by Savitribai Phule Pune University.
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