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Professional Elective-IV

Course Title: Automotive Mechanics Course Code: 20ME731

Credits: 3 Total Contact Hours (L:T:P): 39:0:0
Type of Course: Theory Category: Professional Elective Course-IV
CIE Marks: 50 SEE Marks: 100
Pre-requisite: NIL

1 To explain functions of piston and piston rings, valves, cooling system and lubrication system.
2 To differentiate between supercharger and turbocharger and their respective constructions.

3 To understand the working principles of various ignition methods used and their operations.
4 To understand different energy transmission systems and their applications.
5 To develop the knowledge on steering types and different braking methods.


Unit No. of
Course Content
No. Hours
Engine Components and Cooling & Lubrication systems: cylinder - arrangements and
1 their relatives merits, cylinder, Liners, Piston rings, connecting rod, crankshaft, valves, 8
cooling requirements, Methods of cooling- Different lubrication arrangements
Super Chargers and Turbochargers: Naturally aspirated engines, Forced Induction,
Supercharging of SI Engines and CI Engines, Effects of supercharging on performance
2 of the engines, supercharging limits. Methods of supercharging, Types of superchargers, 7
Turbocharger construction and operation.

Ignition Systems: Introduction, Requirements of an ignition system, Battery Ignition

3 systems components of Battery Ignition systems, magneto Ignition system- rotating 7
armature type, rotating magnet type, Electronic Ignition system.
Transmission Systems: General arrangement of clutch, Principle of friction clutches,
Single plate, multi-plate clutches. Gear Box - Principle of gear box, Sliding mesh gear
4 9
box, constant mesh gear box, synchromesh gear box and Epicyclical gear box, fluid
coupling and torque converters, principle of automatic transmission.
Propeller shaft, universal joints, differential, rear axle drives, Hotchkiss and torque tube
drives, steering geometry, power steering, Brakes:Types of brakes, Disk brakes, drum
5 8
brakes, Hydraulic brakes and Air brakes, Antilock -Braking systems, purpose and
operation of antilock-braking system.

1. Automotive Mechanics, S. Srinivasan, Tata McGraw Hill 2003.
2. Automobile engineering, Kirpal Singh. Vol I and II 2002.

1. A course in I.C. Engines, M.L. Mathur and R.P. Sharma 2001
2. Internal Combustion Engines, Ganeshan, Tata McGraw Hill, 2ndEdition, 2003.

Web Resources:
1. https://www.udemy.com/course/internal-combustion-engines
2. https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/2-61-internal-combustion-engines-spring-2017

After completing this course, students should be able to:
CO1 Explain functions of piston and piston rings, valves, cooling system and lubrication system.
Differentiate between supercharger and turbocharger and their respective constructions.
Understand the working principles of various ignition methods used and their operations.
CO4 Understand different energy transmission systems and their applications.

CO5 Understand steering types and different braking methods.

Course Program Outcomes PSO’s

Outcomes PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 P012 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3
CO1 3 2 2 2
CO2 3 2 2 2
CO3 3 2 2 2
CO4 3 2 2 2
CO5 3 2 2 2
0, No association 1---Low association, 2--- Moderate association, 3---High association


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