Zincirli Elevat
Zincirli Elevat
Zincirli Elevat
MÜHENDİSLİK-MİMARLIK FAKÜLTESİ International Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 2024, 6(2), Page: 45-52
Araştırma Makalesi
Research Article
Abstract: In this study, a computer program has been developed for the computer-aided design of single-strand
chain elevators, which carry powder, bulk, and piece materials and have a wide range of applications. In industry or
other usage areas, the most common single-strand chain, gravity tensioned, pre-bedded, bucket elevator is dimen-
sioned using accepted coefficients, tables, catalogs, and formulas. The drive system includes an electric motor,
gearbox, bearing, shaft, sprocket, sprocket hub, chain, bucket, and drive upper and lower body enclosure. Brands
such as Nord, Yılmaz, Remas, and Flender are used as gearboxes, while brands such as SKF and FAG are used for
bearings. In our calculations, a computer program has been developed based on the technical specifications of Re-
mas for the gearbox and SKF for the bearings. Through the use of computer-aided design for the chain elevator,
time loss and the burden of the design process were significantly reduced. This study has led to the identification
of optimal design values, which in turn has lowered design costs. Operating costs were also minimized by avoiding
design errors.
Keywords: Elevator, Design by Classical Method, Bucket Conveyors
Özet: Bu çalışmada, toz, dökme ve parça malzemeleri taşıyan ve geniş bir uygulama alanına sahip olan tek sıra zin-
cirli elevatörlerin bilgisayar destekli tasarımı için bir bilgisayar programı geliştirilmiştir. Sanayi veya diğer kullanım
alanlarında en yaygın kullanılan tek sıra zincirli, yerçekimi ile gerilimli, önceden döşenmiş, kovalı elevatör, kabul
edilen katsayılar, tablolar, kataloglar ve formüller kullanılarak boyutlandırılmıştır. Tahrik sistemi elektrik motoru,
dişli kutusu, yatak, mil, dişli çarkı, dişli göbeği, zincir, kova ve tahrik üst ve alt gövde muhafazasını içerir. Dişli kutusu
olarak Nord, Yılmaz, Remas ve Flender gibi markalar kullanılırken, yataklar için SKF ve FAG gibi markalar kullanıl-
maktadır. Hesaplamalarımızda, dişli kutusu için Remas'ın teknik özelliklerine ve yataklar için SKF'nin teknik özel-
liklerine dayalı bir bilgisayar programı geliştirilmiştir. Zincir elevatörün bilgisayar destekli tasarımı sayesinde zaman
kaybı ve tasarım sürecinin yükü önemli ölçüde azaltılmıştır. Bu çalışma, optimal tasarım değerlerinin belirlenmesine
yol açmış ve tasarım maliyetlerini düşürmüştür. Ayrıca, tasarım hatalarından kaçınarak işletme maliyetleri de en aza
Anahtar Kelimeler: Elevatör, Klasik Metot ile Tasarım, Kovalı Konveyörler
Content of this journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Computer aided design of chain elavator
the elevator’s volume. Therefore, experimental standard In the study of Güven (1997), a computer-aided design
tables are required to be used for the selection of both of rubber band conveyors was made. The history of rub-
speed and drum diameter in practice. ber belt conveyors, their applications from the past to
the present, the types of bulk materials they can trans-
It was mentioned that for the transmission of relative- port, and the various types of rubber belt conveyors were
ly hard, coarse-grained materials (such as ore) at high discussed. The benefits of using computer-aided design,
temperatures, a chain elevator should be preferred, while particularly with the Visual Basic 3.0 programming lan-
for the transmission of powdered materials (especially guage, for the ergonomic design of conveyors in terms of
grains) at high speeds, a belt elevator should be preferred workload and time efficiency were emphasized.
(Kurtboğan, 2006). The traction elements of elevators
were extensively examined in this study, and their char- In the study of Karagülle (2004) an effort was made to
acteristics were analyzed. It was stated that the correct generate interest in the language among programmer
selection of either chain or belt should be made based candidates by developing two very simple yet useful ex-
on environmental conditions and material properties. amples for an introduction to visual programming. The
Standards determine almost all elements in elevator de- structure of the programming language, variables, data
sign, and it was noted that smooth transmission would types, loops, program control expressions, operators,
be achieved by utilizing these values in the design. mathematical operations, functions, subprograms, ob-
ject-oriented programming, and debugging issues were
In the study by Gerdemeli (1996), the types and parts of explained.
bucket elevators were defined. Information on loading
and unloading the elevator based on the characteristics In the study of Demirli and İnan (2006) an attempt was
of the transported material was also provided. It was made to explain screen windows for an introduction to
mentioned that materials such as coal dust, cement, pow- visual programming, the basics of programming, rec-
der, soil, and slate, which have small particles, dust, and ommendations for programmer candidates, assignment
moderate abrasiveness, would not resist scooping during procedures, functions and procedures, loops, and error
loading, making the scooping method suitable for con- handling procedures.
veying such materials. However, for materials with large
particles, coarse and abrasive properties, such as gravel,
ore, and large coal, which would resist scooping during
3. Method
loading, it was emphasized that direct feeding to the For the computation of a single-strand chain elevator and
buckets, bypassing scooping, should be employed. Re- the dimensioning of its components in a computer envi-
garding the emptying of the buckets, different emptying ronment, Visual Studio C# (C Sharp) 2017 Programming
types were mentioned depending on material properties Language was utilized. This programming language is
and elevator speed. It was also stated that almost all el- designed for creating various applications running on
ements in the design of bucket elevators are determined the .NET Framework in the Windows environment. It is
by standards, and theoretical calculations can be made an object-oriented programming language (Aktaş, 2014).
using these values in the design process.
46 Uluslararası Mühendislik, Tasarım ve Teknoloji Dergisi / International Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 2024: 6(2)
Onur Güven, Mehmet Ali Altunbaşak
at the top. Here, fundamental values such as capacity, elevator, and shaft sizing. When the shaft sizing button
shaft distance, bucket type and quantity, reducer type is clicked, the visual structure of the shaft along with nu-
and power, reducer shaft diameter, bearing type and merical values is displayed on the screen as shown in Fig-
shaft diameter, chain type and length, chain sprocket di- ure 3, which illustrates the drive system shaft sizing vi-
ameter and speed are displayed on the screen as output sualization. Clicking on the chain properties button will
results. Additionally, this screen includes icons showing display the chain characteristic values table on the screen
chain characteristic values, the overall appearance of the as shown in Figure 4. When the general appearance but-
Uluslararası Mühendislik, Tasarım ve Teknoloji Dergisi / International Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 2024: 6(2) 47
Computer aided design of chain elavator
ton is clicked, the parts constituting the elevator and the in this table have been incorporated into the program.
general appearance are displayed on the screen. Clicking The capacity values highlighted in yellow represent the
on the Project button, located next to the bucket type most suitable ergonomic capacity values created consid-
output, chain type output, and chain sprocket output, ering operating conditions and material properties. Se-
will display the project drawing details on the screen. lection can also be made from capacity values without
color, but here, the program prompts the selection based
4.1. Material Selection on the ergonomic capacity value. If the desired capacity
Computer-aided elevator calculations have been per- value exists, it is selected; otherwise, the closest higher
formed for materials such as clinker, coal, cement, fari- capacity value is chosen. If there are multiple capacity
na, ground limestone, slag, fly ash, limestone, sand, salt, values for the higher capacity, the program ensures the
and coke. By selecting the name of the material from the selection of the capacity value where the drum speed is
dropdown menu, the program obtains the specific grav- lower, considering the physical installation location of
ity value of the material from the table and includes this the elevator and, most importantly, the operating con-
value in the calculations. ditions. From the location of the selected capacity value,
the bucket type and volume, chain type and pitch; and
4.2. Capacity Selection from the vertical columns, chain sprocket diameter and
In the selection of capacity, the capacity table shown in speed parameters are selected. Based on these parame-
Figure 5, obtained through practical applications, expe- ters, the capacity is calculated in tons per hour (t/h) using
riences, and tests, has been utilized. The capacity values equation (1).
48 Uluslararası Mühendislik, Tasarım ve Teknoloji Dergisi / International Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 2024: 6(2)
Onur Güven, Mehmet Ali Altunbaşak
22 38,2 210
45,5 50,68 450 11,6 13 305 107 119 128 144 160 172
47,5 50,68
62,5 58,1 560 23,5 22,5 356 186 207 223 250 278 298
630 26,4 24,5 356 208 233 251 281 313 335
710 29,8 25,4 356 235 262 283 317 353 378
65 58,9 800 33,6 32,6 356 265 296 319 357 398 426
900 37,8 33,3 356 298 333 359 402 448 479
1000 41,9 42,5 356 331 369 398 445 496 531
82,5 70,9
1100 46,2 46,02 356 365 407 438 491 547 586
m³/ h (% 75 CONSIDERED AS FULL. )
Uluslararası Mühendislik, Tasarım ve Teknoloji Dergisi / International Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 2024: 6(2) 49
Computer aided design of chain elavator
plying the number of buckets by the bucket pitch. The bending moment Me (Nm) occurring in the shaft
is calculated from equation (5), where L represents the
4.5. Chain Link Section Calculation length in meters (m). The torsional moment Mb (Nm)
To select the chain material in the program, the mate- occurring in the shaft is determined from equation (6).
rial name is chosen from the dropdown menu on the
main window. This action allows the program to obtain
the material’s breaking strength value and include it in (5)
the calculations. In the program, chain views and inner
link sections for A1-B3-B4-B5-Ş06-Ş013-Ş15 chains have
been processed. Figure 6 displays only the A1 chain view (6)
and inner link section drawing detail.
The torsional moment Md (Nm) occurring in the shaft
Minimum total cross-sectional areas at pea-pin con- is calculated from the following equation. N is the pow-
nection of the chain types shown in the main window er transmitted by the motor (kW), n is the speed of the
result form are determined from the AutoCAD project motor (revolutions per minute, rpm), and η is the power
drawing for the pea cross-sectional areas of the select- transmission efficiency from the motor to the gearbox.
ed chain types. These values are taken by the program For the shaft to be able to perform the rotation process,
according to the chain types from the generated table. If Md must be greater than or equal to Mb.
a tensioning system weight project has been drawn, the
project weight is entered. If there is no project drawing, N
M d = 9550 (7)
an average weight should be entered into the program. n
4.6. Drive Shaft Diameter Calculation The shaft diameter D (m) under dynamic loads is calcu-
Figure 7 illustrates the forces acting on the drive shaft. lated from equation (8) considering the Maximum Shear
These forces cause shear, bending, and torsion in the Stress Hypothesis (MSSH). Equation (9) represents the
shaft. T1 represents the weight of the material-filled side shear safety stress.
(N), T2 represents the weight of the material-empty side
(N), and D represents the shaft hub diameter (m). (8)
50 Uluslararası Mühendislik, Tasarım ve Teknoloji Dergisi / International Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 2024: 6(2)
Onur Güven, Mehmet Ali Altunbaşak
Uluslararası Mühendislik, Tasarım ve Teknoloji Dergisi / International Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 2024: 6(2) 51
Computer aided design of chain elavator
lecting three different values from Figure 5, the designer perienced. If two different individuals were to design an
can make a choice from the design criteria in Table 1 for elevator with the same specifications using the classical
their design. These differences will lead to changes in the method without knowledge of each other’s work, they
elevator height, elevator length, and elevator weight. might arrive at different results. One of these results may
be more ergonomic than the other. Another scenario is
In this study, by inputting the operation data into the that designing for a different material at the same ca-
software implemented and running the program, the pacity and height would require starting all calculations
main window result form depicted in Figure 8 is ob- from scratch. Designing with computer assistance would
tained. minimize time loss and design workload, reduce design
costs by using optimal values, prevent erroneous designs,
The calculation results obtained by the classical meth- and consequently decrease operational and maintenance
od according to the preferences in Table 1 are compared expenses.
with the values calculated by the program in Figure 8 in
Table 2.
As a result, during the design process, it is crucial to Onur Güven https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8101-4871
have a thorough understanding of operating conditions Mehmet Ali Altunbaşak https://orcid.org/0009-0000-2729-6532
and material properties, and the designer must be ex-
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52 Uluslararası Mühendislik, Tasarım ve Teknoloji Dergisi / International Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 2024: 6(2)