4.CSS260S - Chapter 4 - System Modelling

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Control Systems

Systems Modelling

M . Esmail
Introduction to System modelling

 Experiment on Actual System

 Availability
 Cost
 Safety
 Time

 Mathematical Models
 Safe
 Cheap to deal with (most cases)
 Simulation and extreme conditions
 Inaccurate

Generally, What is Modelling?

 Modeling is a process of abstraction of a real system. A model portrays a conceptual

framework to describe a system and can be viewed as an abstraction (essence) of an
actual system or a physical replica of a system or a situation.

 Factual representation of reality

 Abstracted model:
 logical or
 Mathematical
 During model development process two thing must be considered:
• Simplicity of the model
• Accuracy of the model describe real-world phenomena
Types of models:
• Frequency domain modeling – transfer functions
• Time domain modeling – differential equations and state-space modeling
Definition: Mathematical Modelling

 Mathematical modelling is a description of a system using

mathematical concepts and language.
 Representation of the dynamic behaviors of a systems using as set
of equations.
 The mathematical models can be constructed from the knowledge
of the physical characteristics of the system.
 The model development depends of the system boundary, system
components and their interactions. As well as the type of the
analysis we need carry on.
Need of System Modelling

Mathematical modeling can be used to:

• Provide better understanding of the system.
• Can be used in inexpensive numerical simulation and design Computer
• Can be subjected to extreme conditions which would be dangerous on real
• investigate important questions about the observed world
• Model Parameters can be varied and optimized without added expense.
• Prediction of Input-Output characteristic of interconnected systems, and
prediction of outputs due to given inputs.
• Models are not exact descriptions of systems and may be misleading
• Models may not show some of the physical limits of systems that can lead to
damage or danger.
Types of Models

 Calibration Model:
 Detailed, includes variations, and
 Often Complex
 Nominal Model:
 Fit for purpose
 Used in control design and analysis
 Referred to as just “Model”
 Error Model:
 Difference between Nominal and
 Used for Robustness analysis
 Often not readily available.

Mathematical modelling categories based on
time variable

1. Continuous time mathematical Models:

It is based on set of differential equations that are valid for any

value of time variable

2. Discrete time mathematical models:

It provides information about the state of the physical system only

at selected set of distinct time or intervals (sampling time)
1.Differential Equations
• Systems are governed by Differential Equations

 A general Differential Equation

 n >= m for causality

• Laplace Transform:

• Rearrange and compute y(s)/u(s):

Example: RLC circuit

 Voltage input vi (t) and current output i(t)

M.Esmaill From M.S. Tsoeu

Steps for developing mathematical model for a
physical system:

Step1: Choose inputs/ Outputs Variables.

Step2 : Make an appropriate assumptions.
Step3: establish the mathematical relationship between the variables using:

 Physical Laws: to form differential equations

- Newton Laws ( Mechanical)
- Kirchhoff’s laws (Electrical)
Note : in some circumstances, this approach is too complex

 Identification method:
Run an experimental to determine the system parameters
considering the dynamical system as black box .

In most cases, the developed model will be converted either to transfer functions
(frequency domain models)or State space modelling representation (time domain
2.Transfer Functions

• A ratio of the output and input of

a system (Laplace/Fourier)

• Black box
• Nonparametric
• Provides an easy and
• convenient way to
manipulate systems

• Transfer Functions can be obtained from

• Differential equations by Laplace
• State Space models (will be covered in this cr)
• System Identification Methods (LATER)
• Black box
• Give a known input and resulting output
• Use the input and output data to get
• nals:
 Impulse
 Step Input
 Ramp
 Sinusoid

Derive the Transfer Function of the system governed by the

differential equation below with the input as voltage vi(t)
and output as the current i(t).


M.Esmaill From M.S. Tsoeu

Poles & Zeros of Transfer Function

Brief System Identification

 Use black box identification

methodknown signals on unknown
linear system
 Record the resulting output.
 From the input and the outpute
model is approximated.
• First order transfer

• Unit step response

• General first order model
• A = DC gain
• From the Plot:

• τ= Time constant [s]

• Time taken by output to reach 63% • and,
of its final value
• Measured from plot

• Which gives the transfer function,

Models of Common Systems

• In order to deal with systems modeling

(mechanical, electrical, electro-machanical,
thermal..etc....) as input-output relationships
without investigating component interactions (
Physical laws)
• First need to understand component physics and
interactions in order to form systems models.

• Models of systems through physical laws are

usually differential equations.
Electrical System Components

• Three electrical system building blocks – resistors,

capacitors, and inductors. In addition to operation
• System inputs and outputs will tend be voltages, v,
and currents, i. Input-output relationship of three
electrical components can be specified as
voltage- current or current-voltage .



• Therefore in summary, the

• Limits the flow of charge.
• Dissipates energy.
• Not a dynamic element
(passive element).



• In summary, the capacitor:

• Stores charge
• Is a dynamic element
• Stores energy
• Dynamic variable is voltage vc(t)
across it.

• C = capacitance in Farads [F]



In summary Inductor is:

• Coil
• Opposes the change in
• Dynamic element
• Stores electromagnetic
• Dynamic element is
current il).
Mathematical Modeling of Electrical systems

• For electrical systems, we use Kirchhoff’s laws to form differential equations

for the systems:

• These two laws can be very simply stated:

• Law 1 – The total current flowing into a node in the
circuit is equal to the total current flowing from that
node. (i.e. there is no residual current at nodes).

• Law 2 – In a closed loop of the network, the algebraic sum of the

potential differences across each part of the circuit is equal to the
applied voltage within that loop

Example 1: RC Circuit

Derive the relationship between the output, and the input for the RC
network circuit shown below
Example 2: RL Circuit

Derive the relationship between the output, and the input for the RL
network circuit shown below
Example 3: RLC Circuit

Derive the relationship between the output, and the input for the RLC
network circuit shown below
More complex Electrical Circuits -2nd order
passive network

Mesh Analysis:
1.Replace passive element values with their impedances.
2. Replace all sources and time variables with their Laplace transform.
3. Assume a transform current and a current direction in each mesh.
4. Write Kirchhoffs voltage law around each mesh.
5. Solve the simultaneous equations for the output.
6. Form the transfer function.
More complex Electrical Circuits -2nd order
passive network

Find a differential equations relating v1 and v2 for the relationship between the
network circuit shown below
OpAmp: as inverter

• Not a dynamic element

• Provides a gain
• Inverts the signal polarity
OpAmp: As integrator

• Contains one dynamic element –Capacitor

• Dynamic variable is voltage

OpAmp: Differentiator

• Contains one dynamic element –Capacitor

• Dynamic variable is voltage

Transfer function of Inverting Operational Amplifier

Ex: Find the transfer function, V0(s)/Vi(s), for the circuit given below.
Transfer function of Non-inverting Operational Amplifier

Ex: Find the transfer function, V0(s)/Vi(s), for the circuit given below.
Mechanical System Components

• Newton’s laws used to build mechanical systems from components.

1. Spring
Mechanical System Components

2. Dashpot(Damper):

Rotational: Linear:
From M.S. Tsoeu
Mechanical System Components

3. Mass:
Mechanical System Components
Mathematical Modeling of Mechanical systems

• For Mechanical systems, we use Newton’s law (second law) to form

differential equations for the systems:

• This law can be very simply stated:

• Law of motion – it states that the acceleration
of an object is directly proportional to the net force
acting on it, and inversely proportional to its mass.

• Steps to form differential equations for the mechanical systems:

• Draw Force diagram (free body Diagram)

Breaks the modelling problem to small pieces ( divide and role policy)d. Draw a
free body diagram for each unknow position
• Apply the second newton law of motion:
Developing/Building Mechanical System Models

Example 1: Consider a simple translational mechanical system with a mass that is

separated from the wall by a spring and dashpot. Develop the differential
equations for the given system

Building Mechanical System Models

Example 2: Consider a simple rotatory mechanical system with

a mass that is separated from the wall by a spring and dashpot.
Develop the differential equations for the given system
Gear Trains

•Gears are used in mechanicals systems

to couple motion between multibody
mechanical systems (Motion coupling).
•Spur, bevel, worm, etc.
•Diameter/radius ratio of gears gives
coupling factor.

Өo(t) = (dp /ds)Ө(t)

Өo (s)/Ө(s) = (dp /ds)

More complex Mechanical systems

Example 3: The Figure below shows a mechanical system with two masses and two
springs. Obtain the mathematical model of the system.
More complex Mechanical systems

Example 4: The Figure below shows a mechanical system with two masses and tone
springs. Obtain the mathematical model of the system.
More Complex Mechanical Systems

Example 5: Determine the differential equation for the mechanical system shown
Linear versus Nonlinear Control Systems

The classification is made according to the methods of analysis and design:

linear systems: do not exist in practice, because all physical systems are
nonlinear to some extent. Linear feedback control systems are idealized
models fabricated by the analyst purely for the simplicity of analysis and
design. When the magnitudes of signals in a control system are limited to
ranges in which system components exhibit linear characteristics (i.e., the
principle of superposition applies), the system is essentially linear.
Nonlinear systems: when the magnitudes of signals are extended beyond the
range of the linear operation, depending on the severity of the nonlinearity,
the system should no longer be considered linear. For instance, amplifiers used
in control systems often exhibit a saturation effect when their input signals
become large; the magnetic field of a motor usually has saturation properties.
Other common nonlinear effects found in control systems are the backlash or
dead play between coupled gear members, nonlinear spring characteristics,
nonlinear friction force or torque between moving members, and so on. Quite
often, nonlinear characteristics are intentionally introduced in a control system
to improve its performance.
Summary of basic Electrical systems components
Thank You!


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