Number of Bits Required For Memory Address
Number of Bits Required For Memory Address
Number of Bits Required For Memory Address
In this case:
1. Fetch: The CU initiates the data transfer by sending the address of the desired data to the
MAR.The MAR address is then sent to the MM.
2. Read: The MM locates the data at the specified address.The data is retrieved from MM and placed
in the MDR.
3. Transfer: The MDR transfers the data to the appropriate register or processing unit within the CPU
(e.g., ALU) for further processing.
2.b.)What is byte addressing? Differntiate b/w big endian and little endian addresability
Byte addressing refers to the method by which individual bytes in computer memory are accessed and
manipulated. In byte addressing, each byte in memory is assigned a unique address, allowing the
processor to read from or write to specific bytes directly.
Big endian and little endian are two byte ordering schemes that dictate how multi-byte data types (such
as integers and floating-point numbers) are stored in memory. The difference lies in the order in which
bytes are arranged.
• Big Endian: In big endian, the most significant byte (MSB) is stored at the lowest memory
address, while the least significant byte (LSB) is stored at the highest memory address. It's like
reading a number from left to right, where the leftmost digit is the most significant.
• Little Endian: Conversely, in little endian, the least significant byte (LSB) is stored at the
lowest memory address, and the most significant byte (MSB) is stored at the highest memory
address. This ordering is akin to reading a number from right to left, with the rightmost digit
being the least significant.
To understand the difference in byte addressability assignments in these two schemes, consider a 4-byte
integer 0x12345678 stored in memory:
• Big Endian:
• Memory Address: 0x1000: 12
• Memory Address: 0x1001: 34
• Memory Address: 0x1002: 56
• Memory Address: 0x1003: 78
• Little Endian:
• Memory Address: 0x1000: 78
• Memory Address: 0x1001: 56
• Memory Address: 0x1002: 34
• Memory Address: 0x1003: 12
In big endian, the memory addresses increase from left to right as the significance of the bytes increases
(MSB to LSB). In little endian, the addresses increase from left to right, but the bytes are stored in
reverse order, with the least significant byte at the lower address.
3.a.)Why non restoring division method is faster than restoring division method?
Divide (1000)2 by (11)2 using non restoring method( also know abt restoring method)
Ans: Non-Restoring Division and Restoring Division are two algorithms used in computer arithmetic for dividing
one number by another. Non-Restoring Division can be faster than Restoring Division primarily because it
requires fewer iterations and has less overhead due to avoiding repeated restorations of the remainder during
the division process.
3.b.)Mention the sequence of control Stops required to perform the operation . Add[R3] ,R1 in a single bus
In a single-bus organization, where only one operation can be performed at a time, the sequence of control steps
required to perform the operation Add[R3], R1 would typically involve the following steps:
1. Fetch Instruction (IF): The processor fetches the instruction Add[R3], R1 from memory into the
instruction register (IR).
2. Decode Instruction (ID): The instruction is decoded to determine the operation to be performed
(addition) and the operands involved (contents of memory location pointed to by R3 and register R1).
3. Read Operand 1 (RO1): The processor reads the contents of memory location pointed to by R3 to fetch
Operand 1.
4. Read Operand 2 (RO2): The processor reads the contents of register R1 to fetch Operand 2.
5. Perform Operation (OP): The processor performs the addition operation using Operand 1 and Operand
6. Write Result (WR): The result of the addition operation is written back to the memory location pointed
to by R3.
5.b.)List some disadvantage of ripple carry adder.Design a 4 bit carry-look-ahead adder with diagram?
Main Memory Address is divided into 1 fields : Main Memory Address is divided into 3
TAG & WORD. fields : TAG, SET & WORD.
If the processor need to access same memory In case of frequently accessing two
location from 2 different main memory pages different pages of the main memory if
frequently, cache hit ratio has no effect. reduced, the cache hit ratio reduces.
Search time is more as the cache control logic Search time increases with number of
examines every block’s tag for a match. blocks per set.
Expensive because it needs to store address along It is most expensive as with the increase in
with the data. set size cost also increases.
Example: Fully associative cache with no set Example: 2-way set-associative cache with
structure. sets and multiple cache lines per set.
7.a.)List out the different I/O transfer techniques cmd briefly explain how DMA is used for transferring data
fom peripherals?
1. Initialization: The CPU initializes the DMA controller by setting up parameters such as the
source address (peripheral), destination address (memory), transfer size, and transfer mode (e.g.,
read or write).
2. DMA Request: When an I/O device needs to transfer data, it sends a DMA request signal to the
DMA controller.
3. DMA Setup: Upon receiving the DMA request, the DMA controller takes control of the system
bus and initiates the data transfer based on the parameters set by the CPU.
4. Data Transfer: The DMA controller transfers data directly between the peripheral and memory
without CPU involvement, utilizing high-speed bus access and improving overall system
5. Completion and Notification: Once the data transfer is complete, the DMA controller signals
the CPU through an interrupt or other notification mechanism, allowing the CPU to process the
transferred data or perform follow-up actions as needed.
7.b.)Draw a diagram for the organization of a small chip consists of 16X8 memory Chip.Explain its working
Working Principle of a 16x8 Memory Chip:
1. Read Operation:
a. CPU sends address via address lines.
b. Asserts Read (R) control signal.
c. Memory chip activates corresponding memory location.
d. Data from that location sent back to CPU.
2. Write Operation:
a. CPU sends address and data via address and data lines.
b. Asserts Write (W) control signal.
c. Memory chip activates corresponding memory location.
d. Stores data sent by CPU in that location.
3. Memory Access Timing:
a. Memory chip responds within access time.
b. Access time includes activation, data transfer, and completion.
4. Address Decoding:
a. Address lines decoded to select memory location.
5. Data Transfer:
a. Data lines carry binary data during read/write.
b. Control signals guide chip's data transfer direction.
8.a.)Why cache replacement algo are required? Consider a fully associative cache with 8 cache blocks and the
following sequence of memory block requests are : 10,12,25,7,19,6,25,8,16,35,45,22,7,12,16,25,20,11. If LRU
Policy is used which cache block will have memory block 11?
Cache replacement algorithms are essential in managing the contents of a cache memory, especially when the
cache is full and a new block needs to be fetched. These algorithms decide which block to replace in the cache
when a new block is requested and the cache is already full.
LRU works on the principle of replacing the least recently used block when a new block needs to be brought into
the cache.
analyzing the given sequence of memory block requests and determine which cache block will have memory
block 11 if the LRU policy is used:
1. Initial State (Cache is empty):
• Cache Blocks: [Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty]
• Memory Block 10 is requested: Cache Block 1 gets Memory Block 10.
2. State after Memory Block 10:
• Cache Blocks: [10, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty]
3. Memory Block 12 is requested:
• Cache Blocks: [12, 10, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty]
4. Memory Block 25 is requested:
• Cache Blocks: [25, 12, 10, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty]
5. Memory Block 7 is requested:
• Cache Blocks: [7, 25, 12, 10, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty]
6. Memory Block 19 is requested:
• Cache Blocks: [19, 7, 25, 12, 10, Empty, Empty, Empty]
7. Memory Block 6 is requested:
• Cache Blocks: [6, 19, 7, 25, 12, 10, Empty, Empty]
8. Memory Block 25 is requested again:
• Cache Blocks: [25, 6, 19, 7, 12, 10, Empty, Empty]
9. Memory Block 8 is requested:
• Cache Blocks: [8, 25, 6, 19, 7, 12, 10, Empty]
10. Memory Block 16 is requested:
• Cache Blocks: [16, 8, 25, 6, 19, 7, 12, 10]
11. Memory Block 35 is requested:
• Cache Blocks: [35, 16, 8, 25, 6, 19, 7, 12]
12. Memory Block 45 is requested:
• Cache Blocks: [45, 35, 16, 8, 25, 6, 19, 7]
13. Memory Block 22 is requested:
• Cache Blocks: [22, 45, 35, 16, 8, 25, 6, 19]
14. Memory Block 7 is requested again:
• Cache Blocks: [7, 22, 45, 35, 16, 8, 25, 6]
15. Memory Block 12 is requested again:
• Cache Blocks: [12, 7, 22, 45, 35, 16, 8, 25]
16. Memory Block 16 is requested again:
• Cache Blocks: [16, 12, 7, 22, 45, 35, 8, 25]
17. Memory Block 25 is requested again:
• Cache Blocks: [25, 16, 12, 7, 22, 45, 35, 8]
18. Memory Block 20 is requested:
• Cache Blocks: [20, 25, 16, 12, 7, 22, 45, 35]
19. Memory Block 11 is requested:
• Cache Blocks: [11, 20, 25, 16, 12, 7, 22, 45]
In this sequence of requests using the LRU policy, the cache block that will have memory block 11 is the first one.
8.b.)Write Short Notes on : i)SCSI ii) Interput-driven I/O
1. Purpose: SCSI is a standard interface used to connect computer peripherals like hard drives, tape drives,
scanners, and printers to a computer system.
2. Advantages:
• High-performance data transfer rates.
• Supports multiple devices on a single bus.
• Supports both parallel and serial implementations.
3. Types: SCSI can be implemented as SCSI-1, SCSI-2, SCSI-3, or SCSI-4, each version offering improved
4. Components:
• Initiators: Devices that initiate SCSI commands .
• Targets: Devices that respond to SCSI commands.
• SCSI Bus: The physical connection medium that facilitates data transfer between initiators and targets.
• Controllers: Interface cards or chips that manage SCSI communication.
5. Protocol: SCSI uses a protocol for communication between initiators and targets, including command
phases, data phases, and status phases.
Interrupt-driven I/O:
1. Concept: Interrupt-driven I/O is a mechanism where I/O devices interrupt the CPU to signal completion of
operations or to request attention.
2. Operation:
• When an I/O operation is initiated, the CPU hand over’s control and continues other tasks.
• The I/O device performs the operation independently and interrupts the CPU upon completion or when
attention is needed.
3. Advantages:
• Efficient usage of CPU time ,as it performs other tasks while waiting for I/O operations to complete.
• Allows concurrent processing of multiple I/O requests.
4. Components:
• Interrupt Controller: Manages interrupts from various devices and prioritizes them for CPU handling.
• Device Drivers: Software components that facilitate communication between the CPU and I/O devices,
including handling interrupts.
5. Interrupt Handling:
• Upon receiving an interrupt, the CPU saves its current state, processes the interrupt request, and then
resumes the interrupted task.