B Tech CE - AI DS 2022 2026

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Member of Association of Indian Universities & Approved by UGC (Govt. of India) under 2(f) &



B.Tech. (AIDS) BATCH 2022-2026
(AI & DS)


BATCH: 2022-26

S. No Contents
1 Vision, Mission and Quality Policy of University
2 Knowledge Wheel
3 Preamble
4 About Program and Program Outcomes (POs)
5 Examination System
6 Assessment & Grade Point Average: SGPA, CGPA
7 Guidelines for MOOC Courses
8 Teaching Scheme of all Semesters
9 Teaching Syllabus of all Semesters

Disclaimer: The scheme, syllabus and other materials published in this booklet may be changed or
modified as per the requirement after approval of competent authority. The decision taken by the
management of Poornima University will be final and abiding to all.

Student Details

Name of Student:

Name of Program:

Semester: Year: Batch:

Faculty of:

To create knowledge based society with scientific temper, team spirit and dignity of labor to

face global competitive challenges.


To evolve and develop skill based systems for effective delivery of knowledge so as to equip

young professionals with dedication and commitment to excellence in all spheres of life.

Quality Policy

To provide Quality Education through Faculty development, updating of facilities and

continual improvement meeting University norms and keeping stake holders satisfied.
Knowledge Wheel

At Poornima, the academic atmosphere is a rare blend of modern technical as well as soft

skills and traditional systems of learning processes.

About Program and Program Outcomes (PO):

Title of the Programme: Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.)

Nature of the Programme: B. Tech. is four-year full-time programme.

Program Outcomes (PO) :

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and
an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering
problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and
engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design
system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the
public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods
including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to
provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an
understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal,
health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional
engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in
societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the
engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse
teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering
community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and
design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and
management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage
projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in
independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Examination System:
A. Marks Distribution of Theory Course:


ESE (Th.) IE (Th.)

60 40

CIE-I (Th.) MSE (Th.) CIE-II (Th.) Attendance

12 12 6 10

B. Marks Distribution of Practical Course :


ESE (Pr.) IE (Th.)

40 40

CIE-I (Pr.) MSE (Pr.) CIE-II (Pr.) Attendance

20 20 10 10

Th. : Theory, Pr. : Practical, ESE: End Semester Examination, MSE: Mid Semester Examination,
CIE: Continuous Internal Evaluation.
Marks Distribution of Attendance:

Guidelines for Marks Distribution of Attendance Component

Total Course Attendance (TCA) range in
S No. Marks allotted (out of 10)
1 95% ≤ TCA 10

2 90% ≤ TCA < 95% 9

3 85% ≤ TCA < 90% 8

4 80% ≤ TCA < 85% 7

5 70% ≤ TCA < 80% 6

6 60% ≤ TCA < 70% 5

7 50% ≤ TCA < 60% 4

8 40% ≤ TCA < 50% 3

9 30% ≤ TCA < 40% 2

10 20% ≤ TCA < 30% 1

11 TCA < 20% 0

CO Wise Marks Distribution:

Theory Subject Practical/ Studio Subject

Maximum CO to be CO to be Maximum
Marks Covered Covered Marks
CIE-I (Class
12 (6 + 6) 1&2 1&2 20 (10 + 10)
MSE 12 (6 + 6) 3&4 3&4 20 (10 + 10)
CIE-II (Activity/
6 (6) 5 5 10 (10)
Attendance 10 - - 10
ESE 60 - - 40
TOTAL 100 - - 100
Minimum Passing Percentage in All Exams:
Minimum Passing Percentage
S. No. Program
in All Exam
ESE Total
Component Component

1 Course Work for Ph. D Registration ------------------- 50 %

2 B. Arch. 45 % 50 %

MBA, MHA, MPH, MCA, M. Tech., M. Plan.

3 40 % 40 %
and M. Des.
B. Tech., B. Des., BCA, B.Sc., BVA, B. Voc.,
4 35 % 40 %
BBA, B.Com., B.A. and Diploma
40 % (Theory) &
5 B. Sc. (Hospitality & Hotel Administration) 35 %
50 % (Practical)

Break-up of Internal Exam (Theory):

Class Test
Quiz (MM: 12)

CIE-II Activity Presentation

(With CO)
Assignment (MM: 12) (2Hr.)

Special Task
Break-up of Internal Exam (Practical):

Test/ Quiz/

Each CIE Pr.
and MSE Pr. t
Activity Presentation/ Viva

Any Other

Assessment & Grade Point Average: SGPA, CGPA:

SGPA Calculation

𝑪𝟏 𝑮𝟏 +𝑪𝟐 𝑮𝟐 +⋯………………..𝑪𝒏 𝑮𝒏
𝑪𝟏 +𝑪𝟐 +⋯………………..𝑪𝒏

Where ( as per teaching Scheme & Syllabus) :

∑𝒊 𝑪𝒊 ×𝑮𝒊 Ci is the number of Credits of Courses i,

SGPA = Gi is the Grade Point for the Course i and i = 1, 2…….n
∑𝒊 𝑪𝒊
n = number of courses in a programme in the Semester

CGPA Calculation

𝑪𝟏 𝑮𝟏 +𝑪𝟐 𝑮𝟐 +⋯………………..𝑪𝒏 𝑮𝒏
𝑪𝟏 +𝑪𝟐 +⋯………………..𝑪𝒏

Where ( as per teaching Scheme & Syllabus) :

CGPA = Ci is the number of Credits of Courses i,

Gi is the Grade Point for the Course i and i = 1, 2…….n
∑𝒊 𝑪𝒊 ×𝑮𝒊
n = number of courses in a programme of all the Semester up to which
∑𝒊 𝑪𝒊
CGPA is computed.
Grading Table:

Award of Class:
Guidelines for MOOC COURSES:

1. Applicable from the session 2020 – 21 onwards, for students aspiring for HONOURS Degree.
2. The UGC has issued UGC (Credit Framework for Online Learning Courses) Regulation, 2016. These
shall apply to all universities established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, a Provincial Act, or a
State/Union Territory Act and all institutions recognized by or affiliated to such Universities and all
institutions deemed to be universities under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956.
3. All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has introduced Model Curriculum for Bachelor
programs of 4 years/ 3 Years, and additional credits will be required to be done for the degree of
Bachelor program with Honors. These additional credits will have to be acquired with online courses
(MOOCs) as per AICTE.
4. This creates an excellent opportunity for students to acquire the necessary skill set for employability
through massive online courses where the rare expertise of world-famous experts from academics and
industry are available.
5. Students are required to complete additional credits through MOOCs within 4 years/ 3years of time
(whatever be applicable time for the completion of registered program) so as to become eligible for
Honors degree as per norms.
6. It is necessary to complete minimum MOOCs credit course as mentioned below for becoming eligible
for the Honors degree in the registered program.
7. MOOC Course Credits shall be calculated as per details given below:
8. Student are required to give the prior information about MOOCs courses to his respective HOD and
COE, in which he/she wants to register for online certification.
9. After getting permission from respective HOD, a student can register for the MOOC certification
10. After successful completion of the said MOOC course, the student shall submit the certificate of
completion to the respective department. If he/ she fails to provide the certificates of MOOC courses
before last teaching day of the semester then these certificates will not be considered later.

Required credits for Honors:

S. No Program Duration Required credits for Honors

1. 2- Year 10- Credits
2. 3- Year 15- Credits
3. 4-Year 20- Credits
S. No NPTEL/ SWAYAM Course duration (in weeks) Equivalent Credits
1 4 2
2 8 3
3 12 4

Attached Items:

Open Elective Booklet Annexure-1

Soft Skills Booklet Annexure-2
Value Added Course Booklet Annexure-3
Bachelor of Technology in Computer
with specialization in

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science


Batch 2022-26
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
Department of First Year
Batch: 2022-26
Name of Programs: B.Tech. Computer Engineering (AI&DS, CS, CC, and GT)
Teaching Scheme for Year I Semester I

Teaching Scheme
Marks Distribution
(Hrs per Week)
Course Code Course Name
Lecture Tutorials Practical
IE ESE Total
(L) (T) (P)
A. University Core Courses
BULCSA1101 Environmental Studies 2 - - 40 60 100 2
B. Department Core Courses
B.1 Theory
BTXCSA1101 / Engineering Mathematics / 3 1 - 40 60 100 3
BTXCSA1102 Engineering Physics
BTXCEE1103 / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / 3 1 - 40 60 100 3
BTXCME1104 Engineering Mechanics
BTXCCE1105/ Programming in C / 3 - - 40 60 100 3
BTXCEE1106 Introduction to Futuristic Technologies
BADCCE1107 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence*
BCGCCE1107 Introduction to Cloud Computing**
3 - - 40 60 100 3
BCSCCE1107 Introduction to Cyber Security***
BGTCCE1107 Introduction to Game Technology
B.2 Practical
BTXCME1201 / Machine Drawing Lab / Engineering
- 1 2 60 40 100 1
BTXCSA1202 Physics Lab-1
BTXCEE1203 / Electrical &Electronics Engineering Lab /
- 1 2 1
BTXCME1204 Workshop Practice 60 40 100
BTXCCE1205 / Programming in C Lab / Practical
- 1 2 60 40 100 1
BTXCME1206 Geometry
Foundation English / Language Lab - - 2 1
BTXCHM1208 60 40 100
C. Department Elective
D. Open Elective
Humanities and Social Sciences including
Management courses
Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) OR
F. Project work, Seminar and Internship in
Industry or Elsewhere
BTXCTX1301 Project - - 4 60 40 100 2
Discipline, Value Added Courses &
G. Social Outreach
Discipline, Value Added Courses & Social -
BTXCTX1601 - - - 50 50 1
BTXCTX1602 Talent Enrichment Programme (TEP)-I 1 - -
BTXCTX1603 Library / MOOC / NSP 1 - -
Total 15 05 13
Total Teaching Hours 33 21
*Applicable to B.Tech (AI&DS)
** Applicable to B.Tech CE (Cloud Computing)
*** Applicable to B.Tech CE (Cyber security)
applicable to B.Tech CE(Game Technology)
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
Department of First Year
Batch: 2022-26
Name of Programs: B.Tech. Computer Engineering (AI&DS, CS, CG, and GT)
Teaching Scheme for Year I Semester II
Teaching Scheme

Marks Distribution
(Hrs per Week)
Course Code Course Name
Lecture Tutorials Practical
IE ESE Total
(L) (T) (P)
A. University Core Courses
B. Department Core Courses
B.1 Theory
BTXCSA2101 Engineering Chemistry 3 - - 40 60 100 3
BTXCSA2102 / Engineering Mathematics / 3 1 - 40 60 100 3
BTXCSA2103 Engineering Physics
BTXCEE2104 / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / 3 1 - 40 60 100 3
BTXCME2105 Engineering Mechanics
BTXCCE2106/ Programming in C / 3 - - 40 60 100 3
BTXCEE2107 Introduction to Futuristic Technologies
B.2 Practical
BTXCSA2201 Engineering Chemistry Lab - 2 60 40 100 1
BTXCME2202 / Machine Drawing Lab / Engineering
- 1 2 60 40 100 1
BTXCSA2203 Physics Lab-1
BTXCEE2204 / Electrical &Electronics Engineering Lab /
- 1 2 1
BTXCME2205 Workshop Practice 60 40 100
BTXCCE2206/ Programming in C Lab / Practical
- 1 2 60 40 100 1
BTXCME2207 Geometry
Foundation English / Language Lab - - 2 1
BTXCHM2209 60 40 100
Programming in Python - 1 2 60 40 100 1
C. Department Elective
D. Open Elective: Anyone
As per Annexure-I 2 - - 40 60 100 2
Humanities and Social Sciences
including Management courses
Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) OR
F. Project work, Seminar and Internship in
Industry or Elsewhere
Discipline, Value Added Courses &
Social Outreach
Discipline, Value Added Courses & Social
BTXCTX2601 - - - 50 - 50 1
BTXCTX2602 Talent Enrichment Programme (TEP)-II - - -
BTXCTX2603 Library / MOOC / NSP 1 - - -

Total 15 06 12
Total Teaching Hours 33 21
Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Name of Program: B.Tech. in Computer Engineering (With Specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Teaching Scheme for Year II Semester III Batch 2022-26
Teaching Scheme Marks

(Hrs per Week) Distribution
Course Name Lecture Tutorials Practical
Code IE ESE Total
(L) (T) (P)
A. University Core Courses
B. Department Core Courses
B.1 Theory
BCECSA3101 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3 - - 40 60 100 3
BCECCE3102 Data Structures and Algorithms 3 - - 40 60 100 3
BCECCE3103 OOPs with Java 3 - - 40 60 100 3
BCECCE3104 Operating System 3 - - 40 60 100 3
B.2 Practical
BCECCE3201 Data Structures and Algorithms Lab - - 2 60 40 100 1
BCECCE3202 OOPs with Java Lab - - 2 60 40 100 1
BCECCE3203 Operating System Lab - - 2 60 40 100 1
BCECCE3204 Linux Lab - - 2 60 40 100 1
C. Department Elective: Anyone
BCEECE3111 Computer Graphics
BCEECE3112 Fundamental of Data Science 3 - 40 60 100
- 3
BCEECE3113 Cyber Crime Law & IPR
BCEECE3114 Introduction to UI/UX
D. Open Elective: Anyone
As Per Annexure-I 2 - - 40 60 100 2
Humanities and Social Sciences
E. including Management courses OR
Ability Enhancement Compulsory
Course (AECC)
BULCHU3201 Communication Skills-I - 2 60 40 100 1
Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)
F. OR Project work, Seminar and
Internship in Industry or Elsewhere
- - - - -
Discipline, VAC & Social Outreach
Talent Enrichment Programme (TEP)
- - 2 - - -
BCECCE3601 Library / MOOC / Online Certification 1
Courses - - 2 - - -
Non-Syllabus Project / Industrial Visit / - - 2 - - -
Total 17 16
Total Teaching Hours 33
Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Name of Program: B.Tech. in Computer Engineering (With Specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science)
Teaching Scheme for Year II Semester IV Batch 2022-26
Teaching Scheme Marks

(Hrs per Week) Distribution
Course Name Lecture Tutorials Practical
Code IE ESE Total
(L) (T) (P)
A. University Core Courses
B. Department Core Courses
B.1 Theory
BCECCE4101 Computer Networks 3 - - 40 60 100 3
BCECCE4102 Information System Security
3 - - 40 60 100 3
BCECCE4103 Relational Database Management 3 - - 40 60 100 3
BADCCE4104 RPA Tool -
3 - 40 60 100 3
B.2 Practical
BCECCE4201 Computer Networks Lab - - 2 60 40 100 1
BCECCE4202 Relational Database Management - - 2 60 40 100 1
System Lab
BCECCE4203 Interactive Web application development
lab - - 2 60 40 100 1
BADCCE4204 RPA Tool Lab
- - 2 60 40 100 1
C. Department Elective: Anyone
BCEECE4111 Theory of Computation
BCEECE4112 Fundamentals of Machine Learning -
- 40 60 100
BCEECE4113 Security Audit & Risk Management 3 3
BCEECE4114 Fundamentals of Game Marketing
BCEECE4115 Installation and Configuration of Server
D. Open Elective: Anyone
As Per Annexure-I 2 - - 40 60 100 2

Humanities and Social Sciences

including Management courses OR

Ability Enhancement Compulsory

Course (AECC)

BULCHU4201 Communication Skills-II - 2 60 40 100 1

Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)OR
F. Project work, Seminar and Internship
in Industry or Elsewhere
- - - - -
Discipline, VAC & Social Outreach
Talent Enrichment Programme (TEP) - - 2 - - -

BCECCE4601 Library / MOOC / Online Certification - - 2 - - - 1

Non-Syllabus Project / Industrial Visit / - - 2 - - -
Total 17 16
Total Teaching Hours 33
Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Name of Program: B.Tech. in Computer Engineering (With Specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science)
Teaching Scheme for Year III Semester V Batch 2022-26
Teaching Scheme Marks

(Hrs per Week) Distribution
Course Course Name Lecture Tutorials Practical
Code (L) (T) (P) IE ESE Total
A. University Core Courses
B. Department Core Courses
B.1 Theory
BCECCE5101 Design & Analysis of Algorithms 3 - 40 60 100 3
BCECCE5102 Software Engineering 3 - - 40 60 100 3
BADCCE5103 Deep Learning 3 - - 40 60 100 3
BADCCE5104 R Programming 3 - 40 60 100 3
B.2 Practical
BCECCE5201 Design & Analysis of Algorithms Lab - - 2 60 40 100 1
BCECCE5202 Software Engineering Lab - - 2 60 40 100 1
BADCCE5203 Deep Learning Lab - - 2 60 40 100 1
BADCCE5204 R Programming Lab - - 2 60 40 100 1
C. Department Elective: Anyone
BCEECE5111 Advance Cloud Computing
BCEECE5112 Advance Artificial Intelligence -
BCEECE5113 Cloud Migration & Deployment 3 - 40 60 100
BCEECE5115 Introduction to 3D Animation &
D. Open Elective: Anyone
As Per Annexure-I 2 - - 40 60 100 2
Humanities and Social Sciences
E. including Management courses OR

Ability Enhancement Compulsory

Course (AECC)
BULCHU5201 Human Values & Professional Ethics - 2 60 40 100 1
Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)OR
F. Project work, Seminar and
Internship in Industry or Elsewhere
- - - - -
Discipline, VAC & Social Outreach
Talent Enrichment Programme (TEP) - 2
- - - -
BCECCE5601 Library / MOOC / Online Certification - 2 1
Courses - - - -
Non-Syllabus Project / Industrial Visit / - - 2 - - -
Total 17 16
Total Teaching Hours 33
Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Name of Program: B.Tech. in Computer Engineering (With Specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science)
Teaching Scheme for Year III Semester VI Batch 2022-26
Teaching Scheme Marks

(Hrs per Week) Distribution
Course Name Lecture Tutorials Practical
Code IE ESE Total
(L) (T) (P)
A. University Core Courses
B. Department Core Courses
B.1 Theory
BCECCE6101 Computer Architecture 3 - - 40 60 100 3
BCECCE6102 Big Data Analytics 3 - - 40 60 100 3
BADCCE6103 NLP & Computer Vision 3 - - 40 60 100 3
BADCCE6104 Data Visualization & Pattern Recognize 3 - - 40 60 100 3
B.2 Practical
BCECCE6201 Big Data Analytics Lab - - 2 60 40 100 1
BADCCE6202 NLP & Computer Vision Lab - - 2 60 40 100 1
BADCCE6203 Data Visualization Lab - - 2 60 40 100 1
C. Department Elective: Anyone
BCEECE6111 Block Chain
BCEECE6112 Sampling Method
BCEECE6113 Security Analysis & Protocols
3 - - 40 60 100 3
BCEECE6114 Advance Scripting: Flask and RoR
BCEECE6115 Web Programming for Graphics &
D. Open Elective: Anyone
As Per Annexure-I 2 - - 40 60 100 2
Humanities and Social Sciences
including Management courses OR

Ability Enhancement Compulsory

Course (AECC)
BULCHU6201 Professional Skills-I - 2 60 40 100 1
Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)
F. OR Project work, Seminar and
Internship in Industry or Elsewhere
BCECCE6401 Industrial Training Seminar-I - 2 60 40 100 1
Discipline, VAC & Social Outreach
Talent Enrichment Programme (TEP) - - 2 - - -

BCECCE6601 Library / MOOC / Online Certification - - 2 - - - 1

Non-Syllabus Project / Industrial Visit / - - 2 - - -
Total 17 0 16
Total Teaching Hours 33
Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Name of Program: B.Tech. in Computer Engineering (With Specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science)
Teaching Scheme for Year IV Semester VII Batch 2022-26
Teaching Scheme Marks

(Hrs per Week) Distribution
Course Name Lecture Tutorials Practical
Code IE ESE Total
(L) (T) (P)
A. University Core Courses
B. Department Core Courses
B.1 Theory
BCECCE7101 Internet of Things 3 - - 40 60 100 3
BCECCE7102 Data Mining -
3 - 40 60 100 3
BADCCE7103 Chat Bot Development -
3 - 40 60 100 3
B.2 Practical
BCECCE7201 Data Mining Lab - 2 60 40 100 1
BADCCE7202 Chat Bot Development Lab -
- 2 60 40 100 1
C. Department Elective: Anyone
BCEECE7111 Software Define Network
BCEECE7112 Time Series Analysis
Cyber Threat intelligence & Bug -
BCEECE7113 - 40 60 100 3
Bounting 3
BCEECE7114 Multiplayer Programming
BCEECE7115 Fundamental of Exchange Server
D. Open Elective: Anyone
As Per Annexure-I 2 - - 40 60 100 2
Humanities and Social Sciences
including Management courses OR

Ability Enhancement Compulsory

Course (AECC)
BULCHU7201 Leadership & Management Skills - 2 60 40 100 1
BULCHU7202 Professional Skills-II - 2 60 40 100 1
Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)OR
F. Project work, Seminar and Internship
in Industry or Elsewhere
BCECCE7301 Minor Project - - 4 60 40 100 2
BCECCE7401 Industrial Training Seminar-II - - 2 60 40 100 1
Discipline, VAC & Social Outreach
Talent Enrichment Programme (TEP)
- - 1 - - -
BCECCE7601 Library / MOOC / Online Certification 1
Courses - - 2 - - -
Non-Syllabus Project / Industrial Visit / - - 2 - - -
Total 14 19
Total Teaching Hours 33
Faculty of Computer Science &
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Name of Program: B.Tech. in Computer Engineering (With Specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science)
Teaching Scheme for Year IV Semester VIII Batch 2022-26
Teaching Marks

Scheme (Hrs Distributio
Cours Course per Week) n
e Name Lecture Tutorials Practical
Code (L) (T) (P) IE ESE Total
A. University Core Courses
B. Department Core Courses
B.1 Theory
B.2 Practical
C. Department Elective: Anyone
D. Open Elective: Anyone
Humanities and Social Sciences
including Management courses OR

Ability Enhancement Compulsory

Course (AECC)
Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) OR
F. Project work, Seminar and Internship in
Industry or Elsewhere
BCECCE8301 Major Project/Dissertation - - 22 60 40 100 11
Discipline, VAC & Social Outreach
Talent Enrichment Programme (TEP) - - 3 - - -
BCECCE8601 Library / MOOC / Online Certification - - 6 - - - 1
Non-Syllabus Project / Industrial Visit / CRT - - 2 - - -
Tota - 33
l 12

Total Teaching Hours 3

University Core Courses

Code: BULCSA1101 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 2.0 Credits [LTP: 2-0-0]

Students will be able to:
• Explain the concept of ecology, ecosystem and biodiversity.
• Implement innovative ideas of controlling different categories of Environmental Pollution.
• Explain different environmental issues together with various Environmental Acts, regulations and
International Agreements.
• Summarize social issues related to population, resettlement and rehabilitation of project affected persons and
demonstrate disaster management with special reference to floods, earthquakes, cyclones, landslides.
• Determine the local environmental assets with simple ecosystems and identify local flora and fauna


Unit Time required for the Unit
No. Title of the unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to environmental studies 6
2. Environmental Pollution and its control 5
3. Environmental Policies & Practices 5
4. Human Communities and the Environment 5
5. Field work 5

Unit Unit Details
1. Introduction to environmental studies
• Introduction of Unit
• Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies
• Concept of sustainability and sustainable development.
• Ecosystem: Structure and function of ecosystem
• Energy flow in an ecosystem: food chains, food webs and ecological succession. Case studies\
• Case studies of the following ecosystems: Forest ecosystem, Grassland ecosystem, Desert ecosystem
Aquatic ecosystems
• Biodiversity and Conservation
• Conclusion of Unit including Real Life Application
2. Environmental Pollution and its control
• Introduction of Unit
• Environmental pollution: types, causes, effects and controls; Air, water, soil and noise pollution
• Nuclear hazards and human health risks
• Solid waste management: Control measures of urban and industrial waste.
• Pollution case studies
• Conclusion of Unit including Real Life Application
3. Environmental Policies & Practices

22 | P a g e
• Introduction of Unit
• Climate change, global warming, ozone layer depletion, acid rain and impacts on human communities
and agriculture
• Energy resources: Renewable and non-renewable energy sources, use of alternate energy
sources, growing energy needs, case studies.
• Environment Laws: Environment Protection Act; Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act; Water
(Prevention and control of Pollution) Act; Wildlife Protection Act; Forest Conservation Act.
• International agreements: Montreal and Kyoto protocols and Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
• Conclusion of Unit including Real Life Application
4. Human Communities and the Environment
• Introduction of Unit
• Human population growth: Impacts on environment, human health and welfare.
• Resettlement and rehabilitation of project affected persons; case studies.
• Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclones and landslides.
• Conclusion of Unit including Real Life Application
5. Field work
• Visit to an area to document environmental assets: river/ forest/ flora/fauna, etc.
• Visit to a local polluted site-Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural.
• Study of common plants, insects, birds and basic principles of identification.
• Study of simple ecosystems-pond, river, Delhi Ridge, etc.


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

1. 1 Environmental Studies Erach Barucha Latest UGC
2. 2 Environmental Studies Benny Joseph Latest Tata Mcgraw Hill
3. 3 Environmental Studies R. Rajagopalan Latest Oxford University
Reference Books
1. 4 Principles of Environmental Science and P. Venugoplan Rao Latest Prentice Hall of
Engineering India.
2. 5 Environmental Science and Engineering Meenakshi Latest Prentice Hall India.
Online Resources
1. https://www.coursera.org/browse/physical-science-and-engineering/environmental-science-and-
2. sustainability
3. https://www.edx.org/learn/environmental-science

23 | P a g e
Department Core Courses


The student would be able to:
• Analyze and prove relationships between matrices, rank of matrix and systems of equations, Inverses.
• Analyze the basic structure of differential equations, and order and degree of the first order and first degree
and its simple applications
• Utilize methods of integration to evaluate volumes and surface of objects and lengths of curves.
• Apply vector differentiation, and integration in the scalar and vector fields
• Apply line, surface and volume integral with the help of green’s theorem, Gauss’s theorem and Stokes


Unit No. Title of the Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1 Matrices 7
2 Integral Calculus 8
3 Ordinary Differential Equations 8
4 Introduction Vector Calculus 8
5 Application of Vector Calculus 8


Unit Unit Details

1. Matrices
• Introduction of Unit
• Rank of a Matrix, Normal form of a Matrix
• Consistency of systems of linear equations
• Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
• Cayley-Hamilton Theorem (without proof)
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Ordinary Differential Equations
• Introduction of Unit
• First order and first-degree differential equations-Separable Variables,
• Linear Equation and reducible to linear form, Exact Equation
• Linear differential equations with constant coefficients
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Integral Calculus
• Introduction of Unit
• Beta and Gamma functions and their properties
• Surfaces and Volumes of Solids of Revolutions
• Double integrals, Double integral by changing into polar form, Areas by Double Integration
• Change of order of integration
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Vector Calculus

24 | P a g e
• Introduction of Unit
• Scalar and Vector field
• Differentiation and Integration of Vector functions
• Gradient, Divergence and Curl, Directional derivatives
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Application of Vector Calculus
• Introduction of Unit
• Line, Surface and Volume integral
• Gauss, Stocks and Green theorem (without proof) and its applications
• Conclusion of Unit


Sr.No Reference Book Author Edition Publication

1. Higher Engineering Mathematics B S Grewal Latest Khanna Publications,
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics Ramana, B.V Latest Tata McGraw-Hill.
3 Engineering Mathematics: A Tutorial Ravish R Singh and M Latest Tata McGraw-Hill
Approach Bhatt
4 Calculus and Analytical Geometry Thomas and Finney, Latest Narosa Publishing, New
5 Advanced Engineering Mathematics Erwin Kreyszig Latest John Wiley and Sons
Important Web Links:
1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/111105134/
2 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/122/101/122101001/
3 https://www.classcentral.com/course/swayam-engineering-mathematics-i-13000

25 | P a g e
Code: BTXCSA1102 ENGINEERING PHYSICS 3 Credits [LTP: 3-1-0]

The student will be able to:
• Produce coherent sources and phenomenon of interference and diffraction
• Compare quantum mechanical history with experimental facts and its applications.
• Debates in laser and fibre optics and apply it for suitable applications.
• Point out the basic principles of relativity, twin paradox and energy-mass relations.
• Categorize different bonding in materials, band theory and semiconductor material.


Unit No. Title of the unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1 Wave Optics 8
2 Quantum Mechanics 8
3 Laser & Optical Fibre 8
4 Special Theory of Relativity 7
5 Elements of Material Science 8

Unit No. Unit Details
1. Wave Optics
• Introduction of Unit
• Interference of light: Types of interference,
• Coherent source, methods to produce coherent sources with examples.
• Newton’s Rings: Principle, Construction, working & Applications
• Diffraction of light: Fraunhofer Diffraction from a Single Slit
• Diffraction grating: Introduction and its construction
• Resolving power and Rayleigh criterion for limit of resolution
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Quantum Mechanics
• Introduction of Unit
• Black body radiation and Planck's hypothesis
• Compton Effect, Compton shift
• Wave function and its basic postulates
• Physical interpretation of wave function and its properties
• Time dependent and time independent Schrodinger’s Wave Equation,
• Applications of the Schrodinger’s Equation: Particle in one dimensional box
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Laser & Optical Fibre
• Introduction of Unit
• Theory of laser action: Einstein’s Coefficients, Components of laser, Threshold conditions for laser
• Theory, Design and Applications of He-Ne Laser
• Optical Fibre: Construction and working principle of Optical fiber
• Types of optical fibre (on the basis of modes and the refractive index of the medium)
• Applications of optical fibre
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Special Theory of Relativity
• Introduction of Unit
• Inertial and non-inertial frames of Reference.
• Postulates of special theory relativity
• Galilean and Lorentz Transformations, Length contraction, Mass Variation and Time Dilation.
• Relativistic Mass-Energy relation
• Relativistic Energy and Momentum
26 | P a g e
• Conclusion of Unit

5 Elements of Material Science

•Introduction of Unit: Bonding in solids, Covalent bonding and Metallic bonding
•Classification of Solids as Insulator, Semi-Conductor and Conductor
•Semiconductors: Conductivity in Semiconductors
•Determination of band gap of a semiconductor
•Hall Effect: Theory, Hall Coefficients and application to determine the sign of charge carrier
•Conclusion of Unit


Sr.No Reference Books Author Edition Publication
1. Fundamental of Optics Jenkins and While 4th Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Optics Ajoy Ghatak 3rd Tata McGraw-Hill
3. A Text Book of optics Brijlal & Subramanium Latest S.Chand and co. Ltd
4. Quantum Mechanics Schiff 3rd Tata Mc Graw-Hill
5. Concept of Modern Physics Beiser Latest Tata McGraw-Hill
6. Introduction to special Theory of R. Resnick Latest Johan Willy Singapore
7. Elements of Properties of Matter D.S.Mathur Latest S.Chand& Co.
8. Solid State Physics S.O.Pillai Latest Wiley Eastern Ltd.
Important Web Links
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/122107035/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/122103011/
3. https://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics
4. https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/physics/

27 | P a g e
The student will be able to:
• Apply basic electrical concepts, including various circuit analysis techniques and fundamentals of
theorem, in practical applications.
• Analyze the fundamentals of AC circuits such as the R.M.S value, average value, active power,
reactive power, power factor, form factor, peak factor and their applications.
• Analyze the energy conversion process and fundamentals of rotating and stationary electrical machines
with their application in real life.
• Analyze the working of semiconductor devices such as Diode, BJT, UJT, photovoltaic cells, filters and
fundamentals of digital electronics.
• Illustrate the concepts of Communication systems and Instrumentation engineering in practical

Title of the Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Basic Concepts of Electrical Engineering 8
2. Alternating Quantities and Electrical Installations 8
3. Energy Conversion and Electrical Machines 7
4. Basic Electronics 8
5. Communication Systems and IoT 8


Unit Unit Details

1. Basic Concepts of Electrical Engineering
• Introduction of Unit
• Basic Concepts: Electric Current, Electromotive Force, Electric Power, Ohm’s Law, Basic Circuit
Components, Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction.
• DC Network Analysis & Theorems: Kirchhoff’s Laws, Network Sources, Resistive Networks, Series-
Parallel Circuits, Star-Delta Transformation, Node Voltage Method, Mesh Current Method, Super-
Position, Thevenin’s, Norton’s and Maximum Power Transfer Theorems.
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Alternating Quantities and Electrical Installations
• Introduction of Unit
• Single Phase AC system: Introduction, Generation of AC Voltages, Root Mean Square and Average Value
of Alternating Currents and Voltages, Form Factor, Peak Factor, Power Factor and Quality Factor, Phasor
• Components of LT Switchgear: Switch Fuse Unit (SFU), MCB, ELCB, MCCB, Types of Wires and
Cables, Importance of earthing. Types of Batteries, Important characteristics for Batteries. Elementary
calculations forenergy consumption and savings, battery backup.
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Energy Conversion and Electrical Machines
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction to Energy: Types of Energy, Introduction to Energy Conversion, Sources of Energy
(Conventional & Non-Conventional), Energy Scenario in India & Rajasthan.
• Rotating Machines: DC Machines: Principle of Operation of DC Machine as Motor and Generator, EMF
Equation, Applications of DC Machines. AC Machines: Principle of Operation of 3-Phase Induction
Motor, 3- Phase Synchronous Motor and 3- Phase Synchronous Generator (Alternator), Applications of
AC Machines. Electric Vehicle: Introduction to Electric Vehicles: Types of EVs, Applications of EV,
Charging of EV. Stationary Machines: Introduction, Construction and Principle of Working of
Transformer, EMF Equation,
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Basic Electronics

28 | P a g e
• Introduction of Unit
• Semiconductor Devices: Conduction in Semiconductors, Conduction Properties of Semiconductor Diodes,
Behavior of the PN Junction, PN Junction Diode, Zener Diode, LED, Photovoltaic Cell, Rectifiers, L, C, & L-
Cfilters, BJT, UJT, Transistor as an Amplifier.
• Digital Electronics: Boolean algebra, Binary System, Logic Gates and Their Truth Tables.
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Communication Systems and IoT
• Introduction of Unit
• Basics of Communication: Introduction, IEEE Spectrum for Communication Systems, Types of
Communication, Amplitude and Frequency Modulation.
• Basics of Instrumentation: Introduction to Transducers, Thermocouple, RTD, Strain Gauges, Load Cell
and Bimetallic Strip.
• An overview of Internet of Things-Building blocks of IoT, IoT enabling technologies, Characteristics of
IoT systems and IoT levels, Evolution of the Internet paradigm, Device-to-Device/ Machine-to-Machine
• Conclusion of Unit


Sr.No Reference Book Author Edition Publication
1 Electrical and Electronic Edward Hughes et al, Latest Pearson
Technology Publication
2 Basic Electrical & V. Jagathesan, K. Vinod Latest Wiley India
Electronics Engineering Kumar & R. Saravan
3 Basic Electrical & Van Valkenburge Latest Cengage
Electronics Engineering learning
4 Basic Electrical and Muthusubrmaniam Latest TMH
Electronics Engineering
5 Basic Electrical & Ravish Singh Latest TMH
Electronics Engineering
Important Web Links
6 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108108076/
7 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117103063/
8 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/101/108101091/

29 | P a g e


The student would be able to:

• Analyze the forces act on a component and method of resolution.
• Evaluate the centroid and center of gravity of an object and also analyze how to minimize the effort for lifting
a load.
• Evaluate the effect of friction and also evaluate forces with the effect of friction.
• Analyze the conversion of linear motion into angular motion and vice versa.
• Analyze the effect of impact on elastic and non-elastic body.

Unit No. Title of the Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Fundamentals of Mechanics 8
2. Machine & Moment of Inertia 8
3. Friction & Belt Drive 7
4. Dynamics of Particles 8
5. Work, Power & Impact 8


Unit Unit Details

1. Fundamentals of Mechanics
• Introduction of Unit
• Fundamental laws of mechanics, Principle of transmissibility.
• System of forces, Resultant force, Resolution of force.
• Moment and Couples, Varignon’s Theorem,
• Equilibrium, Conditions for equilibrium, Lami's theorem.
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Machine & Moment of Inertia
• Introduction of Unit
• Lifting Machines: Mechanical advantage, Velocity Ratio, Efficiency of machine, Ideal machine, Ideal
effort and ideal load, Reversibility of machine, Law of machine, Lifting machines.
• Centroid & Moment of Inertia: Location of centroid and center of gravity, Moment of inertia, Parallel
axis and perpendicular axis theorem, Radius of gyration, M.I of composite section.
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Friction & Belt Drive
• Introduction of Unit
• Friction: Types of Friction, Laws of friction, Angle of friction, Angle of repose, Ladder.
• Belt Drive: Types of belts, Types of belt drives, Velocity ratio, Effect of slip on Velocity ratio, Length of
belt, Ratio of tensions and power transmission by flat belt drives.
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Dynamics of Particles
• Introduction of Unit
• Kinematics of Particles and Rigid Bodies: Velocity, Acceleration, Types of Motion, Equations of Motion,
Rectangular components of velocity and acceleration, Angular velocity and Angular acceleration.
• Kinetics of Particles and Rigid Bodies: Newton's laws, Linear Momentum, Equation of motion in
rectangular coordinate, Equation of motion in plane for a rigid body, D' Alembert principle.
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Work, Power & Impact

30 | P a g e
• Introduction of Unit
• Work, Energy and Power: Work of a force, weight, Power, Efficiency, Energy, Kinetic energy of rigid
body, Principle of work and energy.
• Impact: Collision of elastic bodies, types of impact, conservation of momentum, Newton’s law of collision.
• Conclusion of Unit


Sr.No Reference Book Author Edition Publication
1. Vector Mechanics for Engineers Beer and Johnston Latest Tata McGraw Hill
2. Engineering Mechanics D S Kumar Latest S K Kataria& Sons
3. Engineering Mechanics Statics Meriam, J. L. & Kraige, L. Latest John Wiley & Son
4. Engineering Mechanics S. Ramamruthan Latest Dhanpat Rai Pub.
5. Engineering Mechanics Shames Latest Pearson Education
Important Web Links
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112103109/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112106286/
3. https://freevideolectures.com/course/2264/engineering-mechanics

31 | P a g e
Code: BTXCCE1105 PROGRAMMING IN C 3 Credits [LTP:3-0-0]

Course Outcomes: -
Students will be able to:
• Learn data types, loops, functions, array, pointers, string, structures and files.
• Develop conditional and iterative statements to write C programs.
• Implement concept of string using array.
• Allocate memory dynamically using pointers.
• Apply C Programming to solve real time problems.


Unit No. Title of the unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to C Programming 6
2. Decision Making & Looping 6
3. Array and string 8
4. Advance programming in C 8
5. File handling & Additional features 8


Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction to C Programming
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction to computer-based problem solving, Program design and implementation issues- Flowcharts
& Algorithms.
• Types of Languages – Machine language, assembly language, high level languages, Assemblers,
Compilers, Interpreters.
• Overview of C, Data Types, Constants & Variables, Literals, Operators & Expressions
• Conclusion &Real Life Application
2. Decision Making & Looping
• Introduction of Unit
• Decision making in C- if statement, if-else statement, Nested if statement, if else if Ladder, Switch case
• Loop control in C – for loop, while loop, do-while loop
• Control flow in C- break, continue and goto statement.
• Conclusion &Real Life Application
3. Array and string
• Introduction of Unit
• Array- 1D array, 2D array and dynamic array
• Scope rules- Local & global variables.
• Functions-parameter passing, call by value and call by reference, calling functions with arrays, command
line argument, recursion- basic concepts.
• String – String in-build functions.
• Conclusion of the Unit
4. Advance programming in C
• Introduction of Unit
• Pointers- The & and * operator, pointer expression, assignments, arithmetic, comparison, arrays of
pointers, pointers to pointers, initializing pointers, pointers to functions, function retuning pointers.
• Structures- Basics, declaring, referencing structure elements, array of structures, passing structures to
functions, structure pointers, arrays and structures within structures, typedef.
32 | P a g e
• Unions – Declaration, uses
• Enumerated data-types
• Conclusion of the Unit
5. File handling & Additional features
• Introduction of Unit
• File Handling – The file pointer, file accessing functions-fopen, fclose, putc, getc, fprintf, reading and
writing into a file
• Advance features- storage classes and dynamic memory allocation
• C Preprocessor- #define, #include, #undef, Conditional compilation directives.
• C standard library and header files: Header files, string functions, mathematical functions, Date and Time
• Conclusion of the Unit


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

th th
1. Letus C, 6 Edition Yashwant Kanitkar PBP Publication Letus C ,6 Edition
2. The C programming Language Richie and BPBPublication,2004 The C programming
Kenninghan Language
3. Programming in ANSI C3rd Edition, E.Balagurusamy Tata McGraw Hill Programming in
2005 ANSIC 3 Edition,
Reference Book
1. The C programming Language Richie and Kenninghan PBP Publication,2004
2. Programming in ANSI C 3rd Edition, 2005 Balaguruswmy Tata McGraw Hill
Online Resources

1. https://www.programiz.com/c-programming/examples
2. https://www.w3resource.com/c-programming-exercises

33 | P a g e

The student would be able to:
• Analyze the design and working of Hybrid and Electric Vehicle.
• Analyze the need of Additive Manufacturing (AM) and Rapid Prototyping (RP).
• Create smart devices using Internet of Things (IoT).
• Analyze the future with AI, and AI in Action
• Analyze the Opportunities and Challenges in adoption of Industry 4.0.


Time Required for the
Unit No. Title of the unit
Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to Hybrid and Electric Vehicle 8
2. Introduction to Additive Manufacturing (AM) and Rapid 8
Prototyping (RP)
3. Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) 7
4. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain 8
5. Introduction to Industry 4.0 and 5.0 8


Unit Contents
1. Introduction to Hybrid and Electric Vehicle
• Introduction of Unit
• Hybrid and Electric Vehicles (HEV): History Overview and Modern Applications
• Power Flow and Power Management in HEV
• Introduction to Electric Drives: Shunt Drives, Series Drives, Compound Drives
• Types of Batteries and Energy Storages
• Introduction to Power Electronics in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
• Case Studies: Toyota Camry Hybrid, MG Hector Hybrid, Tata Nexon EV
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Introduction to Additive Manufacturing (AM) and Rapid Prototyping (RP)
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction to reverse engineering Traditional manufacturing v/s AM
• Computer aided design (CAD) and manufacturing (CAM) and AM
• Different AM processes and relevant process physics AM process chain
• Growth of RP industry, and classification of RP systems
• Application level: Stereo Lithography Systems, Selective Laser Sintering Fusion, Deposition Modelling, Solid
Ground Curing, 3-D Printing processes
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT)
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction to IoT
• Sensing, Actuation, Basics of Networking
• Interoperability in IoT,
• Introduction to Arduino Programming: Sensors and Actuators with Arduino
• Introduction to Raspberry Pi, Implementation of IoT with Raspberry Pi
• Case Studies: Smart Cities and Smart Homes, Connected Vehicles, Healthcare,
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain
• Introduction of Unit
• What is AI? Applications and Examples of AI

34 | P a g e
• AI Concepts, Terminology, and Application Areas
• AI: Issues, Concerns and Ethical Considerations
• The Future with AI, and AI in Action
• Case Studies: Travel & Navigation, Social Media Feeds, Google Lens and OCR, Smart Cars, Security &
• Introduction to Blockchain Technology
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Introduction to Industry 4.0 and 5.0
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction to Industry 4.0
• Road to Industry 4.0: Smart Manufacturing, Smart Devices and Products, Smart Logistics, Smart Cities,
Predictive Analytics
• Technologies for enabling Industry 4.0
• Opportunities and Challenges
• Future of Works and Skills for Workers in the Industry 4.0 Era
• Industry 4.0 vs Industry 5.0
• Conclusion of Unit


Sr. No ReferenceBook Author Edition Publication

1 Electric and Hybrid Vehicles A.K. Babu Second Edition, Khanna Publishing
2 Artificial Intelligence: Concepts and Lavika Goel 2021 Wiley
3 Industry 4.0: Challenges, Trends, and Carolina Machado 2021 CRC Press
Solutions in Management and
4 Additive Manufacturing C. P. Paul 2021 McGraw Hill

Important Web Links

1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106105195
2 https://www.linkedin.com/learning/foundations-of-the-fourth-industrial-revolution-industry-4-0
3 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108103009
4 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cs56/preview

35 | P a g e
Code: BTXCME1201 MACHINE DRAWING LAB 1 Credit [LTP: 1-0-2]

The student would be able to:
• Analyze the concepts sectioning, true section and apparent section and create the sectional views of the
engineering components.
• Analyze the development of surface and analyze the sheet metal requirement for fabricating a surface.
• Analyze the curves produced due to intersections of different surfaces.
• Create isometric views of various engineering components.
• Create multi view drawings of simple and complex engineering components

1. Introduction to machine drawing
2. Dimensioning, locations and placing
3. Orthographic projections: First & third angle methods
Drawing Sheet 1: Orthographic Projections (3 Problems)
Drawing Sheet 2: Sectional Views (3 Problems)
Drawing Sheet 3: Riveted joints, lap joints, butt joints, chain riveting, zig-zag riveting
Drawing Sheet 4: Screw fasteners, different threads, Nuts & bolts locking devices, set screws, foundation
Drawing Sheet 5: Bearing, Plumber block
4. Instructions on free hand sketches List of free hand sketches
• Different type of lines
• Conventional representation of materials
• Screw fasteners
• Bearing: Ball, roller, needle, foot step bearing
• Coupling: Protected type, flange, and pin type flexible coupling
• Welded joints
Virtual Labs
1 http://vlabs.iitb.ac.in/vlabs-dev/labs/mit_bootcamp/egraphics_lab/labs/index.php

36 | P a g e

Students will be able to:
• Analyze the concept of interference with the help of Newton’s ring and dispersive power through prism.
• Evaluate the resolving power through diffraction grating and double slit arrangement.
• Apply the numerical aperture of optical fiber and Coherent length and time using He-Ne laser.
• Evaluate the height of the unknown object by Sextant.
• Analyze the mechanism of Ballistic Galvanometer and evaluate the specific resistance of wire through
Carey’s foster bridge.


1. To determine the wave length of Sodium light by Newton’s Ring

To determine the dispersive power of material of a prism for violet, red and yellow color of mercury light with the
help of spectrometer.
To determine the wave length of prominent lines of mercury by plane diffraction grating with the help of
4. To verify the expression for the resolving power of Telescope
5. To measure the numerical Aperture of an optical fibre by He-Ne laser
6. To determine the coherent length and coherent time by using He-Ne laser
To study the variation of a semiconductor resistance with temperature and hence determine the Band Gap of the
semiconductor in the form of reverse biased P-N junction diode.
8. To study the characteristics of semiconductor diode and determine forward and reverse bias resistance
9. To Determine the height of a given line drawn on the wall by sextant
To study the charging and discharging of a condenser and hence determine time constant (both current and voltage
graphs are to be plotted)
11. To determine the high resistance by method of leakage, using a ballistic galvanometer.
12. To specify the specific resistance of a material of a wire by carey foster’s bridge.
Virtual Labs
1 http://vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=1&brch=282
2 http://vlabs.iitb.ac.in/vlab/labsps.html
3 https://praxilabs.com/en/virtual-labs.aspx?TAB=1#LOL

37 | P a g e

Students will be able to:
• Analyze the house wiring connections of various equipments such as energy meter, ceiling fan, tubelight etc.
• Create the connections of single phase and three phase induction motors.
• Create circuits and connects of various electrical components such as Resistors, Inductors, Capacitors, PN-
Diode. Zenger Diode, LED, LCD, etc.
• Analyze the effect of L, C and L-C filters in single phase half wave and full wave bridge rectifier
• Analyze the effect of LC and LC filters in current and power rectifiers


1 Assemble house wiring including earthing for 1-phase energy meter, MCB, ceiling fan, tube light, three pin socket and a
lamp operated from two different positions. Basic functional study of components used in house wiring.
2 Prepare the connection of ceiling fan along with the regulator and vary the speed.
3 Prepare the connection of single phase induction motor through 1-Phase Auto-transformer and vary the speed.
4 Prepare the connection of three phase squirrel cage induction motor through 3-Phase Autotransformer and vary the
5 Prepare the connection of Fluorescent Lamp, Sodium Vapour and Halogen Lamp and measure voltage, current and
power in the circuit.
6 Identification, testing and application of Resistors, Inductors, Capacitors, PN-Diode. Zenger Diode, LED, LCD, BJT,
Photo Diode, Photo Transistor, Analog/Digital Multi- Metres and Function/Signal Generator.
7 Measure the frequency, voltage, current with the help of CRO.
8 Assemble the single phase half wave and full wave bridge rectifier & the analyse effect of L, C and L-C filters in
9 Study the BJT amplifier in common emitter configuration. Measure voltage gain plot gain frequency response and
calculate its bandwidth.
10 Verify the truth table of AND, OR, NOT, NOR and NAND gates
11 Prepare the connection of sodium lamp and measure voltage
12 Analyze the effect of LC and LC filters in current and power rectifiers
Virtual Lab
1 http://vlabs.iitkgp.ernet.in/be/
2 http://em-coep.vlabs.ac.in/List%20of%20experiments.html?domain=Electrical%20Engineering

38 | P a g e
Code: BTXCME1204 WORKSHOP PRACTICE 1 Credit[ LTP:1-0-2]

Students will be able to
• Create a model of T Lap and T- Briddle Joint through carpentry shop
• Analyze the making of prototype model through foundry shop
• Analyze the difference between gas welding and arc welding and their applications
• Create a model on fitting shop through filling, slotting, drilling and tapping operation
• Analyze the difference between forging, moulding and casting
1. Carpentry Shop
• Timber, definition, engineering applications, seasoning and preservation
• Plywood and ply boards
2. Foundry Shop
• Moulding Sands, constituents and characteristics
• Pattern, definition, materials types, core prints
• Role of gate, runner, riser, core and chaplets
• Causes and remedies of some common casting defects like blow holes, cavities, inclusions
3. Welding Shop
• Definition of welding, brazing and soldering processes and their applications
• Oxyacetylene gas welding process, equipment and techniques, types of flames and their applications
• Manual metal arc welding technique and equipment, AC and DC welding
• Electrodes: Constituents and functions of electrode coating, welding positions
• Types of welded joints, common welding defects such as cracks, undercutting, slag inclusion and boring
4. Fitting Shop
• Files, materials and classification.
5. Smithy Shop
• Forging, forging principle, materials
• Operations like drawing, upsetting, bending and forge welding
• Use of forged parts
List of Jobs to be made in the Workshop Practice

1. Carpentry Shop
1. T – Lap joint
2. Bridle joint
2. Foundry Shop
3. Mould of any pattern
3. Welding Shop
4. Square butt joint by MMA welding
5. Lap joint by MMA welding
4. Machine Shop Practice
6. Job on lathe with facing operation
7. Job on lathe with one step turning and chamfering operations
8. Job on shaper for finishing two sides of a job
5. Fitting Shop
9. Finishing of two sides of a square piece by filing
10. Drilling operation on fitted job (two holes)
11. Slotting operation on fitted job
12. Tapping operation on fitted job

39 | P a g e
Code: BTXCCE1205 PROGRAMMING IN C LAB 1 Credit [LTP: 1-0 -2]
Students will be able to:
• Gain concept of functional hierarchical code organization.
• Work with textual information, characters and strings
• Implement file handling concepts
• Implement real time applications using the power of C language features.
• Overcome and solve possible errors during program execution.

1 Given the values of the variables x, y and z, write a program to rotate their values such that x has the value of y, y has
the value of z, and z has the value of x
2 Write a program that reads a floating point number and then displays the right-most digit of the integral part of the
3 Write a C program to calculate the sum of digits of given number.
4 Program to find largest and smallest number from four given number.
5 Program to find whether a year is leap or not
6 Write a C program in which enter any number by the user and perform the operation of Sum of digits of entered
7 Write a C Program to convert Decimal number to Binary number
8 Find the sum of this series upto n terms
9 Program to print Armstrong’s numbers from 1 to 100.
10 Write a program to convert years into Minute, Hours, Days, Months, Seconds using switch () statements
11 Write a C menu driven program
12 Write a program to generate the various pattern of numbers
13 Write a C Program to print the reverse of an integer number
14 Write a C program to perform the factorial of given number
15 Write a C program in which a function prime that returns 1 if its argument is a prime and return zero otherwise.
16 Write a C program to calculate factorial of a number using recursion.
17 Write a C program in which enter 10 elements by the user and perform the operation of sorting in ascending order
18 Write a C program to perform to perform Matrix addition and multiplication operations.
19 Write a program to determine the length of the string and find its equivalent ASCII codes.
20 Write a program to delete all the occurrences of the vowels in a given text. Assume that the text length will be of one
21 Write a program to maintain the library record for 100 books with book name, author’s name, and edition, year of
publishing and price of the book.


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication
1. Let us C Yashwant Kanetkar 6th Edition PBP Publication
2. The C programming Language Richie and Kenninghan 2nd Edition 2004 PBP Publication,2004
3. Programming in ANSI C E Balaguruswamy 3rd Edition, 2005 Tata McGraw Hill
Reference Book
1. The C programming Language by Richie and Kenninghan, PBP Publication,2004
2. Programming in ANSI C 3rd Edition, 2005 by E.Balagurusamy, Tata McGraw Hill

40 | P a g e
Online Resources

1. https://www.programiz.com/c-programming/examples

2. https://www.w3resource.com/c-programming-exercises

41 | P a g e
Code: BTXCME1206 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY 1 Credit [LTP: 1-0-2]

Students will be able to:
• Apply the concept of scale and their applications
• Analyze the different applications of conic section and engineering curves and also how to draw on sheet
• Analyze the use of projection and also analyze the difference between first and third angle projection
• Apply the concept of sectioning and draw sheet on section of solid
• Analyze the use of development and their application

(Theory Concepts)

A. List of Experiments
1. • Lines, Lettering and Dimension (Sketch Book)
• Scales: Representative Fraction, plain scales, diagonal scales, (In drawing sheet)
2. • Conic Sections: Construction of ellipse, parabola and hyperbola by different methods( in drawing sheet) Engineering
Curves: Construction of Cycloid, Epicycloids, Hypo-cycloid( in drawing sheet)
3. • Type of Projection, Orthographic projection: first angle and third angle projection (in drawing sheet)
• Projection of Points
• Projection of Straight lines
• Projection of planes: Different positions of plane lamina like: regular polygon, circle of three planes (four problems in
drawing sheet)
• Projection of Solids: Projection of right and regular polyhedron, cone (four problem in drawing sheet)
4. • Sections of Solids: Projection of Frustum of a cone and pyramid (in drawing sheet)
5. • Development of Surfaces: Parallel line and radial line method for right solids, Regular Solids (in drawing sheet)
• Isometric Projections: Isometric Scale, Isometric axes, Isometric View of geometrical shapes (in drawing sheet)

(Practical Concepts)
6. • Introduction
• Line (coordinate Methods)
• Dimension
• Scale
7. • Rectangle
• Conic Section
• Construction of ellipse, Parabola & Hyperbola, Polygon
• Circle
8. • AutoCAD commands (copy, Mirror, Move, Array, Block, Group, Join, Hatch etc.)
9. • Type of Projection , Orthographic projection: First Angle and Third Angle projection
• Projection of Points
• Projection of Straight lines, different positions of straight lines
• Projection of planes
• Projection of Solids: projection of right and regular polyhedron and cone
10. • Section of solids: projection of frustum of a cone and pyramid
• Isometric projections
Virtual Labs
1 http://vlabs.iitb.ac.in/vlabs-dev/labs/mit_bootcamp/egraphics_lab/labs/index.php
42 | P a g e
Code: BTXCHM1207 FOUNDATION ENGLISH 1 Credits [LTP: 0-0-2]

Students will be able to:

Course Outcomes
CO Cognitive Abilities
Demonstrate the grammar skills involved in writing
CO-01 Understanding/ Applying/Creating
sentences and short paragraphs.
Build up a good command over English
CO-02 Understanding/ Applying
grammar and vocabulary to be able to ace error spotting.
Define unknown words in sentence level context using a
CO-03 Understanding/ Applying/Creating picture dictionary or by creating a memory link for support.

Understand, analyze and effectively use the conventions of

CO-04 Understanding / Applying
the English language.
Develop their interest in reading and enhance their oral and
CO-05 Understanding/Applying silent reading skills along with sharpen their critical and
analytical thinking.


1 Basics of Grammar 8
2 Spotting the grammatical errors and rectification 2

3 Vocabulary Building 4
4 Basics of Writing Skills 2
5 Reading Comprehension 8

1. 1. Parts of Speech: Theory & Practice through various Exercises
2. 2. Sentence Structures: Theory & Practice through various Exercises
3. 3. Tenses: Theory & Practice through various Exercises
4. 4. Spotting the Errors: Applying the rules and Practice Questions
5. 5. Vocabulary Building-I: Practice by sentence formation
6. 6. Vocabulary Building-II: Practice by sentence formation
7. 7. Paragraph Writing
8. 8. Article Writing
9. 9. Précis Writing
10. 10. Formal & Informal Letter Writing
11. 11. Reading Comprehension- I: Beginner’s level reading and Answering the Questions (Competitive
12. 12. Reading Comprehension- II: Intermediate’s level reading and Answering the Questions
(Competitive Exams)

43 | P a g e
Code:BTXCHM1208 LANGUAGE LAB 1 Credits [LTP: 0-0-2]

On successful completion of the course the learners will be able to

CO Cognitive Abilities Course Outcomes

CO-01 Understanding/ Applying/Creating Understand the nuances of language through audio- visual
experience and group activities.
CO-02 Understanding/ Applying Neutralize the accent for intelligibility and develop
confidence in speaking with clarity enhancing their
employability skills.
CO-03 Understanding/ Applying/Creating Demonstrate an understanding of grammatical structures in
conversations and discussions.

CO-04 Understanding / Applying Utilize the knowledge of confidence building strategies to

manage one's own thoughts and emotions.
CO-05 Understanding/Applying Identify the requirements of skills development and apply
their learning to sharpen the same.


1 Introduction to Communication Skills on Learning Software 6
2 Concepts of Phonetics 4
3 Grammar Practice 2
4 Confidence Enhancement Activities 4
5 Skills Enhancement Activities 8

13. 1. Listening Skills
14. 2. Reading Comprehension
15. 3. Writing Skills
16. 4. Phonetics I
17. 5. Phonetics II
18. 6. Grammar and Common Errors Usage
19. 7. Conversation
20. 8. Role Plays
21. 9. Presentation Skills I
22. 10. Presentation Skills II
23. 11. Group Discussion
24. 12. Interview Skills

Software used in Language Lab: EL-Client

S.No. Topics Exercises

I Listening Skills:
Fourteen Lessons each containing five exercises
II Fundamental Language Skills: 5exercises
Introductory Lessons 6exercises
Basic Lessons (a) Reading 3exercises
Basic Lessons (a) Grammar 6exercises
44 | P a g e
Basic Lessons (a) Vocabulary 5exercises
Basic Lessons (a) WritingBasic Lessons (b)-(c) Reading 9exercises
Basic Lessons (b)-(c) Grammar 9exercises
Basic Lessons (b) Vocabulary 5exercises
Basic Lessons (b) Writing 3exercises
III Communication Skills:
Reading Comprehension
Exercises on Reading, Vocabulary, Grammar and Writing
IV Vocabulary:
Word mentor: Various games based on the formation of words.
V Phonetics:
Correct Pronunciation
VI English as Second Language 45exercises
VII Conversations:
Nine topics for conversations.

• Neutralization of accent for intelligibility

• Speaking with clarity and confidence thereby enhancing employability skills of the students

45 | P a g e
Code: BTXCTX1601 Talent Enrichment Programme(TEP)-I 1 Credit [LTP: 1-0-0]

The objective of Discipline and TEP is to provide students with the opportunities to enhance job fetching
skills and at the same time to cultivate the student’s personal interests and hobbies while maintaining the good
disciplinary environment in the University. TEP is integrated into the curriculum for holistic development of
students through active participate on in various activities falling in Technical and non-technical categories.
Social outreach, Discipline, TEP -I, VAC & Extra Curricular activities shall be evaluated on the basis of its
sub constituent programme, as a complete one credit course. It shall be counted in calculation of SGPA but it
is not a back log subject. However, the attendance of these classes shall be recorded and accounted in the total
Activities included in this category in this Semester are as follows:

Code Activity Hours Credits

Discipline, Value Added Courses & Social Outreach -

1 1
BTXCTX1601 Talent Enrichment Programme (TEP)-I
Library / MOOC / NSP 1

46 | P a g e
Department Core Courses

The student would be able to:
• Develop innovative methods to produce soft water for industrial use and potable water at cheaper cost.
• Use their knowledge of polymers and glass and its use in industries and daily life.
• Identify practices for the prevention and remediation of corrosion
• Characterize the fuels and analyze the combustion mechanisms of various fuels.
• Learn about the manufacturing of cement and the chemistry involved in setting and hardening of it and also
learn about the suitable use of lubricants.


Unit Time required for the Unit
Title of the unit
No. (Hours)
1. Water Technology 8
2. Polymer and Glass 7
3. Corrosion and its control 6
4. Fuel and Fuel Analysis 8
5. Binding Materials and Lubricants 7

Unit Unit Details
1. Water Technology
• Introduction of Unit
• Sources of water, Impurities in water and effect of impurities
• Municipal water supply: Requisites of drinking water, Steps involved in purification of water, Sedimentation,
Coagulation, Filtration and Disinfection, Break Point Chlorination
Water Analysis
• Hardness of water; Type of hardness , Degree of hardness, Units of hardness ,Disadvantages of hard water,
Determination of hardness by Complexometric (EDTA) method , Numericals based on hardness by EDTA
• Boiler Troubles : Formation of solids (scale and sludge), Carry over (Priming and Foaming), Caustic
Embrittlement, Disadvantages and Prevention
• Treatment of hard water: Lime-soda method, Permutit (zeolite) method and Deionization or Demineralization
method, Numerical problems based on Lime-soda and Zeolite softening methods
• Desalination: Reverse osmosis, Electrodialysis
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Polymer and Glass
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction to Polymer chemistry:, Classification of Polymers and Types of polymerization
• Plastics: Constituents of plastics, Thermosets and Thermoplastics, Preparation, Properties and Uses of
Polyethylene, Bakelite, Teflon, Terylene and Nylon
• Elastomers: Natural rubber, Vulcanization, Synthetic rubber- Preparation, Properties and Applications of SBR,
Buna-N, Butyl and Neoprene rubber.

47 | P a g e
• Introduction
• Definition of glass, its Properties, Manufacturing of glass, Importance of annealing in glass making, Types of
silicate glasses and their commercial uses.
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Corrosion and its control
• Introduction of Unit
Corrosion and its control
• Definition of corrosion and its Significance
• Mechanisms of Corrosion: Chemical (Dry) corrosion and Electrochemical (Wet) corrosion
• Types of corrosion: Galvanic corrosion, Concentration cell corrosion, Stress corrosion, Pitting corrosion
• Factors affecting the rate of corrosion
• Protection from corrosion : Material selection and design, Improvement of Environment , Coating of metallic
surface, Cathodic protection, Anodic protection, Electroplating, Tinning, Galvanization and Modification in
designs . Some practical examples of corrosion.
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Fuel and Fuel Analysis
• Introduction of Unit
• Classification and general aspects of fuel.
• Solid fuel: Coal, Types of coal, Carbonization of coal
• Liquid fuel: Processing of crude petroleum, Cracking, Thermal Cracking and Catalytic Cracking, Synthetic
petrol (Coal to Liquid (CTL) Technology): Bergius and Fischer Tropsch process. Knocking, Octane number
and Cetane number, Anti-knocking and Anti-knocking agents
• Gaseous fuel: Advantages of gaseous fuel, Biogas, LPG, CNG
• Analysis of Coal: Ultimate and Proximate analysis of coal
• Calorific Value: Definition, Higher calorific value, Lower calorific value, Determination of higher & lower
calorific value by Bomb Calorimeter
• Fuel gas analysis by Orsat’s apparatus and its significance
• Numericals based on Bomb
• Numericals based on combustion and requirement of oxygen/ air in combustion process
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Binding Materials and Lubricant
• Introduction of Unit
Binding Materials
• Cement: Composition and Significance of cement
• Manufacturing of Portland cement by Rotary Kiln Technology
• Chemistry of setting and hardening of cement and role of gypsum
• Introduction of lubricants, Classification, Properties and Uses of lubricants
• Mechanism of lubrication, Selection of lubricants
• Properties of lubricants: Viscosity & Viscosity Index, Flash and Fire Point, Cloud and Pour Point, Carbon
Residue, Oiliness, Aniline Point, Steam Emulsification Number, Precipitation Number and
Neutralization Number
• Conclusion of Unit


Sr.No Reference Book Author Edition Publication
1. Engineering Chemistry P.C. Jain Latest Dhanpat Rai&Sons
2. Engineering Chemistry. S. S. Dara Latest S. Chand & Co.
3. Chemistry in Engineering & Rajaram, Latest Tata McgrawHill
Tech. Kuriacose
4. Physical Chemistry P.W. Atkins Latest Oxford University
Important Web Links:
1. https://civilengineersforum.com/cement-manufacturing-process/
2. https://www.explainthatstuff.com/lubricants.html
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/122/101/122101001/

48 | P a g e

The student would be able to:
• Analyze and prove relationships between matrices, rank of matrix and systems of equations, Inverses.
• Analyze the basic structure of differential equations, and order and degree of the first order and first degree
and its simple applications
• Utilize methods of integration to evaluate volumes and surface of objects and lengths of curves.
• Apply vector differentiation, and integration in the scalar and vector fields
• Apply line, surface and volume integral with the help of green’s theorem, Gauss’s theorem and Stokes


Unit No. Title of the Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1 Matrices 7
2 Integral Calculus 8
3 Ordinary Differential Equations 8
4 Introduction Vector Calculus 8
5 Application of Vector Calculus 8


Unit Unit Details

1. Matrices
• Introduction of Unit
• Rank of a Matrix, Normal form of a Matrix
• Consistency of systems of linear equations
• Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
• Cayley-Hamilton Theorem (without proof)
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Ordinary Differential Equations
• Introduction of Unit
• First order and first-degree differential equations-Separable Variables,
• Linear Equation and reducible to linear form, Exact Equation
• Linear differential equations with constant coefficients
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Integral Calculus
• Introduction of Unit
• Beta and Gamma functions and their properties
• Surfaces and Volumes of Solids of Revolutions
• Double integrals, Double integral by changing into polar form, Areas by Double Integration
• Change of order of integration
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Vector Calculus
• Introduction of Unit
• Scalar and Vector field
• Differentiation and Integration of Vector functions
• Gradient, Divergence and Curl, Directional derivatives
• Conclusion of Unit

49 | P a g e
5. Application of Vector Calculus
• Introduction of Unit
• Line, Surface and Volume integral
• Gauss, Stocks and Green theorem (without proof) and its applications
• Conclusion of Unit


Sr.No Reference Book Author Edition Publication

1. Higher Engineering Mathematics B S Grewal Latest Khanna Publications,
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics Ramana, B.V Latest Tata McGraw-Hill.
3 Engineering Mathematics: A Tutorial Ravish R Singh and M Latest Tata McGraw-Hill
Approach Bhatt
4 Calculus and Analytical Geometry Thomas and Finney, Latest Narosa Publishing, New
5 Advanced Engineering Mathematics Erwin Kreyszig Latest John Wiley and Sons
Important Web Links:
1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/111105134/
2 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/122/101/122101001/
3 https://www.classcentral.com/course/swayam-engineering-mathematics-i-13000

50 | P a g e
Code: BTXCSA2103 ENGINEERING PHYSICS 3 Credits [LTP: 3-1-0]

The student will be able to:
• Produce coherent sources and phenomenon of interference and diffraction
• Compare quantum mechanical history with experimental facts and its applications.
• Debates in laser and fibre optics and apply it for suitable applications.
• Point out the basic principles of relativity, twin paradox and energy-mass relations.
• Categorize different bonding in materials, band theory and semiconductor material.


Unit No. Title of the unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1 Wave Optics 8
2 Quantum Mechanics 8
3 Laser & Optical Fibre 8
4 Special Theory of Relativity 7
5 Elements of Material Science 8

Unit No. Unit Details
1. Wave Optics
• Introduction of Unit
• Interference of light: Types of interference,
• Coherent source, methods to produce coherent sources with examples.
• Newton’s Rings: Principle, Construction, working & Applications
• Diffraction of light: Fraunhofer Diffraction from a Single Slit
• Diffraction grating: Introduction and its construction
• Resolving power and Rayleigh criterion for limit of resolution
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Quantum Mechanics
• Introduction of Unit
• Black body radiation and Planck's hypothesis
• Compton Effect, Compton shift
• Wave function and its basic postulates
• Physical interpretation of wave function and its properties
• Time dependent and time independent Schrodinger’s Wave Equation,
• Applications of the Schrodinger’s Equation: Particle in one dimensional box
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Laser & Optical Fibre
• Introduction of Unit
• Theory of laser action: Einstein’s Coefficients, Components of laser, Threshold conditions for laser
• Theory, Design and Applications of He-Ne Laser
• Optical Fibre: Construction and working principle of Optical fiber
• Types of optical fibre (on the basis of modes and the refractive index of the medium)
• Applications of optical fibre
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Special Theory of Relativity
• Introduction of Unit
• Inertial and non-inertial frames of Reference.
• Postulates of special theory relativity
• Galilean and Lorentz Transformations, Length contraction, Mass Variation and Time Dilation.
• Relativistic Mass-Energy relation
• Relativistic Energy and Momentum
51 | P a g e
• Conclusion of Unit

5 Elements of Material Science

•Introduction of Unit: Bonding in solids, Covalent bonding and Metallic bonding
•Classification of Solids as Insulator, Semi-Conductor and Conductor
•Semiconductors: Conductivity in Semiconductors
•Determination of band gap of a semiconductor
•Hall Effect: Theory, Hall Coefficients and application to determine the sign of charge carrier
•Conclusion of Unit


Sr.No Reference Books Author Edition Publication
1. Fundamental of Optics Jenkins and While 4th Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Optics Ajoy Ghatak 3rd Tata McGraw-Hill
3. A Text Book of optics Brijlal & Subramanium Latest S.Chand and co. Ltd
4. Quantum Mechanics Schiff 3rd Tata Mc Graw-Hill
5. Concept of Modern Physics Beiser Latest Tata McGraw-Hill
6. Introduction to special Theory of R. Resnick Latest Johan Willy Singapore
7. Elements of Properties of Matter D.S.Mathur Latest S.Chand& Co.
8. Solid State Physics S.O.Pillai Latest Wiley Eastern Ltd.
Important Web Links
5. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/122107035/
6. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/122103011/
7. https://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics
8. https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/physics/

52 | P a g e
The student will be able to:
• Apply basic electrical concepts, including various circuit analysis techniques and fundamentals of
theorem, in practical applications.
• Analyze the fundamentals of AC circuits such as the R.M.S value, average value, active power,
reactive power, power factor, form factor, peak factor and their applications.
• Analyze the energy conversion process and fundamentals of rotating and stationary electrical machines
with their application in real life.
• Analyze the working of semiconductor devices such as Diode, BJT, UJT, photovoltaic cells, filters and
fundamentals of digital electronics.
• Illustrate the concepts of Communication systems and Instrumentation engineering in practical

Title of the Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Basic Concepts of Electrical Engineering 8
2. Alternating Quantities and Electrical Installations 8
3. Energy Conversion and Electrical Machines 7
4. Basic Electronics 8
5. Communication Systems and IoT 8


Unit Unit Details

1. Basic Concepts of Electrical Engineering
• Introduction of Unit
• Basic Concepts: Electric Current, Electromotive Force, Electric Power, Ohm’s Law, Basic Circuit
Components, Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction.
• DC Network Analysis & Theorems: Kirchhoff’s Laws, Network Sources, Resistive Networks, Series-
Parallel Circuits, Star-Delta Transformation, Node Voltage Method, Mesh Current Method, Super-
Position, Thevenin’s, Norton’s and Maximum Power Transfer Theorems.
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Alternating Quantities and Electrical Installations
• Introduction of Unit
• Single Phase AC system: Introduction, Generation of AC Voltages, Root Mean Square and Average Value
of Alternating Currents and Voltages, Form Factor, Peak Factor, Power Factor and Quality Factor, Phasor
• Components of LT Switchgear: Switch Fuse Unit (SFU), MCB, ELCB, MCCB, Types of Wires and
Cables, Importance of earthing. Types of Batteries, Important characteristics for Batteries. Elementary
calculations forenergy consumption and savings, battery backup.
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Energy Conversion and Electrical Machines
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction to Energy: Types of Energy, Introduction to Energy Conversion, Sources of Energy
(Conventional & Non-Conventional), Energy Scenario in India & Rajasthan.
• Rotating Machines: DC Machines: Principle of Operation of DC Machine as Motor and Generator, EMF
Equation, Applications of DC Machines. AC Machines: Principle of Operation of 3-Phase Induction
Motor, 3- Phase Synchronous Motor and 3- Phase Synchronous Generator (Alternator), Applications of
AC Machines. Electric Vehicle: Introduction to Electric Vehicles: Types of EVs, Applications of EV,
Charging of EV. Stationary Machines: Introduction, Construction and Principle of Working of
Transformer, EMF Equation,
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Basic Electronics

53 | P a g e
• Introduction of Unit
• Semiconductor Devices: Conduction in Semiconductors, Conduction Properties of Semiconductor Diodes,
Behavior of the PN Junction, PN Junction Diode, Zener Diode, LED, Photovoltaic Cell, Rectifiers, L, C, & L-
Cfilters, BJT, UJT, Transistor as an Amplifier.
• Digital Electronics: Boolean algebra, Binary System, Logic Gates and Their Truth Tables.
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Communication Systems and IoT
• Introduction of Unit
• Basics of Communication: Introduction, IEEE Spectrum for Communication Systems, Types of
Communication, Amplitude and Frequency Modulation.
• Basics of Instrumentation: Introduction to Transducers, Thermocouple, RTD, Strain Gauges, Load Cell
and Bimetallic Strip.
• An overview of Internet of Things-Building blocks of IoT, IoT enabling technologies, Characteristics of
IoT systems and IoT levels, Evolution of the Internet paradigm, Device-to-Device/ Machine-to-Machine
• Conclusion of Unit


Sr.No Reference Book Author Edition Publication
1 Electrical and Electronic Edward Hughes et al, Latest Pearson
Technology Publication
2 Basic Electrical & V. Jagathesan, K. Vinod Latest Wiley India
Electronics Engineering Kumar & R. Saravan
3 Basic Electrical & Van Valkenburge Latest Cengage
Electronics Engineering learning
4 Basic Electrical and Muthusubrmaniam Latest TMH
Electronics Engineering
5 Basic Electrical & Ravish Singh Latest TMH
Electronics Engineering
Important Web Links
6 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108108076/
7 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117103063/
8 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/101/108101091/

54 | P a g e


The student would be able to:

• Analyze the forces act on a component and method of resolution.
• Evaluate the centroid and center of gravity of an object and also analyze how to minimize the effort for lifting
a load.
• Evaluate the effect of friction and also evaluate forces with the effect of friction.
• Analyze the conversion of linear motion into angular motion and vice versa.
• Analyze the effect of impact on elastic and non-elastic body.


Unit No. Title of the Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Fundamentals of Mechanics 8
2. Machine & Moment of Inertia 8
3. Friction & Belt Drive 7
4. Dynamics of Particles 8
5. Work, Power & Impact 8


Unit Unit Details

1. Fundamentals of Mechanics
• Introduction of Unit
• Fundamental laws of mechanics, Principle of transmissibility.
• System of forces, Resultant force, Resolution of force.
• Moment and Couples, Varignon’s Theorem,
• Equilibrium, Conditions for equilibrium, Lami's theorem.
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Machine & Moment of Inertia
• Introduction of Unit
• Lifting Machines: Mechanical advantage, Velocity Ratio, Efficiency of machine, Ideal machine, Ideal
effort and ideal load, Reversibility of machine, Law of machine, Lifting machines.
• Centroid & Moment of Inertia: Location of centroid and center of gravity, Moment of inertia, Parallel
axis and perpendicular axis theorem, Radius of gyration, M.I of composite section.
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Friction & Belt Drive
• Introduction of Unit
• Friction: Types of Friction, Laws of friction, Angle of friction, Angle of repose, Ladder.
• Belt Drive: Types of belts, Types of belt drives, Velocity ratio, Effect of slip on Velocity ratio, Length of
belt, Ratio of tensions and power transmission by flat belt drives.
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Dynamics of Particles
• Introduction of Unit
• Kinematics of Particles and Rigid Bodies: Velocity, Acceleration, Types of Motion, Equations of Motion,
Rectangular components of velocity and acceleration, Angular velocity and Angular acceleration.
• Kinetics of Particles and Rigid Bodies: Newton's laws, Linear Momentum, Equation of motion in
rectangular coordinate, Equation of motion in plane for a rigid body, D' Alembert principle.
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Work, Power & Impact
55 | P a g e
• Introduction of Unit
• Work, Energy and Power: Work of a force, weight, Power, Efficiency, Energy, Kinetic energy of rigid
body, Principle of work and energy.
• Impact: Collision of elastic bodies, types of impact, conservation of momentum, Newton’s law of collision.
• Conclusion of Unit


Sr.No Reference Book Author Edition Publication
1. Vector Mechanics for Engineers Beer and Johnston Latest Tata McGraw Hill
2. Engineering Mechanics D S Kumar Latest S K Kataria& Sons
3. Engineering Mechanics Statics Meriam, J. L. & Kraige, L. Latest John Wiley & Son
4. Engineering Mechanics S. Ramamruthan Latest Dhanpat Rai Pub.
5. Engineering Mechanics Shames Latest Pearson Education
Important Web Links
4. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112103109/
5. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112106286/
6. https://freevideolectures.com/course/2264/engineering-mechanics

56 | P a g e
Code: BTXCCE2106 PROGRAMMING IN C 3 Credits [LTP:3-0-0]

Course Outcomes: -
Students will be able to:
• Learn data types, loops, functions, array, pointers, string, structures and files.
• Develop conditional and iterative statements to write C programs.
• Implement concept of string using array.
• Allocate memory dynamically using pointers.
• Apply C Programming to solve real time problems.


Unit No. Title of the unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to C Programming 6
2. Decision Making & Looping 6
3. Array and string 8
4. Advance programming in C 8
5. File handling & Additional features 8


Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction to C Programming
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction to computer-based problem solving, Program design and implementation issues- Flowcharts
& Algorithms.
• Types of Languages – Machine language, assembly language, high level languages, Assemblers,
Compilers, Interpreters.
• Overview of C, Data Types, Constants & Variables, Literals, Operators & Expressions
• Conclusion &Real Life Application
2. Decision Making & Looping
• Introduction of Unit
• Decision making in C- if statement, if-else statement, Nested if statement, if else if Ladder, Switch case
• Loop control in C – for loop, while loop, do-while loop
• Control flow in C- break, continue and goto statement.
• Conclusion &Real Life Application
3. Array and string
• Introduction of Unit
• Array- 1D array, 2D array and dynamic array
• Scope rules- Local & global variables.
• Functions-parameter passing, call by value and call by reference, calling functions with arrays, command
line argument, recursion- basic concepts.
• String – String in-build functions.
• Conclusion of the Unit
4. Advance programming in C
• Introduction of Unit
• Pointers- The & and * operator, pointer expression, assignments, arithmetic, comparison, arrays of
pointers, pointers to pointers, initializing pointers, pointers to functions, function retuning pointers.
• Structures- Basics, declaring, referencing structure elements, array of structures, passing structures to
functions, structure pointers, arrays and structures within structures, typedef.
57 | P a g e
• Unions – Declaration, uses
• Enumerated data-types
• Conclusion of the Unit
5. File handling & Additional features
• Introduction of Unit
• File Handling – The file pointer, file accessing functions-fopen, fclose, putc, getc, fprintf, reading and
writing into a file
• Advance features- storage classes and dynamic memory allocation
• C Preprocessor- #define, #include, #undef, Conditional compilation directives.
• C standard library and header files: Header files, string functions, mathematical functions, Date and Time
• Conclusion of the Unit


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

th th
1. Letus C, 6 Edition Yashwant Kanitkar PBP Publication Letus C ,6 Edition
2. The C programming Language Richie and BPBPublication,2004 The C programming
Kenninghan Language
3. Programming in ANSI C3rd Edition, E.Balagurusamy Tata McGraw Hill Programming in
2005 ANSIC 3 Edition,
Reference Book
3. The C programming Language Richie and Kenninghan PBP Publication,2004
4. Programming in ANSI C 3rd Edition, 2005 Balaguruswmy Tata McGraw Hill
Online Resources

5. https://www.programiz.com/c-programming/examples
6. https://www.w3resource.com/c-programming-exercises

58 | P a g e

The student would be able to:
• Analyze the design and working of Hybrid and Electric Vehicle.
• Analyze the need of Additive Manufacturing (AM) and Rapid Prototyping (RP).
• Create smart devices using Internet of Things (IoT).
• Analyze the future with AI, and AI in Action
• Analyze the Opportunities and Challenges in adoption of Industry 4.0.


Unit Time Required for the
Title of the unit
No. Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to Hybrid and Electric Vehicle 8
2. Introduction to Additive Manufacturing (AM) and Rapid 8
Prototyping (RP)
3. Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) 7
4. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain 8
5. Introduction to Industry 4.0 and 5.0 8


Unit Contents
1. Introduction to Hybrid and Electric Vehicle
• Introduction of Unit
• Hybrid and Electric Vehicles (HEV): History Overview and Modern Applications
• Power Flow and Power Management in HEV
• Introduction to Electric Drives: Shunt Drives, Series Drives, Compound Drives
• Types of Batteries and Energy Storages
• Introduction to Power Electronics in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
• Case Studies: Toyota Camry Hybrid, MG Hector Hybrid, Tata Nexon EV
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Introduction to Additive Manufacturing (AM) and Rapid Prototyping (RP)
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction to reverse engineering Traditional manufacturing v/s AM
• Computer aided design (CAD) and manufacturing (CAM) and AM
• Different AM processes and relevant process physics AM process chain
• Growth of RP industry, and classification of RP systems
• Application level: Stereo Lithography Systems, Selective Laser Sintering Fusion, Deposition Modelling, Solid
Ground Curing, 3-D Printing processes
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT)
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction to IoT
• Sensing, Actuation, Basics of Networking
• Interoperability in IoT,
• Introduction to Arduino Programming: Sensors and Actuators with Arduino
• Introduction to Raspberry Pi, Implementation of IoT with Raspberry Pi
• Case Studies: Smart Cities and Smart Homes, Connected Vehicles, Healthcare,
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain
• Introduction of Unit
• What is AI? Applications and Examples of AI

59 | P a g e
• AI Concepts, Terminology, and Application Areas
• AI: Issues, Concerns and Ethical Considerations
• The Future with AI, and AI in Action
• Case Studies: Travel & Navigation, Social Media Feeds, Google Lens and OCR, Smart Cars, Security &
• Introduction to Blockchain Technology
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Introduction to Industry 4.0 and 5.0
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction to Industry 4.0
• Road to Industry 4.0: Smart Manufacturing, Smart Devices and Products, Smart Logistics, Smart Cities,
Predictive Analytics
• Technologies for enabling Industry 4.0
• Opportunities and Challenges
• Future of Works and Skills for Workers in the Industry 4.0 Era
• Industry 4.0 vs Industry 5.0
• Conclusion of Unit


Sr. No ReferenceBook Author Edition Publication

1 Electric and Hybrid Vehicles A.K. Babu Second Edition, Khanna Publishing
2 Artificial Intelligence: Concepts and Lavika Goel 2021 Wiley
3 Industry 4.0: Challenges, Trends, and Carolina Machado 2021 CRC Press
Solutions in Management and
4 Additive Manufacturing C. P. Paul 2021 McGraw Hill

Important Web Links

1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106105195
2 https://www.linkedin.com/learning/foundations-of-the-fourth-industrial-revolution-industry-4-0
3 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108103009
4 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cs56/preview

60 | P a g e


The student would be able to:
• Analyze hardness and fluoride content of water
• Analyze the strength of NaOH and Na2CO3 solutions.
• Analyze hardness strength of Ferrous Ammonium sulphate solution and CuSO4 solution
• Analyze different properties of lubricating oil.
• Handle different instruments & analytical techniques.


1. To determine the hardness of water by EDTA method.
2. To determine the amount of fluoride in drinking water
3. To determine the strength of NaOH and Na 2 CO3 in a given alkali mixture.
4. To determine the strength of Ferrous Ammonium sulphate solution with the help of
K 2Cr 2O7 solution using diphenyl amine as internal indicator.
5. To determine the strength of CuSO4 solution with the help of hypo solution.
6. To determine the acid value of a given oil.
7. To determine the viscosity of a given lubricating oil by Redwood viscometer.
8. To determine the flash and fire point of a given lubricating oil.
9. To determine the cloud and pour point of a given oil.
10. Synthesis of Bakelite
11. To determine the calorific value of a fuel by Bomb Calorimeter.
12. To determine the Saponification No. of a given oil.
Virtual Labs
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzAPQPWOlNI
2. https://vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=3&brch=63&sim=688&cnt=1

61 | P a g e
Code: BTXCME2202 MACHINE DRAWING LAB 1 Credit [LTP: 1-0-2]

The student would be able to:
• Analyze the concepts sectioning, true section and apparent section and create the sectional views of the
engineering components.
• Analyze the development of surface and analyze the sheet metal requirement for fabricating a surface.
• Analyze the curves produced due to intersections of different surfaces.
• Create isometric views of various engineering components.
• Create multi view drawings of simple and complex engineering components

1. Introduction to machine drawing
2. Dimensioning, locations and placing
3. Orthographic projections: First & third angle methods
Drawing Sheet 1: Orthographic Projections (3 Problems)
Drawing Sheet 2: Sectional Views (3 Problems)
Drawing Sheet 3: Riveted joints, lap joints, butt joints, chain riveting, zig-zag riveting
Drawing Sheet 4: Screw fasteners, different threads, Nuts & bolts locking devices, set screws, foundation
Drawing Sheet 5: Bearing, Plumber block
4. Instructions on free hand sketches List of free hand sketches
• Different type of lines
• Conventional representation of materials
• Screw fasteners
• Bearing: Ball, roller, needle, foot step bearing
• Coupling: Protected type, flange, and pin type flexible coupling
• Welded joints
Virtual Labs
1 http://vlabs.iitb.ac.in/vlabs-dev/labs/mit_bootcamp/egraphics_lab/labs/index.php

62 | P a g e

Students will be able to:
• Analyze the concept of interference with the help of Newton’s ring and dispersive power through prism.
• Evaluate the resolving power through diffraction grating and double slit arrangement.
• Apply the numerical aperture of optical fiber and Coherent length and time using He-Ne laser.
• Evaluate the height of the unknown object by Sextant.
• Analyze the mechanism of Ballistic Galvanometer and evaluate the specific resistance of wire through
Carey’s foster bridge.


1. To determine the wave length of Sodium light by Newton’s Ring

To determine the dispersive power of material of a prism for violet, red and yellow color of mercury light with the
help of spectrometer.
To determine the wave length of prominent lines of mercury by plane diffraction grating with the help of
4. To verify the expression for the resolving power of Telescope
5. To measure the numerical Aperture of an optical fibre by He-Ne laser
6. To determine the coherent length and coherent time by using He-Ne laser
To study the variation of a semiconductor resistance with temperature and hence determine the Band Gap of the
semiconductor in the form of reverse biased P-N junction diode.
8. To study the characteristics of semiconductor diode and determine forward and reverse bias resistance
9. To Determine the height of a given line drawn on the wall by sextant
To study the charging and discharging of a condenser and hence determine time constant (both current and voltage
graphs are to be plotted)
11. To determine the high resistance by method of leakage, using a ballistic galvanometer.
12. To specify the specific resistance of a material of a wire by carey foster’s bridge.
Virtual Labs
1. http://vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=1&brch=282
2. http://vlabs.iitb.ac.in/vlab/labsps.html
3. https://praxilabs.com/en/virtual-labs.aspx?TAB=1#LOL

63 | P a g e

Students will be able to:
• Analyze the house wiring connections of various equipments such as energy meter, ceiling fan, tubelight etc.
• Create the connections of single phase and three phase induction motors.
• Create circuits and connects of various electrical components such as Resistors, Inductors, Capacitors, PN-
Diode. Zenger Diode, LED, LCD, etc.
• Analyze the effect of L, C and L-C filters in single phase half wave and full wave bridge rectifier
• Analyze the effect of LC and LC filters in current and power rectifiers


1 Assemble house wiring including earthing for 1-phase energy meter, MCB, ceiling fan, tube light, three pin socket and a
lamp operated from two different positions. Basic functional study of components used in house wiring.
2 Prepare the connection of ceiling fan along with the regulator and vary the speed.
3 Prepare the connection of single phase induction motor through 1-Phase Auto-transformer and vary the speed.
4 Prepare the connection of three phase squirrel cage induction motor through 3-Phase Autotransformer and vary the
5 Prepare the connection of Fluorescent Lamp, Sodium Vapour and Halogen Lamp and measure voltage, current and
power in the circuit.
6 Identification, testing and application of Resistors, Inductors, Capacitors, PN-Diode. Zenger Diode, LED, LCD, BJT,
Photo Diode, Photo Transistor, Analog/Digital Multi- Metres and Function/Signal Generator.
7 Measure the frequency, voltage, current with the help of CRO.
8 Assemble the single phase half wave and full wave bridge rectifier & the analyse effect of L, C and L-C filters in
9 Study the BJT amplifier in common emitter configuration. Measure voltage gain plot gain frequency response and
calculate its bandwidth.
10 Verify the truth table of AND, OR, NOT, NOR and NAND gates
11 Prepare the connection of sodium lamp and measure voltage
12 Analyze the effect of LC and LC filters in current and power rectifiers
Virtual Lab
1 http://vlabs.iitkgp.ernet.in/be/
2 http://em-coep.vlabs.ac.in/List%20of%20experiments.html?domain=Electrical%20Engineering

64 | P a g e
Code: BTXCME2205 WORKSHOP PRACTICE 1 Credit[ LTP:1-0-2]
Students will be able to
• Create a model of T Lap and T- Briddle Joint through carpentry shop
• Analyze the making of prototype model through foundry shop
• Analyze the difference between gas welding and arc welding and their applications
• Create a model on fitting shop through filling, slotting, drilling and tapping operation
• Analyze the difference between forging, moulding and casting
1. Carpentry Shop
• Timber, definition, engineering applications, seasoning and preservation
• Plywood and ply boards
2. Foundry Shop
• Moulding Sands, constituents and characteristics
• Pattern, definition, materials types, core prints
• Role of gate, runner, riser, core and chaplets
• Causes and remedies of some common casting defects like blow holes, cavities, inclusions
3. Welding Shop
• Definition of welding, brazing and soldering processes and their applications
• Oxyacetylene gas welding process, equipment and techniques, types of flames and their applications
• Manual metal arc welding technique and equipment, AC and DC welding
• Electrodes: Constituents and functions of electrode coating, welding positions
• Types of welded joints, common welding defects such as cracks, undercutting, slag inclusion and boring
4. Fitting Shop
• Files, materials and classification.
5. Smithy Shop
• Forging, forging principle, materials
• Operations like drawing, upsetting, bending and forge welding
• Use of forged parts

List of Jobs to be made in the Workshop Practice

6. Carpentry Shop
13. T – Lap joint
14. Bridle joint
7. Foundry Shop
15. Mould of any pattern
8. Welding Shop
16. Square butt joint by MMA welding
17. Lap joint by MMA welding
9. Machine Shop Practice
18. Job on lathe with facing operation
19. Job on lathe with one step turning and chamfering operations
20. Job on shaper for finishing two sides of a job
10. Fitting Shop
21. Finishing of two sides of a square piece by filing
22. Drilling operation on fitted job (two holes)
23. Slotting operation on fitted job
24. Tapping operation on fitted job

65 | P a g e
Code: BTXCCE2206 PROGRAMMING IN C LAB 1 Credit [LTP: 1-0 -2]
Students will be able to:
• Gain concept of functional hierarchical code organization.
• Work with textual information, characters and strings
• Implement file handling concepts
• Implement real time applications using the power of C language features.
• Overcome and solve possible errors during program execution.
1 Given the values of the variables x, y and z, write a program to rotate their values such that x has the value of y, y has
the value of z, and z has the value of x
2 Write a program that reads a floating point number and then displays the right-most digit of the integral part of the
3 Write a C program to calculate the sum of digits of given number.
4 Program to find largest and smallest number from four given number.
5 Program to find whether a year is leap or not
6 Write a C program in which enter any number by the user and perform the operation of Sum of digits of entered
7 Write a C Program to convert Decimal number to Binary number
8 Find the sum of this series upto n terms
9 Program to print Armstrong’s numbers from 1 to 100.
10 Write a program to convert years into Minute, Hours, Days, Months, Seconds using switch () statements
11 Write a C menu driven program
12 Write a program to generate the various pattern of numbers
13 Write a C Program to print the reverse of an integer number
14 Write a C program to perform the factorial of given number
15 Write a C program in which a function prime that returns 1 if its argument is a prime and return zero otherwise.
16 Write a C program to calculate factorial of a number using recursion.
17 Write a C program in which enter 10 elements by the user and perform the operation of sorting in ascending order
18 Write a C program to perform to perform Matrix addition and multiplication operations.
19 Write a program to determine the length of the string and find its equivalent ASCII codes.
20 Write a program to delete all the occurrences of the vowels in a given text. Assume that the text length will be of one
21 Write a program to maintain the library record for 100 books with book name, author’s name, and edition, year of
publishing and price of the book.
S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication
1. Let us C Yashwant Kanetkar 6th Edition PBP Publication
2. The C programming Language Richie and Kenninghan 2nd Edition 2004 PBP Publication,2004
3. Programming in ANSI C E Balaguruswamy 3rd Edition, 2005 Tata McGraw Hill
Reference Book
3. The C programming Language by Richie and Kenninghan, PBP Publication,2004
4. Programming in ANSI C 3rd Edition, 2005 by E.Balagurusamy, Tata McGraw Hill
Online Resources

5. https://www.programiz.com/c-programming/examples

66 | P a g e
Code: BTXCME2207 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY 1 Credit [LTP: 1-0-2]

Students will be able to:
• Apply the concept of scale and their applications
• Analyze the different applications of conic section and engineering curves and also how to draw on sheet
• Analyze the use of projection and also analyze the difference between first and third angle projection
• Apply the concept of sectioning and draw sheet on section of solid
• Analyze the use of development and their application

(Theory Concepts)

A. List of Experiments
1. • Lines, Lettering and Dimension (Sketch Book)
• Scales: Representative Fraction, plain scales, diagonal scales, (In drawing sheet)
2. • Conic Sections: Construction of ellipse, parabola and hyperbola by different methods( in drawing sheet) Engineering
Curves: Construction of Cycloid, Epicycloids, Hypo-cycloid( in drawing sheet)
3. • Type of Projection, Orthographic projection: first angle and third angle projection (in drawing sheet)
• Projection of Points
• Projection of Straight lines
• Projection of planes: Different positions of plane lamina like: regular polygon, circle of three planes (four problems in
drawing sheet)
• Projection of Solids: Projection of right and regular polyhedron, cone (four problem in drawing sheet)
4. • Sections of Solids: Projection of Frustum of a cone and pyramid (in drawing sheet)
5. • Development of Surfaces: Parallel line and radial line method for right solids, Regular Solids (in drawing sheet)
• Isometric Projections: Isometric Scale, Isometric axes, Isometric View of geometrical shapes (in drawing sheet)

(Practical Concepts)
6. • Introduction
• Line (coordinate Methods)
• Dimension
• Scale
7. • Rectangle
• Conic Section
• Construction of ellipse, Parabola & Hyperbola, Polygon
• Circle
8. • AutoCAD commands (copy, Mirror, Move, Array, Block, Group, Join, Hatch etc.)
9. • Type of Projection , Orthographic projection: First Angle and Third Angle projection
• Projection of Points
• Projection of Straight lines, different positions of straight lines
• Projection of planes
• Projection of Solids: projection of right and regular polyhedron and cone
10. • Section of solids: projection of frustum of a cone and pyramid
• Isometric projections
Virtual Labs
1 http://vlabs.iitb.ac.in/vlabs-dev/labs/mit_bootcamp/egraphics_lab/labs/index.php
67 | P a g e
Code: BTXCHM2208 FOUNDATION ENGLISH 1 Credits [LTP: 0-0-2]

Students will be able to:

Course Outcomes
CO Cognitive Abilities
Demonstrate the grammar skills involved in writing
CO-01 Understanding/ Applying/Creating
sentences and short paragraphs.
Build up a good command over English
CO-02 Understanding/ Applying
grammar and vocabulary to be able to ace error spotting.
Define unknown words in sentence level context using a
CO-03 Understanding/ Applying/Creating picture dictionary or by creating a memory link for support.

Understand, analyze and effectively use the conventions of

CO-04 Understanding / Applying
the English language.
Develop their interest in reading and enhance their oral and
CO-05 Understanding/Applying silent reading skills along with sharpen their critical and
analytical thinking.


1 Basics of Grammar 8
2 Spotting the grammatical errors and rectification 2

3 Vocabulary Building 4
4 Basics of Writing Skills 2
5 Reading Comprehension 8

25. 1. Parts of Speech: Theory & Practice through various Exercises
26. 2. Sentence Structures: Theory & Practice through various Exercises
27. 3. Tenses: Theory & Practice through various Exercises
28. 4. Spotting the Errors: Applying the rules and Practice Questions
29. 5. Vocabulary Building-I: Practice by sentence formation
30. 6. Vocabulary Building-II: Practice by sentence formation
31. 7. Paragraph Writing
32. 8. Article Writing
33. 9. Précis Writing
34. 10. Formal & Informal Letter Writing
35. 11. Reading Comprehension- I: Beginner’s level reading and Answering the Questions (Competitive
36. 12. Reading Comprehension- II: Intermediate’s level reading and Answering the Questions
(Competitive Exams)

68 | P a g e
Code:BTXCHM2209 LANGUAGE LAB 1 Credits [LTP: 0-0-2]

On successful completion of the course the learners will be able to

CO Cognitive Abilities Course Outcomes

CO-01 Understanding/ Applying/Creating Understand the nuances of language through audio- visual
experience and group activities.
CO-02 Understanding/ Applying Neutralize the accent for intelligibility and develop
confidence in speaking with clarity enhancing their
employability skills.
CO-03 Understanding/ Applying/Creating Demonstrate an understanding of grammatical structures in
conversations and discussions.

CO-04 Understanding / Applying Utilize the knowledge of confidence building strategies to

manage one's own thoughts and emotions.
CO-05 Understanding/Applying Identify the requirements of skills development and apply
their learning to sharpen the same.


1 Introduction to Communication Skills on Learning Software 6
2 Concepts of Phonetics 4
3 Grammar Practice 2
4 Confidence Enhancement Activities 4
5 Skills Enhancement Activities 8

1. Listening Skills
2. Reading Comprehension
3. Writing Skills
4. Phonetics I
5. Phonetics II
6. Grammar and Common Errors Usage
7. Conversation
8. Role Plays
9. Presentation Skills I
10. Presentation Skills II
11. Group Discussion
12. Interview Skills

Software used in Language Lab: EL-Client

S.No. Topics Exercises

I Listening Skills:
Fourteen Lessons each containing five exercises
II Fundamental Language Skills: 5exercises
Introductory Lessons 6exercises
Basic Lessons (a) Reading 3exercises
Basic Lessons (a) Grammar 6exercises

69 | P a g e
Basic Lessons (a) Vocabulary 5exercises
Basic Lessons (a) WritingBasic Lessons (b)-(c) Reading 9exercises
Basic Lessons (b)-(c) Grammar 9exercises
Basic Lessons (b) Vocabulary 5exercises
Basic Lessons (b) Writing 3exercises

III Communication Skills:

Reading Comprehension
Exercises on Reading, Vocabulary, Grammar and Writing
IV Vocabulary:
Word mentor: Various games based on the formation of words.
V Phonetics:
Correct Pronunciation
VI English as Second Language 45exercises
VII Conversations:
Nine topics for conversations.

• Neutralization of accent for intelligibility

• Speaking with clarity and confidence thereby enhancing employability skills of the students

70 | P a g e
Code: BADCCE2210 Programming in Python 1 Credits [LTP: 0-1-2]

Students will be able to: Understand the basic terminology used in computer programming to write, compile and
debug programs in Python programming language.
• Use different data types to design programs involving decisions, loops, and functions for problem solving
• Apply various object oriented programming
• Handle the exceptions which are raised during the execution of Python scripts
• Implement files and classes in the Python programming environment


Unit No. Title of the Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to Python Programming 07
2. Python Operators and Control Flow statements 09
3. Data Structures, Python Functions and Packages 09
4. Object Oriented Programming 08
5. File I/O Handling and Exception Handling 09


Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction to Python Programming
• Introduction to Unit
• What is Python,
• Uses of Python Programming Language / Python Applications
• Features of Python Programming Language
• Python-2 and Python-3 differences
• Python environment setup — Installation and working of IDE
• Running Simple Python scripts to display 'welcome' message.
• Python Data Types: Numbers, String, Tuples, Lists, Dictionary. Declaration and use of data types
• Python building blocks — Identifiers, Keywords, Indention, Variables, Comments
• Conclusion of unit
2. Python Operators and Control Flow statements
• Introduction to Unit
• Basic Operators: Arithmetic, Comparison/ Relational, Assignment, Logical, Bitwise, Membership,
Identity operators, Python Operator Precedence
• Control Flow:
• Conditional Statements (if, if ... else, nested if)
• Looping in python (while loop, for loop, nested loops)
• loop manipulation using continue, pass, break, else.
• .Conclusion of Unit
3. Data Structures, Python Functions and Packages
• Introduction to Unit
• Lists, Tuple, Sets, Dictionaries
• String and Slicing
• Use of Python built
• User defined functions and its types
• Command-line Arguments
• Python Packages: Introduction, Writing Python packages
• Using standard packages (e.g. math, scipy, Numpy, matplotlib, pandas etc.)

71 | P a g e
• user defined packages
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Object Oriented Programming
• Introduction of Unit
• Creating Classes and Objects
• Inheritance
• Method Overloading and Overriding
• Data Hiding
• Data abstraction,Abstract classes
• Types of Methods : Instance Methods , Static Methods , Class Methods
• Accessing attributes , Built-In Class Attributes
• Destroying Objects
• Conclusion of Unit
5. File I/O Handling andException Handling

• Introduction of Unit
• Types of File
• File Objects, File Built-in Function, File Built-in Methods
• File Built-in Attributes
• Read/write operations Reading Text
• Moving cursor in file inbuilt -functions
• Errors in Python : Compile-Time Errors ,Runtime Errors , Logical Errors
• What is Exception?
• try….except…else, try-finally clause
• Regular expressions
• Conclusion of Unit


Text Books: Author Edition Publication
1. Core Python Programming Chun, JWesley 2007 Pearson,
2. Head First Python Barry,Paul 2010 ORielly,

Reference Book

1 Learning Python Lutz, Mark O Rielly, 2009

Online Resources
1 https://www.learnpython.org/
2 https://realpython.com/start-here/
3 https://www.programiz.com/python-programming

72 | P a g e
Code: BTXCTX2601 Talent Enrichment Programme(TEP)-II 1 Credit [LTP: 1-0-0]

The objective of Discipline and TEP is to provide students with the opportunities to enhance job fetching
skills and at the same time to cultivate the student’s personal interests and hobbies while maintaining the good
disciplinary environment in the University. TEP is integrated into the curriculum for holistic development of
students through active participate on in various activities falling in Technical and non-technical categories.
Social outreach, Discipline, TEP -I, VAC & Extra Curricular activities shall be evaluated on the basis of its
sub constituent programme, as a complete one credit course. It shall be counted in calculation of SGPA but it
is not a back log subject. However, the attendance of these classes shall be recorded and accounted in the total
Activities included in this category in this Semester are as follows:

Code Activity Hours Credits

Discipline, Value Added Courses & Social Outreach -

- 1
BTXCTX2601 Talent Enrichment Programme (TEP)-II
Library / MOOC / NSP 1

73 | P a g e
Department Core Courses

Code :BCECSA3101 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]

Students will be able to:
• Explain the basic concepts of probability and their properties.
• Determine the probability distribution for discrete and continuous random variable
• Analyze the correlation and regression..
• Develop mathematical arguments for Linear Programming
• Evaluate Linear Programming problem using simplex method


Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Probability 07
2. Probability Distribution 07
3. Correlation and Regression 08
4. Linear Programming 07
5. Simplex Method 07


Unit Unit Details

4. Probability
• Introduction of Unit
• Random Experiment; Sample space; Random Events; Probability of events
• Conditional probability
• Bayes’ theorem and related problems.
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Probability Distribution
• Introduction of Unit
• Random variable and its types
• Distribution function, Probability mass function and Probability density function
• Discrete probability distribution: Binomial and Poisson’s distribution
• Continuous probability distribution: Normal distribution
• Conclusion of Unit
6. Correlation and Regression
• Introduction of Unit
• Correlation, Types of correlation,
• Karl Pearson Coefficient (r) of correlation, Properties,
• Rank correlation coefficient, Regression,
• Lines of Regression, Properties of regression coefficients
• .Conclusion of Unit
7. Linear Programming

74 | P a g e
• Introduction of Unit
• Concept of optimization,
• Linear Programming: Introduction, Formulation of a Linear Programming Problem (LPP),
• Requirements for an LPP, Advantages and limitations of LP.
• Graphical solution, Multiple, unbounded and infeasible solutions.
• Conclusion of Unit
8. Simplex Method

• Introduction of Unit
• Principle of simplex method: standard form, basic solution, basic feasible solutions
• Computational Aspect of Simplex Method: Cases of unique feasible solution, no feasible solution,
• Multiple solution and unbounded solution and degeneracy
• Two Phase method, Duality in LPP, primal-dual relationship
• Conclusion of Unit


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

Elements of Statistics, Schaum‘s outline Bernstein, S. & 2001 McGraw-Hill.
1. Bernstein, R
Introduction to Probability Models Sheldon Ross 9th Ed Academic Press,
Indian Reprint
Reference Book
Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, Alexander M. Mood, Franklin A. Graybill and Duane C. Boes, 3rd Ed , Tata
McGraw- Hill, Reprint 2007.
4. Operations Research, KantiSwarup,, P.K. Gupta and Manmohan, 2nd Ed, S. Chand publication Delhi
5. Operations Research, P.K. Gupta and D.S. Hira, 2016, S. Chand & Co. Delhi

Online Resources
9. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/engineering-mathematics-tutorials/

75 | P a g e

Students will be able to:
• Argue the correctness of algorithms using inductive proofs and invariants.
• Analyse worst-case running times of algorithms using asymptotic analysis.
• Analyse time complexities of various searching, sorting.
• Create various applications using stack, queue, tree and graph.
• Able to select relevant data structure to solve the problem.


Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to Data structures 8
2. Searching and Sorting 8
3. Stack and Queue 8
4. Linked List 9
5. Tree Graphs and their Applications 7


Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction to Data structures
• Introduction to Unit
• Definition,
• Classification of data structures: primitive and non-primitive
• Elementary data organization
• Time and space complexity of an algorithm (Examples), String processing.
• Definition of dynamic memory allocation
• Accessing the address of a variable
• Declaring and initializing pointers -
• Accessing a variable through its pointer, Meaning of static and dynamic memory allocation, Memory
allocation functions: malloc(), calloc(), free() and realloc().
• Recursion – Definition, advantages, Writing Recursive programs – Binomial coefficient, Fibonacci, GCD.
• Conclusion and Real Life Applications of unit
2. Searching and Sorting
• Introduction to Unit
• Basic Search Techniques - Sequential search, Iterative and Recursive methods, Binary search: Iterative
and Recursive methods, Comparison between sequential and binary search.
• Sorting: General back ground and definition-Bubblesort,Selectionsort,Insertionsort,Mergesort,Quicksort
• Conclusion and Real Life Applications of unit
3. Stack and Queue
• Introduction to Unit
• Stack – Definition
• Array representation of stack
• Operations on stack: Infix, prefix and postfix notations
• Conversion of an arithmetic expression from Infix to postfix
• Applications of stacks.
• Definition of queue

76 | P a g e
• Array representation of queue
• Types of queue: Simple queue, Circular queue, Double ended queue (deque), Priority queue,
• Operations on all types of Queues
• Conclusion and Real Life Applications of Unit
4. Linked List
• Introduction of Unit
• Definition of linked list
• Components of linked list
• Representation of linked list
• Advantages and Disadvantages of linked list
• Types of linked list: Singly linked list, doubly linked list, Circular linked list
• Operations on singly linked list: creation, insertion, deletion, search and display
• Conclusion and Real Life Applications of Unit
5. Tree Graphs and their Applications
• Introduction to Unit
• Definition : Tree
• Binary tree, Complete binary tree, Binary search tree
• Heap
• Tree terminology: Root, Node, Degree of a node and tree, Terminal nodes, Non-terminal nodes, Siblings,
Level, Edge, Path, depth, Parent node, ancestors of a node
• Binary tree: Array representation of tree, Creation of binary tree.
• Traversal of Binary Tree: Preorder, Inorder and postorder.
• Graphs
• Application of Graphs
• Depth First search, Breadth First search.
• Conclusion and Real Life Applications of Unit


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

1. Schaum’s outline series Data structures Lips chutz Latest TMH.
Data Structures and program designing using Robert Kruse Latest Pearson Education
Reference Book
1. Introduction to Data Structures in C by- Kamthane Pearson Education2005
2. Data Structures Using C by- Bandyo Padhyay Pearson Education
Online Resources
1. https://www.gatevidyalay.com/data-structures/
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBrDsG3MTkw

77 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE3103 OOPS with Java 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]
Students will be able to:
• Acquire the concepts and features of object oriented programming
• Learn java's exception handling mechanism, multithreading, packages and interfaces.
• Implement object oriented programming concepts using java
• Apply object oriented programming features and concepts for solving given problem
• Implement the concept of class and objects with access control to represent real world entities.


Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to Java 08
2. Working with classes ,objects and Inheritance 09
3. Packages, Interfaces & Exception Handling 09
4. Multithreaded Programming & Applet 07
5. JAVA Database Connectivity (JDBC) and Java 8 07


Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction to Java
• Introduction to Unit
• History and Overview of Java
• Object Oriented Programming features.
• Class Fundamentals
• Declaring objects, Assigning object reference variables.
• Literals, variables comments, separators,
• Scope and Life Time of Variables
• Data types - Integers, Floating point, characters, Boolean,
• Type conversion and casting
• Operators - Arithmetic operators, Bit wise operators, Relational Operators, Boolean Logical operators,
Assignment Operator, Operator Precedence.
• Conclusion of unit
2. Working with classes, objects and Inheritance
• Introduction to Unit
• Control Statements – Selection Statements - if, Switch, Iteration Statements - While, Do-while, for Nested
loops, Jump statements.
• Methods - constructors, “this” keyword, finalize ( ) method A stack class, Over loading methods. Using
objects as parameters, Argument passing, Returning objects.
• Recursion, Access control, introducing final, understanding static.
• Introducing Nested and Inner classes.
• Command line arguments.
• Inheritance – Basics, Using super, method overriding, and Dynamic method Dispatch, Using abstract
classes and final with Inheritance.
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Packages, Interfaces & Exception Handling

78 | P a g e
• Introduction to Unit
• Definition and Implementation, Access protection importing packages.
• Interfaces: Definition and implementation.
• Exception Handling – Fundamentals, types, Using try and catch
• Multiple catch clauses
• Nested try Statements, Throw, finally.
• User Defined Exception
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Multithreaded Programming & Applet
• Introduction of Unit
• Java thread model – main thread, creating single Multithreading
• Is alive ( ) and join ( ) Methods
• Thread – Priorities, Synchronization
• Inter thread communication, suspending, resuming and stopping threads
• Reading control input, writing control output, Reading and Writing files.
• Applet Fundamentals – AWT package
• AWT Event handling concepts.
• Conclusion of Unit
5. JAVA Database Connectivity (JDBC) and Java 8 Features
• Introduction to Unit
• Database connectivity – JDBC architecture and Drivers.
• JDBC API - loading a driver, connecting to a database, creating and executing JDBC statements
• Handling SQL exceptions.
• Accessing result sets: types and methods.
• JDBC application to query a database.
• Introduction to java 8 features :-Functional Interfaces And Lambda Expressions
• Conclusion of Unit


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

The complete reference Java –2 Herbert Schildt V TMH.
SAMS teach yourself Java – 2 Rogers Cedenhead and 3rd Pearson Education
Leura Lemay Edition,
Reference Book
Object Oriented Programming with Java PUBLISHER PHI by M.T. Somashekara (Author), D.S.
1. Guru (Author), K.S. Manjunatha (Author)

2. “Head First Java” by Kathy Sierra

Online Resources
1. https://www.programiz.com/java-programming/online-compiler/
2. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/compile_java_online.php
3. https://onecompiler.com/java

79 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE3104 Operating System 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]

Students will be able to:
• Know structure and organization of the file system.
• Get concept what a process is and how processes are synchronized and scheduled.
• Acquire different approaches to memory management.
• Use system calls for managing processes, memory and the file system.
• Know the data structures and algorithms used to implement an OS.


Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Operating System Overview 08
2. Process Management 08
3. Process Deadlocks 08
4. Memory Management 09
5. File Management 07

Unit Unit Details
1. Operating System Overview
• Introduction of Unit
• Definition, Two views of operating system, Evolution of operating system, Types of OS.
• System Call, Handling System Calls, System Programs, Operating System Structures,
• The Shell, Open Source Operating Systems
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Process Management
• Introduction of Unit
• Process v/s Program, Multi-programming, Process Model, Process States, Process Control Block.
• Threads, Thread v/s Process, User and Kernel Space Threads.
• Inter Process Communication, Race Condition, Critical Section
• Implementing Mutual Exclusion: Mutual Exclusion with Busy Waiting
• Interrupts, Lock Variables, Strict Alteration, Peterson’s Solution, Test and Set Lock.
• Sleep and Wake-up, Semaphore, Monitors, Message Passing.
• Classical IPC problems: Producer Consumer, Sleeping Barber, Dining Philosopher
• Process Scheduling: Goals, Batch System Scheduling (First-Come First-Served, Shortest Job First,
Shortest Remaining Time Next), Interactive System Scheduling (Round-Robin Scheduling, Priority
Scheduling, Multiple Queues), Overview of Real Time System Scheduling
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Process Deadlocks
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction, Deadlock Characterization, Preempt able and Non-preempt able Resources
• Resource – Allocation Graph, Conditions for Deadlock.
• Handling Deadlocks: Ostrich Algorithm, Deadlock prevention, Deadlock Avoidance.
• Deadlock Detection (For Single and Multiple Resource Instances), Recovery From
• Deadlock (Through Preemption and Rollback)
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Memory Management

80 | P a g e
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction, Mono programming vs. Multi-programming, Modeling Multiprogramming,
Multiprogramming with fixed and variable partitions, Relocation and Protection.
• Memory management (Bitmaps & Linked-list), Memory Allocation Strategies
• Virtual memory: Paging, Page Table, Page Table Structure, Handling Page Faults, TLB’s
• Page Replacement Algorithms: FIFO, Second Chance, LRU, Optimal, LFU, Clock, WS- Clock, Concept
of Locality of Reference, Belady’s Anomaly
• Segmentation: Need of Segmentation, its Drawbacks, Segmentation with Paging(MULTICS)
• Conclusion of Unit
5. File Management
• Introduction of Unit
• File Overview: File Naming, File Structure, File Types, File Access, File Attributes, File Operations,
Single Level, two Level and Hierarchical Directory Systems, File System Layout.
• Implementing Files: Contiguous allocation, Linked List Allocation, Linked List
• Allocation using Table in Memory, Inodes.
• Directory Operations, Path Names, Directory Implementation, Shared Files
• Free Space Management: Bitmaps, Linked List
• Conclusion of Unit


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

Silberschatz, Galvin, 8
1 Operating system concepts John Wiley and Sons
Gagne edition
2 Modern Operating System A.S.Tanenbaum Pearson
Reference Books

1. Operating Systems-S Halder, Alex A Aravind Pearson Education Second Edition 2016.
Online Resources

1. https://www.coursera.org/courses?query=operating%20system
2. https://hackr.io › tutorials › learn-operating-systems

81 | P a g e
Code : BCECCE3201 Data Structures and Algorithms Lab 1 Credits [LTP: 0-0-2]

Students will be able to: Argue the correctness of algorithms using inductive proofs and invariants.

• Analyse worst-case running times of algorithms using asymptotic analysis.

• Implement various searching, sorting.
• Create various applications using stack , queue, tree and graph.
• Implement relevant data structure to solve the problem.


1 Use a recursive function to find

a) GCD of two numbers.
b) Use a recursive function to find the Fibonacci series.
c) Factorial
d) Binomial Coefficient
2 Perform the following:
a) Insert an integer into a given position in an array.
b) Deleting an integer from an array.
3 Perform the following:
a) Write a program for linear search
b) Write a program for Binary search
c) Write a program to sort N numbers using bubble sort.
4 Perform the following:
a) Write a program to sort N numbers using insertion sort.
b) Write a program to sort N numbers using selection sort.
c) Write a program to sort N numbers using bubble sort.
5 Write a program to sort N numbers using quick sort.

6 Write a program to sort N numbers using merge sort.

7 Write a C program to create Stack using array.

8 Write a C program to create queue using array.
9 Write a program to create a linked list and to display it.

10 Inserting a node into a singly linked list on various position beginning, after given location and end.

11 Deleting a node into a singly linked list on various position beginning, after given location and end.

12 Write a C program to create stack and queue using linked list.

13 Creating a binary search tree and traversing it using inorder, preorder and postorder.

14 Write a C program to implement graph.


82 | P a g e
S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication
Data Structures and Algorithm Weiss 2001
1. Pearson Education
Analysis in C
Schaum’s outline series Data Lipschutz
2. Tata McGraw-Hill
Data Structures and program Robert Kruse
3. Pearson
designing using ‘C’
4. Data Structures Using C Bandyopadhyay 1999 Pearson Education
Reference Book
5. Data Structures Using C, Pearson Education, Tenenbaum.
6. Introduction to Data Structures in C, Pearson Education 2005, Kamthane
Data Structures using C and C++, Pearson Education, Langsam, Ausenstein Maoshe & M. Tanenbaum
Online Resources
8. https://www.programiz.com/dsa
9. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/data-structures/
10. https://www.codechef.com/certification/data-structures-and-algorithms/prepare

83 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE3202 OOPs with Java Lab 1 Credits [LTP: 0-0-2]
Students will be able to:
• To Implement object oriented programming concepts to solve real world problems
• To implement the concept of class and objects with access control to represent real world entities.
• Illustrate different techniques on creating and accessing packages (fully qualified name and import
• Create concepts on file streams and operations in java programming for a given application programs
• Create the backend connectivity process in java program by using JDBC drivers

1 A. Write a program to print “Hello World” in Java.
B. Write a program to add two numbers
C. Write a program to demonstrate the different access specifiers
D. Write a program which uses different packages
2 A. Write a program to demonstrate inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation and Polymorphism.
B. Write a program to find the factorial of n numbers
C. Write a program to calculate Fibonacci series
D. Write a program to add n numbers and series
3 A. Write a program to create an array and store elements into the array.
B. Write a program to find the sum of elements in an array
C. Write a program to demonstrate switch case, if, if-else and for loop
4 A. Write a program to demonstrate the working of methods.
B. Write a program which has four methods – add(), subtract(), multiply() and divide()
and demonstrate a simple console calculator.
C. Write a program to accept command line arguments and display them to the user
5 A. Write a program to create a package.
B. Write a program to handle different exceptions
6 A.Write a program to demonstrate try-catch, throw and throws.
B. Write a program for user defined exception
7 A. Write a program to read a file
Write a program to write into a file
8 Write a program to demonstrate client server communication (socket programming)
9 Write a program to create threads and manipulate them
10 Write a program to create a user interface to check user authentication.
11 Write a program to create a registration form and save the details into a file
12 Write a program to save and fetch the details from database
S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication
1 The complete reference Java –2 Herbert Schildt 5th TMH.
2 SAMS teach yourself Java – 2 Rogers Cedenhead and 3rd Pearson Education
Leura Lemay Edition,
Reference Book

1 The complete reference Java –2

2 SAMS teach yourself Java – 2
Online Resources
1 https://www.programiz.com/java-programming/online-compiler/
2 https://www.tutorialspoint.com/compile_java_online.php
3 https://onecompiler.com/java
84 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE3203 Operating System Lab 1 Credits [LTP: 0-0-2]
Students will be able to:
• Implement basic services and functionalities of the operating system using system calls.
• Use modern operating system calls and synchronization libraries in software/ hardware interfaces.
• Know the benefits of thread over process and implement synchronized programs using multi-threading
• Analyze and simulate CPU Scheduling Algorithms like FCFS, Round Robin, SJF, and Priority.
• Implement memory management schemes and page replacement schemes.

1. 1 Write a C program to simulate the following non-preemptive CPU scheduling algorithms to find
turnaround time and waiting time. a) FCFS b) SJF c) Round Robin d) Priority
2. 2 Write a C program to simulate the following file allocation strategies. a) Sequential b) Indexed c)
3. 3 Write a C program to simulate multi-level queue scheduling algorithm considering the following
scenario. All the processes in the system are divided into two categories – system processes and user
processes. System processes are to be given higher priority than user processes. Use FCFS
scheduling for the processes in each queue
4. 4 Write a C program to simulate the MVT and MFT memory management techniques.
5. 5 Write a C program to simulate the following contiguous memory allocation techniques a) Worst-fit b)
Best-fit c) First-fit
6. 6 Write a C program to simulate paging technique of memory management
7. 7 Write a C program to simulate Bankers algorithm for the purpose of deadlock avoidance.
8. 8 Write a C program to simulate disk scheduling algorithms a) FCFS b) SCAN c) C-SCAN
9. 9 Write a C program to simulate page replacement algorithms a) FIFO b) LRU c) LFU
10. 10 Write a C program to simulate page replacement algorithms
11. 11 Write a C program to simulate producer-consumer problem using semaphores.
12. 12 Write a C program to simulate the concept of Dining-Philosophers problem.


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

Silberschatz, Galvin,
1. Operating system concepts 8th edition John Wiley and Sons
2. Modern Operating System A.S.Tanenbaum Pearson
Reference Book
3. Operating Systems-S Halder, Alex A Aravind Pearson Education Second Edition 2016
Online Resources
4. https://www.coursera.org › courses › query=operating s...
5. https://www.javatpoint.com › best-courses-for-the-oper...
6. https://hackr.io › tutorials › learn-operating-systems

85 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE3204 Linux Lab 1 Credits [LTP: 0-0-2]
Students will be able to:
• Implement and Use Linux Commands
• Apply Linux commands to create file and handle it.
• Study and use Vi editors
• Study and understand Shell Scripts
• make able to write Shell Scripts Program


1 Study and Use of Basic Linux Commands: man,history,clear,date,time,cal,who,ps,pwd

2 Study of various file management commands in Linux
3 Create a file called xyz.txt with some lines and display how many lines words and charecters are present in file
4 Explain ls command and directory management Command
5 Study and use of the commands for changing file permission
6 Study of Vi editor
7 Study of Linux shell and operators use in it
8 Write shell script to Explain If Command
9 Write shell script to add two numbers
10 Write shell script to find maximum in two numbers
11 Write shell scripts to swap two numbers
12 Write shell script to illustrate for loop


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

Richard McGraw Hill
1 Linux:the complete reference 6th Edition
Petersen Education
2 How Linux Works Brian Ward 2nd Edition No Starch Press

Reference Book
1 Linux Kernel Development: Linux Kernel Development, Robert Love, Addison-Wesley
Online Resources
1 https://www.tutorialspoint.com/unix/index.htm
2 https://www.purdue.edu/postlab/resources/linux-tutorial/

86 | P a g e
Department Elective

Code: BCEECE3111 Computer Graphics 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]

Students will be able to:
• Gain knowledge about the concepts of computer graphics and its applications.
• Draw line and circle drawing algorithms
• Describe and analyze transformations and clipping.
• Analyze the concepts of curves and hidden surface rendering.
• Demonstrate and apply the concepts of illumination and coloring techniques.


Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to Computer Graphics 7
2. Output Primitives 7
3. Geometric transformations 9
4. Curve, surfaces and hidden surface removal 8
5. Illumination and color models: 8


Unit Unit Details

Unit Details
1 Introduction to Computer Graphics

• Introduction to Computer Graphics

• Definition of computer Graphics
• Application of Computer Graphics
• Graphics packages.
• Graphics systems
• Input devices
• Output devices
• Various image file formats
• Conclusion of Unit
2 Output Primitives

• Introduction to unit
• Output primitives and their attributes: point, line, polygon, text, image, curve, their attributes.
• Color lookup table
• area filled attributes
• text and characters
• bundled attributes
• Line drawing algorithms : DDA and Bresenham’s line drawing algorithms
• Mid point circle generating algorithm
• Antialiasing
• Fill area algorithms

87 | P a g e
• Conclusion of Unit
3 Geometric transformations

• Introduction to Geometric transformations

• 2D Translation, 2D Rotation, 2D scaling
• Shear and Reflection
• Transformation between coordinates
• 3D Translation, 3D Rotation, 3D scaling
• Conclusion of Unit
4 Viewing and hidden surface detections
• Introduction to unit
• Window to viewport
• Point clipping
• Line clipping
• Polygon clipping
• z-buffer algorithm, Back face detection, BSP tree method
• Hidden line elimination
• Conclusion of Unit
5 Illumination and color models:

• Introduction to Unit
• Illumination model
• Light sources
• Ambient
• Diffuse and specular lighting and calculation
• Physics of colors
• CIE standard
• Color space
• Conclusion of Unit


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

Computer Graphics with OpenGL Donald Hearn and M. Fourth Prentice Hall
Pauline Baker Edition
Tata McGraw Hill
2. Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics David F. Rogers Latest
Reference Book
3. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, Tata McGraw Hill, William Newman, Robert Sproull.
4. Computer graphics : principles and practice, Tata McGraw Hill, Foley, Van Dam, Feiner and Hughes
5. Computer Graphics: Theory Into Practice, Jones and Bartlett Publishers Jeffrey J. McConnell
Online Resources

6. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106090
7. https://www.udemy.com/course/computer_graphics_subject/
8. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/computer_graphics/index.htm

88 | P a g e
Code: BCEECE3112 Fundamental of Data Science 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]


Students will be able to:

• Apply the skills of data preprocessing.

• Identify the relationship between data dependencies using statistics
• Implement machine learning techniques to data science applications.
• Apply various data visualization tools to Data.
• Apply suitable tools for the real world Data Science applications

Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to Data science 7
2. Describing Data 7
3. Machine Learning 8
4. Data Visualizations 8
5. Computing for Data Science 9


Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction to Data science
• Introduction of Unit
• Definition of Data science
• Need for data science
• Benefits and uses
• Facets of data
• Data science process
• Conclusion of the unit
2. Describing Data
• Introduction of Unit
• Frequency distributions
• Outliers
• Relative frequency distributions
• Cumulative frequency distributions
• Frequency distributions for nominal data
• Interpreting distributions :graphs, averages,mode, median, mean
• Averages for qualitative and ranked data
• Describing variability : range, variance, standard deviation, degrees of freedom, interquartile range
• variability for qualitative and ranked data
• Conclusion of the unit
3. 3 Machine Learning
• Introduction of Unit
• Machine learning techniques
• Regression
• Pearson's r value
• Clustering
• k-means algorithm

89 | P a g e
• Classification
• Types of classification algorithms
• Decision tree classification
• Conclusion of the unit
4. Data Visualizations
• Introduction of Unit
• Data Visualizations
• The Big Three
• Picking the Most Appropriate Design Style
• Selecting the Appropriate Data Graphic Type
• Web-Based Applications for Visualization Design
• Designing Data Visualizations for Collaboration
• Visualizing Spatial Data with Online Geographic Tools.
• Conclusion of the unit
5. Computing for Data Science
• Introduction of Unit
• Using Python for Data Science
• Sorting Out the Python Data Types
• Putting Loops to Good use in Python
• Basics of Numpy arrays in Python
• Data manipulation with Pandas
• Using Open Source R for Data Science
• R’s Basic Vocabulary
• Delving into Functions and Operators
• Doing Data Science with Excel
• Making Life Easier with Excel.
• Conclusion of the unit
S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication
David Cielen, Arno D. B. Fourth
1. Introducing Data Science Manning
Meysman, and Mohamed Ali Edition
2. Statistics Robert S. Witte and John S. Witte Wiley

3. Python Data Science Handbook Jake VanderPlas O’Reilly

2nd John Wiley & Sons
4. Data Science for Dummies Lillian Pierson
Edition publications, 2017
Reference Book

Think Stats: Exploratory Data Analysis in Python, Green Tea Press, Allen B. Downey.

Online Resources




90 | P a g e
Code : BCEECE3113 Cyber Crime Law & IPR 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]
Student will able to
• Get the knowledge about cyber crime and get awareness about cyber crime
• Differentiate the cyber crime and the provision for it
• Know about the cyber crime act law and the rules about copy right
• Get the knowledge about computer forensic and its requirement.
• Learn about the Indian cyber laws and its usage


Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Cyber Crime Introduction 07
2. Indian Cyber Laws-I 08
3. Indian Cyber Laws-II 08
4. Computer Forensics 07
5. Copyright and Cyber law 07


Unit Unit Details

1. Cyber Crime Introduction
• Introduction of Unit
• Cyber Crime Introduction (Need for cyber law, Evolution of key terms and concepts)
• Cyber Crimes and Jurisprudence of Cyber Law, What is cyber law and IPRs, Need for cyber law, Evolution of
key terms and concepts
• Need for cyber law, Evolution of key terms and concepts, Cyber Crimes and Jurisprudence of Cyber Law,
What is cyber law and IPRs
• Introduction of IT Act, Introduction Conventional Crime ,Cyber Crime,Reasons for Cyber Crime
• Classification of Conventional and Cyber Crime, Difference between Conventional and Unconventional Cyber
• Cyber Criminal Mode and Manner of Committing Cyber Crime,Computer crime prevention measures
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Indian Cyber Laws-I
• Introduction of Unit
• Provisions in Indian Laws in dealing with Cyber Crimes and its critical analysis, Information Technology Act,
2000, Penalties and Offences under IT Act
• Offences related with Digital Signature and Electronic Signature under IT Act, Statutory Provisions
• Establishment of Authorities under IT Act and their functions, powers such as Controller, Certifying
Authorities ,Cyber Regulation Appellate Tribunal, Adjudicating officer
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Indian Cyber Laws-II
• Introduction of Unit
• International Organizations and their roles such as ICANN,URDP,WTO and TRIPS
• Evolution of IT Act ,Digital/ Electronic Signature- Analysis in the background of Indian Laws
• E-Commerce; Issues and provisions in Indian Law
• EGovernance; concept and practicality in India, ETaxation issues in Cyberspace
• Conclusion of Unit

4. Computer Forensics
• Introduction of Unit

91 | P a g e
• Introduction, Subdivisions, Steps of Computer Forensics, Analyzing the Suspected Computer
• Incidence Response, Digital Forensic Science, The need for Computer Forensics
• Cyber Forensics and Digital Evidence
• Digital Forensics Life Cycle, Chain of custody concept and Challenges in Computer Forensics, Forensic
• Conclusion of Unit

5. Copyright and Cyber law

• Introduction of Unit
• Concept of Copyright and Patent in Cyberspace, Copyright in the Digital Medium
• Copyright in Computer Programmes, Copyright and WIPO Treaties
• Concept of Patent Right, Relevant provisions of Patent Act 1970
• Data Storage on a Hard Drive, Data Storage on a Hard Drive, Hard Disk Drive addressing
• Hard Disk Drive addressing, File corruption and Recovery, Fundamentals of drive imaging
• Cloning and Issues in Imaging
• Conclusion of Unit


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

Cyber security - understanding cyber

Nina godbole and sunit
crimes,computer forensics and legal 1st WILEY

Linda Volonino,
Computer Forensics: Principles And Practices Reynaldo Anzaldua 1st PEARSON
And Jana Godwin

Reference Book

System Forensics Ankit Fadia,Boonlia, Prince Komal, 1st Vikas Publication

Cyber law in India, Farooq Ahmad 1st Pioneer Publishers, New Delhi

Information technology law and practice, Sharma Vakul, Universal Law Publishing Co Ltd

Online Resources




92 | P a g e
Code: BCEECE3114 Introduction to UI/UX 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]
Student will able to
• Gain knowledge about the critical importance of user interface design
• Use learned skills to solve problems of various layouts of User Experience Design
• Apply the functionality of different design in web designing
• Properly select and utilize design thinking processes and UX/UI tools
• Develop ideas and various app designs and website pages.

Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction To HCI 08
2. UX Introduction 09
3. Mobile UI Design 09
4. Best Practices In UI Design 07
5. Prototype & Test 07

Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction to HCI
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction to HCI
• HCI and Software Engineering
• Models of HCI — Cognitive, Interactive
• Fitt's Law
• Communication & Collaboration Models
• Programming Interactive System
• Task Analysis
• Guidelines in HCI
• Conclusion of unit
2. UX Introduction
• Introduction of Unit
• User Interaction with the products, applications and services
• Why User Experience Design
• What is User Experience (UX) Design?
• Core elements of User Experience.
• How these elements work together.
• Defining the UX Design Process and Methodology
• Visual Design Principles
• Information Design and Data Visualization
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Mobile UI Design
• Introduction of Unit
• Mobile Interaction Styles: Keypads, Touchpads, Gestures
• Disruption & Innovation
• Screen Design and Layouts
• UX Tools for Wire framing and Prototyping
• UX Tools for User Research and User Testing
• UX Tools for Organizing Information
• Conclusion of Unit

93 | P a g e
4. Best Practices in UI Design
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction to Perl
• Mobile UI Best practices — HTML & CSS
• HTML Tags and forms
• CSS - Properties
• Mobile UI Best practices —JS
• Conclusion of Unit
• Introduction of Unit
• What is Usability Testing?
• Types of Usability Testing
• Usability Testing Process
• How to prepare and plan for the Usability Tests?
• Prototype your Design to Test?
• Quality assurance
• Alpha testing
• Launching you project
• Support
• Post launch activities
• Conclusion of Unit
S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication
Alan Dix, Janet Pearson
1. Human Computer Interaction 3rd edition 2004
Finlay Education
The Essential Guide to User Interface Design: Wilbert 0. 3rd edition 2007 Wiley
An Introduction to GUI Design Principles and Galitz
Alan Dix, Janet Pearson
3. Human Computer Interaction 3rd edition 2004
Finlay Education
Reference Book
1. UX for Dummies, Donald Chesnut , Kevin P. Nichols , 2014,Wiley India Pvt. Ltd
2. UX for beginners, Mekkie Bansil,2016,O Really
Online Resources

1. https://learnui.design/
2. https://www.skillshare.com/browse/ui-ux-design
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LupF26_Zs5Y

94 | P a g e
Code : BULCHU3201 Skills-Communication I 1 Credits [LTP: 2-0-0]


Students will be able to:

• Demonstrate depth of understanding, observing complexity, improve insight and develop independent thought and
• Determine the main ideas of the text by using key details and compare & contrast the most important points with
the help of their perspective.
• Practice the qualities of writing style by applying the concepts of sentence conciseness, accuracy, readability,
coherence and by avoiding wordiness or ambiguity.
• Distinguish words and phrases as per their intonation patterns and interpret the audios based on different situations
• Demonstrate the understanding of impactful conversational skills, presentation skills & telephonic conversation by
considering the need of the audience.


Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Intrapersonal/Interpersonal Skills 6
2. Reading Skills 4
3. Writing Skills 6
4. Listening Skills 4
5. Speaking Skills 5


1. Self – Awareness & Self-Introduction
2. Goal Setting: Ambition induced, interest induced or environment conditioned
3. Cultivating Conversational Skills
4. Role Plays : Selection of varied plots, characters & settings
5. Reading skills I: Newspaper Reading & General Article Reading
6. Writing Skills I: Story Making by jumbled words
7. Understanding and Applying Vocabulary
8. Listening Skills I: Types and practice by analyzing situational listening
9. Speaking Skills I: JAM
PowerPoint Presentation Skills-I
Telephonic Etiquettes and Communication
Recognizing, understanding and applying communication style (Verbal/Non-Verbal)

95 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE3601 Talent Enrichment Programme(TEP)-III 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-6]

The objective of Discipline and TEP is to provide students with the opportunities to enhance job fetching
skills and at the same time to cultivate the student’s personal interests and hobbies while maintaining the good
disciplinary environment in the University. TEP is integrated into the curriculum for holistic development of
students through active participate on in various activities falling in Technical and non-technical categories.
Social outreach, Discipline, TEP -I, VAC & Extra Curricular activities shall be evaluated on the basis of its
sub constituent programme, as a complete one credit course. It shall be counted in calculation of SGPA but it
is not a back log subject. However, the attendance of these classes shall be recorded and accounted in the total
Activities included in this category in this Semester are as follows:

Code Activity Hours Credits

Discipline, Value Added Courses & Social Outreach 2

2 1
BCECCE3601 Talent Enrichment Programme (TEP)-III
Library / MOOC / NSP 2

96 | P a g e
Department Core Courses
Code: BCECCE4101 Computer Networks 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]
Students will be able to:
• Gain the knowledge of the basic computer network technology and become familiar with layered
communication architectures (OSI and TCP/IP).
• Analyze the basics of Framing and Error detection including parity, checksums, and CRC.
• Gain the knowledge of the basic IP configuration used for Networking. Also clear the concept of Logical and
Physical Addressing
• Analyze the concepts of reliable data transfer and how TCP implements these concepts.
• Learn the principles of WAN routing and the semantics.


Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Networking Fundamentals & Internet 09
2. Basics Presentation & Application Layer 07
3. Basics of Transport layer & Network, Layer 08
4. Basics of Data Link Layer 07
5. Basics of WAN Technology 07


Unit Unit Details

1. Networking Fundamentals & Internet
• Basics of Network & Networking, Types of Networks: LAN, MAN, WAN, Peer-to-Peer & Client/Server,
Workgroup Vs. Domain, Network Topologies. The Internet, Network Devices- NIC, Hub, Switch, Bridge,
Router, Gateways, Firewall, Repeater, CSU/DSU, and modem, Introduction of OSI model, and TCP/IP
Model, Comparison between OSI model & TCP/IP model. Physical Layer: Types of Transmission Media,
Communication Modes, Wiring Standards and Cabling- straight through cable, crossover cable, rollover
cable, Media connectors (Fibre optic, Coaxial, and TP etc.) Switching Methods (Circuit/Packet Switching)
Uni-cast, Multicast, Broadcast
• Conclusion & Real Life Application
2. Basics Presentation & Application Layer
• Presentation Layer protocols:-TLS, SSL, MIME
• Application Layer: Functions and support, Application Layer Protocols: DHCP, DNS, HTTP/HTTPS,
• Conclusion & Real Life Application

3. Basics of Transport layer & Network, Layer

• Transport Layer: Transmission Control Protocol(TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Overview of
Ports & Sockets
• Network Layer: Internet Protocol (IP), IP standards, versions, functions, The IPv4 Datagram Format,
IPv4 addressing, IPv4 address Classes, IPv4 address types, Default Gateway, Public & Private IP
Address, methods of assigning IP address, Subnet Mask and subneting, IPv6 address, types, assignment,
97 | P a g e
Data encapsulation, Introduction to Routing and Switching concepts.
• Conclusion &Real Life Application
4. Basics of Data Link Layer
• Application of Data Link Layer: Framing and Error detection and correction. Stop and Wait protocol,
Sliding Window protocols Go-Back-N Protocol, Channel allocation problem, Multiple access protocols:
ALOHA, Carrier sense multiple access protocols. Wireless Networking, Types of Wireless Networks: Ad-
hoc mode, Infrastructure mode, wireless LAN standards: IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g,
wireless security Protocols: WEP,WPA, 802.1X.
• Conclusion & Real Life Application
5. Basics of WAN Technology
• What Is a WAN?, WAN Switching, WAN Switching techniques Circuit Switching, Packet Switching etc.,
Connecting to the Internet : PSTN, ISDN, DSL, CATV, Satellite-Based Services, Last Mile Fibre,
Cellular Technologies
• Connecting LANs: Leased Lines, SONET/SDH, Packet Switching, Remote Access: Dial-up Remote
Access, Virtual LAN, Virtual Private Networking
• Conclusion &Real Life Application


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

1. Computer Network AndrewS. Tanenbaum 2013 Pearson
2. Computer Networking: Top Down Approach Kurose. Ross 2017 Pearson
Reference Book
3. Networking All in One – Doug Lowe 7th edition Publisher- Wiley
Online Resources
4. https://www.edx.org/learn/computer-networking
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwN91x5i25g

98 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE4102 Information System Security 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-

Students will be able to:
• Identify and analyse security problems in computer systems and networks.
• Analyse and apply how standard security mechanisms work.
• Develop security mechanisms to protect computer systems and networks.
• Write programs that are more secure.
• Use cryptography algorithms and protocols to achieve computer security


Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to Information Security 07
2. Encryption and Authentication Techniques. 08
3. Risk Management 08
4. Internet Security. 07
5. Network Security 07


Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction to Information Security
• Introduction to Information Security: Attacks, Vulnerability, Security Goals, Security Services and
mechanisms, Conventional Cryptographic Techniques: Conventional substitution and transposition
ciphers, One-time Pad, Block cipher and Stream Cipher, Steganography .
• Conclusion of the Unit
2. Encryption and Authentication Techniques.
• Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptographic Techniques : DES, AES, RSA algorithms, International Data
Encryption Algorithm (IDEA), Digital Certificates, Private Key Management, The PKIX Model
Authentication and Digital Signatures
• Conclusion of the Unit
3. Risk Management
• Key management – Kerberos, Program Security : Nonmalicious Program errors – Buffer overflow,
Incomplete mediation, Time-of-check to Time-of- use Errors, Viruses, Trapdoors, Salami attack, Man-in-
the- middle attacks, Covert channels
• Conclusion of the Unit
4. Internet Security.
• Internet Security Protocols: Introduction, Basic Concepts, Secure Socket Layer (SSL), Transport Layer
Security (TLS), Secure Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (SHTTP), Time Stamping Protocol (TSP), Secure
Electronic Transaction (SET), SSL Versus SET, 3D Secure Protocol, Electronic Money, Email Security
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Security
• Conclusion of the Unit
5. Network Security
• Security in Networks : Threats in networks, Network Security Controls – Architecture, Encryption,
Content Integrity, Strong Authentication, Access Controls, Wireless Security, Honeypots, Traffic flow
security, Firewalls – Design and Types of Firewalls, Personal Firewalls, IDS, Email Security –
• Conclusion of the Unit

99 | P a g e

S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

Information Security Risk Analysis Thomas Third Information Security Risk
1. R.Peltier Edition,Pub: Analysis
Mark Stamp's Information Security: DevenN.Shah, MarkStamp's Information
2. Principles and Practice (WIND) Wiley(2009) 2009 Security:Principles
And Practice (WIND)
Information Systems Security: Information systems Security
3. Security Management, NinaGodbole, Wiley,1sted;2008 Frameworks and Best
Metrics, Frameworks and Best Practices
Reference Book
Security in Computing, Fourth Edition, by Charles P. P fleeger, Pearson Education

Cryptography And Network Security Principles And Practice, Fourth or Fifth Edition, William Stallings,
2. Pearson
Modern Cryptography: Theory and Practice, by Wenbo Mao, Prentice Hall.

Online Resources
1. https://www.sans.org/cyber-security-courses/introduction-cyber-security/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106129

100 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE4103 Relational Database Management System 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-

Students will be able to:
• Describe DBMS architecture, physical and logical database designs, database modeling, relational, hierarchical
and network models.
• Identify basic database storage structures and access techniques such as file organizations, indexing methods
including B‐tree, and hashing.
• Learn and apply structured query language (SQL) for database definition and database manipulation.
• Demonstrate an understanding of normalization theory and apply such knowledge to the normalization of a
• Analyze various transaction processing, concurrency control mechanisms and database protection

Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to Database Management System 7
2. RDBMS 7
3. SQL 7
4. PL/SQL 8
5. Oracle, Trigger and wrapping 7

Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction to Database Management System
• Introduction to Database Management System
• Characteristics of database approach
• Advantages of DBMS
• Schemas: Three schema architecture - The external level, the conceptual level and the internal level.
• Data Independence
• Database languages and Interfaces
• Roles of Database Administrator
• Introduction to Data Models (Hierarchical, Network and Relation)
• Entity type, Entity sets, Attributes and keys.
• The ER Model: ER Diagram & Database design with the ER Model
• Conclusion of the Unit
• Introduction to Distributed Database
• Classification of DBMS
• Introduction to RDBMS
• Relational Model –Concepts
• Relational operations (Insert, delete, update, select, project, rename, union, intersection, minus, Join, division)
• Transactions and ER mapping Examples
• Normalization of RDBMS (1NF, 2NF, 3NF and 4NF) and inference rules.
• Conclusion of the Unit
3. SQL
• Introduction to Unit
• Introduction to SQL: Data types, Constraints

101 | P a g e
• Commands in SQL: Create table, Drop command, Alter Queries in SQL
• Statements in SQL (Insert, delete and update)
• Features of SQL
• Manipulation of data
• Tables in SQL
• Conclusion of the Unit
• Introduction to PL/SQL
• Approaches to database programming: with function calls, Embedded SQL using CURSORs, Dynamic SQL,
SQL commands in Java, Retrieving multiple triples using Iterators
• Advantages of PL/SQL
• Features of PL/SQL :Blocks structure, Error handling, Input and output designing, variables and constant, data
abstraction, control structures and subprogram
• Fundamentals of PL/SQL : character sets, lexical, delimeters, identifiers, declarations, scope and visibility,
Static and dynamic and static SQL, Implicit and explicit locking
• Conclusion of the Unit
5. Oracle, Trigger and wrapping
• Introduction to Oracle, Trigger and wrapping
• Functions/responsibilities of DBA
• Oracle product details
• Oracle files, System and User process
• Oracle Memory
• Protecting data: Oracle backup & recovery
• Triggers - types, uses, data access for triggers
• PL/SQL Packages and Wrapping
• Conclusion of the Unit


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

S. Sudarshan, Henry F.
1. Database System Concepts 6th Edition McGraw Hill
Korth, Avi Silberschatz
2. SQL, PL/SQL Ivan Bayross Bpb
3. Oracle Complete Reference Kevin Loney Bpb
Reference Book
4. PL/SQL, best practices, Bpb Publications, Steven Feuerstein
5. The Oracle Cook Book, Bpb Publications, Liebschuty
6. Oracle A Beginners Guide, TMH Publication, Michael Abbey, Michael J.Corey
Online Resources
7. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/sql/sql-rdbms-concepts.htm
8. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106093
9. https://www.coursera.org/learn/introduction-to-relational-databases

102 | P a g e
Code: BADCCE4104 RPA Tool 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]
• Able to Record, Play and Installing UiPath studio
• Apply various data manipulation on different file format
• Implement User Interface Components in UiPath
• Implement codes in Reinforcement Learning
• Apply in real world applications

Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Robotic Process Automation concepts 07
2. Sequence and Data Manipulation 08
3. Overview of UiPath 07
4. Control Flow Activities and Selectors 07
5. Automation 07

Unit Unit Details
1. Robotic Process Automation concepts
● Introduction to Unit
● Introduction to RPA: Scopes and techniques of RPA, About UiPath, The future of automation
● Record and Play: Record and Play, UiPath stack, Installing and Learning UiPath studio, Task
● Conclusion of unit
2. Sequence and Data Manipulation
● Introduction to Unit
● Sequence: Sequence, Flowchart and Control Flow, sequencing the workflow, control flow, various
types of loops and decision making, step by step example using sequence, Flowchart and Control
● Data Manipulation: Variables and scope, Collections, Arguments, Collections, Clipboard
management, File operation, CSV/Excel to data table and vice versapass, break, else.
● Conclusion of Unit
3. Overview of UiPath
● Introduction to Unit
● User Interface Components: Ribbon, Toolbars Access, Library panel, project panel, Outline panel,
locals panel, Debugging, Recording, Workflow execution, context menu, properties panel, Designer
panel, Universal search bar.
● Workflow Design and UiPath Studio: Layout diagrams, Type of Decisions, switch activity, Flow
Decision, Flow switch, Naming conventions, managing variables in studio, types of variables,
Managing arguments, Argument panel, Types of recording, Automatic recording, Basic, web and
desktop automatic recording, Manual recording, Data scraping, Screen scrapping and its methods.
● Conclusion of Unit
4. Control Flow Activities and Selectors
● Introduction of Unit
● Control Flow Activities and Selectors: Assign activity, Delay activity, While activity, Do while
activity, If activity, Switch activity, For each activity and Break activity.
● Selectors and input/output methods: Simple selectors, Generation of Dynamic selectors, passing the

103 | P a g e
variables in selectors, Input methods, Output methods, Full text, Native, OCR. Built-In Class
● Conclusion of Unit
5. Automation
● Introduction of Unit
● Excel and PDF Automation: Reading and working with rows of excel, Looping with excel, Working
with PDF and excel files, retrieving data from web.
● Email Automation: Outlook Email activity, Get IMAP mail activity, Get POP3 mail message, get
exchange mail activity, sending and receiving mail messages.
● Orchestrator: Dashboard, Robots, Processes, Jobs, Queues, Schedules, Transaction clause regular
● Conclusion of Unit
Content beyond the Syllabus:
● Different modules of Reinforcement Learning framework.
● Hands-on in working with and developing codes in Reinforcement Learning framework.
S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication
Learning Robotic Process Automation Alok Mani Tripathi Packt
with UiPath
Intelligent Control: A stochastic Amitava Chatterjee, Anjan Springer edition
optimization approach Rakshit, and Kaushik Das Sharma
Reference Book
1 “Robotic Process Automation- Guide to building robots” by Richard Murdoch
“Robotic Process Automation and Risk Mitigation: The Definitive Guide” by Mary C. Lacity and Dr.
Leslie P. Willcocks
3 “Introduction to robotic process Automation” by Frank Casale
Online Resources
1. https://www.uipath.com/
2. https://www.udemy.com/course/robotic-process-automation/
3. https://www.coursera.org/specializations/roboticprocessautomation

104 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE4201 Computer Networks Lab 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-2]

Course Outcome:-
Students will be able to:
• Use the clamping tool for making Cross and Straight cable and identify network IP
• Create local area network and do file sharing activity
• Configure switch and routers
• Configure WEP and Ethernet.
• Recognize static and dynamic routing.


1 Implementation of TCP/IP protocol – I

2 Implementation of TCP/IP protocol – II
3 Troubleshooting Scenarios Network – I
4 Troubleshooting Scenarios Network – II
5 Router – Configuration – I
6 Router – Configuration – II
7 Router – Configuration – III
8 Configuration of IP Address for a Router – I
9 Configuration of IP Address for a Router – II
10 Setting up of Passwords – I
11 Setting up of Passwords – II
12 Setting up of Passwords – III


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

1. Data Communications and Networking, Behrouza A. Forouzan Fourth Edition TMH.
2. Computer Networks A.S.Tanenbaum Fourth Edition Pearson
Reference Book
3. Data Communications and Networking, TATA McGraw Hill, Ferouzan, Behrouz A.
4. Data and Computer Communication, Pearson Education , Stallings William
5. Computer Networks, PHI, Tanenbaum, Andrew S,
Online Resources
6. https://www.edx.org/learn/computer-networking
7. https://www.udemy.com/topic/computer-network/
8. https://www.coursera.org/computer_network

105 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE4202 Relational Database Management System Lab 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-2]

Course Outcome:-
Students will be able to:
• Analyze, appreciate and effectively explain the underlying concepts of database technologies.
• Design and implement a database schema for a given problem-domain.
• Populate and query a database using SQL DML/DDL commands.
• Declare and enforce integrity constraints on a database using a state-of-the-art RDBMS.
• Programming PL/SQL including stored procedures, stored functions, cursors, packages.

1. To setup and removal phases of a Student database using the basic Data Definition Language (DDL)
2. The routine operation of the Employee database like retrieve, insert and modify by basic Data Manipulation
Language (DML) commands:
3. To Retrieve data from one or more tables using DATA RETRIEVAL LANGUAGE (DRL) commands
Creating objects: tables, views, users, sequences, Collections etc.
Privilege management through the Grant and Revoke commands
Transaction processing using Commit and Rollback
Save points.
5. Queries for following functions
Conversion functions (to_char, to_number and to_date)
string functions (Concatenation, lpad, rpad, ltrim, rtrim, lower, upper, initcap, length, substr and instr),
date functions (Sysdate, next_day, add_months, last_day, months_between, least, greatest, trunc, round,
to_char, to_date)
6. Simple queries: selection, projection, sorting on a simple table for employee database
Small-large number of attributes
Distinct output values
Renaming attributes
Computed attributes
Simple-complex conditions (AND, OR, NOT)

106 | P a g e
Partial Matching operators (LIKE, %, _, *, ?)
ASC-DESC ordering combinations
Checking for Nulls
7. To manipulate data items and returning the results using Group functions or Aggregate functions and Single
Row or scalar functions:
Group functions or Aggregate functions: Sum(), Avg(), Min(), Max() and Count()
Single Row or scalar function: Abs(), Power(), Sqrt(), Round(), Exp(), Greastest(), Least(), Mod(), Floor(),
Sign() and Log().
8. Multi-table queries (JOIN OPERATIONS)
Simple joins (no INNER JOIN)
Aliasing tables – Full/Partial name qualification
Inner-joins (two and more (different) tables)
Inner-recursive-joins (joining to itself)
Outer-joins (restrictions as part of the WHERE and ON clauses)
Using where & having clauses
9. Write Nested queries to retrieve the name of each employee who has a dependent with the same first name
and same sex as the employee using following Nested queries.
In, Not In
Exists, Not Exists
Dynamic relations (as part of SELECT, FROM, and WHERE clauses)
10. Write a query to make a list of all project numbers for projects that involve an employee whose last name is
‘Smith’, either as a worker or as a manager of the department that controls the project using the following
Set Oriented Operations
11. PL/SQL Programming using the following
Programs using named and unnamed blocks
Programs using Cursors, Cursor loops and records
12. PL/SQL Programming using
Creating stored procedures, functions and packages
Error handling and Exception
Triggers and auditing triggers


107 | P a g e
S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication
S. Sudarshan, Henry F.
1. Database System Concepts 6th Edition McGraw Hill
Korth, Avi Silberschatz
2. SQL, PL/SQL Ivan Bayross Bpb
3. Oracle Complete Reference Kevin Loney Bpb
Reference Book
4. PL/SQL, best practices, Bpb Publications, Steven Feuerstein
5. The Oracle Cook Book, Bpb Publications, Liebschuty
6. Oracle A Beginners Guide, TMH Publication, Michael Abbey, Michael J.Corey
Online Resources
7. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/sql/sql-rdbms-concepts.htm
8. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106093
9. https://www.coursera.org/learn/introduction-to-relational-databases

108 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE4203 Interactive Web Application Development Lab 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-1]

Course Outcome:-

Students will be able to:

• Identify popular JavaScript Libraries and create dynamic styles using various libraries
• Analyzing the mapping HTML using the DOM - Document Object Model.
• Explain basic JavaScript function and call it using an onClick event.
• Summarize various operators, variables, arrays, control structures, functions and objects used in JavaScript.
• Implement a webpage using following specifications:
• (i)Create animation on a web page.
• (ii)Use regular expressions for form validation. (iii)Debug using firebug.
• (iv)Create an XMLHttpRequest Object


1. Grades App - Getting familiar with JS

JavaScript program to compute the average marks of a list of students and use this to determine the corresponding
grade of each student
Use inline and external Javascript functions to modify HTML content and attributes
Use event handlers
Use for loop

2. Form Validation Students will learn how to

• Use JS for client side HTML form validation
3. My Profile page with comments Students will learn how to
Install and configure JavaScript on the Server side
Use server side JavaScript to create a dynamic web page with forms
Use document. getElementByID, document. getElementsByTagName

4. Clock App
Students will learn how to
Use JS objects
5. Getting started with jQuery Students will learn how to
Install jQuery
Use jQuery to hide or show specific table rows.
Use jQuery to retrieve and update HTML content and attributes

6. jQuery
Students will learn how to
determine when the DOM or whole page is loaded
Use jQuery to traverse the DOM tree
add pull quotes
7. Windows, Frames & Overlays Students will learn how to
Use Window objects, frames and overlays

8. My Profile Page with AJAX

Expand sections of the page upon user clicking on the section Students will learn how to
Make use of AJAX to refresh sections of your page

109 | P a g e
9. Attendance Page
Page for updating student attendance, transferring attendance data to the server using JSON and querying any
student’s attendance.
Students will learn how to
Create appropriate web page design
Transfer data to/from the server as JSON objects


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

JavaScript and JQuery Interactive Jon Duckett Wiley 2014. JavaScript and JQuery
1. Front-End Web Development Interactive Front-End Web
Reference Book
2. Learning Web App Development, Semmy Purewal. O’Reilly 2014.
3. JavaScript & JQuery The Missing Manual, David Sawyer McFarland. O’Reilly 2014
Online Resources

4. https://careerfoundry.com/en/tutorials/web-development-for-beginners/introduction-to-web-development/
5. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/internet_technologies/websites_development.htm

110 | P a g e
Code: BADCCE4204 RPA Tool Lab 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-1]

Course Outcome:-
Students will be able:
• Implement sequence using activity in UiPath Studio
• Implement the screen scrapping using UiPath Studio
• Implement data manipulation on various file format
• Design automation techniques on various file formats and email
• Apply real world application through automation.


1 Install UiPath Studio and record a task.

2 Implement sequence in UiPath Studio.
3 Implement flowchart in UiPath Studio.
4 Implement sequence using the Assign activity, Do While activity, Delay activity, If activity.
5 Implement sequence using the Switch activity, While activity, For Each activity, Break activity.
6 Generate dynamic selector and pass the variables in selectors.
7 Implement and run example of screen scrapping through UiPath Studio.
8 Manipulate a set of data using UiPath Studio / Excel.
9 Set up and automate Excel and PDF through UiPath Studio.
10 Set up and automate Email using UiPath Studio.
11 Enable and implement text based automation using UiPath Studio.
12 Organize a process through orchestration using UiPath Studio.


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication
Robotic Process Automation- Guide Richard Murdoch 1st
to building robot Edition
Robotic Process Automation and Mary C. Lacity and Dr. SB Publishing, 2017
2. Risk Mitigation: The Definitive Leslie P. Willcocks
Introduction to robotic process Frank Casale Institute for Robotic
3. automation Process Automation,
Reference Book
1. “Learning Robotic Process Automation with UiPath” by Alok Mani Tripathi, Packt
“The Robotic Process Automation Handbook: A Guide to Implementing RPA Systems” by Tom Taulli,
Apress, 2020
Online Resources
1. https://www.uipath.com/
2. https://www.udemy.com/course/robotic-process-automation/

111 | P a g e
Department Elective
Code: BCEECE4111 Theory of Computation 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]

Students will be able to:
• Use the concepts and techniques of discrete mathematics for theoretical computer science.
• Identify different formal languages and their relationship.
• Classify and construct grammars for different languages and vice-versa.
• Build finite automata, push down automata and Turing machine.
• Analyze various concepts of undecidability and Computable Function
• Discuss analytically and intuitively for problem-solving situation.


Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Review of Mathematical Theory 07
2. Regular Languages and Finite Automata 08
3. Context free grammar (CFG) 08
4. Pushdown Automata, CFL And NCFL 07
5. Turing Machine (TM) 07


Unit Unit Details

1. Review of Mathematical Theory
• Introduction of Unit
• Sets, Functions, Logical statements, Proofs, Relations,
• Languages, Principal of Mathematical Induction,
• Strong Principle, Recursive Definitions,
• Structural Induction.
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Regular Languages and Finite Automata
• Introduction of Unit
• Regular Expressions, Regular Languages, Application of Finite Automata,
• Automata with output - Moore machine & Mealy machine,
• Finite Automata, Memory requirement in a recognizer,
• Definitions, union- intersection and complement of regular languages, Non Deterministic Finite Automata,
• Conversion from NFA to FA, ??- Non Deterministic Finite Automata, Conversion of NFA- ? to NFA
• Kleene’s Theorem, Minimization of Finite automata, Regular And Non Regular Languages – pumping
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Context free grammar (CFG)
• Introduction of Unit
• Definitions and Examples, Unions Concatenations And Kleene’s of Context free language,
• Regular Grammar for Regular Language, Derivations and Ambiguity ,

112 | P a g e
• Unambiguous CFG and Algebraic Expressions, BacosNaur Form (BNF), Normal Form – CNF.
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Pushdown Automata, CFL And NCFL
• Introduction of Unit
• Definitions, Deterministic PDA, Equivalence of CFG and PDA & Conversion,
• Pumping lemma for CFL, Intersections and Complements of CFL, Non-CFL.
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Turing Machine (TM)
• Introduction of Unit
• TM Definition, Model Of Computation,
• Turing Machine as Language Acceptor,
• TM that Compute Partial Function, Church Turning Thesis,
• Combining TM, Variations Of TM, Non Deterministic TM, Universal TM,
• Recursively and Enumerable Languages, Context sensitive languages and Chomsky hierarchy.
• Conclusion of Unit


Text Books: Author Edition Publication
1. Theory of Computer Science: Automata, Languages and Mishra &
3rd PHI
Computation Chandrashekhar
An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata 6th Mass Market
2. Peter Linz
Reference Book
1 Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation, 4th by John Martin, Tata Mc Graw Hill
2 Introduction to computer theory By Deniel I. Cohen , Joh Wiley & Sons, Inc
3 Compiler Design By Alfred V Aho, Addison Weslley
Online Resources
1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_computation
2 http://meru.cecs.missouri.edu/courses/cecs341/tc.html
3 https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/introduction-of-theory-of-computation/

113 | P a g e
Code: BCEECE4112 Fundamentals of Machine Learning 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-

Students will be able to:
• Implement reinforcement learning in various applications
• Apply regression for prediction on data sets
• Solve problems related to classification and clustering using machine learning algorithms
• Calculate the appropriate performance metrics of machine learning algorithms
• Apply Machine Learning algorithms to solve real-world problems

Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to Machine Learning 07
2. Regression 08
3. Classification 08
4. Clustering 07
5. Performance Metrics 07

Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction to Machine Learning
• Introduction to Machine Learning
• Definition of Machine Learning
• Working principles of Machine Learning
• Classification of Machine Learning : Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning
• Supervised Learning: Classification and Regression
• Unsupervised Learning: Clustering and Association
• Reinforcement Learning
• Types of Reinforcement learning : Positive Reinforcement and Negative Reinforcement
• Working of Reinforcement learning
• Markov Decision Process
• Reinforcement Learning Algorithms: Q-Learning and State Action Reward State action (SARSA)
• Application of Reinforcement Learning
• Case Study: Implementation of Q learning algorithm/reinforcement learning for problems in automotive
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Regression
• Introduction to Regression
• Types of Regression: Linear regression, Logistics regression, Ridge Regression, Lasso Regression, Bayesian
Linear Regression and Polynomial Regression
• Regression and Correlation
• Crosstabs and Scatterplots
• Pearson’s r
• Regression – Finding The line
• Regression – Describing the line
• Contingency Tables
• Case Study: Implementation of Linear regression for students dataset
• Conclusion of Unit

114 | P a g e
3. Classification
• Introduction of Unit
• Classification model building
• Types of Classification Algorithm: Binary Classification and Multi Class Classification
• Logistic Regression
• k-Nearest Neighbors
• Decision Trees
• Random Forest
• Support Vector Machine
• Naïve bayes
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Clustering
• Introduction of clustering
• Clustering Workflow
• Types of Clustering: Centroid-based clustering, Density-based clustering, Distribution-based Clustering and
Hierarchical clustering
• K- means Clustering
• Agglomerative Nesting or AGNES
• Fuzzy C Means Algorithm – FANNY (Fuzzy Analysis Clustering)
• Mean Shift Clustering
• DBSCAN – Density-based Spatial Clustering
• Gaussian Mixed Models (GMM) with Expectation-Maximization Clustering
• Case Study: Implementation of clustering algorithm for problems in financial/insurance/health care domain
with Python programming language and libraries
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Performance Metrics
• Introduction of Performance metrics
• Performance metrics for Regression : Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Squared Error (MSE), Root Mean
Squared Error (RMSE), R-Squared, Adjusted R-squared
• Performance metrics for classification: Accuracy, Confusion Matrix, Precision, Recall, F1 score, ROC AUC,
Kappa, MCC (Matthews Correlation Coefficient) and Log-loss.
• Performance metrics for clustering : Silhouette Score, Rand Index, Adjusted Rand Index, Mutual Information,
Calinski-Harabasz Index and Davies-Bouldin Index
• Conclusion of Unit

115 | P a g e
S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

1. Machine Learning – An Algorithmic Perspective, Chapman and Stephen Second

Hall/CRC Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition Series. Marsland Edition
2. Machine Learning Tom M First McGraw Hill
Mitchell Edition Education
Reference Book
Introduction to Machine Learning 3e (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning Series), Third
Edition, MIT Press, Ethem Alpaydin.
Machine Learning: The Art and Science of Algorithms that Make Sense of Data, 1 st Edition,
Cambridge University Press, Peter Flach.
5. Learning from Data”, AML Book Publishers, Y. S. Abu-Mostafa, M. Magdon-Ismail, and H.-T. Lin
Online Resources

4. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106139
5. https://www.udemy.com/course/machine-learning-course/
6. https://www.javatpoint.com/machine-learning

116 | P a g e
Code: BCEECE4113 Security Audit & Risk Management 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-
Students will be able to:
• Analyze the fundamental methods used in information system auditing process.
• Demonstrate the role of auditor and how to prepare the auditing plan for information system auditing. Apply
computer assisted audit tools for auditing process.
• Extract the information and plan for conducting the testing process for information system auditing
• Design security architecture for an information system with all the information policy and responsibilities. Design
an audit plan for E-commerce application and mobile applications
• Evaluate management’s commitment to risk management and analyze the integration of risk management into the
organization's objectives, strategy setting, performance management, and operational management systems.

Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Foundation for IT Audit, Assurance and Process 08
2. Computer Assisted Audit Tools and Techniques 08
3. Managing Information technology Audit System 07
4. Security consideration for ERP Applications 09
5. Risk Management 08

Unit Unit Details

1. Foundation for IT Audit, Assurance and Process
• Assurance Services - Need for Assurance - Characteristics of Assurance Services-Types of Assurance Services
ECommerce and Electronic Funds Transfer - Future of electronic payment system.
• Audit Standards - Types of Auditors and their functions - Internal Audit Function and External Auditor. Audit
Plan - Developing an Audit Schedule - Audit Budget - Preliminary Review - Audit Findings - Analysis Re-
examination - Verification - Recommendations - Communication Strategy
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Computer Assisted Audit Tools and Techniques
• Auditor Productivity Tools
• Data and Resource Management
• Flowcharting Techniques - Flowcharting as an analysis tool
• Developing Audit Data Flow Diagrams
• Appropriateness of flowcharting techniques
• Computer assisted tools for operational reviews
• Web Analysis tools
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Managing Information technology Audit System
• Evaluating IT Audit Quality
• Criteria for assessing the audit
• Criteria for assessing the auditor
• Best Practices in IT Audit Planning
• IT Governance: Performance Measurement
• Metrics and Management - Metric Reporting and Independent Assurance
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Security consideration for ERP Applications

117 | P a g e
• Information Security Policy
• Security Standards - ISO 27002 and National Institute of Standards and Technology
• Information Security Controls
• Information Owner Responsibilities - Third- Party Responsibilities
• Intranet/Extranet Security
• Identity Theft
• E-Commerce Application Security as a strategic and structural problem
• Planning and Control Approach to E-Commerce Security Management
• Internet Security and Mobile Computing Security
• ERP Data Warehouse-Data Warehouse integrity checklist
• ERP-Security features of the basic component.
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Risk Management
• Introduction to risk
• Source and evaluation of risks
• Risk management
• Evaluation of Risk Management Strategies
• Risk model
• Credit risk measurement and management
• Conclusion of Unit

S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

1. Information Technology Control and Audit Sandra Senft, Frederick Gallegos, 4 CRC Press,
Aleksandra Davis 2012.
R.P. Rustagi
2. Derivatives & Risk Management Latest Taxmann

Reference Book
1 Information System Audit and Assurance, D P Dube, V P Gulati, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 2008
Micheal E.Whitman, Herbert J.Mattor, “Principles of Information Security”, Course Technology,
Delmar Cengage Learning, Fourth Edition, 2012.
Jennifer L.Bayuk, Jason Healey, Paul Rohmeyer and Marcus Sachs, “Cyber Security Policy
Guidebook”, John Wiley Sons, Kindle Edition, 2012
Online Resources
1 http://www.isaca.org/
2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0I4M82c1dc
3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqgGyvw_diA

118 | P a g e
Code: BCEECE4114 Fundamentals of Game Marketing 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]

Students will be able to:
• Demonstrate the critical importance of Game Technology
• Use learned skills to solve problems of various layouts
• Recognize what is the role each hardware component of a PC plays in games and in making games
• Conduct independent work in entertainment software engineering context.
• Work as a productive member and as part of a team developing larger entertainment software product.


Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to Gaming Technology 08
2. History of Gaming Hardware 09
3. Input devices 09
4. Functions of a GPU in games 07
5. Role of a CPU in games 07


Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction to Gaming Technology
• Introduction of Unit
• Basics of processes and models applied in the entertainment software industry
• Basics of the game development tools
• Introduction to game engines and their functions
• Basics of 3D objects
• Introduction to game development-related programming problem.
• Basics of artificial intelligence in entertainment software engineering context.
• Basics of sound engineering
• Gamification and Serious games
• Basic principles of AR and VR development
• Conclusion of unit
2. History of Gaming Hardware
• Introduction of Unit
• Console architecture over the decades
• Evolution of input devices in games along with their design changes
• analysis of hardware generations of consoles - with a brief overview of Gen 1-4 devices a
• A broader look at some significant consoles of Gen 5-8
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Input devices
• Introduction of Unit
• Types and variations of input devices (touch devices, controllers, keyboards, and mice)
• How these devices work
• Taking multiple types of inputs from these devices
• Working on input
• Adding support for these devices in your games –

119 | P a g e
• challenges of building/designing an input device (ergonomics, abstraction vs immersion)
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Functions of a GPU in games
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction to graphics APIs
• commonly used APIs
• Working of APIs in GPU Programming)
• Shaders
• Lighting Techniques (Ray tracing, ray-casting)
• Difference between an API and an SDK
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Role of a CPU in games
• Introduction of Unit
• multi-threading
• hyper-threading,
• multi-core CPUs
• parallel processing –
• Need of multi-threading in games
• Function of CPU in games
• collision detection
• pathfinding,
• Realtime object tracking
• Conclusion of Unit


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

Alan Watt,
April A K Peters
1. Advanced Game Development with Programmable Graphics Hardware Fabio
2005 Ltd
2. Unity 5 Game Optimization Chris Nov O' Riley
Dickinson 2015 Media
Reference Book
Evan Amos, 'The Game Console: A Photographic History from Atari to Xbox', No Starch Press, November
2018, ISBN 978-1593277437
Online Resources

4. https://www.edx.org/learn/game-development tps://learnui.design/
5. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1090277.pdf

120 | P a g e
Code: BCEECE4115 Installation and Configuration of Server 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]

Students will be able to:
• Elaborating the basic concepts of selection, configuration and installation of Server.
• Articulate and planning of server, its configuration along with various types of data base and server.
• Explore knowledge about server role in the real environment.
• Discover and configure Print and Document Services and Servers for Remote Management using Server
• Articulate and planning of Local storage, its configuration along with various types of file systems and Formats.

Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction of Server 07
2. Installing and Configuring Window's Servers 2022 08
3. Installing and Configuring RHEL 9.1 Servers 08
4. Installing and Configuring SQL Server 2022 07
5. Installing and Configuring Oracle Database 21c server 07


Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction of Server
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction-characteristics –types of servers-c/s
• Building blocks-c/s OS: base services-extended services- GUI vs.
• OOUI. Base Middleware: NOS-RPC-Peer-to-Peer
• Communication-sockets-SQL database servers-SQL
• Database server architecture-trigger,
• Stored procedures-rules.
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Installing and Configuring Window's Servers 2022
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction of window’s server ,Edition, Supporting Server Role,
• Installing Windows Server 2012:
• System Requirement, Types of Window's server Core Capabilities, Upgrade paths
• Installing Windows Server and Migration Tools
• Configuring Servers: Post-Installation Tasks, Configuring NIC Teaming, Using Roles
• Manager,
• Configuring Servers: Active Directory ,Active Directory Federation,
• Network Policy Access Services (NPAS),Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
• (DHCP) Server,
• Domain Name System (DNS) Server, Web & Application Servers, Printer, File Services Server, FTP
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Installing and Configuring RHEL 9.1 Servers
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction of RHEL Server, System Requirement, Type of Linux Server ,Capabilities of Linux Server
• Installing RHEL Server, Repository installation.
• Configuring Servers : FTP, Domain Name System (DNS) Server, Web & Application Servers.

121 | P a g e
• Conclusion of Unit

4. Installing and Configuring SQL Server 2022

• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction of SQL server, Hardware Requirements
• SQL Server installation, Completing the SSMS Install
• Connecting to your Database, Creating a Database for your Assignments
• Dual Booting Versus Using a Virtual Machine
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Installing and Configuring Oracle Database 21c server
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction of Oracle Database 21c server, Hardware Requirements
• Oracle Database 21c server installation in Linux or Windows
• Create User , Connect User, Create Data base, Data base Connect to User
• Conclusion of Unit


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

1. Fedora 9 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Bible Christopher Negus
2. Windows Server 2022 Beginners Guide Howard J. Wall 2022
Reference Book
1 Windows Server 2022 & Powershell, Sara Perrott, Dummies
2 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Administration, Miguel Perez Colino, Pablo Iranzo, Packt Publishing
3 Oracle 19c Database Administration, Tanveer A
Online Resources
1 https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/9
2 https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Red-Hat-Enterprise-Linux-RHEL-9-Administration
3 https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/supply-chain-management/22b/index.html

122 | P a g e
Code: BULCHU4201 Communication Skills - II 3 Credits [LTP: 0-0-2]

Students will be able to:
• Develop the ability to identify difficult sounds, words and phrases to strengthen listening and applying these
improved skills in spoken communication.
• Cultivating knack for reading and writing by understanding the nuances of sentence structure and presentation
• Applying negotiation and Identify steps for proper negotiation preparation & learn bargaining techniques and
strategies of inventing options for mutual gain and move negotiations from bargaining to closing.
• Develop a heightened awareness of the potential of digital communication and apply their knowledge in creating
documents considering the needs of the netizens.
• Propose their outlook through exposure to new and different experiences and ideas and enrich their understanding
of the issues under discussion.


Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Advanced Listening & Speaking Skills 6
2. Advanced Reading & Writing Skills 6
3. Art of Negotiation Skills 4
4. Email Etiquettes 4
5. Group Discussion 5

1. Listening Skills II: Analysis of videos/audios by famous personalities
2. Speaking Skills II: Extempore, Debate etc.
3. Public Speaking: Key Concepts, Overcoming Stage Fear
4. Story-Telling Skills: Techniques of Story Telling, Prompts for story creation
5. Situational Conversational Skills
6. PowerPoint Presentation Skills-II
7. Reading Skills II: Technical Writings, Research Papers& Articles
8. Writing Skills II: Blog Writing &Review Writing
9. Picture Perception & Discussion
Art of Negotiation: Identify the qualities of successful and unsuccessful negotiators. Identify different
negotiation situations to practice during class.
11. Email Etiquettes
12. Group Discussion: Dos &Don’ts, Informal GD

123 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE4601 Talent Enrichment Programme(TEP)-IV 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-6]

The objective of Discipline and TEP is to provide students with the opportunities to enhance job fetching
skills and at the same time to cultivate the student’s personal interests and hobbies while maintaining the good
disciplinary environment in the University. TEP is integrated into the curriculum for holistic development of
students through active participate on in various activities falling in Technical and non-technical categories.
Social outreach, Discipline, TEP -I, VAC & Extra Curricular activities shall be evaluated on the basis of its
sub constituent programme, as a complete one credit course. It shall be counted in calculation of SGPA but it
is not a back log subject. However, the attendance of these classes shall be recorded and accounted in the total
Activities included in this category in this Semester are as follows:

Code Activity Hours Credits

Discipline, Value Added Courses & Social Outreach 2

2 1
BCECCE4601 Talent Enrichment Programme (TEP)-IV
Library / MOOC / NSP 2

124 | P a g e
Department Core Courses

Code: BCECCE5101 Design & Analysis of Algorithms 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]

Students will be able to:
• Apply Divide and conquer. Greedy algorithm design techniques.
• To handle the dynamic programming concept with solving real word problem
• To manage of different Pattern matching algorithms.
• Apply randomize algorithms
• To analyze the different class of algorithms and difference between them


Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction 06
2. Dynamic Programming, Branch and Bound 06
3. Pattern Matching and Assignment Problem 08
4. Randomized Algorithm 08
5. NP-Hard and NP- Complete Problem 08


Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction
• Introduction to Unit
• Algorithm Specification , Algorithm Complexity and Order Notations.
• Divide and Conquer Method :General Method, Binary Search, Merge Sort, Quick sort and strassen's
matrix multiplication algorithm.
• Greedy Method: General method, Knapsack Problem, Job Sequencing, Optimal Merge Patterns and
Minimal Spanning Tree: Prim’s, Kruskal’s Algorithm
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Dynamic Programming, Branch and Bound
• Introduction to Unit
• Dynamic Programming: Matrix Chain Multiplication, Longest Common
• Subseuence and 0/1Knapsack Problem, All pairs shortest path, Flow shop scheduling
• Branch And Bound: Traveling Salesman Problem, Bounding, FIFO Branch and Boun d,
• Backtracking:The8-queensproblem,Hamiltoniancycles Comparison between Dynamic, Backtracking
and Branch Bound
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Pattern Matching and Assignment Problem

125 | P a g e
•Introduction to Unit
•Pattern Matching Algorithms: Naïve and Rabin Karp string matching algorithms, KMP Matcher and
Boyer Moore Algorithms.
• Assignment Problems: Formulation of Assignment and Quadratic assignment Problem.
• Conclusion of Unit.
4. Randomized Algorithm
• Introduction of Unit.
• Probabilistic Analysis & Randomized Algorithms: Las Vegas algorithm, Monte Carlo algorithms for
Min-Cut, randomized algorithm for 2- SAT.
• Problem definition of Multi commodity flow, Flow shop scheduling and Network capacity
• assignment problems.
• Conclusion of Unit
5. NP-Hard and NP- Complete Problem
• Introduction of Unit.
• Definitions of P, NP-Hard and NP-Complete Problems. Decision Problems. Cook's Theorem.
Proving NP- Complete Problems - Satisfiability problem and Vertex Cover Problem.
• Approximation Algorithms for Vertex Cover and Set Cover Problem
• Conclusion of Unit


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

Fundamentals of Computer E.Horowitz &S.Sahani Latest GalgotiaPublications
Introduction to Algorithms
2. Corman,Leiserson&Rivest Latest MITPress
Reference Book
1 Algorithm Analysis & Design, Goodrich, Tamassia, Wiley
2 Computer Algorithms, Introduction to Design and Analysis, SaraBasse, A. V. Geider
Online Resources

1 https://www.javatpoint.com/daa-tutorial
2 https://www.guru99.com/design-analysis-algorithms-tutorial.html
3 https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/system-design-tutorial/

126 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE5102 Software Engineering 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]

Students will be able to:
• Gather and specify requirements of the software projects.
• Analyze software requirements with existing tools.
• Differentiate different testing methodologies.
• To apply the basic project management practices in real life projects.
• Work in a team as well as independently on software projects


Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Software Process Models 8
2. Software Design 7
3. Introduction to Software Testing 8
4. Software Quality Management 7
5. Software Project Management 7

Unit Unit Details

1. Software Process Models
• Introduction to Unit
• How to develop software?
• Different models - Water fall model – Prototyping – evolutionary model- Spiral model– RAD model -
Agile models: Extreme Programming, and Scrum-pros and cons of each model
• Requirements Analysis-Functional and Non-functional requirements,
• Software Requirement Specification(SRS)–Decision tables–Decision Trees
• Conclusion of the Unit
2. Software Design
• Introduction to Unit
• Overview of design process: High-level and detailed design
• Cohesion and Coupling Design Methodologies
• Function–Oriented software design: Structured Analysis using DFD Structured Design using Structure
• Architectural Design, Interface design, Component Level design
• Software Reuse and Software Maintenance issues
• Conclusion of the Unit
3. Introduction to Software Testing
• Coding, Code Review, documentation.
• Testing: - Unit testing, Black-box Testing, White-box testing,
• Cyclomatic complexity measure, coverage analysis, mutation testing,
• Debugging techniques, Integration testing, System testing,
• Regression testing.
• Conclusion of the Unit
4. Software Quality Management
• Introduction to Unit
• Overview of SQA Planning

127 | P a g e
• Software configuration management
• Study of ISO9000 &CMM
• Software reverse engineering
• Software reengineering
• Conclusion of the Unit
5. Software Project Management
• Introduction to Unit
• Various phases of Project Management –Planning– Organizing– Staffing– Directing and Controlling,
Metrics for project size estimation
• Software Project Cost Estimation–COCOMO models
• Software Project Scheduling
• CASE tools: CASE definitions–CASE Classifications–Analysis and Design Work benches, Testing
• Conclusion of the Unit


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

1. Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Rajib Mall PHI 2018
2. Software Engineering I .Sommerville Asia
Reference Book
1 Software engineering, Roger S Pressman
2 An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering, Pankaj Jalote
Online Resources

1 https://www.javatpoint.com/software-engineering-tutorial
2 https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/software-engineering/
3 https://www.tutorialandexample.com/software-engineering-tutorial

128 | P a g e
Code: BADCCE5103 Deep Learning 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]

• Design Perceptron Learning Algorithm
• Apply Back propagation techniques in various problems
• Implement Convolutional Neural Network using different architecture
• Design Recurrent Neural Network by Back propagation
• Implement deep learning techniques for real world applications


Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Basics of Deep Learning 09
2. Artificial Neural Network 08
3. Convolutional Neural Network 06
4. Recurrent Neural Network 06
5. Encoder and Decoder 07


Unit Unit Details

1. Basics of Deep Learning
● Introduction of Unit
● History of Deep Learning,
● A brief review of the existing deep learning models such as Alexnet, VGG16, Resnet etc.
● Physiology of a human neuron, McCulloch Pitts Neuron, Thresholding Logic,
● Perceptrons, Perceptron Learning Algorithm and Convergence, Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs),
Representation Power of MLPs
● Conclusion of Unit
2. Artificial Neural Network
● Introduction of Unit
● Sigmoid Neurons, Gradient Descent,
● Feed forward Neural Networks, Representation Power of Feed forward Neural Networks
● Back propagation
● Conclusion of Unit
3. Convolutional Neural Network
● Introduction of Unit
● Width and Depth of Neural Networks, Activation Functions: RELU, LRELU, ERELU
● Convolutional Neural Networks, LeNet, AlexNet, ZF-Net, VGGNet, GoogLeNet, ResNet
● Object Detection, RCNN, Fast RCNN, Faster RCNN, YOLO
● Transfer learning
● Conclusion of Unit
4. Recurrent Neural Network
● Introduction to the unit
● Recurrent Neural Networks, Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT), Vanishing and Exploding

129 | P a g e
Gradients, Truncated BPTT
● Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs), Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Cells, Solving the vanishing gradient
problem with LSTMs
● Conclusion unit
5. Encoder and Decoder
• Introduction to the unit
• Encoder Decoder Models, Attention Mechanism,
• Attention over images, Hierarchical Attention
• Variational auto encoders
• Introduction to GANs (Generative Adversarial Network)
• Conclusion of unit


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

Goodfellow, Ian, Yoshua
1. Deep learning Bengio, and Aaron MIT press
2. Neural Networks and Deep Learning: A Textbook Charu C. Aggarwal Springer
Reference Book
Bishop, Christopher. Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press,
2 Bishop, Christopher M. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer, 2006.

3 Wolfe, J., et al. Sensation and Perception. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, 2005.
Online Resources
1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106184

2 MIT Introduction to Deep Learning | 6.S191

3 Youtube lecture series “An overview of deep learning and neural networks” by Digital Sreeni channel

130 | P a g e
Code: BADCCE5104 R Programming 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]

Students will be able to:
• Apply various data structure in R programming
• Create and apply function in R programming
• Design to read different file format into R
• Implement statistics and testing of hypothesis
• Apply graphs and non-parametric testing of hypothesis for real world problems in R


Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to R Environment 08
2. Data Structures and Control Statements 08
3. I/O operations and String Manipulations 07
4. R for Summary Statistics and Parametric Tests 07
5. R for Graphs, Nonparametric Tests and ANOVA 06


Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction to R Environment
• History and development of R Statistical computing programming language
• Installing R and R studio
• Getting started with R
• Creating new working directory
• Changing existing working directory
• Installing the available packages
• Calling the installed packages
• Variable definition in R
• Simple functions, vector definition and logical expressions
• Matrix calculation and manipulation using matrix data types
• Conclusion of unit
2. Data Structures and Control Statements
• Introduction to different data types, vectors, atomic vectors, types and tests, coercion, lists, list indexing
• Function applying on the lists, adding and deleting the elements of lists, attributes, name and factors ,
matrices and arrays,
• Matrix indexing, filtering on matrix, generating a covariance matrix.
• lapply( ) and sapply( ) on data frames
• Control statements.
• Conclusion of unit
3. I/O operations and String Manipulations
• Introduction to I/O functions in R
• Using of scan( ), readline ( ) function

131 | P a g e
• Comparison and usage of scan and readline function
• Reading different format files into R: text file, CSV file
• Statistical package files, xls and xlsx files
• Converting from one format to another using in built function
• Writing different file format in to the local machine directory
• Basics of string manipulations – grep ( ), nchar ( ), paste( ), sprintf( ), substr( ), regexpr( ), strsplit( )
• Testing of file name with given suffix.
• Conclusion of unit
4. R for Summary Statistics and Parametric Tests
• Descriptive statistics – summary statistics for vectors, making contingency tables, creating contingency
tables from vectors.
• Testing tables and flat table objects, cross tables, testing cross tabulation, recreating original data from
contingency tables, switching class, mean (arithmetic, geometric and harmonic)
• Median, mode for raw and grouped data, measure of dispersion – range, standard deviation, variance,
coefficient of variation, testing of hypothesis – small sample test, large sample test – for comparing mean,
proportion, variance (dependent and independent samples).
• Conclusion of unit
5. R for Graphs, Nonparametric Tests and ANOVA
• Introduction to graphs
• Box-Whisker Plot, Scatter plots, pairs plots, line chart, Pie Chart and Bar Charts
• Non-parametric test: The Wilcoxon U-Test (Mann-Whitney): One and Two-Sample U-Test, Tests for
association: Chi Square Tests
• Yates Correction for 2X2 Tables, single category goodness of fit tests,
• Analysis of Variance for one-way variation and two variation
• Conclusion of unit


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication
1. Beginning R: The statistical Programming Latest John Wiley & Sons,
Dr. Mark Gardener
Language Edition Inc.
2. Latest no starch Press, San
The art of R programming Norman Matloff
Edition Francisco
Reference Book

1. Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, Owen Jones, Robert Maillardet and Andrew
2. The R Book, CRC Press, latest edition, Hadley Wickham
3. Learning from Data”, AML Book Publishers, Y. S. Abu-Mostafa, M. Magdon-Ismail, and H.-T. Lin
Online Resources

1. https://www.r-project.org/about.html
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/111104100
3. https://www.w3schools.com/r/

132 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE5201 Design & Analysis of Algorithms Lab 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-2]

Course Outcome:-

Students will be able to:

• To apply divide and conquer method to implement quick sort, merge sort, linear search, Binary search in
• Implement job sequencing using greedy method.
• Find the minimum cost of spanning tree.
• Implement the dynamic programming using branch and bound method.
• Implement the NP-Hard, NP-.Complete problem.


1 Write a C program to implement the Stack using arrays. Write Push(),Pop(), and Display()methods to
demonstrate its working.
2 Write a C program to sort a list of elements using the quick sort algorithm. The elements can be read from a
3 Write a C program to implement a Merge sort algorithm to a list of elements for different values of n and
determine the time required to sort the elements.
4 Find the minimum cost of spanning tree in C using Prim’s algorithms.
5 Find the minimum cost of spanning tree in C using Kruskal’s algorithm.
6 Implement 0/1 Knapsack problem using Dynamic Programming in C.
7 Write a C program to find the shortest paths between nodes in a graph using Dijkstra’s algorithm.
8 Write a C program

Print all the nodes reachable from a starting node in a digraph using BFS method.

Check whether a graph is connected or not using DFS method.

9 Write a C program to implement all pairs shortest paths problem using Floyd’s algorithm.
10 Write a C program to implement N Queen’s problem using Back Tracking.

Text Books: Author Edition Publication
1. Mastering Algorithms with C Kyle Loudon Latest O’Reilly
Algorithms Illuminated (Part 3): Greedy Tim Kindle
Algorithms and Dynamic Programming Roughgarden
Reference Book
3. Data Structures And Algorithms Made Easy Narasimha Karumanchi kindle Edition
Online Resources

4. https://www.sanfoundry.com/c-program
5. https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2015/03/c-program-for-n-queens-problem-using-backtracking.html

133 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE5202 Software Engineering Lab 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-2]

Course Outcome:-

Students will be able to:

• To handle the software engineering methodologies involved in the phases for
project development.
• To gain knowledge about open source tools used for implementing software
engineering methods.
• To develop product-prototypes implementing software engineering methods.
• To able to devlop any kind of application software
• To analyse every kind of application Software


1 Prepare a SRS document in line with the IEEE recommended standards

2 Draw the Entity relationship diagram of a project.
3 Develop DFD Model (Level 0, Level 1 DFD and data dictionary) of the sample problem (Useof a CASE tool
required). (1 class)
4 Develop Structured design for the DFD model developed. (1 class)
5 Develop UML Use case diagram for a problem (Use of a CASE tool any of Rational rose, ArgoUML, or
Visual Paradigm etc.
6 To draw the structural view diagram for the system: Class diagram, object diagram.
7 To draw the behavioral view diagram: State-chart diagram, Activity diagram.
8 To perform the behavioral view diagram for the suggested system : Sequence diagram, Collaboration
9 To perform various testing using the testing tool Junit for unit testing for a sample

code of the suggested system

10 To Prepare time line chart/Gantt Chart/PERT Chart for selected software project.


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

Software Engineering K.K. Aggarwal & 2005 New Age
Yogesh Singh International
An Integrated Approach to Software Pankaj Jalote, Second Edition Springer
Reference Book
3. Software engineering, Roger S Pressman
Online Resources

4. https://www.javatpoint.com/software-engineering-tutorial
5. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/software-engineering/
6. https://www.tutorialandexample.com/software-engineering-tutorial

134 | P a g e
Code: BADCCE5203 Deep Learning Lab 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-2]

Course Outcome:-

Students will be able:

● Implement the various deep learning algorithms in Python.
● Apply different deep learning frameworks like Keras, Tensor flow and PyTorch, Caffe
● Design hyper parameters of CNN for achieving the desired outcomes.
● Design the test procedures to assess the efficacy of the developed model.
● Implement a real world application based object detection model by using CNN.


1 Implement a python program to recognize characters.

2 Use MNIST dataset for the same. Implement SVM / Softmax classifier for CIFAR-10 dataset: (i) using
KNN, (ii) using 3 layer neural network..
3 Implement the concept of transfer learning to classify an image dataset by using pre trained model.
4 Study the effect of batch normalization and dropout in neural network classifier.
5 Improve the Deep learning model by tuning hyper parameters.
6 Implement the CNN based image segmentation using on the online available dataset by using :
7 ● Mask RCNN,
8 ● UNet,
● SegNet
9 Object detection with single-stage and two-stage detectors by using:
10 ● Yolo,
11 Image Captioning with LSTMs
12 Image generation using GAN.


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication
1 Deep learning with Python Francois Chollet 2021 Edition Manning Publications
Reference Book
Deep learning with TensorFlow: Explore neural networks with Python, Packt Publisher, 2017, Zaccone, Giancarlo, Md
Rezaul Karim, and Ahmed Menshawy.
Deep Learning with Keras, Packt Publishers, 2017, Antonio Gulli, Sujit Pal
Online Resources
Online communities available at Stackoverflow, and Github

135 | P a g e
Code: BADCCE5204 R Programming Lab 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-2]

Course Outcome:-
Students will be able to:
● Install R Studio and set up a working environment.
● Implement basic R operations such as taking data input, removing missing values, and importing data
into R using different formats xlsx, CSV, Text files and manipulate the data.
● Develop code snippets for formal data exploration in R programming environment.
● Create and edit visualizations with R.
● Explore data sets to create testable hypotheses and identify appropriate statistical tests in real world


1 Install and configure R, set working directory.
2 Install Packages and calling installed packages.
3 R studio environment and functionalities of R studio
4 Implement basic R operations (data input, missing values, importing data into R using different formats : xlsx,
CSV, Text files)
5 Use R as a calculator/
6 Explore various functionalities of dataframes.
7 Create data set using data frames, list and tables.
8 Calculate the remainder after dividing 31079 into 170166719.
9 Calculate the interest earned after 5 years on an investment of $2000,
10 Assuming an interest rate of 3% compounded annually.
11 Use R to calculate the area of a circle with radius 7 cm.
12 Do you think there is a difference between 48:14ˆ2and 48:(14ˆ2)?
13 Usingrep()and seq()as needed, create the vectors?
0000011111222223333344444 and 1234512345123451234512345
14 Create the vector
## [1]000111100011110001111000111100011
## [34] 1 1
and convert it to a factor. Identify the levels of the result, and then change the level labels to obtain the factor:
## [1] Male Male Male Female Female Female Female Male Male
## [10] Male Female Female Female Female Male Male Male Female
## [19] Female Female Female Male Male Male Female Female Female
## [28] Female Male Male Male Female Female Female Female
## Levels: Male FemaleExplore various functionalities of plots
15 Create the contingency table for the given raw data.
16 Create the interactive user input code line in r using readline ( ) function.
17 Create the contingency table for the given vector format data.
18 Convert the contingency table to original format of the given data.
19 Analyse and give interpretation of summary statistics for the given data.
20 Calculate mean, median and mode for the grouped data and compare the results for the given data.

136 | P a g e
21 Analyse the given data for non-parametric tests and give the interpretations.
22 Use R for test the given data
In order to compare the effectiveness of two sources of nitrogen, namely ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) and urea,
on grain yield of Coarse cereal, an experiment was conducted. The results on the grain yield of Coarse Cereal
(kg/plot) under the two treatments are given below.

NH4Cl : 13.4, 10.9, 11.2, 11.8, 14.0, 15.3, 14.2, 12.6, 17.0, 16.2, 16.5, 15.7.
Urea : 12.0, 11.7, 10.7, 11.2, 14.8, 14.4, 13.9, 13.7, 16.9, 16.0, 15.6, 16.0.

Assess which source of nitrogen is better for Coarse Cereal.

23 Use R to test the given data and interpret the results.
In a health survey of school children, it is found that the mean hemoglobin level of 55 boys is10.2 per 100ml
with a SD of 2.1. Can we consider this group as taken from a population with a mean of 11.0 g/100ml?
24 In a hearing survey among 246 town school children, 36 were found with conductive hearing loss and among
349 village school children 61 were found with conductive hearing loss. Does this present any evidence that
conductive hearing loss is as common among town children as among village children?
25 In an experiment to compare two types of Goat foods A and B, the following results of increase in weight were
observed in Goats.

Goat No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Increase in weight due to A 49 53 51 52 47 50 52
Increase in weight due to B 52 55 52 53 50 54 54

Assuming the two samples are independent can we conclude food B is better than food A?
26 Before an increasing in exercise duty on tea, 800 persons out of a sample of 1000 persons were found to be tea
drinkers. After an increasing in duty, 800 people were tea drinkers in a sample of 1200 people. Using SE of a
proportion, state whether there is a significant decrease in consumption of tea after the increase in the exercise
27 Use R for test the given data
A health status survey in a few villages revealed that the normal serum protein value of children in that locality
is 7.0 g/100ml. A group of 16 children who received high protein food for a period of six months had serum
protein values shown below. Can we consider that the mean serum protein level of those who were fed on high
protein diet is different from that of the general population?

S.No. (Child No.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Protein level (g%) 7.10 7.70 8.20 7.56 7.05 7.08 7.21 7.25

S.No. (Child No.) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Protein level (g%) 7.36 6.59 6.85 7.90 7.27 6.56 7.93 8.56

28 Students were selected to training. Their performance was noted by giving a test and the marks recorded out of
50. They were given effective 6 months training and again they were given a test and marks were recorded out
of 50.
Farmers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Before 25 20 35 15 42 28 26 44 35 48
137 | P a g e
After training 26 20 34 13 43 40 29 41 36 46

By applying the t-test can it be concluded that the students have benefited by the training?
29 100 individuals of a particular race were tested with an intelligence test and classified into two classes. Another
group of 120 individuals belong to another race were administered the same intelligence test and classified into
the same two classes. The following are the observed frequencies of the two races:

Race Intelligence
Intelligent Non-intelligent Total
Race I 42 58 100
Race II 55 65 120
Total 97 123 220

Test whether the intelligence is anything to do with the race.

28 Obtain the correlation coefficient between the heights of father(X) and of the son (Y) from the following data

X 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72

Y 67 68 65 68 72 72 69 71

And also test its significance. Using R functions.

29 Analyze the given data for analysis of variance and interpret the same for all the possible values.
30 Consider the inbuilt data set cars.

● Find Correlation between possible variables and pairwise correlation

● Find regression line between appropriate variables

Display the summary statistics and comment on the results


Text Books: Author Edition Publication
Beginning R: The statistical Programming John Wiley & Sons,
1. Dr. Mark Gardener
Language Inc
2. The R Book Michael J. Crawley Wiley & Sons, Inc

Reference Book
1 R graphics cookbook: practical recipes for visualizing data. O'Reilly Media, 2018, Chang, Winston.
Online Resources
1. https://www.simplilearn.com/
2. https://www.w3schools.com/

138 | P a g e
Department Elective
Code: BCEECE5111 Advance Cloud Computing 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]
Students will be able to:
• Describe the types of medical robots and the concepts of navigation and motion replication.
• Discuss about the sensors used for localization and tracking
• Summarize the applications of surgical robotics
• Outline the concepts in Rehabilitation of limbs and brain machine interface
• Classify the types of assistive robots. Analyze the design characteristics, methodology and technological
choices for medical robots

Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction 07
2. Communications and Networking in the Cloud 08
Computing & Protocols
3. Fundamentals Of Online Robots & IOT 08
4. Mobile Robots and Cloud Computing with Web of 07
5. Remote Mobility in the Cloud Computing & IOT 07

Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction
• Introduction of Unit
• Overview and background, Brief history of cloud computing and robotics.
• Network Robotics, ROS, MatLab
• Data Center and remote-device communication , Wireless network and Robot
• Different Types of Antennas & Characteristics of Antenna
• Privacy and Security Issues in the cloud network.
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Communications and Networking in the Cloud Computing & Protocols
• Introduction of Unit
• The Internet ,Wired Communication Links
• Wireless Links – Properties of Networked Telerobotics
• Building a Networked Telerobotic system
• State command Presentation ,Command Execution/ State Generation , Collaborative Control
• Protocol Standardization for IoT , Efforts – M2M and WSN Protocols
• SCADA and RFIDProtocols ,Issues with IoT Standardization ,
• Unified Data Standards – Protocols – IEEE802.15.4
• BACNet Protocol– Modbus – KNX – Zigbee

139 | P a g e
• Network layer ,APS layer , Security
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Fundamentals Of Online Robots & IOT Architecture
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction – Robot Manipulators , Teleoperation – Teleoperation on a local network
• Teleoperation via a constrained link.
• IoT Open source architecture (OIC), OIC Architecture & Design principles
• IoT Devices and deployment models- IoTivity : An Open source IoT stack
• Overview-IoTivity stack architecture,Resource model and Abstraction.
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Mobile Robots and Cloud Computing with Web of Things
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction to networked robot system on the Web, Software Architecture and design – Interface
• Web of Things versus Internet of Things ,Two Pillars of the Web
• Architecture Standardization for WoT, Platform Middleware for WoT
• Unified Multitier WoT Architecture
• WoT Portals andBusiness Intelligence.
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Remote Mobility in the Cloud Computing & IOT Applications
• Introduction of Unit
• Autonomous Mobile Robot on the Web ,
• Mobile Mini Robots ,Performance of Mobile Robots controlled through WEB
• Handling Latency in Internet based Tele operation
• Case Study Computer Networked Robotics
• Online Robots and the Robot Museum.
• IoT applications for industry: Future Factory Concepts, Brownfield IoT
• Smart Objects, Smart Applications. Study of existing IoT platforms /middleware
• IoT- A, Hydra etc.
• Conclusion of Unit


140 | P a g e
S. Text Books: Author Edition Publication
1 Handbook of Cloud Computing BorkoFurht, Armando Escalante 2010 Springer Science &
2 Cloud Robotics – Distributed Joao Pedro, Carvalho Rosa, 2016 Coimbra
Robotics using Cloud Computing
Reference Book
1 Robots and Sensor Clouds
2 Networking Humans, Robots and Environments
3 Emergent Trends in Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Online Resources

1 https://www.simplilearn.com/cloud-solutions-architect-masters-program-
2 https://www.ibm.com/in-en/cloud/internet-of-

141 | P a g e
Code: BCEECE5112 Advance Artificial Intelligence 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]

Students will be able to:
• Know about the basics of advanced topics in artificial intelligence and inference models.
• Be aware about the modern methods of probabilistic reasoning which are extremely important and
transforming the approach to a great variety of computational problems in AI based application.
• To manage the foundation of exact inference and decision making algorithms.
• Know the variety of models used in reasoning used in cutting edge technologies in the field of AI.
• Be aware about the basic concepts of variable representation.


Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. The Bayesian Network Representation 08
2. Undirected Graphical Models 07
3. Local Probabilistic Models 08
4. Template-Based Representations and Gaussian 09
Network Models
5. Exact Inference 08


Unit Unit Details

1. The Bayesian Network Representation
• Introduction of Unit
• Independent Random Variables, The Conditional Parameterization,
• The Naive Bayes Model, Bayesian Networks: The Student Example Revisited, Basic
Independencies in Bayesian Networks
• Graphs and Distributions, Independencies in Graphs: D-separation, Soundness and Completeness
• Minimal I-Maps,
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Undirected Graphical Models
• Introduction of Unit
• Parameterization, Gibbs Distributions and Markov Networks, Reduced Markov Networks, Markov
Network Independencies: Basic Independencies
• From Bayesian Networks to Markov Networks, From Markov Networks to Bayesian Networks
• Conclusion of UnitIntroduction of Unit
• Parameterization, Gibbs Distributions and Markov Networks, Reduced Markov Networks, Markov
Network Independencies: Basic Independencies
• From Bayesian Networks to Markov Networks, From Markov Networks to Bayesian Networks
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Local Probabilistic Models
• Introduction of Unit
• Tabular CPDs, Deterministic CPDs, Representation, Independencies,
• Context-Specific CPDs: Representation, Independencies

142 | P a g e
• Continuous Variables: Hybrid Models, Conditional Bayesian Networks
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Template-Based Representations and Gaussian Network Models
• Introduction of Unit
• Temporal Models: Basic Assumptions, Dynamic Bayesian Networks, State-Observation Models
• Template Variables and Template Factors, Probabilistic Relational Models
• Multivariate Gaussians: Basic Parameterization, Operations on Gaussians, Independencies in
• Gaussian Bayesian Networks, Gaussian Markov Random Fields
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Exact Inference
• Introduction of Unit
• Analysis of Complexity: Analysis of Exact Inference, Analysis of Approximate Inference,
• Variable Elimination: The Basic Ideas, Basic Elimination, Dealing with Evidence, Complexity and
• Graph Structure: Variable Elimination, Simple Analysis, Graph-Theoretic Analysis
• Variable Elimination and Clique Trees: Cluster Graphs, Clique Trees
• Exact Inference as Optimization: Fixed-Point Characterization, Inference as Optimization
• Conclusion of Unit


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

Probabilistic Graphical Models Daphne Koller Nir
1. 2009 Edition MIT press
Principles and Techniques Friedman
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Stuart J. Russell and Peter
2. Third Edition Springer
Approach Norvig (Editors)
Reference Book
3. Shi, Zhongzhi. Advanced artificial intelligence. Vol. 4. World Scientific, 2019.
4. Klenke, Achim. Probability theory: a comprehensive course. Springer Science & Business Media, 2013.
Online Resources

5. aima.cs.berkeley.edu
6. https://www.cs.ubc.ca/~murphyk/Papers/dbnchapter.pdf
7. https://www.stat.cmu.edu/tr/tr758/tr758.pdf

143 | P a g e
Code: BCEECE5113 Cloud Migration & Deployment 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]
Students will be able to:
• Gain fundamental understanding of cloud technologies and cloud deployment
• Gain fundamental understanding of AWS cloud technologies
• Able to understand Cloud Migration and its Plan
• Able to handle how to migrate the Services to the Cloud.
• Able to handle Virtual Private Cloud

Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to Cloud Deployment and Services 08
2. S3, Cloud watch 08
3. Cloud Migration 07
4. Migrating Services to Cloud 08
5. Virtual Private Cloud (Vpc) 07

Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction to Cloud Deployment and Services
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction to Cloud Deployment Models (Private, Public, Hybrid And Community),Cloud
deployment model Security, Differences among different Cloud Deployment Model, Advantages
and disadvantages of various cloud computing Deployment model, Google Cloud Platform, Data
Center-Based Cloud, Cloud Services Pricing Concepts, Cloud Pricing over Different Deployment
• Introduction To EC2, Instance Types And Uses, Auto scaling Instances, Amazon Machine Images
(AMIS), Modifying Existing Images, Creating New Images Off Of Running Instances, Converting
An Instance Store AMI To An EBS AMI, Instances Backed By Storage Types, Creating A Web
Server Using Ec2,
• Conclusion of Unit
2. S3, Cloud watch
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction To S3, Buckets And Objects, Security, Creating A Web Server Using S3Endpoints,
• Introduction To Cloud watch, Creating Alarm Notifications, Auto scaling Instances, Deploying
Scalable Application On AWS,
• Selecting And Launching An Application Environment, Provisioning Application Resources with
Cloud formation.
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Cloud Migration
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction to Migration Plan – Migration plan considerations – Time Management, Security,
Vendor Selection, Selecting the deployment model, Validating the services to be moved to cloud,
Effectiveness of cloud migration, Migration and deployment options, Optimization and Cost
Management in an effective cloud migration, Business continuity after Migration, Case Study on
Cloud Migration
• Conclusion of Unit

144 | P a g e
4. Migrating Services to Cloud
• Introduction of Unit
• Migrating Services to AWS, Cloud Adoption Framework, Successful Migration, Understanding On-
premises cost, Migration cost considerations, Migration options, Three Step processes for large scale
services, Successful Migrations, Handling Failures, Risks involved in working at a big scale
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Virtual Private Cloud (Vpc)
• Introduction of Unit
• Load Balancers And Availability Zones, Elastic Network Interfaces (ENI), Setting Up VPC And
Internet Gateway, Setting Up a Security Group, Launching And EC2 Instance And Assigning An
ENI, Setting Up A VPN, Setting Up A Customer Gateway For VPN,
• Setting Up Dedicated Hardware For VPC
• Scenario 1:VPC With A Public Subnet Only (Standalone Web)
• Scenario 2: VPC with Public And Private Subnets (3 Tier App)
• Scenario 3:VPC With Public And Private Subnets And Hardware VPN Access (Web On The Cloud,
Database and App On Prem)
• Conclusion of Unit


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

Rajkuma rBuyya,
Cloud Computing: Principles and John Wiley and
1. James Broberg,
Paradigms Sons Publications
Andrzej M. Goscinski

Cloud Deployment Models A Kindle

2. GerardusBlokdyk
Complete Guide - 2019 publication

Reference Book
3. Migrating Large-Scale Services to the Cloud, Eric Passmore, Apress

Online Resources

4. https://cloud.netapp.com/blog/cloud-migration-strategy-challenges-and-steps
5. https://www.devopsgroup.com/insights/resources/tutorials/all/cloud-migration/

145 | P a g e
Code: BCEECE5114 PHP & MySQL 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]

Students will be able to:
• Learning PHP basics, syntax, data types.
• Analysing loops, array and string in PHP
• Developing sessions in PHP using session management.
• Use of exception handling in PHP
• Analyze and solve various database tasks using the PHP language.


Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)

1. Introduction to PHP 07

2. Decisions and loop, Function, Array 08

3. Handling Html Form with Php, 08

4. Session and Cookie, working with file and Directories 07

5. Database Connectivity with MySql 07


Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction to PHP
• Introduction of Unit
• Evaluation of Php
• Basic Syntax
• Defining variable and constant
• Php Data type
• Operator and Expression.
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Decisions and loop, Function, Array & String
• Introduction of Unit
• looping
• What is a function
• Call by value and Call by reference
• Recursive function
• String Creation and accessing
• String Searching & Replacing
• Formatting String
• String Related Library function
• Anatomy of an Array
• Creating index based and Associative array Accessing array
146 | P a g e
• Element Looping with Index based array
• Looping with associative array using each () and foreach()
• Some useful Library function.
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Session and Cookie, Working with file and Directories
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction to Session
• Session Functionality
• What is a Cookie
• Setting Cookies with PHP
• Using Cookies with Sessions
• Deleting Cookies
• Registering Session variables
• Destroying the variables and Session
• Understanding file & directory
• Open, close, copy, rename and delete a file,
• working with directories, creating and deleting folder,
• File Uploading & Downloading.
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Exception Handling
• Introduction of Unit
• Understanding Exception and error,
• Try, catch, and throw.
• Error tracking and debugging
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Database Connectivity with MySql
• Introduction of Unit
• Different methods of database connectivity
• Creating a MySql Database
• Connection with MySql Database
• Project
• Conclusion of Unit

S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

1. Steven Holzner 1 July 2017 TMH

PHP: The Complete Reference
Reference Book

Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript with j Query, CSS & HTML5 – 1 January 2015
Online Resources

3. https://www.w3schools.com/php/
4. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/php/index.htm

147 | P a g e
Code: BCEECE5115 Introduction to 3D Animation & Modeling 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]
Students will be able to:
• Know the basic concepts of 3D Modeling
• Analyze the concepts Key frame Animation
• Create the Simulation & Effects techniques in 3D modeling
• Apply Lighting and Camera effects in 3D modeling
• Able to work on Texturing with Max and Rendering with V-Ray


Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to 3DModelling 07
2. Keyframe Animation 07
3. Simulation & Effects 08
4. Lighting& Camera 07
5. Texturing with Max & Rendering with V-Ray 07

Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction to 3DModelling
• Introduction to 3DModelling
• Modeling with Polygons
• Using the graphite
• Working with XRefs
• Building simple scenes
• Building complex scenes with XRefs, using assets tracking
• Deforming surfaces & using the mesh modifiers
• Modeling with patches & NURBS
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Keyframe Animation
• Introduction to Keyframe Animation
• Creating Keyframes
• Auto Keyframes
• Move & Scale Keyframe on the timeline
• Animating with constraints & simple controllers
• Animation Modifiers & complex controllers
• Function curves in the track view
• Motion mixer
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Simulation & Effects
• Introduction to Simulation & Effects
• Bind to Space Warp object
• Gravity, wind
• Displace force object
• Deflectors FFD space warp

148 | P a g e
• Wave ripple
• Bomb
• Creating particle system through parray
• Understanding particle flow user interface
• How to particle flow works
• Hair & fur modifier
• Cloth & garment maker modifiers
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Lighting& Camera
• Introduction to Lighting& Camera
• Configuring & Aiming Cameras
• Camera motion blur
• Camera depth of field
• Camera tracking
• Using basic lights & lighting Techniques
• Working with advanced lighting
• Light Tracing
• Radiosity, video post
• Mental ray lighting etc.
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Texturing with Max & Rendering with V-Ray
• Introduction to Texturing with Max
• Using the material editor & the material explorer
• Creating & applying standard materials
• Adding material details with maps
• Creating compound materials & material modifiers
• Unwrapping UVs & mapping texture
• Using atmospheric & render effects
• V-ray light setup
• V-ray rendering settings
• HDRI Illumination
• Fine-tuning shadows
• Final render setting
• Conclusion of Unit

149 | P a g e

S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

1. 3dsmax7 Fundamentals TedBoardman NewRiders
2. 3d’sMax5Fundamentals TedBoardman Techmedia
3. Inside3dsmax7 TedBoardman NewRiders
Reference Book
3D Modelling, Animation, and Rendering, Createspace, Michael E. Mortenson
3ds Max 8 from Modelling to Animation, Bpb, Boris Kulagin
3D Modelling and Animation, Igi Publishing, Michael G.
Online Resources
7. https://www.udemy.com/topic/3d-modeling/
8. https://www.coursera.org/courses?query=3d%20modeling
9. https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/introduction-to-3d-modeling/

150 | P a g e
Code: BULCHU5201 Human Values & Professional Ethics 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-2]

Course Outcome:-
Students will be able to:
• Know the importance of human values and learn from others’ experiences to become the conscious
practitioners of the same.
• Enhance their self-esteem, confidence and assertive behaviour to handle difficult situations with grace,
style, and professionalism.
• Distinguish among various levels of professional ethics while developing an understanding of them as a
process in an organization.
• Implement emotional intelligence to achieve set targets and excel in interpersonal as well as intrapersonal
• Demonstrate knowledge of personal beliefs and values and a commitment to continuing personal reflection
and reassessment.


1 Human Values: Love & Compassion

2 Truth, Non-Violence, Righteousness
3 Peace, Service, Renunciation (Sacrifice)
4 Self-Esteem: Do's and Don’ts to develop positive self-esteem
5 Self-Assertiveness: Development of Assertive Personality
6 Ambition & Desire: Self & Body (concepts & differences )
7 Professional Ethics: Personal & Professional Ethics
8 Emotional Intelligence: Skill Building for Strengthening the Elements of Self-awareness, Self-regulation,
Internal motivation, Empathy, Social skills
9 Governing Ethics & Ethics Dilemma
10 Profession, Professionalism & Professional Risks
11 Professional Accountabilities & Professional Success
12 Life Skills & Value Education

151 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE5601 Talent Enrichment Programme(TEP)-V 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-6]

The objective of Discipline and TEP is to provide students with the opportunities to enhance job fetching
skills and at the same time to cultivate the student’s personal interests and hobbies while maintaining the good
disciplinary environment in the University. TEP is integrated into the curriculum for holistic development of
students through active participate on in various activities falling in Technical and non-technical categories.
Social outreach, Discipline, TEP -I, VAC & Extra Curricular activities shall be evaluated on the basis of its
sub constituent programme, as a complete one credit course. It shall be counted in calculation of SGPA but it
is not a back log subject. However, the attendance of these classes shall be recorded and accounted in the total
Activities included in this category in thisT Semester are as follows:

Code Activity Hours Credits

Discipline, Value Added Courses & Social Outreach 2

2 1
BCECCE5601 Talent Enrichment Programme (TEP)-V
Library / MOOC / NSP 2

152 | P a g e

Code: BCECCE6101 Computer Architecture 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]

Students will be able to:
• Explain the organization of basic computer, its design and the design of control unit.
• Demonstrate the working of central processing.
• Describe the operations and language f the register transfer, micro-operations and input- output organization.
• Organize memory and memory management hardware.
• Elaborate advanced concepts of computer architecture, Parallel Processing, inter processor communication
and synchronization.


Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Basics Of Digital Logics 8
2. Register Transfer and Micro-operation 8
3. Basic Computer Organization 8
4. Micro Programmed Control Unit 6
5. Computer Arithmetic 6

Unit Unit Details

1. Basics Of Digital Logics
• Introduction of Unit
• Number systems : Binary number system, Octal & Hexa-decimal number system, Conversion of Number
System, r's & (r-1)'s, Binary arithmetic Operations,
• Logic Gates: AND, OR, NOT GATES and their Truth tables, NOR, NAND & XOR gates.
• Boolean algebra: AND, OR, Inversion, Basic Boolean Law's, Demorgan's theorem, Minimization
techniques: K -Map, Sum of Product & Product of Sum,.
• Conclusion & Real Life Application
2. Register Transfer and Micro-operation
• Introduction of Unit
• Register Transfer Language, Register Transfer, Bus and Memory Transfer: Three state bus buffers,
Memory Transfer.
• Logic Micro-operations: List of Logic micro operations, Shift Micro-operations (excluding H/W
implementation), Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit.
• Conclusion &Real Life Application
3. Basic Computer Organization
• Introduction of Unit
• Instruction Codes, Computer Registers: Common bus system, Computer Instructions
• Instruction formats, Instruction Cycle: Fetch and Decode, Flowchart for Instruction cycle, Register

153 | P a g e
reference instructions.
• Conclusion & Real Life Applications
4. Micro Programmed Control Unit
• Introduction of Unit
• Control Memory, Address Sequencing, Conditional branching, Mapping of instruction, Subroutines.
• Central Processing unit: Introduction of CPU.
• Memory Organization: Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory, Auxiliary Memory,
• Associative Memory, Cache Memory, Virtual Memory
• Conclusion & Real Life Application
5. Computer Arithmetic
• Introduction of Unit
• Modes of Data Transfer: Priority Interrupt, Direct Memory Access,
• Introduction, Addition and Subtraction,
• Multiplication Algorithms (Booth algorithm), Division Algorithms,
• Input – Output Organization: Peripheral devices, Input – Output interface, Introduction of
Multiprocessors: Characteristics of multi-processors.
• Conclusion &Real Life Application


Text Books: Author Edition Publication
1. Computer System Architecture Morris Mano PHI
2. Computer Organization and Architecture William Stallings PHI
Reference Book
1. Digital Computer Electronics: An Introduction to Microcomputers, Malvino, TMH
PC Hardware in a Nutshell Barbara Fritchman Thompson, Robert Bruce, Thompson, O’Reilly, 2nd
Edition , 2010
3. Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Architecture, Mostafa AB-EL-BARR and Hesham EL-REWNI
by John Wiley and Sons
Online Resources

1. https://www.javatpoint.com/computer-organization-and-architecture-tutorial
2. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/computer-organization-and-architecture-tutorials/

154 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE6102 Big Data Analytics 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]
Students will be able to:

• Provide HDFS Concepts and Interfacing with HDFS

• Access and Process Data on Distributed File System
• Manage Job Execution in Hadoop Environment
• Explain the components of Hadoop and Hadoop Eco-System
• Apply Machine Learning Techniques using R


Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to Big Data And Hadoop 07
2. HDFS(Hadoop Distributed File System) 08
3. Map Reduce 08
4. Hadoop Eco System 07
5. Data Analytics with R 07

Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction to Big Data And Hadoop
• Introduction of Unit
• The Design of HDFS, HDFS Concepts, Command Line Interface,
• Hadoop file system interfaces, Data flow,
• Data Ingest with Flume and Scoop and Hadoop archives,
• Hadoop I/O: Compression, Serialization, Avro and File-Based Data structures
• Conclusion of Unit
2. HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)
• Introduction of Unit
• The Design of HDFS, HDFS Concepts, Command Line Interface,
• Hadoop file system interfaces, Data flow,
• Data Ingest with Flume and Scoop and Hadoop archives,
• Hadoop I/O: Compression, Serialization, Avro and File-Based Data structures
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Map Reduce
• Introduction of Unit
• Anatomy of a Map Reduce Job Run, Failures,
• Job Scheduling, Shuffle and Sort,
• Task Execution, Map Reduce Types and Formats, Map Reduce Features.
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Hadoop Eco System
• Introduction of Unit
• Pig : Introduction to PIG, Execution Modes of Pig,
• Comparison of Pig with Databases, Grunt, Pig Latin,
• User Defined Functions, Data Processing operators. Hive : Hive Shell,
• Hive Services, Hive Metastore, Comparison with Traditional Databases,

155 | P a g e
• HiveQL, Tables, Querying Data and User Defined Functions. Hbase : HBasics, Concepts,
Clients, Example, Hbase Versus RDBMS.
• Big SQL : Introduction
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Data Analytics with R
• Introduction of Unit
• Machine Learning: Introduction, Supervised Learning,
• Unsupervised Learning, Collaborative Filtering,
• Big Data Analytics with BigR,
• Conclusion with R


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

1. Hadoop: The Definitive Guide Tom White Third Editon O’reily
2. Big Data Analytics Seema Acharya, Subhasini Chellappan 2015 Wiley
Reference Book
1. Michael Berthold, David J. Hand, "Intelligent Data Analysis”, Springer, 2007.
2. Jay Liebowitz, “Big Data and Business Analytics” Auerbach Publications, CRC press (2013)
3. Tom Plunkett, Mark Hornick, “Using R to Unlock the Value of Big Data: Big Data Analytics with Oracle R
Online Resources

1. http://www.bdbanalytics.ir/media/1121/big-data-analytics_turning-big-data-into-big-money.pdf
2. https://www.techtarget.com/searchbusinessanalytics/definition/big-data-analytics
3. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/hadoop/hadoop_big_data_overview.htm

156 | P a g e
Code: BADCCE6103 NLP and Computer Vision 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]

● Identify the significance of natural language processing in solving real-world problems
● Implement POS tagging using HMM
● Apply Syntactic and Semantic Parsing methods
● Solve problems of sentimental analysis and Object detection and recognition
● Apply various real time problem in computer vision

Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to NLP 06
2. Language Modeling: N-gram and POS Tagging 09
3. Syntactic and Semantic Parsing 09
4. Introduction to Computer Vision 07
5. Deep Learning and computer Vision 09
Unit Unit Details
1. Introduction to NLP
● Introduction to Unit
● What is NLP? Why NLP is Difficult?
● History of NLP, Advantages of NLP, Disadvantages of NLP
● Components of NLP, Applications of NLP
● The problem of ambiguity
● Phases of NLP
● Why NLP is Difficult?
● NLP Libraries
● Difference Between Natural language and Computer language
● Conclusion of unit
2. Language Modeling: N-gram and POS Tagging
● Introduction to Unit
● Language Modeling with N-gram
● Simple N-gram models, Smoothing (basic techniques)
● Parts-of-speech Tagging
● Rule based POS Tagging
● TBL POS Tagging
● POS tagging using HMM
● Conclusion of unit
3. Syntactic and Semantic Parsing
● Introduction to unit
● Basic concepts: top down and bottom up parsing
● Treebank;
● Syntactic parsing: CKY parsing;
● Statistical Parsing basics: Probabilistic Context Free Grammar (PCFG); Probabilistic CKY Parsing of
157 | P a g e
● Vector Semantics; Words and Vector;
● Measuring Similarity; Semantics with dense vectors;
● SVD and Latent Semantic Analysis;
● Embedding from prediction: Skip-gram and CBOW
● Introduction to Word Net
● Conclusion of unit
4. Introduction to Computer Vision
● Introduction to unit
● Cameras and optics
● Pixels and image filters
● Image Formation
● Image pyramids and applications
● Computer vision VS Image
● Conclusion of unit
5. Deep Learning and computer Vision
● Introduction to unit
● Deep Learning basics for computer Vision
● Image Classification
● Applications of Image Classification
● Object Detection
● Type of Object Detection
● Applications of Object Detection
● Semantic Segmentation
● Applications of Semantic Image Segmentation
● Face detection and tracking
● Conclusion of unit
S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication
“Speech and language processing: An Jurafsky D. and 2nd Edition Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Martin J. H Prentice-Hall, 2008
Computational Linguistics, and Speech
Natural Language Processing with Python Edward Loper, 1st Edition Pearson Education
2. Ewan Klein, and O’Reilly Media
Steven Bird
Computer Vision: Models, Learning, and Simon Prince 2nd Edition Cambridge University
3. Press
Reference Book
Speech and language processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational
Linguistics, and Speech Recognition, Jurafsky / Martin
2. Computer Vision: Models, Learning, and Inference, Simon J. D. Prince
Online Resources
1. https://www.nlp.com/nlp-online-course/
2. https://www.mygreatlearning.com/academy/learn-for-free/courses/introduction-to-natural-language-processing

158 | P a g e
Code: BADCCE6104 Data Visualization and Pattern Recognition 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]
● Apply data preprocessing techniques
● Create data visualization using various types of charts
● Apply visualization techniques for various data analytics tasks
● Design information dashboard and finding data pattern through visualization.
● Implement Pattern Recognition techniques in real world application


Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. An overview of Data Visualization 08
2. Discussion of workflow Exploratory Visualization 07
3. Visual Analytics & Dashboard Developments 09
4. Working with stakeholders and creating analytical 06
5. Pattern Recognition 07


Unit Unit Details

1. An overview of Data Visualization
• Introduction to Effective Software Testing,
• “What Tableau can and cannot do well”
• Introduction to SVG and CSS
• Debug and troubleshoot installation and configuration of the software
• Introduce the final project
• Configuring Data Environment
• Connecting to Data
• Metrics vs dimensions
• Data types and defaults
• Aliases and names
• Data Visualization Concept
• Conclusion of the Unit
2. Discussion of workflow Exploratory Visualization
• Introduction of Unit
• Data Joins
• Best Practices
• Creating visualizations with Tableau
• Sorting, Top N, bottom N
• Filtering
• Maps
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Visual Analytics & Dashboard Developments
• Introduction of Unit
• Optimal visualization types
• Binning values
• Calculated fields
• Table calculations

159 | P a g e
• Level of Detail calculations
• Dashboard design principles
• Dashboard interactivity
• Conclusion of Unit .
4. Working with stakeholders and creating analytical products
• Introduction of Stakeholders
• Stakeholder categories
• Receiving feedback
• Performing design iterations
• Conclusion of Unit.
5. Pattern Recognition
• Introduction to Pattern Recognition, Feature Detection, Classification.
• Review of Probability Theory, Conditional Probability and Bayes Rule.
• Random Vectors, Expectation, Correlation, Covariance.
• Review of Linear Algebra, Linear Transformations.
• Data Exploration (Like, Outlier Detection), Data Explanation (Like, Storytelling) .
• Conclusion of Unit


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

Effective Data Storytelling: How to Drive Change Brent Dykes 2018
with Data, Narrative, and Visuals
Effective Data Visualization: The Right Chart for Stephanie D. H. 2021 Evergreen Data &
the Right Data Evergreen Evaluation, LLC
3. The Visual Display Of Quantitative Information Edward R.Tufte 2018 Amazon
Reference Book
1. "Information Dashboard Design: Displaying Data for At-a-glance Monitoring” by Stephen Few,O’Rellay
2. "The Accidental Analyst: Show Your Data Who’s Boss” by Eileen and Stephen McDaniel, O’Rellay
Online Resources
1. https://towardsdatascience.com/visualize-hierarchical-data-using-plotly-and-datapane-7e5abe2686e1
2. https://www.idvbook.com/index.html%3Fp=44.html
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leXt9btuyEY
4. https://mschermann.github.io/data_viz_reader/patterns.html

160 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE6201 Big Data Analytics Lab 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-2]

Course Outcome:-
Students will be able to:
● Identify the key issues in big data management and experiment with Hadoop framework.
● Develop problem solving and critical thinking skills in Hadoop.
● Develop problem solving and critical thinking skills in Map Reduce.
● Construct and Explain with structure and unstructured data by using NoSQL commands.
● Implement fundamental enabling techniques and scalable algorithms for data stream mining

1 Hadoop Installation: Ubuntu & THEL 9 Operating System in stand-alone mode
2 File Management tasks in Hadoop
3 Implement the following Data structures in Java:
Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Set, Map
4 Word Count Map Reduce program to understand Map Reduce
5 Implement the following file management tasks in Hadoop:
Adding files and directories
Retrieving files
Deleting files
6 Implement Matrix Multiplication with Hadoop Map Reduce
7 Install and Run Pig then write Pig Latin scripts to sort, group, join, project, and filter your data.
8 Install and Run Hive then use Hive to create, alter, and drop databases, tables, views, functions, and indexes
9 Weather Report POC-Map Reduce Program to analyses time-temperature statistics and generate report with
max/min temperature.
10 Implementing Matrix Multiplication with Hadoop Map Reduce
11 Pig Latin scripts to sort, group, join, project, and filter your data.
12 Hive Databases :Tables, Views, Functions and Indexes


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

1. Hadoop in Practice Alex 2014
2. Big Data Holmes 2016 Black Book
3. Big Data and Hadoop V.K. Jain 2017
Reference Book
1. Hadoop Practice Guide,”Jisha Mariam Jose”
2. Hadoop: The Definitive Guide ,”Tom White”,O’Relly
Online Resources
1. https://ia600201.us.archive.org/7/items/HadoopInPractice/Hadoop%20in%20Practice.pdf

161 | P a g e
Code: BADCCE6202 NLP & Computer Vision Lab 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-2]

Course Outcome:-
Students will be able:
● Create systems for various NLP problems with moderate complexity.
● Implement various NLP software libraries and bench mark data sets
● Implement semantics and pragmatics of English language for text processing
● Ability to Design and develop practical and innovative image processing and computer vision applications or
● Implement real time applications of NLP and computer vision


1 Write a program to tokenize the sentence into words for the further analysis (using Python Function)
2 Write a program to Normalize the sentence to eliminate the unwanted punctuation, converting into lower
case or upper case of the entire document, expanding abbreviation, numbers into words and
3 Write a program that splits the following string “Hello there SAM” into list and iterate over the list using 3
different methods
List as a Iterable
Using Range
4 Convert the following sentence into tokens “NLP is Fun ,you must learn it ” into lowercase
Without splitting
With splitting
5 Write a program to Get the word cloud for the yelp Review data set.
6 Write a program for Amazon review dataset to find the maximum number of words used. Get the output
for the frequently occurred word in the given data? And also visualize the test data.
7 Perform the sentiment analysis, classifying comments using various machine learning model on IMDB
review data set using BOW technique.
8 Perform the sentiment analysis, classifying comments using various machine learning model on IMDB
review data set using TF-IDF technique.
9 Write a program to perform n-gram analysis on Amazon review data set and also compare result while
performing different type of n-gram analysis on the given dataset.
10 Write a program to perform name entity reorganization on the sentence given below “European authorities
fined Google a record $5.1 billion on Wednesday for abusing its power in the mobile phone market and
ordered the company to alter its practices”.
11 Write a program to perform email filtering on Spam Mails Dataset available on Kaggle.
12 Write a program to perform survey analysis and the Dataset available is available on Kaggle.


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

Speech and language processing: An Jurafsky D. and Martin 2nd Upper Saddle River, NJ:
1. Introduction to Natural Language J. H Edition Prentice-Hall, 2008
Processing, Computational Linguistics,

162 | P a g e
and Speech Recognition
Natural Language Processing with Edward Loper, Ewan 1st Pearson Education
2. Klein, and Steven Bird Edition O’Reilly Media
Computer Vision: Models, Learning, Simon Prince 2 Cambridge University
3. Edition Press
and Inference
Reference Book
Speech and language processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational
Linguistics, and Speech Recognition, Jurafsky / Martin
2. Computer Vision: Models, Learning, and Inference, Simon J. D. Prince
Online Resources
1. https://www.nlp.com/nlp-online-course/
3. https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/cloudswyft-msft-natural-language-processing-advanced

163 | P a g e
Code: BADCCE6203 Data Visualization Lab 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-2]

Course Outcome:-
Students will be able:
• Apply fundamental data analytics techniques, using spreadsheet and database tools, to prepare, interpret
on datasets.
• Identify the principles of visual perception.
• Apply core skills for visual analysis
• Apply visualization techniques for various data analysis tasks
• Implement data visualization methods to solve real world problems


1 Perform the Visualization of Spread sheet Models according to given requirement.

1. For the given data set that contains immigration details to Canada from 1980 to 2013,
• Create an area plot for top 6 immigrant countries from 1990 to 2013
• Create and year-wise immigrant bar chart from India to Canada during the period of 1980 to 2013.
• Create a box plot for Indian, Phillip in and China immigrants.
• Show the total no. of immigrants from India and France countries using Area Chart and Pie chart.
• Create a scatter Histogram for the immigrants from Fiji and Singapore in the year 2013.


2. Visualize the given Placement Data Full Class dataset that contains details about Campus Recruitment using the
below techniques for appropriate dimensions and differentiate between the two techniques:
• Histogram and Bar Chart [For histogram let no. of bins=10]
• Facet Plot and Pair Plot
• Area Chart and Pie Chart [For yes or no data]
2 RDBMS Connectivity using Python
Find out output of the joint operation applied to the company database.
Apply inner join type to the following queries; apart from this apply other joins type to the first question.
• List the name of all employees who works for the research department.
• For every project located at ‘Stafford’ list the project number, the controlling Departmentt number and
Departmentt manages last name.
• Find the name of all employees who works on the projects controlled by Dno=4.
• Make the list of project numbers for projects that involve an employee whose last name is‘ Jennifer’ as a worker
or as a manager of the dept that controls the project.
• List the name of the employees who have no dependents.
• List the name of manager that have at least one dependent.
3 Visualization of Semi-Structured Data
1. Create a dictionary for the below data and convert the data into JSON.

S.NO Name Department GPA Future Preference

1 Amy CSE 8.7 Placements
2 Rebekah ECE 9.2 Higher Education
3 David CSE 5.6 Higher Education
4 Sophia CSE 6.8 Placements
5 Lucas ECE 7.5 Placements
6 Andrew CSE 8.9 Higher Education
7 Evan CSE 7.9 Placements
8 Rose CSE 8.7 Higher Education
9 Luis ECE 7.2 Higher Education
164 | P a g e
10 Blake ECE 6.8 Higher Education
11 Finn CSE 7.2 Placements
12 Alan ECE 8.7 Placements
13 Olivia ECE 6.8 Higher Education
14 Isabella CSE 8.7 Placements
15 Scarlett ECE 6.8 Higher Education
using dump()method from JSON package.

i. Plot a graph showing the difference in Future Preferences of the students.

ii. Visualize the student’s statistics based on the feature “Department”.
iii. Plot a pie chart for the feature GPA.

2. For the below given data set which contains world population in json format:

iv. Read the data using pandas in column orient.

v. Using appropriate plotting technique visualize the given data on the basis of population feature.

4 Introduction to Tableau and Aggregation Methods in Any Data Visualization tool of your choice.
Connect the given Bus Safety dataset to Tableau and perform the below tasks on separate sheets.
i. Go to meta-data of the data set and change the column name form ‘Date Of Incident’ to ‘Date’ and
‘Bus Garage’ to ‘Garage’.
ii. Visualize the no. of Incidents by different Operators and explore various possible charts.
iii. Show a pie chart depicting the age categories as Adult, Child, Elderly and Unknown and no. of
incidents in each category.
iv. Show the statistics of Route No.’s in purple color Bar Chart.
v. Create a chart for ‘Borough’ feature depicting the total count of each and then sort it in ascending
vi. Depict the no. of incidents under the eight Incident Event Types for each of the Boroughs in the
form of horizontal bar chart.

5 Visual Encodings and Basic Dash boards in Any Data Visualization tool of your choice

For the given dataset FIFA.csv that contains data about various football players, perform the following
tasks on separate sheets:
i. After connecting the data use the data interpreter and clean the data.
ii. Create a horizontal bar chart to depict the International Reputation of various nations on an avg.
iii. Check if there is any relation between wage and position(left/right). If yes, describe the relation.
iv. Plot a bar chart against Avg. Heading Accuracy and Body Type. Find out which body type has
highest and least accuracy.
v. Create a yellow colored Tree Chart to depict the total penalties of each nation and thus determine the
highest and lowest.
vi. Using the above sheets create a dashboard and write an analysis report of what insights can be drawn
from this.
6 Interactive Plots in Python
Using the in-built “Car Crashes” dataset from seaborn library perform the below tasks in order to depict interactive
i. Create a sub-dataset df that contains 'total', 'speeding', 'alcohol' columns only.
ii. Visualize an interactive bar plot for df.
iii. Using bar iplot, display the mean of all columns in the original dataset.
iv. Visualize a scatter matrix plot for the dataset. (The scatter matrix plot is basically a set of
all the scatter plots for numeric columns in your dataset)
v. Depict an interactive box plot for df.
vi. Show a histogram plot for df interactively.
vii. Visualize 3D iplot for the data and give your insights so as to why and when should 3D
165 | P a g e
visualization be used.
7 Hierarchical and Topographical Data Visualizations in Any Data Visualization tool of your choice.

Using the in-built data set from following link :

Find the suitable answer of following

i. Develop a sunburst pie chart to visualize all items.

ii. Create a tree map graph to display data in rectangular box
iii. Display the data in hierarchical format using shankey diagram.
8 Calendar Heat maps Data Visualizations in Python
i. Write a Pandas program to create a heat map (rectangular data as a color-encoded matrix) for comparison of the
top 10 years in which the UFO was sighted vs each Month.
ii. Load the dataset from “flight_dealy.csv” and create a heat map to show relationship between various fields of
9 Time Series Data Visualization in Python
Collect the dataset from link
https://github.com/Neelu-Tiwari/dataset/blob/main/stock_data.csv and perform the following task.
i. Plot the changes that occurred in data over time.
ii. Create a bar plot of month data for 2016 and 2017.
iii. Perform the more practices from
a. https://learnche.org/pid/data-visualization/data-visualization-exercises
b. https://www.r-exercises.com/2017/04/10/forecasting-time-series-exploration-exercises-part-1/
10 Imagine that you work at one location of a retail department store chain. You're curious to see how the proportion
of sales by product category at your particular store differs from the average of sales distribution numbers across
all locations. Download the dataset from

11 Select a member of the MIT aesthetics and computation research group (http://acg.media.mit.edu/). Briefly discuss
that person’s work and provide a review of the potential for that technique to help in information visualization
(amount of information communicated vs. amount of aesthetics).
12 Given a census data set, describe three or more ways you might order the dimensions prior to visualization. What
are the strengths and weaknesses of each? You may use the US County Census data set available on the book web
site or at the http://www.openindicators.org web page.


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

Effective Data Storytelling: How to Drive Change Brent Dykes 2018
with Data, Narrative, and Visuals
Effective Data Visualization: The Right Chart for Stephanie D. H. 2021 Evergreen Data &
the Right Data Evergreen Evaluation, LLC
3. The Visual Display Of Quantitative Information Edward R.Tufte 2018 Amazon
Reference Book
1. "Information Dashboard Design: Displaying Data for At-a-glance Monitoring” by Stephen Few,O’Rellay
2. "The Accidental Analyst: Show Your Data Who’s Boss” by Eileen and Stephen McDaniel, O’Rellay
Online Resources
1. https://towardsdatascience.com/visualize-hierarchical-data-using-plotly-and-datapane-7e5abe2686e1
2. https://www.idvbook.com/index.html%3Fp=44.html

166 | P a g e
Department Elective
Code: BCEECE6111 Block Chain 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]
Students will be able to:
• Explore the working of Blockchain technology
• Analyze the working of Smart Consensus
• Analyze the working of Hyperledger
• explain architecture of BlockChain
• Use Real life application of BlockChain


Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction of Blockchain 08
2. Distributed Consensus 08
3. Solidity Programming 08
4. Blockchain Architecture 08
5. BlockChain Application 08

Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction of BlockChain
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction, Advantage over conventional distributed database, Blockchain Network, Mining
Mechanism, Distributed Consensus, Merkle Patricia Tree, Gas Limit, Transactions and Fee,
Anonymity, Reward, Chain Policy, Life of Blockchain application, Soft & Hard Fork, Private and
Public blockchain, Memory Hard Algorithm, Zero Knowledge Proof, , Blockchain, Blockchain
Architecture – Block, Hash, Distributer P2P, Structure of Blockchain
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Distributed Consensus
• Introduction of Unit
• Nakamoto consensus, Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, Proof of Burn, Difficulty Level, Sybil Attack,
Energy utilization and alternate, Consensus mechanism: Proof of Work (PoW), Proof of Stake
(PoS), Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT), Proof of Authority (PoA) and Proof of Elapsed Time
(PoET), Operation of Bitcoin.
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Solidity Programming
• Introduction of Unit
• Solidity - Language of Smart Contracts, Installing Solidity & Ethereum Wallet, Basics of Solidity,
Layout of a Solidity Source File & Structure of Smart Contracts, General Value Types (Int, Real,
String, Bytes, Arrays, Mapping, Enum, address)
• Conclusion of Unit
4. BlockChain Architecture
• Introduction of Unit
• What is Ethereum, Introduction to Ethereum, Consensus Mechanisms, How Smart Contracts Work,
Metamask Setup, Ethereum Accounts, Receiving Ether’s What's a Transaction?, Smart Contracts
• What is Corda, Top corda contributed tools, Corda on the AWS Cloud, Corbeans:Corda integration
167 | P a g e
for spring boot,Cordentity
• What is Tezos(XTZ), the XTZ Token, How does Tezos Work.
• Conclusion of Unit
5. BlockChain Application
• Introduction of Unit
• Internet of Things, Medical Record Management System, Domain Name Service and Future of
Blockchain, Alt Coins, Blockchain and Enterprise – A Technology of Coordination, Why
Permissioned Blockchains Are Used in Enterprise Network,
• Use Case: Blockchains for Trade Finance
• Blockchain Use Case: Capital Markets
• BlockChain Use Case for HealthCare
• BlockChain Use Case for Agriculture
• Conclusion of Unit


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

Mastering Blockchain: Distributed Ledger
2nd Packt Publishing
1. Technology, decentralization, and smart Imran Bashir
Edition Ltd, March 2018.
contracts explained-
Blockchain By Example: A developer's guide to Bellaj Badr, Richard
Packt Publishing
2. creating decentralized applications using Bitcoin, Horrocks, Xun (Brian)
Limited, 2018.
Ethereum, and Hyperledger Wu,
Reference Book
Andreas M. Antonopoulos , “Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies”, O’Reilly Media Inc,
Arvind Narayanan, Joseph Bonneau, Edward Felten, Andrew Miller and Steven Goldfeder, “Bitcoin and
Cryptocurrency Technologies: A Comprehensive Introduction”, Princeton University Press, 2016.
Online Resources
1. https://www.edx.org/learn/Blockchain

168 | P a g e
Code: BCEECE6112 Sampling Method 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]
Students will be able to:
• Explain the important terminologies and need for sampling over complete enumeration.
• Identify the need for learning and sampling proportion in sampling theory.
• Estimate the mean and variance of the samples drawn using simple random sampling with and without
• Estimate the mean and variance of the samples drawn using stratified and systematic random sampling.
• Estimate the mean and variance of the samples drawn using cluster sampling

Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to Sampling 08
2. Sampling proportions and Percentages 07
3. Simple Random Sampling 07
4. Stratified and Systemic Random Sampling 08
5. Cluster Sampling 07

Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction to Sampling
• Introduction to unit
• Important terminologies related with sampling methods: samples, population, standard error,
sampling distribution, sample size, need for sampling, advantages and disadvantages of sampling,
important principle steps in sample survey, sample survey vs complete enumeration, the role of
sampling theory, probability sampling, alternative to probability sampling, importance of normal
distribution in sampling theory, bias and its effects in sampling process, role of mean square error in
sampling theory.
• Conclusion of unit
2. Sampling proportions and Percentages
• Introduction to unit
• Qualitative characteristics of samples, variances of the sample estimates, the effect of P on the
standard errors, probability distribution function: the binomial probability distribution, the
hypergeometric distribution, confidence limits, classification into more than two classes, confidence
limits with more than two classes, the conditional distribution of p, proportions and totals over
subpopulation, comparison between different domains.
• Conclusion of unit
3. Simple Random Sampling
• Introduction to unit
• Introduction, need for simple random sampling, overview and definition of simple random sampling
with and without replacement, selection of a simple random sample, definitions and notations
conventions in simple random sampling, properties of the estimates, variances of the estimates, the
finite population correction, estimation of standard error from the samples, confidence limits,
estimation of a ratio, estimates of means over subpopulation, estimates of totals over sub population,
comparison between domain means, validity of normal approximation, linear estimates of the
population mean.
• Conclusion of unit
4. Stratified and Systemic Random Sampling
• Introduction to unit

169 | P a g e
• Definition and overview of stratified and systemic random sampling, properties of the estimates,
estimated variance and confidence limits, proportional allocation, optimum allocation, Neyman
Allocation, relative precision of stratified sampling over simple random sampling, allocation
requires more than 100 percent sampling, , Choice of Sample Sizes in Different Strata, advantages
and disadvantages of stratified sampling, Systematic Sampling: The Sample Mean and its Variance,
Comparison of Systematic with Random Sampling, Comparison of Systematic with Stratified
Random Sampling, Estimation of the Variance, two stage sample with equal and unequal units.
• Conclusion of unit
5. Cluster Sampling
• Introduction to unit
• Equal Clusters: Introduction, definition, efficiency of cluster sampling, Efficiency of Cluster
Sampling in Terms of Intra-Class Correlation, Estimation from the Sample of the Efficiency of
Cluster Sampling, Relationship between the Variance of the Mean of a Single Cluster and its Size,
Optimum Unit of Sampling and Multipurpose Surveys, Unequal Clusters: Estimates of the Mean
and their Variances, Probability Proportional to Cluster Size: Estimate of the Mean and its Variance,
Probability Proportional to Cluster Size: Efficiency of Cluster Sampling, Probability Proportional to
Cluster Size: Relative Efficiency of Different Estimates.
• Conclusion of unit


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

Sampling Theory of Survey Pandurang V Sukhatme Indian society of Agricultural
with Applications Statistics, New Delhi.
2. Sampling Techniques William G. Cochran, Third Edition - Wiley Publications.
Reference Book
1. Large Sample Techniques, Jiming Jiang, Springer

Online Resources

1. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/statistics/sampling_methods.htm
2. https://www.vskills.in/certification/tutorial/sampling-methods-3/

170 | P a g e
Code: BCEECE6113 Security Analysis & Protocols 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]
Students will be able to:
• Students able to learn end-to-end network security concepts and techniques.
• Importance of security analysis and modelling decisions.
• Designing the security defence model.
• Identifying the Security Properties on Linux.
• Implement the Network authentication and privacy


Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to Security Analysis 06
2. Model System 07
3. Model Adversary 08
4. Identify Security Properties 07
5. Protocols 08

Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction
• Introduction of Unit
• Computer Security
• Cryptography Protocols
• Security Analysis - Model System, Model Adversary, Identify security properties,
• Check Properties preserved under attack
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Model System
• Introduction of Unit
• OSI Model - Introduction, Layers, Top layers vs lower layers
• OSI Model - Host Communication
• OSI Model - Encapsulation
• Explicit Intruder Model
• Example by Needham-Schroeder
• Needham-Schroeder Crypto : Nonces, public-key cryptography
• Needham-Schroeder Key Exchange
• Needham Schroeder properties
• Anomaly in Needham-Schroeder
• Murj
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Model System
• Introduction of Unit
• Adversary model explained with an example
• Types of Adversaries
• Importance of Adversary and its behaviour
• Actions of Adversaries
• Adversary in Computer Science
171 | P a g e
• Adversary in threat
• Adversary model for cyber security
• Case study on Adversary model for Cyber Defence Strategies
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Identify Security Properties
• Introduction of Unit
• Classification of Security Properties
• Principles and Properties of Security
• Identify Security Properties on Linux using CheckSec
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Protocols
• Introduction of Unit
• Network Authentication and privacy
• Authentication, Secrecy
• E.g.Kerboroes, SSL, WEP
• E-Commerce
• Fair Exchange
• Voting
• Anonymity with Accountability
• Policy Specifications
• Privacy , Access Control
• Adherence to Policy


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

1. IT Security Metrics Lance Hayden Tata McGraw Hill
2. Security Metrics Caroline Wong Tata McGraw Hill
Reference Book
1. The Complete Reference to Network Security - Roberta Bragg , Mark Rhodes-Ousley

Online Resources

1. https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs259/WWW06/syllabus.html
2. http://www.cs.unibo.it/~aldini/fosad01/material/fosad-all.pdf
3. https://www.ten-inc.com/presentations/invincea1.pdf

172 | P a g e
Code: BCEECE6114 Advance Scripting: Flask and RoR 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]
Students will be able to:
• Explain Flask and Database
• Implement Advanced Flask concept
• Explain Ruby on Rails
• Implement Fundamental Statement & Control.
• Explain basic principles of Models


Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hr)
1. Flask Fundamentals & Data Models and Databases Database 07
2. Advanced Flask & RESTful APIs 09
3. Introduction to Ruby on Rails 08
4. Ruby Fundamental Statement & Control 09
5. Advanced Models & Forms with Active Record Associations 07

Unit Unit Details

1. Flask Fundamentals & Data Models and Databases Database
• Introduction of Unit
• Microframeworks URLs, Routes, Dynamic RoutesJinja2 and Template Rendering Template
Variables, Control Structures, Bootstrap Error Handling Forms,
• GET and POST requests. Redirects, Sessions, and Message Flashing
• Database Management , Relational Databases ,SQL,
• SQLAIchemy vs. Flask-SQLAIchemy ,Defining Models and Relationships
• Interacting With Models, Database Operations Database Migration with Flask-Migrate
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Advanced Flask & RESTful APIs
• Introduction of Unit
• Separation of Responsibilities , Application Factory , Blueprints Unit Testing
• Email Verification, User Authentication and Permissions, password Hashing.
• User Profiles Paginating
• Build and Deploy Your Own API: Installation And Setup, Serializers, URLs API Blueprint, Status
Codes, Authentication
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Introduction to Ruby on Rails
• Introduction of Unit
• Scaffolding: The Scaffold command, Overview of Models, Views, and Controllers (MVC)
• Adjusting the Templates Created by Scaffolding: Formatting in Rails, Working with Dynamic web
pages, Editing the text in the tab,, Redirecting the homepage URL, Editing the CSS
• Version Control with Git: Initializing a repository, Commiting and Pushing changes, Creating,
switching, and deleting branches, Merging branches
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Ruby Fundamental Statement & Control

173 | P a g e

Introduction of Unit

Ruby Data Types & Variables :String, Integer, Float, Boolean and Nil values, Properties of Ruby data
types, Instance variables & Local variables, Global variables, Built-in functions, Creating your own
functions, Passing arguments and returning values, If/Else and Unless Statements, While/Until
• Ruby Data Structures: Arrays: The Simplest Collections, Hashes, Enumerators, Common Iterators
• Classes: Creating classes, Inheritance, Class Methods, Overriding Methods
• Generating a Controller: Creating a New Rails Site for Flix, How Controller methods relate to views,
Private methods, The params hash
• Views: Generating and creating Views, When you don't need a View, Mapping Views to controller
actions and routes, Dynamic Views, The rails routes command
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Advanced Models & Forms with Active Record Associations
• Introduction of Unit
• Generating a Model,How Migration Files work,Migratiing the Database,Rolling back a migration
• Rails Forms:Rails forms vs HTML forms,HTTP Overview,Rails Form Helpers,Rails forms: form_for,
form_tag, and form_with Connecting a form to a Model
• Views:Creating a View,Adding Dynamic Data,Rendering a Partial,Optional Bonus: Rendering a View
• Model Validations and Methods :The purpose of validations ,Adding basic validations,Preventing
submission of empty forms,Customizing validations,Adding Error Messages ,Built-in Model
methods,Adding hods to models, Model Relationships
• Integrating Front-end Code: Rails Asset Pipeline
• Launching an Application: Preparation, Amazon Web Services, Heroku
• Conclusion of Unit

Text Books: Author Edition Publication

1. Flask Web Development Miguel Grinberg 2nd O’Reilly

The Ultimate Python Programming Guide from Beginner William Alvin

2. William Alvin Newton 2021 Newton
To Intermediate
Reference Book
1. Building Web Apps with Python and Flask,” Malhar Lathkar”,BPB
2. Programming Ruby,” David Thomas”
3. Ruby on Rails For Beginners ,” Joseph Joyner

Online Resources

1. https://www.railstutorial.org/book
2. https://www.pdfdrive.com/ruby-on-rails-tutorial-e14979185.html
3. https://www.learnenough.com/ruby-on-rails-4th-edition-tutorial/beginning

174 | P a g e
Code: BCEECE6115 Web Programming for Graphics & Gaming 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]
Students will be able to:
• Acquire practical competency with emerging technologies and skills needed for becoming an effective
graphics designer.
• Able to apply geometric transformations on graphics objects and their application in composite form in
2D, 3D.
• Able to assess hardware and software aspects necessary to develop Graphics and Web Designing.
• Program a game for a hand held device
• Get skills needed for becoming web designer also.


Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to Web & Basics of HTML and CSS 07
2. Introduction to graphics and gaming 09
3. Sprites and animation 07
4. Level design 07
5. User interface & Audio 06

Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction to Web & Basics of HTML and CSS
• What is HTML
• HTML Documents, Basic structure of an HTML document.
• Creating an HTML document , Mark up Tags .
• Heading-Paragraphs , Line Breaks
• Creating Style Sheet, CSS Properties,CSS Styling(Background, Text Format ,
• Working with Lists and Tables.
• CSS Id and Class, Box Model(Introduction, Border properties, Padding Properties,
• Margin properties).
• CSS Advanced (Grouping, Dimension, Display, Positioning, Floating, Align, Pseudo class,
Navigation Bar, Image Sprites, Attribute sector).
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Introduction to Graphics and Gaming
• Types of games, Different aspects of game design.
• Different components in a game.
• Game engines; .
• Geometric primitives.
• 2D transforms and 3D linear transforms.
• Homogeneous matrices.
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Sprites and animation
• Different image formats.
• Polygon file formats.
• Creating sprites.
• Animations using sprite-sheets.
• Animations using key frames.

175 | P a g e
• Animation controllers.
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Level design
• Scenes.
• Tiles.
• visual continuity in tiles.
• Adding objects to scene.
• Lighting, RGB space,
• Transparency
• Conclusion of Unit
5. User interface & Audio
• Layout
• Menu system.
• Visual components, Event system.
• Different audio formats,
• Audio mixing.
• Conclusion of Unit


S. Text Books: Author Edition Publication

1. Fundamental of web development Randyconnolly, Ricardo 2016 McGraw Hill
2. Computer Graphics: Principles and John Hughes 3rd edition Addison-Wesle
3. Game Programming Patterns Nystrom Robert 3rd edition, 2014 Genever Benning
Reference Book
1. Steven M. Schafer, “HTML, XHTML, and CSS Bible, 5ed”, Wiley India
2. Angel, E. (2005) Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach with Open GL, Addison Wesley.
3. Paris Buttfield-Addison et al., Unity Game Development Cookbook: Essentials for Every Game, 1st Edition,
O’Reilly Media, 2019
Online Resources
1. https://careerfoundry.com/en/tutorials/web-development-for-beginners/introduction-to-web-development/
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhFequVQprw
3. https://www.w3schools.com/graphics/game_images.asp

176 | P a g e
Code: BULCHU6201 Professional Skills-I 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-3]

Course Outcome:-

Students will be able to:

• Compare the professional and personal approach towards any task and demonstrate their understanding by
displaying professional attitude in the assigned tasks.
• Recognize, explain, and use the formal elements of specific genres of organizational communication:
reports, proposals, memorandums, web pages, wikis, blogs, business letters, and promotional documents
• Prepare and deliver a clear and fluent demonstrative, informative, and persuasive presentation and enlarge
their vocabulary by keeping a vocabulary journal.
• Demonstrate preparedness for any type of interview from classic one-on-one interview to panel
interviews, Phone/Skype interviews, Behavioral/Situational etc. along with sharping the ability to
critically analyze a given piece of information and collectively work in a group to arrive at a solution or
develop a perspective.
• Develop skills for negotiation and time management to identify steps for proper negotiation preparation &
learn bargaining techniques and strategies of inventing options for mutual gain and move negotiations
from bargaining to closing.

1 Professional & Ethical Approaches : Degree of adherence, Business world & meeting deadlines
2 Job Hunting and Networking: Skill Branding & Usage of Online Platforms
3 Trust Building & Cultural Etiquettes
4 Professional Writing-I: Direct-Indirect approaches to Business Writing-Five main stages of writing Business
5 Professional Email Writing
6 Resume Building-I: Difference between C.V. & Resume, formats, points to cover, practice sessions
7 E-Learning & E-Content Development-I
8 Presentation Skills: format & structure of presentations, using tools & techniques
9 Job Interviews I: Preparation and Presentation
10 Advanced Group Discussion – I
11 Negotiation Skills & and Conflict Resolution-I
12 Professional Code of Ethics & Effective Time Management

177 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE6601 Talent Enrichment Programme(TEP)-VI 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-6]

The objective of Discipline and TEP is to provide students with the opportunities to enhance job fetching
skills and at the same time to cultivate the student’s personal interests and hobbies while maintaining the good
disciplinary environment in the University. TEP is integrated into the curriculum for holistic development of
students through active participate on in various activities falling in Technical and non-technical categories.
Social outreach, Discipline, TEP -I, VAC & Extra Curricular activities shall be evaluated on the basis of its
sub constituent programme, as a complete one credit course. It shall be counted in calculation of SGPA but it
is not a back log subject. However, the attendance of these classes shall be recorded and accounted in the total
Activities included in this category in this Semester are as follows:

Code Activity Hours Credits

Discipline, Value Added Courses & Social Outreach 2

2 1
BCECCE6601 Talent Enrichment Programme (TEP)-VI

Library / MOOC / NSP 2

178 | P a g e
Department Core Courses
Code: BCECCE7101 Internet of Things 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]
Students will be able to:
• Implement general concepts of Internet of Things (IoT) and recognize various devices, sensors and applications
(Recognize, Knowledge)
• Applicable design concept to IoT solutions and fundamental enable techniques. (Apply)
• Analyze various IoT Model and Architecture M2M and IoT architectures (Analyze)
• Evaluate design issues in IoT applications, Back-end and Data Handling Analysis (Evaluate)
• Create IoT solutions using sensors, actuators, devices with cloud computing and Case Study.


Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction To Iot 08
2. Iot Networking Core 08
3. Iot Architecture 07
4. Iot Application Development 08
5. Industrial Iot 07

Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction To Iot
• Introduction of Unit
• Sensing, Actuation, Networking basics,
• Communication Protocols
• Sensor Networks
• IoT Definition, Characteristics of IoT
• Functional Blocks, Physical design of IoT, Logical design of IoT
• Communication models & APIs
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Iot Networking Core
• Introduction to unit
• Introduction to Arduino Programming
• Integration of Sensors and Actuators with Arduino
• Introduction to Raspberry Pi, Implementation of IoT with Raspberry Pi
• Other IoT supported hardware platforms such as: ARM Cortex Processors, Intel Galileo boards
• Wireless networking equipment and configurations
• Accessing hardware and device file interactions
179 | P a g e
• Conclusion of Unit

3. Iot Architecture
• Introduction of Unit
• IoT reference Model and Architecture
• Remote monitoring and sensing
• Remote controlling and performance analysis
• Communication pattern, 6LoWPAN,
• Sensors and sensor Node and interfacing using any Embedded target boards
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Iot Application Development
• Introduction of Unit
• Application protocols: MQTT, REST/HTTP, CoAP, MySQL
• Back-end Application Designing
• Apache for handling HTTP Requests
• MongoDB Object type Database
• HTML, CSS & jQuery for UI Designing
• JSON lib for data processing, Security & Privacy during development
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Industrial IoT
• Introduction of Unit
• Data Handling and Analytics
• Sensor-Cloud, Cloud Computing Services for IoT
• Case Study: Agriculture, Healthcare, Activity Monitoring
• Conclusion of Unit


Text Books: Author Edition Publication
Internet of Things: Architectures, Simone Cirani, Gianluigi, Marco, and
1. Latest WILEY
Protocols and Standards Luca Veltri
RMD Sundaram Shriram K Vasudevan,
2. Internet of Things Latest WILEY
Abhishek S
Reference Book
3. Designing the Internet of Things, Adrian McEwen, Hakim Cassimally, John Wiley and Sons
4. Internet of Things (A Hands-on Approach), Vijay Madisetti and Arshdeep Bahga,1 Edition, VPT, 2014

Online Resources

5. https://data-flair.training/blogs/iot-tutorial/
6. https://www.javatpoint.com/iot-internet-of-things
7. https://www.guru99.com/iot-tutorial.html

180 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE7102 Data Mining 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]
Students will be able to:
• Ability to understand the types of the data to be mined and present a general classification of tasks.
• Apply preprocessing methods for any given raw data.
• Extract interesting patterns, measurement and rule based data from large amounts of data.
• Choose and employ suitable data mining algorithms to build analytical applications.
• Comprehend the organization of data in the form of data warehouse and advanced concepts.


Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to Data Mining 07
2. Classification 08
3. Cluster Analysis 07
4. Association Rule Mining and Visualization 08
5. Data warehousing 07

Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction to Data Mining
• Introduction to Data Mining
• Data Mining Tasks
• Components of Data Mining Algorithms
• Data Mining supporting Techniques
• Major Issues in Data Mining
• Measurement and Data
• Data Preprocessing
• Data sets
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Classification
• Introduction to Classification
• Basic Concepts
• Decision Tree induction
• Bayes Classification Methods
• Rule Based Classification
• Model Evaluation and Selection
• Techniques to Improve Classification Accuracy
• Classification: Advanced concepts
• Bayesian Belief Networks
• Classification by Back Propagation
• Support Vector Machine
• Classification using frequent patterns.
• Conclusion of Unit

181 | P a g e
3. Cluster Analysis
• Introduction to Cluster Analysis
• Basic concepts and Methods
• Partitioning methods
• Hierarchical methods
• Density Based Methods
• Grid Based Methods
• Evaluation of Clustering
• Advanced Cluster Analysis: Probabilistic model based clustering, Clustering High Dimensional
Data, Clustering Graph and Network Data, Clustering with Constraints.
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Association Rule Mining and Visualization
• Introduction to Association Rule Mining
• Large Item sets
• Basic Algorithms
• Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
• Comparing Approaches
• Incremental Rules
• Advanced Association Rule Techniques
• Measuring the Quality of Rules
• Introduction to Visualization
• Visualization of Multidimensional Data
• Diagrams for Multidimensional visualization
• Visual Data Mining
• Data Mining Applications
• Case Study: WEKA.
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Data warehousing
• Introduction to Data warehousing
• Data warehousing components
• Multi dimensional data model
• Data warehouse architecture
• Data warehouse implementation
• Mapping the data warehouse to multiprocessor architecture
• Need
• Categorization of OLAP Tools
• Introduction to Data Cube
• Data Cube Technology: Efficient Methods for Data Cube Computation
• Exploration and Discovery in Multidimensional Databases
• Conclusion of Unit


182 | P a g e
Text Books: Author Edition Publication
1. Data Mining Concepts and Techniques Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber Elsevier
Principles of Data Mining
David J. Hand, Heikki Mannila and A Bradford
2. (Adaptive Computation and Machine Latest
Padhraic Smyth Book
Data Mining: Introductory and
3. Margaret H Dunham Latest Pearson
Advanced Topics
Reference Book
4. Data Mining Concepts and Techniques, Author Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber, August 2000
Principles of Data Mining (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning), David J. Hand, Heikki Mannila
and Padhraic Smyth
6. Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics, Margaret H Dunham,Pearson

Online Resources

7. https://www.educba.com/data-mining-concepts-and-techniques/
8. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106105174
9. https://onlinecourses.swayam2.ac.in/cec20_cs12/preview

183 | P a g e
Code: BADCCE7103 Chatbot Development 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]

● Identify the applications of Chatbot.

● Create Chatbot and test the Chatbot in Python
● Implement SQL statements in Python
● Design Database with natural language
● Apply chatbot to solve real world problem


Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to Chatbot 08
2. Understanding natural language 08
3. Programming Chatbot 08
4. Building a virtual assistant 06
5. Defining the Dialog 06


Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction to Chatbot
• Introduction to Chatbot
• Definition of Chatbot
• Background
• Messaging apps
• Setting up Development Environment: Installation of Python, Git, Atom IDE, Add-on for Atom form,
Googlesheets, Chatbot Python Packages
• Testing Chatbot installation
• Limitations of Chabot.
• Conclusion of unit
2. Understanding natural language
• Introduction to Unit
• Intents and entities
• Intent Classification with regular expressions - create dictionary with keys and values
• Entity extraction with regular expressions
• Intent classification with sklearn and Entity extraction
• Entity recognizer using spaCy’s
• Assigning roles using spaCy’s parser
• Robus language understanding with Rasa NLU
• Rasa NLU
• Data-efficient entity recognition
• Conclusion of unit
3. Programming Chatbot
• Introduction to unit
• Adding Knowledge to Chatbot
• Test Chatbot
• Creating a personality - Set Name and “Look to Chatbot, Chatbot Confidence

184 | P a g e
• Random responses
• Custom responses for Date, Time, and Uncertainty
• Advanced Responses
• Backup the Chatbot
• Customizing Chatbot
• Publish the Chatbot
• Conclusion of unit
4. Building a virtual assistant
• Introduction to unit
• Virtual assistants and accessing data
• SQL basics, SQL statements in Python
• Exploring a DB with natural language
• Creating queries from parameters: Custom function to find hotels
• Creating SQL from natural language
• Incremental slot filling and negation
• Conclusion of unit
5. Defining the Dialog
• Introduction to unit
• Form filling
• Asking contextual questions
• Dealing with rejection
• Asking questions and queuing answers
• Pending state transitions
• Putting it all together
• Conclusion of unit


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

1. Building Chatbots with Python: Sumit Raj Apress
Reference Book
1. Voicebot and chatbot Design, Packt publishing, Rachel Batish
Online Resources
1. https://www.datacamp.com/ccourses/building-chatbots-in-python
2. https://www.udemy.com/course-a-python-powered-chatbot-in-under-60-minutes/
3. https://www.coursera.org/courses?query=chatbot

185 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE7201 Data Mining Lab 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-2]

Course Outcome:
Students will be able to:
• Know how to implement and demonstrate algorithms in WEKA
• Implement the concepts of data preprocessing & item construction in WEKA.
• Comprehend intermediate code generation, implement association rule process in WEKA.
• Implement classification and clustering algorithms in WEKA.
• Learn the concepts, global data flow analysis and efficient algorithm Visualize data in WEKA.


1 Demonstration of preprocessing on dataset student.arff

2 Demonstration of preprocessing on dataset labor.arff

3 Demonstration of Association rule process on dataset contactlenses. arff using aprioris algorithm

4 Demonstration of Association rule process on dataset test.arff using apriori algorithm

5 Demonstration of classification rule process on dataset student.arff using j48 Algorithm

6 Demonstration of classification rule process on dataset employee.arff using j48 algorithm

7 Demonstration of classification rule process on dataset employee.arff using id3 algorithm

8 Demonstration of classification rule process on dataset employee.arff using naïve bayes algorithm

9 Demonstration of clustering rule process on dataset iris.arff using simple k-means

10 Demonstration of clustering rule process on dataset student.arff using simple kmeans

11 Usage of WEKA for visualization of data set student.arff.

12 Usage of WEKA for visualization of data set employee.arff.


186 | P a g e
Text Books: Author Edition Publication
Jiawei Han and Micheline Third
1. Data Mining Concepts and Techniques Elsevier
Kamber Edition
Principles of Data Mining (Adaptive Computation David J. Hand, Heikki
2. Latest
and Machine Learning) Mannila and Padhraic Smyth
3. Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics Margaret H Dunham Latest Education,
Reference Book
4. Data Mining Concepts and Techniques, Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber,Third Edition Elsevier
Principles of Data Mining (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning), David J. Hand, Heikki Mannila
and Padhraic Smyth
6. Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics, Margaret H Dunham Latest,Pearson Education, 2006

Online Resources

7. https://www.javatpoint.com/data-mining
8. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106105174

187 | P a g e
Code: BADCCE7202 Chatbot development Lab 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-2]

Course Outcome:-
Students will be able:
• Able to execute program using Chatbot Python packages
• Create a smart, highly interactive Chatbot
• Implement SQL statements in Python
• Design Database with natural language
• Apply chatbot to solve real world problem

1 a) Install and download all the appropriate software to create a Chatbot using python - those are(GitHub,
Atom IDE,Python-Add-on for Atom, google sheets) download Python packages.
b) Test the Chatbot installation
2 Build Chatbot in Python that can responds by replying with the same message it receives.
3 Design and develop a personality to Chatbot by setting the Name and “Look”.
4 Write functions in Python to create a bot which can answer simple questions such as “What’s your name?”
5 Build a Chatbot which can answer with some variation. Suppose if you ask the bot how it’s feeling, that it
responds with “oh I’m great!”
6 Write a Python program to create ELIZA’s famous personality by responding to statements with a question
and responding to questions with answers.
7 a) Write a Python program to create a dictionary with intents and keywords (hint: intents “greet”,
“goodbye” and “thankyou” as keys and lists of keywords as the corresponding values for e.g.
keywords[“greet”] is set to [“hello”,”hi”,”hey”])
b) Write a function in python to find the intent of a message.
8 Write a Python programme to extract an entity like find a person’s name in a sentence.
9 Buid and publish a first user friendly Chatbot
10 Build a Chatbot to guide users through a series of steps, such as when they’re placing and order.


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

1. Kindle
Building Chatbots with Python Sumit Raj Apress
Reference Book
1. Voicebot and chatbot Design, Packt publishing, Rachel Batish
Online Resources
1. https://www.datacamp.com/ccourses/building-chatbots-in-python
2. https://www.udemy.com/course-a-python-powered-chatbot-in-under-60-minutes/
3. https://www.coursera.org/courses?query=chatbot

188 | P a g e
Department Elective
Code: BCEECE7111 Software Define Network 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-
Students will be able to:

• Analyze the evolution of software defined networks and modern data center.
• Express the various components of SDN and their uses date planes.
• Describe the use of SDN in the current networking scenario drawbacks of Open SDN.
• Design and develop various applications of SDN, VxLAN, NVGRE.
• Study simple optimization techniques with run-time environment Open Daylight Controller Floodlight


Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction 08
2. Open Flow & SDN Controllers 07
3. Data Centers 08
4. SDN Programming 07
5. SDN 07

Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction
• History of Software Defined Networking (SDN),
• Modern Data Center
• Traditional Switch Architecture
• Why SDN, Evolution of SDN
• How SDN Works
• Centralized and Distributed Control
• Date Planes
• Conclusion of unit.
2. Open Flow & SDN Controllers
• Open Flow Specification
• Drawbacks of Open SDN
• SDN via APIs
• SDN via Hypervisor
• Based Overlays
• SDN via Opening up the Device, SDN Controllers .
• Conclusion of unit.
3. Data Centers
• Introduction to Unit

189 | P a g e
• Multitenant Data Center
• Virtualized Multitenant Data Center
• SDN Solutions for the Data Center Network
• Conclusion of Unit
4. SDN Programming
• Programming SDNs
• Northbound Application Programming Interface
• Current Languages and Tools
• Composition of SDNs
• Network Functions Virtualization (NFV)
• Software Defined Networks: Concepts, Implementation and Applications.
• Conclusion of Unit
5. SDN
• Introduction of Unit
• Juniper SDN Framework
• IETF SDN Framework
• Open Daylight Controller
• Floodlight Controller.
• Bandwidth Calendaring.
• Conclusion of Unit


S. Text Books: Author Edition Publication

1.Software Defined Networks: A Paul Goransson and Chuck First Edition, Morgan
Comprehensive Approach Black
2.Software Defined Networks Thomas D. Nadeau, Ken Gray 2013 O'Reilly Media
Reference Book
3.Siamak Azodolmolky, ―Software Defined Networking with Open Flow, Packet Publishing, 2013.
Online Resources


190 | P a g e
Code: BCEECE7112 Time Series Analysis 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]
Students will be able to:
• Learn the various paradigms and working mechanisms of Time Series Analysis.
• Articulate the fundamentals of algorithm designing and also canvassing the implement ability of such
algorithms in further generation of series.
• Identify the working mechanisms of dynamic series and backtracking in the algorithm generation.
• To verify the functionality and benefits of such Spectral Analysis.
• Interpret various importance of stationarity in time series analysis mechanisms for backtracking and branch
and bound fundamentals
• Enhance competitively algorithmic approach in problem solving and implementing, discovering fully functional
coding paradigm.

Unit No. Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction to Time Series Analysis 07
2. Univariate time series analysis 07
3. Univariate time series analysis – II 07
4. Spectral Analysis 08
5. Multivariate Time Series Analysis – VAREstimation 07


Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction to Time Series Analysis
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction to time series plot in history, time series data and cross sectional data, difference
between time series and cross sectional data, time series and stochastic process, means, variances,
covariance, stationarity, importance of stationarity in time series analysis, components of time
series analysis: trend, seasonal, cyclical and irregular, white noise process, random walk,
elementary time series models with zero mean, model evaluation techniques: Bias, MAD, MSE,
• Conclusion of unit
2. Univariate time series analysis
• Introduction of Unit
• Models related to stationary data, Auto Regressive model, Moving Average model, Stationarity of
data, concepts on unit root, impacts of unit root in estimating the model parameters, tests related
to unit root: Dickey Fuller test, Augmented Dickey Fuller test, KPSS Test, The Phillips Peron Test,
seasonal unit roots, periodic integration and unit root testing.
• Conclusion of unit
3. Univariate time series analysis – II

191 | P a g e
• Introduction of Unit
• ARMA (p,q) process, ACF (Auto Correlation Function) and PACF (Partial Auto Correlation Function)
of an ARMA (p,q) process, forecasting ARMA process, integration of non-stationary data, first order
integration and second order integration, ARIMA (p,i,q), estimation of parameters of ARIMA
model, Wald Test Statistic for significance of coefficients
• Conclusion of unit
4. Spectral Analysis
• Introduction of Unit
• Spectral densities, periodogram, he Spectral Representation and Spectral Distribution, Sampling
Properties of the Sample Spectral Density, time invariant linear filters, the spectral density of
ARMA (Auto Regressive Moving Average), smoothing the Spectral Density, Bias and variance,
bandwidth, Confidence Intervals for the Spectrum, Leakage and Tapering, auto regressive
spectrum estimation.
• Conclusion of unit
5. Multivariate Time Series Analysis - VAR Estimation
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction to multivariate time series analysis, Concepts of Vector Auto Regression, multivariate
least square estimation, asymptotic properties of Lease square estimation, Introduction to Vector
Error Correction Models, Cointegrated Processes (Johensen Co- integration technique), Common
Stochastic Trends, Deterministic Terms in Cointegrated Processes, Forecasting Integrated and
Cointegrated Variables, Introduction to Univariate
• GARCH models, multivariate GARCH, estimation of GARCH models
• Conclusion of unit


S. No Text Books: Author Edition Publication

1. Introductory Econometrics Jeffrey M. Wooldridge Fifth Edition Introductory Econometrics A

A modern Approach modern Approach
2. Basic Econometrics Damodar N. Gujarati, Dawn Fifth Edition - McGraw- Hill/Irwin Publication
C. Porter
3. Introduction to Time Peter J. Brockwell Richard Fourth Edition Springer
Series and A.Davis
Reference Book
4. Time Series Analysis with applications in R, Jonathan D. Cryer, Kung-Sik Chan, Second Edition, Springer
5. New Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis, Helmut Lütkepohl, Springer
Online Resources
6. https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2021/07/time-series-forecasting-complete-tutorial-part-1/
7. https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2021/07/time-series-forecasting-complete-tutorial-part-1/

192 | P a g e
Code: BCEECE7113 Cyber Threat intelligence & Bug Bounting 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-
Students will be able to:
• To recognize why Intelligence and cyber threat intelligence is a useful for developers.
• Identify the key issues in apply Intelligence, develop and experiment with Intelligence & Cyber.
• Develop problem solving and critical thinking skills in fundamental enable techniques like SQL Injection
conditionals and loops.
• Construct and explain with structure and concept of different Bug Bounty.
• Implement Read and write data from/to SQL Injection Cross Site Script step-wise by defining functions.


Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Understanding Intelligence & Cyber Threat Intelligence 07
2. Threat Intelligence Consumption 08
3. The Bug Bunty 08
4. SQL Injection 07
5. Cross Site Script 07

Unit Unit Details

1. Understanding Intelligence & Cyber Threat Intelligence
• Introduction of Unit
• Intelligence Lexicon and Definitions, Traditional Intelligence Cycle, Structured Analytical
Techniques, Defining Threats, Understanding Risk, Cyber Threat Intelligence and Its Role,
Expectation of Organizations and Analysts, Diamond Model and Activity Groups, Four Types of
Threat Detection
• The Threat Intelligence Lifecycle
• 1. Direction 2. Collection 3. Processing 4. Analysis 5. Dissemination 6. Feedback
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Threat Intelligence Consumption
• Introduction of Unit
• Sliding Scale of Cyber security, Consuming Intelligence for Different Goals, Enabling Other Teams
with Intelligence, Building an Intelligence Team, Positioning the Team in the Organization,
Prerequisites for Intelligence Generation, Intelligence Requirements, Priority Intelligence
Requirements, Beginning the Intelligence Lifecycle, Threat Modeling
• Conclusion of Unit
3. The Bug Bounty
• Introduction of Unit
• What is a Bug Bounty Program?, Popular Bug Bounty Platforms Bug crowd (Demo)
HackerOne(Demo),Benefits of Bug Bounty, Brief About Common Vulnerabilities, Hacking
Terminologies, What is Information Gathering?, Concept of Digital Footprinting, What Information
to gather?, What is Whois Information, Information gathering about People & Organization,
Gathering Information about Websites, Google Dorking & GHDB, DVWA Introduction, bWAPP
Introduction, Introduction to Burp Suite.
• Conclusion of Unit

193 | P a g e
4. SQL Injection
• Introduction of Unit
• Introduction to SQL, Writing Basic SQL Query, Different types of comments used in SQL, SQLi
Introduction & Impact, Union Based SQLi (Demo), Boolean Based SQli, Time Based SQLi,
Validation Bypass (Client and Server), IDOR Vulnerability, IDOR on bWAPP, Rate Limiting Flaw,
File Upload Vulnerability, File Upload on DVWA, Live IDOR POC, Live Rate Limiting Flaw POC
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Cross Site Script
• Introduction of Unit
• What Is Cross Site Scripting(XSS)?, Stored XSS, Stored XSS (DVWA), Reflected XSS
• Reflected XSS (DVWA), DOM based XSS, Blind XSS, Live XSS POC, Host Header Injection
methods & URL redirection, Live Host Header Injection POC, Live URL Redirection POC,
Understanding Session, Cookies & Session Fixation, Forced Browsing, Cross Site Request Forgery
Introduction, CSRF Attack(DVWA), Open Redirections, Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
Leakage, Sensitive, Information Disclosure, Live CSRF POC, Live Sensitive Information POC,
Live Session Fixation POC
• Conclusion of Unit


S. Text Books: Author Edition Publication

1. Cyber Threat
Intelligence[The Beginner’s Kurt Baker March 2022 Springdell
Guide ]
2. Bug Bounty Hunting: A
K. Vilith Aug 2020 Krademy
Complete Guide
Reference Book
3. Bug bounty Hunting Essential, Caarlos A., Shahmeer Amir,Packt
4. The Hacker Play Book3:Practical Guide to Penetration Testing,peter Kim
Online Resources

5. https://krademy.com/bug-bounty-hunting-complete-guide
6. https://owasp.org/www-pdf-archive/Getting_Started_with_Bug_Bounty..pdf
7. https://www.codegrazer.com/conference/dc151_Talk_BugBounty_scene_nijagaw.pdf

194 | P a g e
BCEECE7114 Multiplayer Programming 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]
Students will be able to:
• Comprehend Multiplayer Games Object Serialization
• Serialized data structures for network transmission
• Pupils should be able to implement TCP/UDP programming.
• Appreciate Security & Real-World Engines, Object Replication.
• Scholars will be able to research and comprehend the impact of emerging networking technology trends.


Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction of Multiplayer Games 07
2. Object Serialization 08
3. Network Protocol and Scalability 08
4. Security & Real-World Engines 07
5. Gamer Services & Cloud Hosting Dedicated Servers 07

Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction of Multiplayer Games
• Introduction of Unit
• A Brief History of Multiplayer Games ,Starsiege: Tribes ,Age of Empires
• Origins: Packet Switching ,The TCP/IP Layer Cake ,The Physical Layer ,The Link Layer ,The
Network Layer,The Transport Layer ,The Application Layer ,NAT
• Berkeley Sockets: Creating Sockets,API Operating System Differences,Socket Address,UDP
Sockets ,TCP Sockets,Blocking and Non-Blocking I/O,Additional Socket Options .
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Object Serialization
• Introduction of Unit
• The Need for Serialization,Streams ,Referenced Data,Compression ,Maintainability
• Object Replication:The State of the World ,Replicating an Object ,Naïve World State Replication
,Changes in World State ,RPCs as Serialized Objects
• Network Topologies and Sample Games:Network Topologies,Implementing Client-Server
,Implementing Peer-to-Peer
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Network Protocol and Scalability
• Introduction of Unit
• Latency ,Jitter,Packet Loss,Reliability: TCP or UDP?,Packet Delivery otification,Object Replication
Reliability ,Simulating Real-World Conditions
• Improved Latency Handling :The Dumb Terminal Client ,Client Side Interpolation ,Client Side
Prediction ,Server Side Rewind
• Scalability:Object Scope and Relevancy ,Server Partitioning ,Instancing ,Prioritization and
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Security & Real-World Engines
• Introduction of Unit
195 | P a g e
• Packet Sniffing,Input Validation,Software Cheat Detection ,
• Securing the Server
• Unreal Engine 4,Unity
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Gamer Services & Cloud Hosting Dedicated Servers
• Introduction of Unit
• Choosing a Gamer Service,Basic Setup ,Lobbies and Matchmaking ,
• Networking ,Player Statistics ,Player Achievements ,Leaderboards ,Other Services
• To Host or Not To Host ,Tools of the Trade ,Overview and Terminology
• Local Server Process Manager ,Virtual Machine Manager
• Conclusion of Unit


S. Text Books: Author Edition Publication

1.Multiplayer Game Josh Glazer, Sanjay Madhav Third edition Addison-Wesley Professional

2.Game Engine Jason Gregory Third edition Pearson

Reference Book
3.Game Programming Algorithms and Techniques: A Platform-Agnostic Approach, Jason Gregory
Online Resources


196 | P a g e
BCEECE7115 Fundamental of Exchange Server 3 Credits [LTP: 3-0-0]
Students will be able to:
• Acquire the latest features in Exchange Server and learn how to make use of it.
• Learn how to install Exchange Server in a new environment and in a coexistence environment.
• Learn how to perform migrations from Exchange Server 2010/2013/2016/2019
• Expert techniques to manage mailboxes, groups, connectivity, and the client access.
• Server Troubleshoot common issues efficiently and effectively.
• Disaster Recover of Exchange Server .


Title of The Unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1. Introduction 08
2. Planning & Development 07
3. Managing Exchange Server 08
4. Backing Up and Restoring Exchange Server 07
5. Troubleshooting Exchange Server 07

Unit Unit Details

1. Introduction
• Basics of Email System
• Active Directory for Exchange Server
• Domain Name System
• Introduction to Microsoft Exchange Server
• Architecture - Exchange Server 2010/2013/2016/2019
• Conclusion of Unit
2. Planning & Development
• Prerequisite of Exchange Server Deployment
• Storage - Prerequisite for Exchange Server 2019
• Deploy First Exchange Server 2019
• Admin tools installation for Exchange Server 2019
• Activate Exchange Server & Review Installation logs
• Rename and Move Mailbox Database
• Create a User Mailbox in Exchange Server
• Conclusion of Unit
3. Managing Exchange Server
• Introduction of Unit
• Mail Transport Service - Introduction to Mail flow in Exchange Server, Receive Connector, DNS
and Receive first email, Understand SMTP Commands & Create a custom receive connector,
Accepted Domain, send Connector - send email from Exchange server
• Client Access Service - Client Access Services Overview, Namespace Planning
• Outlook on the Web - Connectivity for Outlook Clients, Connectivity for Non-Outlook Clients
• Mobile Active Sync - Section Introduction, Exchange Active Sync, Mobile IOS and Android,
Allow, Block, Wipe and Quarantine
• Edge Transport Server - Introduction to Edge Transport server, Deploy Edge Transport Server, Edge
197 | P a g e
• Conclusion of Unit
4. Backing Up and Restoring Exchange Server
• Introduction to Backing Up Exchange Server
• Preparing to Back Up and Recover the Exchange Server
• Using Windows Server Backup to Back Up the Exchange Server
• Using Windows Server Backup to Recover the Data
• Recover Exchange Server Data Using Alternative Methods
• Recovering the Entire Exchange Server
• Conclusion of Unit
5. Troubleshooting Exchange Server
• Basic Troubleshooting principles
• Third edition Troubleshooting Mailbox Servers
• Troubleshooting Mail Flow
• Troubleshooting Client Connectivity
• Conclusion of Unit


S. Text Books: Author Edition Publication

1. Microsoft Exchange Server Kindle
Edward Van Biljon BPB
2019 Administration Guide Edition
2. Clifton Leonard, Brian
Mastering Microsoft Second
Svidergot, Byron wright, Sybex
Exchange Server 2016 Edition
Vladimir Meloski
Reference Book
3. Mastering Windows Server 2019 Jordan Krause Third Edition
Online Resources

4. https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-microsoft-exchange-server-beginner-to-master/
5. https://books.google.co.in/books?id=Mastering Microsoft Exchange Server 2016

198 | P a g e
Code: BULCHU7201 Leadership & Management Skills 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-2]

Course Outcome:-

Students will be able to:

• Integrate their understanding into their leadership skills development process.
• Demonstrate knowledge of the working environment impacting business organizations and exhibit an
understanding of ethical implications of decisions.
• Assess leadership styles and sharpen the managerial skills to communicate effectively and facilitate
decision making in relation with self-management, stress management and conflict management.
• Generate a creative thinking, something beyond the obvious answers and solution to a specific problem.
• Understand the significance of trust and team skills, creating new innovative ideas with the help of
brainstorming and learn work etiquettes.

1 Leadership Skills: Stages of development

2 Leadership Skills I: Attributes of great leaders, decision making, activities to enhance such qualities
3 Leadership Through Biographies
4 Entrepreneurial Skills: Traits & Competencies of an Entrepreneur
5 Managerial Skills: Conflict Management
6 Self-Management: Challenges & Solutions
7 Stress Management : Causes of stress and regulation
8 Creating Business Plans: Problem Identification and Idea Generation
9 Design Thinking: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities
10 Creative Thinking & Analytical Thinking: Presentation
11 Team building: Developing teams and team work
12 Confidence Building : Improving engagement, communicating effectively & activities to facilitate
decision making

199 | P a g e
Code: BULCHU7202 Professional Skills-II 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-2]

Course Outcome:-

Students will be able to:

• Learn how to update and manage the experience, education, and skills & expertise sections on social
media & formulate appropriate updates as a means to promote business activities.
• Understand how to leverage grammar and formatting in formal documents & demonstrate how to follow
the stages of the writing process (prewriting/writing/rewriting) and apply them to technical and workplace
writing tasks.
• Evaluate presentation’s weak spots and areas for improvement & learn, practice and acquire the skills
necessary to deliver effective presentation with clarity and impact.
• Evaluate basic factors such as personal skills & abilities, career fields, willingness to learn and strengthen
the chances to get desirable jobs.
• Understand negotiation and team skills dynamics and how to prepare for uncertainty & learn to craft agile
strategy and be quick on your feet in changing circumstances.


1 Personal Branding : Its best practices

2 Professional Writing II: Abstract Writing, Statement of purpose and other formal documents
3 Expanding Professional Vocabulary
4 Resume Building-II: Revising & Updating
5 E-Learning & E-Content Development-II
6 Presentation Skills in Professional Setting
7 Job Interviews II: Preparation and Presentation for Mock Interviews
8 Advanced Group Discussion-II: Analysis of professional GD Videos and Practices on
Topics/Video/Article based topics
9 Negotiation Skills & and Conflict Resolution-II
10 Change and Transition Management
11 Team Building Strategies: Project Management
12 Career Awareness & Productive Mindset

200 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE7601 Talent Enrichment Programme(TEP)-VII 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-5]

The objective of Discipline and TEP is to provide students with the opportunities to enhance job fetching
skills and at the same time to cultivate the student’s personal interests and hobbies while maintaining the good
disciplinary environment in the University. TEP is integrated into the curriculum for holistic development of
students through active participate on in various activities falling in Technical and non-technical categories.
Social outreach, Discipline, TEP -I, VAC & Extra Curricular activities shall be evaluated on the basis of its
sub constituent programme, as a complete one credit course. It shall be counted in calculation of SGPA but it
is not a back log subject. However, the attendance of these classes shall be recorded and accounted in the total
Activities included in this category in this Semester are as follows:

Code Activity Hours Credits

Discipline, Value Added Courses & Social Outreach 1

2 1
BCECCE7601 Talent Enrichment Programme (TEP)-VII
Library / MOOC / NSP 2

201 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE8301 Major Project/Dissertation 11 Credits [LTP: 0-0-22]

A Details
The students will undertake a project as part of their final semester. The students can do independent projects or
can take up projects in groups of two or more depending on the complexity of the project. The maximum group
size will be four and in case of team projects there should be a clear delineation of the responsibilities and work
done by each project member. The projects must be approved by the mentor assigned to the student. The mentors
will counsel the students for choosing the topic for the projects and together they will come up with the objectives
and the process of the project. From there, the student takes over and works on the project.
If the student chooses to undertake an industry project, then the topic should be informed to the mentor, and the
student should appear for intermediate valuations. Prior to undertaking this project the students undergo a bridge

Bridge Course:
The bridge course ensures that all the students have the correct prerequisite knowledge before their industry
interface. The purpose of a bridge course is to prepare for a healthy interaction with industry and to meet their
expectations. It would be difficult to establish standards without appropriate backgrounds and therefore to bridge
this gap, students are put through a week mandatory classroom participation where faculty and other experts will
give adequate inputs in application based subjects, IT and soft skills.

The Project:
Each student will be allotted a Faculty Guide and an Industry Guide during the internship/project work. Students
need to maintain a Project Diary and update the project progress, work reports in the project diary. Every student
must submit a detailed project report as per the provided template. In the case of team projects, a single copy of
these items must be submitted but each team member will be required to submit an individual report detailing
their own contribution to the project.
Each student/group should be allotted a supervisor and periodic internal review shall be conducted which is
evaluated by panel of examiners.
Project Evaluation Guidelines:
The Project evaluator(s) verify and validate the information presented in the project report.
The break-up of marks would be as follows:
1. Internal Evaluation
2. External Assessment
3. Viva Voce

Internal Evaluation:
Internal Evaluator of project needs to evaluate Internal Project work based on the following criteria:
• Project Scope , Objectives and Deliverables
• Research Work, Understanding of concepts
• Output of Results and Proper Documentation
• Interim Reports and Presentations– Twice during the course of the project

External Evaluation:
The Project evaluator(s) perform the External Assessment based on the following criteria.

202 | P a g e
• Understanding of the Project Concept
• Delivery Skill
• The Final Project Report
• Originality and Novelty

The Final Project Report Details:

• The report should have an excel sheet that documents the work of every project member
Viva Voce
• Handling questions
• Clarity and Communication Skill
Marking Scheme:
1. Internal Evaluation: 35% of Total Marks
2. External Evaluation: 50% of Total Marks
3. Viva Voce: 15 % of Total Marks
For e.g., If the total mark for the project is 100, then
• Internal Evaluation = 35 marks
The break-up of marks is shown below:-
• Interim Evaluation 1: 10 marks
• Interim Evaluation 2: 10 marks
• Understanding of concepts: 5 marks
• Programming technique: 5 marks
• Execution of code : 5 marks
• External Evaluation = 50 marks
The break-up of marks is shown below:-
• Project Report: 15 marks
• Explanation of project working: 10 marks
• Execution of code: 10 marks – (if done in industry, a stand-alone module can be reprogrammed and
submitted. Error rectification etc. can be included by the evaluator)
• Participation in coding: 15 marks
• Viva Voce = 15 marks
The break-up of marks is shown below: -
• Questions related to project: 10 marks
• Questions related to technology: 5 marks
The Project evaluator(s) verifies and validates the information presented in the project report

203 | P a g e
Code: BCECCE8601 Talent Enrichment Programme(TEP)-VIII 1 Credit [LTP: 0-0-11]

The objective of Discipline and TEP is to provide students with the opportunities to enhance job fetching
skills and at the same time to cultivate the student’s personal interests and hobbies while maintaining the good
disciplinary environment in the University. TEP is integrated into the curriculum for holistic development of
students through active participate on in various activities falling in Technical and non-technical categories.
Social outreach, Discipline, TEP -I, VAC & Extra Curricular activities shall be evaluated on the basis of its
sub constituent programme, as a complete one credit course. It shall be counted in calculation of SGPA but it
is not a back log subject. However, the attendance of these classes shall be recorded and accounted in the total
Activities included in this category in this Semester are as follows:

Code Activity Hours Credits

Discipline, Value Added Courses & Social Outreach 1

2 1
BCECCE8601 Talent Enrichment Programme (TEP)-VIII
Library / MOOC / NSP 2

******************************* HAPPY LEARNING *************************************

204 | P a g e

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