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[the Magnus Archives RPG][en] - Player's Guide (OEF, 2024)_FwpVOZ

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Player ’s Guide

Designer Monte Cook
Additional Design Bruce R. Cordell
Creative Director Monte Cook
Developer Bruce R. Cordell
Managing Editor Teri Litorco
Editor Ray Vallese
Proofreader Dominique Dickey
Art Director Bear Weiter
Graphic Design/Layout Bear Weiter
Cover Artist Roberto Pitturru

Paola Andreatta, Javier P. Beltrán, Sam Wolfe Connelly, Macli, Gabriela Novotná,
Roberto Pitturru, Maichol Quinto, Kyle A. Scarborough, Zoa Smalley

The Magnus Archives is co-created by Jonathan Sims and Alexander J Newall and distributed by Rusty Quill Ltd.

Powered by the Cypher System designed by Monte Cook, Bruce R. Cordell, and Sean K. Reynolds.


© 2024 Rusty Quill.

Cypher System content © 2024 Monte Cook Games, LLC.

MONTE COOK GAMES and its logo, and CYPHER SYSTEM and its logo,
are trademarks belonging to Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries.
RUSTY QUILL and its logo, and THE MAGNUS ARCHIVES and its logo, are trademarks belonging to Rusty Quill in the U.S.A. and other countries.
All The Magnus Archives characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Rusty Quill.
All rights reserved.
Printed in Canada


Chief Creative Officer and Founder Monte Cook Chief Executive Officer Alexander J. Newall
Senior Designer and Founder Shanna Germain Chief Operations Officer Hannah Brankin
Chief Operating Officer Charles Ryan Rusty Quill Mascot in Chief Casper
General Manager Tammie Webb Ryan Rusty Quill Mascot-in-Training Ripley
Customer Support Manager Jennifer Walls Chief Marketing Officer and Founder Callum Dougherty
Marketing Manager Kate Evans Production Executive April Summer
Social Media Coordinator Olivia Ryan Chief Technology Officers Martyn Pratt, Sebastian Hutter
Art Director Bear Weiter Marketing Manager Hattie Quinlan
Graphic Designer Javier P. Beltrán Head of Inclusion Helen Gould
Managing Editor Teri Litorco Events Manager Jessica Anson
Associate Editor Dominique Dickey Network Liaison Tom Park
Senior Designer Bruce R. Cordell Mastering Engineer and Lead Sound Designer Catherine Rinella
Designer and Developer Sean K. Reynolds Senior Dialogue Editor Lowri Ann Davies
Audio Editor and Composer Katherine Seaton
Showrunner and Senior Audio Editor Elizabeth Moffatt
Sound Designers Tessa Vroom, Meg McKellar
Senior Dialogue Editor and Composer Nico Vettese
Audio Editor Annie Fitch

he Magnus Archives is a horror fiction everything you need to play, including the
anthology podcast examining what complete rules and detailed character creation.
lurks in the archives of the Magnus It also contains information for the GM to
Institute, an organization dedicated to run the game, including an extensive overview
researching the esoteric and the weird. It of the Entities, monsters, books, artefacts, and
follows the actions of head archivist Jonathan characters that make The Magnus Archives
Sims as he attempts to bring a seemingly so enthralling and terrifying, as well as some
neglected collection of supernatural statements adventures to challenge and terrify their
up to date, converting them to audio and players.)
supplementing them with follow-up work
from his small but dedicated team.
Individually, these stories—these
“statements”—are unsettling. Together, they This Player’s Guide references The Magnus
begin to form a picture that is truly horrifying Archives Roleplaying Game corebook.
because as one looks into the depths of the Such references, indicated by this symbol,
archives, something starts to look back . . . provide additional information about that
In The Magnus Archives Roleplaying rule, ability, creature, or concept.
Game (RPG), you and your friends take on
the roles of archival assistants assigned to
investigate the strange occurrences reported to
the institute by those that have encountered
the mysterious and supernatural. What you
hold in your hands is an overview of the
game and its workings. This guide provides
important information to get you playing: a
summary of the rules and mechanics of the
game; information on how build, equip, and
use player characters (as well as examples);
and other useful information for gameplay,
such as basic setting information, a Consent
Checklist, and tips for playing a horror game.
(More detailed information can be found in
the main rulebook, which provides you with


Game master (GM): The player who doesn’t Character: Anything that can act in the
run a character, but instead guides the flow of game. Although this includes PCs and human
the story and runs all the NPCs. NPCs, it also includes creatures, ghosts,
vampires, and so on. The word “creature” is
Nonplayer character (NPC): Characters usually synonymous.
run by the GM. Think of them as the minor
Chapter 10: The Entities, characters in the story, or the villains or Entities: The Entities, also called the Fears,
page 166 opponents. This includes any kind of creature the Powers, the Dread Powers, and The Things
as well as people. That We Fear, are cosmic horrors beyond
total understanding, but are believed to be
Party: A group of player characters (and responsible for the supernatural phenomena
perhaps some NPC allies). that feature in the stories. In essence, they use
their powers to evoke fear from victims and
Player character (PC): A character run by a thereby sustain themselves.
player rather than the GM. Think of the PCs
as the main characters in the story. Avatar: A being imbued with the occult power
Avatars, page 89 of the Entities. An Avatar might have started
Player: The players who run characters in the out a mortal and gained this power, or they
game. might have been created by the Entities. They
may have their own motives, but all Avatars
Session: A single play experience. Usually this indirectly serve to provide fear to the Entities.
lasts a few hours. Sometimes, one adventure
can be accomplished in a single session. More Cypher: A bit of luck, inspiration, hope, or
often, one adventure takes multiple sessions. resilience that grants a character an ability
Think of a session as similar to an episode of that can be used once. Cyphers are entirely
the podcast. conceptual, and new cyphers can be gained
through rest and relaxation. In many ways,
Stress, page 11 Adventure: This is similar to a full story in they are the opposite of Stress, which can be a
the podcast, and in fact, in this book we’ll hindrance to player characters in this game.
often use the word “story” as synonymous
for “adventure.” We also frequently use Artefact: An object imbued with the occult
“investigation” to describe Magnus Archives power of the Entities. We spell it that way
adventures. because the folks who created the podcast spell
it that way.
Campaign: A series of sessions strung together
with an overarching story (or linked stories) Canon: In the podcast, everything that
with the same player characters. Often, but happens is canon. The characters, stories,
not always, a campaign involves multiple and events are all set in stone. But in your
adventures. In the podcast, a whole season campaign, you can use as much or as little of
could be thought of as a campaign—or, the canon as you want.
alternatively, the entire show could be a single
grand campaign!



Each character has a simple statement that Every player character has three defining
describes them, like: “I am an [adjective] characteristics, which are typically called
[noun] who [verb].” “statistics” or “stats.” These stats are Might,
For example, Martin Blackwood might Speed, and Intellect. They are broad categories
be a Nervous Investigator who Helps that cover many different but related aspects
Their Friends. Jonathan Sims is a Scholarly of a character.
Elocutionist who Solves Mysteries.
In this sentence, the adjective is called MIGHT
your descriptor. Your descriptor offers a few Might defines how strong and durable Chapter 2: Character
modifications to your stats and skills and your character is. The concepts of strength, Descriptor and Skills,
page 15
provides a roleplaying hook to start with endurance, constitution, hardiness, and
an important aspect of your character’s physical prowess are all folded into this one
personality or nature. Descriptors include stat. Might isn’t relative to size; instead, it’s an
Fearless, Likeable, Scholarly, Hopeful, Bold, absolute measurement. An elephant has more
Quick, and more. Might than the mightiest tiger, which has
The noun is your character type. If more Might than the mightiest rat, which has Character Type, page 27
descriptor is what sort of person you are, more Might than the mightiest (mundane)
type is the core of who you are. It’s the spider.
fundamental way that the character interacts Might governs actions from forcing doors
with the world and how they approach each open to walking for days without food
challenge. You can choose from four main to resisting disease. Hitting someone in a
character types: Investigator, Protector, hand-to-hand fight relies on Might as well.
Elocutionist, and Occultist. Occultists are the Occasionally, a paranormal power a character
least common of these, as they actually try to gains access to draws upon their physical
utilize the occult—always a dangerous thing essence, draining points of Might. Physical
in the world of The Magnus Archives. characters, tough characters, and characters
The verb is called your focus. Focus is interested in fighting should focus on Might.
what your character does best. Foci include
Explores Dark Places, Helps Their Friends, SPEED Character Focus, page 58
Moves Like a Cat, Practically Lives Online, Speed describes how fast and physically
Solves Mysteries, Would Rather Be Reading, coordinated your character is. The stat
and more. embodies quickness, movement, dexterity,
As the game progresses, a character might and reflexes. Speed governs such divergent
also become an Avatar of one of the Entities. actions as dodging attacks, sneaking around
Doing so results in taking on another, quietly, and throwing a ball accurately. It helps
specialized focus. So Jonathan Sims becomes determine whether you can move farther on
a Scholarly Elocutionist who Solves Mysteries your turn. Nimble, fast, or sneaky characters
and Serves as an Avatar of The Eye. will want good Speed stats, as will those
interested in ranged combat.

This stat determines how smart,
knowledgeable, and likeable your character
is. It includes intelligence, wisdom, charisma,
education, reasoning, wit, willpower, and
charm. Intellect governs solving puzzles,


A task is any action a character remembering facts, telling convincing lies, and POOL, EDGE, AND EFFORT
takes that is difficult enough using mental powers. Characters interested Each of the three stats has two components:
that the outcome is uncertain.
The success is determined by in communicating effectively, being learned Pool and Edge. Your Pool represents your
a die roll, and the die result scholars, or wielding supernatural powers raw, innate ability, and your Edge represents
needed is determined by the
difficulty level of the task. Skills should stress their Intellect stat. knowing how to use what you have. A third
and Effort can improve the odds element ties into this concept: Effort. When
of a character’s success, as each
step a task is eased by reduces the
SKILLS (AND INABILITIES) your character really needs to accomplish a
difficulty level of the task. Your character has training in a handful of task, you apply Effort.
specific skills. For example, you might be
trained in stealth, gymnastics, persuasion, or POOL
Task, page 115 engineering. A character’s level of skill is either Your Pool is the most basic measurement of
Action, page 115
trained (reasonably skilled) or specialized (very a stat. Comparing the Pools of two creatures
skilled). will give you a general sense of which
Determining Task Difficulty, If you are trained in a skill relating to a task, creature is superior in that stat. For example,
page 117
you ease that task by one step, reducing the a character who has a Might Pool of 16 is
difficulty level of the task—say, from difficulty stronger (in a basic sense) than a character
4 to difficulty 3. If you are specialized, you who has a Might Pool of 12. Most characters
Your character’s type determines ease it by two steps—for example, from start with a Pool of 9 to 12 in most stats—
your starting Pool amounts. difficulty 4 to difficulty 2. A skill can never that’s the average range.
ease a task by more than two steps, but you You can spend points from one of your stat
can use a skill and Effort together. Pools to decrease a task’s difficulty (see Effort,
Type, chapter 3, page 27 You can always attempt any action—you below). You can rest to recover lost points from
do not need to be trained or specialized in a stat Pool, and some special abilities or cyphers
a related skill. In other words, being trained might allow you to recover lost points quickly.
in driving doesn’t let you drive a car; it just
makes you good at it. Anyone can still try to EDGE
drive. It’s just a bit harder. Although your Pool is the basic measurement
Some characters have inabilities. If a of a stat, your Edge is also important. When
Eye for Detail, page 30 character has an inability in a task, the task is something requires you to spend points from
hindered (more difficult). a stat Pool, your Edge for that stat reduces the
cost. It also reduces the cost of applying Effort
to a roll.
ays attemp
For example, let’s say you have the Eye
Yo u c a n a lw for Detail ability, and activating it costs 2
y a c t io n — you do not points from your Intellect Pool. Subtract your
trained or
need to be
Intellect Edge from the activation cost, and
in a related the result is how many points you must spend
her words,
to use the ability. If using your Edge reduces
skill. In ot
d in driving
the cost to 0, you can use the ability for free.
b e in g t r a in e Your Edge can be different for each stat. For
you drive a
doesn’t let
example, you could have a Might Edge of 1,
makes you
car, it just
a Speed Edge of 1, and an Intellect Edge of 0.
Anyone can You’ll always have an Edge of at least 1 in one
good at it.
drive. It’s
stat. Your Edge for a stat reduces the cost of
s t il l t r y t o spending points from that stat Pool, but not
just a bit from other Pools. Once a stat’s Edge reaches 3,
you can apply one level of Effort for free.


EFFORT However, each level of Effort after the first

When your character really needs to costs only 2 points from the stat Pool instead
accomplish a task, you can apply Effort. of 3. So applying two levels of Effort costs
For a beginning character, applying Effort 5 points (3 for the first level plus 2 for the
requires spending 3 points from the stat second level), applying three levels costs
Pool appropriate to the action. Thus, if your 7 points (3 plus 2 plus 2), and so on.
character tries to dodge an attack (a Speed Every character has an Effort score, which
roll) and wants to increase the chance for indicates the maximum number of levels
success, you can apply Effort by spending of Effort that can be applied to a roll. A
3 points from your Speed Pool. Effort eases beginning (first-tier) character has an Effort Character tiers, page 9
the task by one step. This is called applying of 1, meaning you can apply only one level of
one level of Effort. Effort to a roll. A more experienced character
You don’t have to apply Effort if you don’t has a higher Effort score and can apply
want to. If you choose to apply Effort to a more levels of Effort to a roll. For example,
task, you must do it before you attempt the a character who has an Effort of 3 can apply
roll—you can’t roll first and then decide to up to three levels of Effort to reduce a task’s
apply Effort if you rolled poorly. difficulty.
Applying more Effort can lower a task’s When you apply Effort, subtract your
difficulty further: each additional level of relevant Edge from the total cost. For
Effort eases the task (reduces the difficulty example, let’s say you need to make a Speed
level) by another step. Applying one level of roll. To increase your chance for success, you
Effort eases the task by one step, applying two decide to apply one level of Effort, which will
levels eases the task by two steps, and so on. ease the task. Normally, that would cost


3 points from your Speed Pool. However, you

have a Speed Edge of 2, so you subtract that HINDER AND EASE
from the cost. Thus, applying Effort to the roll Rather than worrying about a long list of
costs only 1 point from your Speed Pool. special situations that modify different
What if you applied two levels of Effort to actions in different ways, hinder and ease
the Speed roll instead of just one? That would are the only modifiers you’ll ever need. If
ease the task by two steps. Normally, it would something makes a task easier, the task is
cost 5 points from your Speed Pool, but after eased, lowering the difficulty by one step.
subtracting your Speed Edge of 2, it costs only If something makes it harder, the task is
3 points. hindered, raising the difficulty by one step.
Skills and other advantages also ease a task, If a character takes cover, their
and you can use them in conjunction with Speed defense tasks are eased. If they’re
Effort. In addition, your character might have underwater, their physical actions are
special abilities or equipment that allow you hindered. If it’s dark, any task related to
to apply Effort to accomplish a special effect, vision is hindered. If they’re attacking with
such as knocking down a foe with an attack surprise, their attacks are eased. And so on.
or affecting multiple targets with a power that It’s possible for a single situation to ease
normally affects only one. or hinder an action by more than one step,
In a fight, instead of applying Effort to ease but these are very rare and should be kept
your attack, you can apply Effort to increase to a minimum. Multiple factors in effect at
the amount of damage you inflict with an once might do this fairly often, however—
attack. For each level of Effort you apply in someone who’s skilled at driving, using
this way, you inflict 3 additional points of driver assistance technology, and getting
damage. This works for any kind of attack that advice and help from a professional driver
inflicts damage, whether a sword, a gun, an might have their tasks eased by three steps,
occult ability, or something else. for example.
If a task is both eased and hindered by
different things, these modifications cancel
each other out.

Players make
all die rolls.
If a charac
ter attempts
affect an NP to
C (or intera
with the wo ct
rld in any w
when there
is a risk of
failure), the
player makes
a roll. If an
NPC (or the
tries to affec
a character, t
the player
makes a defen
se roll.


COOPERATIVE ACTIONS Draw the Attack: When an NPC attacks

The characters in The Magnus Archives a character, another PC can prominently
RPG are a team. They rely on each other in present themselves, shout taunts, and move
extremely dangerous and terrifying situations. to try to get the foe to attack them instead.
There are many ways multiple characters In most cases, this action succeeds without a
can work together. None of these options, roll—the opponent attacks the prominent PC
however, can be used at the same time by the instead of their companions. In other cases,
same characters. such as with intelligent or determined foes,
the prominent character must succeed at an
Helping: If you use your action to help Intellect action to draw the attack. If that
someone with a task, you ease the task. If you Intellect action is successful, the foe attacks
have an inability in a task, your help has no the prominent character, whose defenses
effect. If you use your action to help someone are hindered by two steps. Two characters
with a task that you are trained or specialized attempting to draw an attack at the same time
in, the task is eased by two steps. Help is cancel each other out.
considered an asset, and someone receiving
help usually can’t gain more than two assets Take the Attack: A character can use their
on a single task if that help is provided by action to throw themselves in front of a foe’s
another character. successful attack to save a nearby comrade.
For example, if Scott is trying to climb a The attack automatically succeeds against the
steep incline and Sarah (who is trained in sacrificial character, and it deals 1 additional
climbing) spends her turn helping him, Scott’s point of Stress, in addition to whatever Stress
task is eased by two steps. or injury it would have caused. A character
Sometimes you can help by performing a cannot willingly take more than one attack
task that complements what another person each round in this way.
is attempting. If your complementary action
succeeds, you ease the other person’s task. CHARACTER TIERS
For example, if Scott tries to persuade a ship Tier is a measurement of power, toughness,
captain to let him on board, Sarah could try and ability. Every character starts the game
to supplement Scott’s words with a flattering at the first tier. Characters can advance up to
lie about the captain (a deception action), a the sixth tier. As your character advances to
display of knowledge about the region where higher tiers, you gain more abilities, increase
the ship is headed (a geography action), or a your Effort, and can improve a stat’s Edge
direct threat to the captain (an intimidation or increase a stat. Generally speaking, even
action). If Sarah’s roll is a success, Scott’s first-tier characters are already quite capable.
persuasion task is eased. It’s safe to assume that they’ve got some
experience under their belt. This is not a “zero
Distraction: When a character uses their turn to hero” progression, but rather an instance of
to distract a foe, that foe’s attacks are hindered competent people refining and honing their
for one round. Multiple characters distracting capabilities and knowledge. Advancing to
a foe have no greater effect than a single higher tiers is not really the goal of characters
character doing so—a foe is either distracted in The Magnus Archives RPG, but rather a
or not. A distraction might be yelling a representation of how characters progress in a
challenge, firing a warning shot, or a similar story.
activity that doesn’t harm the foe. To progress to the next tier, characters earn Experience points, page 141
experience points (XP) by pursuing character
arcs, going on adventures, and discovering Character arcs, page 15


new things—the system is about both SPECIAL ABILITIES

discovery and exploration, as well as achieving Character types and foci grant PCs special
personal goals. Experience points have many abilities. These can just be cool things you can
uses, and one use is to purchase character do, like taking an extra action or finding really
benefits. After your character purchases four obscure information on the internet, but they
Advancing in Tier, page 140 character benefits, they advance to the next can also be supernatural abilities. Using these
tier. Each benefit costs 4 XP, and you can abilities usually costs points from your stat
purchase them in any order, but you must Pools (listed in parentheses after the ability
purchase one of each kind of benefit (and name). Your Edge in the appropriate stat can
then advance to the next tier) before you can reduce the cost. If you don’t have enough
purchase the same benefit again. The four points in a Pool to use a particular ability, you
character benefits are as follows. can’t do so until you recover some points in
that Pool. Supernatural abilities also inflict
Increasing Capabilities: You gain 4 points Stress when you use them.
to add to your stat Pools. You can allocate the
points among the Pools however you wish. CYPHERS
Cyphers are single-use abilities awarded by the
Moving Toward Perfection: You add 1 to GM. Reflecting a character’s state of mind or
your Might Edge, your Speed Edge, or your the whims of fate, these capricious abilities
Intellect Edge (your choice). allow a character to get a quick recovery of
stat Pool points or a boost in a specific type
Extra Effort: Your Effort score increases by 1. of action. Each character has a cypher limit
indicating how many cyphers they can have at
Skill: You become trained in one skill of the same time.
your choice, other than attacks or defense. Characters easily regain new cyphers by
A character trained in a skill treats the resting, so players shouldn’t hesitate to use
difficulty of a related task as one step lower their cyphers.
than normal. The skill you choose for this
benefit can be anything you wish, such as ARTEFACTS
climbing, jumping, persuading, or sneaking. Artefacts are powerful items that can be used
We use the British spelling of You can also choose to be knowledgeable many times. But using them is risky, because
“artefacts” because that’s what in a certain area of lore, such as history or artefacts are always imbued with the powers
the podcast does . . . and we just
think it’s cool. geology. You can even choose a skill based on and essence of the Entities. Using them inflicts
your character’s special abilities. For example, Stress on a character. From the podcast, the
if your character can make an Intellect roll web table or one of Jurgen Leitner’s books
to damage an enemy with a mental power, would be considered an artefact.
you can become trained in using that ability,
easing the task of using it. If you choose a skill
that you are already trained in, you become
specialized in that skill, easing related tasks by
two steps instead of one.


STRESS AND INJURY Players should keep track of their current

There are two ways that characters can suffer number of Stress points and their current
damage. One is Stress, and the other is injury. number of Stress levels.
Stress reflects things that affect a character Characters can also get Stress from minor
briefly, such as a shock, a bad experience, or wounds and physical damage. Knocking your
a minor wound (the kind that causes a bit of head on the door, slicing your hand with
distress, but is usually better with a breather a knife, or burning your arm by grabbing
or a small bandage). Injury is actual, serious something out of a fire before it is consumed
physical wounds that might send you to the causes Stress. Essentially, any time a character
hospital. Or the morgue. takes physical damage that might affect them
temporarily but is never life-threatening, the
STRESS character gains 1, 2, or 3 points of Stress.
When player characters experience a terrifying We’ll get to more serious injuries shortly.
event, they may suffer Stress. This might Utilizing any supernatural artefact, power,
be facing an actual ghost, finding a sack of ritual, or the like also inflicts Stress on the
hundreds of human teeth, or seeing your character.
friend engulfed in a swarm of worms. A Some characters have (or gain) the ability to
character begins with 0 Stress, but a terrible withstand more Stress before it accumulates
shock, a ghastly experience, or a gruesome into a Stress level.
encounter may inflict 1, 2, or even 3 points Accumulated Stress adversely affects a
of Stress upon them. Players track their character by imposing a penalty on all actions,
character’s ongoing Stress total. Every 3 points hindering them. The more Stress a character
of accumulated Stress constitutes a Stress level. has, the greater this penalty. Each Stress level



He split open like a flower Characters have three aspects of their stats
bud blooming, and inside there
they will want to restore. They’re going to
was only the most terrifying
want to reduce their Stress, recover points
heat. She had no time to run,
used from their Pools, and—if they’ve been
and by the time she thought to
scream it was too late as the seriously injured—move back up the damage
thing enveloped her, closing track. For all three, almost always, this takes
tight, until she was simply time.
more ash, trapped forever During an investigation, characters will
inside that charred and hollow likely have opportunities to rest to regain
shell. points in their Pools and reduce their Stress.
—MAG 167: “Curiosity” But a character who’s been seriously injured
probably won’t be able to recover from that
until the investigation is over. However, other
hinders all actions by one step until the Stress factors can play into this as well.
is reduced.
If a character has 4 levels of Stress, each full
level of Stress thereafter is also a serious injury. THE DAMAGE TRACK
Eventually, Stress can kill. Hale is the normal state for a character:
the PC has no penalties from harmful
SERIOUS INJURY conditions.
When a physical wound or injury is greater
than those that inflict 3 points of Stress, it Hurt is a special step available that
is referred to as a serious injury. To reflect particularly tough characters reach before
a serious injury, PCs have a damage track. they are impaired. It imposes no penalties.
The typical character’s damage track has four Most characters skip this step and go right
states (from best to worst): hale, impaired, to impaired.
debilitated, and dead. When a character
suffers a serious injury, like a stab wound, a Impaired is a wounded or injured state.
gunshot wound, a fall from a rooftop, or the When an impaired character applies Effort,
The Boneturner, page 201 body-morphing touch of The Boneturner, the it costs 1 extra point per level applied. For
character moves one step down the damage example, applying one level of Effort costs 4
track. Thus, if they are hale, they become points instead of 3, and applying two levels
impaired. If they are already impaired, of Effort costs 7 points instead of 5.
they become debilitated. If they are already An impaired character ignores minor and
debilitated, they are dead. major effect results on their rolls and doesn’t
Very tough or hardy characters have an deal extra damage in combat with a special
additional step on their damage track called roll.
“hurt.” Hurt is inserted into the track between
hale and impaired. Debilitated is a critically injured state.
A serious injury probably requires a A debilitated character may not take any
character to get medical help as soon as actions other than to move (probably
possible to deal with it. See the following crawl).
sections for more information.
Dead is dead.



Any character can attempt to help another After losing or spending points in a Pool,
using first aid techniques, soothing words, or you recover those points by resting. You can’t
other methods to reduce Stress and tend to increase a Pool past its maximum by resting—
injury. just back to its normal level. Any extra points
Stress: A character that wishes to reduce the gained go away with no effect. The amount of
Stress of another (or themselves) can attempt points you recover from a rest, and how long
a healing task with a difficulty equal to the each rest takes, depends on how many times
amount of Stress they want to reduce. So you have rested so far that day.
reducing someone’s Stress by 3 points has a When you rest, make a recovery roll. To do
difficulty of 3. this, roll a d6 and add your tier. You recover
Subsequent healing tasks to deal with more that many points, and you can divide them
Stress may only be attempted after the stressed among your stat Pools however you wish. For
character rests for at least an hour for every example, if your recovery roll is 4 and you’ve
healing task attempted. lost 4 points of Might and 2 points of Speed,
Serious Injury: To move a seriously injured you can recover 4 points of Might, or 2 points
character up the damage track from impaired of Might and 2 points of Speed, or any other
(or hurt) to hale is a task that requires an hour combination adding up to 4 points.
and has a difficulty of 6. A character more The first time you rest each day, it takes only
injured than that requires a hospital setting a few seconds to catch your breath. If you
and lots of rest (see below). Attempts to heal rest this way in the middle of an encounter, it
oneself in this fashion are hindered. takes one action on your turn.
The second time you rest each day, you
ALLEVIATING STRESS must rest for ten minutes to make a recovery
Time in a relatively safe, relaxing space reduces roll. The third time you rest each day, you
Stress by 3 points per hour. Other factors, like must rest for one hour to make a recovery
food and drink, nearby friends, or even a nice roll. The fourth time you rest each day, you Characters may get cyphers
dog to pet can help further. must rest for ten hours to make a recovery roll that allow them to alleviate
Stress or recover points
(usually, this occurs when you stop for the day in a Pool immediately,
Additional Stress to eat and sleep). on a one-time basis.

Activity Reduction After that much rest, it’s assumed to be a

Eating or drinking 3 points immediately new day, so the next time you rest, it takes
(requires at least one only a few seconds. The next rest takes ten Cyphers, chapter 6, page 105

action; can only be minutes, then one hour, and so on, in a cycle.
used once a day) If you haven’t rested yet that day and you
Interacting with a +1 point each hour take a lot of damage in a fight, you could rest
pet resting a few seconds (regaining 1d6 points + 1 point
per tier) and then immediately rest for ten
Meditation +1 point each hour
minutes (regaining another 1d6 points + 1
point per tier). Thus, in one full day of doing
Interacting with +1 point each hour
nothing but resting, you could recover 4d6
trusted friends resting
points + 4 points per tier.
Each character chooses when to make
recovery rolls. If a party of five PCs rests for
ten minutes because two of them want to
make recovery rolls, the others don’t have to
make rolls at that time. Later in the day, those


three can decide to rest for ten minutes and EXPERIENCE POINTS
make recovery rolls. Experience points are the currency by which
players gain benefits for their characters. The
Recovery Roll Rest Time Needed most common ways to earn XP are through
First recovery roll One action GM intrusions and by accomplishing things
Second recovery roll Ten minutes the PCs set out to do. These are usually just
called GM awards and come at the end of the
Third recovery roll One hour
session. In a typical session, a player might
Fourth recovery roll Ten hours
earn 2 to 4 XP. The exact amounts depend
on the events of the session. Characters
RESTORING THE DAMAGE TRACK progressing through their character arc(s) also
If a character’s Pools are all full, a ten-hour earn XP. Both GM intrusions and character
recovery roll can be used to move a character arcs are explained below.
from impaired to hale (or from hurt to hale). The most straightforward way for a player to
A debilitated character typically needs two use XP is to reroll any roll in the game—even
full days of inactivity to move to impaired. one that they didn’t make. This costs 1 XP per
Treatment by someone skilled in medicine reroll, and the player chooses the best result.
(like a doctor) can reduce this to just one They can continue to spend XP on rerolls,
day. Then at least one more full night’s rest is but this can quickly become an expensive
required to get to hale. proposition. It’s a fine way to try to prevent
disaster, but it’s not a good idea to use a lot of
XP to reroll a single action over and over.


Long term, however, players will spend PLAYER INTRUSIONS

XP to advance their character. As mentioned A player intrusion is the player choosing
earlier, these advancements come in the form to alter something in the campaign,
of benefits that you accumulate so that you making things easier for a player character.
can increase your tier. Conceptually, it is the reverse of a GM
intrusion: instead of the GM giving the
GM INTRUSIONS player XP and introducing an unexpected
GM intrusion reflects when something in the complication for a character, the player spends
story occurs to complicate the character’s life. 1 XP and presents a solution to a problem
The character hasn’t necessarily fumbled or or complication. What a player intrusion
done anything wrong (although perhaps they can do usually introduces a change to the
did). It could just be that the task presents an world or current circumstances rather than
unexpected difficulty or something unrelated directly changing the character. For instance,
affects the current situation. an intrusion indicating that the cypher just
In The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game, used still has an additional use would be
a GM intrusion usually heightens the tension appropriate, but an intrusion that heals the
or reveals a sudden danger. The lights go out. character would not. If a player has no XP to
The characters hear something creeping up spend, they can’t use a player intrusion.
behind them. The seemingly kind old woman
suddenly produces a knife, accompanied by an CHARACTER ARCS
unnerving smile. The characters discover that Character arcs are the means by which players Character Arcs, page 140
their trusted friend is actually not them. GM can invest themselves more in great stories and
intrusion is, in many ways, the primary tool character depth and development.
the GM has to introduce the horror intrinsic Just like in The Magnus Archives podcast,
to the game. characters progress through their own personal
At any time, the GM can introduce an stories and change over time. A PC with a
unexpected complication for a character or character arc decides for themselves what they
all the characters. A GM intrusion can put do and why. Character arcs are like stated
the spotlight on one character, and when the goals for a character, and by progressing
GM finishes explaining what the sudden, toward that goal, the character advances. The
surprising turn of events is, they ask that key word there is progressing. A PC doesn’t
player “Now what do you do?” The player have to succeed at achieving the goal to earn
must deal with this new complication. advancement—it’s not an all-or-nothing
When the GM intrudes in this manner, prospect. Each arc is keyed to a single character,
they give the affected character 2 XP. That but just like in the podcast, characters can take
player, in turn, must immediately give one of part in the larger investigation that the whole
those XP to another player and justify the gift group participates in while also progressing in As a great example of a
(perhaps their character had a good idea, told their own personal arc. character arc, think about Tim
from the podcast, who wants to
a funny joke, performed an action that saved a Character arcs have different steps that find out what happened to his
life, and so on). mark the character’s progress through the arc. brother and get revenge on those
As a general rule, the GM will likely intrude Each arc eventually reaches a climax, and then
at least once each session but probably no more finishes with a step that is a final resolution.
than once or twice each session per character. Each step reached earns the character 2 XP.
Anytime the GM intrudes, the player can Character arcs are the most straightforward
spend 1 XP to refuse the intrusion, though way that a character earns XP.
that also means they don’t get the 2 XP. If the At character creation, a player can choose
player has no XP to spend, they can’t refuse one character arc for their PC at no cost.
the intrusion. Players have the option to not choose one,


Aid a Friend Enterprise Master a Skill Revenge
Assist an Organization Establishment Mysterious Background Romance
Avenge Explore New Discovery Solve a Mystery
Birth Fall From Grace Raise a Child Theft
Build Finish a Great Work Recover From a Wound Train a Creature
Cleanse Growth (or Trauma) Transformation
Creation Instruction Redemption Uncover a Secret
Defeat a Foe Join an Organization Repay a Debt Undo a Wrong
Defense Justice Rescue
Develop a Bond Learn Restoration

but it’s probably a good idea to do so. First Once play begins, players can take on a new
and foremost, it is a character-defining arc whenever they wish, as fits the character’s
factor. If they begin the campaign with a ongoing story. Taking a new arc has a cost of
desire to find the mysterious woman who 1 XP. This initial cost reflects the character’s
killed their brother, that says a lot about the devotion to the goal. They will earn this
character: they had a brother, he was likely investment back (probably many times over) if
close to them, he had been in at least one the arc is completed.
dangerous situation, and the character is While there’s no hard limit on how
probably motivated by anger and hate, at least many arcs a character can have at one time,
somewhat. Even after the character finishes realistically most PCs couldn’t reasonably have
this first arc, they’ll undoubtedly have (at least more than three or four.
one) more because they can gain new arcs as Character arcs are always player-driven.
the campaign progresses. A GM cannot force one on a character.
That said, the events in the narrative often
present story arc opportunities and inspire
character arcs for the PCs. It’s certainly in
the GM’s purview to suggest possible arcs
related to the events going on. For example,
if the GM presents an encounter in which an
NPC wishes to learn from the PC, it might
make sense to suggest taking the Instruction
arc. Whether or not the PC takes on the
student, the player doesn’t have to adopt the
Instruction arc unless they want to.
At the end of a session, the players review
the actions they took and describe how these
actions might equate to the completion of a
step (or possibly more than one step) in their
character arc. If the GM agrees, the character
gets their reward.


he core of gameplay in The Magnus from a rising dread and a realization of the
Archives Roleplaying Game—the answer implications of what happens in each session.
to the question “What do characters do In other words, it gets more horrific over
in this game?”—is “investigate supernatural time. It’s not about jump scares; it’s about the
occurrences and gather knowledge, ultimately horror of learning the truth.
to attempt to hold back the machinations of In this way, The Magnus Archives is a
the Entities that threaten all humanity.” sort of cosmic horror, which means that
Usually, this involves following up on the knowledge can be more valuable than riches,
statements given to the Magnus Institute, but even so, some aspects of the supernatural Chapter 9: The Statement,
presented by people who describe their are unknowable. Just be warned that with page 157

supernatural encounters. Starting with knowledge of the forbidden, there’s often

the information in the statement, the PCs a price that must be paid. Knowledge is a
interview witnesses, search locations, look for dangerous thing.
supernatural beings, seek artefacts and books
that might be involved, and record and catalog
everything they discover. WHAT IF YOU’VE NEVER
As the PCs conduct these investigations, LISTENED TO THE PODCAST?
their skills and abilities improve, and No worries. For one, you can listen for free
their knowledge of the truth behind the anywhere you listen to podcasts. There are
supernatural Entities at the very edges of lots of episodes to choose from.
our world increases. Encounters with the You don’t have to listen to the podcast
supernatural can lead to the characters gaining to play the game, but it can really help
mysterious powers and even becoming set the tone of the experience and give
Avatars. But is that a blessing or a curse? you additional ideas beyond the scope of
(Hint: In the short term, it might be useful, this book. We recommend that you listen
but long term, it’s probably a curse.) to the episodes in release order as, while
As this is a horror game, the GM’s main the show is technically an anthology, it’s
role isn’t to build horrible foes to challenge more anthology-style because the episodes
the players (although there is some of that) connect in a metaplot.
but rather to portray the ever-escalating terror
of the stories that arise from the ongoing
investigations. Fear is what The Magnus
Archives is all about, and that fear grows



The structure he held in his
hands made my eyes hurt. Thin,
Even if you’ve played other RPGs before,
sharp lines angling off from
each other in an incredibly
playing in a horror-themed game can be a
intricate arrangement, little different. Here are some suggestions that
although they never seemed to may enhance your experience.
actually connect with each
other. It shifted like the GET INTO THE SPIRIT
other one and I felt something This is a horror game. You play, more or less, a
jabbing at my skull like a regular person put into situations both horrific
migraine. Finally, the lines and hard to believe. Monsters, magic, entities
seemed to resolve into a clear from beyond time and space—these things
shape: a door. might seem at first to be utter fantasy to your
“Perfect!” Gabriel told me.
character, but nonetheless, you will confront
“It looks just like him.”
I asked him if it was
It’s okay for your character to be skeptical,
supposed to be a face, and he
told me yes, it was a good
but at some point, they need to accept that
friend of his. I asked him these strange and terrifying things are real.
who, and he said they didn’t Don’t stifle the experiences of the other players
have a name. I told him who might be portraying their characters as
everyone has a name, and he more accepting or more skeptical than you.
said his friend wasn’t like
us, that having a name would PAY ATTENTION TO THE TONE
only confuse them. RPGs are fun, and there’s plenty of time for
My head was pounding. I jokes or funny observations. But keep in
looked over at Ray, still mind that everyone at your table is there to be
nodding and smiling, and then
spooked. Don’t disrupt tense or frightening
over at Bill, who was steadily
moments everyone is enjoying with a quip or
shoveling fistfuls of the clay
an out-of-character remark.
Mary into his mouth. I don’t
remember anything more of that
—MAG 126: “Sculptor’s Tool”


KEEP THE DANGER IN MIND their own spin on existing characters, or even
This game’s mechanics are unforgiving when on the Magnus Institute itself. That’s not
it comes to serious injuries. If you face down only okay, it’s encouraged. Their hard work
an axe-wielding maniac, you may very well get and imagination will give you stories that are
killed. You’re not a heroic fantasy warrior who brand new but still in the style of the podcast
can easily shrug off wounds and is guaranteed you love. If the GM presents information,
to win the day. You’re a normal person facing it’s not “wrong” even if it doesn’t match the
dangerous threats. It’s okay to run. Or hide. In podcast exactly. Let them do their thing—it’s
fact, it’s often the smart strategy. to your advantage to let the GM use their
Your character will face horrible things, and
you’re right to play them as being terrified from WHAT TO EXPECT
time to time. But the game only works if the When you sit down to play this game, here are
characters actually do things. If the characters some things you can expect.
continually say, “Nope, I’m out” every time
something scary happens, each investigation STATEMENTS
will be short and perhaps even a little dull. Just like in the podcast, the stories hinge
Not to mention the fact that you might be on statements given by people who witness
fired from the organization that sends you to paranormal events. Your GM might create
investigate these things thoroughly. statements for you to hear or read, or they
There’s an important distinction between might have you help create the statements
“I’m terrified” and “I’m going to go home, as a group. There are procedures and advice
call the police, and let them deal with it.” in the rulebook for doing either. Your GM
The first is appropriate. The second can be might even vary things from investigation to
appropriate, but it’s also possibly a dereliction investigation.
of your character’s duties and not why you
and the other players are gathered together in INTERVIEWS
the first place. Your job, on the most basic level, is to find
That isn’t to say you shouldn’t run when the people who gave the original statements
things get dangerous. Sometimes—often— and, if possible, conduct follow-up interviews
running is the right choice. But run from with them to get more information. Then you
an encounter; don’t run from the entire should probably interview any other people
investigation. If you try to get into a location mentioned in the statement or whom you learn
that’s important to your investigation, and are involved in the situation. Not everyone is
you confront an inhuman monster, consider easy to find, and not everyone tells the truth,
getting out of there fast. And if you get away, so you’ll need skills to get what you need.
maybe there’s another way in . . .
DON’T BE A STICKLER FOR CANON Fact-check what witnesses say, both in the
Maybe you’ve listened to the entire podcast. statement and in subsequent interviews.
Maybe you’ve listened to it multiple times, Look for police reports and news stories that
chatted about it on Reddit, contributed to might contain additional information. Search
the wiki, and created your own fan art. That’s the internet. Consult the archives of prior
fantastic, but remember that your GM is statements and investigations. The more you
creating new stories and new characters for know, the better off you’ll be (and the better
your campaign. Or maybe they’re putting your report will be).

You’ll want to see the sites and the things The Magnus Archives RPG is, at its heart, a
mentioned in the statement firsthand. Yes, horror game. That means it’s important to use
A truly complete report of your that means going into the old house you’ve good consent and safety tools in your game.
findings won’t just have names been told devours whomever enters. It These tools ensure that everyone gets scared
and places, but speculation
about the forces behind the means trying to find the old book that curses or uncomfortable only as much as they want
events. As you investigate, try to whomever reads it. If you want the whole to be, and that everyone has consented to the
draw connections between what
you learn today and what you story, and you want to file the most complete premise and expectations of the game. This is
learned before. and accurate report possible at the end of the sometimes described as the difference between
investigation, you’ll need to look beyond the “good uncomfortable” (something that makes
statement and learn additional information. you squirm in your seat in a great horror
movie) and “bad uncomfortable” (something
DANGER that makes you feel nauseated, in danger, or
In most investigations, there will be tight offended). Being scared can be fun, but feeling
spots, frightening encounters, and life- unsafe isn’t.
threatening opponents. Yes, there will be You might be perfectly comfortable with
actual monsters. Foul cultists are going to try viscous, many-eyed creatures rising up
to kill you. Be ready for anything. out of the ground during a game but feel
uncomfortable with the idea of your character
being buried alive. You might enjoy fighting
giant spiders but don’t want to hurt anything
that looks or sounds like a dog. Maybe you’re
all in on hearing the gory details of what


happens when you dismember someone but By having a conversation about consent ahead
have no interest in an explicit description of a of time and using the consent and safety tools,
skin rash. you can ensure that you—and the rest of your
Whatever your thing is, you have the right group—get all the scares you ask for and none
to not have it in your game. of the ones you don’t.
At the back of this book, you’ll find a
consent checklist that can be used when IMPORTANT NOTES ABOUT CONSENT Consent Checklist, page 33
planning a game. It includes many of the • You decide what’s safe and right for you.
scary or uncomfortable things you’ll find in • No one has to explain their choices.
The Magnus Archives. As with the general • There’s a spectrum of consent for each topic.
checklist in the Consent in Gaming PDF, • Anyone can always change their mind For additional information
the GM can print or photocopy one for each about what they are or aren’t consenting to. on consent and safety tools,
download the free Consent in
player and themselves. Each player then fills • Anyone is allowed to leave an Gaming PDF at:
out their own form and returns it to the GM. uncomfortable situation at any time. myMCG.info/consent

In times of escalating tension, the GM may Horror Mode heightens every time a player’s
activate Horror Mode. In an investigation, roll indicates an intrusion, and whenever
Horror Mode can be activated when the PCs the GM feels that the danger in the story
encounter a specific creature or person, but it’s escalates. A good rule of thumb is for the GM
usually activated when they enter a particular to heighten Horror Mode anytime something
location. would normally activate Horror Mode while it
During normal play, PCs interact with each is already in effect.
other and the NPCs, investigate, research, Each time Horror Mode heightens, the
travel, and so on. But when they enter a house GM intrusion die roll range increases by 1,
affected by The Spiral, the Avatar of The Hunt so intrusions might happen on a roll of 1–3,
gets close, the minions of The Buried beneath 1–4, and so on. A die roll in Horror Mode can
the earth awaken, or whatever horrific situation potentially indicate success in a task and still
planned by the GM begins, things change. trigger a GM intrusion. As the intrusion range
This is when the GM should announce that the changes with each escalation, the GM should
game has gone into Horror Mode. announce this to the players. The feeling of
This is a cue for the players (not the rising tension should be dramatic and overt.
characters) to recognize that things are getting When Horror Mode ends (usually meaning
bad. It’s the RPG equivalent of spooky music that the characters are no longer in a dangerous
beginning to play in a horror film or a change situation), the GM intrusion result returns to
in Jonny’s voice when reading a statement. only a natural 1.
The idea is to create a feeling of escalating
dread and menace by changing one die
roll mechanic. When Horror Mode is first
activated, GM intrusions occur on a natural GM Intrusions, page 15
roll of 1 or 2, instead of just a 1.


s a player, you can create any character SO YOU WANT TO PLAY
you wish, or you can use one of the A CHARACTER LIKE . . .
pregenerated characters at the back of The characters from the podcast are great
this book. examples of the types of characters you can
play in this game. Here are some character
sentences, including the descriptor, the type,
CREATING YOUR CHARACTER and the focus, for your favorite (and maybe
IN 5 EASY STEPS not-so-favorite) folks from the podcast.
1. First, grab a pen and a blank piece of
paper (or a character sheet) to record your JONATHAN SIMS
choices. The Head Archivist at the Magnus Institute, as
2. Choose from one of four types in the story progresses, gains interesting abilities
chapter 3. Follow the instructions provided for based on compelling people to tell their story.
gaining your stats, abilities, equipment, and This makes him an obvious candidate for an
cyphers. A walkthrough example of a player Elocutionist. Probably something like:
creating a character accompanies each type.
Each example shows a player following all the A Pretentious Elocutionist
steps presented here. who Would Rather Be Reading
3. Choose a descriptor from chapter 2. This
also gives you your starting skills. Alternatively, as an excellent researcher,
4. Choose a focus from chapter 4. Jonathan might be someone more along the
Character Arcs, page 140 5. Choose a character arc from chapter 8. lines of:

Begin your investigation! An Enigmatic Investigator

who Learns Quickly

Another take could be:

A Fastidious Elocutionist who Leads



Martin’s practically defined by his love and Certainly no hero, Mary didn’t serve the
concern for his friends. A character like Entities, but rather attempted to use their
Martin could easily be: power for her own ends. While perhaps not
the first character from the podcast that
A Nervous Investigator someone might choose to emulate, there will
who Helps Their Friends be players who want to dabble in the occult in
a Magnus Archives campaign. Mary walked
in shady company, to be sure, so we might
That said, by the end of the story we come describe her as:
to realize that he’s persuasive and good with
people, which means that Elocutionist also fits An Inquisitive Occultist
him. Perhaps Martin is: who Works the Back Alleys

A Likeable Elocutionist
who Helps Their Friends MELANIE KING
Like Georgie, Melanie is clearly an
Investigator, but the way she soldiers through
BASIRA HUSSAIN her unique injury suggests that she might be:
Basira is the consummate Protector. The type
was written with her in mind. But she’s also A Hopeful Investigator
very knowledgeable and well-read. There who Never Says Die
are many ways to portray this dichotomy.
Characters like Basira could be:
A Scholarly Protector Tim has two natures, in a way. From the point
who Looks for Trouble of view of the Institute, he’s a valuable archival
assistant who has a lot of useful skills. A
Or: character modeled on this aspect of him could
be seen as:
A Sturdy Protector
who Would Rather Be Reading A Tech-Savvy Investigator
who Does a Bit of This and That

Daisy is a driven and loyal cop. A character However, later in the story, we learn that
like her could be portrayed as: he’s driven to discover what happened to
his missing brother and that he’ll go to any
A Ruthless Protector lengths to achieve this end. Characters like
who Wears A Badge this might be described as:

An Obsessive Protector
GEORGIE BARKER who Fights Dirty
Georgie is no stranger to investigating the
paranormal. Characters like her might be:

A Fearless Investigator
who Solves Mysteries


The four character types are very general Elocutionists are good with people. They use
descriptions of character archetypes. They their words effectively, but they also read and
encapsulate a number of different kinds of empathize with others. Elocutionists might
people. You’ll see that some professions and include:
backgrounds are listed under multiple types. Manager
That’s intentional, and shows the different Minister/priest
ways players can put their own spin on the Lawyer
concepts and create the character they truly Politician
want to play. Media personality
The Investigator could be seen as the classic Confidence artist
detective, but just as easily makes a great
model for a journalist. Truthfully, though, OCCULTIST
anyone who is inquisitive and looks for a It would be easy—but wrong—to think of
The abilities offered by greater understanding of the world fits this an Occultist character as a fantasy wizard in
the Occultist type might character type. Investigators could have any of the modern world. Instead, an Occultist is
appeal to players who want
to play a shady character the following professions in their background: someone with more than a passing interest in
with questionable skills and Detective the paranormal. In this way, a character with
background. It’s not necessary
for an Occultist to be such a Reporter any background could be an Occultist, but
character, however, and the Writer some likely professions include the following:
player can simply choose other Paranormal investigator/parapsychologist Paranormal investigator
abilities offered.
Researcher Homeopathic practitioner
Teacher Teacher/guru
Scientist Writer/editor
Doctor Artist
Stage magician
PROTECTOR Confidence artist
Protectors are unquestionably physical and Thief
often are trained combatants. But all that’s Dabbler
really needed to be a Protector is a nurturing, Cryptozoologist
caretaking sensibility and a willingness to give Student
of yourself to those you care for.
Backgrounds and professions easily
portrayed as a Protector include:
Police officer
Martial artist


When creating your character sentence, here’s an easy reference to use for
descriptors, type, and foci, as well as skills you can choose.

Bold Fastidious Muscular Scholarly
Brave Fearless Nervous Smart
Caring Ferocious No-Nonsense Sturdy
Cautious Hopeful Obsessive Superstitious
Cheerful Inquisitive Pretentious Suspicious
Cynical Intimidating Quick Tech-Savvy
Enigmatic Likeable Ruthless

Elocutionist Investigator Occultist Protector

Carries a Gun Leads Practically Lives Online
Does a Bit of This and That Learns Quickly Runs Away
Explores Dark Places Looks for Trouble Solves Mysteries
Fights Dirty Moves Like a Cat Wears a Badge
Helps Their Friends Needs No Weapon Works the Back Alleys
Infiltrates Never Says Die Would Rather Be Reading

Astronomy Equipment operation Lockpicking Piloting
Biology Forensics Mathematics Plumbing
Carpentry Geography Mechanics Programming
Cooking Geology Medicine Psychology
Deception Gunsmithing Metalworking Publishing
Discerning motive Gymnastics Occultism Religion
Disguise Healing Perception Researching
Driving History Performance Riding
Electrical repair Identifying Persuasion Sewing
Electronics Initiative Philosophy Stealth
Endurance Intimidation Physics Tracking
Engineering Leatherworking Pickpocketing


he equipment listed in this chapter is by
I saw bellows, a wooden box, no means comprehensive or exhaustive.
and a soft and hideous throat GMs should feel free to use the various
that seemed to twist and
tables, price lists, and examples as a jumping-
pucker on its own. Then the
off point to provide additional options for
Mechanical Turk did something
players. Comparing those prices to what can
that I do not believe will
ever fully leave my thoughts be found with a quick search of online shops
no matter how fervently I should provide useful comparisons. Anything
might wish it. a regular person can get in the real world
It stood up. should probably also be available to PCs in
It had no legs and made no The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game.
secret of it, yet still it
stood, stepping away from the
table that was its very being, CURRENCY AND PRICES
and it began to dance. As it Dollars, yuan, pounds, pesos, euros,
did so, the bellows left upon cryptocurrencies of various sorts—lots of
the bleeding table started to
different currencies might be used in your
pump, and I heard again that
game, depending where in the world it’s set
mournful wail of Wolfgang’s
and where the PCs go. Specifying a single
“speech machine” as the end of
it flailed and bulged until currency isn’t important, because we can
at last it shrieked its words establish reasonable ranges for equipment
to the audience. I do not prices rather than nailing prices down to
know what it said, and I thank the last dollar and cent. Not unlike saying
almighty God that I speak no “immediate” or “short” distance rather
Hungarian. than giving precise numbers, we talk about
—MAG 116: goods and services in terms of inexpensive,
“The Show Must Go On” moderately priced, expensive, very expensive,
or exorbitant items.
To keep things simple, the GM may use the
price categories described here to determine PC
resources. For example, if the characters work for
a paranormal institute and have a discretionary
fund to purchase equipment for an especially


important mission, their supervisor might USING THE PRICE CATEGORIES

caution them to “keep it under a few thousand Regardless of how precise you want to be with
to keep the bean counters happy.” That, prices and currency, price categories are useful
depending on how you translate it to the price in a variety of ways.
categories, might allow the group to choose three The GM might tell you to use the guidance
additional expensive items for their mission. presented under PC Starting Equipment to
get things rolling, which includes guidance
for “two moderately priced items.” You can
PRICE CATEGORIES look at the list and pick two moderately priced
There are six price categories for goods and items without worrying about their cost. This
services. means that you get two items, not twenty
An inexpensive item is something that inexpensive items or one expensive item that
common people buy. A simple meal or a drink perhaps would not be appropriate to start
in the bar. A pen and some paper. A book or with. The categories make it easy to lump
magazine. similar items together.
A moderately priced item is something The GM may also say “You can have
that common people buy, but not too often whatever inexpensive items you want, and
and not in great quantities. A small piece don’t worry about the cost.” At higher tiers,
of furniture. A major entertainment. An when the PCs have more wealth, authority in
expensive meal. A new outfit. their organization, and so on, the GM can do
An expensive item is something that would this with moderate or even expensive items.
strain a common person’s finances. Rent on a This allows the group to skip over playing
simple apartment. A major piece of furniture. through a shopping trip to get supplies, and
A very nice outfit. The cost to travel a long players don’t have to track prices down to the
distance (if appropriate to the setting). last coin.
A very expensive item is probably out of Finally, the categories can be shorthand
the reach of most people except in very special when evaluating valuable objects (of a non-
circumstances. Jewelry. Luxury furnishings. paranormal sort) that you find during the
Non-luxury vehicles. course of your investigations, and in resolving
An exorbitant item is something only the other story-based expenses that crop up in the
very rich can afford. A very nice house. A ship. game without dealing in the minutiae of exact
Extremely expensive jewelry or art. prices.
A priceless item is one that even the very
rich can’t afford, requiring the resources of a PC STARTING EQUIPMENT
multinational corporation or nation-state to Every character starts with appropriate If a PC works for an
acquire or build. clothing, three expensive items, two organization, that body might
provide additional items to the
Think of the escalating categories as powers moderately priced items, and up to four character on a case-by-case basis,
of 10. That is to say, a moderately priced item inexpensive items. They very likely have access or a stipend they can use to buy
additional items.
is ten times more costly than an inexpensive (at home, for example) to up to ten useful
item. An expensive item is ten times more inexpensive items.
costly than a moderately priced item, and thus
100 times the cost of something inexpensive.
A very expensive item is ten times the cost
of an expensive one, 100 times the cost of a
moderate one, and 1,000 times the cost of an
inexpensive one. An exorbitant item is priced
ten times beyond that.


Not all characters are familiar with all

STARTING PC SAMPLE EQUIPMENT weapons. Protectors know their way around
A character might have the following starting most varieties, but Investigators, Elocutionists,
equipment. and Occultists prefer light or medium
Basic Equipment: Everyday clothing, purse weapons, assuming they pick up a weapon at
or wallet, smartphone, and multitool. Easy all.
access (in car, apartment, home, office, etc.) to Unfamiliarity: If a character uses a weapon
the following: flashlight, gloves, journal and
they have no experience with, an attack with
pen, handful of energy bars, duct tape, case of
that weapon is hindered. Having experience
light tools.
with a weapon is called being practiced with
Provided by Organization: Vehicle (for
the weapon.
entire group), laptop, briefcase.

Many of the weapon examples noted below
WEAPONS can also be found on the equipment list.
The Magnus Archives RPG is not a game Light weapons inflict only 2 points of
Weapons and The Magnus about weapons and combat, even if it is damage, but attacks with them are eased
Archives, page 32 “surprisingly easy to pick up an axe in central because they are fast and easy to use. Light
London.” PCs who regularly engage in weapons include unarmed strikes (punches,
combat probably don’t last very long. Even kicks, elbows, etc.), knives, batons, slingshots,
more important, shooting one’s way of out a very small pistols, and so on. Weapons that are
situation isn’t very appropriate to the types of particularly small are light weapons.
Improvised weapons—like stories being told in this game. Medium weapons inflict 4 points of
kitchen pans, umbrellas, keys, damage. Medium weapons include bows,
big flashlights, and so on—are
light weapons, but most people typical handguns, light rifles, sawed-off
are not practiced with them, so shotguns, hand axes, and so on. Most weapons
an attack with an improvised I remember, it was as I began
weapon is not eased. to talk about the Justice, the are medium. Anything that could be used in
fifth age of man, that I saw one hand is a medium weapon.
it. It was a mask, a theatre Heavy weapons inflict 6 points of damage,
mask, not one of the happy/ and you must use two hands to attack with
sad ones you might associate them. Heavy weapons are rifles, regular
with the stage, but like shotguns, large-caliber handguns, katanas,
an old Greek chorus mask: and so on. Anything that must be used in two
neutral, with a faint aspect hands is a heavy weapon.
of mourning about the mouth
and eyes. It sat on the top of
Weapon Damage
a thick black cloak, draped
to completely cover whoever Light 2 points (attack eased)
might be wearing the mask. But Medium 4 points
I knew it was empty. It was Heavy 6 points (two hands needed)
a hollow shape of a man that
had no life, no presence to
it. And I saw it in the middle Keep in mind that in many locations,
of the third row, as clearly it’s not acceptable to run around carrying
as if it were lit by a second dangerous weapons, at least not without
spotlight. proper licenses and authorization, and
—MAG 108: “Monologue” sometimes not even then.



The following items (and anything else appropriate to the real world) are usually available.

Weapons Notes
Ammo (box of 50 rounds)
Knife Light weapon (prone to breaking)
Pepper spray Immediate range, hinders target’s tasks for one round

Other Items Notes

Car or rideshare fare
Duct tape roll Useful and ubiquitous
Energy bars, handful Feeds a person for one day
Journal and pen
Lockpick set Asset for lockpicking tasks
Padlock with keys
Secure briefcase Level 5 lock
Thrift clothing


Weapons Notes
Baton/nightstick Light weapon
Hand axe Medium weapon
Hunting knife Light weapon
Machete Medium weapon
Slingshot Light weapon, medium range

Other Items Notes

Bee suit Prevents wasp and bee stings
Binoculars Asset for perception tasks at range
Bolt cutters
Budget cell phone
Case of heavy tools Suitable for plumbing, electrical work, construction,
and similar
Case of light tools Suitable for electronic repair, watch repair, lockpicking,
and similar


Other Items Notes
Climbing gear Asset for climbing tasks
Digital audio recorder
Disguise kit Asset for disguise tasks
Electric lantern
EMF detector
Everyday clothing
First aid kit Asset for healing tasks
Handcuffs Level 5
Professional clothing
Rope Nylon, 50 feet (16 m)
Sleeping bag
Survival kit Includes emergency blanket, 2 flares, flashlight, 50-ft. (16 m)
rope, rubber gloves, sewing kit, cheap knife
Train ticket

Weapons Notes
Bow Medium weapon, long range
Extendable baton Light weapon, collapses to size ideal for a pocket/purse
Handgun Medium weapon, long range
Pocket handgun Light weapon, short range
Rifle Medium weapon, long range
Shotgun Heavy weapon, immediate range
Those carrying a sawed-off Sawed-off shotgun Medium weapon, immediate range (can be used one-handed)
shotgun should be warned that
in almost any jurisdiction, the
weapon is illegal, and having Other Items Notes
one could be punished by a few
years in prison.
Airline ticket
Camera designed to be concealed Transmits over wifi
Cold weather camping gear
Hazmat suit (with respirator)
Microphone designed to be Transmits over wifi
Nightvision goggles See in darkness, but perception tasks are hindered
Scuba gear
Stylish clothing



Weapons Notes
Assault rifle Heavy weapon, rapid-fire weapon, long range
Heavy rifle Heavy weapon, 300-foot (90 m) range
Large-caliber handgun Heavy weapon, long range
Submachine gun Medium weapon, rapid-fire weapon, short range

Other Items Notes

Designer/bespoke clothing
Modest vehicle Level 3
Small boat Level 3

Other Items Notes
Luxury vehicle Level 5 or 6
Private plane Level 5
Yacht Level 5

Other Items Notes
Orbital space station Useful for running experiments in weightless, isolated

MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES probably in the moderately priced range. Very

Although the types of items for sale vary expensive lodging might be a suite of rooms
greatly depending on whether the PCs are with delicious meals and personal services
in a small town or a large city, a few services (such as massages and grooming) included.
can usually always be found, like food and Repairs: The cost to repair a damaged item
lodging. However, these services can span the is one category lower than the item’s value.
price categories.
Food: You can get an inexpensive meal, a
moderately priced meal, an expensive meal,
and so on, depending on the restaurant. An
inexpensive meal is light and probably not
very nutritious. An expensive meal is available
only in nice restaurants in certain locations.
An exorbitant meal is probably a feast for
a crowd, with the finest foods and drink
Lodging: Nightly lodging is similar,
although the bottom end starts out worse.
An inexpensive night’s lodging is probably a
youth hostel filled with other guests. Typical
lodging (a private room with a decent bed) is


WEAPONS AND THE MAGNUS ARCHIVES 3 inches (8 cm). Which means that characters
Just because your character could use a particular who want to acquire a firearm need to go
weapon doesn’t mean they necessarily have through the requisite process to gain one legally,
one when the game begins. For instance, your or find a way to get one illegally. Either way, a
Investigator could theoretically wield a light character with a weapon would want to keep it
weapon—such as a baton or improvised chair under wraps, lest they draw attention from both
leg, or maybe even a light pistol—when the the general public and officers of the law.
chips are down. But prior to the game’s start, All that said, if a character whose game is set
they probably didn’t have any, unless their in the UK is a Protector or might otherwise be
background specifically indicates otherwise. expected to have access to a weapon, work with
Lack of weapons is all the more likely if the the GM to come up with a solution. The GM
game is set in a place like the United Kingdom, will guide you on where they’d like to see their
which has starkly contrasting approaches to game go.
weapons and firearms than, say, the United Civilian gun ownership is allowed much more
States. broadly in the United States. Though regulated,
In the UK, guns are heavily regulated through firearms are far more common, as are other
stringent licensing, background checks, and weapons such as knives and batons. Of course,
storage protocols. Other weapons are similarly that doesn’t mean a starting Magnus Archives
restricted. For instance, batons are usually only character in the USA begins with a weapon
allowed for police officers, and knives are only either. But they might, and if they don’t, they’ll
legal if they have nonlocking blades of less than find acquiring and carrying one much easier.

The Magnus Archives is a horror setting and thus contains harrowing and scary elements that are inherent to gameplay.
If going through this form makes you realize horror settings aren’t for you, it’s okay to step away and play a different type of game.

GM Name:
Player Name (or leave blank):
Planned Game Theme:
If this game were a movie, its movie rating would be: G PG PG-13 R NC-17 Other:

Mark the color that best illustrates your comfort level with the following plot or story elements.
Green = Enthusiastic consent; bring it on!
Yellow = Okay if veiled or offstage; might be okay onstage but requires discussion ahead of time; uncertain.
Red = Hard line; do not include.
HORROR .................................................. SOCIAL AND CULTURAL ISSUES ........
Animal endangerment .................................... Bullying.............................................................
Blood ................................................................. Cults ..................................................................
Body horror ...................................................... Gun violence ....................................................
Bugs ................................................................... Homophobia ....................................................
Child endangerment ....................................... Kidnapping .......................................................
Demonic possession ....................................... Racism...............................................................
Dismemberment .............................................. Real-world religion .........................................
Eyeballs ............................................................. Religious trauma .............................................
Gore ................................................................... Sexism ...............................................................
Mind control .................................................... Slavery ...............................................................
Mines/underground scenarios ....................... Transphobia .....................................................
Rats ....................................................................
Situations involving literal darkness ............
Snakes ............................................................... MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH ....
Spiders .............................................................. Abuse ................................................................
Witchcraft......................................................... Cancer ...............................................................
Claustrophobia ................................................
Freezing to death.............................................
RELATIONSHIPS AND FAMILY ........... Gaslighting .......................................................
Romance ................................................ Genocide ...........................................................
Fade to black .............................................. Hanging/strangulation ...................................
Explicit ........................................................ Heatstroke ........................................................
Between PCs and NPCs .......................... Miscarriage ......................................................
Between PCs .............................................. Natural disasters..............................................
Sex ..................................................................... Paralysis/physical restraint ............................
Fade to black .............................................. Police, police aggression ................................
Explicit ........................................................ Pregnancy, miscarriage, or abortion.............
Between PCs and NPCs ........................... Self-harm ..........................................................
Between PCs ............................................. Severe weather .................................................
Between my PC and another PC/NPC ... Sexual assault ...................................................
Family ............................................................... Starvation .........................................................
Abandonment ............................................ Suicide...............................................................
Death of a caretaker/parent...................... Terrorism ..........................................................
Death of a child.......................................... Thirst.................................................................
Death of a spouse ...................................... Torture (physical).............................................
Torture (psychological) ...................................

Do you want the GM to follow up with you to clarify
any of these responses? If so, which ones?

The Magnus Archives logo TM and © 2024 Rusty Quill LTD. | All Cypher System content © 2024 Monte Cook Games, LLC. Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.
Creating a character is easy—just follow 6. Choose your equipment from chapter 5,
these steps. starting with a set of appropriate clothing,
Chapter 5: Equipment, 1. Grab a pencil and blank piece of paper three expensive items, two moderately priced
page 97 (or a character sheet) to record your choices. items, and up to four inexpensive items.
2. Choose a descriptor in chapter 2, such as 7. If you haven’t finished assigning points
Chapter 2: Character
Descriptor and Skills, Brave, Inquisitive, or Scholarly. Most descriptors to your stat Pools or choosing your tier 1 type
page 15 modify one of your stat Pools (more on that in abilities (from step 4), do so now.
Chapter 3: Character Type, step 4) and give you training in one skill. 8. Tell the GM how many cyphers you
page 27 3. Choose from one of four types in chapter 3: can have (this is listed under your type), and
Investigator, Protector, Elocutionist, or Occultist. they’ll tell you which cyphers you start with.
Chapter 8: Character Arcs
and Advancement, page 140 4. Your type determines your starting stat Pool 9. Choose a starting character arc in
totals, grants you a set of starting abilities, tells chapter 8.
Investigator Example,
page 35 you how many cyphers you can have at a time,
and gives you a list of other abilities to choose If you need more help with character
Protector Example, page 42 from. You can assign points to your stat Pools and creation, each of the types in chapter 3 includes
Elocutionist Example, pick your type abilities now, but if a later step in a walk-through example of creating a character
page 50 the character creation process changes your mind, (Investigator Example, Protector Example,
Occultist Example, page 57 you can come back to this step and update them. Elocutionist Example, and Occultist Example).
5. Choose a focus in chapter 4, such as Once every player has finished creating
Chapter 4: Character Focus, Fights Dirty, Needs No Weapon, or Solves a character, work with the other players to
page 58
Mysteries. Your focus gives you one or two create a statement about the first situation
Chapter 9: The Statement, tier 1 abilities, a suggested connection to one your group will investigate.
page 157
other player in the group, and perhaps some
additional equipment.

2 3
4 5 7

4 7







     


HALE HURT SKILLS T = trained, S = specialized, I = inability Pool   
1d 6 + (only available for
some characters)

• +1 Effort per level
• Ignore minor and major effect STRESS
  results on rolls LEVEL
• Combat roll of 17-20 deals only
  +1 damage
   
• Can move only an immediate  
distance  :
  • Cannot move if Speed Pool is 0



+4 points into +1 to the Edge +1 to Effort specialize in a See page 141
stat Pools of your choice trained skill of The Magnus
Archives book

The Magnus Archives logo TM and © 2024 Rusty Quill LTD. | All Cypher System content © 2024 Monte Cook Games, LLC.
Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.
Witness Statement





Magnus Institute
Witness Name: Statement Date:

Incident Location: Incident Date:

Other Witnesses:


(Use additional pages provided if needed.)


Statement Number:
Investigator Notes
Date Recorded: Investigator Name:
Related Files: Investigation Date:

Witnesses Contacted:

Incident Updates:

TM and © 2024 Rusty Quill Ltd.

Witness Statement




Statement (cont.)
Magnus Institute

TM and © 2024 Rusty Quill Ltd.

Like an Avatar (instant)
Level: 5
IS A Cheerful Elocutionist WHO
Sometimes everything falls perfectly into place. Treat
your action as if you had rolled a natural 20.
Helps Their Friends
Show Must Go On
1 1 Encouragement (1 Intellect point): While you maintain You spot an untended ladder, hard hat, clipboard
TIER EFFORT XP this ability through ongoing inspiring oration, your allies and pen, cleaning cart and apron, or whatever is
within short range ease one of the following task types appropriate to the circumstances that, once obtained,
MIGHT SPEED INTELLECT allow you and up to two allies to slip into a building
(your choice): defense tasks, attack tasks, or tasks related to
any skill that you are trained or specialized in. Action. without drawing attention. If your entrance is
challenged by guards or others monitoring the
Enthrall (1 Intellect point): While talking, you grab and area, you and your allies’ disguise and/or associated
9 12 15 1 keep another creature’s attention, even if the creature can’t deception tasks are eased by two steps. The
benefits of this cypher usually last for 
      understand you. For as long as you do nothing but speak
(you can’t even move), the other creature takes no actions several hours.
RECOVERY DAMAGE TRACK STRESS other than to defend itself, even over multiple rounds. If
ROLLS the creature is attacked, the effect ends. Action.
HALE HURT SKILLS T = trained, S = specialized, I = inability Pool   
1d 6 + (only available for
some characters) Persuasion I x
Friendly Help: If your friend tries a task and fails, they can
1 IMPAIRED Discerning motive I x
• +1 Effort per level try again without spending Effort if you help. You provide
• Ignore minor and major effect STRESS Deception I x
  results on rolls LEVEL this advantage to your friend even if you are not trained in
• Combat roll of 17-20 deals only Healing I x
  +1 damage the task that they are retrying. Enabler.
Intellect defense I x
   
• Can move only an immediate   Initiative S x
distance  : Courageous: You are trained in Intellect defense tasks and
  • Cannot move if Speed Pool is 0 Speed defense S x
initiative tasks. Enabler. (Already noted under Skills)



+4 points into +1 to the Edge +1 to Effort specialize in a See page 141
stat Pools of your choice trained skill of The Magnus
Archives book


Unarmed strikes (light weapon) eased 2

Practiced with light and medium weapons

You worked as a barista at a coffee stand for years before Fall From Grace: Your character is becoming obsessed with
you parlayed your skill with people (which was always a weird book that’s been in your family for generations, and
better than your ability to make coffee) into a position your character is fascinated by its dark secrets.
with a new organization where you never have to make
coffee again if you don’t want to.
Pick one other PC. The first time you saw this friend in
trouble, you failed to offer aid. You don’t know if your
friend knows. You suspect not, but you’re thinking about
telling them.
Basic Equipment: Everyday clothing, purse or
wallet, smartphone, and multitool. Easy access (in
car, apartment, home, office, etc.) to the following:
flashlight, gloves, journal and pen, handful of energy
bars, duct tape, case of light tools
Provided by Organization: Vehicle (for entire group),
laptop, briefcase
Additional Equipment: Picture of you and your friends
The Magnus Archives logo TM and © 2024 Rusty Quill LTD. | All Cypher System content © 2024 Monte Cook Games, LLC.
Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.
Another Twist (instant)
Level: 1d6
IS A Quick Protector WHO
Important problems require elevated focus. One die
roll of your choosing gets rerolled.
Works the Back Alleys
Cheating Death (instant)
1 1 Protector: You designate a single character to be your The circumstances were horrific but not fatal. If you
TIER EFFORT XP charge. You can change this freely every round, but you reach the last step on the damage track, you go into
can have only one charge at a time. As long as that charge a near-death coma for a week rather than dying. You
MIGHT SPEED INTELLECT have a serious scar even after you recover.
is within immediate range, they gain an asset for Speed
defense tasks because you have their back. Enabler.

Slow Them Down (1 Might or 1 Speed point): This is a

13 1 17 1 8 pummeling melee attack or a covering-fire ranged attack. 
      Your attack inflicts 1 less point of damage than normal,
but it dazes your target for one round, during which time 2
RECOVERY DAMAGE TRACK STRESS their tasks are hindered and they move only half as fast as
ROLLS normal. Action.
HALE HURT SKILLS T = trained, S = specialized, I = inability Pool   
1d 6 + (only available for
some characters) Stealth S x
Stealthy: You are trained in lockpicking and pickpocketing.
1 IMPAIRED Gymnastics S x
• +1 Effort per level Enabler. (Already noted under Skills)
• Ignore minor and major effect STRESS Lockpicking S x
  results on rolls LEVEL
• Combat roll of 17-20 deals only Pickpocketing S x
  +1 damage
Deception I x
   
• Can move only an immediate  
distance  :
  • Cannot move if Speed Pool is 0



+4 points into +1 to the Edge +1 to Effort specialize in a See page 141
stat Pools of your choice trained skill of The Magnus
Archives book


Unarmed strikes (light weapon) eased 2

Cricket bat (medium weapon) 4

Practiced with light, medium, and

heavy weapons
You grew up on the streets and made do as best you Defeat a Foe: There’s a certain someone from your old
could. It wasn’t until you made some friends who were life of crime who was once a friend but went rogue after
visiting that you decided to try a new tack. encountering something unusual. You’re interested in
finding whatever it is they’re up to and putting a stop to it.
Pick one other PC. The character knew you beforehand
and helped you to leave your life of crime for other
pursuits—at least temporarily.
Basic Equipment: Everyday clothing, purse or wallet,
smartphone, and multitool. Easy access (in car,
apartment, home, office, etc.) to the following: cricket
bat, flashlight, gloves, journal and pen, handful of energy
bars, duct tape, case of light tools
Provided by Organization: Laptop, briefcase
Additional Equipment: Lockpicks
The Magnus Archives logo TM and © 2024 Rusty Quill LTD. | All Cypher System content © 2024 Monte Cook Games, LLC.
Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.
Level: 1d6 + 2
IS A Scholarly Investigator WHO
You reflect on excellence, adding 1 to your Intellect
Edge for one hour (or 2 if this cypher’s level is 5 or
Explores Dark Places higher).


1 1 Careful Observation (1 Intellect point): You take a Level: 1d6
TIER EFFORT XP minute to examine your surroundings. If you succeed at a You take a moment to center yourself, and you lose
difficulty 4 perception task, you take note of an inanimate an amount of Stress equal to this cypher’s level.
object within an immediate distance that is related to your
current investigation. You see a particular color of mud
on some boots, a loose thread in a coat on a hook, the
disturbance of dust on a bookshelf that reveals the most
10 10 1 14 1 recently examined book, or some other detail that another 
      person would have likely passed over. If there is no such
detail in the area, you learn that too (and know that you 2
RECOVERY DAMAGE TRACK STRESS can move on, as there’s nothing of note there). If there
ROLLS are two or more such details, you still just make one roll;
HALE HURT SKILLS T = trained, S = specialized, I = inability Pool   
1d 6 + (only available for you learn one detail if you succeed at a difficulty 4 task, a
some characters) History I x
second detail if you succeed at a difficulty 5 task, the third
1 IMPAIRED Psychology I x
• +1 Effort per level detail if you succeed at a difficulty 6 task, and so forth.
• Ignore minor and major effect STRESS Researching I x
  results on rolls LEVEL Action.
• Combat roll of 17-20 deals only Forensics I x
  +1 damage
DEBILITATED Operate in the Dark (1 Intellect point): For the next Tracking I x
   
• Can move only an immediate   Perception I x
distance  : hour, you use your other senses to compensate for a lack
  • Cannot move if Speed Pool is 0 Endurance M x
of vision. If you’re blinded or just in the dark, you operate
DEAD Gymnastics S x
without any hindrance. Action to initiate.
Discerning motive I x
Superb Explorer: You are trained in perception, endurance,
INCREASE MOVE TOWARD EXTRA SKILL TRAINING OTHER and gymnastics tasks. Enabler. (Already noted under Skills)
+4 points into +1 to the Edge +1 to Effort specialize in a See page 141
stat Pools of your choice trained skill of The Magnus
Archives book


Unarmed strikes (light weapon) eased 2

Practiced with light and medium weapons

Your mother was an Egyptologist and always brought Assist an Organization: You figure your research fits
you interesting trinkets back from her research trips. hand in glove with the group you’re part of, which seeks to
Her stories are what inspired you to investigate the past document supernatural events.
and the dark places that sometimes hide amazing new
Pick one other PC. This character has been your
companion during previous investigations, and the
two of you work so well together that you both gain an
asset to any die rolls when you collaborate on the same
noncombat task.
Basic Equipment: Everyday clothing, purse or
wallet, smartphone, and multitool. Easy access (in
car, apartment, home, office, etc.) to the following:
flashlight, gloves, journal and pen, handful of energy
bars, duct tape, case of light tools
Provided by Organization: Laptop, briefcase
Additional Equipment: Replica hieroglyph stamp set
(gift from Mom)
The Magnus Archives logo TM and © 2024 Rusty Quill LTD. | All Cypher System content © 2024 Monte Cook Games, LLC.
Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.
Deathly Silent and Still (instant)
Level: 1d6
IS A Pretentious Occultist WHO You hide so well (assuming there is some way to conceal
yourself ) that absolutely no one is aware of you for one
Learns Quickly round.
Desperate Effort (instant)
1 1 Intuition (2 Intellect points): You get a weird feeling You’re in the flow, gaining one free level of Effort to one
TIER EFFORT XP when something is not quite right. You don’t choose when task without spending points from a Pool. The level of
this ability works—the GM does, telling you to spend Effort provided by this cypher does not count toward the
MIGHT SPEED INTELLECT maximum amount of Effort you can normally apply to one
the Intellect points and giving you a clue as to what feels
wrong. The GM might tell you that something feels bad
about opening the door at the end of the hallway, that the
Stare Into The Vast
man in the hat reminds you of a terrible dream you had, or
Level: 1d6 + 2
9 11 19 1 that the child you’re looking for is no longer nearby. Stilling your racing thoughts, you regain a 
      The GM does not have to trigger this ability, and in fact number of points equal to this cypher’s level to
it should be a surprising but occasional insight rather than your Intellect Pool. 3
RECOVERY DAMAGE TRACK STRESS an always-available ability you can rely on.
ROLLS If you don’t have the points to spend to activate this
HALE HURT SKILLS T = trained, S = specialized, I = inability Pool   
1d 6 + (only available for ability, it doesn’t work.
some characters) Occultism I x
1 IMPAIRED Researching I x
• +1 Effort per level
• Ignore minor and major effect STRESS Intellect defense I x
  results on rolls LEVEL Supernatural Comprehension (2 Intellect points): You
• Combat roll of 17-20 deals only Intimidation I x
  +1 damage identify the parameters of an unnatural effect within an
DEBILITATED immediate distance, like a curse, the presence of something Discerning motive I x
   
• Can move only an immediate   Persuasion I x
distance  : inhuman, or a spell. This typically requires at least a minute
  • Cannot move if Speed Pool is 0
of study and reflection. Action to initiate.

ADVANCEMENT Enhanced Intellect: You gain 3 points to your Intellect

Pool. Enabler. (Already noted under Pools)
+4 points into +1 to the Edge +1 to Effort specialize in a See page 141 Picked Up a Few Things: You are trained in intimidation.
stat Pools of your choice trained skill of The Magnus
Archives book Enabler. (Already noted under Skills)


Unarmed strikes (light weapon) eased 2

Ritual dagger (light weapon) eased 2

Practiced with light and medium weapons

You were all set to go to medical school; you even had Solve a Mystery: When you were young, you had a mentor
a scholarship lined up. But you kept having these weird who introduced you to the paranormal. That mentor has
feelings and uncanny intuitions about certain places and since gone missing. You’d like to find and help them if you
people, so you gave up your parents’ dream that you can, or at least gain closure if the worst has happened.
would practice medicine to study the occult.
Pick one other PC. They look so much like you that you
suspect they might be a half-sibling.
Basic Equipment: Everyday clothing, purse or wallet,
smartphone, and multitool. Easy access (in car,
apartment, home, office, etc.) to the following: ritual
dagger, flashlight, gloves, journal and pen, handful of
energy bars, duct tape, case of light tools
Provided by Organization: Laptop, briefcase
Additional Equipment: Two tickets to see a show at a
local movie theater
The Magnus Archives logo TM and © 2024 Rusty Quill LTD. | All Cypher System content © 2024 Monte Cook Games, LLC.
Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.
Dance Through the Maze
Level: 1d6
IS A Suspicious Investigator WHO
If you can imagine it, you can become it. All
your tasks involving manual dexterity—such as
Solves Mysteries pickpocketing, lockpicking, juggling, operating on
a patient, defusing a bomb, and so on—are eased by
SPECIAL ABILITIES one step for one hour, or two steps for one hour if
1 1 Investigate: To solve mysteries, you must engage your mind this cypher’s level is 5 or higher
TIER EFFORT XP and body in your deductions. You can spend points from
your Might Pool, Speed Pool, or Intellect Pool to apply Flee The Hunt! (instant)
levels of Effort to any Intellect-based task. Enabler.
If you’re being chased, you get away. The pursuer
Decipher (1 Intellect point): If you spend one minute eventually gives up (based on the circumstances).
examining a piece of writing or code in a language you However, if the pursuer is given the opportunity—
12 14 1 10 1 don’t understand, you can make an Intellect roll to get the such as you returning—they may give chase
again, and this time it is resolved normally. 
      gist of the message. The difficulty is usually 3 but may be
higher based on the complexity of the language or code. 2
RECOVERY DAMAGE TRACK STRESS Action to initiate; one minute to complete.
HALE HURT SKILLS T = trained, S = specialized, I = inability Pool   
1d 6 + (only available for Missing Detail (2 Intellect points): You listen to the
some characters) Discerning motive I x
words of an NPC, read a transcript of something that was
1 IMPAIRED Perception I x
• +1 Effort per level said, or read an account written by someone—such as a
• Ignore minor and major effect STRESS Disguise I x
  results on rolls LEVEL statement—and you immediately note something that
• Combat roll of 17-20 deals only Forensics I x
  +1 damage wasn’t said. This can be something implied by what was
DEBILITATED said or written, or something obviously left out. The GM Persuasion I x
   
• Can move only an immediate  
distance  : provides this brief fact to you. The words written or spoken
  • Cannot move if Speed Pool is 0
must be substantial, like someone giving an eyewitness
account, telling a story, or—as previously mentioned—
ADVANCEMENT giving a statement. Enabler.

INCREASE MOVE TOWARD EXTRA SKILL TRAINING OTHER Sleuth: Finding the clues is the first step in solving a
+4 points into +1 to the Edge +1 to Effort specialize in a See page 141 mystery. You are trained in perception. Enabler. (Already
stat Pools of your choice trained skill of The Magnus
Archives book noted under Skills)


Unarmed strikes (light weapon) eased 2

Handgun (medium weapon, long range) 4

Practiced with light and medium weapons

You lost a sibling to an unsolved crime as a child, and Establishment: You want to prove yourself as the go-to
that put you on the path to becoming someone who investigator for the organization because being in that
wouldn’t let that happen to someone else. position should open up even more resources for your
Pick one other PC. They are the true friend who got you
started reading mysteries and detective fiction, which led
to your current obsession.
Basic Equipment: Everyday clothing, purse or wallet,
smartphone, and multitool. Easy access (in car,
apartment, home, office, etc.) to the following: handgun
and license, flashlight, gloves, journal and pen, handful
of energy bars, duct tape, case of light tools
Provided by Organization: Laptop, briefcase
The Magnus Archives logo TM and © 2024 Rusty Quill LTD. | All Cypher System content © 2024 Monte Cook Games, LLC.
Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.

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