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· Metals like gold(Au), silver(Ag) and copper(Cu) are available in nature in free state as
they are least reactive. Other metals mostly are found in nature in the combined form due
to their high reactivity.
· The elements or compounds of the metals which occur in nature in the earth crust are called
· The minerals from which the metals are extracted without economical loss are called ores.
· The ores of many metals are oxides sulphides, chlorides and carbonates.
Ex: Oxide Ores : Al2O3.2H2O.; ZNO, Fe3O4
Chloride Ores: NaCl, AgCl, KCl, MgCl2.6H2O
Sulphide Ores: ZnS, HgS, CuFeS
Carbonate Ores: MgCO3, CaCO3
Reactivity of metals
Based on reactivity we can arrange metals in descending order of their reactivity as
shown below:
· Decreasing order of High reactivity metals : K, Na, Ca,Mg,Al
· Decreasing order of Moderate reactivity metals : Zn, Fe,Pb,Cu
· Decreasing order Low reactivity metals : Hg, Ag, Pt, Au

Extraction of metals from the ores:

Extraction of a metal from its ore involves mainly three stages.They are
1. Concentration or dressing of the ore.
2. Extraction of crude metal from the ore.
3. Refining or purification of the metal.
1. Concentration or dressing of the ore:
Ores contain large amount of impurities. The impurities like sand and clay are called
gangue. Dressing of the ore means removing unwanted material like gangue from the
ore.The physical methods adopted in dressing of the ore are:
Hand picking :This method is used if the ore particles and impurities are different in one of the
properties like colour,size, etc.The ore particles are handpicked and separated from impurities.
This method is used when ore particles are more denser than impurities.Ore particles are
crushed and kept on a slopy surface.They are washed with controlled flow of water. Less
dense impurities are washed away by water flow. Ore particles are left behind on the
Froth flotation: Froth bubbles
carrying sulphide
This method is used for sulphide Ores which ore particles Compressed
have no wetting property whereas the Air
impurities get wetted. Water containing pine
Sulphide ore
oil is taken in flotation cell.The ore with particles
impurities is finely powdered and kept in
flotation cell. Air under pressure is blown to Water
produce froth in water. Froth so produced, pine oil
takes ore particles to the surface whereas Gangue
impurities settle at the bottom. Froth is
separated and washed to get ore particles.
Powdered ore
Magnetic separation:
This method is used if either ore or impurity wheel
is a magnetic substance.The impurities are Magnetic
separated using electromagnetic wheel as
Moving belt
shown in figure.

Non Magnetic ore Magnetic ore

2. Extraction of crude metal from the ore:

Extraction of the metal from its Ore depends on the reactivity of the metal.
A) Extraction of metals at the top of the activity series:
· The ores of highly reactive metals like K,Na,Ca,Mg and Al cannot be reduced by simple
chemical methods as they need very high temperatures.
· Again electrolysis of their aqueous solutions also is not feasible because water in the solution
would be discharged at the cathode in preference to the metal ions.
· The only method available is electrolysis of their fused compounds.
· In this method, fused metal compound is used as electrolyte. Graphite rod is used as anode
and steel rod is used as cathode. A large quantity of electricity is passed to keep the ore in
molten state.
· Example: On electrolysis of molten NaCl , sodium metal Is deposited at cathode and chlorine
will be liberated at anode.
B) Extraction of metals in the middle of the activity series:
· The ores of Zn, Fe, Sn, Pb and Cu metals are generally present as sulphides or carbonates
in nature. Sulphide ores are roasted to convert them into oxides before reducing them to
· The metal oxides can be reduced to the corresponding metal by using reducing agents
such as carbon or carbon monoxide.
· The metals can be obtained by the reaction of metal oxides with highly reactive metals
such sodium, calcium, aluminium etc. These displacement reactions are highly exothermic.
The amount of heat evolved is so large that the metals produced are in molten state.

· The reaction of iron oxide(Fe2O3) with aluminium produces molten iron which is used to
join railings of railway tracks or cracked machine parts.
Fe2O3 + 2 Al ——-> 2Fe + Al2O3 +heat.
This reaction is known as thermite reaction.
C) Extraction of metals at the bottom of the activity series:
· Metals at the bottom of the activity series are often found in free state. Their reactivity
with other atoms is very low. The oxides of these metals can be reduced to metals by heat
alone and sometimes by displacement from their aqueous solutions.
3. Refining or purification of the metal:
· The process of obtaining the pure metal from the impure metal is called refining of the
metal. Some refining methods are:
a) Distillation:
On distillation, low boiling metals like zinc and mercury can be separated from high boiling
impurities. The pure metal is obtained as distillate.
b) Poling:
· The molten metal is stirred with logs(poles) of green wood. The impurities are removed
either as gases or they get oxidized and form scum over the surface of the molten metal.
Blister copper is purified by this method.
c) Liquation:
· In this method a low melting metal like tin can be made to flow on a slopy surface to
separate it from high melting impurities.
d) Electrolytic refining:
· In this method, the impure metal is used as anode,pure metal is used as cathode and
soluble salt of the same metal is used as electrolyte.
· On electrolysis,the required metal gets deposited on the cathode in the pure form. Using
this method, pure copper can be obtained from blister copper.
· The rusting of iron, tarnishing of silver, development of green coating on copper and
bronze are some of the examples of corrosion.
To investigate the conditions under which Iron rusts.
Aim: To investigate the conditions under which Iron rusts.
Material required:
Test tubes, clean Iron nails, distilled water, oil, anhydrous calcium chloride.
· Take three test tubes and place clean Iron nails in each of them.

· Label these test tubes as A, B and C.
· Pour some water in test tube A and cork it.
· Pour boiled distilled water in test tube B, add about Air Air Dry
1 ml of oil and cork it.The oil will float on water and B C air
A Layer
prevent the air from dissolving in the water. of oil

· Put some anhydrous calcium chloride in test tube C Rusty

ir on
and cork it. Anhydrous calcium chloride will absorb nails
the moisture, if any,from the air.
· Leave these test tubes for a few days and then observe.
Observations: Boiled Anhydrous
distilled water calcium chloride
· Iron nails get rust in test tube A.
· Iron nails do not get rust in test tubes B and C
· In test tube A, the nails are exposed to both air and water.
· In test tube B, the nails are exposed to only water.
· In test tube C, the nails are exposed to dry air .
Result : Corrosion of iron (commonly known as rusting) occurs in the presence of water and air.
Clean Iron nails without any rust should be taken.
Methods to prevent Corrosion:
· Corrosion can be prevented by
· Painting the surface of metals
· Oiling or greasing the surface.
· Galvanization.
· Electroplating
· Alloying
A few important processes used in Metallurgy:
Smelting: Smelting is a pyrochemical process, in which the ore mixed with flux and fuel is strongly
heated. The product obtained is a molten metal.The smelting is carried out in blast furnace.
Flux: Flux is a substance added to the ore to remove the gangue from it .The impurities(gangue) in
the ore react with flux and form slag which is removed.If the gangue is acidic substance,flux used
will be basic substance.
Roasting: Roasting is a process of heating the ore strongly in free supply of air or oxygen.
Calcination: Calcination is a process of heating the ore strongly in the absence of air or oxygen.
Furnace is the one which is used to carry out pyrochemical processes in metallurgy. We
have mainly three parts in a furnace known as hearth, chimney and fire box.


Very Short Answer Questions

1. Why do metals like gold, silver are used in making ornaments?
2. Write the physical methods followed for concentration of ore.
3. Arrange the metals copper(Cu), Gold(Au), Zinc(Zn), Alluminium(Al) and Sodum(Na) in
descending order of their reactivity.
4. Write the chemical equation showing the thermite reaction.
5. Suggest any two methods to prevent corrosion of metals in daily life.
6. Guess and write what happens if there is no oxidation in nature.

Short Answer Questions

7. Classify the given ores into oxides and sulphides.
Bauxite (Al2O3), Zinc blende (ZnS), Haematite (Fe2O3) Cinnabar(HgS).
8. Differentiate roasting and calcination of ores.
9. Which method do we adopt for extraction of high reactivity metals? Explain.

Essay Type Questions

10. Write experimental procedure to prove that air and water are required for corrosion of
11. Explain the methods of extraction of metals with different reactivities from their ores.
12. Express the process of froth flotation with neat diagram
13. Draw the diagram of magnetic seperation method and lebel it

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The impurity present in the ore is called as ( )
A) gangue. B) flux C) slag. D) mineral
2. The oil used in the froth flotation process is ( )
A) kerosene oil B) pine oil C) coconut oil D) olive oil
3. The metal that occurs in the native form is ( )
A) Pb B) Au C) Fe D) Hg
4. The most abundant metal in the earth’s crust is ( )
A) Silver B) Aluminium C) Zinc D) Iron
5. The reducing agent in thermite process is ( )
A) Al B) Mg C) Fe. D) Si
6. Blister copper is purified using ( )
A) Distillation B) Liquation C) Electrolytic refining D) Magnetic separation.


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