7-8-Lesson Plan and Schemess of Work - 1
7-8-Lesson Plan and Schemess of Work - 1
7-8-Lesson Plan and Schemess of Work - 1
A lesson plan is a detailed step-by-step guide that outlines the teacher's objectives for what the
students will accomplish during the course of the lesson and how they will learn it. Creating
a lesson plan involves setting goals, developing activities, and determining the materials that
you will use
The scheme of work is usually an interpretation of a specification or syllabus and can be used as
a guide throughout the course to monitor progress against the original plan. Schemes of
work can be shared with students so that they have an overview of their course
he scheme of work should be ready by the beginning of the academic year. Some of the key
issues included are user name or class, period covered, number of weeks, number of lessons,
objectives of the lesson/whether they have been achieved, activities, teaching aids needed and
syllabus topics, outcomes
Scheme of work. A scheme of work is a plan that defines work to be done in the classroom.
Involving learners in defining a scheme of work, whether for a short project or a long course, is
an important step towards motivation and involvement.