Iso 15981 2002
Iso 15981 2002
Iso 15981 2002
First edition
Reference number
ISO 15981:2002(E)
© ISO 2002
ISO 15981:2002(E)
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Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding
head — AIA/AIA
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies dimensional and mechanical characteristics and application data for open end
blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head, with an aluminium alloy body (AlA) and an aluminium alloy
mandrel (AlA) and with nominal diameters, d, from 2,4 mm up to and including 6,4 mm.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these
publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For
undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC
maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 3269:2000, Fasteners — Acceptance inspection
ISO 15981:2002
ISO 14588:2000, Blind rivets — Terminology and definitions
ISO 14589:2000, Blind rivets — Mechanical testing
3 Dimensions
3.1 General
Rivet length
l Recommended grip rangesa
nom. = min. max.
5 6 — 0,5 to 1,5 — — —
6 7 0,5 to 3,0 1,5 to 3,5 1 to 3 1,5 to 2,5 —
8 9 — 3,5 to 5,0 3 to 5 2,5 to 4,0 —
9 10 3 to 6 — — — —
10 11 — 5 to 7 5,0 to 6,5 4 to 6 —
12 13 6 to 9 7 to 9 6,5 to 8,5 6 to 8 3 to 6
16 17 — 9 to 13 8,5 to 12,5 8 to 12 6 to 10
20 21 — 13 to 17 12,5 to 16,5 12 to 15 10 to 14
25 26 — 17 to 22 16,5 to 21,0 15 to 20 14 to 18
30 31 — — — 20 to 25 18 to 23
NOTE The rivet body dimensions are generated from the design formulae specified in annex A.
a The grip ranges of rivets with dimensions as given in Table 1, with the material combination as given in clause 4 are specified by the
minimum and maximum grip lengths. The minimum grip lengths are given as a recommendation only. It may be possible to go into individual
cases below the minimum values.
The diameters of the clearance holes, dh1, to accommodate the rivet in the components to be fastened are given in
Table 2.
Non-conformance to the values listed in Table 2 may result in assembly difficulties and/or reduction in the shear
and tensile loads specified in Table 3.
When necessary, to facilitate alignment, only the component on the access side may have a clearance hole larger
than specified in Table 2 (see Figure 2). This may also result in a reduction of the shear and tensile loads specified
in Table 3.
ISO 15981:2002
The surface of rivet body and mandrel shall be plain, i.e. in natural finish.
5 Mechanical properties
The minimum shear load, minimum tensile load and maximum mandrel break load shall be as specified in Table 3
when tested in accordance with ISO 14589.
2,4 10
3,2 15
4 20
4,8 25
6,4 50
8 Workmanship
Rivets shall be free from burrs and harmful defects and shall have well-formed heads and shanks.
After setting, rivets shall not show evidence of cracking when viewed at 5 × magnification.
9 Acceptance testing
If there is no other agreement, acceptance inspection in accordance with ISO 3269 applies.
10 Designation
EXAMPLE A open end blind rivet, with break pull mandrel and protruding head, with nominal diameter d = 4 mm and
nominal length l = 12 mm with an aluminium body (AlA) and an aluminium alloy mandrel (AlA) is designated as follows: