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E3S Web of Conferences 328, 04026 (2021) https://doi.org/10.

ICST 2021

Application of the Waterfall Method on a Web-Based Job

Training Management Information System at Trunojoyo
University Madura
Sri Herawati, Yudha Dwi Putra Negara, Husnul Fuadi Febriansyah and Doni Abdul Fatah
Informatic Engineering Department, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Abstract. With the development of information technology, practical work at Trunojoyo University
Madura needs improvement in applied management. Practical work is a mandatory activity for Information
Systems undergraduate students which aims to test and apply theory as well as scientific proof of the courses
that have been obtained. In the practical work management process is still done manually, it will take up a
lot of time and frequent errors. Therefore, the Job Training Management Information System will be
implemented using the waterfall model, the PHP programming language with Codeingniter as its
framework. The waterfall model provides a sequential approach to software life phases starting from
analysis, design, code implementation, testing, and maintenance. This research produces the results of the
analysis of hardware and software requirements. The design produces Use case diagrams and Entity
Diagrams. Testing produces a system by testing with black box testing with valid test results. This research
produces a management system that is used to manage data related to practical work activities.

Keywords: Waterfall Method, Practical Work, Management Information System

1 Introduction One way to overcome the above problems is to need

an information system that can make it easier to manage
In the world of education, computer-based information data and submit practical work[6]. Therefore, a web-
technology is currently very developed and is starting to based Job Training Management Information System
feel its influence in the distribution of certain will be created using the Codeigniter framework[7]–
information[1]–[4]. But it turns out that in practice there [10].
are still many organizations that have not utilized the
technology according to its purpose. One example in the
Information Systems Study Program (Prodi) of 2 Literature Review
Trunojoyo Madura University, this study program has
In developing an information system, a system
practical work activities that must be carried out by
development methodology is needed. The methodology
that is often used is SDLC[11]–[15]. SDLC has several
Practical work is a course in the information
models that are often used in previous studies. One of
systems study program at Trunojoyo Madura University
them is the waterfall model. The waterfall model is used
which helps students get to know their field of work. In
because the waterfall model is suitable for making
this activity, there is a lot of information needed by both
systems that have a clear flow.
students, practical work supervisors and the study
Previous research developed a system using the
program admin itself, such as information on practical
waterfall method [16]–[20]. From the results of several
work implementation schedules, practical work title
previous studies using the waterfall method, they are
information, supervisor information, student guidance
able to develop information systems that can be applied
information, final practical work reports etc. However,
because they have been tested and have valid results.
on practical work data processing, the available
Previous research mentions the SDLC Waterfall model
information is still very limited because the archiving is
which is commonly called the classical life cycle or
not well structured so that the data is not archived
linear sequential model.[21]. The model is the result of
properly every year. In addition, submissions to carry
adjustments from hardware development, because at
out practical work activities are still done manually so
that time there was no other software development
that it wastes time but it is also prone to data loss in these
methodology. This highly structured development can

* Corresponding author : sriherawati@trunojoyo.ac.id

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
E3S Web of Conferences 328, 04026 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202132804026
ICST 2021

reduce the losses due to errors in previous phases which data structures, software architecture, interface
are very large and often expensive due to the increasing representation, and coding procedures. This stage
costs of redevelopment [22]. The waterfall model translates software requirements from the requirements
provides a sequential approach to software life phases analysis stage to the design representation so that it can
starting from analysis, design, code implementation, be implemented into a program at a later stage. The
testing, and maintenance. The waterfall method can be software design produced at this stage also needs to be
explained in Figure 1. documented.

3.3 Implementation and unit testing

Implementation and unit testing, the design program

must be translated into software programs. The result of
this stage is a computer program in accordance with the
design that has been made at the design stage. Testing,
testing focuses on the software logically and
functionally and ensures that all parts have been tested.
This is done to minimize errors and ensure that the
output produced is as desired.

3.4 Integration and system testing

System integration testing is a test that is at the second

Fig. 2. Stages of the Waterfall Method. level after unit testing.
From the comparison of models between Waterfall,
Prototype and RAD Waterfall development model is 3.5 Operation and maintenance
suitable for systems or software that is generic, meaning
that the system can identify all its needs from the start In the last stage in the Waterfall Method, the finished
with general specifications and is suitable for software software is operated by the user and carried out
that has the goal of building a system from scratch maintenance. Maintenance allows developers to make
collect system requirements to be built according to the improvements to errors that were not detected in the
chosen research topic until the product is tested[23]. earlier stages. Maintenance includes repairing errors,
improving the implementation of the system unit, and
upgrading and adjusting the system as needed.
3 Method
In research on the implementation of the Waterfall 4 Result
Method in Web-Based Job Training Management
Information Systems, this research uses field research In Web-Based Job Training Management Information
methods, literature studies and interviews. While the System, using the waterfall method in developing the
development of the software system used to use the software. Then the steps or stages that must be carried
waterfall model. Waterfall Model is one of the Software out are as follows:
Development Life Cycle (SDLC) models which consists
of stages of requirements analysis, design, 4.1 Requirements Definition
implementation, testing and maintenance sequentially
so that the development process will not proceed to the In this chapter, the results of the analysis along with the
next stage if the previous phase has not been system design that have been made from the modeling
completed[24]. The stages of the waterfall method are results and also from the research data obtained will be
as follows [25]: explained.

3.1 Requirements Definition 4.1.1 Hardware Requirements

Requirements Definition is the process of gathering The hardware used by users to create and test websites
requirements intensively to specify hardware and is a laptop with the following specifications:
software requirements, so that users can understand 1. Operating System: Windows 10.
what kind of software is required by the user. Software 2. Processor: AMD A4-5000 APU with Radeon
requirements specifications at this stage need to be (TM) 1.5 Ghz
documented. 3. Memory: 4GB.

3.2 System and Software Design 4.1.2 Software Requirements

System and Software Design is a multi-step process that The software or software that must be prepared to make
focuses on the design of a software program including this website include the following:

E3S Web of Conferences 328, 04026 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202132804026
ICST 2021

1. Sublime Text 3, which is a text editor that is used to 4.3 Implementation

write program codes in making websites.
The implementation of the system to be built is based on
2. Xampp, which is an apache webserver in which
the results of the system analysis and the variety to be
MYSQL is embedded which is supported by PHP built. Here are some menu layouts made on the Web-
programming to create dynamic websites. Based Job Training Management Information System.
3. Opera, which is a browser that is used to test
program codes that have been written in a text editor
4.3.1 Homepage
and then displayed in the browser.
The home page or landing page contains an explanation
4.2 System Design of the application, information, industry information and
a button to login to the user page.
The software design of the Job Training Management
Information System there are several types of designs,
including the design of use case diagrams and database

4.2.1 Use Case Diagram Design

Use case diagrams explain the relationship or interaction

between use cases and actors. Use case diagram of the
information system to be built can be seen in Figure 2.

Fig. 4. Home Page View

4.3.2 Information Page

The information page contains information about

practical work and can be accessed by non-users.

Fig. 2. Use Case Diagram Design.

4.2.2 Database Design

PDM (Physical Data Model) is a detailed description of

the database in physical form. The depiction of the PDM Fig. 5. Information Page Display
design shows the correct data storage structure in the
actual used database which can be seen in Figure 3.
4.3.3 Industrial Pages

The industrial page contains data on industrial places

that can be occupied to do practical work and can be
accessed by non-users in figure 6.

Fig. 6. Industrial Page Display

Fig. 3. Database Design

E3S Web of Conferences 328, 04026 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202132804026
ICST 2021

4.3.4 User Login N Test Test Expected Test

o. Items Scenario results result
The User Login page is used to access the user page (dosen KP value [ ] Fail
according to the registered user in figure 7. pembimb along with
ing) displaying
the value in
the form of
an average
Displayin The system is [√]Succee
g KP able to d
Nilai display the [ ] Fail
student's final
KP score
6. Company Enter The system [√]
Value company can input the Succeed
Form value KP value of [ ] Fail
the company
Fig. 7. User Login Display 7. Student Show The system is [√]
Registrati student able to Succeed
on Form data display [ ] Fail
4.4 System Test student data
This test is carried out to find out the results of the supervisor)
design on this Job Training Management Information Displayin The system is [√]
System has been going well or not, it also functions to g student able to Succeed
find out the shortcomings in the system that has been data on display [ ] Fail
made. In table 1 the test results show valid results. the test student data
Table 1. System Test. lecturer)
N Test Test Expected Test Displayin The system is [√]
o. Items Scenario results result g student able to Succeed
1. Login Enter the Then it will [√] guidance display [ ] Fail
form correct go to the Succeed data student data
username main page [ ] Fail (supervising
and lecturers)
password 8. Status Displays The system is [√]
Enter the The [√] Form the status able to Succeed
correct username and Succeed of the KP display the [ ] Fail
username password you [ ] Fail place status of the
and have entered student's KP
password are incorrect location,
2. Informatio Create, System [√] accepted or
n Manage Update, capable of Succeed rejected
Form Delete running [ ] Fail 9. KP Title Upload The system is [√]
data info CRUD Form the title able to Succeed
3. User Input The system [√] KP upload KP [ ] Fail
Manage data for can input a Succeed titles
Form superviso new user and [ ] Fail 10 Journal Journal The system is [√]
ns, display it . Form upload able to Succeed
examiner upload [ ] Fail
, journals
students. 11 KP KP The system is [√]
4. KP Place Input The system [√]Succee . Validation submissi able to accept Succeed
Form data for can input data d Form on / reject KP [ ] Fail
KP and on the [ ] Fail validatio applications
field location of n
superviso the KP and 12 Title Validatio The system is [√]
rs the field . Validation n of title able to Succeed
supervisor Form submissi accept/reject [ ] Fail
5. Form Input KP The system [√]Succee on title
Nilai KP value(ad can input the d submissions
min) KP value [ ] Fail 13 Guidance Apply for The system is [√]
along with . Form guidance able to Succeed
displaying upload [ ] Fail
the value in guidance files
the form of Guidance The system is [√]
an average validatio able to accept Succeed
Input The system [√]Succee n / reject the [ ] Fail
nilai KP can input the d guidance file

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ICST 2021

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