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SMA Negeri 3 Padang Panjang, West Sumatera
Email: azizahbatubara09@gmail.com
As many students of SMAN 3 Padang Panjang have problems in comprehending
English texts, some strategies, methods or techniques have been applied for years. In
fact, Collaborative Strategic Reading has become one of the best practices among
others. This strategy helps the students to guess the meaning of
words/phrases/sentences based on context, get the general idea, find explicit and
implicit information, summarize the text, get the gist, cope with the questions which
require the students’ higher order thinking and retell or summarize the content of the
text. Although the students needed to adapt with the strategy at the first time they did
it, they could finally achieve better reading comprehension as the writer analyzed the
problems faced by the students and improved the implementation of this strategy for
the next meeting. This strategy helped most students to minimize the difficulties in
guessing the meaning of words/phrases/sentences based on context, getting the
general idea, finding explicit and implicit informations, summarizing the text, getting
the gist and coping with the questions which require the students’ higher order
thinking skills as well as retelling or summarizing the content of the text. This best
practice report is aimed at exposing and sharing the experience about how
Collaborative Strategic Reading strategy was implemented and how this technique
can help the students to improve and overcome the problems found in reading
comprehension classes of grade XII in 2018/2019 academic year.
Key words: Collaborative Strategic Reading, improve, students’ reading
A. Introduction
Reading has become a very important skill that enable the students to
absorb various information they really need to gain the knowledge. This activity
involves the brain process as when people read, they do not only pronounce word
by word and sentence by sentence, but they certainly also think about the
meaning of the words and the sentences they read. Mayer (2003: 26) and Grabe
and Stoller (2002:9) in Hutabarat (2012:2) point out that reading comprehension
is an ability and a technique for improving students' success in extracting useful
knowledge from text. In order to gather the knowledge, the readers have to do
many efforts to understand the message that the writer really wants to convey
through the whole sentences they read otherwise reading will become an aimless
and useless activity.

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The good reading comprehension will certainly enable the students to

understand different kinds of knowledge. When the students’ reading
comprehension reaches the maximum level, they will be easier to absorb the
information from the text and use it to analyze every problems, cases,
phenomena or creative works; evaluate the symptoms, causes, problems or
certain cases and provide the solution, suggest the ideas or add some more
relevant resources to solve the problems. Brophy (1992:23) states that students
with such deeper conseptual knowledge are able to access information and use it
in different context as it is easily transferable to learn more knowledge either in
English or in different subjects.
Moreover, the students will not only be able to obtain the stated
information but also the unstated information if they have good reading
comprehension . In other words, they do not only ‘read on the lines’ but also
‘read between the lines’. They will always try to use any single clue in the the
text they read to guess the meaning of certain words and infer the hidden
information or ‘message’ the writer wants to communicate through the text.
Also, they will not only be encouraged to read intensively but also
extensively. Intensive reading focuses on the linguistic and semantic aspects of
the text chosen by the teacher whereas extensive reading deal with the general
understanding on the long text they chose to read (Brown, 2001:312). This is
supported by Nation (2009: 25 &49) who stated that intensive reading has been
defined as a means of increasing learner’s knowledge of language features and
their control of reading strategies and extensive reading is a form of learning
from meaning focused input as during extensive reading, learners should be
interested in what they are reading. They will love reading very much and this is
good for their learning success.
However, as far as the writer is concerned, many students in grade XII of
SMAN 3 Padang Panjang do not have good reading comprehension skills in
English. They lack of adequate abilities to understand and get the gists from the
text they read. They have great difficulties in guessing meaning of words from
context, getting the main ideas, and finding implicit information, as well as
summarizing the topic and theme. Obviously, many students have not applied
their higher order thinking skills: analyzing, evaluating and creating. They might
be able to answer concrete questions or recall stated details as they could usually
name characters, things or places but they find it difficult to get the gist of the

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text, comparing one ideas to another, and using new information to get new
conclusion. Thus, making inference, identifying the big picture and rewriting the
main points of the text will be a hard task for them.
The condition above lead to the students’ failure in getting the meaning
and message from what they read and the new information they really have to
absorb. They are having problems in relating and expressing their ideas to
support the facts, opinions or arguments they find in the text. This is showed by
the score they achieved in daily test. The averarage score was only 67,56 in their
daily test while in mid semester test, the students got even worse worse scores
(56,76). That condition shows that students , are having problems in reading
comprehension and need a treatment to improve, otherwise they will fail in
reading and this will restrict them to improve their knowledge in broader area.
Casey (2002: 3) states that failing to learn to read and write in the early years will
result in more special education placement, retention, and poor self-esteem for
the learners than any other cause.
Therefore, some methods and techniques were applied to overcome the
problems faced by the students in reading comprehension. As Martha (1982:4)
claimed that reading is such a complex process that it is important to be taught
intentionally at schools, thus teaching the students some techniques and methods
to read will certainly ease them in reading. One of the techniques applied has
become one of the best techniques to minimize the students’ difficulties and
improve their reading comprehension. This technique is called Collaborative
Strategic Reading. In applying this technique, the students are encouraged to do 4
activities (preview, click and clunk, get the gist, and wrap up) in three phases:
before reading, whilst reading, and after reading (Klingner, J. K., & Vaughn,
B. The Problems and The strategy of problem Solving
1. The Problems
Based on the background of the problem introduced, the problems are
formulated as follows:
1) How is the Collaborative Strategic Reading applied in reading
comprehension classes of grade XII social science 1 of SMAN 3 Padang
2) How does the Collaborative Strategic Reading implementation improve
the students’ reading comprehension of grade XII social science 1 of
SMAN 3 Padang Panjang?

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2. The strategy of problem Solving

a. The Description of Problem Solving Strategy
Based on the problems identified, the writer decided to apply
Collaborative Strategic Reading. This is a strategy which enable the
students to work together in groups to understand the unfamiliar words,
get the gists of the text and to sum up the whole content of the text .
Klingner and Vaughn (1998:32) state that this strategy is an excellent
technique for teaching students reading comprehension and building
vocabulary and also working together cooperatively.
This strategy includes a set of activities: Preview, Clicks and
Clunks, Get the Gist, and Wrap-up in three phases of reading
comprehension classes: before reading, whilst reading and after reading.
Previewing is done in the phase of before reading; Clicks and Clunks
together with Get the Gist are done in the phase of whilst reading; and
Wrap up is included in the phase of after reading.
In previewing, the students are required to brainstorm what
they have already known about the topic and predict what will be
discussed in the text. Click and clunk includes the activities of fixing the
unfamiliar words, get the gist is the activity to find the importan ideas
related to the important person, place and things in the text and wrap up is
the activity which requires the students to sum up and question the text to
get the summary of the text.
b. The Implementation of the Strategy
The Collaborative Strategic Reading was implemented in two
stages. The first stage was for the students to do this strategy individually
and in the next stage, the students applied this strategy in groups of 5
1) Individual Work
Before reading
a) Preview
 Brainstorm
Students were encouraged to preview the headings and
subheadings, bold-typed and underlined words, charts, pictures
or graphs and relating them with their background knowledge by

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answering the question: “ Have I known something about this?

What does it mean to me?”
 Predict
The students were also led to predict about “what will they
read or learn in the text?”. This activity activates their thinking to
guess what the reading text will discuss about. They were also
encouraged to start reading from the current position of their
understanding. This made them aware of the new information
they would find in the text.
Whilst reading
b) Clicks and clunks
Clicks are all the words, phrases, sentences that the readers
have already known while ‘clunks’ are all unfamiliar words,
phrases, sentences. In this stage, the students were encouraged to
guess the unfamiliar words, phrases and sentences (clunks) by the
help of the familiar words, phrases and sentences (clicks) and do the
fix-up strategies to get the meaning of them. The strategies include:
 Rereading the sentence without the clunks and find out what
make sense;
 Rereading the sentence with the clunks as well as the sentences
before and after it to get the clue from the context formed by the
words around;
 Analyzing the form of the words based on the prefix and suffix
added to them to get the understanding;
 Finding the smallest part of the word (without prefix and suffix)
to get the meaning;
These activities made the students learn that they could guess
the meaning of the unfamiliar words from the context formed by the
words around, rather than checking their dictionaries all the time.
c) Getting the gist
The students were encouraged to get the gist by identifying the
important person, place, or thing and the ideas that go along with
them in each paragraph. This was done by prompting them: “what is
the important idea found in the text?” “Who has become the
important person in this paragraph?” “Where did this process

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happen?” “What does the writer say in this paragraph?” Then, the
students were required to write the gist from each paragraph by
using simple sentence. Finding the gists also helped the students to
find the main idea of each paragraph. Klingner and Vaughn (1998:
33) suggest teaching students to provide the gist in as few words as
possible while conveying the most meaning, leaving out details.
Students were taught to do this by writing the main points (person,
place, thing) and the important ideas about them next to the
paragraph or they were required to complete the following table:
Table 1: Get the gist
No. Important Ideas
Parag- Person:
raph I


When the students have completed their table with the gists
they got from the text, then the teacher asked the students to swap
their tables and give comments to each other. This activity
encouraged the students to activate their critical thinking when they
analyzed the gist and when they wrote it in their own words.
After Reading Phase
d) Wrap Up
In this phase, they were encouraged to question what they
have understood from the text. They were taught to write the
questions which need both lower order thinking and higher order
thinking skills. The questions which need lower order thinking
skills are about the details, the facts and the information which is
explicitly written in the text and can be easily identified. Thus,
writing this type of questions are not really hard for them. The
questions which need higher order thinking skills are supported by
providing the stems. Klingner and Vaughn (1998:35) provided the
example of the stems of higher level questions below:
 How were __ and __ the same? Different? What do you think
would happen if ___?

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 What do you think caused ___ to happen?

 What other solution can you think of for the problem of ___?
 What might have prevented the problem of ___ from happening?
 What are the strengths (or weaknesses) of ___?
Dalton and Smith (1986:36) proposed the types of questions
the teacher can offer in the effort to activate the students higher order
thinking in checking their comprehension. The extract of them are
shown in the forms of the following tables:

Useful Verbs Sample Question Stems

analyze Which events could have happened...?

distinguish If ... happened, what might the ending have been?
examine How was this similar to...?
compare What was the underlying theme of...?
contrast What do you see as other possible outcomes?
investigate Why did ... changes occur?
categorize Can you compare your ... with that presented in...?
identify How is ... similar to ...?
explain What are some of the problems of...?
separate Can you distinguish between... and ..?
advertise What were some of the motives behind...?

Useful Verbs Sample Question Stems
judge What are the strengths and weaknesses of...
select Judge the value of...
choose Do you think ... is a good or a bad thing?
decide What changes to ... would you recommend?
verify Are you a ... person?
recommend How would you feel if...?
assess How effective are...?
determine What do you think about...?

Useful Verbs Sample Question Stems

create Can you design a ... to ...?

invent Why not compose a song about...?
compose Can you see a possible solution to...?
predict If you had access to all resources how would you deal
plan with...?
construct Why don't you devise your own way to deal with...?
design What would happen if...?
imagine How many ways can you...?
propose Can you create new and unusual uses for...?
devise Can you write a new recipe for a tasty dish?
Some of the stems above were chosen to help the students to
explore their knowledge on getting the implicit information from the
text, analyzing the structure of the text, comparing the ideas in the text,

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evaluating the ideas in the text, retelling the content of the text,
generating and offering other solutions for the problems found in the
text etc. When the students can ask some questions about the content
of the text, it means that the students have gotten the content of the
text, therefore teachers are required to develop the effective reading
activities in the classroom (Harmer, 1998:68). Also, their creative and
critical thinking are absolutely improved. It is the teacher’s role to
facilitate them to use the stems of questions. The teacher is suggested
to model and teach this activity before asking the students to do it by
To review the students understanding on the whole content of
the text, they were required to reflect and rewrite briefly what they
have learned. The following chart was used to begin the reflection:
Today I learn about___________________________________
_______________________. The lesson taught by the text

2) Group Work
After doing the individual activities of Collaborative Strategic
Reading, then the students were led to do the group activity. The
students were grouped consists of 5 students. The members of the group
were given roles:
a) The leader
The leader who led the members to do the strategies in the
Collaborative Strategic Reading by saying what to read next and
which strategy to apply.
b) The announcer and Reporter
The announcer who called on different members to read or to state
their ideas. She/he would make sure only one person to talk at a
time. During the Wrap Up session, this student was also responsible

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for reporting the main ideas the group learned at the most and shared
the most important question that the group has generated to the class
c) The clunk expert
This student used the clunk cards to remind the members what
strategy could be used to fix the clunks
d) The gist experts (2 students)
The students wrote down the important person, place or things and
the ideas that go along with them. These students with the support
from the other members tried to get the main points of each
To do the activities, each group used a learning log, clunk
cards (the strategies to fix the clunks), and the worksheet to answer
the questions in the ‘get the gist’ and ‘wrap up’ session. The
followings are the forms needed to implement the Collaborative
Strategic Reading :
a) Learning Log
Collaborative Strategic Reading LEARNING LOG
Before Reading During Reading After Reading
Preview Wrap up
Knowledge. What do Clunks : Make a list! Questions and
you know about the discussions:
topic? 1.

Prediction. What will The gist: Write down Review:What did

you learn? the gist for each section you learn?
Section A

Section B

Section C

Section D

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b) Clunk Cards
1 2
Reread the sentence Reread the sentence with
without the words and the clunks and the
think about what would sentence before and after
make sense the clunks to get the clues

3 4
Analyze the prefix or
Break the words to find the
suffix of the words that
smallest part of the word
might help to get the clues
that you know

c) Get the gist worksheet

Table 1: The important person, place and things
No. Important Ideas
Parag- Person:
raph I


Parag- Person:
raph 2


Table 2. Get the Gist

The gist of each paragraph
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5

d) Wrap Up worksheet
No. Write the questions that can be scanned in the text, you may start
with QW: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How!
(Tulislah pertanyaan yang jawabannya dapat langsung
ditemukan di dalam teks, awali pertanyaanmu dengan Who,
What, When, Where, Why and How!)

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No. Answers

No. Try to write the questions to show that we understand the

implicit information that need HOTS!
Berikut panduan untuk menulis pertanyaan yang bisa digunakan :
1.  How were and the same? Different? (to
2. compare=membandingkan)
3.  What do you think would happen if ?
(menganalisa akibat)
 What do you think caused to happen? (menganalisa
 What other solution can you think of for the problem of
? (mengajukan solusi )
6.  What might have prevented the problem of from
7. happening? (mengajukan pendapat)
8.  What are the strengths (or weaknesses) of ?
9.  How do you evaluate about _____? (mengevaluasi)
 What can we infer about the main characteristics of _____?
(menangkap informasi tersirat)
 How do you distinguish ____ from ______? (membedakan 1
dari sekumpulan hal/benda)

No. Write your HOTS QUESTIONS : Answer

1. 1.
2. 2.
4. 5

C. The Result and Discussion

1. The Result
The implementation of Collaborative Strategic Reading has resulted
some improvements. First, as they were given the chance to preview the whole
text in only 2 – 3 minutes, students were encouraged to think more critically
since the very beginning as they were required to brainstorm anything that they
have already known about the topic and predict what information they would
get from the text before reading carefully each section of text. They looked at

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the headings, bold-typed or underlined words, charts, pictures, tables, graphs to

help them previewing. All the students of grade XII IS1 completed the
worksheet or learning log very carefully and shared their best ideas to each
other in the group in a 1 or 2 minutes. They really expected the reading
comprehension activity to prove their prediction. They were also ready to read
and relate their background knowledge to the information they will find in the
Next, By implementing this strategy, the students were eager to struggle
to get the clues from context or the words and sentences that might help them
to guess the meaning of the clunks (unfamiliar words). They learned that
those words could be understood by analysing the context and they need to
reread the sentence without the word to think what word would make sense to
be placed there or they might get the clues from the sentences before or after
the sentence with the clunk. They also realized that the prefix and suffix could
give them the clues to guess the meaning of the words or they can find the
smallest part of the word they might know. Those improvements are still
shown by students until now. Thus, this activity has engaged the students to
read and has minimized the students’ reluctancy in reading activity due to the
vocabulary problems.
Another good progress is that the students are getting better in getting
the main points from each paragraph they read. Now, they want to share what
they think to be the most important place, person or things in each paragraph
and the important ideas about them with their own words. They also improve
their ability in finding the stated or unstated information or main ideas as they
practice a lot to do it through ‘get the gist’ activity.
The last improvement lies on the students progress on summing up and
retelling what they understand and learn from the text. They practiced these a
lot through questioning activity in ‘wrap up’ session. The questions include
those which activate their low order thinking and high order thinking. They
develop their ability in retelling the information they get from the text by
asking the question by using who, how, where, when and why and they begin
asking critical questions by using the stems given. Step by step, they can
compare the informations in different paragraphs, make an inference about the
facts given, identify the components of the text based on the structure or
analyze causes and effects. The students can also be guided to provide other

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solution to overcome the problem found in the text. The students chose 5 best
questions to wrote in the learning log and write the answers. Then, they could
exchange the questions to the other groups. Once they could do this process
very well, they would be able to sum up the whole content of the text.
As the whole package, the students have improved the way they process
the text. They have changed the way they perceive the text and the way they
read. By implementing the collaborative strategic reading, the students are
engaged in reading and they are not reluctant to continue reading although they
found some difficult words. They work quite hard to get the gist of each
paragraph. Thus, when they were given the reading comprehension test, they
could do it better and this can be seen through the result they get. Before the
implementation of the strategy, the students average score was 67,56 for their
daily exam and 56,76 in their mid semester test. But after applying this
strategy, the students can achive the average score of 77,19 in their reading
comprehension test and the writer is sure that they can do even better in the
next reading tests.

2. The obstacles
In applying this strategy, the writer needs to cope with the following
a. The students’ self confidence

Some students were not self confident in implementing the

strategy by themselves and still need the writer’s guidance otherwise they
would disturb other students by asking and cheating. When the writer
modelled the strategy and involved the students, all of them could do the
whole strategy and they said that they do not find difficulties. But when
they did it individually then they were not self confident to do those steps
and they asked the writer or other students for more guidance. To cope
with this problem, the students were given more guidance after the class
in order to improve their understanding on the strategy and this certainly
would also improve their self confidence.
b. Students’ Commitment
Another thing which need the improvement was the commitment
to do each stage of the strategy based on the time alocation provided.
Some students did not strict to the time and the activity needed more time

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to finish. For example, it was said that in previewing, they were given 2
minutes to read the headings, bold typed or underlined words, charts,
pictures etc but then they did it slower. In another time, they were given
chance to fix the clunks for about 10 minutes and get the gist from each
section (paragraph) for about 15 minutes. But then some of the students
did another things and did not focus on the activities they were doing. As
the result, the students could not finish the task on time. Therefore, the
students’ commitment and discipline needed to be improved to ensure
their success.
c. Monitoring tool
The writer prepared the monitoring tools only for the group works
as for individual works, the writer did the monitoring by walking around
the class to give some helps when needed and made sure that the students
really did their activities. However, sometimes there were a few students
in the class who did not follow the whole instructions given in their
worksheet. If the writer only reminded them, then they would focus for a
while but then they would do it again. On the other hand, when the students
joined the group activity, they worked seriously based on the roles that
have beed determined for them. They focused on the steps they had to do in
applying the strategy and they collaborated quite well. This might because
they had been awared of the activities that they had to do as they had got
the experience when the teacher taught and modelled the strategy for the
first time followed by two meetings for their individual exercises on
different texts. Another cause could be the fact that the group activities are
monitored by using teacher and peer observation checklists. Thus, the
writer decided to use an observation checklist for individual works next

3. The Supporting Factors

a. Students

Most of the students of grade XII Social Science 1 like the

challenges. They considered the activities like previewing, fixing the
clunks, getting the gist, and wrapping up the whole information in the
text as the challenges for them. In individual activity, they began to
enjoy the experience when they could guess the unfamiliar words earlier

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than other students or when they could be the first person to say the most
important part of the paragraph/section they read. These also happened in
applying the group activity. The students were competing in getting the
important information in the text and providing the best questions to
exchange with each other among the groups. Although this activity was
hard to do for the first time, but once they understood one step, they were
eager to do it several times. This ensured the writer to use this strategy
for reading comprehension activity.

b. Teacher
Teacher is the director and facilitator of the whole classroom
learning activities. The teacher set the plans and she implemented all she
has planned. The teacher had to prepare plan A and plan B before she
comes to the classroom. Whenever unexpected problems happened, then
changes and improvements on the plan/scenario had to be done. The
implementation of the Collaborative Strategic Reading required the
teacher to be creative and well-prepared.

c. Material and Resources

Engaging the students in reading comprehension activities
based on the Collaborative Strategic Reading strategy in reading
comprehension class of grade XII IPS1 was not an easy task if it was not
supported by appropriate learning materials and resources. When the
students were engaged in individual activity, they needed to work on the
worksheet provided, otherwise they will not do the whole activities well.
In group works, the materials like learning logs, clunks cards, get the
gist worksheet and wrap up worksheet helped the implementation of the
strategy very much.

4. Alternative Improvement
Regarding the importance of the reading comprehension skills for
students, the teacher is always challenged to develop more interesting
reading activities. Collaborative Strategic Reading has become one of the
best strategies to be implemented in reading comprehension classes.
However, it still needs these following improvements :

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a. Extra guidance for slow learners and the students who have
learning difficulties
For the students who were slow learners or those who had
learning difficulties, the teacher need to provide extra time to guide them
to be able to do the whole activities included in the Collaborative
Strategic Reading. When the students understand what to do and they are
able to do the activities by themselves then they will have good self

b. Using Alarm Timer for reminding the students on the time limit of
each activity
Using this type of timer can promote the competition climate
among the students and this can absolutely encourage them to commit
with the time allocation determined for each stages in the strategy
applied. This will help them to improve their discipline to do the activities

c. Providing observation checklist for monitoring individual activity

This observation checklist will help the teacher to monitor the
students activity so that the teacher can make sure that every student are
doing the activities seriously based on the worksheet given
d. Socializing the Collaborative Strategic Reading
As an alternative solution in coping with the reading
comprehension problems, Collaborative Strategic Reading need to be
shared in English Teachers Association of Padang Panjang and of West
Sumatera. By sharing this strategy, it is expected that more teachers can
apply it in their classrooms and it will broaden the impact of the

D. Conclusion and Suggestion

Based on the discussion on the previous sections, it is concluded that
collaborative Strategic Reading was implemented in two stages: individual work
and group work. Each stage includes 4 (four) activities namely preview, click and
clunk, get the gist and wrap up. In individual work, the students do all of the 4
(four) activities by themselves, but in group work, each member of each group
will get the role to participate actively in the group in applying those 4 (four)

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Based on the test result and the progress that students make, this strategy
has helped the students to improve their reading comprehension. The class average
score has improved from 67, 56 into 77,19. The improvement also lies on the
students’ ways to process the text. They are ready to connect their background
knowledge to what they read in the text. They also begin to engage in reading
although they found the unfamiliar words while reading. They will fix the clunks
and they do not stop reading. Although it was very hard for them to find the gist
and sum up the whole text by questioning themselves, they kept doing it. This
enabled them to find the explicit and implicit information and coping with the
questions that need highe rorder thinking However some students still need
more guidance to be aware of the activity and build their self confident. Some
other needs to build stronger commitment to work on the activites based on the
time alocation given. Finally some improvement in the monitoring tools.
Regarding the improvements and the positive impact achieved by the
students, the writer suggeststhat this strategy need to be applied for teaching
reading comprehension of different genres of text during the semester for better

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