MPHY Paper

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Mathematical Physics
M.Sc. Physics (MSCPHY-20)
Ist Semester, Examination, June 2022

Time : 2 Hours Max. Marks : 40

Note : This paper is of Forty (40) marks divided into two (02)
Sections A and B. Attempt the questions contained in
these sections according to the detailed instructions
given therein.
(Long-answer – type questions)
Note : Section ‘A’ contains Five (05) long-answer-type
questions of Ten (10) marks each. Learners are
required to answer any Two (02) questions only.

1. (a) State and prove the orthogonality of Legendre’s polynomials

(b) Solve Bessel’s differential equation
d 2 y dy
x2 2
  ( x 2  x 2 ) y  0 and determine its solution when x
dx dx
is an integer.
C-144 1
2. (a) Find the Fourier transform of (x) = 1 – x2 x<1

O x >1
(b) Apply Laplace transform to solve:
+ y = 6 Cos2t
Given that :
Y = 3, = 1 When t = 0
3. Find the Fourier cosine transformation of et (Gaussian).

4. Find the solution of the Laplace’s equation in Cartesian

coordinate system.

5. Define the covariant and contravariant tensors and discuss the

contraction and extension of the rank of tensors.

(Short – answer – type questions)
Note : Section ‘B’ contains Eight (08) short – answer type
questions of Five (5) marks each. Learners are required to
answer any Four (04) questions only. (4×5 = 20)

C-144 2
1. Show that :-
Hn (–x) = (–1)x Hn (x)

2. Using Rodrigue’s formula show that :


Pn (x) dx = 0 f or (n  0 )

3. Show that when n is a positive integer Jn (x) = (-1)n Jn (x)

4. State and prove the frequency shifting property in Fourier


5. Explain the simple properties of Laplace transforms.

6. Explain summation convention and define Kronecker

delta function.

7. Discuss chriostofell symbols with applications.

8. Show that the Fourier transform of Gaussian function is

also Gaussian in the corresponding Fourier space.


C-144 3

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