IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22 - (Answers & Solutions)
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22 - (Answers & Solutions)
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22 - (Answers & Solutions)
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In Part A2 (Q. No. 25 to 32) each question has four alternatives out of which any number of alternative(s)
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IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
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1. Knowing that the parallel currents attract, the observed to be moving to the right along the x-
inward pressure on the curved surface of a thin 4
axis with a speed of v . There are no external
walled, long hollow metallic cylinder of radius 5
R = 50 cm carrying a current of i = 2 amp parallel forces acting during the collision. The correct
to its axis distributed uniformly over the entire option is
circumference, is
(a) 2.05 × 10–1 Nm–2 (b) 2.55 × 10–3 Nm–2
(c) 2.05 × 10–5 Nm–2 (d) 2.55 × 10–7 Nm–2
Answer (d)
= 10–7 ) 2 3.14
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
h varies from to O.
Solving for t we get,
17R 2 R
60a g
PS = 25viˆ 1 Q2
Sol. F = 2
40 L
3. A large hemispherical water tank of radius R is
filled with water initially upto a height h = . The
PL2 =
1 2
2 Q
( ) ……(1)
water starts dripping out through a small orifice of
1 Q
cross-section area ‘a’ at its spherical bottom. The V=
40 L
time taken to get the tank completely empty
(neglect viscosity) is Q = V0L ……………….(2)
From (1) and (2)
19R 2 R 3R 2 R
(a) t= (b) t=
60a g 10a g 1 1
PL2 = V 202L2
0 L
2 )
17R 2
R R 2
t= t=
P = 0V2L–2 0 = ( Pa ) L V
(c) (d) 1 2 –2
60a g 4a g
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
t = tA→B + t
3 100
= +
2 330
= 1.5 + 0.3
= 1.8 s 1
2 − 2 2 1 − 2
6. On a right angled transparent triangular prism
ABC, when a ray of light is incident on face AB,
2 + 1 22
parallel to the hypotenuse BC, it emerges out of
the prism grazing along the surface AC. If instead 3
the ray is made incident on face AC, parallel to 2
the hypotenuse CB it gets totally reflected on face
AB. The refractive index of the material of the 7. A circular disc of radius R = 10 cm is uniformly
prism is rolling on a horizontal surface with a velocity
v = 4 ms–1 of centre of mass without slipping, the
3 time taken by the disc to have the speed of point
(a) 2 (b) 2
2 A (which lies on the circumference) equal to the
present speed of point B (point B lies midway
(c) 3 2 (d) between centre and the point A) is
Answer (b)
v A initial = 8 m/s
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
1 b2 k
mv 02 1 − 2 = rm−2
2 r 2
6R k
r = 10−10 1010 1 − 2 −2
= krm
v r
r −1 3
= cos−1 = cos 4 1
2R krm−2 =
= 2 = 2 cos−1
4 rm = 2b
Sol. S.A. =
As per given statement,
N N0 3
mass mass 5
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
In questions 10 and 11, mark your answer as : 12. Consider the process of the melting of a spherical
(a) If statement I is true and statement II is true and ball of ice originally at 0° C. Assuming that the
also if the statement II is a correct explanation of heat is being absorbed uniformly through the
statement I
surface and the rate of absorption is proportional
(b) If statement I is true and statement II is true but
the statement II is not a correct explanation of to the instantaneous surface area. Which of the
statement I following is true for the radius (r) of the ice ball at
(c) If statement I is true but statement II is false any instant of time? Assume that the initial radius
(d) If statement I is false but statement II is true of the ice ball at t = 0 is r = R0 and that the shape
10. Statement I : Work done in bringing a charge q
of the ball always remains spherical during
from infinity to the centre of a uniformly charged
non-conducting solid sphere of radius R (with a melting. Also assume that L and are
total charge Q) is zero.
respectively the latent heat and density of ice at
Statement II : The potential difference between
0° C
the centre and the surface of the uniformly
charged non-conducting solid sphere of radius R (a) Radius decreases exponentially with time as
1 Q
(with a total charge Q) is . kt
40 2R −
r = R0 e . Here k is constant
Answer (d)
Sol. Statement-I is false as work done in bringing (b) Radius decreases exponentially with time
charge q from infinity to the centre of uniformly
k t
charged non-conducting solid sphere of radius R −
as r = R e 2L
3kQq 0
is equal to + .
(c) Radius of the ice ball decreases with time
Statement-II is true because of the potential
difference between centre and the surface of k
linearly with a slope −
kQ L
uniformly charged sphere being equal to .
(d) Radius of the ice ball decreases with time
11. Statement I: The current flowing through a p-n
junction is more in forward bias than that in the k
linearly with a slope −
reverse bias. 2L
Statement II: The diffusion current, dominant in
Answer (c)
forward bias, is more than the drift current,
dominant in the reverse bias.
Answer (a) Sol. = k r 2
Sol. Statement-I : In forward bias current is of the
order of milli-amperes while in reverse bias dQ dm
=− L
current is of the order of micro amperes as in dt dt
reverse bias current is because of minority current
carriers. dr
= −4r 2 L
Statement-II : When a diode is forward biased dt
diffusion current increases as the external field
applied makes potential will lesser steep. In dr −k
reverse bias the hill grows steeper making =
dt 4 L
diffusion current negligible while drift current
dominates. Majority carriers being higher in
dr −k
concentration make diffusion current dominant in =
dt L
forward bias.
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
13. The work done by the three moles of an ideal gas 14. The molar specific heat capacity of a certain gas
in the cyclic process ABCD shown in the diagram P
is expressed as C = CV + .
is approximately. Given that T
T1 = 100 K, T2 = 200 K and The equation of state for the process can be
written as ( & A are constant)
T3 = 600 K, T4 = 300 K
(a) PV = RT
(b) V = T2
(c) V2 = lnT
(d) T = Ae
Answer (d)
Sol. Given C = CV +
(a) 7.5 kJ PdV = dT
(b) 5.0 kJ
V2 T2
(c) 2.5 kJ dV = T
V1 T1
(d) Zero
Answer (b) V2 − V1 = ln
V2 −V1
T e
2 = V
T1 1
T = Ae
WAB = 0 (As V = constant) 15. A metal bar of length moves with a velocity
WBC = PB (VC – VB) parallel to an infinitely long straight wire carrying
a current I as shown in the figure. If the nearest
= nR(TC – TB)
end of the perpendicular bar always
= 3R (400) remains at a distance 2 from the current
= 1200R carrying wire, the potential difference (in volt)
between two ends of the moving bar is
WCD = 0 (As V = constant)
WDA = PD (VA – VD)
= nR(TA – TD)
= –600 R
WABCD = 1200 + 0 + 0 – 600R 0 I 0 I
(a) (b)
= 600R 2 6
= 600 × 8.314 0I 0I
(c) n2 (d) n 1.5
5 kJ 2 2
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
0Iv 3
= ln
2 2 (a) Clockwise from 0 to T/2 and anticlockwise
0Iv from T/2 to T
= ln(1.5)
2 (b) Anticlockwise from 0 to T/2 and clockwise
16. Two point charges +Q each are located at (0, 0) from T/2 to T
and (L, 0) at a distance L apart on the X -axis. The (c) Clockwise from 0 to T
electric field (E) in the region 0 < x < L is best
represented by (d) Anticlockwise from 0 to T
Answer (a)
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
Answer (b)
Sol. We know that Ering =
(R + x2 )3/2
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
Sol. For a variable mass system, we know that 23. A thin uniform metallic rod of length L and radius
dm R rotates with an angular velocity in a horizontal
Fthrust = v rel
dt plane about a vertical axis passing through one of
FBD of rain drop would be : its ends. The density and the Young’s modulus of
the material of the rod are and Y respectively.
The elongation in its length is
22. Two planets, each of mass M and radius R are Answer (b)
positioned (at rest) in space, with their centres a
Sol. Let us analyse an element of the rod :
distance 4R apart. You wish to fire a projectile
from the surface of one planet to the other. The
minimum initial speed for which this may be
possible is
(a) (b)
5R 3R
(c) (d) The element is accelerated towards left at the
3R 2R
shown moment. Forces (horizontal) on the
Answer (b)
element act at x (due to the left portion of the rod)
and at x + dx (due to the right portion of the rod).
Let tension at x be T and at x + dx be T + dT
FBD of element is :
Since planets have same mass and radius, field
at the mid-point of AB (let’s say C) would be zero.
Field in the region AC would be towards left and By 2nd law :
field in the region CB would be towards right. –dT = (·A·dx)(x2)
If we can make the projectile just reach C, then Where A : area of cross section
it can reach the surface of B. T x
dT = −A x dx
Now, conserving energy (let m be the mass of
0 L
A2 2
1 2 –GMm –GMm 1 –GMm T = (L − x 2 )
mvmin + + = m(0)2 + 2 2
2 R 3R 2 2R
Elemental extension in this element would be
= Vmin = A2 2 dx
3R = (L − x 2 )
2 AY
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IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
y= L =
A2 2 dx
Total extension = 2 (L − x ) Ay
K = E – V ……(1)
Since K is always greater than or equal to 0, the
particle cannot exist if V becomes more than E.
Also, since in the diagram given, V is less than E
for a finite range of x the particle always
remains in that finite range.
Finally, more the gap between E and V more
the speed More the magnitude of momentum.
Graph (a) satisfies these conditions.
25. A parallel beam of light is made incident (as (a) Light rays come out at the curved, surface
shown) on the flat diametric plane of a transparent for values of in the range 75° 165°.
semi-circular thin sheet of thickness t(t << R) of (b) The range of angle is independent of the
refractive index µ = 2 at an angle of 45°. As a angle of incidence.
result of refraction, the light enters the semi- (c) The range of angle depends on the
circular sheet and comes out at its curved refractive index of the material
(d) All the emergent rays of light shall cross the
line OP which is a refracted ray at = 120°
Here is the angle between the vertical diameter
AB and the concerned radius of the semicircular
sheet of radius R.
Answer (a, b, c, d)
Sol. Let refractive index of medium is .
For min, must be critical angle.
So, = sin−1
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IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
Answer (a, b, c, d)
l T1 1
ix 0 = A ln ……..(i)
1 1
Similarly for max = 90 + sin−1 + sin−1
2 T
For whole rod il = A ln 1 …..(ii)
For = 2 T2
min = 75 and max = 165 Option (a) T
ln 1
range = max − min x T
So, =
l T
= 2 sin−1 ln 1
range is independent of angle of incidence. 3l
For x =
Option (b) 4
range depends on . Option (c)
T = 17.32ºC Option (a)
Both rays from (OA and OB) will deviate towards
OP, so they will cross the ray. Option (d) l
For x =
26. A certain rod of uniform area of cross section 4
A (A = 1.0 cm2) with its length = 2 m is thermally
insulated on its lateral surface. The thermal T = 51.96ºC Option (b)
conductivity (K) of the material of the rod varies
From equation (ii)
with temperature T as K = where is a
T i T
constant. The two ends of the rod are maintained = ln 1
A l T2
at temperature of T1 = 90°C and T2 = 10°C. The
correct option(s) is /are = 1.1 Option (c)
(a) The temperature at 50 cm from the colder
end is 17.32°C A dT
From equation (i) = –
(b) The temperature of 50 cm from the hotter T dx
end is 51.96°C
dT i
(c) The rate of heat flow per unit area of cross or – = T
section of the rod is 1.1 in SI units. dx A
(d) The temperature gradient is numerically So, temperature gradient at hotter end is higher.
higher near the hot end compare to that near
the cold end. Option (d)
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IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
27. Positronium is a short-lived (10–9 s) bound state (d) A beam of rays incident parallel to principal
of an electron and a positron (a positively charged axis focuses at 48 cm behind the lens if
particle with mass and charge equal (in water = fills the entire space behind
magnitude) to an electron) revolving round their
the surface of radius R2 = 60 cm. The object
common centre of mass. If E0, v0 and a0 are space prior to the surface of radius R1 = 20
respectively the ground state energy, the orbital cm is air.
speed of electron in first orbit and the radius of the Answer (a, b, d)
first (n = 1) Bohr orbit for Hydrogen atom, the
Sol. Using lens maker formula
corresponding quantities E, v and a for the
positronium are 1 1 1
= ( − 1) −
E0 f R1 R2
(a) E=
2 1 1 1
= (1.5 − 1) −
(b) a = a0 f 20 −60
(c) a = 2a0 So, f = 30 cm Option (a)
(d) E = E0, v = v0, a = a0 If the surface is silvered. That surface will become
Answer (a, c) mirror of focal length of 30 cm. Using combination
Sol. From Bohr’s equation
1 1 2 1
Em = − =−
fM −30 30 10
a Or fM = –10 cm Option (b)
We will use refraction from lens then refraction
& v m0 from curved surface so let the image made by
E m 1 lens is at v1 and the final image made by curved
So, = eff =
E0 m0 2 surface is at v for the object placed at .
E0 For first image
E= Option (a)
2 1 1 1
− =
a m v1 30
= 0
a0 meff For second image
a = 2a0 Option (c) 5
28. A thin double convex lens of radii of curvature 5 1 3
− =
R1 = 20 cm and R2 = 60 cm is made-up of a 3v v1 −60
transparent material of refractive index µ = 1.5. on adding
Choose the correct options(s)
5 1 1 1
(a) The focal length of the lens is f = 30 cm when = − =
3v 30 90 45
in air.
v = 75 cm
(b) The lens behaves as a concave mirror of
Option (c) is incorrect.
focal length fM = 10 cm when silvered on the
Behaving as converging lens.
surface of radius R2 = 60 cm
Similarly solving for option (d)
(c) The lens behave as a concave lens
(diverging lens) if the image space beyond 1 1
R2 = 60 cm radius surface is filled with a v1 30
5 4
transparent liquid of refractive index =
. −1
3 4 1
− = 3
The object space prior to the surface of 3v v1 −60
radius R1 = 20 cm is air. On solving v = 48 cm option (d)
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(d) no electric field is detectable outside the (b) The maximum tension in the string is
solenoid. 9
Tmax = mg
Answer (a, b, c)
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collision is = 4 (b) The value of constant b is b = 2
(b) The velocity of mass m on the track is (c) The average energy density of the em wave
4U0 is U = 6.5 × 10–6 0 in SI units
3m (d) The amplitude of magnetic field is B = 1.20
(c) The time taken to collide for the first time is × 10–11 Tesla
m Answer (a, c, d)
t1 = 2R
3U0 Sol. Direction of propagation is the unit vector
(d) The time taken for the second collision is iˆ + 2 ˆj + 3kˆ
2m 14
t2 = 2R
3U0 Electric field is ⊥ to direction of propagation
Vr = = c = 3 14 108
m 14
2R m U= 0 E02 = 6.5 10 –6 0
t1 = = 2R 2
Vr 3U0
E0 13 10 –3
Since collision are elastic, Vr does not change B0 = = = 1.20 10 –11T
c 3 108
❑ ❑ ❑
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