Sugarcane Seed Production - Indian Scenario
Sugarcane Seed Production - Indian Scenario
Sugarcane Seed Production - Indian Scenario
India is the largest producer of sugar in the world. In terms of sugarcane production, India and Brazil are almost equally
placed. In Brazil, out of the total cane available for crushing, 45% goes for sugar production and 55% for the production
of ethanol directly from sugarcane juice. This gives the sugar industry in Brazil an additional flexibility to adjust its
sugar production keeping in view the sugar price in the international market as nearly 40% of the sugar output is
exported. The annual projected growth rate in the area under sugarcane at 1.5% per annum has doubled during the last
five years. This is because it is considered to be an assured cash crop with good returns to the farmers vis-a-vis other
competing crops. A supply of good quality low cost seed can be an effective means of improving production; even in the
absence of new and better varieties, adequate supplies of reliable seed of existing varieties would have a favorable effect.
In addition the effect of plant breeding on production will depend on the efficiency of seed distribution: only if the
improved varieties reach the farmer through a reliable seed distribution channel will be able to use them effectively to
produce more.
Sugarcane is one of the most efficient converters of ranging from 17.1 tonnes/hectare (t/ha) in Cambodia
solar energy into sugars and other renewable forms of to 91.97 t/ha in Australia with an average yield of
energy. Presently it has emerged as a multi-purpose 56.66 t/ha compared to the world average of 67.98
commercial crop providing not only sugar but also a t/ha while in India it is around 66.95 t/ha. In India
series of products such as paper, ethanol and other most of the sugarcane farmers are small and
alcohol derived chemicals, animal feed, antibiotics, confronted with problems of low cane yields due to
particle board, bio-fertilizer and raw material for poor quality seed, low fertilizer inputs, prevalence of
generating electricity. Globally sugar consumption diseases and pests, lack of proper irrigation facilities,
has been increasing at of 2.25 per cent per annum. untimely harvests and several inputs required for
Energy from ethanol has emerged as a key product improving sugarcane production and productivity.
from the sugarcane industry globally. With ever Besides, availability of disease and pest-free, true to
increasing oil prices, more and more countries are type planting material is an important prerequisite for
encouraging ethanol production form sugarcane as an achieving the desired yield improvement. Sugarcane,
environment-friendly fuel. About 20 countries in the being a vegetatively propagated crop, has a low 1:6 to
Asia-Pacific region grow sugarcane on a commercial 1:8 seed other local constraints. The limited
basis contributing 608.37 million tonnes (mt) to the cultivable area available for expansion and continuing
world production of 1,387.78 mt. However, conversion of agricultural land for non-agricultural
sugarcane yields vary widely across the region, purposes necessitate that production increase comes
mainly from increase in per hectare yields. Improved
J Singh ( ) and Rajesh Singh agronomic practices, use of required quantity of
Division of Crop Improvement, Indian Institute of Sugarcane
Research, Lucknow 226 002. fertilizer at appropriate time, better irrigation
J of Biotech & Crop Sci (2015) 4(5): 43-55
facilities, comprehensive disease and pest Seed Distribution System: There are number of
management packages and regular development of factors which affect the efficiency of a seed
improved varieties are the necessary. Keeping these distribution. These are the variety evaluation system,
factors in view we would like to discuss seed varietal maintenance, availability of new and better
production scenario in India including in vitro seed varieties and the control of seed production. An
production of sugarcane. independent authority, i.e. one that is completely
independent of the parties concerned, should carry
Indian Scenario: Agricultural productivity in country evaluation. The latter may be plant breeders, sugar
has increased, largely due to development of good factories, seed producers. Independence is necessary
high yielding varieties. The full potential of a variety to ensure proper evaluation. Stability is another
can be explored only if equal importance be given to characteristics desired by the farmers, because a
the production of good quality seed. Majority of the stable variety will perform in accordance with
newly released sugarcane varieties with exception of expectations based on the results of tests of the
a few have not moved to the farmers field. There is a variety. To ensure the stability of accepted varieties a
wide gap between the time of release of a variety and suitable varietal maintenance system is essential. The
its spread. The time lag is between 10-12 years. It is major concern in vegetatively propagated crops is
also likely that during this period, the varieties may prevention of virus infection. The essential feature in
accumulate cryptic genetic differences, physical any method for maintenance is that no genetic
mixtures and pathogens causing seed borne diseases. changes occur during maintenance or in other words
Healthy seed production is a process designated to that the stability of the variety is assured. Countries
secure, maintain and make available to the public, where breeding work is entirely in the hands of a few
seeds and vegetative propagating materials of government institutes, regulations controlling variety
superior crop plant varieties so grown and release are important for the protection of the farmer
distributed as to ensure desirable levels of genetic but regulations can also have an adverse effect, for
purity, physical condition, quality and health. A example excessive bureaucracy can delay in the
supply of good quality low cost seed can be an introduction of the new varieties. Unreasonable
effective means of improving production, even in the requirements may not only delay the introduction of a
absence of new and better varieties, adequate good variety but can even result in its rejection. The
supplies of reliable. The effect of plant breeding on purpose of the control systems used in the seed
production will depend on the efficiency of seed industry is to guarantee that the seed a farmer buys
distribution, only if the improved varieties reach the belongs to the variety he has ordered and is of good
farmer through a reliable seed distribution channel quality. This involves control of the identity and
will be able to use them effectively to produce more. purity of the variety and recognition of seed borne
Hence, non-availability of quality seed material is one diseases.
of the major problems faced by farmers in developing
countries including in India. Further, the bulky cane Characteristics of Good Quality Seed: Good quality
cuttings used for planting as seed harbor many pests seed is a pre requisite to substantially increase
and diseases thereby decreasing cane yield and agriculture production. Healthy seed production helps
quality drastically. Accumulation of diseases over in keeping pedigree records, to make available source
vegetative cycles leads to further yield and quality of genetically pure seed propagating materials for
decline over the years. In fact, poor quality seed is a general distribution. Healthy seeds insure the
major constraint in sugarcane production. standard such as; high yield, uniform maturity,
disease / insect resistance, genetic purity, physical
purity, freedom from seed borne diseases, high
J of Biotech & Crop Sci (2015) 4(5): 43-55
germination, synergistic effect with other inputs, rows of root primodia which give roots when the cane
farmers faith, better quality of production etc. cuttings are planted. The growth ring is an intercalary
meristem located immediately above the root band.
Spread of Quality Seed and Productivity: The Cane cuttings with one, two or three buds and known
sugarcane area in the country could be broadly as setts or seed canes are used as seed. In some
classified as-subtropical and tropical belts. The cases, buds scooped out of the cane with a bud
productivity in terms of sugarcane per unit area is chipping machine are used for raising the seed
very poor in subtropical belt compared to the tropical nursery. For raising a healthy crop, setts should be
belt. Critical analysis of factors that restrict yield has harvested from 7 to 10 months old crop which is
revealed that there is a wide gap between the time of totally free of diseases and pests and with high
release of a variety and its spread. The time lag is moisture content. The buds should be dormant and
generally between 10-12 years. Lack of appropriate the canes used to obtain seed setts must be free from
quality seed production is suspected to be behind the rooting at the nodes, splits on the internodes and other
backlog of improvement varieties awaiting damages.
development. It is also likely that during this period,
the genotype may accumulate cryptic genetic Seed Production Preparation: In India, seed setts are
differences and plant pathogens causing seed borne prepared manually. Seed canes are harvested and dry
disease. Commercial crop of sugarcane is propagated leaves removed manually to avoid any damage to the
vegetatively. The advantage lies in the fact that the buds. Canes are cut with a sharp knife into setts
crop thus raised is true to the type. However, a containing two or three buds each. The cut ends of
serious drawback, this practice carries, is concomitant seed setts become easy entry points of many disease
propagation of many of the serious diseases through causing microbes, leading to sett rotting and damage
the propagating seed cane. The pathogens within the to the buds and root primodia. Soaking the setts for 5
seed-pieces find an easy avenue into the young plant to 10 minutes in 0.1 per cent solution of a systemic
which in turn serves as a source of inoculum for fungicide such as methyl benzimidazole-2yl-
secondary infection in adjoining healthy plants. carbamate (MBC) just before planting is
Thus, in every crop, the inoculum potential keeps on recommended to ensure protection.
building up, which reflects in increasing incidence of
diseases like, red rot, smut, wilt, grassy shoot, ratoon Heat Treatment: Sugarcane setts may host number of
stunting, leaf scald, mosaic, etc. These diseases diseases such as sugarcane smut, red rot, grassy
exercise deleterious effect on the yields of cane as shoot, ratoon stunting, sugarcane mosaic and yellow
well as sugar. Within a few years, a stage is reached leaf. Heat treatment of setts helps in getting rid of
when a variety, as such, is said to have gone bad or several diseases and pests. There are four types of
deteriorated in a zone. It is then replaced with a new heat therapies: (1) Hot water: setts are immersed in
variety and the story repeats itself. water maintained at 50C for two to two and a half
hours. Often, fungicides are mixed in hot water to
Sugarcane Seed Production: Sugarcane used for eliminate smut disease. (2) Hot air: dry heat produced
seed production is composed of a series of nodes and by electric heaters placed at different points in the
internodes (Figure 1). Each node has a leaf, in the heating chamber is circulated with a fan. Temperature
axils of which a bud is located. The bud has a is maintained at 56C and the seed is treated for eight
dormant apical meristem well protected by several hours. (3) Moist hot air: steam is injected into the
tightly clasping bud scales. In addition to it, the bud, treatment chamber for four hours maintaining the
the node possesses a root band zone bordered by a temperature at 54C. (4) Aerated steam:
growth ring. The root band contains one to several
J of Biotech & Crop Sci (2015) 4(5): 43-55
Steam is mixed with air in 1:4 proportions and forced this variety would not be in a position to cope up with
into the treatment chamber through small holes. The the demand of the breeders seed due to sheer
treatment is given for one hour at 50C. When quantity so demanded, a sponsored breeder could be
applied properly, heat therapy eliminates ratoon designated in such States where this variety has been
stunting disease, grassy shoot disease, sugarcane smut adopted irrespective of its State or Station of origin.
disease, and also seed borne insect pests. The sponsored breeder will, however, arrange to
produce sufficient quantity of breeders seed from the
Sugarcane Seed Production System in India: To basic material. The sponsored breeder will be in
overcome these problems, it is necessary to organize constant touch with the original breeder/station in
seed production in sugarcane on systematic lines to order to obtain the guidance of the latter to maintain
safe guard genetic architecture of the variety on one the genetic purity and prototype characteristics of the
hand and to prevent its degeneration due to diseases variety. The breeders seed so produced should
and other counter productive forces on the other. conform to the highest standard of purity,
While conventional technique are known to help approaching 100 per cent. There should not be any
maintain varietal stability and promote intrinsic compromise on this point. The breeders seed is
productive potential on a continuing basis, the raised from nucleus seed after giving heat treatment
volume of seed material required in a crop like for elimination of sett-borne infections of diseases, if
sugarcane is rather extremely high. Added to that is any. The seed material to be used for raising
low multiplication rate (1:10). These are some of the breeders seed is obtained from nucleus seed
limitations, which come in the way of any systematic nurseries. The breeders seed is raised at the farms of
seed production programme on a commercial scale. research stations under the supervision of the
The answer to these problems is the three tier seed scientists. Breeders seed being the very basis of seed
production programme In India, developmental programme, naturally, calls for utmost attention.
agencies have been practicing a system of seed Primary or Breeder seed production is done in
supply from approved nursery, which has been better scientifically supervised farms of research stations,
than a commercially well-grown crop. The state seed farms or research and development farms
consciousness and realization of growing a seed of sugar industry. Setts from well maintained seed
crop different from commercial crop has been nurseries are given heat treatment by any one of the
restricted to a few progressive growers. However, for above detailed methods. After treatment, the setts are
production of quality seed on scientific lines, the idea soaked in a fungicide solution (0.1 per cent MBC) for
of a three-tier seed programme have to produce first 5 to 10 minutes and planted in a well-prepared field,
Breeders seed followed by Foundation seed and where sugarcane was not grown during the previous
finally Certified seed. year. All recommended agronomical practices are
followed. The field should be well-prepared and
Primary or Breeders seed Production: The organic manure such as farm yard manure or cured
breeders seed, by convention, has to be produced by press mud should be applied at the rate of 25 to 30
the original breeder, who has bred this variety either t/ha 15 days before planting. A spacing of 75 cm to
by him or by the station from where it has been 90 cm between rows is recommended. A slightly
released. This is the best way of maintaining genetic higher seed rate of 75,000 two-bud setts is
purity of the planting material over a longer period. recommended for raising breedersseed (primary
By this way, it would also be possible to maintain the seed) to compensate for germination loss due to heat
prototype of the variety without loosing its original therapy. For foundation and certified seed nurseries, a
identity. In case, a variety has spread to a larger area seed rate of 60,000 two-bud setts is adequate for
and the research station originally bred and released obtaining a good stand. Early application of a higher
J of Biotech & Crop Sci (2015) 4(5): 43-55
dose of fertilizer comprising 250-300 kg nitrogen, 75 responsibility to maintain purity and healthiness of
kg phosphorus and 75 kg potash/ha is recommended the crop and to produce adequate quantity of
for achieving rapid growth. The fertilizer may be foundation seed squarely rest with the
applied in three split doses at 30 days, 60 days and 90 breeder/station/concerned Cane Development Agency
days after planting. Irrigation once in a week for of the State. Setts from primary seed or breeder seed
loamy soil and every 10 to 12 days for heavy clay soil nursery are used for planting secondary seed nursery.
is adequate. Monitoring of the seed nursery is done at All the required agronomic practices are followed and
least three times during the crop growth. First the seed plots are inspected at regular intervals for
inspection is done at 45 to 60 days after planting to prescribed standards. The crop is harvested at 7 to 10
detect off-types and to remove plants infected with month age and setts are used for planting commercial
designated diseases and pests. The second inspection seed nurseries. The foundation seed is grown at the
is done at 120-130 days after planting to check for government seed multiplication, sugar factory or
off-types, designated diseases and pests. The third progressive growers farm. The field in which heat
inspection is done 15 days prior to harvesting of treated seed cane is to be planted, should be easily
canes to check the general condition of the canes as approachable and having a fairly rich soil and assured
seed. The crop is harvested at 7 to 10 months and water supply. The field should be well drained with
used for planting foundation seed (secondary seed) no history of waterlogging. Inspection of foundation
nursery. The multiplication rate is around 1:6 to 1:7, seed nursery A minimum of three inspections shall be
lower than the normal multiplication rate of 1:7 to 1:8 made as under:
due to slightly lower germination as a result of heat
treatment of setts. Stage I-The first inspection shall be made at 45-60
days after planting in order to verify isolation and
Secondary or Foundation Seed production: This is detection to volunteer plants, designated diseases and
the second stage of seed production chain. It is pests and other relevant factors. The permissible
produced from the breeder seed under the supervision tolerance limits for red rot and smut are 0% and
of the breeder (original/sponsored breeder). Here, 0.01% respectively. If the smut infection is found
apart from maintaining varietal purity through with in 0.01% limit, the affected plants are rouged
rigorous rouging and so on, the material has to be free out. In case it is more than that, the field is liable to
from the known seed borne diseases and pests. be rejected.
During the crop growth period, the strayed diseased
plants in the foundation seed plots need to be Stage II-The second inspection shall be made after
scrupulously uprooted, in addition to off-types, if any. 120-130 days after planting to verify off-types,
Thus, the purity and the healthiness of the foundation designated diseases and pests and other relevant
seed are ensured. factors. In case the incidence of smut and leaf scald is
within 0.01% and grassy shoot disease within 0.05%
The requirement of the foundation seed of a variety is level, the diseased clumps should be rouged out
rather extremely high depending upon the acreage carefully. Should it exceed this limit, the field may be
under that variety in the jurisdiction of a particular rejected.
research center /station. The facilities of the research
station may or may not permit such a large-scale Stage III-The final inspection of seed nursery is done
operation to produce adequate quantities of 15 days prior to the anticipated date of harvest to
foundation seed. Under these circumstances, the verify the age of cane, off types, designated diseases
facilities of Govt. seed farms and the neighbouring and pests and other relevant factors. At this stage, no
sugar factory farms would be utilized. However, the incidence of red rot, smut, GSD or leaf scald should
J of Biotech & Crop Sci (2015) 4(5): 43-55
be there; otherwise the field should be rejected. The at 7 to 10 month age and the cane is supplied as
minimum tolerance limit for wilt shall be 0.01%. If commercial seed. Care is taken to ensure that the
the incidence of wilt is within at his limit, the affected buds are intact during transportation. The commercial
plant shall be rouged out. During the examination, if seed thus produced can be propagated for about 4 to 5
the scale insect is detected on more than 5 per cent of years. Seed replacement with fresh commercial seed
the stalks on their lower one-third portions, the field is done only after 4 years (Sundara 2000). The setts
will not be selected for seed purpose. It is important from commercial seed plots are supplied to the
that the personnel responsible for foundation seed sugarcane farmers generally by the cane development
plots be thoroughly conversant with the epidemiology department of the sugar mills. While the system of
of the diseases and capable of taking control seed production and distribution works satisfactorily
measures, as demanded by situation. at some places, at several others one or more stages
of the system are impaired and the seed production is
Commercial or Certified Seed Production: The affected. Thus, a large proportion of the farmers in
foundation seed, so produced, would be handed over most of the developing countries still use traditional
to the State Department of Agriculture/State Cane poor quality seeds resulting in poor yields.
Development Department/Sugar Factories, as the case
may be, depending upon the recipient agency to be Agronomy of Seed Crop
named by the State Cane Development authority for
organizing certified seed production. The certified Seed Material: Immature internodes may form the
seed, so produced, will be distributed to the farmers seed material for a seed crop. Top portions from
and sugar factories for growing commercial crop. The flowered canes should be avoided. The seed material
seed so produced is expected to result in a pure, should be high in nitrogen and reducing sugars. The
healthy and vigorous crop with an assurance of at buds should not be covered with too many dry scales
least 10 to 15%, if not more, incremental yield over or desiccated. One hundred per cent varietal purity
the average yields obtained in the respective regions. should also be ensured.
The advantages of the quality seed are found not only
in the plant crop, the one that receives the certified Prophylactic Plant Protection Measures: The setts
seed as a planting material, but also in the following intended for planting should be pretreated with an
ratoon crop (crops). The crop raised in the foundation appropriate and officially recommended fungicide.
seed plots serves as seed for raising certified seed As preventive measures against termites and shoot
nurseries. No heat treatment is required at this stage. borers, gamma HCH 20 EC at the rate of 1.0 kg a.i.
Once again, selection of fields, facilities therein and per ha should be applied over the setts in furrows at
cooperation of the farmers who own it are essential. planting.
Surveillance and measures against secondary
infection of the diseases are imperative. The Time of planting: Time of planting should be so
inspection of the seed plots will be carried out as per adopted that the seed crop is ready for harvest at 6-8
schedule given for foundation seed. Setts obtained months and 8-10 months in tropics and sub-tropics,
from foundation seed crop are used for planting respectively.
commercial seed nurseries. Commercial seed plots
are laid in farmers fields identified for the purpose Spacing: To facilitate inspection, row to row spacing
and distributed throughout the operational area of the should not be less than 90 cm. Spaced transplanting
sugar mill. This practice avoids transport of bulky technique may be adopted for faster multiplication of
seed to long distances. The seed plots are inspected as cane especially when the quantity of planting material
per seed certification standard. The crop is harvested is a limiting factor.
J of Biotech & Crop Sci (2015) 4(5): 43-55
Heat Treatment of Seed Cane: Heat therapy is Rapid Multiplication of Seed Cane
known to kill the sett-borne pathogens by
denaturation of proteins and impairing vital functions Spaced Transplanting (STP) Technique: STP based
at a temperature not lethal to sugarcane. Its on single but sett will lend scope for reducing the
application in production of healthy seed cane has seed rate at least to one third of the present rate of 6-7
become the most essential. The systems of heat tonnes per hectare. The system involves planting of
treatment of seed cane can broadly be classified into single bud setts. Alternatively, a nursery may be
two groups the water and the air system. In the raised from single bud setts and then the settlings are
former case, the water is the medium of heat transfer, transplanted in the field. This has many advantages.
while in the latter; it is either dry air or humidified First, it releases atleast 2/3 of the material, which is
air, which is also referred to as moist hot air or required for seed purposes, for commercial crushing
aerated steam. Humidified air is a better source of as a result of reduction in seed rate. Secondly, nursery
heat transfer than the dry air and does not cause technique enables better management of the settlings
desiccation of sugarcane setts and, therefore, at early stages and selection of healthy and vigorous
sprouting of buds is not adversely affected. The heat settlings from the nursery for transplanting in the
therapy systems, which are currently used on a large field to raise a seed crop. Thirdly, the transplanted
scale, are mentioned below: settlings would have a better chance of establishment
without much scope for gaps in the field which are a
Moist hot air treatment (MHAT): Full-length canes normal feature in the fields planted with cane setts.
or cuttings of desired lengths are subjected to MHAT Fourthly, settlings so transplanted being healthy and
at 54oC for 2-3 hours. Maintenance of a high vigorous, will not only have quick establishment, but
humidity (more than 95%) inside the treatment also maintain the initial vigour in their subsequent
chamber is essential to avoid desiccation of buds. stages of growth and consequently, produce a
MHAT has shown its effectiveness against many uniform crop with significantly better yields. Finally,
seed-piece transmissible diseases of sugarcane, such the crop occupies the field for a proportionately
as, grassy shoot, ratoon stunting, smut, red rot and shorter period since the first one and a half to two
leaf scald. months in the beginning are spent in the nursery. As a
result, the efforts and the costs involved in the
Hot water treatment (HWT): Cane cuttings are management of the field crop in the first two months
treated either at 52oC for 20-30 minutes (short HWT) are considerably reduced, which will definitely add to
or 50oC for 2-3 hrs (long HWT). The long HWT is the credit of the system.
preferred over short HWT because it gives better
sprouting of buds as well as disease control. HWT Tissue Culture: The second alternative technique to
has been found effective against a number of sett- solve the chronic problem of low multiplication of
borne diseases of sugarcane viz., grassy shoot, ratoon seed is the clonal propagation of sugarcane through
stunting and smut. tissue culture technique. This system, by virtue of its
character to multiply the planting material rapidly
Aerated steam treatment (AST): In this system, cut without impairing the genetic purity, has established
canes are placed in trays inside the unit. Steam and its merit in several of the clonally propagated
air are mixed together in the ratio of 1:4 and, at a horticultural species, especially in orchids and some
fixed temperature the aerated steam is passed inside plantation crops. The experiments, so far conducted,
the treatment chamber. AST has shown its have shown the feasibility of this system to work
effectiveness against grassy shoot disease at 50oC for satisfactorily with sugarcane also. Multiplication rate
1 hr. of sugarcane clones through this technique is
J of Biotech & Crop Sci (2015) 4(5): 43-55
extremely high in a relatively shorter time and the which are dormant as long as the apical growing
survivability and the field establishment capacity of point is functional. Both the apical and the axillary
the tissue cultured seedlings are also fairly high. buds are used for initiating meristem tip cultures. The
However, it is yet to be tested as a tool for large scale shoot meristem measures approximately 0.1 mm in
seed multiplication and its economics have to be diameter and 0.25 mm to 0.30 mm in length and can
worked out. be exposed by carefully removing the surrounding
leaf sheaths. The meristem remains in an active state
Micropropagation as Mode of Sugarcane Seed during the vegetative growth phase and the meristem
Production: Micropropagation is a methodology cells are in a permanent embryonic state. The cells of
through which plants are multiplied rapidly by aseptic the meristem are genetically highly stable and, hence,
culture of meristematic regions under controlled the plants produced from them are generally identical
nutritional and environmental conditions. When to the donor plants, except for the occurrence of rare
disease-free material is used as the source of explants mutations (Hendre et al 1983, Sreenivasan and Jalaja
or the explants are heat-treated to eliminate diseases, 1992).
the resultant micropropagated plants are disease free
and healthy. a number of micropropagation Media: Media based on Murashige and Skoog (1962)
techniques suitable for commercial seed production in and White (1963) are used for meristem tip culture.
sugarcane have been reported. Apical meristem Minor modifications with addition of vitamins,
culture was used by Coleman (1970) and hendre et al hormones and sugars are generally made in the
(1975) to obtain sugarcane mosaic virus free plants. medium by different laboratories to suit their needs.
Axillary bud culture was applied successfully by The standard media used at SBI and which have
sauvaire and galzy (1978) to produce true to type proved successful for micropropagation of 20
clones in many sugarcane varieties. Hendre et al sugarcane varieties (Table 1).
(1983) standardized an apical meristem culture
technique for rapid multiplication of mosaic virus- Success Story in India: The advantages of the
free plants of variety Co 740. Sreenivasan and jalaja micropropagation technology for quality seed
(1981) standardized micropropagation technique production are now well appreciated by the sugar
based on the use of apical meristem with two or three industry in India. Several sugar mills, research
leaf primodia (meristem tip) as the explant. The latter organizations, agricultural universities and private
can be excised without the aid of a microscope and entrepreneurs have set up facilities for sugarcane
the success rate of organogenesis is quite high. The micropropagation. The Department of Biotechnology,
number of plantlets produced from one shoot tip in Government of India (DBT) has constituted a
372 days can be as high as 180,000. The Consortium on Micropropagation Research and
micropropagated plants are remarkably uniform Technology Development (CMRTD) to provide the
except for rare off types showing some color changes, necessary know-how to interested users in India.
the latter can be rouged in the first generation itself.
This meristem tip culture technique that has been Sugarcane micropropagation on a commercial scale
widely adopted for commercial sugarcane seed in the state of Tamil Nadu was initiated in early 1990
production following heavy mortality due to the outbreak of red
rot in the widely grown varieties, CoC 671 and CoC
Meristem Tissue Culture: In a growing sugarcane 92061. In coastal areas of Tamil Nadu where the
plant, the apical meristem is located at the tip of the problem was more severe, tissue culture raised plants
stem surrounded by developing leaves and leaf of resistant varieties were used.Presently, a number of
sheaths. Meristems are also located in axillary buds sugar factories in Tamil Nadu meet their seed
J of Biotech & Crop Sci (2015) 4(5): 43-55
requirements from micropropagated plants. The every year to farmers for breeders seed production.
current plant production capacity of the laboratory is The Institute has also developed complete package of
40,000 plants per month (Lakshmanan 2006). practices for producing commercial seed through the
three-tier nursery program using tissue culture
Tissue culture raised plants at pre-hardening stage are seedlings. The institute has drawn up programs to
transported in containers to the mill farms located in cover the entire sugarcane growing area in
various sugarcane growing zones. The plants are Maharashtra with tissue culture seedlings in four year
potted and hardened at the mill farms or in specially cycles for which the sugar industry and sugarcane
selected and trained farmers fields. Canes obtained farmers are showing considerable enthusiasm (Nerkar
from these plants are used for raising primary seed 2006, Tawar 2006).
which is multiplied through two cycles to yield
commercial seed. The entire area planted at the mill Following procedures are adopted to ensure quality
farms comprising 9,700 ha is planted with seed commercial seed production from tissue culture
produced through micropropagation. An increase in raised plantlets: Specialist breeders provide certified
cane yields of 4.84 t/ha over the conventionally raised nucleus seed material of sugarcane varieties to be
crop has been recorded. The cost of propagated through tissue culture. Inspection of the
micropropagation-based seed production is US$ 0.05 nucleus seed material for freedom from disease and
per seedling. The micropropagation-based seed pest incidence is done before planting. The nucleus
production technology is also widely accepted by the seed undergoes hot water treatment and is planted in
farmers who have obtained higher seed yields; an the designated and well-maintained field at the
average of approximately 0.9 million two-budded campus. Monthly inspection is done to monitor the
setts per hectare using micropropagated plants as seed plot nursery. Random monthly checks are
against 0.7 million twobudded setts obtained from carried out in tissue culture laboratory for freedom
conventionally raised material (Lakshmanan 2006). from contamination. Random testing of tissue culture
Multiratooning in micropropagation-raised crop, due raised plants is done for genetic fidelity, using
to absence of sett-borne diseases, has also been polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The tissue culture
recorded. Another major advantage of adopting raised plantlets are labeled batch-wise to monitor
micropropagation was the faster introduction of three their production, supply, and nursery and field
newly identified varieties, Co 92012, Co 93001 and performance. Soil used in greenhouse is tested for
Co 94010 which otherwise would have taken several freedom from nematodes. Inspection of plantlets in
years for reaching the stage of commercial cultivation greenhouse and hardening facility, and disease
(Lakshmanan 2006). control measures, whenever required, are undertaken
regularly. Multiplex PCR based tests are conducted
Much progress in adoption of sugarcane for grassy shoot and sugarcane mosaic diseases.Well-
micropropagation technology has been made by the planned field maintenance schedules are followed,
state of Maharashtra where sugarcane including application of fertilizer and weed control
micropropagation facilities have been developed in measures as per the recommended package of
both private and public sectors. The largest facility practices.
having a capacity to produce two million
micropropagated seedlings per annum has been set up In the state of Gujarat, initially three cooperative
by Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Pune established by sugar mills established micropropagation facilities
the sugarcane-growing members of the cooperative with the help of SBI after sugarcane production was
sugar mills in Maharashtra state. The Institute badly affected by red rot. Gujarat is now free of red
distributes more than a million hardened seedlings rot epidemic. Currently, the Navasari Regional Centre
J of Biotech & Crop Sci (2015) 4(5): 43-55
of the Gujarat Agricultural University produces industry, several other tissue culture laboratories in
60,000 micropropagated plants per year, sufficient to India produce sugarcane seedlings on a commercial
plant six hectares of breeders seed and distribute the scale. One such facility, Growmore Biotech, Hosur,
same to farmers to produce 600 ha of commercial Tamil Nadu produces between two million to three
seed which would cover 6,000 ha of commercial million seedlings per year, with a program to raise
sugarcane production area (Patel 2006). Tissue production to 10 million seedlings. The plants are
culture laboratory at Shree Chaltan Vibhag Khand delivered at the doorstep of farmers at a cost of US $
Udyog Sahakari Mandli Ltd., Chaltan produces about 0.07 to US $ 0.08 per plant; setts produced from 250
100,000 micropropagation-raised seedlings per year micropropagated plants are sufficient for planting one
and supplies these to farmers for producing breeders acre (0.405 ha) field area in seven months (Barathi,
seed. Sree Khedut Sahakari Khand Udyog Ltd., 2006). This scheme is reported to have become
Bardoli produces 50,000 seedlings per month; along popular with the farmers.
with those obtained from other sources, about 95 ha
of breeders seed plots are raised every year from Future Plan and Scope: In future world trade in
micropropagated plants. The cost of tissue culture sugar is predicted to increase by 3 per cent with
raised seedlings from these laboratories ranges from increasing imports in Asia being made by China,
US$ 0.11 to US$ 0.18 per seedling. Japan and South Korea. Exports are predicted to
increase from Australia and Thailand due mainly to
Tissue culture laboratories have been established with increase in sugar prices driven by higher sugar
the financial assistance of Punjab State government in consumption as also substantial diversion of
four sugar mills of Punjab Sugar Federation. The total sugarcane for ethanol production. Hence, there is
production capacity of these mills is 500,000 reason for enhancing production of the crop in Asia-
seedlings per year, sufficient to plant approximately Pacific countries despite high sugarcane production in
40 ha of breeders seed. Tissue culture raised near future and the consequent depression in sugar
seedlings are sold to the farmers at a subsidized rate prices. With limited land available for sugarcane area
to promote the use of technology. expansion, production increase must be substantially
based on improving productivity through
The Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar and development of improved varieties, better seed
Haryana Sugar Federation have set up sugarcane quality and better crop management practices.
micropropagation facilities for rapid multiplication of Micropropagation provides means of producing
newly released varieties like CoH 92, Co 89003, CoS uniform high quality, disease free seed at a
8436, CoS 96268, CoH 56 and CoH 99. During the substantially faster rate than the conventional seed
past five years, the Haryana Cooperative Federation production system. Attempts to promote excessive
has grown two million micropropagated plants to multiplication and prolonged culture cycles often lead
cover about 200 ha of seed nursery. The Haryana to plants with aberrant morphology. These epigenetic
Sugar Federation has now set up its own changes caused due to culture environment and
micropropagation laboratory with a capacity of one hormonal imbalances generally express by producing
million seedlings per year to meet the growing seed plants with profuse tillering, thin canes, short
demand. Five sugar mills in the state of Uttar Pradesh internodes, narrow and short leaves, germination of
had also established micropropagation facilities. buds at the nodes throughout the length of the cane
However, one major laboratory was closed down and grass-like clumps. A quality control mechanism
because adequate attention was not given to should be in place to ensure that proper
micropropagation protocol. Besides the micropropagation procedures are followed. For this
micropropagation facilities developed by the sugar purpose, development of step-wise guidelines for
J of Biotech & Crop Sci (2015) 4(5): 43-55
micropropagation-based plant production, and employing local labor and using low-cost media and
practical training of the staff are very helpful. For containers. Natural sunlight is utilized to provide light
efficient transfer of micropropagation technology and for growing cultures. Micropropagation based on
its acceptance by the sugarcane farmers, it is essential bioreactor technology can help in reducing
to set up the micropropagation facilities as an integral production costs by saving on energy, space and labor
component of sugar industry. The cane development requirements. However, use of disease-free explants
personnel of the sugar mills must be trained to handle and maintenance of aseptic cultures is essential for
the entire process of the seed production chain. The success of bioreactor-based micropropagation.
basic cultures being supplied for seed production Further, care needs to be taken in developing
should be true to type, of desired uniformity and countries so that the adoption of labor-saving
disease indexed to ensure that the plantlets are free of technologies does not lead to loss of job
diseases and pests. Sugarcane varieties reach the opportunities, particularly in the rural sector. Hence,
release stage generally after 14 or 15 years from the adoption of cost-saving approaches that do not
time they are developed from true seed, a time frame adversely affect the quality of planting material as
during which the stock is likely to get infected with well as employment opportunities would be ideal for
diseases and pests. If disease-free cultures are developing countries.
available at the time of release, totally clean seed of
the new variety can be made available for distribution Producing good quality, disease-free sugarcane seed
to the farmers. In countries where a large number of through micropropagation is now successful in
sugar mills are in operation, it is desirable to Australia, India, Pakistan, and the Philippines. Efforts
constitute zone-wise networks of sugarcane are being made in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand
micropropagation facilities so that multiplication of and Sri Lanka to introduce the technology for rapid
new varieties can be done as per the requirements of propagation of new varieties and for seed production.
the mills of a particular zone. The hardening facilities As detailed earlier, the Philippine Sugar Industry has
should also be established zones-wise to facilitate moved a step ahead in disseminating the technology
ready availability of seedlings for the primary seed throughout the country. A similar system may be
plots established in each zone. The price of adopted with suitable modifications by other
micropropagated seedlings is often too high for direct countries of the region to accelerate the adoption of
field planting. The technology detailed in this report technology and delivery of the benefits to farmers.
mitigates this problem by following the The sugar industry needs to provide the required
micropropagation cycle with two cycles of support by establishing micropropagation facilities,
conventional seed multiplication, which results in adopting appropriate technology and popularizing it.
significant reduction in per unit seed production cost. It is hoped that the above-suggested refinements will
Additional cost reduction can be achieved by accelerate the pace of integrating micropropagation in
adopting low-cost alternatives in the tissue culture the formal sugarcane seed production system.
facility (Anon 2004). Replacing expensive culture Availability of quality planting material in adequate
vessels with household jars and other glassware, use quantities will substantially contribute to increasing
of commonly used sugar in place of expensive sugarcane productivity and farmers incomes.
sucrose and alternatives to gelling agents can APCoAB will contribute to these efforts by
substantially reduce the cost of plantlet production. disseminating. Information and promoting adoption
Such low-cost technologies are reported to have been of appropriate, environmentally safe biotechnologies
successfully employed in Cuba for micropropagation that benefit farmers and other stakeholders. This will
of sugarcane (Ahloowalia 2004). Ordinary village be done through publication of status reports and
houses are converted into tissue culture facilities success stories, and promoting regional networking of
J of Biotech & Crop Sci (2015) 4(5): 43-55