ANB ESMP Health Center Abu Flees Cleared 24march2022
ANB ESMP Health Center Abu Flees Cleared 24march2022
ANB ESMP Health Center Abu Flees Cleared 24march2022
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IRAQ: Social Fund for Development Project
Country IRAQ
The Project Development Objectives (PDOs) are to: (1) Improve access
to basic services and; (2) Increase short-term employment
opportunities, in targeted communities. This environmental and social
management checklist reflects the main issues (project description and
activities, baseline conditions, impact analyses, mitigation measures
and monitoring arrangements). The main objective of this document is
to examine the environmental and socio-economic impacts of the project
(both construction and operation phases), and to propose mitigation
measures. The project is expected to result in significant socio-economic
benefits for the local communities and surrounding areas in addition to
developing social awareness and group responsibility.
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Figure 1: Project Location
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Conduct excavation work according to the dimensions and
methodologies mentioned in the drawings with others
considering the possibility of groundwater.
Prepare all materials for the implementation of the weak
concrete layer and then coat them with bitumen.
Processing all construction materials with a number of works
and workers to carry out the work of reinforced concrete.
Execution casting works.
All the raw materials that will be used in the construction of the
health center are from an authorized quarry.
Although most of the workers are local workers (more than 95%),
however, a camp will be erected within the health center. No land
related impact is expected as they will establish the camp within the
boundaries of the health center. The water, wastewater, and the solid
waste that will be generated from this camp will be treated properly
and transferred to the authorized treatment plants or landfills.
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medical waste management plan (MWMP) which should be followed
and implemented in a separate document. Also, sanitary wastewater
will be generated during the operation phase of the project. Wastewater
will be collected in the collection tank and then transported periodically
to the nearest authorized wastewater treatment plant as there is no
sewage network available in the area of these health centers.
The construction of the health center will need about 20-25 workers per
Although most of the workers are local workers (more than 95%),
however, a camp will be erected within the health center and therefore,
the water, wastewater, and the solid waste that will be generated from
this camp will be treated properly and transferred to the authorized
treatment plants or landfills in coordination with the local
The contractor will establish his storage on vacant state-owned land for
equipment and material within the area close to the construction area.
This will be done in coordination with the authorized entities like the
The construction camp should have independent sources of water and
electricity, and an adequate septic tank for sanitary effluent disposal.
Due to its geographical location, an influx of workers to the subproject
area is not expected. Most of the workers will be locals from the
surrounding area and will return to their homes.
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Arabic. Some of the population have a formal education level equivalent
to middle school. However, some of them operate small businesses or
work as farmers and they have only a few years of basic education.
The applicable national legislation is as follows:
The Law for the Protection and Improvement of Environment
No. 27, 2009;
Public Health Law No. 89 of 1981, amended by Resolution
No.54 of 2001;
Law No.3,1997 regarding to Environment protection
Instructions no.3 of 2012 on National Emissions‟
Determinants for Activities and Businesses by the Ministry of
Health and Environment.
Instructions no.1 of 2015 on Medical Waste Management
issued by the Ministry of Health and Environment.
Instructions no. 3 of 2015 on Hazardous Waste Management
issued by the Ministry of Health and Environment.
Instructions No. 2 of 2014 on Environmental Protection from
Municipal Waste;
National & Instructions no. 3 of 2015 on Hazardous Waste Management;
Local Law No. 6 of 1988 concerning the National Commission for
Legislation Occupational Hygiene and Safety;
Instructions No. 12 of the year 2016: Occupational Health and
and World
Bank Labor Law No. 37 of 2015;
Policies that Law no. 89 of the year 1981, amended by Decree No.54 of
Apply to the 2001: Public Health;
Project Law No. 41 for the year of 2015: Noise Protection and Control;
Public Roads Law No. 35 of 2002;
Instructions No.3 of 2012: National Emissions‟ Determinants
for Activities and Businesses by the Ministry of Health and
Regulation No. 4 for the year of 2012: Ambient Air Quality;
The main WB safeguard policies applicable for SFD are:
OP 4.01 Environmental Assessment
OP 4.12 Involuntary Resettlement (There might be a
probability of storage of construction materials within the
project area. Until the date of report development, no land
acquisition is anticipated.).
OP 4.11 Physical and Cultural Resources (The proposed
construction activities are not expected to pose risks of
damaging cultural property).
labor influx guidance note (2016).
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WB General Environmental, Health, and Safety guideline2
The EHS guidelines entails the effective methods for managing
environmental, health and safety issues in accordance with WBG
requirements. This includes understanding the likelihood, magnitude
and priority of the EHS risks. The EHS guidelines includes 4 primary
sections and respective sub sections (applicable segments from the EHS
guidelines for the sub-project are highlighted in Red):
Environmental Guidelines
o Ambient Air Quality – Limits and Guidelines
o Energy Conservation – Energy Conservation and
Efficiency Methods
o Wastewater and Ambient Water Quality – Effluent
water quality and indicators for water discharge and
o Water Conservation – Methods for ensuring
reduction in water consumption
o Hazardous Material Management – The
appropriate Methods for managing hazardous waste
and instructions on community and worker protection
o Waste Management – Instructions on waste
management and planning, waste prevention and safe
waste disposal
o Noise – Methods for prevention and control of Noise,
and the applicable noise limits for different activities
and exposure period
o Contaminated Land – Management approaches for
contaminated land due to different hazardous
substances or waste or oil. Includes Risk Reduction
Occupational Health and Safety Guidelines3
o General Facility Design and Operation – ensuring
appropriate facility integration of H&S, that integrates
safety measures in design for different physical
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o Communication and Training – Ensuring there is
an appropriate level of communication between
workers and management, and that there is sufficient
training for all workers prior to operations
o Physical Hazards – Methods for prevention of
accidents or injuries that can occur due to exposure to
mechanical or other physical works, including Noise
and Vibrations
o Chemical Hazards – Injuries and accidents that could
occur due to usage of chemicals and methods of
protection and prevention. Includes management of
fires and explosions
o Biological Hazards – Protection and Management of
different biological agents
o Radiological Hazards – Management and Limits for
Radiation Exposure
o PPE – Guidance on usage of PPE and clearly
highlighting that it should be considered the last resort
o Special Hazards Environments – Guidance on
Managing different environments that can present a
risk to workers such as confined spaces.
o Monitoring – Efficient monitoring of occupational
health and safety programs and mitigation measures.
This includes the Occupational Accident Reporting
Community Health and Safety Guidelines4
o Water Quality and Availability – Ensuring the
protection of nearby water resources such as
groundwater and surface water sources.
o Structural Safety of the Project – Potential
Hazards that could occur due to poor design and
methodology for dealing with those hazards. Includes
the general approach that architects/structural
engineers must follow to ensure community safety is
considered during design
o Life and Fire Safety (L&FS) – Ensuring that
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building design is in accordance with local regulations
and requirements, and that it integrates Fire safety
standards (more focused on buildings rather than
o Traffic Safety – Includes the potential risks and
impacts on traffic and from traffic that occurs due to
the project. Includes recommend measures to deal with
traffic risk
o Transport of Hazardous Material – Approach and
Guidelines for transporting hazardous material,
including a hazard assessment and emergency
response plan.
o Disease Prevention – Includes the recommended
interventions and methods to protect the community
from communicable diseases and vector borne diseases
o Emergency Response and Preparedness – This
sub section requires a plan and response system in
place to respond to any potential emergency that could
occur due to the works or operation
Construction and Decommissioning Guidelines5
o Environment – covers the different environmental
factors that could be affected by the construction
activities including soil erosion, disturbance to water
bodies, disturbance to air quality, wastewater
discharges etc.
o Occupational Health and Safety – Different OHS
risks due to construction or decommissioning works
o Community Health and Safety – Different Hazards
that can occur due to the project and affect the
surrounding community.
o Grievance Redress Service
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interviews were conducted. Accordingly, a questionnaire was formatted
to cover the key environmental and social aspects related to the
The purpose of conducting the consultation activities is to achieve the
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3. No vegetation covers, crops, plants, trees…etc. will be removed in order
to execute the construction activities of these Roads.
4. The interests of the locals will not be affected in any way by the
construction activities.
5. No infrastructure within the project area will be affected negatively
due the construction activities.
6. 6. No deportation, dislocation of any of the local community will be
needed due to these activities.
1 GRM Team
Omar AbdulSahib
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contact details will be posted on subproject signboard and the complaint boxes
will be installed in each location as shown in the below table.
Contact Information for GRM
# Name Job Title Phone E-mail
2 Omar Rajab
GRM Officer 07829388845
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measures with significant impacts or repeated non-compliance with
E&S policies;
Incidents for which failure to address may potentially cause significant
impacts that are complex and/or costly to reverse; and
Incidents that may result in fatality or some level of lasting damage or
Standard-Level Feedback
If the identity of the aggrieved person is known and the grievance is classified
as „standard‟, the acknowledgement of grievance will be within 3 working-days
and the response will be within 20 working-days (depending on the type of
grievance i.e. high or standard). The GRM Social Officer will keep a grievance
log and report on grievance management (i.e. minutes of meeting,
recommendations, and resolutions made) as part of annual project progress
reports. At the 20 business-day mark, if a complaint/question is still pending,
the GRM focal point will provide an update to the aggrieved person and
inform them of the reason of delay in resolving their case, and provide the
date for which a response will be provided.
Aggrieved people who are dissatisfied with the outcome of their complaint can
appeal the decision by resubmitting their complaint to the GRM Social Officer
within 30 working days of receiving a response to the original submitted
grievance. Subsequently, the GRM Social Officer and other relevant personnel
have 30 working days to investigate and address the issue. Additionally, the
GRM Social Officer has 10 working days to prepare a comprehensive response,
including the findings of the investigation and the rationale of the
determination. Accordingly, within a maximum of 40 working days, the
appeal case should be closed.
Lastly, if the aggrieved person is still not satisfied with the solution provided,
s/he has the option to go to court.
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gender-based violence GBV. In order to mitigate the GBV related
issues/ complaints, there will be grievance mechanism sensitive to
gender by assigning female GRM officer in case of facing any GBV
incidents, in addition, all GRM officers/ focal points must be trained on
how to handle SEA/SH related grievances.
In addition to PMO, the MOP, project offices in governorates, and
Community Development Groups (CDGs), the World Bank‟s Grievance
Redress System (GRS) can also be approached for reporting and
resolving issues.
Disclosure activities
As soon as the site-specific ESMP gets clearance from the World Bank
and approval from the Ministry of planning, the following disclosure
procedures will be adapted. A final report, in English and Arabic, will
be published on the WB, SFD and Ministry of Planning websites and
also will be available locally (such as at local SFD office.
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(UXO) [X] No provided. See Annex (4)
[X] Yes If “Yes”, see Part C
8. Traffic and Pedestrian Safety
[ ] No
No. Mitigation Measures
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No. Mitigation Measures
light and ventilation which may also reduce the reliance on generators and
other sources for energy should be considered.
23) The new building shall be designed, constructed, and operated in full compliance
with local building codes, local fire department regulations, local legal/insurance
requirements, and in accordance with an internationally accepted L&FS
standard. A suitably qualified L&FS professional acceptable to the Bank and
hired by the Borrower shall prepare and submit a L&FS Master Plan, including
preliminary drawings and specifications, and certify that the design meets the
requirements of WBG General EHS guidelines. This professional should conduct
a review of L&FS systems as part of the commissioning tests for new and
renovated buildings and certifies that construction of the L&FS systems has
been carried out in accordance with the accepted design.
1) Waste collection and disposal pathways and sites will be identified for all major
waste types expected from construction activities.
2) Construction and demolition waste, if any, will be separated from general
refuse, organic, liquid and chemical wastes by on-site sorting and stored in
disposal appropriate containers.
3) Construction waste will be collected and disposed properly by licensed collectors
of to authorized area.
2 constructio 4) The records of waste disposal will be maintained as proof for proper
n, hazard, management as designed.
5) Whenever feasible Contractor will reuse and recycle appropriate and viable
and materials
domestic 6) Simple waste management plan for specific waste streams must be developed.
7) General waste must be collected and transported to the approved disposal sites.
waste 8) Food wastes must be collected, where practicable, considering health and
hygiene issues, for disposal off-site through licensed contractors.
9) Waste containers must be located at each worksite with sufficient numbers.
1) Hydrocarbons, including lubricants, which will be very limited and resulted just
from machines/truck shall be collected for safe transport outside the site for
recycling, transport or disposal at approved sites to be nominated by the
Municipality and the Ministry of Health and Environment
Hazardous 2) The site will be cleaned from all wastes frequently and wastes will be stored in
3 wastes and safe containers until transported
materials 6 3) The waste shall be transported by specially licensed Transporters and disposed
of in the special areas to be determined by the authority.
4) Paints containing solvents, solvents or lead-based paints might use for road
furniture shall not be used as per requirements, instructions and coordination
with the Ministry of Science and Technology
5) Empty containers of treatment chemicals shall be returned to suppliers.
1) Demolition debris, excavated soil and aggregates shall be kept in controlled area
and sprayed with water mist to reduce debris dust when necessary
4 Air quality7 2) There will be no open burning of construction / waste material at the site.
3) All machinery will comply with Iraqi emission regulations, shall well
maintained and serviced and there will be no excessive idling of construction
vehicles at sites
5 Noise8 1) Construction noise will be limited to restricted times agreed to in the permit
2) All the workers will be supplied with fully safety measures including earmuffs.
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No. Mitigation Measures
1) Procedures will be put in place for rapid response to accidental spills of fuels,
Runoff lubricants and other toxic or noxious substances, and for their recovery and
water and appropriate disposal
6 2) Construction vehicles and machinery will be washed only in designated areas
drainage where runoff will not pollute natural surface water bodies
systems 3) There will be no unregulated extraction of groundwater, nor uncontrolled
discharge of process waters, cement slurries, or any other contaminated waters
into the ground or the water resource.
Groundwat Sewage from construction offices and rest areas will be collected in septic tanks and
er transferred by trucks to the nearest sewage treatment plant by authorized
1) In compliance with national regulations, the Contractor will ensure that the
construction site is properly secured and construction related traffic regulated.
2) The site will be clearly visible and the public warned of all potential hazards by
signposting and barriers / fencing
8 3) Adjustment of working hours to local traffic patterns, e.g. avoiding major
Traffic transport activities during rush hours or times of livestock movement
4) If required, active traffic management by trained and visible staff at the site for
safe passage for the public
5) Ensuring safe and continuous access to all adjacent office facilities, shops and
residences during construction
1) Provide adequate signage to prevent accidental falling into open areas
2) All guidelines from the WB and national instruction should be followed to
prevent or mitigate the transmission of COVID-19 related to this context.
3) The contractor should develop and implement “EHS Procedures”.
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No. Mitigation Measures
to: Working in confined space (inside sheet piles), Risk of sinking, Electrocution,
and Safety of equipment.
2) The contractor shall implement fall prevention and protection measures
whenever a worker is exposed to the hazard of falling more than two meters, or
through an opening in a work surface. Fall prevention / protection measures
may include:
3) Installation of guardrails with mid-rails and toe boards at the edge of any fall
hazard area
4) Proper use of ladders and scaffolds by trained employees
5) Use of fall prevention devices, including safety belt and lanyard travel limiting
devices to prevent access to fall hazard area, or fall protection devices such as
full body harnesses used in conjunction with shock absorbing lanyards or self-
retracting inertial fall arrest devices attached to fixed anchor point or horizontal
6) Appropriate training in use, serviceability, and integrity of the necessary PPE
7) Inclusion of rescue and/or recovery plans, and equipment to respond to workers
after an arrested fall
8) Conduct a Risk Hazard Assessment (RHA), prepare an Emergency Response
Plan (ERP)
9) Specific emergency response procedures
10) Training of emergency response teams
11) Permanently stationed emergency equipment and facilities (e.g., first aid
stations, firefighting equipment, spill response equipment, personal protection
equipment for the emergency response teams)
12) ensure that all electrical equipment and machinery is switched off and all power
sources are unplugged.
13) Warning signs can be used to remind workers to do this before the initial
maintenance inspection takes place.
14) Ensure all surfaces and work areas are dry when working with electricity and
electrical devices or appliances.
15) If this can‟t be avoided, rubber gloves and boots should be used to reduce the
intensity of an electric shock.
1) Workers‟ PPE will comply with international good practice (always hardhats,
as needed masks and safety glasses, harnesses and safety boots)
2) Provide a first aid kits in different places of the work site with the
appropriate number of materials given the number of workers on site. The
workers will be noted about the locations of the first aid kits.
3) Everyone who works on any site must have access to adequate toilet and
washing facilities, a place for preparing and consuming refreshments, and an
area for storing and drying clothing and personal protective equipment
Worker 4) Ensure that workers receive advice and instructions on how to conduct daily
self-monitoring and report the most common symptoms for COVID-19.
5) Develop contingency plans with arrangements for accommodation, care and
treatment for:
Workers self-isolating
Workers displaying symptoms
Getting adequate supplies of water, food and supplies
6) Contingency plans also should consider arrangements for the storage and
disposal arrangements for medical waste, which may increase in volume and
which can remain infectious for several days (depending upon the material).
7) Ensure medical facilities are stocked with adequate supplies of medical PPE,
as a minimum:
Gowns, aprons
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No. Mitigation Measures
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Responsibility Additional Cost in USD
No. Mitigation Measures Monitoring Implement Mitigation
Impacts Monitoring Monitoring
ation measures
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Responsibility Additional Cost in USD
No. Mitigation Measures Monitoring Implement Mitigation
Impacts Monitoring Monitoring
ation measures
Page 24 of 47
Responsibility Additional Cost in USD
No. Mitigation Measures Monitoring Implement Mitigation
Impacts Monitoring Monitoring
ation measures
Page 25 of 47
Responsibility Additional Cost in USD
No. Mitigation Measures Monitoring Implement Mitigation
Impacts Monitoring Monitoring
ation measures
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Responsibility Additional Cost in USD
No. Mitigation Measures Monitoring Implement Mitigation
Impacts Monitoring Monitoring
ation measures
4) There will be no open burning of construction / waste PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOx, Engineer s.
material at the site. CO, Ozone and HC
5) All guidelines from the WB and national instruction should Additional
be followed to prevent or mitigate the transmission of cost
COVID-19 related to this context.
6) All machinery will comply with Iraqi emission regulations, Compliance with dust 750 US
shall well maintained and serviced and there will be no
abatement measures
excessive idling of construction vehicles at sites
1) Construction noise will be limited to restricted times agreed
Increased to in the permit - E&S
Weekly site inspection No No
level of 2) All the workers will be supplied with fully safety measures Specialist
5 including earmuffs.
- Resident
additional additional
3) Compliance with the time limitations; cost cost
noise11 Engineer
4) Switching off the equipment not in use;
5) Use of protective gear
1) Procedures will be put in place for rapid response to Weekly site inspection
accidental spills of fuels, lubricants and other toxic or during rainy season;
noxious substances, and for their recovery and appropriate additional
disposal cost:
Bi-weekly site
Disruption 2) Construction vehicles and machinery will be washed only in
designated areas where runoff will not pollute natural inspection during dry - E&S contingenc
of the
surface water bodies Specialist y for
3) There will be no unregulated extraction of groundwater, nor removal of No
6 uncontrolled discharge of process waters, cement slurries, or
Alteration of water
Contractor additional
water and any other contaminated waters into the ground or adjacent accidental cost
streams or rivers; courses;
- Resident
drainage Engineer hazardous
Signs of spillage of
systems spills
1000 US $
Testing in case of
Page 27 of 47
Responsibility Additional Cost in USD
No. Mitigation Measures Monitoring Implement Mitigation
Impacts Monitoring Monitoring
ation measures
accidental spills of
hazardous materials
Bi-weekly site
inspection during dry done by
Deteriorati seasons - E&S
on of Specialist Accredited
Water testing: in case No Laboratorie
1) Sewage from construction offices and rest areas will be
7 groundwat
collected in septic tanks and transferred by trucks to the
of accidental spills of Contractor additional s.
er nearest sewage treatment plant hazardous materials: cost
- Resident Additional
quality pH, Turbidity, Engineer cost
(COD), (BOD),
Page 28 of 47
Responsibility Additional Cost in USD
No. Mitigation Measures Monitoring Implement Mitigation
Impacts Monitoring Monitoring
ation measures
Page 29 of 47
Responsibility Additional Cost in USD
No. Mitigation Measures Monitoring Implement Mitigation
Impacts Monitoring Monitoring
ation measures
complaints $750 UD
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Mitigation Measures during Operation Phase.
Receptor Mitigation Measures Responsibility Supervision estimated
Cost in
The net impact of the Project on air quality is not significant and Not US$
1 Air quality Not Applicable
temporary and will be limited to Construction Period. Applicable Applicable
Negligible noise levels associated with the operation of the health center Not Not
2 Noise Not Applicable
during operating time. Applicable Applicable
Wastewater (sanitary waste) will be collected in the collection tank
Sanitary (septic tank) and then transported periodically to the nearest Local Local municipal
Waste authorized wastewater treatment plant as there is no sewage network authorities authorities budget
available in the area of these health centers.
Not Not
4 Soil Not applicable Not applicable
applicable applicable
During the operational period, some littering and waste generation
resulting from the repair activities will occur. Littering may occur due to
wind action.
In addition, the used oil produced from engines (generator if present) can
be stored in an air-tight container that can be sealed with a screw on cap
Solid and and then transferred to the nearest recycling facility i.e the hazardous Local Within
Local Authority
5 hazardous waste, the storage, collection, transportation and disposal of hazardous Authority municipal
wastes waste should be handle properly. (Municipality) budget
All waste should be deposed through licensed haulers/transporters to
licensed and regulated landfill sites appropriate to the type of waste
Medical waste should be managed according to MWMP which is in annex
Flora & Not Not
6 Not applicable Not Applicable
Fauna Applicable Applicable
Not Not
7 and Not Applicable Not Applicable
Applicable Applicable
The continued operation of a GRM for one year following operating of the
health centers for use will ensure that local community members have an Local Local
8 Complains No cost
accessible, fair and transparent means of reporting any emerging adverse authorities authorities
impacts, and a means of obtaining mitigation.
9 Health and Having a clear set of emergency Plan and Procedures. Contractor Resident Included in
Page 31 of 47
Safety provision of health and safety information; engineer contractor
regular inspection, review and recording of EHS performance; cost
Medical waste should be managed according to MWMP which is in
annex 4.
Health centers should be accessible to all patients with disabilities,
Included in
including wheelchair users. Resident
10 Accessibility Contractor contractor
The project should have measures to make health centers accessible to engineer
men and women, such as include separate toilets for men and women,
Total cost US$ (Operation phase) No Cost
Public Consultations at ABU- FLEES Village Public Consultations at ABU- FLEES Village
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Annex (2): Sample individual interviews for both men and women
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Law no. 41 of the year 2015: Noise Protection and Control / Noise Limits for Different Working Zones
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Limits for discharge
Pollutant Limits for discharge to water resources
to public sewers
B. If the ratio of the amount of water discharged
to the amount of source water is more than
1000:1 the wastewater discharge must not
exceed a chloride concentration of greater
than 600 mg/L.
C. If the concentration of chloride in the source
water is less than 200 mg/L then the
permitted discharge limit must be established
on a case by case basis
Phenol 0.01 – 0.05 5 – 10
A. If the ratio of the amount of water discharged
to the amount of source water is 1000:1 or
less, the sulfate concentration of the
discharge is permitted at 1% of the
concentration of the natural source before
B. If the ratio of the amount of water discharged
Sulfate (SO4 ) to the amount of source water is more than 300
1000:1 the wastewater discharge must not
exceed a sulfate concentration of greater
than 400 mg/L.
C. If the concentration of sulfate in the source
water is less than 200 mg/L then the
permitted discharge limit must be established
on a case by case basis
Nitrate (NO3 ) 50 -
Phosphate (PO4 ) 3 -
Ammonium (NH4 ) - -
DDT Nil -
Lead (Pb) 0.1 0.1
Arsenic (As) 0.05 0.05
Cupper (Cu) 0.2 -
Nickel (Ni) 0.2 0.1
Selenium (Se) 0.05 -
Mercury (Hg) 0.005 0.001
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Limits for discharge
Pollutant Limits for discharge to water resources
to public sewers
Cadmium 0.01 0.1
Zinc (Zn) 2.0 0.1
Chromium (Cr) 0.1 0.1
Aluminum (Al) 5.0 20
Barium (Ba) 4.0 0.1
Boron (B) 1.0 1.0
Cobalt (Co) 0.5 0.5
Iron (Fe) 2.0 15
Manganese (Mn) 0.5 -
Silver (Ag) 0.05 0.1
Allows discharge of total hydrocarbons to water
sources and A1 and A2 according to the
concentrations and limitations set forth in the
tables below; the concentration of
hydrocarbons must be measured discharging to
the water source. Hydrocarbons shall not be
discharged to water sources A3 and A4.
Total Hydrocarbons &
For rivers in continuous flow 10 mg/l according -
to the ratio of the amount of wastewater
discharged to the amount of the water source
should not be less than 1000:1.
For a river in a continuous flow 3 mg/L and in
accordance with the ratio of the amount of the
wastewater discharged to the amount of water
source should not be 300:1 or less.
Sulfide (S ) Nil 3.0
Ammonia (NH3) Nil 10
Ammonia gas (free NH3) Nil 6.0
Sulfur dioxide SO2 Nil 7.0
Calcium Carbide CaC Nil Not allowed
Organic solvents Nil Not allowed
Benzene Nil 0.5
Chlorobenzene Nil 0.1
TNT Nil 0.5
Bromine (Br2) Nil 1–3
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Annex (4): Letter of clearance from UXO
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مسئوليبت المقبول )Annex (5): Contractor’s Responsibilities (Arabic
جودة الهواء
تطبيق ججول زمشي مشاسب لتجشب أؼ أعسال قج تدبب ضؽضاء واىت ادزات خالل الفتخة مؼ 03مداءا إلى 6صباحا. -
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إقترار تذغيل السعجات السدتخجمة في أعسال البشاء عمى أوقات محجودة خالل الشيار حيث أنيا ليدت آمشة لمعسل أثشاء الميل .سيؤدؼ ذلغ إلى تقميل اضطخاب -
الزؽضاء إلى حج كبيخ لمسجتسعات القخيبة مؼ مؽاقع العسل ؛
تقييج استخجام اآلالت التي ترجر ضؽضاء بالقخب مؼ السدتقبالت الحداسة ،واستخجام وسائل الحج مؼ الزؽضاء آلالت البشاء ،إذا لدم األمخ ؛ -
استخجام السخكبات والسعجات السطابقة لمسعاييخ الؽطشية لمزؽضاء واالىتداز ؛ -
بعيجا عؼ السشاطق الدكشية
أثشاء العسل ،يجب إغالق أغطية السحخك لمسؽلجات وضؽاغط اليؽاء وغيخىا مؼ السعجات السيكانيكية التي تعسل بالطاقة ،ووضع السعجات ً -
قجر اإلمكان ؛
يجب تؽفيخ أغطية لألذنيؼ /معجات حساية الدسع لجسيع العسال -
ال يتػ تذغيل محخكات السخكبات واآلالت األخخػ إال عشج الزخورة لمتحكػ في الزؽضاء الشاتجة ؛ -
تطبيق نعام الذكاوػ لتمقي الذكاوػ الستعمقة بالزؽضاء. -
إدارة الطخلفات الصلبة والخطرة
التقميل مؼ السخمفات:
شخاء السؽاد بالكسية الجقيقة السطمؽبة ،لتقميل االستخجامات الستبقية غيخ السدتخجمة. -
تقميل تؽلج الشفايات في السؽقع. -
وضع خطة إدارة بديطة لمشفايات. -
يجب جسع الشفايات العامة ونقميا إلى السكان السخرز لحلغ مؼ قبل البمجية. -
يجب جسع نفايات الطعام ،حيثسا أمكؼ ،مع مخاعاة الشعافة الذخرية ،لمتخمز مشيا خارج السؽقع مؼ خالل مقاوليؼ مخخريؼ. -
يجب وضع حاويات لتجسيع الشفايات في كل مؽقع عسل. -
يجب جسع الشفايات الكيسيائية في بخاميل (أو حاويات محكؽمة مساثمة) ،معشؽنة بذكل مشاسب ،وم ثػ يتػ إرجاعيا إلى السؽرد أو نقميا بأمان إلى السكان السخرز -
مؼ قبل البمجية .يحتؽؼ مكب الشفايات ىحا عمى مكان مخرز الستقبال الشفايات الخطخة والطبية عمى حج سؽاء ،ويجب إجخاء عسميات التخديؼ والشقل والتعامل مع جسيع
السؽاد الكيسيائية وفًقا لجسيع الستطمبات التذخيعية ،مؼ خالل السقاوليؼ السخخريؼ وبالتشديق مع البمجية.
يجب تخديؼ جسيع الشفايات الخطخة بذكل مالئػ في مشاطق محجودة ويجب تحجيجىا بؽضؽح عمى أنيا "خطخة". -
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يجب أن يتػ نقل الشفايات الخطخة والتخمز مشيا مؼ خالل مقاوليؼ مخخريؼ وبالتشديق الؽثيق مع البمجية ذات الرمة ووفًقا لمستطمبات والتعميسات القانؽنية. -
يجب إدارة الدؽائل الخطخة ،مثل السحيبات وعؽامل مقاومة الرجأ طبقاً لستطمبات التذخيعات ذات الرمة. -
يجب إعجاد جخد لمسؽاد الخطخة لفتخة البشاء. -
يجب تؽفيخ أصحيفة بيانات سالمة السؽاد ( )MSDSلمسؽاد الخطخة في السؽقع أثشاء البشاء وإتاحتيا وشخحيا لمعسال. -
يجب جسع نفايات السؽاد الييجروكخبؽنية ،بسا في ذلغ زيؽت التذحيػ ،لمشقل اآلمؼ خارج السؽقع إلعادة استخجاميا أو إعادة تجويخىا أو نقميا أو التخمز مشيا في -
مكب معيؼ مؼ قبل البمجية.
إعادة استخجام الشفايات وإعادة التجويخ
كمسا أمكؼ ،سيعيج السقاول استخجام السؽاد القابمة لمتجويخ وإعادة تجويخىا. -
يتػ إعادة تجويخ السخمفات التالية :الؽرق السقؽػ ،والسعادن ،وخخدة السعادن مثل عمب السذخوبات الغازية ،وزيت مدتيمغ ،والؽرق ،والبالستيغ ،والخخسانة الشعيفة -
،وكحلغ الغطاء الشباتي السشدوع .
حفع الدجالت
سيتػ االحتفاظ بكافة سجالت إزالة الشفايات واإلبالغ عشيا كسا ىؽ مطمؽب في تقخيخ األداء البيئي الذيخؼ ؛ -
الدجالت التي سيتػ االحتفاظ بيا تذسل :إيراالت وفؽاتيخ مؼ مقاول نقل الشفايات ومشذأة استالم الشفايات -
يتػ االحتفاظ بالدجالت الدالفة الحكخ في سجل الشفايات ،الحؼ يدجل تؽاريخ الجسع ونؽع الشفايات والكسيات وشخكة نقل الشفايات والؽجية وتؽقيع الذخز السفؽض -
تخديؼ الشفايات ومعالجتيا
سيتػ تخديؼ الشفايات في حاويات أو صشاديق .لؼ يتػ تخديشيا مباشخة عمى أرض غيخ مبطشة ؛ -
سيتػ تخديؼ نفايات إعادة التجويخ في مشاطق أو حاويات مشفرمة ،ولؼ يتػ خمطيا مع أنؽاع الشفايات األخخػ ؛ -
يجب تخديؼ جسيع الشفايات الخطخة بذكل مالئػ في السشاطق السحرؽرة وتحجيجىا بؽضؽح عمى أنيا "خطخة" -
معالجة الشفايات وإدارتيا بذكل صحيح مؼ خالل فرل الشفايات الرمبة عؼ الشفايات الخطخة وعجم مدجيا في مكب الشفايات ؛ -
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يتػ تخديؼ الشفايات الدائمة ،بسا في ذلغ نفايات الديؽت والسؽاد الكيسيائية الدائمة ،في بخاميل /حاويات محكسة اإلغالق عمى سطح خخساني. -
التخمز مؼ الشفايات
يجب أن يتػ نقل الشفايات الخطخة والتخمز مشيا مؼ خالل السقاوليؼ السخخز ليػ وبالتشديق الؽثيق مع البمجية السخترة بحلغ. -
يجب جسع الشفايات العامة ونقميا إلى السكب السعيؼ مؼ قبل البمجية. -
جودة التربة
وضع عالمات لتحجيج مكان الحفخ عؼ طخيق سؽر والصقات وعالمات ارشادية. -
إتباع األساليب الدميسة لمحج مؼ االندكابات/التدخبات؛ -
التجاول واإلدارة الدميسة لمسخمفات ومؽاد البشاء والسؽاد الخطخة. -
يتػ تخديؼ الشفايات داخل صشاديق أو حاويات ،وليذ عمى األرض مباشخة؛ -
عجم دفؼ و /أو حخق الشفايات السشدلية في مؽقع السذخوع. -
التخديؼ السؤقت لمشفايات الرمبة عؼ طخيق االحتؽاء السشاسب لتجشب انتذار الشفايات والخائحة وتجشب الغبار؛ احتؽاء ثانؽؼ لسشع التدخب. -
ضسان أن تكؽن حاويات السؽاد الدائمة الخطخة /حاويات الشفايات محكسة اإلغالق بذكل صحيح ً
دائسا ومؤمشة مؼ االنقالب /الدقؽط /التمف /أشعة الذسذ -
السباشخة أثشاء الشقل والتخديؼ؛
تخديؼ السؽاد الكيسيائية ،مثل الديؽت ومزادات التآكل بكسيات قميمة بالسؽقع. -
تحفع جسيع أنؽاع الؽقؽد والسؽاد الكيسيائية الدائمة في أوعية أو بخاميل أو خدانات محكسة اإلغالق وفؽق سطح االرض. -
يجب إجخاء الريانة واإلصالح الخوتيشي لمسعجات /السخكبات الستشقمة في ورشة عسل. -
يتػ االحتفاظ بسجسؽعات التشعيف الخاصة باالندكابات بالقخب مؼ السشاطق السدتخجمة لتخديؼ الؽقؽد أو السؽاد الكيسيائية الدائمة وسيتمقى السؽظفؽن تجريباً عمى -
استخجام أدوات تشعيف االندكابات؛
تخديؼ الديت ومؽاد الطالء في مكان مشاسب لو قاعجة واقية ،مثل بالطة خخسانية ،لسشع أؼ تغمغل في األرض؛ -
التأكج مؼ وجؽد البخاميل والحاويات السدتخجمة في تخديؼ الؽقؽد أو السؽاد الكيسيائية الدائمة (بسا في ذلغ الديؽت السدتعسمة والجىانات) في حالة جيجة وخالية مؼ -
الرجأ أو التمف؛
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تشعيف مؽقع البشاء مؼ السخمفات الرمبة قبل إغالقو. -
تخريز مشاطق معيشة لتخديؼ مخمفات التخبة ومخمفات البشاء. -
يجب أن يتػ تخميػ التخبة الدطحية والسشاطق الستزخرة بعج انتياء مخحمة البشاء. -
جودة الطياه
يجب تشفيح أعسال األرض (إزالة الغطاء الشباتي ،والحفخ ،والتدؽية) خالل فتخات الطقذ الجاف. -
يجب أن يتػ تخديؼ التخبة عمى مدافة آمشة بعيجاً عؼ السجارؼ السائية. -
يتػ تخديؼ الشفايات داخل صشاديق أو حاويات ،وليذ عمى األرض مباشخة لسشع التدخب ؛ -
عجم إلقاء /التخمز مؼ الشفايات الرمبة (غيخ الخطخة أو الخطخة) ومياه الرخف في السدطحات السائية أو بالقخب مشيا. -
التشعيف الجيج لتقميل االندكابات /التدخيبات. -
االستجابة الدخيعة لالندكابات العخضية لمؽقؽد ومؽاد التذحيػ والسؽاد الدامة أو الزارة األخخػ ،واستعادتيا والتخمز مشيا بذكل مشاسب (يجب عمى السقاول إعجاد خطة استجابة -
عجم غدل أو صيانة السخكبات واآلالت بالقخب مؼ السدطحات السائية. -
الطياه الجوفية:
سيتػ تخديؼ الشفايات داخل حاويات أو حاويات نفايات ،وليذ مباشخة عمى األرض لسشع التدخب ؛ -
يجب إجخاء الريانة واإلصالح الخوتيشية لمسعجات /السخكبات الستشقمة في ورشة ؛ -
إجخاء الريانة والتفتير الجورييؼ عمى خدانات الرخف الرحي والدباكة ومخافق الرخف الرحي السختبطة بيا لزسان ظخوف صحية جيجة -
ٌجب على المماول إعداد خطة الصحة والسالمة المهنٌة وتحلٌل مخاطر العمل خالل مرحلة البناء .سٌموم المماول أٌضًا بتعٌٌن شخص متخصص لإلشراف على الخطة .فٌما
ٌلً بعض تدابٌر التخفٌف الرئٌسٌة التً ٌجب تضمٌنها فً الخطة:
ٌ -جب تدرٌب العمال على تحدٌد وتمٌٌم مخاطر السموط وأن ٌكونوا على دراٌة كاملة بكٌفٌة التحكم فً التعرض لمثل هذه المخاطر.
ٌ -جب على العمال وموظفً المولع دائ ًما استخدام معدات الحماٌة الشخصٌة خاصة عند التعامل مع المواد السامة.
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ٌ -جب على العمال االمتثال لماعدة إدارة الصحة والسالمة المهنٌة التً تخص االستخدام اآلمن للساللم.
-لمنع مخاطر معدات البناء الثمٌلة ٌ ،جب على العمال اتباع إرشادات سالمة البناء المصممة للمضاء على التعرض لمثل هذه اإلصابات والحوادث
ٌ -جب أن تكون معدات الطوارئ (مواد تنظٌف االنسكاب ،طفاٌات الحرٌك ،إلخ )..متوفرة دائ ًما فً المولع.
ٌ -جب توفٌر الفحوصات الصحٌة األولٌة والدورٌة للعمال.
ٌ -جب أن تتضمن الخطة تدابٌر االستجابة لـفٌروس كورونا المستجد كما هو موضح فً الملحك .4
ٌ -جب تزوٌد العمال بتأمٌن صحً (ٌغطً تمدٌم الدعم الطبً فً حالة اإلصابة باألمراض) وتأمٌن السالمة (الذي ٌغطً العمال فً حالة الحوادث
الدالمة الطجتطعية
ٌ -جب وضع خطط أمن وأمان كافٌة لمنع وصول الجمهور إلى موالع العمل والمواد الخطرة والمخلفات
ٌ -جب على المماول االلتزام بخطة إدارة المخلفات لتجنب أي عوائك أو مخاطر على السالمة.
ٌ -جب توفٌر آلٌة للتظلمات لضمان التواصل الفعال فٌما ٌتعلك بمخاوف المجتمع.
الدالمة الطرورية
ٌ -جب تثبٌت الفتات أمان إلخطار المجتمع بأن مركبات البناء ستستخدم الطرق المؤدٌة إلى محطة المٌاه
ٌ -جب على المماول التأكد من أن النمل المرتبط بالبناء ٌتوافك مع حدود السرعة
عطالة األطفال
ٌ -جب كتابة شروط صارمة فً عمد المماول لحظر تعٌٌن األطفال دون سن 81عا ًما
ٌ -جب أن ٌحتفظ المماول بنسخة من هوٌات جمٌع العاملٌن
التراث الثقافي
إعداد مدونة سلون مناسبة تنص على التزام العمال تجاه فئات المجتمع والسلوكٌات التً ٌجب تجنبها -
ٌجب تدرٌب جمٌع العاملٌن على لواعد السلون. -
ٌجب تولٌع لواعد السلون من لبل المماول من الباطن -
تعرٌف بمدونة لواعد السلون ٌتم إجراؤه كل أسبوعٌن للعاملٌن الدائمٌن والوافدٌن الجدد لبل بدء العمل. -
تطبٌك المتطلبات الكاملة المتعلمة بتشغٌل آلٌة التظلم بما فً ذلن المنوات المجهولة -
زٌادة وعً السكان المحلٌٌن حول التزام المشروع تجاه المجتمعات والتدابٌر المتخذة لذلن من خالل المشاورات العامة ومنالشات على شكل مجامٌع. -
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-تطبٌك العموبات على العاملٌن المخالفٌن لمواعد السلون
البظية التحتية والطرافق
فً حالة تلف أحد المرافك الموجودة تحت األرض وأنابٌب البنٌة التحتٌة ٌ ،جب اتباع اإلجراءات المٌاسٌة ،باإلضافة إلى إعداد تمرٌر توثٌمً للحادث. -
فً حالة لطع المٌاهٌ ،جب إعالم المجتمع المحلً لبل المطع -
تنفٌذ آلٌة للشكاوى -
الخدمات الطوقعية إدارة
ٌجب أن ٌتلمى المماول بٌان تحذٌر ٌتضمن اإلجراء التصحٌحً الممترح. التحذٌر المرحلة األولً
ٌجب أن تبدأ جمٌع اإلجراءات التصحٌحٌة فً مدة ال تزٌد عن أسبوعٌن.
ٌجب على المماول اتخاذ اإلجراء التصحٌحً بشكل سرٌع.
فً حالة عدم التزام المماول بخطة اإلدارة البٌئٌة واالجتماعٌة ،ال ٌحك للمماول الحصول على الدفعات النمدٌة بموجب الدفعات النمدٌة المرحلة الثانٌة
شروط هذا العمد.
لن ٌتم صرف المدفوعات حتى ٌتم وضع خطة عمل واضحة وٌبدأ المماول فً تنفٌذ اإلجراءات المتفك علٌها.
لن ٌتم إنهاء العمد بسبب عدم الوفاء بالتزامات خطة اإلدارة البٌئٌة واالجتماعٌة .ومع ذلن ،سٌخصم مالن المشروع إلغاء التعالد المرحلة الثالثة
تكلفة تنفٌذ خطة ا إلدارة البٌئٌة واالجتماعٌة من العمد .وفً هذه الحالة ٌجب إرفاق دلٌل واضح على فشل المماول فً
تنفٌذ خطة اإلدارة البٌئٌة واالجتماعٌة
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