3c-Accompanying by Alex Natera

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The iso-catch is the highest intensity variant forces to be absorbed in a unilateral stance.

of the RSIST method. There is a similar In an iso-catch the application of load

theme and rationale to the iso-switch adequately makes up for a decreased drop
derivatives in that the greatest challenge is to height and avoids the anticipatory and
create the appropriate level of pre-tension to regulatory responses associated with
hold joint position at ground contact. The landings from height. This increase in leg
major difference and the key factor that stiffness during an iso-catch further
makes this exercise a higher intensity option increases the impact forces experienced
is that the centre of mass is propelled providing for a very intense loading
vertically into the air and gravity accelerates stimulus.
the system, athlete and additional load,
down to the ground with the athlete For example, a knee iso-catch with the
required to land at the established joint lightest recommended load of 20% incurs
angles and corresponding muscle lengths. impact forces of over 3.2 x body weight with
just a 10cm displacement. Performing a
Like an altitude landing but with additional knee iso-catch with 25cm of displacement
load to compensate for the lower dropping can lead to impact forces over 4.6 x body
heights. This is an important factor and a weight. Using 35% loads impact force can
reason why the iso-catch is more effective reach well above 6 x body weight.
than an altitude landing. As drop height
increases in an altitude landing the vision The ankle and knee iso-catch are ideally
and knowledge of drop height effect landing performed in a smith machine to facilitate
stiffness with more compliant strategies used stability in landing unilaterally with load.
to dissipate landing forces. This effect is The start of the movement is initiated with a
amplified when the athlete must land with mini-counter movement jump and while the
one leg with the anticipation of total landing system is in flight the strike leg is positioned

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at the correct joint angles and a high level of exercise. The knee iso catch has force
pre-tension is applied prior to ground absorbed through all three key lower limb
contact. The ankle iso-catch is performed joints and thus greater landing heights are
with a smaller jump given the more highly appropriate in this exercise. A linear
extended knee position and the lack of hip position transducer is recommended to be
flexion at landing. Care should be taken with used to quantify displacement.
height dropped in the ankle iso-catch and
therefore load should be prioritised for this The hip iso-catch is performed with the foot

Spmtsmlth I CQl, 1..,E.s

of the free leg on a lower box in a position to like to go further on this point and suggest
provide good leverage to push the system the majority of athlete will achieve long and
into flight. The free leg does exactly this sustained benefits on the many other
with appropriate contribution from the hip variations already presented and that these
extensors of the free leg, allowing the hip to iso-catches derivatives be reserved for the
drop below the level of the supporting few who may need this end stage
boxes. While the system is in flight, hips are progression.
extended to realign the body and
appropriate tension is created across the Recoininended resources
striking leg and trunk in order to prepare for • Article - Visual and non-visual control of
impact at the heel. It is important to strike landing movements in humans - Marco
downward on to the box from above to fully Santella and colleagues
experience the appropriate impact forces.
Mistakes are often made with minimal
displacements and in effective drop heights.
Impact forces are diminished by up to 50%
with incorrect displacements. Getting the
strike leg to align with the trunk in flight will
help to achieve a more even displacement
and allow for an effective strike down from

With such an intense exercise the

requirement of external loads to provide an
appropriate stimulus are minimal. Loads of
between 20 to 35% are sufficient. 2 to 3 sets
of 2 to 5 repetitions are recommended with
total contact volumes ranging from as little
as 4 to 15 repetitions.

Iso-catch prescription
• Work intensities - 20 - 35%
• Total volutne - 4 - 15 repetitions
• Repetition and set configuration - 2 - 3
sets of 2 - 5 repetitions

Extreme care is to be taken with the

exercise. Again, this is a very high intensity
exercise that elicits extreme forces. Many
many months of training, let alone years of
gradual progressions are necessary to
optimise the iso-catch exercises. In fact I'd

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