Iadvl Advisory On "Avoiding Promotion of Quackery
Iadvl Advisory On "Avoiding Promotion of Quackery
Iadvl Advisory On "Avoiding Promotion of Quackery
Date : 17-07-2024
As you are aware, our specialty currently faces a significant challenge with
the proliferation of unqualified practitioners, commonly known as quacks.
These individuals often obtain superficial certifications in cosmetology
and falsely present themselves as "board certified dermatologists" without
possessing the requisite recognized medical qualifications
(MD/DNB/DDVL/DVD/DDV) accredited by MCI/NMC.
1. IADVL members shall not engage in any capacity (employee, visiting faculty,
trainer) with skin care centers/clinics/institutes operated by non-dermatologists
2. IADVL members shall not provide training to non-dermatologists
(BAMS/BHMS/BDS/MDS) in their skin clinics/centers/institutes.
3. IADVL members shall refrain from conducting certificate
courses/webinars/seminars for non-dermatologists (BAMS/BHMS/BDS/MDS)
or non-medical professionals, and certifying them as skin doctors/specialists.
4. IADVL members shall not employ non-dermatologists
(BAMS/BHMS/BDS/MDS) to prescribe treatments or perform dermatological
procedures in their absence at their centers/clinics/institutes.
5. All dermatological procedures in skin care centers/clinics/institutes must be
performed by the treating dermatologist or under their direct supervision.
Furthermore, for surgical procedures such as hair restoration and fat grafting, IADVL
members must ensure that these are performed either by a board-certified dermatologist
or a qualified plastic surgeon at their centers/clinics/institutes.
Non-compliance with these directives will result in disciplinary action, including but
not limited to:
1. Written explanation.
2. Blacklisting.
3. Notification to the respective State IADVL Branch and State Medical Council,
and if necessary, to NMC.
4. Suspension or expulsion from state and national IADVL association membership
and its activities (scholarships, conferences, committees, etc.).
5. Temporary suspension as determined by the IADVL Executive Committee.
6. Legal action if warranted.
In context with the IADVL constitution section B, part 3.g.iii (Resignation, cessation,
suspension, dismissal and re-admission of members: Removal of the name on grounds
of undesirable conduct) which states that “Whenever it comes to the knowledge of the
Central Council or managing or Executive Committee of a branch that a member has
been alleged to have committed an act or acts derogatory to the dignity of the
profession or detrimental to the interests of the profession or the Association or has
acted unconstitutionally as an office-bearer, a disciplinary committee consisting of five
members who were past presidents/ secretaries/ treasurers shall be constituted. The
committee shall call upon the member to furnish in writing a full explanation of the act
or acts alleged against him and recommend to EC the action to be taken. The said
action is to be ratified by CCM/AGBM subsequently.”
“A member whose membership has been terminated under Section B3(g)iii may
apply for re-admission after expiry of 5 years from the date of such action by the
General Body. Any action to be taken will be decided only by the General body and
shall be passed by a majority of three-fourths of the members present in the AGBM.”
We urge all members to uphold these standards to safeguard the integrity of our
profession and ensure the highest standard of care for our patients.