BG - Coherente State Sabi
BG - Coherente State Sabi
BG - Coherente State Sabi
position-dependent mass
Daniel Sabi Takou1,2∗, Yarou Mora Assimiou2†and
Gabriel Y. H. Avossevou1‡
Unité de Recherche en Physique Théorique (URPT),
Institut de Mathématiques et de Sciences Physiques (IMSP),
01 B.P. 613 Porto-Novo, Rep. du Bénin
Ecole Polytechnique d’Abomey Calavi(EPAC-UAC),
Université d’Abomey-Calavi (UAC)
1 Introduction
2 Hamiltonian CS and enhanced quantization
2.1 Construction of the Hamiltonian CS
We consider the quantum-mechanical description of position dependent effective mass (PDEM)
Ĥ = + V (x, α), (1)
such as the ground state of the system which it describes, energy E0 is zero. In this notation
m −γ|x|
m(x) = 2 1 + e represents the variable mass of the system while P and x are the oper-
ators associated with the degree of freedom of phase space. This Hamiltonian may be written
in the form 2
1 d 1 d
Ĥ = − − + V (x, α). (2)
2m(x) dx2 2m(x) dx
with the ladders operators
1 d 1 1 d
Â(α) = W (x, α) + p , and † (α) = W (x, α) − p −p , (3)
2m(x) dx 2m(x) 2m(x) dx
1 d2 1 −γ|x| d 1
Ĥ = − −γ|x| 2
− γe + mω 2 x2 (1+) (4)
m(1 + e ) dx m dx 4
1 d
Â(α) = p + γ sinh(γx), (5)
m(1 + e−γ|x| ) dx
1 d 1
† (α) = p − p γe−γ|x| + γ sinh(γx) (6)
m(1 + e−γ|x| ) dx 2 m(1 + e −γ|x| )
4 Conclusion
In this paper, we have ..........
5 Acknowledgements
Ousmane Samary Dine is warmly thanked for his fruitful discussions.
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1 2 d αx † 1 2 d (α − λ)x
Â(α) = √ (1 + λx ) + √ , and  (α) = √ −(1 + λx ) + √
2 dx 1 + λx2 2 dx 1 + λx2
" #
1 d 1 p
Â(α) = p + √ αx m0 (1 + e−γx ) , (11)
m0 (1 + e−γx ) dx 2
" #
† 1 d 1 p γe−γx
 (α) = −p + √ αx m0 (1 + e−γx ) − p
m0 (1 + e−γx ) dx 2 2(1 + e−γx ) m0 (1 + e−γx )
Veuillez calculer Â(α)† et † Â(α)Ψ(x) puis déduire Â(α)† Ψ(x) et † Â(α)