PPG Reviewer
PPG Reviewer
PPG Reviewer
1. GOVERNANCE - The term used specifically to describe changes in the nature and
role of the state following the public-sector reforms.
2. POLITICS - The activities associated with the governance of a country or other
area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping
to achieve power.
3. SOCIAL - relating to society or its organization
4. GOVERNMENT - the governing body of a nation, state, or community.
5. NATION - a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or
language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
Defining Politics
1. "What is politics?"
"Politics is an activity that involves the interaction of people whose relationship is
characterized by conflict and cooperation, and come together to solve such
disagreements through binding solutions." (Heywood, 2013, History of Politics)
The word 'politics' is derived from polis, meaning literally 'city-state'. Ancient
Greek society was divided into a collection of independent city-states, each of which
possessed its own system of government. The largest and most influential of these
city-states was Athens, often portrayed as the cradle of democratic government. In
this light, politics can be understood to refer to the affairs of the polis - in effect, what
concerns the polis'. The modern form of this definition is therefore 'what concerns
the state'. This view of politics is clearly evident in the everyday use of the term:
people are said to be in politics' when they hold public office, or to be 'entering
politics' when they seek to do so.
Politics - denotes a social activity which underlies the creation of maintenance and
amendment of social norms and rules. It is also the art and science of the
government concerning the realm of public affairs or the state.
Governance - is the exercise of power/authority by political leader for the well-being
of their country's citizens or subject. It also refers to the manner of
steering/governing and or directing and controlling a group of people or the state.
empowerment and sustainable development, they have to learn how to fight for
their rights through proper awareness on how the Philippine Governance works.
Informal Actors and Bad Governance - Their influence is felt more clearly in local
governments, such as organized crime syndicates and powerful families, and in rural
and urban areas. Most often than not, these actors are the cause of corruption, in
that legitimate government objectives are distorted by their illegal and private
interests. Worse, they manipulate government officials and agencies, and cause
widespread yet organized violence in the community. In urban and rural areas, for
example, the rich and powerful families control the economy by controlling the local
government officials. They bring about a controlled environment so that decisions.
must always favor them.
1. Participation - is the active involvement of all affected and interested parties in the
decision-making process. Participation is one of the strengths of Philippine
governance. The 1987 Philippine Constitution contains provisions dealing with
relational and inter-sectoral governance. The Local Government Act of 1989 was
borne out of the need for decentralization in Philippine governance. As such, these
and other related legislations may be considered as normative standards for good
2. Rule of Law - in this indicator, democracy becomes essential. It demands that the
people and the civil society render habitual obedience to the law. It also demands
that the government acts within the limits of the powers and functions which are
prescribed by the law. In the Philippines however, this needs proper implementation
and reformation particularly among the law making body. Despite being one of the
oldest democracies in the region, it ranked last among seven indexed Asian countries
according to the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index. Generally, the reasons for
ranking last are "lack of respect for law," "pervasive and systemic corruption in the
government," and "circumvention of the law." Lack of respect for law is generally
caused by distrust on the integrity of law enforcement agencies.
3. Effectiveness and Efficiency - this indicator requires that actors meet the needs of
the society for effective governance. This means that the valuable resources are
utilized, without wasting or underutilizing any of them. Enhancement and
standardization of the quality of public service delivery consistent with international
standards, professionalization of bureaucracy should be observed while efforts must
be made in order to attain effectiveness and efficiency in Philippine governance. The
Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007 (ARTA), for instance, was passed to require the setting up
of Citizen's Charter for a simplified procedure and to facilitate governmental
transactions. Also, many government departments and agencies pursued a
rationalization program to check excessive and redundant staffing.
service delivery. The failure of the government agencies to explain the charters to the
stakeholders is one of the main reasons why there is still delay.
6. Equity and Inclusiveness - means that all the members of the society, especially
the most vulnerable ones or the grassroots level, must be taken into consideration in
policy-making. Social equity, as an example, refers to a kind of justice that gives more
opportunity to the less fortunate members of the society. The Philippine
Government has done extensive efforts in promoting equity and inclusiveness. The
Constitution makes it as one of its state policies the promotion of social justice.
Pursuant to this, the Congress has enacted social legislations like the Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Law which aims at freeing the farmer tenants from the bondage of
the soil.
The Philippines for instance, in the recent years had endeavoured to comply
with the requirements of accountability. It had taken action to initiate political
accountability so as to hold answerable erring public officials involved in graft and
corruption and for acts contrary to the mandate of the constitution. It had also
strengthened parliamentary scrutiny through legislative investigations and creation
of special committees exercising oversight functions. The Office of the Ombudsman,
considered as the public watchdog, has become consistently active in investigating
and prosecuting graft and plunders cases. Citizen's Charter, as required by ARTA, was
also an important tool in promoting professional public service values.
• Gr. politika or affairs of the cities (polis)
• set of activities that are associated with decision making in groups
• power relations between individual
• distribution resources or status
• is the exercise of power, the science of government, the making of collective
decisions, the allocation of scarce resources, and the practice of manlagement and
1. Politics helps you to know your rights.
2. Politics clarifies what you yourself believe.
3. Politics is a living, breathing subject.
4. Politics helps you to understand our nation's parties.
5. Politics prepares you for adult life
• L. Gubernare, Gr. Kubernaein "to steer"
• manner of steering or governing,
• directing or controlling a group of people or a state
• the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are
implemented (or not implemented.)
• directly related to politics since politics is the art of governance
• exercise of power or authority by political leaders for the well-being of the citizens
• its complexity includes the promulgation of policies that affect directly human and
institutions; economic and social development
• there' a great deal in managing the proper utilization of the resources
group of people with the authority to govern a country or a state
• the people is the government