FINAL ReEd Curriculum

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Saint Michael College of Caraga

Brgy. 4, Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, Philippines

Tel. Nos. (085) 343-3251 /(085) 283-3113Fax No. (085) 808-0892


The curriculum is divided into 3 distinctive areas of learning:
a. Doctrine –Oral & Written (Scriptures) Traditions, teachings of the Church
b. Morals – religious practices and ways of life
c. Worship – religious and spiritual forms of expression

Entrenched on the Five Specific Objectives of Catechesis (National Catechetical Directory for the
Philippines art.124-131), namely:

1. Develop understanding of the truths of the Catholic faith, drawn directly from the basic
sources of faith – Holy Scripture, Tradition and Magisterium
2. Educate the catechized in the basic principles and practice of Christian morality
3. Instruct Catholics on how to pray and participate actively in the Church’s liturgy
4. Develop the sense of belonging and committed service as active members in the Church
5. Develop in the catechized the two-way skill of:
a. Incarnating their Christian faith in attitudes and values of daily life
b. Interpreting their daily life in the light of the Gospel.

Imbued with the recompenses for an effective instruction of faith namely:

1. Rooted in the Word of God

2. Christocentric
3. Systematic and integrated
4. Inculturated
5. Experiential

Observes the elements of the K-12 Curriculum:

1. Seamless
2. Relevant and responsive
3. Enriched
4. Learner-centered
5. Spiral progression
6. Age-appropriate
Saint Michael College of Caraga
Brgy. 4, Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (085) 343-3251 /(085) 283-3113Fax No. (085) 808-0892
The Curriculum Guide


GRADE 8 Realize that loving God and neighbor Doctrine: We come to know who Jesus is from
necessitates responding to Christ’s call to what He did as He performed three important
conversion and renewal. ministries during his public life: the priestly,
prophetic and kingly ministries. In all these
Understand that the positive and
three ministries he assumed the posture of a
enthusiastic response to the call to service
and renewal is exemplified by Christ by
performing his ministries as Prophet, Morals: Knowing Jesus means being
Priest, Servant and King. committed to following him, to being his
disciple. Speaking and upholding the truth and
servant leadership are two important duties of
every follower of Jesus.
Worship: The center of the Church’s liturgy is
the Eucharistic sacrifice of the Body and Blood
of Christ and that our participation in the
priestly office of Christ entails active
participation in liturgy and wiling offering of

GRADE 8 : The Person and the Three-fold Office of Jesus Christ

Course Content: The call to love God and one’s neighbor necessitates a loving response to Jesus’ call to
conversion and renewal. The positive and enthusiastic response to the call to service and renewal is
exemplified by Christ by performing his ministries.

Value Focus: Open-mindedness; Mercy and Compassion

First Grading Period: The Two Natures of Jesus

Lesson 1: The Birth and Childhood of Jesus
Lesson 2: The Temptation of Jesus
Lesson 3: The Suffering and Death of Jesus
Lesson 4: The Incarnation and Baptism of Jesus
Lesson 5: The Miracles of Jesus
Lesson 6: The Resurrection of Jesus

Second Grading Period: Jesus as Prophet

Lesson 7: Prophets in the Old Testament
Lesson 8: John: The Last and Greatest of the Prophets
Lesson 9: Jesus as Prophet: Proclaiming the Word of God with Authority and Accompanying Word with
Signs and Deeds
Saint Michael College of Caraga
Brgy. 4, Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (085) 343-3251 /(085) 283-3113Fax No. (085) 808-0892
Lesson 10: A Prophet’s Fate: Martyrdom

Third Grading Period: Jesus as Priest

Lesson 12: Priesthood in the Old
Testament/The Priesthood of Christ
Lesson 14: Jesus as Priest Forgives and Heals
Lesson 15: Jesus as Priest Offers Worship to the Father
Lesson 16: Jesus as Priest Offers the Ultimate Sacrifice

Fourth Grading Period: Jesus as King

Lesson 17: Kings in the Old
Testament/Jesus, the Anointed One
Lesson 18: Jesus is Seated at the Right Hand of the Father
Lesson 19: Jesus Will Come Again
Lesson 20: We Celebrate Christ, the King

Performance Task:
G – Your task is to create a Collage of the different images of Jesus.
R – You are an artist/illustrator
A – Your audiences are your classmates and other students
S – You have been asked to hold a display or exhibit of the different
collages of Jesus’ images.
P – Gallery of Jesus
S – see attachment (Appendix A)

GRADE 9 The Church as community of priests, Doctrine: Beginnings and history of the Church;
prophets, kings and servants is a pilgrim Church renewal and sacraments
Church. Through the challenges and
Morals: Each member of the Church is called
triumphs she went through she is animated
to contribute to her growth and renewal.
by the Holy Spirit and sustained by the
sacraments. : Jesus Christ as the primordial Worship: Renewed worship

GRADE 9: The Church, Community of Love and Service

Course Content: The Church as community of priests, prophets, kings and servants is a pilgrim Church.
Through the challenges and triumphs she went through she is animated by the Holy Spirit and sustained by
the sacraments. Jesus Christ as the primordial sacrament.

Value Focus: Compassion, Altruism, Loving-service

First Grading Period: The Call to Serve

Lesson 1: Jesus Calls the Apostles: Fishers of Men
Lesson 2: Jesus Commissions the Apostles
Lesson 3: Jesus Appoints Peter: Servant of the Servants
Lesson 4: The Holy Spirit Empowers the Servants of God
Saint Michael College of Caraga
Brgy. 4, Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (085) 343-3251 /(085) 283-3113Fax No. (085) 808-0892
Lesson 5: The Church, Community of Consecrated Women and Men

Second Grading Period: The Early Christians: Model of Service and Love
Lesson 6: The Faith of the Early Church
Lesson 7: The Sufferings of the Early Church
Lesson 8: The Growth and Spread of the Church
Lesson 9: The Challenges of the Church
Lesson 10: The Renewal of the Church

Third Grading Period: The Sacraments of Renewal

Lesson 11: Jesus, the Original Sacrament
Lesson 12: Jesus Gives Us New Life (Baptism)
Lesson 13: Jesus Makes Us His Witnesses (Confirmation)
Lesson 14: Jesus Unites Us (Holy Eucharist)
Lesson 15: Jesus Reconciles Us with the Father (Reconciliation)

Fourth Grading Period: The Sacraments of Service

Lesson 16: Witnessing Jesus’ Love(Marriage)
Lesson 17: Witnessing to Jesus’ Life of Service (Holy Orders)
Lesson 18: Witnessing to Jesus’ Mercy (Anointing of the Sick)
Lesson 19: Witnessing to Jesus’ through the Sacramentals
Lesson 20: Witnessing to Jesus through Popular Devotions
Saint Michael College of Caraga
Brgy. 4, Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (085) 343-3251 /(085) 283-3113Fax No. (085) 808-0892


Written Works 30 %
Quizzes & Assignments 15%
Reflection Output 15%

Performance 40%
Mini-Tasks 15%
Mass attendance 15%
Attendance and Behavior 10%

Major Exam 30%

TOTAL Grade Percentage 100%

Classroom Set-up from Nursery to College
Saint Michael College of Caraga
Brgy. 4, Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (085) 343-3251 /(085) 283-3113Fax No. (085) 808-0892



Grade 4-5 Become authentic and prayerful Catholics Doctrine: Identify the basic and different forms
Christians imitating Jesus Christ as they and expressions of prayers that the Catholic
come to know God and grow in their Church uses in liturgical celebrations.
relationship with Him.
Morals: Memorize by heart the Basic Prayers,
compose their own personal prayer,and live out
concretely their faith
Worship: Internalize the significance of prayer
and experience God in every prayer encounter.
Grade 4 – 5: Prayer in the Christian Life

Course Content:
Learners demonstrate basic understanding of the importance of Prayer in one’s Christian life. The subject
also helps them develop personal relationship with God, with others and with their own selves.

Value Focus: Faith, Prayer, Relationship

FIRST GRADING: The Revelation of Prayer

Lesson 1: Introduction to Prayer
Lesson 2: Models of Prayer in the Old Testament
Lesson 3: Models of Prayer in the Old Testament

SECOND GRADING: The Life of Prayer

Lesson 1: Essential Forms of Prayer: Blessing and Praise
Lesson 2: Essential Forms of Prayer: Adoration
Lesson 3: Essential Forms of Prayer: Petition
Lesson 4: Essential Forms of Prayer: Intercession
Lesson 5: Essential Forms of Prayer: Thanksgiving
Lesson 6: Expressions and Battle of Prayer

THIRD GRADING: The Common Prayers

Lesson 1: The Our Father (The Seven Petition)
Lesson 2: The Marian Prayers
Lesson 3: The Glory Be

FOURTH GRADING: The Institutional Prayers

Lesson 1: The Holy Rosary
Lesson 2: The Creed
Lesson 3: The 3 O’clock Prayer
Lesson 4: The Saint Michael Prayer
Saint Michael College of Caraga
Brgy. 4, Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (085) 343-3251 /(085) 283-3113Fax No. (085) 808-0892
GRADE 9 Acknowledge moral responsibilities in the Doctrine: An authentic moral life is a life
and 10 society; and of making good decisions that patterned after Jesus Christ- the Way, the Truth
faithfully observe from the and the Life
Commandment of God and the Beatitudes.

Morals: The human person as a moral agent is

capable of moral decisions that are fruits of
freedom, love and conscience.

Worship: An authentic moral life paves the

way for authentic worship; authentic worship
leads to authentic moral life.
GRADE 9 & 10: Jesus, Our Moral Norm

Course Content: The students will be introduced to the Ten Commandments and Beatitudes and the
importance of living it out in one’s daily life.

Value Focus: Purity, Obedience, Faithfulness and Responsibility

FIRST GRADING: Ten Commandments

Lesson 1: SMCC & ReEd VMGO
Lesson 2: First Commandment
Lesson 3: Second Commandment
Lesson 4: Third Commandment
Lesson 5: Fourth Commandment
Lesson 6: Fifth Commandment

SECOND GRADING: Ten Commandments

Lesson 7. Sixth Commandment
Lesson 8. Seventh Commandment
Lesson 9. Eight Commandment
Lesson 10. Ninth Commandment
Lesson 11. Tenth Commandment

THIRD GRADING: The Beatitudes

Lesson 12. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Lesson 13. Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Lesson 14. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land.
Lesson 15. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.

FOURTH GRADING: The Beatitudes

Lesson 17: Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Lesson 18: Blessed are the clean in heart, for they will see God.
Lesson 19: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
Lesson 20: Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Saint Michael College of Caraga
Brgy. 4, Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (085) 343-3251 /(085) 283-3113Fax No. (085) 808-0892



Written Works 30%


Performance 40%
Tasks (Mini-tasks/Reflection Papers) - 30%
Attendance & Behavior - 10%

Major Exam (Periodical/Final only) 30%

TOTAL Grade Percentage 100%

a. Pre-school & Elementary - Distant Learning (Synchronous & Asynchronous)
b. JHS &SHS – Distant Learning (Synchronous: Radio Broadcasting)
c. College – Distant Learning (Synchronous & Asynchronous)

Prepared by:


Coordinator, Religious Education

Approved by:

Vice President for Academic Affairs

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