Assignment 1 21EC643 Python Programming

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Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Assignment -1 Questions
Academic Year: 2023-24 Semester: 6 Sec: A, B, C
Subject: Python Programming Subject Code: 21EC643
Course Coordinator: Dr. R. C. Patil Prepared By: Dr. R. C. Patil
1. CIE may include some questions that are not included in this assignment.
2. Answer any three questions from each theoretical section and any two questions from each programming section

Assignment 1 Submission Date: 31-05-2024

Q. Section 1: Expected C P R SEE Ref.
No. Module 1 Theoretical Questions Marks in O O B
S1. 1 What is the need of precedence? Illustrate the rules of 6 1 1, L Jan 2023
precedence in Python with an example. 2 2
S1.2 Explain the local and global scope with a suitable example 6 1 1, L Jan 2023
2 2
S1. 3 What are functions? Explain Python functions with 7 1 1, L Jan 2023
parameters and return statements. 2 2
S1. 4 Define exception handling. How exceptions are handled in 7 1 1, L Jan 2023
Python? Write a program to solve the divide by zero 2 2 Jun 2023
S1. 5 List and explain the math operators in Python with examples. 7 1 1, L Jun 2023
2 2
S1. 6 With an example explain user-defined functions. 7 1 1, L Jun 2023
2 2
S1. 7 With an example explain the following built-in functions: 1 1, L Jun 2023
i) print( ) 2 2
ii) input( )
iii) len( )

Q. Section 2: Expected C P R SEE Ref.

No. Module 2 Theoretical Questions Marks in O O B
S2. 1 Explain negative indexing, slicing, index(), append(), 8 to 10 2 L Jan 2023
remove(), pop(), insert(), reverse() and sort() with suitable 2 Jun 2023
S2. 2 Explain the use of in and not in operators in a list with suitable 6 2 L Jan 2023
examples. 2 Jun 2023
S2. 3 Explain the following methods in lists with an example. 8 2 1, L Jan 2023
i) len(), 2 2
ii) sum(),
iii) max(),
iv) min()

S2. 4 Show that lists are Mutable 6 2 1, L Jun 2023

2 2
S2. 5 Explain random.choice and random.shuffle functions with lists 6 2 1, L Jun 2023
2 2
Q. Section 3: Expected C P R SEE Ref.
No. Module 1 Programming Questions Marks in O O B
S3.1 Develop a Python program to calculate the area of a 6 1 1, L Jan 2023
rectangle, circumference of a circle and area of a circle. 2 3
S3.2 Write a Python program to check whether the number is even 6 1 1, L Jun 2023
or odd 2 3
S3.3 Write a program to print even numbers using step size in range( ). 6 1 1, L Jun 2023
2 3
Q. Section 4: Expected C P R SEE Ref.
No. Module 2 Programming Questions Marks in O O B
S4.1 Develop a Python program to swap cases of a given string. 6 2 1, L Jan 2023
Input: Java 2 3
Output: jAVA
S4.2 Write a program to remove multiple empty strings from a list 2 1, L
of strings 2 3
S4.3 Write a Python program to get all unique combinations of two 2 1, L
Lists 2 3

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