Debate Rubric

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Debate Rubric

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Satisfactory Needs Score

(2) Improvemen
t (1)
Content & Arguments are Arguments are Arguments are Arguments are
Argument well- clear, with somewhat unclear or lack
researched, good clear, but lack supporting
clear, and supporting strong or evidence.
highly evidence that relevant Evidence may
persuasive. is mostly evidence. be irrelevant
Evidence is relevant. Evidence is or not
strong, highly partially integrated
relevant, and integrated. effectively.
integrated into
the argument.
Use of Evidence is Evidence is Evidence is Evidence is
Evidence robust, credible and somewhat weak or
credible, and supports relevant, but missing, or
directly claims, but the connection sources are
supports the some to the claims not credible or
claims made. connections is unclear or not cited. The
Sources are may be weak incomplete. evidence may
cited or not fully Some sources not support
appropriately explained. may be the claims
and Sources are misquoted or made.
seamlessly cited correctly. not cited.
integrated into e
the argument.
Organization Arguments are Organization is Organization is Organization is
well-organized clear, but somewhat unclear or
with a clear transitions clear, but disjointed.
introduction, between ideas some ideas or Ideas are not
body, and may be points are presented
conclusion. awkward or underdevelope logically.
Each point inconsistent. d or unclear.
follows from
the previous
Delivery Speaker is Speaker is Speaker may Speaker lacks,
confident, mostly clear lack confidence,
clear, and confident, confidence or clarity, or
engaging, and with minor clarify at struggles with
maintains lapses in tone times. Some tone, volume,
strong eye or volume. Eye difficulties or
contact. contact and with tone engagement
Excellent tone engagement volume, or eye with the
and volume are generally contact. audience.
used good.
the debate.
Rebuttal & Rebuttals are Rebuttals Rebuttals are No rebuttals or
Counterargu highly address the weak, rebuttals are
ments effective, opposition’s addressing ineffective or
directly arguments, only some fail address
addressing the but may lack aspects of the key points of
opposition’s depth or full opposition’s the opposition.
arguments integration of arguments
with well- evidence. without strong
constructed evidence.
responses and
Engagement Speaker Speaker Speaker Not engage
with the maintains makes some makes with the
Audience strong eye eye contact minimal audience,
contact, uses and uses engagement lacks eye
gestures, and gestures, but with the contact or
engages the engagement audience and gestures, and
audience with the rarely uses does not
throughout audience may eye contact or appear to be
the debate. be gestures. aware of the
inconsistent. audience.
Use of Language is Language is Language Language is
Language professional, clear and somewhat appropriate,
clear, and free appropriate unclear or unclear, or
of errors. with informal, with contains
Vocabulary is occasional multiple errors frequent
varied and minor errors or or awkward grammatical
well-suited to repetitions. phrasing. or vocabulary
the topic. Vocabulary is Vocabulary errors.
suitable for may be
the topic. limited.

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