Midterm Reviewer BioChem
Midterm Reviewer BioChem
Midterm Reviewer BioChem
2. Porosity – property of material that allows it to absorb water and other liquids. A material that is porous like
Lesson 1: MATTER dishwashing sponge is an example of absorbent material. Other porous materials include cotton balls, gauze,
A. STATES OF MATTER: SOLID, LIQUID, GAS blankets and pillows. Non-absorbent or non-porous materials are those that do not absorb water like plastic
All objects on earth can be classified in one of three physical forms or states such as solid, liquid and gas. bags, canisters, cans and ceramic mugs.
3. Decomposition – property of materials to break down into simpler or smaller forms of matter. The organic
A. Solid – Is a state of matter that has definite shape and definite volume. It keeps its own size. Some matter, they can easily decay after a few days. Biodegradable are all materials that decay. Non-biodegrable
common examples are marbles, ping-pong ball, marble, sponge, rock, empty bottle, bag, pen, book, refers to those that do not decay.
jewelries and many others.
Special Properties Factors affecting decomposition:
a. Hardness – ability of solids to resist breaking and scraping 1. Presence or organism or decomposers that cause decay: Decomposers can be detritivores, fungi and bacteria.
b. Malleability – ability of metals to be hammered into different shapes Detritivores like earthworm breakdown plant and animal materials and feed on these. Fungi, like mushroom and
c. Ductility – ability to its drawn into wire like copper, aluminum and steel ear fungi breakdown plant materials and cause decay at the same time feeding on decayed materials. Bacteria
d. Brittleness – property that makes solids easy to break when force is applied to it. are microorganisms that can be observed on dead animal bodies.
2. Temperature: The warmer the temperature, the faster is the decay process.
B. Liquid – state of matter that keeps its size but takes the shape of its container. 3. Moisture: Decomposers are present in moist places.
4. Exposure to elements: Air contain bacteria and other microorganisms.
C. Gas – state of matter that can freely change its shape and size. 5. Salt content of the materials: Salty foods usually decays slowly because decomposers cannot grow in a salty
The “state” of matter refers to the group of matter with the same properties. Materials are grouped together
according to their properties. Lesson 3: Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter: Useful and Harmful Materials
If a material is grouped as solid, it has a definite shape and volume. The volume or size of an object or Useful and Harmful Materials Material products are beneficial to man because of technology because raw
material is the amount of space it occupies. materials are transformed to different products that have improved man’s way of life. However, some products
If a material is in liquid state, it has a definite volume but follows the shape of its container. which are useful to man maybe harmful to animals and plants and the environment or the other way around.
A material in a gaseous state has no definite shape and volume. It has the ability to spread filling out
any available space of its container. Important Concepts:
Household materials and consumer products can be grouped as (1) cleaning; (2) food preparation; (3)
beautification; (4) building construction; and (5) household products.
Lesson 2: Grouping Materials Based on Properties Materials found in products like metal container, ceramic, rubber, glass or plastic have specific
Properties of Matter properties. Materials enhance or upgraded by technology because it continuously improved the quality
1. Buoyancy – the ability of materials to float in water. Some materials that float or sink exhibit the property of of products such as detergents, household cleaners, food seasoning, medicine, plastic, paints, stainless
buoyancy and density. This enable boast and ships to float. Density is a measure of the amount of matter in a metals and many more making human life convenient.
given volume of liquid. Formula of density (D=m/v). Example, the mass of a metal washer is 10 grams and its Materials have beneficial effects at home and in environment. They can make work and life easier like
volume is 20 cubic centimeters. Therefore, its density is 0.5 g/cm3. cooking faster; preserving food, keeping homes and clothes clean, smells good and disinfect.
* If the density of an object is less than the density of the liquid, the object will float. An object will sink if its However, materials can sometimes do harm. They contain hazardous substance that may cause skin
density is greater than that of the liquid. irritation, injury or illness during and after handling or use accidentally.
Chemicals can contaminate food and when properly disposed of or even used, they can cause death.
Before buying or using any consumer products-such as food, clothing, medicine, cleaning product, sopa
and shampoo, insect repellent or pesticides.
Cardiac Muscle Cells – considered to be the Sensory Cells – these are found in glands which function as organs of secretion in the form of sweat, oil, and the
most powerful of cells as they are responsible like which play important roles in the body.
in pumping blood to different body parts.
6. Adipose Cells – also known as fat cells.
Ring-like in the form and function to store fat.
Seen in the abdomen and buttocks
Reduce friction and help cushion the body.
7. Blood Cells
Divided into:
Cardiac Muscle Cells – considered to be the Red Blood Cells – also known as erythrocyctes
most powerful of cells as they are responsible Transport and supply oxygen to the different body parts
in pumping blood to different body parts. White Blood Cells – also known as lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils).
Protect the body from infection
Platelets – also known as thrombocytes
help in the process of blood clotting to prevent
3. Bone Cells –also known as osteocytes, the bone blood loss.
cells are the most resilient body cells as they are
bound together by calcium and phosphate.
They give strength, support, and framework to
the body enclosing the organs.
8. Reproductive Cells – also known as gametes. They 2. HEART
have a single set of chromosomes and become - Located slightly left of the center of the
active at puberty stage. chest cavity below the bone called sternum.
XX (female); XY (male)
Spermatocyte (male gamete); oocyte (female - Hollow muscular organ about the size of
gamete) that allows fertilization to form a new human fist
organism. - Circulation of blood nutrients and exchange
of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
- Pericardium - doubled walled sac that covered the heart.
1. BRAIN a. Superior Vena Cava - carries blood from the head, neck, arms, and chest.
o Head of the body b. Inferior Vena Cava - carries blood from the legs, feet, and organs in the abdomen and pelvis.
o Protected by skull c. Pulmonary Artery - carry oxygen-rich blood. They travel in different directions.
o Control center for all the vital activities d. Pulmonary veins - carry blood from your lungs to your heart
for survival like responses to stimuli,
emotions, learning abilities and talents. 3. LUNGS
Involved in breathing
CEREBRUM – largest part and has the brain centers that control thought processes, speech, motor, touch, Two lobes protected by the rib cage
pressure, smell, hearing, vision, and facial recognition. Bronchus that connects to the trachea or
Right half of the brain (left side of the body) windpipe branches into each lobe of the lung.
Left half of the body (right side of the body) Bronchioles – branches with numerous tiny air
CEREBELLUM – second largest part sacs called ALVEOLI
Controls muscle coordination, balance and normal body posture.
BRAINSTEM – connects the brain to the spinal cord.
Midbrain – relay stations of neurons and reflex centers for involuntary actions - All organs found in our abdominal cavity.
Hypothalamus – internal balance like water and blood pressure. Liver – lobed , large internal body organ.
Pons – connects the two halves of the cerebellum and link cerebral cortex to the medulla (heartbeat, - produce bile that is important in breaking fats
breathing, sneezing) and droplets.
Medulla oblongata – regulate functions like heartbeat, breathing, sneezing Stomach – enlarged, muscular sac with thick walls
that can expand when full or contract when almost
Small Intestine - connected to the stomach, inside the
wall is the inner like projections called Villi.
Blood Clot
• Uncontrolled changes disrupt ORGANIZATION
– Cell death, dead organism
External Stimuli
5. KIDNEYS Phototropism – the need to grow toward light
- located at the back of the body cavity above the Fight/Flight – nerves release chemicals in our body (adrenaline) during stressful moments.
- Looks like a pair of bean seeds on each side of the Internal Stimuli Feedback
body. Fever = Body fighting illness
- Each kidney has millions of nephrons that filters the Goosebumps = Drop in temperature
blood and forms urine. Vomiting = Poison/stomach flu
Sweating = Overheated/rise in temperature
Dry tongue = dehydrated
Some people do not produce enough insulin.
When they eat food, the glucose levels in their blood cannot be reduced.
This condition is known as DIABETES.
Diabetics sometimes have to inject insulin into their blood. They have to be careful of their diet.
The kidneys
The kidneys “clean” the blood of waste products and control how much water is kept in the body.
The waste products and water make up urine which is excreted via the ureter.
“Dirty” blood enters the kidney through the renal artery. Then, several things happen to clean the